How many grams of popcorn are in a large bucket. Calorie content of popcorn: how many calories are in a salty and sweet product

Popcorn is a popular treat around the world for both children and adults. Not a single trip to the cinema is now complete without him. And at home, with friends or watching a movie, this product brightens up your leisure time. The assortment pleases with its variety: traditional, salty, caramel, with different flavors. At first glance, it seems that there can be more harmless popcorn. But here, too, there are pitfalls regarding the benefits of use and the allowable amount. After all, the calorie content of popcorn directly depends on the composition, which can harm the figure and provoke a number of diseases.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with a weight loss recipe:"I threw off 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it for the night ..." Read more >>

Composition and calorie content

Popcorn is made from corn, but not all plant varieties are suitable for this. Since the grains should not burst immediately, the shell needs to be denser in order to retain moisture inside for a long time. Under influence high temperature The steam accumulating inside has time to be evenly distributed and with a micro-explosion, the tender pulp sticks out. If you try to make popcorn from regular corn, then this effect does not occur.

Today, manufacturers are trying to diversify the assortment of snacks by introducing various food additives: sugar, salt, fat and flavorings. For this reason the nutritional value and calorie content (KBZhU) varies. On average, 100 grams of product contains about 60-70 grams of carbohydrates, 15 grams of fat and 8-9 grams of protein. The following types are more common on sale:

  • Sweet: is the most popular among consumers. Caramel is obtained from it, which has a richer taste and characteristic crunch. An ideal dessert, but very rich in calories: about 500 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Salty: suitable as a snack with beer and various side dishes. Calorie content - 300-330 kilocalories.
  • Cheese: contains artificial inclusions with a cheese flavor. The approximate number of calories is about 400.

Along with these, there are others that have an attractive multi-colored color: chocolate brown, berry red. In such a variety, the calorie content is kept within 400 kcal.

To accurately understand the calories eaten, you should roughly know how many calories are in the portions sold:

  • small glass (50 grams) - about 180 kcal;
  • medium (70 grams) - from 250 kcal;
  • large (100 grams) - over 350 kcal;
  • bucket (130 grams) - 470 kcal or more.

For one movie show, an adult eats daily rate required number calories. Despite the high calorie content, the snack consists of nutrients and vitamins. Thus, B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the structure of hair and nails. Calcium is essential for muscles and bones. Potassium helps the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Vegetable fiber has a positive effect on digestion, prevents constipation. Eating in large quantities can significantly harm the figure, but in order to avoid this, preference is given to popcorn without any high-calorie additives and dyes.

Benefits from use

The benefits and harms of popcorn are interpreted depending on its composition. Benefits most pure product and without oil. Home-cooked in the microwave is preferable to health rather than sold in cinemas and shops. Considering beneficial features, you should rely on natural popcorn. It contains a lot of vitamins B9 and E, which are not lost even under thermal influence.

Another advantage of popcorn is its high nutritional value - only 50 grams is enough to satisfy hunger and energize for a long period. Therefore, nutritionists recommend replacing them with harmful snacks from sweets and flour products.

Home-cooked corn is safe for both adults and young children. The following useful properties of the beloved delicacy are noted:

  • normalizes work digestive system;
  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • has a positive effect on the skin;
  • easily absorbed by the body.

Due to the high carbohydrate saturation, air flakes do not suppress appetite in any way. This is due to rapid digestion and elimination from the stomach. Thanks to vitamins B1 and B2, the metabolism is improved, depression is eliminated and the energy resource is quickly restored. Therefore, in acceptable quantities, the product is indicated for athletes and people exposed to daily physical activity.

During pregnancy and diet

According to the latest research from the United States, popcorn has a high concentration of polyphenols. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and liver, and also prevent the development of many serious diseases. If we talk about losing weight, then only a pure product is beneficial - without any flavors and oils. Minimum inclusion allowed olive oil, salt and herbal spices.

It is permissible to include it in diets or eat exclusively puffed grains, then the need for other food disappears. It is an ideal supplement for dietary meals based on vegetables, fruits and nuts. Then it is impossible to gain weight, and the benefits for the body will be maximum.

Despite the many advantages of a snack, you should refuse it during pregnancy. The woman's body during this period is especially sensitive and unpredictable. Given the specificity of popcorn production, even at home, it is best not to risk your health. The glutamate present in the composition, introduced by manufacturers to enhance taste, is prohibited for pregnant women. And all kinds of additives can harm the child and mother: salt destabilizes the water balance, and sugar destabilizes the pancreas.


Despite the benefits, popcorn has a number of contraindications to use. These include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • due to the presence of vitamin K in the composition, which enhances blood clotting, it is not recommended for people with thrombophlebitis and a predisposition to it;
  • allergic reaction;
  • diabetes;
  • upset stomach;
  • gastritis, stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.

The wrong way of preparing this dish can be harmful to health. In industrial production and in public leisure facilities, low-quality oil is often used, which contains the dangerous substance diacetyl. When exposed to high temperatures, this flavoring agent negatively affects the upper respiratory tract.

For homemade popcorn, a microwave is used for cooking. Until now, the degree of influence of microwaves on the human body has not been fully studied. Therefore, preference is still given to the traditional cooking method. In addition, all kinds of additives can provoke oncology.

Home cooking

It is recommended to prepare popcorn yourself at home, which allows you to get a healthy and healthy product. In addition, you can save a lot this way. There are several cooking options: in a microwave oven, on a conventional stove and in a special device.

The simplest and most common option is the microwave. To do this, it is enough to buy the finished workpiece in a bag and place it in the oven. According to the instructions on the package, set at maximum power and hold for 3 minutes. Readiness is determined by outgoing sounds: at first, frequent clicks are heard, which gradually become less frequent.

When the basis is not a portioned bag of popcorn (semi-finished product), but loose grains, they are placed in a high heat-resistant container. Refined oil, preferably olive oil, is poured onto the bottom. The grains are heated and poured, covered tightly with a lid. As soon as the characteristic pops subside, the treat is ready and can be turned off. The lid is removed when all the flakes have fully opened and stop firing.

Now various household appliances have come to the aid of the hostesses, which greatly facilitate and speed up cooking. This includes a popcorn machine.

It is convenient in that the corn grains receive uniform heating and oil is consumed to a minimum. In this way, it is possible to make a lot of tasty and healthy corn in a short time, without additives. The only drawback is the cost of the acquisition itself and non-stick components, which are urgently needed. Otherwise, the added sugar will burn and quickly damage the equipment.

Corn popcorn is the perfect snack for any occasion. At the right approach the delicacy brings exclusively pleasure and benefit to the preparation and use. When choosing this product, you should pay attention to the composition: the one without oil and other inclusions is considered harmless. Optimally purchased slightly salty or sweetened.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Inga Eremina:

My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers put together, namely 92kg. How to remove excess weight fully? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger as his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

Popcorn is also called popcorn - this is really a type of corn, the grains of which, as a result of heat treatment, literally explode, turning into such a delicacy that they invariably love to choose as a snack while watching a movie or at other entertainment events.

The calorie content of popcorn without additives is 367 calories per 100 grams of product.

But do not forget that this is a very nutritious product, so you should not get carried away with it.

How many calories are sweet or salty popcorn

Because popcorn in its usual form, without any additives, has absolutely no taste, they are trying to diversify it by adding:

  • salt;
  • salty seasonings;
  • sweet glaze;
  • icing sugar;
  • butter.

All of these ingredients can significantly, sometimes up to two times, increase the nutritional value of this product.

The calorie content of popcorn with additives ranges from 400 to 700 calories per 100 grams of product.

So people who would not like to get extra calories with a portion of this treat, it is better to choose regular popcorn with salt - it has the minimum nutritional value of all the above options.

Popcorn is the most nutritious homemade (i.e. the one that was fried in oil) with the addition of caramel syrup. Such a treat can go up to 900 calories - of course, the nutritional value in this case will depend on how much syrup is poured onto the grains.

How many grams and calories are in a glass of popcorn

In movie theaters and at entertainment events, popcorn is usually sold in glasses or buckets. The output (weight) of the product is rarely indicated, and sellers themselves may not know it, pouring it over the eye and selling treats by sight - a glass (large or small), a bucket, etc. But in order to accurately calculate the calorie content of what was eaten, you need to know how many grams of popcorn fit in the stated volumes. Traditionally, these are four containers:

  • small glass - 50 grams - from 185 calories;
  • medium glass - 70 grams - from 257 calories;
  • a large glass - 100 grams - from 367 calories;
  • bucket - 130 grams - from 478 calories.

What are the benefits of popcorn

Popcorn is a traditional snack at cultural events, therefore most people use it and do not think if there is any benefit in this product. First of all, it is chosen because of its availability. and because it can be nice to crunch on these salted or sweetened grains. But, besides this, you can get your benefit from this food.

Consider what is contained in 100 grams of popcorn (no filler):

  • proteins - 7.3 grams;
  • fats - 13.5 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 62.7 grams.

As such, it is one of the most nutritious quick bite options out there. However, with a large volume of the product, it is also very light, so that the largest portion of this treat will not exceed 150 grams.

In addition, popcorn contains potassium, iodine, magnesium and zinc - trace elements that are very important for the healthy life of our body.

Here you can also find a vitamin of group B, which is responsible for nervous regulation and fiber, which has a positive effect on the work of the intestines. Besides, this delicacy cheers up.
So this product cannot be called completely useless.

The harm of popcorn

Popcorn cannot be overused and the point is not so much in the nutritional value of this product (which, by the way, is not a disadvantage for everyone, this is a big plus for those who want to gain weight), but in the fact that:

  1. Additive popcorn can contain colorings, flavor enhancers, and other chemicals.
  2. This delicacy can injure the gums and teeth.
  3. Not suitable for those with digestive problems.

So you need to treat yourself to them carefully.

What is the calorie content of popcorn. The ratio of the BZHU. Popcorn varieties. The benefits and harms of use.

Despite the fact that there is great summer weather outside and you can spend time in the fresh air around the clock, if possible, many people go to the cinema with pleasure for the premieres of intriguing films. What is the first thing to "chew" in the cinema? Popcorn, of course! However, not many people think about the calorie content of popcorn, and especially how its intake is reflected in the figure as a whole.

The calorie content of an airy product can vary from 300 to 500 kcal, it all depends on what additional components are included in it. Some supplements slightly increase the calorie content, while others more than 1.5 times. They will be discussed below ...

The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates

If the product is natural without various additives, then corn has no taste, therefore, in order to attract the buyer and enhance the taste, a variety of syrups, food additives and salt are added.

So, ordinary popcorn without additives has an average of 100g:

  • 7.3 gr. - squirrel;
  • 13.5 g - fats;
  • 62.7 gr. - carbohydrates.

The addition of supplements changes this ratio, increasing mainly the indicators and carbohydrates.

Calorie content of salted popcorn

The addition of salt increases the calorie content to 407 kcal. After drinking it, there is a desire to drink liquid and, as is often the case in a movie theater, not pure water is always at hand, but Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Fanta, Sprite or a similar analogue of a sweet carbonated drink.

If salted popcorn is consumed on the couch at home, then, as a rule, thirst is quenched with beer, as a result of which the number of calories consumed increases significantly. In addition, an increase in the concentration of salt in the body retains fluid and slows down fat burning, as a result of which the body looks poured and there is no question of any relief figure.

If you are already a lover of this delicacy, use it as a drink, green or herbal, on extreme case regular soda will do.

Calorie content of sweet popcorn

Probably the most popular type of popcorn not only among children, but also among adults. It is worth remembering that the calorie content is influenced by flavoring fillers and the volume of syrup used.

The calorie content of a sweet delicacy is 400-700 kcal, it is believed that in order to get the minimum calorie content, sweet popcorn must be cooked in the microwave, and for a stronger taste, sprinkle with powdered sugar before using the popcorn.

Calorie content of caramel popcorn

Caramel gives the practically tasteless corn a pleasant aroma and exquisite taste. Calorie content of this product reaches 405 kcal, and the composition of the BJU is divided as follows: proteins - 5.5 grams, fats - 8.9 grams, and carbohydrates, as always, are leaders - 77 grams.

Calorie content of cheese popcorn

One of the most high-calorie types of popcorn. This all happens due to mixing with the cheese mixture, which increases the total calorie content of the product to 500 kcal. in 100 gr. In most cases, natural cheese mixtures are difficult to obtain, and to keep costs down, many companies add a variety of cheese flavor enhancers, flavors, and similar food additives.

However, its calorie content does not diminish its popularity, because in fact not very many people are worried about the calorie content of the diet, they are much more interested in the nutritional value, taste and price segment of the product.

The benefits of popcorn

This product has the following positive properties:

  • rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, as well as a list of minerals that play an important role for normal life circulatory system, the strength of bones and teeth;
  • the amount of protein is at a higher level than in vegetables, oatmeal or baked goods;
  • popcorn contains B1, which has a positive effect on the work of the intestines and stomach, and is also needed for the work of the nervous system;
  • the presence of riboflavin is greater than in legumes, cabbage and oatmeal.

The harm of popcorn

Popcorn with a variety of fillers and additives carries the following harmfulness:

  • an increased salt content disrupts the water balance and if a person is prone to swelling, then this will certainly be reflected after taking salted popcorn;
  • calories obtained from popcorn with the presence, are instantly broken down and deposited in subcutaneous fat (while only a small part of the energy is taken by the internal organs for their normal functioning);
  • high fat content is not recommended for people suffering from pancreatic diseases;
  • often, instead of high-quality components for making popcorn, diacetyl is used, which leads to disruption of the brain and lungs, as well as palm oil, which emits carcinogenic under the influence of heat treatment;
  • busting with the use of cheese popcorn or paprika disrupts the intestines and stomach, causing gastritis and flatulence.

If you cannot refuse this delicacy, always know when to stop, because this is not a vital necessity, but just a whim. Do not go hungry to the cinema and do not forget to drink more clean water, sometimes hunger is disguised as a banal desire for thirst.

Popcorn is a favorite delicacy of a huge number of people, it is especially popular when watching movies. It is obtained by heating the grains of special corn, which leads to their opening and increase in volume. Arriving at the cinema and ordering a bucket of delicious popcorn, few people think about its calorie content. This issue is especially important for people who monitor their weight, since such a snack can negatively affect the figure. The energy value of popcorn depends on the supplements used, as there are savory and sweet options today.

Properties and calorie content of popcorn

In principle, the benefits of this product is a rather controversial concept. Substances, which are in corn, pass into these air flakes, but there is one significant "but". The use of various fillers, dyes, flavors and others harmful substances completely destroy any beneficial properties of corn kernels. Nutritionists say that popcorn is harmful not only in its high calorie content, but also in the fact that it literally clogs the stomach. As a result, problems arise with and with the work of the digestive system. And these, as you know, are the main causes of excess weight.

The most useful is popcorn without additives, the calorie content of which is at a low level. Such a product can only be prepared at home and exclusively from grains, and not from semi-finished products. In this case, to prepare 100 g of popcorn, you will need to use only 3 g of salt and 1 tbsp. spoon vegetable oil, although you can do without it. Such a product retains useful substances that determine the following properties:

  1. This popcorn contains useful carbohydrates that are digested for a long time, which helps to saturate the body for a long time and get rid of hunger.
  2. Popcorn contains a large amount of fiber, which cleanses the intestines from decay products and normalizes its work.
  3. Contains a large amount of B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal development and functioning of the body. They also have a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems.
  4. Rich in popcorn and potassium, which helps eliminate excess fluid, which in turn relieves swelling and helps regulate water balance. Potassium normalizes blood pressure and improves heart function.

The energy value varies depending on the fillers. The most popular options today are:

Now calculate how many calories you eat by grabbing yourself a large bucket of popcorn at the cinema. This is not much, not a little, but about 1300 kcal, which is the daily norm and this is just a couple of hours of pleasure. In addition, after eating any kind of popcorn, you always want to drink, and in such establishments, people buy exactly sweet carbonated drinks, which are also very high in calories and are not at all useful for the figure and the body.

There is a dangerous myth that it is low in calories because it is so light and weightless. But this is not the case!

Big bag of popcorn, which can be bought in almost any cinema contains 1,800 calories. Alas, many movie lovers do not even know about it. Experts believe that people have a right to know.

The UK Food Standards Agency believes popcorn bags, plastic cups of soda and ice cream should contain high calorie warnings, which are found on any other factory-made food products.

Nutrition experts are concerned that movie theater goers have recently been being fed "horse" doses of so-called "junk" food. After all, one big bag of popcorn calories almost replaces the entire daily ration adult nutrition. But the feeling of fullness after taking this portion passes very quickly.

Experts estimate that one large serving of salted popcorn contains 1,779 calories. As much as three servings of pizza, garlic bread, or tiramisu.

Cinema owners justify themselves by the fact that it is supposedly customary to share a large packet of popcorn. Alas, the viewer often eats it alone during a two-hour session.

Portions are growing all the time, now incredibly large packs are being sold. I believe that they should be reduced. In addition, all packages should include a warning about the approximate calorie content of a serving. But it's not just popcorn that we're worried about. A standard hot dog has 650 calories, a popular Mexican dish has 716 calories, and a large glass of Coca-Cola has 328 calories.