The family refuses the body of a Russian woman who died in the Dominican Republic. Russian tourist who died in the Dominican Republic will be buried at home Killed by leaning out of the window

A tourist from Russia died while on holiday in the Dominican Republic. The woman hit her head on the post, leaning out half-naked from the window of a moving car, media report.

According to preliminary data, 35-year-old Natalya Borodina from the Chelyabinsk region was on vacation with her friend from Ukraine Ivanna Boyrachuk. On October 10, on the way to Punta Cana airport, the girls decided to have fun. While driving, a Russian woman in shorts began to lean out of the car window. As a result, she hit her head at high speed road sign... Still alive, they managed to take her to the hospital, where the Russian woman died from her injuries.

Video of a car accident to a Russian woman in the Dominican Republic:

Video of the death of a naked Russian tourist in the Dominican Republic (18+)

A Russian citizen died in the Dominican Republic when she leaned out of the window of a moving car in her underpants. The woman sustained a fatal head injury when struck against a road sign.

Russian tourist died in Dominican Video 18+

The video of the fatal incident, which took place on October 11 near the Punta Cana airport, was published by the REN TV channel.

As the local police found out, 35-year-old Natalya Borodina, a native of the Chelyabinsk region, was killed. Together with her in the car was a resident of Ukraine Ivanna Boraichuk, who filmed the death of her companion on mobile phone, reports Ensegundos.

Ukrainian citizen faces imprisonment for dangerous driving that led to the tragedy

The police of the Dominican Republic detained a citizen of Ukraine, whose girlfriend absurdly died after colliding with a pillar. She faces criminal liability for dangerous driving that led to the death of a woman.

According to RIA Novosti, the head of the department of the Russian embassy in Venezuela, Zurab Peradze, law enforcement officers suspect Ukrainian citizen Ivanna Boyrachuk of driving under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident.

At the same time, it is not specified whether the suspect is in custody. Earlier there was information that the woman could be released.

We will remind, earlier on the Internet there was a video of a fatal wound of a 35-year-old Russian woman. Natalia, being naked, was driving with her friend in a car and decided to lean out of the window at high speed. At some point, the woman hit her head hard on a road sign.

As a result, the Russian woman received a severe head injury and died in a local hospital.

The relatives of the deceased decided to cremate the body of a woman in the Dominican Republic, since they did not have the means to transport the deceased home. She herself came to the country without valid insurance.

The relatives of the deceased did not decide who would take care of the transportation of her body to her homeland.
Recently it became known about the death of a Russian woman while on vacation in the Dominican Republic. The girl stripped down to her panties and climbed out of the car window to the waist. As a result, she hit her head on a road sign and died. The family was faced with the question of how to deliver the body of a relative to her hometown of Zlatoust.

Repatriation, according to preliminary estimates, will cost 3.4 million rubles. A friend of the family, Angelica, told reporters that the girl did not take out insurance before the trip, so the financial costs of transporting the body should be borne by relatives. However, they cannot bear such a burden.

The deceased Russian woman was an escort, she had money, but she did not financially help her own son, who lived with his grandmother in Zlatoust. The girl's mother admits that she will not master the repatriation - she simply does not have that kind of money. It is possible that the transportation will be taken over by the former lover Alexander. However, he did not officially confirm this information.

The deceased tourist will be returned to Russia

Russian Natalya Borodina, who became infamous to all the world media because of her death on vacation in the Dominican Republic, will not be cremated, her body will be transported to Russia.

The deceased herself for the last year and a half lived on the embankment of the French city of Cannes, where she led a luxurious lifestyle, traveling a lot around the world, but her relatives living in Zlatoust have a more modest financial situation. Earlier, the media, citing a friend of the deceased's sister, reported that the Borodina family, due to a lack of funds, would not be able to transfer her body to her homeland. There were also reports that a Russian woman was being cremated in the Dominican Republic, but even in this case, there would still be no one to take her ashes.

However, on Friday, October 13, relatives told local journalists that the body of the deceased would still be delivered to her homeland. “We will bury her in Zlatoust, there will be no cremation. Fundraising for transportation until we announce, we do not need additional cash", - said to the edition" Telefakt "already the sister of Borodina Julia.

The family of the deceased lives in Zlatoust. Recently, her 11-year-old son was raised by her sister Borodina and her mother. According to the same publication, after the tragedy, the boy's father also came to the city, with whom he periodically communicated.

Relatives have already announced that the man came to support the child, but that in any case he will stay with them in Zlatoust.

Meanwhile, there were reports in the media that Borodina's friend was detained by the local police. It turned out that the girl driving the car in which the deceased was sitting and filming the last seconds of her life on her phone was drunk at the time of the tragedy.

The situation was previously reacted at the Russian Embassy in Venezuela, which also serves the territory of the Dominican Republic. Embassy spokesman Zurab Peradze said that diplomats cannot find the relatives of the deceased.

“I contacted the local prosecutor's office to inform me about the incident, an investigation is underway. So far, there is no connection with relatives, but we hope that the connections between the Russian and Dominican law enforcement agencies will help in this matter, "RIA Novosti quotes the Russian diplomat.

Natalia Borodina died in the Dominican Republic on October 11. Together with her friend, a citizen of Ukraine Ivanna Boyrachuk, she traveled around the island in a rented car near the Punta Cana airport. Borodin topless began to lean out of the open window of the car. Boyrachuk, apparently, was moving too close to the side of the road: at high speed Borodina hit her head on a metal road sign and literally fell out of the passenger compartment. Doctors were able to take her to the hospital, but after receiving a severe head injury, she soon died there.

Borodina arrived in the Dominican Republic, having independently booked flights and a hotel, but did not purchase an insurance policy. It is still not clear what the deceased did for a living. There were reports in the media that she could provide expensive escort services, however, according to other sources, the Russian woman worked in the field of luxury real estate in Cannes or was engaged in paperwork - both versions are related by the fact that in France she worked with Russian citizens.

"I didn't need money": the father of the child of a Russian woman who died in the Dominican Republic about her work

Alexander Palagushkin, the father of the child of a Russian woman who died in the Dominican Republic, said that he had never heard of her possible work as an escort. This is reported by REN TV.

According to the man, he "did not know at all what she was doing." “We have a common child. She will tell me if this is so? If we (our family) knew this, we would have taken the child long ago, and that's all, ”he stressed.

Palagushkin said that the deceased woman “dealt with visas,” she lived in Cannes for two years, meeting tourists from Russia and the CIS countries there.

“I often go to Europe, I saw her there. We dined sometimes. Everything was fine with her, she did not need money, ”said the man.

Palagushkin noted that he went to the woman's parents in Zlatoust to pick up his son. The child lived with his mother's relatives. According to him, the boy does not yet know that his mother is dead. The sister of the deceased decided that his father should tell him about it.

The death of a naked Russian woman in the Dominican Republic: shocking details from the life of the deceased appeared

The publication reports that the woman came to the Dominican Republic to "relax properly, but clearly did not calculate with fun." A half-naked native of the Chelyabinsk region leaned out of the window of a moving car and hit her head on a road sign. Due to an open skull fracture and polytrauma, the girl died on the spot.

Borodina came to rest in the Dominican Republic with the girls who worked with her. V social networks the woman was not really modest. The deceased loved to publish provocative photos of frank content, but at the same time, she wrote poems about lost love and shared them with friends:

“One day I will leave home. And I will erase our days from my life! One day I will change all addresses and phone numbers .. And I will no longer say how much I love .. And it will become somehow unusual ... And my heart is cold with longing ... And I'm tired of your "usually" ... I'm tired of living and waiting for love " ...

Changes in the life of the deceased took place literally in three years. From a shy woman who preferred a more elegant style of dress, Natalia "turned into a real predator." Apparently, the woman was never able to survive the loss of loved ones, about whom she wrote in her poems, ”the publication says.

The friend of the deceased, Catherine, said that she learned about the tragedy from social networks when she saw a photograph of a woman's passport on Facebook.

According to her, they have not communicated in person for a long time, but corresponded on social networks. The woman said that the tragically deceased Russian woman had a child.

The relatives of the Russian woman who died in the Dominican Republic have no money to return the body

The mother and sister of the Russian woman Natalya Borodina, who died tragically in the Dominican Republic, do not have the means to deliver her body to her homeland.

Angelica: “Natalia has her own sister, Yulia, and her mother, who is already 80 years old, in the Chelyabinsk region. Her sister is raising her son, as well as her son Natalia. They do not have the necessary funds to transport the body of the deceased. "

The interlocutor of the agency also said that Natalia lived in French Cannes, and where and by whom she worked, relatives do not know. It is only known that she sent money to her sister to support her son. Natalia arrived in the Dominican Republic on her own: she bought air tickets, booked a hotel, she did not have insurance. The car she was driving that day was rented, but Natalia's car remained in Cannes.

The death of a 35-year-old native of the Chelyabinsk region in the Dominican Republic became known this morning. The woman died on the highway leading towards Punta Cana airport. Half-naked Natalya was driving in a car at high speed and leaned out of the window, while her Ukrainian friend was driving and at the same time filming the woman on video. At full speed, the Russian woman hit her head on a road sign. She was quickly taken to the hospital, but could not be saved.

According to some reports, Natalya Borodina worked as a realtor. On her social media page, there are many photographs from her travels different countries... An acquaintance of the deceased says that she lived for a long time in the Chelyabinsk region, then moved to Moscow, and in last years lived in Cannes.

Ukrainian woman who filmed the death of a "naked Russian woman" in the Dominican Republic was detained

The police of the Dominican Republic detained a citizen of Ukraine Ivanna Boyrachuk. It was she who was driving the car, from the window of which the Russian woman Natalya Borodina leaned out and hit her head on the road sign. This is reported by the telegram channel Mash, citing a source in law enforcement Dominican Republic.

After testifying, Borodina's friend from Ukraine was released. At the same time, the case of the death of a Russian woman is preliminarily investigated as an accident.

As Life has already reported, 35-year-old Natalya Borodina leaned out of the car window at high speed. At that moment, the car approached the road sign, and the woman hit her head. The Russian woman died from her injury on the spot.

Russian tourist died in the Dominican Republic after striptease caught on video

The tragedy occurred on October 10 on the highway near Punta Cana. The girl, along with her companion driving, was actively having fun in the car, showing her lush breasts to the camera.

From time to time, the tourist leaned out of the window almost waist-deep, not watching what was happening on the road. At the moment when she is literally demolished, the record ends. It is said to have been a bus, although it is unclear in the video whether it was a vehicle or, for example, a road sign.

The passport data of the deceased appeared on Facebook - Natalya Borisovna B., born in 1982. The entry is accompanied by a request for additional information about it. According to some reports, they managed to take her to the hospital, where she died from her injuries.

According to the information from the hospital, the cause of death was a severe craniocerebral injury, received as a result of hitting a road sign.

Ukrainian woman drove a car with a "naked Russian woman" in the Dominican Republic, being drunk

The examination established that the citizen of Ukraine Ivanna Boyrachuk - the friend of the Russian woman Natalia Borodina who died in the Dominican Republic - was driving while intoxicated.

As previously reported, a 35-year-old Russian citizen leaned out of the car window in her underwear. At that moment, the car approached the road sign, on which Borodin hit his head. From the collision, she received an injury incompatible with life.

It could be an escort: a classmate about the life of a busty Russian woman who died in the Dominican Republic

A school friend of 35-year-old Natalia, who died in the Dominican Republic, told the details of the life of a tourist from the Russian Federation.

According to the interlocutor REN TV, she studied at school with Natalia, after that for a long time I did not see each other personally, but sometimes corresponded on social networks.

Natalia's classmate said that they studied in the city of Zlatoust, and then her friend moved to Chelyabinsk, and then to Moscow.

According to her, the Russian woman has a son, who is now about 11 years old. Most likely, the child lives with his grandmother, since, according to Natalia's classmate, she once told her about it. She also knew that in Moscow her classmate lived with a man.

« The child often lived with her mother. Somewhere about 11 years old boy. It seems that she did not take the child. She said that she lived with a young man“, - said the friend of the Russian woman.

She also said that her classmate led a very peculiar lifestyle. According to her, she really could work as an escort, as reported in the media. At the same time, she does not have exact information about this.

« She led this way of life. May be. Why did she leave her child with her grandmother? Quite possibly some kind of escort or even something worse“, - said the interlocutor.

Earlier it was reported that a Russian tourist in shorts alone posed in front of the camera in the car. At some point, she stuck her head out of the car and hit a road sign.

The woman died in the hospital.

A Russian woman who died in a naked selfie in the Dominican Republic has a child

REN TV found out some details about the family of 35-year-old Natalia, who died in the Dominican Republic.

According to some reports, the woman has a son, sister, elderly mother and nephew. The relatives of the Russian woman lived in the city of Zlatoust. Natalia herself moved to Moscow.

Her son is 11 years old. He lived with the sister of the deceased. Before that, as Natalia's acquaintances told, she often left her son with her mother.

It also became known that the woman did not register a relationship with the father of her child. But at the same time, the child bears the name of his father. The man plans to take his son for himself.

Oldfisher has this video, of course, uncensored ...

In general, the finale of the bright life path of 35-year-old Russian beauty Natalya Borodina is shown there

"A native of the Chelyabinsk region died tragically on vacation in the Dominican Republic, hitting her head on a road sign at high speed
On my page VC Natalia Borisova (Borodina) often posted photographs taken during her travels around the world. She carefully monitored her appearance and loved to show her on camera. The woman is 35 years old.
The woman provided herself with a beautiful life by selling real estate abroad to Russians.
True, Natalia's classmate does not exclude that she could work in export.
The beauty's life was tragically interrupted on October 11 on vacation in the Dominican Republic. On the way to the airport, contrary to all safety rules, she wanted to “ride with the breeze,” leaning out of the car literally to her waist.
A friend who was driving decided to film her freaks. In the frames, the girl is captured practically negligee - except for panties, she has nothing on.
Having completely forgotten about safety, the woman did not notice the approach of a road sign. At great speed, she hit her head on a pole.
The blow was so strong that the passenger was thrown out of the passenger compartment. The woman lost consciousness and never regained consciousness, died in the hospital.
According to media reports, Natalia's friend from Ukraine Ivanna Boyrachuk was driving the car. The police detained her on suspicion of drunk driving.
At the time of her death, Natalia was only 35 years old. She has an 11-year-old son.
Natalia's mother and sister faced the problem of raising money to transport her body home. "

The crisp and daring 35-year-old Natasha Borodina did not like to start with the little haired women, just as other beautiful Russian ladies do not now do with the little haired women ...
Well, if only the little deer is not an oligarch ...
And so all Russian beautiful ladies are starting now in Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia ...
But Natalya Borodina was cooler than ordinary Russian ladies and she went to venture to the swarthy macho in the sunny Dominican Republic ...
There her friend from the Kiev Russian World Ivanna Boyrachuk started with her, and Natalya Borodina herself was from the Urals ...
Daring Natasha Borodina demonstrated her beautiful tanned and trained body, leaning completely out of the car window at full speed ...
Natasha from Ukraine was behind the wheel ...
Everything went well and looked cool ...
Daring Natasha bulged out in the Dominican Republic in full and rushed to the airport ...
But on the way of the flexible and daring Natasha Borodina leaning out of the window there was a road sign, about which she cracked her head all the way ...
Now Natasha's relatives face a difficult task of transporting her beautiful body from the sunny Dominican Republic to the sunny Urals ...
There, by the way, Natasha's 11-year-old son is growing up ...
And officially in life Natasha Borodina was a RSPeshka ...
Here is her photo, driers ...
Admire them, in life such ladies are not for you in your Russian World ...

Anzhelika, a friend of the deceased girl's sister, told reporters about this. "Natalia has her own sister Julia and a mother, who is already 80 years old, in the Chelyabinsk region. Her sister is raising her son, as well as her son Natalia. They do not have the necessary funds to transport the body of the deceased," RIA Novosti quotes Angelica.


The cost of transporting the body of the deceased is approximately one million two hundred thousand rubles, according to travel insurance experts. Experts noted that this is the lower price threshold: the Dominican Republic is a very popular destination, so the amount required for the repatriation of the remains can grow dramatically, Moskovsky Komsomolets reports.

Angelica emphasized that Natalia constantly lived in Cannes - this is the only thing that her relatives know. They cannot say where she worked - the girl did not tell the details of her life.

According to the friend of the deceased's sister, she told her relatives that she was flying to the Dominican Republic. At the same time, she stated that Natalya flew to rest on her own, without purchasing any tours. The girl bought tickets, booked a hotel and rented a car, in which her life ended.

Natalia was driving with her Ukrainian friend along the roads of a tropical country. The girl stripped down to her panties and climbed out of the car window to the waist. At this moment, her companion, who controlled vehicle, slightly turned the steering wheel to the right, and Natalya hit her head on a road sign. She died in the hospital a few hours later.

The Dominican police detained the driver of the fatal car. She turned out to be a citizen of Ukraine Ivanna Boraichuk. According to the results of the examination, she was drunk. She was driving the car with one hand, and with the other she filmed her almost naked friend having fun in the car.

In the Dominican Republic, a Russian tourist was killed, a native of the Chelyabinsk region, who, wearing only panties from a swimsuit, leaned out of the car window. The girl reportedly flew headlong into a roadside sign at speed. This moment was captured on video.

The tragedy happened on October 10 on the highway leading to Punta Cana airport. The girl, along with her companion driving, swaggered in the car, showing her lush breasts at the camera. Ukrainian Ivanna Boyrachuk was driving the KiaPicanto.

At times the tourist leaned out of the window up to her waist, posed and did not follow the road. At the moment when she is simply blown out of the car window, the recording ends. It is not clear from the video what the victim faced. Most likely it was a roadside sign. Although some sources write that it was a bus.

The passport data of the deceased appeared on Facebook - Natalya Borisovna Borodina, 35 years old. The entry is accompanied by a request for additional information about it. The woman was taken to the hospital, but the doctors were unable to save her because of the very serious injuries she received.

Internet users write that the girl's relatives are aware of what happened.

The hospital reports that death was due to severe traumatic brain injury.

Natalia Borodina, who died in the Dominican Republic

Natasha bulged in the Dominican Republic

Oldfisher has this video, of course, uncensored.

In general, the finale of the bright life path of 35-year-old Russian beauty Natalya Borodina is shown there

A native of the Chelyabinsk region died tragically on vacation in the Dominican Republic, hitting her head on a road sign at high speed
On her VK page, Natalya Borisova (Borodina) often posted photographs taken while traveling around the world. She carefully monitored her appearance and loved to show her on camera. The woman is 35 years old.
The woman provided herself with a beautiful life by selling real estate abroad to Russians.
True, Natalia's classmate does not exclude that she could work in export.
The beauty's life was tragically interrupted on October 11 on vacation in the Dominican Republic. On the way to the airport, contrary to all safety rules, she wanted to “ride with the breeze,” leaning out of the car literally to her waist.
A friend who was driving decided to film her freaks. In the frames, the girl is captured practically negligee - except for panties, she has nothing on.
Having completely forgotten about safety, the woman did not notice the approach of a road sign. At great speed, she hit her head on a pole.
The blow was so strong that the passenger was thrown out of the passenger compartment. The woman lost consciousness and never regained consciousness, died in the hospital.
According to media reports, Natalia's friend from Ukraine Ivanna Boyrachuk was driving the car. The police detained her on suspicion of drunk driving.
At the time of her death, Natalia was only 35 years old. She has an 11-year-old son.
Natalia's mother and sister faced the problem of raising money to transport her body home. ”

The clear-cut and daring 35-year-old Natasha Borodina did not like to start with the little haired girls, just as other beautiful Russian ladies do not now do with the little haired women.
Well, if only the little hawk is not an oligarch.
And so all Russian beautiful ladies are now venturing into Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia.
But Natalya Borodina was cooler than ordinary Russian ladies and she went to venture to the swarthy macho in the sunny Dominican Republic.
There, her friend from the Kiev Russian World, Ivanna Boyrachuk, started with her, and Natalya Borodina herself was from the Urals.
Daring Natasha Borodina showed her beautiful tanned and trained body, leaning completely out of the car window at full speed.
Natasha from Ukraine was driving.
Everything went well and looked cool.
Daring Natasha bulged out in the Dominican Republic in full and rushed to the airport.
But on the way of the flexible and impudent Natasha Borodina leaning out of the window there was a road sign, about which she cracked her head all the way.
Now Natasha's relatives are faced with the difficult task of transporting her beautiful body from the sunny Dominican Republic to the sunny Urals.
There, by the way, Natasha's 11-year-old son is growing up.
And officially in life Natasha Borodina was a RSPeshka.
Here is her photo, driers.
Admire them, in life such ladies are not for you in your Russian World.

VIDEO: a naked Russian woman Natalya Borodina died in the Dominican Republic

The death of a naked Russian tourist Natalia Borodina in the Dominican Republic was caught on video. The topless girl climbed out of the window of a moving car and, unable to resist, fell.

Pampering while driving a car at high speed cost the life of a young tourist from Russia in the Dominican Republic. How shocking, so ridiculous death was captured on video.

The 35-year-old Russian citizen Natalya Borodina was killed.

The incident occurred on the afternoon of October 11 on the way to Punta Cana airport in the Dominican Republic. The tourist died on the spot from her injury. Doctors diagnosed Borodina with an open skull fracture and polytrauma.

The footage was filmed from the passenger compartment of the car - apparently by a friend of the tourist. As it became known, her companion from Ukraine Ivanna Boyrachuk was filming - perhaps later the girls wanted to show their fascinating vacation to their friends.

Natalia Borodina

The video shows a beautiful young girl in some thongs. A few seconds before her death, she was cheerful and very liberated (possibly under the influence of alcohol). In only white panties, she boldly demonstrates her lush breasts to the camera, makes lecherous gestures and takes the same poses.

All this in a car driving on a busy road.

Then she decided to crawl out the window. A girl's scream is heard and the recording is cut off. The companion who was driving the vehicle slightly turned the steering wheel to the right, and Natalya hit her head on a road sign.

Naked Russian woman died in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican police detained the driver of the fatal car. She turned out to be a citizen of Ukraine Ivanna Boraichuk. According to the results of the examination, she was drunk. She was driving the car with one hand, and with the other she filmed her almost naked friend having fun in the car.

Later it became known that the relatives of the Russian woman who died in the Dominican Republic cannot take out the girl's body: they have no money to deliver the remains of the deceased to their homeland.

Anzhelika, a friend of the deceased girl's sister, told reporters about this: “Natalia has her own sister, Yulia, and her mother, who is already 80 years old, in the Chelyabinsk region. Her sister is raising her son, as well as her son Natalia. They do not have the necessary funds to transport the body of the deceased. ”

The cost of transporting the body of the deceased is approximately one million two hundred thousand rubles, according to travel insurance experts. Experts noted that this is the lower price threshold: the Dominican Republic is a very popular destination, so the amount required to repatriate the remains can grow dramatically.

Angelica emphasized that Natalia constantly lived in Cannes - this is the only thing that her relatives know. They cannot say where she worked - the girl did not tell the details of her life.

According to the friend of the deceased's sister, she told her relatives that she was flying to the Dominican Republic. At the same time, she stated that Natalya flew to rest on her own, without purchasing any tours. The girl bought tickets, booked a hotel and rented a car, in which her life ended.

Residents of the Dominican Republic are stunned by the ridiculous death of a 35-year-old Russian woman. On the Web, foreigners are actively discussing the tragedy.

All local TV channels showed stories about the accident, and residents of the republic began to argue about the woman's behavior before her death.

“The driver must be found guilty of manslaughter. Murder because you are recording a video while driving. If he was focused on the road, he would see this post or sign that killed the woman, ”said one of the residents of the Dominican Republic.

Another web user suggested that the Russian woman herself was to blame for the tragedy. He suspected the victim of using illegal substances: “At least she had psychological problems, or she used drugs.” Still others are simply shocked by the girl's recklessness: “The whole brain turned into silicone boobs. A woman is disgusting, and she was a mother. "

"Always lucky": the main thing about the death of a Russian tourist in the Dominican Republic

The incident took place on the highway leading to the city's airport. The girl was driving in a car with her friend, a citizen of Ukraine Ivanna Boyrachuk, who filmed the incident. Tourists traveled in a Kia Picanto, National Police spokesman Frank Felix Duran Mejia told Ensegundos.

Judging by the video published by the media, Borodina leaned out the window up to her waist, wearing only swimming trunks. For several seconds, the girl licked her fingers and smiled, and then bumped into a road sign. At this point, the video ends.

According to the girl's passport photo, Borodina was born in the Chelyabinsk region, she was 35 years old. At the same time, the Dominican media report that the age of the deceased is 37 years old.

A friend of Borodina's, who communicated with the deceased in the past, told REN TV that the girl lived for a long time in the Chelyabinsk region, but not so long ago she moved to Moscow. According to her, she traveled a lot. Also, a friend, whose name is not called, claims that Borodina could do an escort with other friends. “I heard that they were escorting,” the girl said, noting that she did not know the details.

A classmate of the deceased tourist told REN TV that the girl studied in Zlatoust and then moved to Chelyabinsk. She claims that Borodina has a son. According to her, he is about 11 years old, he lives with Natalia's grandmother. School friend Borodina declares that in Moscow she lived with a man. “The child often lived with her mother. 11 years old boy. It seems that she did not take the child. She said that she lived with a young man, ”the TV channel quotes her as saying.

Social media users also discovered the girl's alleged VKontakte account. Borodina's status includes the phrase Semper fortunato, which can be translated as “Always lucky”. The girl was subscribed to several publics about fine arts, to the so-called "women's" groups and a couple of communities dedicated to astrology and esotericism.

Beautiful life and stupid death of Natalia Borodina

On her VK page, Natalya Borisova (Borodina) often posted photographs taken while traveling around the world. She carefully monitored her appearance and loved to show her on camera. The woman is 35 years old.

The woman provided herself with a beautiful life by selling real estate abroad to Russians.

True, Natalia's classmate does not exclude that she could work in export.

The beauty's life was tragically interrupted on October 11 on vacation in the Dominican Republic. On the way to the airport, contrary to all safety rules, she wanted to “ride with the breeze,” leaning out of the car literally to her waist.

A friend who was driving decided to film her freaks. In the frames, the girl is captured practically negligee - except for panties, she has nothing on.

Having completely forgotten about safety, the woman did not notice the approach of a road sign. At great speed, she hit her head on a pole.

The blow was so strong that the passenger was thrown out of the passenger compartment. The woman lost consciousness and never regained consciousness, died in the hospital.

According to media reports, Natalia's friend from Ukraine Ivanna Boyrachuk was driving the car. The police detained her on suspicion of drunk driving.

At the time of her death, Natalia was only 35 years old. She has an 11-year-old son.

Natalia's mother and sister faced the problem of raising money to transport her body home.

The doctors were unable to save her.

$ 20 thousand - this is how much it costs to transport a body from the Dominican Republic. Relatives of the Russian woman who died at the resort are not ready to pay for the repatriation. At home, Natalya Borodina has an 80-year-old mother, sister and son.

The child will be taken by his father Alexander Palagushkin. Who the girl worked for, relatives and friends did not really know.

Natalya Borodina was 35 years old. Almost naked, she leaned out of the car window at full speed. I hit the post with my head.
The doctors were unable to save her.

Russian tourist who died in the Dominican Republic will be buried at home

Russian Natalya Borodina, who became infamous to all the world media because of her death on vacation in the Dominican Republic, will not be cremated, her body will be transported to Russia.

The deceased herself for the last year and a half lived on the embankment of the French city of Cannes, where she led a luxurious lifestyle, traveling a lot around the world, but her relatives living in Zlatoust have a more modest financial situation. Earlier, the media, citing a friend of the deceased's sister, reported that the Borodina family, due to a lack of funds, would not be able to transport her body home. There were also reports that a Russian woman was being cremated in the Dominican Republic, but even in this case, there would still be no one to take her ashes.

However, on Friday, October 13, relatives told local journalists that the body of the deceased would still be delivered to her homeland. “We will bury her in Zlatoust, there will be no cremation. Fundraising for transportation is not announced yet, we do not need additional funds ", - stated the publication "Telefakt" is already Borodina's sister Julia.

The family of the deceased lives in Zlatoust. Recently, her 11-year-old son was raised by her sister Borodina and her mother. According to the same publication, after the tragedy, the boy's father also came to the city, with whom he periodically communicated.

Relatives have already announced that the man came to support the child, but that in any case he will stay with them in Zlatoust.

Meanwhile, there were reports in the media that Borodina's friend was detained by the local police. It turned out that the girl driving the car in which the deceased was sitting and filming the last seconds of her life on her phone was drunk at the time of the tragedy.

The situation was previously reacted at the Russian Embassy in Venezuela, which also serves the territory of the Dominican Republic. Embassy spokesman Zurab Peradze said that diplomats cannot find the relatives of the deceased.

“I contacted the local prosecutor's office to inform me about the incident, an investigation is underway. So far, there is no connection with relatives, but we hope that the connections between the Russian and Dominican law enforcement agencies will help in this matter, "RIA Novosti quotes the Russian diplomat.

Naked tourist didn't see the sign

Natalia Borodina died in the Dominican Republic on October 11. Together with her friend, a citizen of Ukraine Ivanna Boyrachuk, she traveled around the island in a rented car near the Punta Cana airport. Borodin topless began to lean out of the open window of the car. Boyrachuk, apparently, was moving too close to the side of the road: at high speed Borodina hit her head on a metal road sign and literally fell out of the passenger compartment. Doctors were able to take her to the hospital, but after receiving a severe head injury, she soon died there.

Borodina arrived in the Dominican Republic, having independently booked flights and a hotel, but did not purchase an insurance policy. It is still not clear what the deceased did for a living. There were reports in the media that she could provide expensive escort services, however, according to other sources, the Russian woman worked in the field of luxury real estate in Cannes or was engaged in paperwork - both versions are related by the fact that in France she worked with Russian citizens.

The relatives of the Russian woman who died in the Dominican Republic do not have the means to deliver the body

$ 20 thousand - this is how much it costs to transport a body from the Dominican Republic. Relatives of the Russian woman who died at the resort are not ready to pay for the repatriation. At home, Natalya Borodina has an 80-year-old mother, sister and son.

The child will be taken by his father Alexander Palagushkin. Who the girl worked for, relatives and friends did not really know.

Natalya Borodina was 35 years old. Almost naked, she leaned out of the car window at full speed. I hit the post with my head.
The doctors were unable to save her.

$ 20 thousand - this is how much it costs to transport a body from the Dominican Republic. Relatives of the Russian woman who died at the resort are not ready to pay for the repatriation. At home, Natalya Borodina has an 80-year-old mother, sister and son.

The child will be taken by his father Alexander Palagushkin. Who the girl worked for, relatives and friends did not really know.

Natalya Borodina was 35 years old. Almost naked, she leaned out of the car window at full speed. I hit the post with my head.
The doctors were unable to save her.

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Natalia Borodina died in the Dominican Republic

A fatal accident in which a 35-year-old native of the Chelyabinsk region died, happened on October 10.

Natalya Borodina, being in the car, unsuccessfully stuck her head out of the car, and she was hit by road signs. After receiving severe head injuries, she died.

The accident happened in the afternoon when Borodina, together with her friend, who was driving a small car Kia Picanto, was driving towards Punta Cana airport. The girlfriend of the deceased was driving and at the same time filmed Borodina, who was sitting in the front seat, on her mobile phone, who in turn was leaning out topless from an open window. Suddenly Borodin touched a sign on the side of the road. After a short cry from, in all likelihood, a friend, the recording ends.

At the same time, it is not known for certain whether the girl fell out on the road after the collision or remained in the car. It was possible to find out some details only thanks to the local police and the media, who told about the incident.

The local newspaper published a photo of a large road sign that touched Borodin, as well as blood in the cabin. A hospital snapshot of the Russian woman's head was also published, which clearly indicates that she received a severe open craniocerebral injury. As a result, she died from her injuries in the hospital.

Natalia Borodina

According to local media reports, the girlfriend of the deceased who filmed her death was Ukrainian Ivanna Boyrachuk. There is no other information about her. It is assumed that charges may be brought against her during the investigation of the accident.

The deceased has an account on the VKontakte social network where she calls herself Natalia Borisova and, in all likelihood, underestimates her age by 3 years. The woman posted more than half a thousand pictures. The Russian woman traveled a lot, went in for alpine skiing, loved social events. She also wrote poetry, which she attached to her photographs.

Judging by early photo, Borodina has a son, who may now be about 11 years old.

There are not so many reliable data about the deceased. According to preliminary data, Borodina was born in Zlatoust, then lived in Chelyabinsk and Moscow, and recently lived on the French Riviera.

An acquaintance of the deceased said that recently Borodina lived in Cannes, where she worked in real estate and sold housing to Russians.

There is currently no official information about the tragedy from Russian diplomats. Despite a decent tourist flow, there is no Russian embassy in the Dominican Republic. Its functions are performed by the diplomatic mission in Venezuela, which is relatively close.

Road accidents in " live»Happen quite often. This summer, a sensational story happened in Ukraine, where 2 girls were killed in an accident while broadcasting live on Instagram.

The terrible death of a naked Russian woman in the Dominican Republic: there are new details about the deceased

Russian woman Natalya Borodina, who died in the Dominican Republic after falling out of a car window, earned a living by providing escort services and went to expensive restaurants.

New details about Borodina were found out by, which wrote that “inside the woman remained a rather vulnerable person”.

The publication reminds that the 35-year-old Russian woman came to the Dominican Republic to “have a good rest, but clearly did not calculate with fun”. A half-naked native of the Chelyabinsk region leaned out of the window of a moving car and hit her head on a road sign. Due to an open skull fracture and polytrauma, the girl died on the spot.

According to media reports, Natalia moved to Moscow long ago, where she was engaged in the provision of escort services. She came to the Dominican Republic on vacation with the girls who worked with her.

Natalia traveled a lot, loved to ski, went to expensive restaurants and drove active image life. But, despite all this external tinsel, inside she was a rather vulnerable person. The deceased wrote poems about lost love and shared them with friends, writes Russian edition and quotes her poems.

“One day I will leave home. And I will erase our days from my life! One day I will change all addresses and phone numbers .. And I will never say how much I love .. And it will become somehow unusual. And my heart is cold with longing. And I'm tired of your "usually" .. I'm tired of living and waiting for love. "

“Today I will pay for a glass, I will give free rein to my heart and soul, a tear, To remember my brother, dad, uncle, All who went to the heavenly father!”

“However, Natalia was not always so provocative. The changes took place in literally three years. From a modest girl who preferred a more elegant style of clothing, the deceased turned into a real predator. One can only guess about the reasons, but, apparently, Natalya was never able to survive the loss of people close to her, about whom she wrote in her poems, ”the publication says.

As reported by "Observer", in the car with the Russian woman, who died after falling out of the car in the Dominican Republic, was a citizen of Ukraine Ivanna Boyrachuk.

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