The script for the fall festival in the preparatory group dhow.

Fun on an autumn theme in kindergarten... Script for senior group... Cafe "Autumn"

Integration of educational areas: "Music", "Cognition", " Physical education", "Health".
Target: expand knowledge about autumn as a season.

Tasks: to consolidate song, dance skills, ideas about vegetables, features of the autumn period.

Planned results: shows interest in participating in outdoor games and physical exercises, sensitivity to the artistic word, aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, interest in art; feels the rhythm and melody of the poetic text; the child has formed the skills and abilities necessary for the implementation different types children's activities.
Content of organized activities

Leading. Hello dear guests! Welcome to the cafe. Today is the harvest festival. And the hostess at this holiday will, of course, be the Autumn Queen.

Autumn enters with a retinue of vegetables, sings the song "Yellow Leaves."
(music by R. Pauls, words by I. Shaferan).

Autumn. Hello guys! We are delighted to be at your harvest festival. I didn’t come alone. I am accompanied by my loyal subjects, vegetables. Now they will introduce themselves to you.

Vegetables make riddles.
Curious red nose
Has grown up to the top of the head
Just stick out in the garden
Green heels. (Carrot)

There is a green hook on the wattle fence,
A chest hangs on a hook.
There are five guys in the chest
They sit quietly side by side.
Suddenly the chest fell apart-
Everyone scattered around. (Peas)

There was a green fruit-
Didn't ask for a mouthful.

Put to bed
He changed his clothes:
Red put on
For food it is ripe. (A tomato)

Red, not viburnum
Bitter, not aspen.
Round, not a basket,
There is a tail, not a cat. (Radish)

Leading. And now all together we can song.

Song "Let's go to the garden by raspberries" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

Autumn. We invite everyone to the competition. I will ask ten people to come out and split into two teams.

Leading. Think about the flowers you know. The team with the most color names wins.

Flower garden competition
Leading. We invite teams for an amusement game.

The game “He called himself a load-climb into the back!”
Leading... The hoop is the "body", you guys are the "mushrooms". Now let's see what kind of “mushrooms” will get into their body faster. When the music starts playing, the first "weight" runs up to the hoop, flies through it, puts the hoop in place and runs after the next "weight", with which they run together, also fly through the hoop, then run after the third "weight", etc. etc.

Autumn... The winning team receives the Golden Kingdom prizes (showing potatoes).

Leading... Attention, dear guests! An auction is taking place in our cafe today. I am the seller that you are the buyers. I show you a vegetable or fruit, and you name a dish that can be prepared from it. Whoever will be the last name of the dish, he takes the vegetable or fruit for himself.

Car auction "Recipes".

Autumn... The auction is over, or you can dance.

Dance "Sunflowers".

Leading. Now let's play the Ten Words game. Two people are invited. On command, the players alternately take ten steps, for each of which they pronounce the name of a vegetable or fruit!

Ten Words Game

Leading... Now we will find out the name of the best chef in our cafe. To do this, you need to choose two pairs. There are vegetables on the tables, from which you must prepare any dish and come up with a name for it.

Competition "Smak".

Leading. While our chefs are working and inventing it is not usual tasty dish, we will listen to the song.

Song "Kazachata" (music and lyrics by O. Stupina).

Leading... I suggest you warm up and play. Get ready, be careful! If I name a vegetable that grows on the surface of the ground, such as pepper, you stand up to its full height. If I name a vegetable that grows in the ground, like a potato, you have to squat down.

Game "Garden".

Autumn... Let's sum up the results of our culinary competition.

Tasting of dishes.

Leading... Hello autumn, paint was bred at the edge,
I gently brushed across the larch trees
Hazel turned yellow, and maples blushed,
Aspen in purple, only green oak.
Autumn comforts: do not spare the summer,
Look - autumn is dressed in gold!

The song “Walking Together with Fun” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky).

School holiday script
"Autumn cafe"

Purpose: To cultivate a love for beauty, for nature, for the Motherland. To develop aesthetic taste, a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, the ability to have fun, have fun.

Decoration: Autumn flowers, garlands of yellow leaves, branches of autumn trees, bunches of mountain ash, an exhibition of drawings on an autumn theme, air balloons; on tables, in vases - vegetables, fruits, sweets. At the door - an invitation poster "Welcome to the Autumn Cafe!"

(Guests enter the hall, they are given a bunch of leaves each)
Ved1: Hurry, everyone, to the autumn holiday
Here are miracles, here is inspiration!
And the music in the hall sounds only for you
Autumn leaf, autumn waltz!

Veda 2: Let the sounds of a wonderful waltz now
Will fill the whole school, this hall and our class
And good feelings will flood here suddenly,
And the couples are dancing around!
Boys invite girls to dance.
Song "Autumn, she will not ask" author Irina Levinzon

Veda 1: Autumn is a red-haired beauty
Everyone, of course, really likes
The rains are crying in front of her
The winds bow their heads.

Veda 2: And she is so proud
So wonderful and beautiful.
Surprising by the fall of leaves
He showered everyone with gold!

Autumn "fireworks" from leaves.

Ved1: (walks out the door) Ay, ay

Veda 2: You, what?

Ved1: Autumn has come, rains, fogs, and you can get lost in the fog, so I'm training

Veda 2: Where to get lost? In the fog? I'll go to school with my eyes closed! (Closes his eyes and speaks) You leave the house, walk to the corner, turn, be careful here - angry dog, then a puddle, let's try, no, it's not frozen yet. Still, autumn is a sad time of the year

Ved1: I wish we could replace autumn with summer !? (dreamily)

Veda 2: It's a 3 month vacation

Ved1: Yes, sorry! What to do?
Vedas 2: Trying to have fun - contests will help us with this. For participation in the contests, forfeits will be given. They will serve as a pass to our Cafe "Golden Leaf"

Ved1: For the first competition, we need two volunteers with a sweet tooth.

Competition: "Sweet Tooth - Reel"
You will need a bag of sucking candies. Participants take turns taking a piece of candy from the bag and putting it in their mouths (you cannot swallow) and say: "Sweet tooth-barabashka". Whoever manages to put more sweets in his mouth and at the same time say these words more or less legibly will win.

Vedas 2: And rainy weather in autumn.

Ved1: Yes, you’ll catch a cold.

Vedas 2: Even poems about autumn are sad.
It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.
I love the lush wilting of nature,
The forests clad in crimson and gold

Ved1: And in order not to catch a cold, you need to go in for sports
We need six participants for the next competition.

Competition "The most agile"
(With chairs)

Veda 1: Wonderful time Autumn. And after autumn comes winter New Year, present

Veda 2: And I think gifts are nice at any time of the year. And the next one

Prize Cutting Competition

Ved 1: Once, our girls
Decided to show dancing.
But, and dancing without a costume,
Somehow boring, not reasonable.

Dance "Autumn Girlfriends"

(The dance of yellow leaves is performed by __________________________) Or just a muses pause

Vedas 2:. It's time to take a break from the dance. For this we have a game. We need two pairs of participants. (Select participants) Nobody needs to prove that watermelon is a very healthy and tasty berry. The next competition is called.

"Bon Appetit"
(Each participant in this game with his hands tied must eat the share of watermelon placed in front of him. The couple who eats faster than others wins)

Veda 2: And now we will check if your voice has disappeared from an autumn cold. We'll be asking questions! All together should answer "You are right!" or "You are wrong!", let's practice!
(Checking the hall, how they can shout)

Ved1: If the leaf is yellow-red to you
Fell down right under your feet
Someone say it's summer?
We will answer!
Together: "You're wrong"

Veda 2 What a time of year, a miracle,
Leaves flew at all
Someone will say, It's autumn!
Together: "You're right"

Ved1: If there is rain and fog,
If it's sad and dreary
You just need to smile!
Together: "You're right"

Vedas 2 You will not find such beauty,
In winter, summer or spring.
Autumn is the time of bright colors,
Together: "You're right"

Ved1: Everybody scolds the season,
Maybe Winter is better right away
Everyone doesn't like Autumn, right?
What do you answer, are you together?
We will answer!
Together: "You're wrong"

Ved1: I love autumn!

Host 2: Why?

Host1: There are so many vegetables in the markets!

Host 2: And you go to the market for vegetables?

Host 1: I don’t go. But I would like to see how others handle vegetables. We invite two participants

Competition: "Who will pick the potatoes faster"
(a lot of potatoes are scattered on the floor, and blindfolded players must quickly harvest in one minute. The winner is the one who collects the most potatoes in a bucket)

Veda 2: Boring picture!
Endless clouds
The rain is pouring down
Puddles by the porch ...
Ved1: Are you sick !?

Veda 2: Probably caught the autumn blues.

Ved1: Something I have not heard about such a disease !?

Veda 2: It can't be, it's a very common disease!

Veda1: Listen for yourself. (Leave)

Scene Autumn Syndrome
(Two familiar doctors meet)
Doctor 1: How are you?
Doctor 2: I just can't figure out a patient alone, a student, grade 7, was admitted with a diagnosis of "Autumn Syndrome"
Doctor 1: This is when your ears ache ...
Doctor 2: No, it's when the blues and dampness.
Doctor 1: Well, of course, I had one, I quickly recovered, I put him in the same room with Malakhov, he revived after the third program, he began to ask for freedom, he says it's better autumn slush than irritation of the brain.
Doctor 2: This is of course good way, but the patient is not at all, I'm afraid he will not react
Doctor 1: Well then, castor oil?
Doctor 2: It helps, but not for long.
Doctor 1: Did you feed with sweets?
Doctor 2: Chocolate.
Doctor 1: Where is the patient?
Doctor 2: Yes, here he is, (the patient is taken out).
Patient: (hands down, hair tousled, sleepy) Reads sad poems about autumn
Doctor 1: Can I give him some rastishki?
Doctor 2: I don't know, but will it help?
Doctor 1: Will we add mustard for him there?
Patient: It's all the same whether with mustard or without mustard.
Doctor 2: Can I give him a toy?
Patient: What's with a toy, what's without a toy
Doctor 1: Let us play him a song, play it better, turn it on?
Doctor2: Come on!
(Include rock)
Doctor 1: No, not this one.
(Includes fun)
Doctor 2: This is the very thing, take every day
(Leave the stage)

Veda1 Autumn days bring only sadness,
But I don't want to be depressed at all.
I'm not afraid of autumn and rain,
I have fun in my soul, I give joy to everyone.

Veda 2: And I wish you, not to think about bad things,
It's not just given to us, autumn time,
May each new day begin with smiles
And we won't care about cold winds.

Veda1: We invite beautiful ladies and gentlemen to the opening of the festive Cafe "Golden Leaf"
Veda 2: We are glad to see you in our autumn cafe. It's great that you came to our place for a cup of tea on this cloudy autumn day. As you know, you can order and taste any delicacy in a cafe. And since our cafe is unusual, the treats are served here for the forfeits that you have earned in contests.

Ved 1: Give Fant to the host, fly into the treat! And whoever did not receive a fant, fly with us!
(Guests are trying a treat at the "cafe")

Ved2 Well, our holiday is over ..

Host 1: Really? And a disco?

Host 2: And the disco BEGINS!

Autumn is such a variety of colors! Autumn is such a riot of nature! Autumn is one of the favorite seasons of many people because it is the brightest time of the year! this is the blue of the sky, and the yellowness of the crown of trees, and red bunches of mountain ash. In autumn, poets dedicated their poems, and artists - paintings. They glorify autumn, await autumn.

I came up with and helped to spend the autumn holiday in the 6th grade, where my daughter is studying

The guys were looking forward to this evening and it was a success.



School holiday script

"Autumn cafe"

Purpose: To cultivate a love for beauty, for nature, for the Motherland. To develop aesthetic taste, a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, the ability to have fun, have fun.

Decoration: Autumn flowers, garlands of yellow leaves, branches of autumn trees, bunches of mountain ash, an exhibition of drawings on an autumn theme, balloons; on tables, in vases - vegetables, fruits, sweets. At the door - an invitation poster "Welcome to the Autumn Cafe!"

(Guests enter the hall, they are given a bunch of leaves each)

Ved1: Hurry, everyone, to the autumn holiday

Here are miracles, here is inspiration!

And the music in the hall sounds only for you

Autumn leaf, autumn waltz!

Veda 2: Let the sounds of a wonderful waltz now

Will fill the whole school, this hall and our class

And good feelings will flood here suddenly,

And the couples are dancing around!

Boys invite girls to dance.

The song "Autumn she will not ask"author Irina Levinzon

Veda 1: Autumn is a red-haired beauty

Everyone, of course, really likes

The rains are crying in front of her

The winds bow their heads.

Veda 2: And she is so proud

So wonderful and beautiful.

Surprising by the fall of leaves

He showered everyone with gold!

Autumn "fireworks" from leaves.

Ved1: (walks out the door ...) Ay, ay ...

Veda 2: You, what?

Ved1: Autumn has come, rains, fogs, and you can get lost in the fog, so I'm training ...

Veda 2: Where to get lost? In the fog? I'll go to school with my eyes closed! (Closes his eyes and speaks) You leave the house, walk to the corner, turn, be careful here - an angry dog, then a puddle, let's try, no, it's not frozen yet…. Still, autumn is a sad time of the year

Ved1: I wish we could replace autumn with summer !? (dreamily)

Veda 2: This is 3 months of vacation ...

Ved1: Yes, sorry! What to do?

Vedas 2: Trying to have fun - contests will help us with this. For participation in the contests, forfeits will be given. They will serve as a pass to our Cafe "Golden Leaf"

Ved1: For the first competition, we need two volunteers with a sweet tooth.

Contest: " Sweet tooth - reel "

You will need a bag of sucking candies. Participants take turns taking a piece of candy from the bag and putting it in their mouths (you cannot swallow) and say: "Sweet tooth-barabashka". Whoever manages to put more sweets in his mouth and at the same time say these words more or less legibly will win.

Vedas 2: And rainy weather in autumn.

Ved1: Yes, you’ll catch a cold.

Vedas 2: Even poems about autumn are sad.

It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.

I love the lush wilting of nature,

The forests clad in crimson and gold ...

Ved1: And in order not to catch a cold, you need to go in for sports

We need six participants for the next competition.

Competition "The most agile"

(With chairs)

Veda 1: Wonderful time Autumn. And after autumn comes winter, New Year, gifts

Veda 2: And I think gifts are nice at any time of the year. And the next one

Prize Cutting Competition

Ved 1: Once, our girls

Decided to show dancing.

But, and dancing without a costume,

Somehow boring, not reasonable.

Dance "Autumn Girlfriends"

(The dance of yellow leaves is performed by __________________________) Or just a muses pause

Vedas 2:. It's time to take a break from the dance. For this we have a game. We need two pairs of participants.(Select participants)No one needs to prove that watermelon is a very healthy and tasty berry. The next competition is called.

"Bon Appetit"

(Each participant in this game with his hands tied must eat the share of watermelon placed in front of him. The couple who eats faster than others wins)

Veda 2: And now we will check if your voice has disappeared from an autumn cold .... We'll be asking questions! All together should answer "You are right!" or "You are wrong!", let's practice!

(Checking the hall, how they can shout)

Ved1: If the leaf is yellow-red to you

Fell down right under your feet

Someone say it's summer?

We will answer!

Together: "You're wrong"

Veda 2 What a time of year, a miracle,

Leaves flew at all

Someone will say, It's autumn!


Together: "You're right"

Ved1: If there is rain and fog,

If it's sad and dreary

You just need to smile!


Together: "You're right"

Vedas 2 You will not find such beauty,

In winter, summer or spring.

Autumn is the time of bright colors,


Together: "You're right"

Ved1: Everybody scolds the season,

Maybe Winter is better right away

Everyone doesn't like Autumn, right?

What do you answer, are you together?

We will answer!

Together: "You're wrong"

Ved1: I love autumn!

Host 2: Why?

Host1: There are so many vegetables in the markets!

Host 2: And you go to the market for vegetables?

Host 1: I don’t go. But I would like to see how others handle vegetables. We invite two participants

Competition: "Who will pick the potatoes faster"

(a lot of potatoes are scattered on the floor, and blindfolded players must quickly harvest in one minute. The winner is the one who collects the most potatoes in a bucket)

Veda 2: Boring picture!

Endless clouds

The rain is pouring down

Puddles by the porch ...


Ved1: Are you sick !?

Veda 2: Probably caught the autumn blues.

Ved1: Something I have not heard about such a disease !?

Veda 2: It can't be, this is a very common disease!

Veda1: Listen to yourself .... (leave)

Scene Autumn Syndrome

(Two familiar doctors meet)

Doctor 1: How are you?

Doctor 2: I just can't figure out a patient alone, a student, grade 7, was admitted with a diagnosis of "Autumn Syndrome"

Doctor 1: This is when your ears ache ...

Doctor 2: No, it's when the blues and dampness.

Doctor 1: Well, of course, I had one, I quickly recovered, I put him in the same room with Malakhov, he revived after the third program, he began to ask for freedom, he says it's better autumn slush than irritation of the brain.

Doctor 2: This is certainly a good way, but the patient is not at all, I'm afraid he won't react ...

Doctor 1: Well then, castor oil?

Doctor 2: It helps, but not for long.

Doctor 1: Did you feed with sweets?

Doctor 2: Chocolate.

Doctor 1: Where is the patient?

Doctor 2: Yes, here he is, (the patient is taken out).

Patient: (hands down, hair tousled, sleepy) Reads sad poems about autumn ...

Doctor 1: Can I give him some rastishki?

Doctor 2: I don't know, but will it help?

Doctor 1: Will we add mustard for him there?

Patient: What is with mustard, what is without mustard, all the same….

Doctor 2: Can I give him a toy?

Patient: What's with a toy, what's without a toy ...

Doctor 1: Let us play him a song, play it better, turn it on?

Doctor2: Come on!

(Include rock)

Doctor 1: No, not this one.

(Includes fun)

Doctor 2: This is the very thing, take it every day ...

(Leave the stage)

Veda1 Autumn days bring only sadness,

But I don't want to be depressed at all.

I'm not afraid of autumn and rain,

I have fun in my soul, I give joy to everyone.

Veda 2: And I wish you, not to think about bad things,

It's not just given to us, autumn time,

May each new day begin with smiles

And we won't care about cold winds.

Veda1: We invite beautiful ladies and gentlemen to the opening of the festiveCafe "Golden Leaf"

Veda 2: We are glad to see you in our autumn cafe. It's great that you came to our place for a cup of tea on this cloudy autumn day.As you know, you can order and taste any delicacy in a cafe. And since our cafe is unusual, the treats are served here for the forfeits that you have earned in contests.

Ved 1: Give Fant to the host, fly into the treat! And whoever did not receive a fant, fly with us!

(Guests are trying a treat at the "cafe")

Ved2 Well, our holiday is over ..

Host 1: Really? And a disco?

Host 2: And the disco BEGINS!

Competition program for students of grades 5-7 "Autumn Cafe"

Lead 1st: Ladies and gentlemen!

Leading 2nd: We are glad to see you in our "Autumn Cafe" at the friendship holiday. And today we will have fun and receive only positive emotions.

(Lyric music sounds)

Lead 1st: It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the lush wilting of nature,

In crimson and gold, clad forests,

Leading 2nd: There is in the autumn of the initial

A short but wondrous time

The whole day is like crystal

And the evenings are radiant ...

Leading 1st presenter: Today, our friendship holiday is dedicated to the golden season. But we will not lose heart today. After all, every season has its own charm. It is known that many Russian poets loved autumn. Under the sound of rain and the rustle of falling leaves, unfading lines of beautiful poems were born.

Leading 2nd: And before we start our competition program, we would like to introduce the participating teams

Team 5 cl. _______________________ (applause)

Team 6 cl. _______________________ (applause)

Team 7 class _______________________ (applause)

Lead 1st: As you have already noticed, our participants have numbers that will help us carry out our competition program today.

And we offer our dear visitors who have number 1, go on stage here.

Listening to the task: our ancestors had very categorical opinions regarding lazy people and idlers, which were expressed in numerous proverbs about work. "BORED DAY UNTIL EVENING, IF THERE IS NOTHING TO DO GO "- this is the name of our next competition.

Leading 2nd: Your task is to recover the confused parts of the proverbs and read the result aloud.

Proverbs for the first team:

To eat a fish / yes digs mountains.

In one place lying / that God gives.

The ant is small / you need to climb into the water.

At a lazy spinner / and the stone is overgrown with moss.

Who gets up early / and for himself there is no shirt.

Proverbs for the second team:

Finished business / you can't get a fish out of the pond.

A bummer knows the holidays / walk boldly.

Working with teeth / laziness spoils.

Human labor feeds / but does not remember everyday life.

No difficulty / but laziness with the language.

Proverbs for the third team:

The bee carries it drop by drop into the hive / into the forest does not run away.

To live idle / yes pleases God and people.

Work is not a wolf / only smoke the sky.

Under a lying stone / and a lot of hay

On a sharp scythe / and water will not run.

Lead 1st: Great, you all did a great job.

Leading2nd: Bravo, guys, consider that you have warmed up before the next, very difficult competition, in which you will have to work hard. Participants are now invited to the stage under numbers 2, 3 + 1 spectator (7 people in total).

Leading1st: We will show you an impromptu theatrical game « Turnip ".

1st player - turnip; when the leader says the word "turnip", the player must say: "Wow!"

2nd player - grandfather; when the presenter says the word "grandfather", the player must say: "I would kill!"

3rd player - grandma; when the presenter says the word "grandma", the player must say "oh-oh".

4th player - granddaughter; when the leader says the word "granddaughter", the player must say: "I'm not ready yet."

5th player - dog Bug; when the leader says the word "Bug", the player must say: "Woof-woof".

6th player - cat; when the leader says the word "cat", the player must say: "Meow meow."

7th player - mouse; when the leader says the word "mouse", the player must say "pee-pee".

The presenter tells the tale "The Turnip", the participant is voiced.

Planted by grandfather (Would kill) turnip (Both on!). A turnip has grown (Both on!) large - great. Grandfather came(Would kill /) pull the turnip (Both on!), pulls-pulls, cannot pull. Grandfather called(Would kill!) grandma (Ouch- Oh!). Grandma ( O th-oh!) for the grandfather (I would kill!) grandpa (Would kill!) for a turnip (Both on!),

Grandma called (Ouch- oh!) granddaughter (I'm not ready yet). Granddaughter (I'm not ready yet) for Grandma ( O oh-oh!) grandma (oh-oh) for the grandfather (I would kill!) grandpa (Would kill!) for a turnip (Both on!),

Granddaughter called (I'm not ready yet) Bug (woof-woof) Bug (woof-woof) for Granddaughter (I'm not ready yet) Granddaughter (I'm not ready yet) for Grandma (O oh-oh!) grandma (oh-oh) for the grandfather (I would kill!) grandpa (Would kill!) for a turnip (Both on!), pull-pull, cannot pull ...

I called the Bug (woof-woof) Cat (Meow-meow). Cat (Meow-meow) for Beetle (Woof-woof), Beetle (Woof-woof) for Granddaughter Grandma (O oh-oh!), grandma (oh-oh) for the grandfather (I would kill!) grandpa (Would kill!) for a turnip (Both on!), pull-pull, cannot pull ...

Called the Cat (meow-meow) Mouse (Pee-pee). Mouse (pee-pee) for the Cat (meow-meow), Cat (meow-meow) for the Bug (woof-woof), Bug (woof-woof) for the Granddaughter (I'm not ready yet), Granddaughter (I'm not ready yet) for Grandma (O oh-oh!), grandma (oh-oh) for the grandfather (I would kill!) grandpa (Would kill!) for a turnip (Both on!), pull-pull, and pulled the turnip.

That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened - well done!

Lead 1st: Well, now it's the turn of the participants at number 4. I will ask the participants to come up on stage.

We have prepared the following task for you: you need to draw a vase with your eyes closed, and in it a festive bouquet. While the melody sounds, you draw and do not peep. Once the task is completed, you can remove the bandage.

Thanks to our dear participants, you can take your seats in the hall.

The dance group "Alisa" has prepared a gift for all those sitting in this hall - the dance "My Marusenka". Meet ...

Leading 2nd: It's time for members under number 5.

You have to demonstrate your intellectual abilities.

Which of you is the most thoughtful and quick-witted - will show the next competition, which is called "Apple duel". For each correct answer, you receive a token. The winner is the one with the most tokens.


Glass vegetable shelter. (Jar.)

Fruits boiled in syrup. (Jam.)

The result of bee labor. (Honey, wax.)

How September, October and November end. (With a soft sign.)

How does autumn begin? (From the letter "o".)

What do hedgehogs and bears eat in winter? (They are sleeping.)

Flower composition. (Bouquet.)

Onion boy. (Cipollino.)

Dehydrated fruits. (Dried fruits.)

Wooden "abode" of sauerkraut. (Barrel.)

Cereal powder. (Flour.)

Bee house. (Hive.)

The fruits of what berry bush are black, white and red? (Currants.)

Leading 1st: I see that today we do not have to get bored, and finally, the finest hour has come for the participants at number 6. I will ask the participants to come to the stage.

Now you need to take its contents out of the bag with your eyes closed and determine by touch what it is.

Leading2nd: Now it's time to have some fun and we invite members with numbers 7 and 8.

A pair competition is announced for you, our incomparable participants "DANCE". Now for you one after another will sound musical compositions and you need to show your ability to dance with your partner to a variety of musical compositions.

Leading 1st: Dear spectators and guests of our cafe, now you will choose the best pair of our cafe with your applause.

Leading 2nd: : The celebration continues, and participants are invited to the stage under numbers 9-10.

Our next competition is announced for you, called "WHAT IS THIS?"

I will name various products. Your task: to indicate what it is. For example, milk is a drink, crucian is fish, buckwheat is cereals, etc. You take turns guessing and answering.


Artichoke (vegetable) cheddar (cheese)

Carp (fish) pistachios (nuts)

Persimmon (fruit) eggplant (vegetable)

Beans (vegetable) boiled pork (meat)

Gobies (fish) blueberries (berry)

Cherry (berry) parsnip (vegetable)

Rice (groats) melon (vegetable)

Halibut (fish) brawn (meat)

Coconut (walnut) mullet (fish)

Kvass (drink) lingonberry (berry)

Kohlrabi (vegetable) cinnamon (spice)

Kumis (drink) parsley (vegetable)

Hazel grouse (bird) kiwi (fruit)

Basturma (meat) lemon (fruit)

Jerusalem artichoke (vegetable) morel (mushroom)

Mead (drink) sterlet (fish)

Leading 1st: This is how they would have fun until dawn, but it's time to end our friendship holiday. But the fun doesn't end, the party continues


Leading 2nd: : Thus, no matter how dull the time is in the yard….

rain, fog, gray clouds ...

Leading 1st : But your smiles make it brighter ...

more joyful at any time of the year.

And even more so at such a wonderful time of the year as Golden autumn.

Leading 2nd: We hope you have improved your spirits at our friendship celebration.

Leading 1st: in the "Autumn Cafe".

Leading 2nd: All the best and see you soon!

Leading 1st: Well, in general, we are not parting with you, everyone can continue to have fun at our autumn disco.

In the current academic year, this program was prepared for the first time in the conditions of the autonomy of the school, the form interested in the involvement of most of the children in the preparation of homework for classes, vocal performances, design of the class in which the event was planned. Thematic correspondence of the entire script development, interspersed between the texts of the leading competitions and vocal numbers of the corresponding “autumn” content, allowed to create a friendly, creatively rich atmosphere of a real autumn holiday, a pleasant pastime for a “cool” company in a cozy school cafe filled with autumn colors and mood.

The hall is festively decorated with artistic and decorative design, stylized in the colors of autumn: bright yellow, orange, red and maple leaves, bows, balloons, elements of decor “rowan bunches.” leaves. The center of the blackboard of one of the offices is decorated with the stylish inscription "Autumn Cafe". (Annex 1)

A collection of festive music sounds.

The beginning of the event is marked by fanfare.

There are 2 presenters: a guy and a girl, high school students.

1st host: Good evening, good autumn evening, dear guests of our entertainment event!

2nd presenter: Hello friends! We are glad to welcome you to our musical "Autumn Cafe".

1st host: Dear friends! Today we were invited to this hall by a romantic, mysterious, enchanting, unpredictable, sedate lady autumn to give everyone her last, wonderful moments.

2nd presenter: Enchanting, barely perceptible aroma of autumn flowers, the bright alluring beauty of the collected fruits and, of course, a pensive autumnal and at the same time joyful mood.

1st presenter: Yes, yes, yes, indeed autumn is not only a time of sadness and sorrow, it is also a time of joy. Why? Because in autumn it is beautiful all around and everyone is looking forward to meeting the most fun time of the year - winter.

2nd presenter: And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And folk wisdom says: "Autumn is sad, but life is fun." So let wonderful music sound on this November day, let unrestrained cheerful laughter flow like a river, your legs do not know fatigue in dancing, let your fun never end!

All presenters: So, we are opening our festive "Autumn Cafe"! (Appendix 2)

1st presenter: The honorable right to cut the ribbon and open our "Autumn Cafe" is given to our guest Elena Valentinovna Yashina (the ribbon is cut, the music sounds, everyone is lining up). Today we will not only sigh and be sad in unison with the romantic lady of autumn, but also have fun, sing, enjoy her last moments. An autumn evening is a holiday for friends, and friends are trying to give each other joy.

2nd presenter: And in our cafe we ​​have prepared for you - the first - a completely unique entertainment program and original treats, the second - funny competition tasks, the third - unexpected musical numbers - surprises.

1st host: And if so, let's not waste time in vain, but start our festive program with the presentation of our fair and very competent jury in the person of Elena Valentinovna Yashina, Lyudmila Alekseevna Zaitseva, Ada Vasilyevna Polyakova.

2nd presenter: Today they have a lot of work to do, as they will have to evaluate and homework, and the activity of the participants, and the culmination of the evening will be the choice of Miss and Mister Autumn.

1st presenter: And the first creative competition for teams-classes will be the design of "Autumn bouquets". Teams prepare their materials to decorate the already pretty tables.

2nd host: In the meantime, the teams are trying, we will give you our musical gift.

Competition "Autumn Bouquet".

Song "Become the Wind" Duet P. Kovalchuk, L. Tarakanovskaya

1st presenter: So, thanks to the girls performers, and we are ready, together with the members of the jury, to join our guests - teams and tables for a small dialogue - to ask a few questions about our competition.

2nd leader: (possible options for questions to the classes). (Appendix 3)

1st host: The jury sums up the results of the creative competition, and we are pleased to offer you our treat in the style of the "Autumn Cafe" - our signature cocktail of comic questions. So, please take out the treat!

Musical beat sounds.

A spread is taken out, on which cups with cocktail tubes are placed, and comic questions are written on multi-colored sheets of colored paper. (10 pieces.)

Competition "Cocktail of comic questions". (Appendix 4)

Props for the competition: distribution, 10 high half-liter cups + 10 colored notes made of colored paper, laid on the sides.
(Appendix 5)

Moderator 1: So there are ready-made answers? Or those who want to answer the question ahead of schedule?

Each participant from the team can receive an additional point in the total piggy bank of the team. Question is the first (reads out the question and waits for an answer from the participant).

2nd presenter: A little mental stress won't hurt, but we won't let you stay too long today, so we invite 3 couples to our “Autumn dance floor”.

1st presenter: While willing couples go to our island platform, so that you don't get bored, we are ready to hand you a newspaper. Each time the couple, when changing music, folds the newspaper in half until the smallest island is under their feet, on which you continue your body movements. Is the task clear? Ready, let's dance!

Competition "Autumn dance floor on the island". (Appendix 6)

Props for the competition: editing of dance tracks, 3 newspapers.

2nd presenter: Applause to the participants and winners of the competition, and our program

will continue the competition "Solve the riddles of autumn". To do this, we will give each class a riddle. Early replies are appreciated.

Contest “Riddles of Autumn”.

Competition props: 5 riddles on maple leaves, 5 pens.

1st presenter: The "Literary" competition will continue the lyric page of our drinking time, for this we will give you a sheet with variants of the names of the poets and their quatrains. It is necessary to determine exactly which of the poets wrote which of the poems, and inscribe the correct version in front of each of them.

Competition "Literary".

Props for the competition: sheets with printed versions of poems and the names of poets, pens.

Song "Autumn" Alsou isp. Tarakanovskaya L.

2nd presenter: Autumn is a time of wonderful transformations of nature, a time of rich decoration of forests and fields, an abundance of vegetables and fruits. Autumn is praised by poets and artists are writing canvases, and in the next competition we will draw a whole still life of vegetables and fruits, but the participants will do this without seeing their masterpiece, since we will simply close our eyes to everything.

1st presenter: We invite 3 pairs of artistically gifted participants and their assistants to participate in the competition. And your task is that you, with your eyes closed, will draw on whatman paper, which your assistants will hold for you, with a marker those vegetables and fruits that we will call. The one who does the best job is the winner.

2nd moderator: We blindfold, open markers and, assistants - easels, are you ready?

Competition "Autumn Palette". (Appendix 7)

Props for the competition : 3 halves of a sheet of Whatman paper, 3 markers, 3 scarves.

1st presenter: So, I will try to convey what inspires me: I see a beautiful basket, wicker with a handle, in which round peach barrels just shine, next to it lies a melon in a cut, next to it there are 3 cucumbers with “pimples” and a couple of tomatoes, near they are a handful of cherries with tails, and a bunch of grapes higher - such a big bunch of 1.5 kilograms. and, his leaves are large and carved, and near the basket are 3 apples and a banana, half opened and a couple of plums. How delicious it was to dream, and now we'll see how you could convey this to the canvas.

2nd presenter: Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso are "resting", and we continue to have fun and delight you with treats.

1st host: This time we will treat you to ice cream from the filming of one movie.

Spread to the "studio"! Those wishing to taste our next competition - you can help yourself.

2nd presenter: Before you are the original fake portions, in each of which the role that you will now play.

1st presenter: Now, right here, without leaving the place, a film will be filmed, in which you are instructed to play the main roles. You see these cameras, you have leaflets in your hands. They indicate what your role is. I will read the script, name the characters who have this role in the postcard - come on stage! So: camera, motor, let's start! “Filming a movie! "

Refreshment: “Ice cream from the shooting”. (Appendix 8).

Competition "Filming a movie!"

Props for the competition: disposable glasses, napkins, leaflets with roles, text. (Appendix 20)

1st presenter: That's the end of the shooting, and who participated - well done!

2nd host: And again we invite you to relax at the table assignment. We bring to your attention “Vegetable crossword puzzle”. In it, you should write out the names of vegetables and fruits as quickly as possible. Which team will do it faster and more correctly, that one gets a certain number of points.

Competition "Vegetable crossword puzzle".

Props for the competition: 5 sheets with a crossword puzzle, 5 pens for teams.

Guitar. Song "Burgundy Sunset".

1st presenter: Tasks can be submitted to the jury, and we have the following competition:

"Dress up the garden." We all know with what (with irony in his voice) “hunting” we have to help our parents in the garden, apparently, that is why they are so zealous to equip us for this collective work.

2nd presenter: We are sure that there are a lot of people who want to show how this happens, so we ask you to come out 3 pairs to demonstrate this story.

1st moderator: The conditions are clear and simple - one dresses the other in a garden outfit, but the task is completed by both of them blindfolded.

Competition “Dress up the garden”.

Props for the competition: plastic baskets - 3 pcs., 3 sundresses or skirts, 3 blouses, 3 scarves, 3 sweaters, 3 sports trousers, 3 aprons.

2nd presenter: Here is a basket of clothes for each of you. Here are two handkerchiefs with which you will blindfold yourself and your opponent. And as soon as the music starts, you start dressing your assistants. Let's start!

1st host: And a pair of the fastest and most agile gardeners wins!

Continuing our garden theme, the next "Collect Potatoes" competition awaits you. In this competition, the main thing is to get ahead of the rival and quickly collect as many potatoes from our symbolic field as possible, the task becomes more difficult - blindfolded.

Competition "Collect potatoes". (Appendix 9)

Props for the competition: polyethylene 1.5 x 1.5 m and 30 washed potato tubers, 2 buckets, 2 scarves.

2nd host: The harvest is all harvested, which means you can take a break. Even more - to have a little snack with the help of our next competition called Skill Chefs.

1st host: We bring out our signature cake, and in it - tasks. We distribute. And the tasks are as follows: let's cook our favorite dishes, and in order for them to work, you need to determine which products are superfluous on the list.

2 presenter: Who is faster and more correct - our jury will evaluate.

Treat "Cake". "Skillful cooks" competition.

The song "Autumn Rains" isp. P. Kovalchuk (Guitar).

1st presenter: And again a gift from our cafe, but, as you know, not simple. After opening the box, you will find the next task, this time it is a pantomime. We give you time for discussion, the choice of participants and we invite each class to demonstrate the plot to our site in turn. The condition of pantomime, we hope you know, without words you need to depict the situation that is spelled out in the assignment. Whoever names the content of the plot more accurately, we will award the highest points to that class.

The treat is “Box of Chocolates”. Competition "Pantomime".

Props for the competition: empty boxes of chocolates, a sling, notes with assignments.

2nd moderator: The teams tried their best, thank you all, and we propose to practice with the next task. Receive envelopes in which you will find cut into parts of autumn photos - plots. It is necessary on command to assemble them as quickly as possible into a whole picture. So, the teams are ready - proceed.

Competition "Autumn Mosaic".

Props for the competition: 5 envelopes, 5 cut into parts of autumn photo-plots.

The song "Autumn" isp. Tyuzhakaev D., Pivnenko P.

1st host: Autumn is a generous time. There are plenty of fruits and vegetables. And how can we not treat you to juicy and ripe apples today? But first you have to work hard. The apples are hanging high, and your hands are so entangled that you cannot reach them - we ask you to fold them behind your back.

2nd presenter: The conditions of the competition, as you already understood, are as follows: with your hands folded behind your back, try to eat an apple. Whoever is faster is the winner. Attention, we started.

Props for the competition: 5 apples, hung on short beams, held by two assistants.

The jury begins to summarize the preliminary results of the competitions for the classes.

Musical beat sounds.

1st host: Today, as we promised, we have as many treats for you as you never dreamed of, and the next one is already on the way to the hall. These are delicious cabbage and carrots, without which not a single autumn table can do. But not easy, but with tasks that you can pull out with your hand. Ready, take your pick.

2nd leader: Read the assignment and come out to us!

Contest "Vegetable Surprise". (Appendix 11).

Props for the competition: a fake decorative mock-up of cabbage, with leaves embedded in it - notes with assignments, distribution, napkins.

1st presenter: What kind of talents are not in our hall, are you tired yet?

We offer you a festive fashion show "Autumn fashion show", as a result of which we will be able to choose "Miss and Mister Autumn".

We invite our participants to get ready.

Defile "Autumn Fashion Show".

Song "Bright Light" isp. Tarakanovskaya L.

2nd host: And now it's time to choose Miss and Mister Autumn for our holiday. For this we will all vote together. On each table there are pieces of paper - tokens that you need to put in the box of the fashion show participant that you liked the most. So, please!

Musical beat sounds.

The jury members will summarize the preliminary results of the competitions for the classes. Participants count the number of votes in their piggy banks.

2nd leader: More votes were given for a participant from ... class. And, we announce that Miss Autumn becomes _____________ on our holiday. Your applause and we hand her our stylized ribbon. Congratulations! (Appendix 12)

1st host: And since “Miss Autumn” cannot be alone, we give her the opportunity to choose “Mister Autumn” for our festive evening. The choice is yours!

The song “Turn around”.

2nd presenter: The jury members are ready to announce the results of the competition, they have the floor.

The jury announces the winning classes in the nominations, presents design diplomas.

1st presenter: Autumn has fully come into its own today, and we celebrated its arrival. We thank autumn for bringing us all together in our festive autumn cafe.

2nd presenter: Winter, spring, summer are ahead. And then autumn again. How many more will there be in our life! We hope that the cozy lights of the "Autumn Cafe" will light up for all of us in our school more than once.

1st host: Our festive evening is coming to an end, we hope that it has become a joyful and pleasant event for you!

2nd presenter: And we, in turn, were happy to make a cloudy autumn evening filled with friendly communication and your smiles! Until next time, dear friends!

V. Brezhnev's track "Real Life" is played.