Distribution of flora and fauna, their restoration and protection. Protection of flora and fauna in international treaties Flora and fauna protection

Solution environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely related to the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way for a fairly long-term and relatively sustainable use of natural resources in combination with the preservation and maintenance of the stability of the biosphere, and, consequently, the human environment.

Each biological species is unique. It contains information about the development of flora and fauna, which is of great scientific and applied importance. Since all the possibilities for using a given organism in the long term are often unpredictable, the entire gene pool of our planet (with the possible exception of some pathogenic organisms dangerous to humans) is subject to strict protection. The need to protect the gene pool from the standpoint of the concept of sustainable development (“coevolution”) is dictated not so much by economic considerations as by moral and ethical considerations. Humanity will not survive alone.

It is worth recalling one of B. Commoner’s environmental laws: “Nature knows best!” The possibilities of using the gene pool of animals, which were previously unforeseen, are now being demonstrated by bionics, thanks to which there are numerous improvements in engineering designs based on the study of the structure and functions of the organs of wild animals. It has been established that some invertebrates (mollusks, sponges) have the ability to accumulate a large number of radioactive elements and pesticides. As a result, they can be bioindicators of environmental pollution and help humans solve this important problem.

Protection of the plant gene pool. Being integral part general problem of protection of environmentally friendly nature, protection of the plant gene pool is a set of measures to preserve the entire species diversity of plants - carriers of the hereditary heritage that are productive or valuable in scientific or in practical terms properties.

It is known that under the influence natural selection and through the sexual reproduction of individuals, the most beneficial properties for the species accumulate in the gene pool of each species or population; they are contained in gene combinations. Therefore, the tasks of using natural flora are of great importance. Our modern grain, fruit, vegetable, berry, fodder, industrial, ornamental crops, the centers of origin of which were established by our outstanding compatriot N.I. Vavilov, trace their ancestry either from wild ancestors, or are creations of science, but based on natural gene structures. By using the hereditary properties of wild plants, completely new species have been obtained useful plants. By means of hybrid selection, perennial wheat and grain-forage hybrids were created. According to scientists' calculations, about 600 species of wild plants can be used in the selection of agricultural crops from the flora of Russia.

The protection of the plant gene pool is carried out by creating nature reserves, natural parks, and botanical gardens; formation of a gene pool bank of local and introduced species; studying biology, environmental needs and competitive ability of plants; ecological assessment of the plant habitat, forecasts of its changes in the future. Thanks to the reserves, Pitsunda and Eldar pine trees, pistachio, yew, boxwood, rhododendron, ginseng, etc. have been preserved.

Protection of the gene pool of animals. The change in living conditions occurring under the influence of human activity, accompanied by direct persecution and extermination of animals, leads to their impoverishment species composition and decline in numbers of many species. In 1600 There were approximately 4,230 species of mammals on the planet; to date, 36 species have disappeared, and 120 species are in danger of extinction. Of the 8,684 bird species, 94 have disappeared and 187 are endangered. The situation is no better with subspecies: since 1600, 64 subspecies of mammals and 164 subspecies of birds have disappeared, 223 subspecies of mammals and 287 subspecies of birds are in danger.

Protection of the gene pool of humanity. For this purpose, various scientific directions have been created, such as:

1) ecotoxicology- a section of toxicology (the science of poisons), which studies the ingredient composition, characteristics of distribution, biological action, activation, deactivation of harmful substances in the environment;

2) medical genetic counseling in special medical institutions to clarify the nature and consequences of the action of ecotoxicants on the human genetic apparatus in order to give birth to healthy offspring;

3) screening- selection and testing for mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of environmental factors ( surrounding a person natural environment).

Environmental pathology- the doctrine of human diseases, in the occurrence and development of which adverse factors play a leading role external environment in combination with other pathogenic factors.

Animal world- this is the totality of all species and individuals of wild animals (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, as well as insects, mollusks and other invertebrates) inhabiting a certain territory or environment and being in a state of natural freedom.

According to the Federal Law “On Wildlife” (1995), the basic concepts related to the protection and use of wildlife are formulated as follows:

object of the animal world - organisms of animal origin or their population;

biological diversity of the animal world - the diversity of objects of the animal world within one species, between species and in ecosystems;

steady state of the animal world - the existence of objects of the animal world for an indefinitely long time;

sustainable use of wildlife - use of wildlife that does not lead to depletion in the long term biological diversity of the animal world and in which the ability of the animal world to reproduce and sustain itself is preserved.

The animal world is an integral element environment and biological diversity of the Earth, a renewable natural resource, an important regulating and stabilizing component of the biosphere.

The most important ecological function animals - participation in biotic cycle substances and energy. The stability of the ecosystem is ensured primarily by animals, as the most mobile element.

It is necessary to realize that animal world- not only an important component of the natural ecological system and at the same time a most valuable biological resource. It is also very important that all species of animals form the genetic fund of the planet; they are all necessary and useful. There are no stepchildren in nature, just as there are no absolutely useful and absolutely harmful animals. It all depends on their numbers, living conditions and a number of other factors. One of the varieties 100 thousand species of different flies - the housefly is a carrier of a number of infectious diseases. At the same time, flies feed a huge number of animals (small birds, toads, spiders, lizards, etc.). Only some species (ticks, rodent pests, etc.) are subject to strict control.

Biological diversity is the totality of all forms of life that inhabit our planet. This is what makes Earth different from other planets solar system. This is the richness and diversity of life and its processes, including the diversity of living organisms and their genetic differences, as well as the diversity of the places where they exist.

Over the past 400 years, 484 animal species and 654 plant species have disappeared. According to the UNEP Global Biodiversity Assessment (1995), more than 30,000 species of animals and plants are at risk of extinction.

Within Russia, at least 180 thousand species of animals live, and tens of thousands of species of flora grow. The country's Red Book includes 463 species of animals, 603 species of plants, 32 species of bryophytes, 20 species of fungi, 29 species of lichens. Over the past 400 years, 9 species and subspecies of mammals and birds have disappeared from Russian territory. In the list of species exterminated by humans that lived in Russia, there are also those that, due to the quality of their gene pool, could be used to improve breeds and breed new domestic animals: tur, steppe tarpan, sea cow (the most promising species for domestication among marine mammals) .

Wildlife is in a dangerous state. Every tenth species of birds, the fifth of plants and mammals, and the fourth of reptiles and amphibians are threatened with extinction. At least four species of mammals and three species of birds have disappeared from the country’s fauna in 15-18 years, and the number of one and a half dozen species of birds and animals does not exceed 100-200 individuals.

According to paleontologists, the average lifespan of a bird species is about 2 million years, and that of mammals is about 600 thousand years. Man has become a kind of “catalyst” for the process of extinction of species, increasing the rate of extinction hundreds of times.

Reasons for disappearance:

  • 1) rapid population growth and economic development;
  • 2) increase in human migration, growth international trade and tourism;
  • 3) increasing pollution natural waters, soil and air;
  • 4) anthropogenic modification of habitats and unintentional destruction (destruction, destruction and pollution of habitats);
  • 5) insufficient attention to the long-term consequences of actions that destroy the conditions of existence of living organisms that exploit natural ones;
  • 6) excessive removal and destruction of animals and plants;
  • 7) introduction of alien species (introduction of genetically modified plant varieties and animal breeds, the consequences and scale of impact of which are unpredictable);
  • 8) spread of animal and plant diseases.

The main reasons for this catastrophic state of wildlife are anthropogenic changes in habitats and unintentional destruction. Thus, at least 14 billion juvenile fish die at the country’s water intakes every year. Moreover, only 25-30% of all water intakes are equipped with water protection devices. Mention should be made of the large-scale environmental disaster in the Barents Sea in 1987-1988. Here in 1967-1975. Excessive fishing undermined the resources of herring and cod. Due to their absence, the fishing fleet switched to catching capelin, which completely undermined the food supply of not only cod, but also seals and seabirds. On the banks Barents Sea Several years ago, most of the hatched guillemots and gulls chicks died of starvation. Hungry harp seals by the tens of thousands have become entangled in nets off the coast of Norway, where they have rushed from their traditional habitats in the Barents Sea in a desperate attempt to escape hunger. Now the sea is empty: catches have decreased tenfold, and restoration of the destroyed ecosystem in the next decade is impossible. Fish from a number of reservoirs in the country is becoming dangerous to eat due to high level heavy metals. In the country, more hares, partridges and quails are killed by agricultural machinery than are shot by hunters.

The main reasons for the need to preserve genetic diversity.

  • 1. All species (no matter how harmful or unpleasant they may be) have the right to exist. This provision is recorded in the World Charter for Nature, adopted by General Assembly UN. Enjoying nature, its beauty and diversity has the highest value, not expressed in quantitative terms. Diversity is the basis for the evolution of life forms. Declines in species and genetic diversity undermine further improvement forms of life on Earth.
  • 2. The economic reason for preserving biodiversity is due to the use of wild biota to meet various needs of society in the fields of industry, agriculture, science and education (for the selection of domestic plants and animals, the manufacture of medicines, as well as for the provision of food, fuel, energy, wood, etc.). d.).

Conservation, reproduction and study of animals and flora serve as protected areas of the country. These include nature reserves, game reserves, and natural national parks.

The main objectives are:

  • - conservation and restoration of natural habitats;
  • - protection, restoration and reproduction of animals and plants in their natural habitat;
  • - study of the nature of reserves;
  • - familiarizing the population with the nature and work of nature reserves;

Mineral resources, their protection and rational use.

Mineral raw materials are the material basis for the development of energy, industrial and agricultural industries. Mineral resources are an important potential for the economic development of the country.

For a long time, humanity has been drawing huge quantities of mineral raw materials from a common storehouse - the bowels of the earth. Therefore, a significant part of the rich ores and deposits located directly at the surface of the Earth or at shallow depths have already been depleted. Today, for each new ton you have to pay significantly more. Society is faced with a serious and urgent task of careful and rational use of the planet's mineral wealth.

Every year, 100 billion tons of mineral resources, including fuel, are extracted from the bowels of the earth, of which 90 billion tons turn into waste.

Mineral resources are natural substances of mineral origin, used to obtain energy, raw materials, materials and serving as the mineral resource base of the economy. Currently, more than 200 types of mineral resources are used. The stocks of individual species are not the same. Production volumes are constantly growing and new deposits are being developed.

Natural resources are divided into practically inexhaustible (energy from the sun, tides, intraterrestrial heat, atmospheric air, water); renewable (soil, plant, animal resources) and non-renewable (mineral resources, habitat, river energy).

Subsoil protection means:

  • - resource conservation (prevention of losses during mining, transportation of minerals, during their enrichment and processing, use of finished products.);
  • - scientifically based rational and careful use of minerals;
  • - the most complete, technically accessible and economically feasible extraction;
  • - recycling;
  • - elimination of damage caused to natural landscapes.

The protection of animal and plant resources is aimed both at maintaining an optimal level of numbers of economically valuable game animals, and at preserving the entire species diversity of animals and plants. The most important documents regulating the protection of flora and fauna are: the LC RF, Federal Law of April 24, 1995 No. 52-FZ “On the Animal World”, Federal Law of March 14, 1995 No. ZZ-FZ “On Specially Protected Natural territories."

According to the Federal Law “On Animal World”:

  • animal world- a set of living organisms of all types of wild animals that permanently or temporarily inhabit the territory Russian Federation and those in a state of natural freedom, as well as those related to the natural resources of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation;
  • object of the animal world - organism of animal origin (wild animal);
  • biological diversity of fauna - diversity of animal objects within one species, between species and in ecological systems;
  • protection of wildlife - activities aimed at preserving biological diversity and ensuring the sustainable existence of the animal world, as well as creating conditions for the sustainable use and reproduction of objects of the animal world;
  • protection of wildlife habitats- activities aimed at preserving or restoring conditions for the sustainable existence and reproduction of objects of the animal world;
  • use of wildlife - legally stipulated activities of citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities to use objects of the animal world;
  • users of the animal world - citizens, individual entrepreneurs And legal entities, which laws and other normative legal acts The Russian Federation and laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide the opportunity to use the animal world.

Vegetable world is a collection of a large number of different wild plant species. Cultivated plants grown by humans for consumption are not part of the plant world.

Of all the plant resources of the Earth, the most important in nature and human life are forests. Under forest protection understand measures to prevent forests from fires, illegal logging, violations of established forest management procedures and other actions that harm the forest fund, as well as protection from forest pests and diseases.

According to GOST protection of the forest gene pool - a set of measures aimed at preserving the entire species diversity of forest flora and fauna includes protecting forests from fire and afforestation.

Examples of documents that also regulate the protection of flora and fauna are given below:

  • 1) Federal Law of March 12, 2014 No. 27-FZ “On Amendments to Certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the implementation of federal state forest supervision (forest protection) and the implementation of measures for the protection and reproduction of forests";
  • 2) Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 209-FZ “On hunting and on the conservation of hunting resources and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”;
  • 3) Federal Law of December 20, 2004 No. 166-FZ “On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources”;
  • 4) GOST Protection of Nature. Flora. Protection and rational use of forests in green areas of cities. General requirements;
  • 5) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2008 No. 994 “On approval of the Regulations on the implementation state monitoring aquatic biological resources and application of its data.”

To preserve the number and population-species composition of plants, primarily forest ones, a set of environmental measures is being implemented, which include:

  • fighting forest fires;
  • protection of plants from diseases;
  • protective afforestation;
  • increasing the efficiency of use of forest resources;
  • protection of individual plant species and plant communities.

Security rare species plants can be solved in several ways:

  • establishment of nature reserves, sanctuaries and natural monuments;
  • cessation of harvesting of species whose numbers have sharply decreased;
  • reduction in the procurement of valuable species and the introduction of rare species into culture.

Effect of Federal Law of April 24, 1995 No. 52-FZ "ABOUT fauna" of the Russian Federation applies to the regulation, protection and use wild animals, i.e. animals in a state of natural freedom. Protection and use domesticated animals, and kept in zoos, animal parks, enclosures, and fur farms, is regulated by other legislative acts.

Security and operation game animals should provide for reasonable extraction, but not their extermination. If the removal of individual individuals from a population is biologically justified, then it not only does not harm the population, but, on the contrary, helps to mobilize it ecological reserve.

Protection and exploitation of sea animals(seals, walruses, fur seals, etc.) are regulated by limits, terms and areas of production. Dolphin hunting is completely prohibited. Whale fishing has been stopped. Difficulties in protecting some animal species are associated with their migration across state borders and the presence of many of them in international waters.

Protection of commercial fish is also based on compliance with the population-species principle. Thus, it has been established that catching adult fish (up to a certain limit) not only does not harm the entire population, but even helps to increase its growth.

Protection through reasonable exploitation also applies to other game and non-game species, however ecological foundations their protection and operation have not yet been sufficiently developed, which inevitably affects the effectiveness of the measures taken. Marine commercial invertebrates (oysters, squids, octopuses, etc.), pollinating insects (bees, bumblebees, etc.), turtles, red ants, etc. need increased protection and reasonable exploitation. Poisonous snakes, many amphibians, and among them, first of all, frogs, all insectivorous birds, etc.

Most often, the use and protection of fauna and measures for its reproduction have to be combined with the interests of other sectors of environmental management. The experience of many countries proves that this is quite possible. Thus, with proper land use management, agricultural production can be combined with the conservation of many wild animals. Intensive forestry and timber harvesting, when properly organized, ensure the preservation of conditions for the habitat of many species of animals and birds in exploited forests. Gradual and selective logging makes it possible not only to restore forests, but also to preserve refuges, nesting and feeding grounds for many species of animals. IN last years wild animals have become an important part of the “tourism industry.” Many countries have successfully protected and used wild fauna for recreational purposes in national parks.

To enrich the fauna, acclimatization and re-acclimatization of wild animals is carried out on a large scale in many countries. Under acclimatization refers to the work of settling animals into new biogeocenoses and their adaptation to new living conditions. Reaction climate is a system of measures to restore animals destroyed in a particular region. Thanks to acclimatization, it is possible to use the biological resources of many natural complexes more widely and more fully.

The World Conservation Strategy (1980) identifies two main ways to conserve species diversity: 1) in the environment and 2) outside it. Keeping individual representatives of living beings outside their habitat, in zoos, is quite expensive. For example, the presence of 750 Amur tigers in all zoos in the world since the early 1980s. and until its end is estimated at $49 million. Under artificial or non-artificial conditions, it is actually possible to save a very small part of the species in need of protection. Creating and maintaining gene banks is also expensive.

It is preferable to preserve species in their habitat by preserving the corresponding ecosystems, where there are also two directions:

  • 1) conservation of species in special protected areas;
  • 2) in territories involved in the sphere of economic use.

Species of living organisms, including those of economic importance, in nature are included in higher order systems - communities, ecosystems; many animals move over considerable distances, but their migrations are always confined to strictly defined types of landscapes, therefore the main and most effective form of vegetation protection , fauna, biodiversity is the protection of ecosystems, landscapes, the creation of protected areas.

Ecosystem protection- a set of measures aimed at preserving the integrity of ecosystems, maintaining their natural state and the balance of nutrients in them, preventing changes in their environmental components and biodiversity at all levels from correlated communities to the global ecosystem.

Landscape protection- a system of administrative, economic, economic, technological, biotechnical, educational and propaganda measures aimed at preserving the landscape’s performance of basic socio-economic functions (GOST

  • Ecological encyclopedic dictionary.

According to forest vegetation zoning, the territory under consideration belongs to the middle taiga subzone of the taiga zone of the West Siberian Plain. The designed objects are located on the lands of the State Land Reserve and the Izluchinsky forestry of the Nizhnevartovsk forestry enterprise.

Table 4.5. Distribution of vegetation in the area under consideration


total area

(in the field of mapping)*

Sedge-reed willows

Aspen grass and forb forests

Birch forests of various herbs

Lowland marshes

Transitional swamps

Note: * ? The areas are given without technogenically disturbed lands (1397.4 hectares) and water bodies (833.7 hectares).

Food plants are represented primarily by berries: cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries, currants, blueberries, rowan and cloudberries. Salad plants include hogweed, angelica, oxalis, nettle, common dandelion, etc. In the territory under consideration, 30 species of plants can be classified as food plants.

The most numerous (78 species) are medicinal plants. Widely used are amphibian knotweed, burnet, spear-shaped cacaly, horsetail, lingonberry leaf, bearberry, blueberry, rowan fruits, cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, etc.

The impact on vegetation occurs as a result of the construction and operation of the designed facilities. Damage to plant resources consists of a reduction in areas covered with natural vegetation, a reduction in the resources of living ground cover, and the total stock of forest plantations. The distribution of suspected disturbances by vegetation type is presented in Table. 4.6.

Table 4.6. Distribution of suspected disturbances by vegetation type


Hygromesophytic meadows combined with lowland swamps

Sedge-reed willows

Birch forests of forb-langsdorf reeds

Aspen grass and forb forests

Birch forests of various herbs

Shrub-sphagnum pine forests

Shrub-sphagnum cedar trees

Lowland marshes

Raised shrub-sphagnum bogs

Transitional swamps

The main disturbances of vegetation occur mainly in the strip allocated for the construction of the designed facilities. At the same time, on lands allocated for long-term use, irreversible destruction of vegetation occurs, and in the short-term, the violations are reversible or partially reversible.

Mechanical damage to the surface is the most common type of impact. The main disturbances of soil and vegetation cover are observed as a result of the movement of vehicles and construction equipment. When soil is compacted, its structure deteriorates, soil aggregates are destroyed, and porosity decreases.

In addition to mechanical impact, the soil and vegetation cover of the territory will be subject to contamination with oil products in possible emergency situations. In addition to the direct herbicidal effect caused by the pollutant, vegetation is affected by changes physical and chemical properties and microbiological activity of soils.

The most sensitive indicator of oil pollution compared to other components of phytocenoses is living ground cover. Due to the small size of plants, a significant part of their vegetative and generative organs is disrupted; the root system of these plants is located mainly in the upper ten-centimeter layer of soil, which becomes most quickly and heavily polluted.

All measures to protect atmospheric air, surface and ground water and land resources are simultaneously measures to protect flora and fauna. In addition, the main types of work during the construction of the designed facilities will be carried out in winter.

Characteristics of the fauna of game animals in the field area were carried out based on the results of winter route surveys conducted by the Nizhnevartovsk hunting inspectorate in 2004 on the territory of the Nizhnevartovsk region. The abundance of the main species of game animals in the main types of land is given in Table. 4.7.

Table 4.7. Abundance of the main species of game animals on the territory of the Nizhnevartovsk region, individuals/km 2

* floodplain habitats

In terms of numbers, insectivores and rodents absolutely dominate among mammals, accounting for more than 99% of the total abundance. Population density of small mammals in meadows and lowland swamps (up to 9 thousand individuals/km 2). In small-leaved and pine forests these figures reach average size(4-7 thousand individuals/km 2), and the minimum total abundance of animals is typical for raised and transitional swamps (2 thousand individuals/km 2). In willow, aspen, and birch forests and in lowland swamps alternating with meadows, common and pygmy shrews predominate. In raised bogs, combined with transitional bogs, the common and tundra shrews are the leaders in numbers.

The area's habitat includes 9 species of birds listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. These are the black stork, red-breasted goose, lesser white-fronted goose, lesser swan, osprey, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, peregrine falcon, Siberian crane and eagle owl. The occurrence of these species is mainly associated with their spring and autumn migration.

The most noticeable damage to game animals will be felt during the construction period in areas located at a distance of up to 2-3 km from the facilities under construction. The impact of the construction of oil field facilities on the animal world is, first of all, expressed in the increased disturbance factor caused by the operation of machinery, equipment and the presence of people. This impact is short-term and will only appear during construction. To reduce the disturbance factor, some types of work will be carried out in winter, outside the breeding season of animals.

The impact of oil field development on the fauna of invertebrate animals has not been sufficiently studied. In general, it can be assumed that in the permanent allotment zone for the construction of oil field facilities, where the soil and vegetation cover is completely destroyed, the vast majority of invertebrate animals are completely and irretrievably killed. Severe oil pollution has no less negative impact on soil mesofauna. The impact of oil and petroleum products on soil invertebrate complexes is proportional to the intensity of pollution. Large invertebrates die completely.

Collection rates for damage to game animals are accepted in accordance with the “Taxes for calculating the amount of recovery for damage caused by legal and individuals illegal acquisition or destruction of objects of the animal world classified as hunting objects" (Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 1999 No. 399).

The rates of recovery for damage to other groups were adopted in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated May 4, 1994 No. 126 “On approval of rates for calculating the amount of recovery for damage caused by illegal extraction or destruction of objects of flora and fauna.” The impact period is assumed to be 15 years.

Damage to game animals from the proposed development is presented in Table. 4.8, damage to other groups of animals - in table. 4.9.

Loss of animals and a decrease in the productivity of their populations occurs both as a result of the direct seizure of habitats for construction projects, and a decrease in the number of animals in the vicinity of construction sites due to increased disturbance and fishing pressure. In total, during the period of operation of the deposit site, the loss of game animals will amount to 1228 animals (including direct damage - 235 animals), and the damage caused to the hunting industry is estimated at 143.5 thousand rubles.

Table 4.8. Calculation of losses and damage to game animals from field development

Loss of animals, individuals

Damage, rub.


White hare




Table 4.9. Calculation of losses and damage to terrestrial vertebrates from field development

The greatest damage as a result of the construction of the facility is caused to invertebrate animals and amounts to 278,396.32 thousand rubles. Most of the damage (95%) consists of losses of soil fauna, the remainder is due to other terrestrial invertebrates.

Thus, the total damage to wildlife in value terms is 291.31 million rubles. Moreover, more than 95% of the damage occurs to invertebrate animals, whose role in terrestrial ecosystems is greatest.

According to established practice, payment for damage to wildlife is not collected in full. In the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the necessary funds are transferred to the Hunting Management Department and amount to 5% of the comprehensive cadastral valuation of the district’s lands. However, the cost assessment of zoological resources, carried out in full, allows for correct comparison various options expected (or actual) impact on wildlife and increases responsibility for the rational use of biological resources.

>>Biological resources. Protection of flora and fauna

§ 30. Biological resources.

Protection of flora and fauna

Living organisms on Earth. The role of living organisms in the life of the Earth is enormous. Accumulations of living organisms form enormous amounts of biomass in volume and weight. It is living organisms that enrich the atmosphere with oxygen and create a fertile soil layer at the border of “living” and “dead” nature.

Vegetation significantly affects climate: the moisture it evaporates participates in the water cycle. Moreover, vegetation, along with microorganisms, created the modern atmosphere and maintains its gas composition. Plants enrich the soil with organic residues, thereby improving its fertility. Planting forest strips helps with snow retention and moisture conservation. Forest plantings create a barrier to moving sands. Trees, shrubs and grasses protect the soil from erosion.

Living organisms, especially microorganisms, play a large role in biological weathering. Bacteria promote decomposition organic matter and participate in supplying the soil with nitrogen. At the same time, bacteria contaminate water bodies with hydrogen sulfide. Plant remains and dead animal organisms fill lake basins with silt and build up peat bogs. Large accumulations of organic remains become the material that composes rocks. Many animals - earthworms, burrowing rodents - actively participate in soil formation. There are animals that carry seeds and fruits of plants, helping them disperse.

Organisms on Earth are one of the most complex and vibrant components that determine the appearance of almost all geographical landscapes.

The role of flora and fauna in human life is difficult to overestimate. Development by people natural resources began with the development of biological resources.

Remember how limestones and coal were formed.

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