Lesson on what we know in Russian. What do we know about the Russian language

Units of language and sections of linguistics Units of language Sections of linguistics that describe a unit talk about the rules of use in oral and written speech 123 phoneme (sound) phonetics orthoepy (rules for pronunciation of sounds) graphics (rules for designating sounds in writing) morphemamorphemics word formation orthography (rules for writing morphemes) word vocabulary morphology stylistics (use of words in different styles of speech) orthoepy (rules for placing stress in words) spelling (distinguishing between proper and common nouns in writing) phrase syntax phraseology stylistics (use in different styles of speech) sentence syntax stylistics (use of sentences in different styles of speech) punctuation ( rules for arranging signs in a sentence) intonation (features of the melodic and rhythmic organization of a sentence)

Commentary on the diagram “It is impossible for someone who does not know grammatical properties and rules to glorify themselves,” argued A.P. Sumarokov. It is impossible not to agree with these words. The word has a lexical meaning - its main meaning lies in the root. Knowing the lexical meaning, we can spell the word correctly. The structure of the word will show which morpheme contains the spelling. A word, in addition to its lexical meaning, also has a grammatical meaning, which is indicated by the ending of the modified parts of speech. Knowing the part of speech, we can apply the rule correctly. In order to know the meaning, origin of a word, and correctly divide it into morphemes, it is necessary to refer to reference literature.

Russian language The Russian language is the national language of the Russian people, one of the richest languages ​​in the world. Writer K.G. Paustovsky, emphasizing the richness of the Russian language, noted that “for everything that exists in nature, the Russian language has a great many good words and names.”

We know what a passionate linguist and hereditary linguist you are, so there’s nowhere to go. Instead of funny posts about girls and sex, we have to post all sorts of sad philological essays every now and then. Today's topic is “Language as a syncretic formation.” Rejoice!

In addition to CHIPS, dear reader, do you read any other entertaining literature? For example, Federal Law Russian Federation dated June 1, 2005 No. 53-FZ “On the state language of the Russian Federation”? It's so nice to open it on a rainy autumn day, sitting in front of the fireplace, and read something life-affirming! For example:

"When using the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, the use of words and expressions that do not correspond to the norms of modern Russian is not allowed literary language, with the exception of foreign words, which have no commonly used analogues in the Russian language."

True, it does not indicate what exactly should be done with the adversaries who dared to spoil our wonderful language with some kind of “all the salesmen of the department came to my place,” but, we believe, there are still plenty of lanterns convenient for hanging on the streets.

And the deputies, the creators of the law, explained why all this is necessary - to “form careful attitude to the Russian language as state language Russian Federation, preserving its identity, wealth and purity." Gold words. There's just a small problem. Namely: when it comes to language, the concepts of “wealth” and “purity” are contradictory requirements. Not to mention “originality”.

Real original languages ​​are found in nature. For example, one can recall the Negidal language or, say, the languages ​​of some Amazonian tribes cut off from the world (for example, the Yagua). But the trouble is that these languages ​​usually only have a few thousand words, and there are generally a few hundred words in use. (The greatest work that was written in this language consists mainly of the refrain “Uy-yah, what a huge fish!”.)

All other languages ​​are like voracious amoebas, which constantly grow, change and chop off pieces of flesh from each other, immediately integrating them into their body in the first suitable place, due to which they turn into fantastically complex structures that are difficult to account for, control and language rules. These rules should follow them, only having time to record all sorts of innovations with which their ward acquires.

The younger the language, the more unpredictable and flexible it is. With age, the tongue loses its former flexibility of members: nailed down by the pegs of dictionaries and literary works created on its basis, it no longer sits on the splits as easily as before. But since the language is still Living being, then continues to change.

And now the English read Shakespeare with a dictionary, and Chaucer in translation; the French do not understand a word of the “Song of Roland”, and the Germans raise their eyebrows in bewilderment at the sight of the Gothic font.

Anyone who is saddened by these changes can console himself by remembering Latin and ancient Greek. These languages ​​will never change. You can delve into them with scalpels and tweezers, analyze them according to all the laws of science, create sets of rules and indisputable norms... And everything will be fine, since these languages ​​have long been corpses. Not a single person in the world speaks them, and therefore nothing can harm their purity, wealth and originality.

As for the Russian language, attempts to hobble it and put it in order seem especially meaningful if we remember how young it is. Yes, what we consider the Russian language is still a very young creature by linguistic standards. Only a thousand years have passed since it branched off from the common tree of East Slavic languages; only six hundred years ago he separated himself from his closest relatives - Ukrainian and Belarusian; only three hundred years of stable literary use.

And, like any healthy teenager, he has an excellent appetite - he greedily eats everything that comes to hand. If we look at the history of the Russian language, we see a non-stop big lunch menu.

The adventures of Yus small and Yus big

In general, the origin of languages ​​is a vague and controversial subject. But it is traditionally believed that Russian, as one of the descendants of the Proto-Slavic language, comes from the so-called Indo-European proto-language, in which several million of our common ancestors with the Indians, English and other Persians, who wandered back and forth across Eurasia and thought, seemed to speak with Why should they start culture and history?

Some signs of those ancient eras remain in the Russian language, and many scientists see them, for example, in Yus Big and Yus Small.

These letters were once in both the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabet, but have not been used in the Russian language for nine hundred years. Because we stopped pronouncing the sounds they meant.

Yus big was pronounced something like “he” if you said it through your nose.

Yus small - like “en”, also in the gundosing version.

Then Russian citizens abandoned this gundezh and began to say “u” instead of “he”, and together “en” - “ya”*.

*Funtik's note:
"But not everywhere. In some places this norm has still remained. For example, we say “time”, but “times”; “udder”, but “udder”; “flame”, but “fiery”. And we give two grades to schoolchildren who they write “fiery,” although from a logical point of view they are doing exactly the right thing.”

And now we often don’t notice what we use in our speech ancient words Indo-European language, which remained in other languages. But if you start going through our words with the letters “u” and “ya”, substituting “he” and “en” in their place, then from time to time it turns out something that will take your breath away.

And by the way, the word “I” was previously pronounced as “yon”. Everything is correct: our ancestors usually spoke about themselves and their interlocutors in the third person, and this tradition has been partially preserved to this day.

“Let Mr. Constable not deign to worry. Makarka will do everything, he’s fast!”

Full agreement and disagreement

Businessmen who love to emphasize their own patriotism love to use ligature and “antique” words on the labels of their products: “Golden Gate”, “Capital City”, “Patterned Plat”. All this seems terribly ancient, primordial and truly Russian to them. And completely in vain. The Russian language, being for a long time one of the East Slavic dialects, just kicked out of all these “grads” and “plats” as best it could. They spoke in shortened forms of words, focusing on “a”, precisely those citizens who did not recognize the Russian dialect, considering it the language of rural black people. Because the characteristic difference between the Old Russian language and the Old Church Slavonic was full consonance and a great love for the letter “o”.

The Slavs said “darkness”, our ancestors said “trouble”. “Not “dust”, but “gunpowder”; not “rook”, but “boat”; not “enemy”, but “enemy”; not “brada”, but “beard”. And for a very long time, the Russian language was not considered something decent among noble and educated people. The Church, for example, until recently did not want to recognize it and still uses not Russian, but Church Slavonic.

Well, we still have a latent feeling that Slavisms are something beautiful and solemn. “Cold” and “gladness” sound more pathetic than “cold” and “hunger,” “temple” sounds more holier than the “choir” that smacks of philistinism. And in some cases, Slavicisms completely replaced traditional Russian pronunciation. A modern reader, for example, will have to figure out for a long time who a “konunz” is - he will quickly remember the “konung” than the “prince.” “Borot” has been permanently replaced in our language by “brother”, and when we hear the word “Bologoe”, only swamps come to mind, without any benefit.

In a good way, if we are going to save the Russian language from alien abominations, then we need to start with the Slavicisms as the oldest residents on our territory.

Some skeptics who tried to suggest that “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign” is not the most important work of genius in Russian literature, but a forgery of the 19th century, had to fall silent dejectedly after a thorough analysis showed that no forgery could contain such a quantity inaccuracies, incomprehensibility and seemingly complete gobbledygook. Wise philologists struggled for two hundred years to decipher the text, which had been rewritten many times by careless scribes, but there were still a lot of dark places. Until Olzhas Suleimenov got down to business. He is generally a wonderful scientist, but the most wonderful thing about Suleimenov was that he is a Kazakh and a specialist in Turkic dialects. Suleimenov proved that the greatest literary monument Ancient Rus' half written in slang that would make modern deputies swoon from their leadership chairs.

*Funtik’s note: “Translated something like this: “I missed this inexperienced player twice, but then I was lucky enough to land a very strong blow. I killed him and robbed his corpse.”

For example, translators cried for a long time over the phrase about Prince Vseslav, who “from Kyiv took the risk to the chickens of Tmutorokan.” Doriskashe - he galloped, of course. Tmutorokan was such a city. But why the local chickens surrendered to Vseslav was a great mystery until the Turkist Suleimenov pointed out that in Polovtsian “chickens” meant “walls”.

But the mysterious “goraz bird,” which in the text was supposed to not escape God’s judgment, turned out to be the Turkic “goraz” - a rooster.

“Skinny Tulas” who showered Svyatoslav with pearls in his prophetic dream, have long been translated as “skinny quivers,” although common sense and suggested that the picture was somehow strange. But it was worth remembering that “tul” among the Turks means “widow” - and everything took on an understandable form.

Or, say, the famous “wilds of Kisan”, which drove crazy researchers for a hundred years, who already managed to invent the city of Kisan in Rus' and surround it with dense forests... It’s just a shame that among the Kazakhs “debir kisan” still means “iron shackles” "

Of course, only those Turkic words and phrases that the Russian language has not digested and assimilated cause misunderstanding among modern readers and scientists, but their number is very small compared to those that it has successfully consumed. According to various estimates, from three to five percent of the words in the modern Russian dictionary are of Turkic origin, for example: pencil, head, shoe, book, iron, raisin, arshin, armyak, coachman...

Who there wants to fight for the purity of their native dialect? We take a saw and cut it.

Greek grammar

But if we’re going to tackle cleanliness and order, we need to start with the basics. How was the grammar of the Russian language created? Do you think that the people themselves first learned to speak Russian, and then began to write down after themselves and thus created the structure of our language? You're wrong. This is a long process, requiring thousands of years, but our young ethnic group did not have such opportunities; we had to hurry. Therefore, starting from the 10th century, tons of Greek manuscripts were brought from Greece to Rus', and highly learned craftsmen translated them as best they could, preserving the entire grammatical structure of the original and not caring in the least about how their grooms, portomoi and maids actually spoke at that time . “Book speech”, by Greek standards of constructing phrases and word combinations, for a long time remained another feature of the upper classes; common people practically did not understand it.

And at the same time Greek language, naturally, enriched us with a generous portion of his own words. There were especially many of them in the church lexicon. Lamp, monk, icon, oil, canon, patriarch and many hundreds of others are purely Greek words. You will need to remember to destroy them during the next spring cleaning.

German tracing papers

The Greeks, having lost Constantinople and fallen under the Turks, ceased to be high-quality bearers of enlightenment, therefore, from the 17th century, this holy place in our Palestines was occupied by the Germans, as well as the Dutch. It got to the point that the very word “German” - “mute”, that is, a foreigner who doesn’t understand a word in Russian - began to designate precisely the worthy representatives of Deutschland, who not only fearlessly came to us themselves, but also regularly supplied them to Russia the fruits taken from their abundant printing presses. These fruits had to be translated, at least for the tsar's libraries, and the translators began to fall into their traditional melancholy, as they often ran into an insurmountable obstacle: there were simply no suitable words and concepts in the Russian language.

And if some “Halstuch” could still be translated like that - “halstuk, that is, neck winding,” then equipping the texts with “arbeitslosigkaits” and “selbstferständigs” was clearly inappropriate. Therefore, the translators came up with a cunning thing: they simply began to copy parts of German words and create similar mutants of a completely Great Russian look. We take, for example, the German word Vorstellung, whatever that rubbish means, and translate it piece by piece. The prefix "for" is "pre". The root “shtell” is “put” in Russian. We chop off, it means “put”. Well, we replace “ung” with a similar ending - “enie”. It turns out to be a “representation”, and let the reader figure out for himself what this means.

A huge number of words ending in “stvo”, “nost” and “enie” in the Russian language are just such tracings from similar German words. But if we didn’t allow all this complex, foggy riffraff to come to us, close the borders and let Russian-speaking people cook in their own juice for five thousand years, then we would have acquired some completely normal Russian words for such concepts. If only they had survived, really.

French campaign

From the middle of the 18th century, the Germans began to slowly lose ground to the French, and by the time of Napoleon’s campaign, educated Russia was singing in chorus in French. Firstly, it was the language of international communication. Secondly, it was the language of the most advanced, scientifically and socially developed society in the world. Thirdly, German uncles and bonnes were hired for the child’s first years of life, and from the age of seven a tutor or governess took charge of him. Only they could give the child a proper idea of ​​good manners - shouldn’t the Baltic Germans trust the uncouth barchuks? (It was considered quite cool to invite a Miss or Mister to a 14-15 year old teenager, but the English were expensive and were considered a scarce commodity.) For almost a hundred years, from the mid-eighteenth to the mid-nineteenth centuries, the Russian nobility spoke French much better than -Russian, and life was arranged in the French way. And having listened to the owners enough, the servants began to chatter somehow in the language of Moliere and Racine.

Now up to fifty percent of the names of items of clothing, home furniture, food and general phenomena of urban life in our country have French origin. Having taken plates from the chest of drawers, cut a loaf of bread, dined on broth and cutlets with mashed potatoes, washed down the whole thing with compote, visited the toilet, put on boots, taken out a coat from the wardrobe and tied a scarf, you leave the house, having practically not met a single real person during this time. Russian noun.

All allright, baby and other distributions

Why do words come into language? Because he has a place for them. Yes, now English has become the absolute linguistic leader of the world, and it had all the prerequisites for this: English-speaking nations were densely settled throughout the planet, dominated the colonies for a long time, and gave the world a huge number of inventions and innovations. But this is not the only thing that makes other languages ​​greedily suck in pieces of English speech. In the absence of a real need, no fashion, no fad can force people to use words they do not need. But, while studying a foreign language “for business,” we unwittingly begin to drag out from it those elements that help us enrich our speech, color it with the subtlest semantic nuances.

Agree, “loser” is not exactly the same as “loser”, but “high guy!” - this is not “hi guys!”

Nowadays, many women call their men “boyfriends,” and the similar “girlfriend” is practically not used. Because “my girlfriend” sounds normal and natural, while women had almost no suitable descriptive definition of the man with whom she regularly dates. “Guy” smacks of eighth grade, “young man” - grandma’s stories, “my man” - an erotic romance novel. So the “boyfriend” had a place to move in and settle down with all the amenities.

Nice news

For the first time in its history, Japanese became the breadwinner of the Russian language. Until now, there have been practically no borrowings from Japanese in Russian, except for the word “cotton wool,” which we picked up at the end of the 18th century, and even then indirectly, through Europeans. All other Japanese words like “sensei”, “sushi”, “sakura”, “kamikaze”, “harakiri” or “origami” were purely Japanese phenomena. But with the growing popularity of Japanese animated series, anime and manga comics, Japanese words attacked youth slang. Today, on forums whose regular audience has not exceeded an average of twenty years, you can come across the following terms.

Nyashka, cute, nya-nya-nya!!!
Literally translated - “Oh, what a pussy, meow-meow!” The Japanese believe that cats do not say “meow”, but “nya-nya”. The word “nyashka” is used mainly in girlish conversations, and means something that should be passionately touched. It could be a hamster, Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, or a skinny boy with big eyes and a penis.

"Beautiful, good, correct." Example: “MAXIM is the cutest men’s magazine.”

Nek and neka "Neko" is Japanese for "cat". Also, “nekami” refers to characters often found in manga: boys and girls with cat ears. In the commonly used sense, “nek” is any small or cute male creature, “neka” is female. Example: “In this photo we see the two main neks of the country in the kawaii hall of the cute Kremlin.”

Hickey From Japanese word"hikikomori", which can be translated as "sociopath". Hickeys are moody, unpredictable creatures who hate other people. Example: “Hitler was a famous hickey.”

Sugoi “Cool, cool!” There is also the adjective “sugoiny”. It implies the presence of a certain “suffering strength”, “beauty of destruction” and other samurai spirit. Often contrasted with the word "kawaii". Example: “If you crash into a pole at a speed of one hundred and fifty, it will be sugoi, but never kawaii.”

Epilogue. Goats can be found even in Sweden

In fact, protecting your native language is just as much useful activity, how to run along the shore and remind the fish of the dangers of too long sea swimming.

The tongue, fortunately, lives on its own, and attempts to trim it, surround it with a fence and dry it up are doomed to failure. He takes what he wants; throws away what he is tired of; he quickly forgets and remembers for a long time.

He can happily play with, for example, scumbag vocabulary or hippie language, but if he does not find any benefit in this food, he will play enough of it and soon turn it into boring, old-fashioned nonsense. It will sound differently in the mouth of a professor, a gopnik, a resident of Malakhovka or Brighton Beach, because he loves variety: he needs it for development. You can be horrified, indignant, or beg him to behave decently - he will not hear you.

Why are laws to protect language now being adopted not only in Russia, but also in France, China, Scandinavia and many other countries concerned about the dominance of foreign words in their press, literature and culture? Because powerful intellects are born in different nations and peoples, naturally.

What do we know about the Russian language


Russian language teachers

Bukhanova A.M.

MBOU "Secondary school No. 19 named after L.A. Popugaeva"

Udachny RS (Yakutia)

Fourth of September. Classwork. What do we know about the Russian language.

Modern Russian literary language– this is a standardized language.

The pronunciation of words, the choice of words and the use of grammatical forms, the construction of sentences in a literary language are subject to certain rules or norms.

The basic norms of the literary language were determined by the dialect of Moscow.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, Moscow became the political, economic and cultural center of the country.

The Moscow dialect is characterized by the merging of two main adverbs of our language: northern (for example: plosive [G] and hard [T] in the endings of the 3rd person of verbs) and southern (akanie).

Working with the textbook:

page 6, exercise 6

(1 – orally; 2 – in writing).

Russian language is the national language of the Russian people, the language of the Russian nation.


  • East Slavic languages ​​(Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian);
  • West Slavic languages ​​(Polish, Czech, Slovak, Kashubian, Lusatian);
  • South Slavic languages ​​(Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian).

Russian language – language of interethnic communication.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the Russian language, the native language of the Russian people, is the state language.

Russian language– one of 6 world languages.

Languages ​​of the world:







  • - English; - Spanish; - French; - Portuguese; - Chinese; - Russian.
  • - English; - Spanish; - French; - Portuguese; - Chinese; - Russian.

Russian language– one of the richest languages ​​of the world.

The richness and expressiveness of the Russian language was noted by many cultural figures.

Working with the textbook :

p.6, exercise 7.

A.I.Kuprin: “Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. Therefore, studying and preserving the Russian language is not an idle activity because there is nothing to do, but an urgent necessity.”

L.V.Shcherba: “Every language reflects the culture of the people who speak it.”


Ex. 7 – 1 text by heart;

ZSP-3 on page 7 – in writing.

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One of the most complex and multifaceted in the world. It is spoken by a huge number of people in almost all corners of our planet. It is the sixth largest speaker and the eighth largest native speaker. How much do we know about our native language? I propose to get acquainted with 20 interesting facts about him.

Fact 1

In Russian, almost all words with the first letter “A” are borrowed. There are very few words starting with “A” that originated with us in modern use - “AZBUKA”, “AZ” and “AVOS”.

Fact 2

“X” in the Old Russian alphabet had the name “XER”. This is where the derivative “FUCK IT” came from. This meant crossing out something with a cross. But over time, it acquired a familiar meaning for us, such as “LOSE” or “SPOIL”.

Fact 3

There are words in the Russian language with three “E”s in a row. There are only two of them - the exotic “SNEEEEDER” and “LONG-NECKED”.

Fact 4

In Rus', until the 19th century, all indecent words were called absurd verbs. “Beauty” meant beauty and grace, and “ridiculous” was the opposite of beauty, that is, its antonym.

Fact 5

The longest frequently used word in our language has 14 letters. By the way, it is both a union and at the same time. It is "ACCORDINGLY".

Fact 6

English learners of Russian have their own secret for remembering the sentence “I LOVE YOU”. They use a similar phrase in their language, "YELLOW BLUE BUS", literally translated as "yellow-blue bus".

Fact 7

Our alphabet is quite strange. Some letters in it are similar to Latin ones. But others, although they are written the same way, sound completely different. There are also two letters that cannot be pronounced at all, they do not have their own sounds - these are hard and soft signs.

Fact 8

In our language there are words whose first letter is “Y”. Many people remember only “YODINE”, “YOGA”, “YOSHKAR-OLA”. And there are already 74 of them.

Fact 9

There are words starting with the letter “Y”. True, they are used only as names of cities and rivers located in Russia: YLYMAKH, YNAKHSYT, YTYK-KEEL.

Fact 10

Surprisingly, we have one word where “O” is used as many as seven times. This is "DEFENSE CAPABILITY".

Fact 11

Russian in this moment owned by 260 million people. On the Internet it is the second most popular, second only to English.

Fact 12

Since 2009, the Ministry of Education has legalized the admissibility of using the word “COFFEE” in both the masculine and neuter gender.

Fact 13

The word "BABA" has now become slang. But before, being one was considered an honor. Moreover, this title had to be earned. Baba is a woman who gave birth to a son (namely a son, not a daughter).

Fact 14

The word "HOOLIGAN" has no meaning at all Russian origin. It arose on behalf of the English family Haligan, whose members were distinguished by their violent disposition.

Fact 15

The letter "Yo" is the youngest in the alphabet. It appeared only in 1873.

Fact 16

It was in Russian that the first words were spoken in space. By whom? Of course, Yuri Gagarin.

Fact 17

In 1993, the Guinness Book of Records recorded the longest word in our native language - “X-RAY ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC”. It has 33 letters.

Fact 18

The human hand is not only an important part of the body. They like to “use” it in many stable expressions in the Russian language: “Carry on your hands”, “Hands itch”, “Hand in hand”.

Fact 19

In the Old Church Slavonic language, “I” was the very first letter of the alphabet.

Fact 20

In the 18th century, the exclamation mark was called the point of surprise.

And with this we will put a bold point of surprise. Develop, study (including thanks to) and love your native language!

If you know any other Interesting Facts, don’t be greedy, share them with others in the comments to this article.


Lesson topic: What do we know about the Russian language. Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge Learning objectives of the lesson: Explain to students that the Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world, rich and expressive; our task is to take care of it; give an idea of ​​the language developing phenomenon, O different forms its existence, the origin of the native language, its place among other languages. developing: To give an idea of ​​the place of the Russian language among other Slavic languages, to introduce the creator of Russian linguistics M.V. Lomonosov. educational: continue to instill love and respect for the native language, developing a patriotic attitude towards the language, a sense of pride in the native language and awareness of its greatness and power; expand students' horizons with ideas about the connection of words with material culture and the spiritual life of man. Methods and techniques: explanatory and illustrative (teacher's words, work with a textbook, exercises). Educational technologies health conservation; ­ problem-based learning

5. Lesson summary (reflection). 6. Homework Progress of the lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Organizational moment (motivation for educational activities) The purpose of the stage: inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level. Greeting, checking readiness for a lesson, organizing children's attention. Good afternoon, guys! You have three emoticons on the tables, choose the one that matches your mood. How many smiles lit up. Thank you! They smiled at each other. The teachers greeted them and checked their readiness for the lesson. Choose an emoticon and show your mood. UUD Personal UUD: formation of an emotional mood for the lesson. Communicative UUD: interaction with the teacher. Regulatory UUD: forecasting - anticipation of the result and level of mastery of the material. II.Updating knowledge. The purpose of the stage: repetition of the studied material necessary to “discover new knowledge” and identify difficulties in the individual activities of each student. Intrigue Let's summarize, why does a person need language?

They give answer 1. Language allows people to think. You cannot think without language, without words, without sentences. “What will you say, dumb ones? Don't they think?" 2 Language allows people to communicate thoughts to each other. 3. Language allows people to live in society; only in society do people master a language. 4. Language allows people to enjoy its beauty Personal: acquire motives for learning activities and understand the personal meaning of learning. Regulatory: in dialogue with the teacher, they determine the degree of success in completing their work and the work of the class, based on existing criteria; understand the reasons for their failure and find ways out of this situation. Cognitive: independently Announcing the topic of the lesson. Let's write down the topic, class work, epigraph. Refers to the term “epigraph” (a phrase before a work, chapter, explaining the idea, the meaning of the text). . Students write down the epigraph in L. V. Shcherba’s notebook: “Every language reflects the culture of the people who speak it.” suggest what information is needed to solve a subject educational task in several steps."and the algorithm for its determination. Intrigue Listen III. Conversation about the Russian language. It is reported that scientists know of many cases where children grew up among animals, as in the fairy tale of the American writer Kipling “Mowgli”. But it is only in a fairy tale that a child who has lived for many years among animals can freely use human language! This doesn't happen in life. If a child grows up not with people, but in a pack of animals, then he will never learn to speak. For example, in 1920, two girls were found in the jungle in a wolf's den, who lived there for quite a long time. Not only did they not know how to talk, but they behaved like real animals: they crawled quickly on all fours, growled, ate only raw meat, and saw well in the dark. Over the years of living among people, the girls were never able to learn to speak freely and do what a child can already do at four years old. They give Personal answers: they accept and master the social roles of students, acquire motives for learning activities and understand the personal meaning of learning. Regulatory: in dialogue with the teacher, they determine the degree of success in completing their work and the work of the class, based on existing criteria; understand the reasons for their failure and find ways out of this situation. Cognitive: independently guess what information is needed to solve a subject educational task in several steps.

– Why do you think this happened? – The peoples of the world speak hundreds of languages. What languages ​​do you know? The Russian language is the national language of the Russian people, one of the richest languages ​​in the world. The writer K. Paustovsky, emphasizing the richness of the Russian language, noted that “for everything that exists in nature, the Russian language has a great many good words and names.” The word must be treated with care. The poet V. Shefner wrote: With a word you can kill, with a word you can save, With a word you can lead regiments. – How do you understand these words? – And here’s how the people expressed this thought in proverbs and sayings about language (2-3 proverbs are written in notebooks): The human word is sharper than an arrow. The wind destroys mountains, the word raises nations. For a great deed - a great word. The tongue is small, but does great things. Good speech is good to listen to. An affectionate word makes a bone ache. Draw a conclusion Students give answers Proverbs Give examples, reveal the meaning of proverbs.

IV. Solving the problem of the origin of language. Teacher. Have you ever thought about how language originated? – More complete and systematized information on the problem of the origin of language will be provided to us by students who independently prepared messages, having previously conducted “scientific research.” Questions are written on the board that will make it easier for students to perceive the message material and help them follow the content and sequence of presentation for subsequent brief information or retelling. I draw the children’s attention to these questions: 1. Hypotheses of the origin of human language, known to you. 2. Why has the theory of the social origin of language received the greatest recognition? Who is its author? 3. What are the main stages in the evolution of man and his language? 4. What are the conditions for the origin of language? Let's summarize Fizminutka. IV.Primary consolidation. Students think out loud and express their assumptions. Perform simple physical exercises to relieve fatigue in the muscles of the back, arms and legs, as well as exercises to relieve tension in the eye muscles.

The purpose of the stage: pronunciation and consolidation of new knowledge; identify gaps in the primary understanding of the studied material, students’ misconceptions; carry out correction V. Work according to the textbook. 1. Performing exercises 6, 7 (orally) on p. 6. Explain the meaning of the word. 2. Stories about the activities of M.V. Lomonosov (based on material and additional materials selected by students independently).