Strengthening zones according to Feng Shui. Feng Shui of an apartment: attracting all the best

Feng Shui is an ancient science that tells us how to bring all aspects of our lives into a state of balance. By following the principles of this science, you can achieve success in all areas of your activity. No matter how unrealistic it may seem to modern people, practice confirms the effectiveness of Feng Shui.

One of the most important aspects Feng Shui is the correct organization of the space that surrounds us. The location of various zones relative to parts of the world, the materials from which the objects we use are made, the colors of wallpaper and interior items - all this affects us strong impact. If we make an unsuccessful choice, we will experience constant discomfort, get tired quickly and get sick often. Feng Shui can teach you how to attract positive energy into your home, because it is this energy that gives a person vitality.

So, what does a person who wants to change his life need to know about Feng Shui? First of all, we advise you to get acquainted with the Bagua grid. It is a regular octagon, divided into sectors. Each of its nine parts (including central region) has its own meaning and is responsible for a certain area of ​​life. It is important to take into account that the zones are equal in area, which indicates the need to pay equal attention to all areas of their activities. After all, this is the only way to become a harmoniously developed personality.
So, armed with a Bagua grid, and at the same time a compass to determine the cardinal directions, you can begin to work on the furnishings of your home.

How to find the right places for Feng Shui zones in an apartment

The point from which the “counting” of zones begins is the part of the apartment located in the north. The space between the north and north-west directions is considered the first sector in which the energy necessary for successful career growth is most active.

According to Feng Shui, activating the zones of the apartment will help increase the circulation of positive energy, which will allow you to achieve success in various areas. Each zone has its own rules, but there are also general recommendations. Thus, crystals have a beneficial effect: they can be used to decorate walls or interior items.

Of course, it is impossible to bring all zones into exact compliance with Feng Shui recommendations, especially if we are talking about a standard apartment in a multi-story building, and not a home built according to our own plan. Sometimes, to solve the Feng Shui zones of an apartment that arise during the activation process, it makes sense to contact a specialist who will tell you how best to distribute the space. However, to apply the most basic tips, you won’t need to make a global rearrangement.

So, let's find out which zones are responsible for each area of ​​life and how to activate them.


The quarry area is in the north. It is best to decorate it in blue and black colors. If this solution seems too gloomy to you, you can get by with small details: paintings on the walls, vases, figurines, etc. The element of this zone is water, so it would be appropriate to place an indoor fountain or an aquarium here. It is also advisable to decorate this area with the image of a turtle.

If you sometimes work from home, it is best to place your computer and phone in the career area. Things that simply remind you of work will also have a beneficial effect - a souvenir with corporate symbols, a photograph of the team, etc. This will help you move up the career ladder faster.

Knowledge and Wisdom

The northeastern part of the apartment is a zone of knowledge and wisdom. Here it would be most appropriate to place a library or simply put a bookcase. The wisdom zone is the most comfortable for learning or any other mental activity. If you are doing foreign languages, studying history or trying to learn new skills, this is the best place to do it. Objects directly related to the learning process will help activate this zone. But low-grade entertaining literature or piercing and cutting objects negatively affect the energy of the wisdom zone.

Teachers and travel

By activating the Teacher zone, located in the northwestern part of the apartment, you will attract people who can help you cope with difficult life situations. To do this, you need to take care of good lighting in this area. Also positive influence The energy of this zone will be affected by the placement of small figurines depicting gods protecting people: Guin or Ganesha. You can hang photos of your teachers in this area: school teachers or people who helped develop your personality.

In addition, the northwestern sector is responsible for travel. If you have long dreamed of seeing distant countries, decorate the walls with images of landmarks or landscapes. Fits this part apartments and for storing souvenirs brought from abroad.

It is highly undesirable to store images and objects of an erotic nature, as well as any weapons or photographs thereof, in this area.


The eastern part of the home is the family zone. Its proper design will strengthen the attachment of household members to each other, and will avoid quarrels and misunderstandings. According to Feng Shui, the zone is activated by placing family photographs or objects associated with loved ones in it. Gifts from relatives or children's crafts will find their place here.

This zone corresponds to the color green and the element of wood. Flowers or wooden trinkets will attract additional energy here.

It is important to note that in the family area it is strictly forbidden to post photographs of deceased family members, stuffed animals, or dried flowers. Sharp objects or thorny plants in this area will contribute to conflicts in the family, so it is better to avoid them too. It is not recommended to use metal elements in the design of the family area.

Creativity and children

The children's and creativity zone is located in the west. It is necessary to activate it if you have difficulties in understanding with your child, or if you are in search of new ideas. However, even if there is no urgent need, proper design of this sector will improve relationships in the family and help you realize your potential.

When decorating a space, the preferred color is white. Don't forget about lighting, especially if the area is far from windows. Bright lamps will promote more active movement of Qi energy. Children's crafts and drawings will be an ideal decor for the Western sector. House plants or flowers in a vase will fit perfectly into the overall picture. The latter, however, need to be monitored and thrown out before they wither.


Material well-being will help ensure the correct design of the wealth zone located in the southeastern part of the house. Good lighting and the use of red and green colors or details in the interior will help to activate it. Plants with red flowers or Money Tree. Energy and fish will be attracted here: it can be either a drawing or a small figurine, or a real aquarium. Water itself helps attract energy, so if you don’t want to take responsibility for pets, place an indoor fountain in the wealth zone.


The southern part of the house is the glory zone. It is she who determines how your relationships in society will develop. To activate this zone, it is necessary to increase the lighting and use red light in the design. This sector is ideal for storing evidence of your own achievements: diplomas, cups and medals. Placing a wooden figurine of a bird here: a dove or a crane will help you achieve a good position in society.


The southwestern sector is responsible for love and marriage. Its characteristic color is yellow, and the corresponding element is earth. A photograph with a loved one or something reminiscent of the object of admiration will find a place here. A pair of candles, preferably red and white, stimulates the movement of energy here. Romantic souvenirs, objects decorated with the Ying-Yang symbol, various toys for adults - all this has a place in the love sector. But symbols of loneliness and objects that evoke sad memories should be removed from here.


The central part of the house unites all the others. It primarily affects your health - after all, it will be difficult for a sick person to achieve success in any area of ​​activity. Objects made of wood will help to activate this zone, because this element is the key here. It would be great if the layout of the apartment allows you to put a table here. It can be decorated with a porcelain figurine depicting fruits (an odd number is required). A basket of real fruit wouldn't go amiss either. And various crystals will help attract here a large number of Qi energy and direct it to all other sectors.

It is the center of the house that is best suited for family communication, discussing common matters and simply having a good time.

Separate rooms

Every person who decides to organize their living space according to the rules of Feng Shui has a choice whether to do this for the entire apartment, or to limit it to one room. Either way, this approach will improve all areas of your life. You can apply the principles of Feng Shui even when organizing a single desktop, and this will yield results!

The most important thing is to maintain order and not place objects in different areas that are unfavorable for them. This will allow you to maintain a sense of harmony for a long time.

What to do with the impossibility of properly organizing zones?

If you are not sure that the layout of your home allows you to take into account all the requirements listed in this article, do not despair. Following even part of the recommendations will affect your well-being. And you can solve very complex problems by consulting a Feng Shui master. A specialist who knows all the intricacies of this teaching will be able to find a way out even in the case of the most non-standard layout.

Even in ancient times, the Chinese discovered that how objects are located in a home, and how well it is equipped, this can be projected onto some of our spheres of life. For a career, for love, for cash flow in our lives. Thus, the teaching of Feng Shui began to emerge. And now his rules and recommendations are followed by many people all over the world, everyone wants what the Feng Shui of an apartment should be like, so that all the necessary energies flow in the space in the right way.

And Feng Shui of an apartment, this branch of science, is able to tell homeowners how to organize the space and interior items in it so that it is for the benefit of all residents.


Feng Shui zones in an apartment are divided similarly to the sector divisions on the Ba Gua octagon, and this is one of the main concepts of Feng Shui in an apartment. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, you can change your life or one of its aspects simply by activating the desired sector in the space of your home. But for proper activation, you also need to know where exactly you have certain Feng Shui zones in your apartment. There are many determination methods, and one of them is based on the schematic plan of your apartment. And for this it is not at all necessary to call a specialist and pay him money, you can do it yourself.

The apartment plan should indicate all the rooms; only a balcony and a loggia will not be needed. Now you need to determine which part of the world the windows of your apartment face. After this, the Ba-Gua octagon is taken and applied to the apartment plan in a mirror ratio. For example, if the windows face north, then connect the wall on the plan with the south of the octagon. Now, thanks to this grid, you can see all the Feng Shui zones in the apartment.

And it doesn’t matter whether you want to organize Feng Shui zones in a one-room apartment, house or office, the principle of determination will be the same. After all, a one-room apartment can be organized no less comfortably than an apartment with many rooms. The number of rooms does not in any way affect either love or finances in your life, but the correct energy setting of the home can have an impact.

Feng Shui of a one-room apartment should be organized based on the element to which the person belongs. The element is easily determined; for this, the last number of the year of birth is taken, it is this that indicates a person’s belonging to the elements of water, earth, air and fire.

Feng Shui apartment number

Feng Shui and the science of numerology are very closely related. And the apartment number, like the number of housing, plays far enough important role in the energy determination of housing potential. In order to find out what your apartment number means according to Feng Shui, just add up all the digits of your number until you get a single digit number, and then turn to numerology and look at the decoding.

Indeed, in ancient times, many people paid a lot of attention to everything that could relate to their habitat. And such an influence can be felt by everyone crossing the thresholds of different apartment numbers. And even better, live for some time with one number, and then with another. After this, you will not say that the apartment number according to Feng Shui is empty chatter.

Once you have determined where the wealth zone of the apartment is in Feng Shui, it should be properly activated. The wealth zone always occupies the south-eastern part of the apartment. This is done so that the energy of abundance can freely come to this sector and pass through it without obstacles. To achieve this, there should be no stagnation in this sector. Frequent ventilation and cleaning should become a habit. It’s good if you can place an aquarium with fish in this place. Indoor flowers with a large number of petals are also considered mandatory; a money tree is ideal, but other similar ones are also possible. Crystals or stone pyramids will also contribute to the accumulation of energy in this zone.
But the undesirable objects in this zone are triangles, candles, objects of red or orange colors and other things that symbolize fire. After all, the element of money is water, and fire can weaken it. Therefore, for a Feng Shui apartment, the wealth zone should always be under close attention.

After you have drawn up a Feng Shui diagram of your apartment, you now know what needs to be activated and in which direction. In addition to the previously described location of the sectors, a Feng Shui diagram of the apartment can also be drawn up using a compass and determining the relationship of each room to parts of the world. Many people use Feng Shui to design an apartment when remodeling or renovating it to change or adjust everything if necessary. After all, even rearranging furniture and changing the lighting of a particular room can contribute to a different flow of energy. And knowing that the north is responsible for career, the south for fulfillment, the west is the sector of children and creativity, and the east determines health will help you quickly focus on a particular Feng Shui zone of the apartment.

And a special place in the feng shui of an apartment is paintings, because we often succumb to the temptation to decorate our homes with them. And there are some rules for their placement according to the teachings of Feng Shui. It is better to decorate apartments where there is a child, and accordingly the children’s room, with a painting in the colors that are the child’s favorite. It is better to decorate the bedroom with calm landscapes that evoke a feeling of peace and measured life.

It is strongly advised not to hang pictures on every wall, and it is also better to avoid images of predators, poverty, destroyed houses or broken trees. This can negatively affect the aura in the house and destroy the existing comfort and mutual understanding of the residents. When choosing any picture, be sure to listen to your inner feelings; if the image evokes harmony and a smile, then it will also influence your home.


And organizing the space in your home in accordance with the canons of ancient Chinese philosophy can significantly improve your life. Let's talk about how to do this.

How to determine zones by cardinal directions

Zones are determined using a compass and a floor plan. You need to put the cardinal directions on it and draw out the space in accordance with them.

The fastest and easiest way to do this:

  1. Determine where north is in your apartment - this is the starting point for the subsequent division of space.
  2. Draw a schematic plan of the apartment and mark all cardinal directions on it. Then divide from the center into nine equal parts.
  3. Ready! You can begin to activate each zone of the apartment and organize the space in them.

What each sector of space is responsible for:

  1. Northeast is the zone of wisdom and knowledge. An office or work area should be located here. The spirit of education reigns in this space, so it is most suitable for study and self-development.
  2. The northwest is the zone of helpers and travel. Proper organization of space ensures that in any difficult moment of life you will have a strong patron who will help solve all problems and get out of the crisis.
  3. The East is the family zone. She is responsible for healthy relationships between household members, their well-being - physical and mental. Helps keep marriage bonds strong, live in happiness and harmony.
  4. The West is a zone of children and creativity. Ideal for placement. If you organize the space correctly, children will grow and develop harmoniously, love to learn and will always please their parents with their successes.
  5. Southeast - one of the most important parts of the apartment. How the space will be organized here directly affects financial wealth and material well-being. Money is also energy that needs to be activated.
  6. South is the zone of glory, which is responsible for social status and the realization of man in society. If you activate it, you will never have problems communicating with people, your opinion will be valued, and your authority will become unquestionable.
  7. The southwest is the zone of love and marriage. It is very important to pay attention to this area for people who are still single and have not met their soulmate. By organizing your space, you increase your chances of finding happy and harmonious relationships and activate the flow of sexual energy.
  8. The center of the apartment is the health zone. She is responsible for the well-being of everyone who lives in the house. Not only for health, but also for physical attractiveness. It is with the organization of space in this sector that you need to start first.

The layout of modern apartments is not always successful from the point of view. The money zone, for example, may be located in the location of the bathroom, which is extremely unfavorable. If you do not use special Chinese talismans, money will literally flow down the toilet.

Let's talk about how to use and activate all zones correctly.

Activation of sectors of space

In order for energy to circulate in space and fill the premises, it is important to correctly activate each sector and eliminate negative factors.

  1. To activate the career zone, place office equipment in it - here you can put a computer, a landline telephone, place photos with colleagues and superiors. Objects symbolizing the energy of water also have a beneficial effect on the sector.
  2. There should be sufficiently bright lighting in the zone of wisdom and knowledge. Make sure there is more than enough light in the space. If little daylight penetrates into the room, install additional lamps with powerful lamps.
  3. To activate the assistants and travel zone, place photos with your close friends in it. Hang pictures of people you consider to be your spiritual guides on your walls. You can also hang a wish map here, on which you have marked the places you dream of visiting.
  4. Remove all antiques from the family area, metal objects and photographs of deceased relatives. Fill the space with life indoor plants and colorful images of natural landscapes.
  5. Decorate the children's and creativity area with bright accents. Make sure there is bright lighting, place amulets everywhere, and hang your children’s drawings or some of their crafts on the walls.
  6. To activate the wealth zone, place special money talismans there. This sector is protected by the energy of water, so you can place objects that symbolize it. The perfect solution- an aquarium or indoor fountain.
  7. In the glory zone it is better to put all kinds of certificates, diplomas, awards and cups that you received. All kinds of figurines made of natural stone activate energy.
  8. In the love zone you need to place paired objects: figurines of animals, angels, candles, hearts, soft toys. Bird figurines have a very good effect on the energy situation.
  9. A bright crystal chandelier must be located in the center of the health zone. If this is a dining room or living room, place a table under a light source where the family will gather.

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In this article you will learn:

If you follow the teachings of Feng Shui, the zones are responsible for 9 vital aspects. They are calculated individually for each person and displayed in the Bagua grid. In accordance with the sectors, you can decorate your apartment, then you will be able to establish happiness in life, in all its aspects.

Method for determining zones using the Bagua grid

Using the Bagua grid helps identify zones. This is a polygon that has a regular shape. Each side geometric figure corresponds to a trigram. According to an ancient legend, in ancient times a large turtle swam ashore. A divine message was inscribed on her back: how the trigrams are arranged. But not all people understood these signs. The message was deciphered by Fu Xi, a sage, and since then humanity has been using this knowledge for its well-being.

9 sectors are responsible for areas of life. Equal in size, according to Feng Shui, zones, the description and activation of which are important, help influence the flow of life. Using the Bagua map, you can track how Qi energy affects certain areas in personal and work relationships.

To design sectors in an apartment or house according to Eastern teachings, you need to find out where they are located. You should take a compass, a Bagua map and a scale diagram of the apartment.

Since the areas in the Bagua grid are distributed according to the cardinal directions, use a compass to determine where north is in the living space. It can be considered a starting point. The apartment layout is divided into 9 equal-sized parts. The northern area on the compass and the north on the plan need to be combined - at this point the Career sector is located. Other directions are easy to establish by looking at the Bagua and the compass.

The important point is to give places the power of activity. This way, targeting these areas will help you see the benefits. Universal methods include the placement of crystalline objects that accumulate and redistribute Qi energy. These products create flows throughout the living space. But there are also subtleties taking into account each sector.

Career Zone

According to Feng Shui for the home, the Career zone is in the north. To activate it, strong lighting and wind chimes are important. The main element of this sphere is watery, the shades are dark.

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Interior items that a person chooses for this sector must represent an element that meets astrological sign and Gua number. For example, those who want a promotion should put a small fountain in this area of ​​the apartment. To reinforce your success, you can use a photograph or painting depicting calmly flowing water. A souvenir of a turtle, a representative of the water element, supports people in career advancement.

You can improve the Career zone for faster career advancement thanks to office equipment and photographs of your team of employees.

Zone of Wisdom and Learning

According to Feng Shui, the zones of Wisdom and Learning are indicated by the earth element and the color beige. This sphere is located in the northeast of the living area. This is a good place to set up an office or library. This is due to the fact that the learning process takes place well in this zone.

The mind is activated in this sector. A person manages to achieve success in all endeavors. Any matters are resolved faster, and then there is time for rest.

What can interfere with the flow of the necessary energy: cutting things with sharp edges, entertainment magazines, all things that can represent troubles and problems.

Travel and Mentor Zone

The main elements of this Feng Shui zone in the apartment should be made of metal. The color of this sphere is light.

The region is in the northwest. Often, the zone that is responsible for travel, flights and trips is also called the Teacher’s sector. Because when it is activated, a Helper (Teacher) appears, capable of orienting thoughts in the right direction, especially in eventful life moments.

It is important to provide enhanced lighting in this area and place figurines of selected deities.

Activate beneficial influence sector, a personal talisman helps with travel and flights. In addition, it is worth adding photographs of the places and attractions that a person wants to see.

This sector requires the placement of other symbols: photographs of people, transport - ships, trains, planes, cars.

Family Zone

This area is in the east. The main element is woody, green color. This sphere symbolizes close relationships between family members and has an impact on health.

With the help of the Bagua octagon, you can improve family ties and eliminate disagreements and disputes in the family. To do this, you need to place a family photo in this area and provide brighter lighting. It is good to choose landscape paintings, potted plants and things made of wood for this sector.

For the Family zone, metal objects, coins, photographs of deceased relatives and pets, dried flowers, and stuffed animals are contraindicated. If there are inharmonious objects or plants with thorns in the sector, this will lead to constant squabbles between family members. If there are creeping plants or bindweeds in the area, this will lead to intrigue.

Children and Creativity Zone

According to Feng Shui, for this zone of the apartment, located in the west, there are different activation techniques. For example, if there are difficulties in communicating with children, it is worth increasing the lighting and placing objects here that correspond to the sign and number of the child’s Gua.

In the Children and Creativity sector there should be figurines of deities made of bronze, small in weight. You can hang children's drawings or put up clay crafts. It's good to install pots with new plants, but be sure to avoid dried flowers or vases with fading bouquets.

Zone of Wealth and Prosperity

The main element is wood, the colors are red and green. Location - southeast.

This feng shui zone is associated with abundance in life. To strengthen the sector, you need to place a money symbol, objects made of valuable metals, and stones in it. It is worth using a silver vessel filled with clean water.

Fishes are symbols of success. Therefore, you can place fish in a round aquarium - for everyone except representatives of fire signs. Other favorable items: money tree, fountain, potted plant.

What is the Glory Zone responsible for?

According to Feng Shui, red fire elements help activate zones that are responsible for status. The Glory Zone is in the south.

In this place you can put insignia, figurines of birds, for example, pigeons. Stones work well - all except sea ones.

Zone of love and happy marriage

According to Feng Shui, the hue of this zone is yellow, and the element is earth. Location - southwest.

In this direction you can place a photo card with your loved one, objects that evoke tender feelings, 2 candles - light and scarlet. They are designed to personify the feminine and masculine principles.

The sector is suitable for placing paired symbols: doves - for romance in a relationship, tangerines - for happiness, flying insects - for joyful relationships, geese - for fidelity in the family. Here you can also store products that add spice to the intimate side of life: erotic books and magazines, aphrodisiacs, oils and incense.

Single people should place pictures of loving couples in the sector. You cannot leave sharp objects or paintings depicting loners here.

Physical and mental health zone

The Feng Shui health sector is located in the heart of the Bagua grid. The element of this zone is earthy and the colors are orange and sunny. For those who dream of longevity, be sure to bring order to this area. It is necessary that it contains things made of wood, indoor flowers in pots, clay jugs, and green interior items. All this will help improve your health on the mental plane.

In this sector it is worth placing water landscapes, paintings that depict Live nature. Decor with boulders and stones will also fit the theme.

Objects help to activate the Health zone: pine branches, bamboo sticks, peaches in odd numbers, deer and crane figurines.

Eastern teachings recommend bringing bonsai to the eastern part of the Health sector. If there is a table in this area, it is worth placing 5 or 9 porcelain peaches, a figurine or a vase filled with fresh and juicy fruits on it.

The center of the house is also the center of luck and spiritual life. This sector should be well lit and conducive to communication between family members. It is good if in the center of the living room hangs a large chandelier with crystal elements and crystals that reflect light and release favorable flows of Qi energy.

If the zone does not fit into the apartment

Feng Shui zones do not have to occupy entire rooms. Even a table is enough to decorate it with objects that activate certain aspects of life. You can decorate a table or shelf with a metal saucer or an old coin, if these items are favorable for the chosen sector.

The Bagua grid helps to carry out Feng Shui zoning not only throughout the entire space of the home, but also inside the room. You need to do it in the same way: take a compass, find the north of the room, and determine the remaining sectors in accordance with it.

It happens that some areas do not fit into the living space. This is due to modern architectural principles. Not all apartments in new buildings are square in shape. Therefore, if you attach the Bagua grid to the plan, you will see that some sectors are missing. This can be fixed this way: define mini-zones in the rooms and activate them with a little effort.

When there is a risk that sectors are not sufficiently activated, the following must be considered. The action of Bagua takes place not only on the scale of the house. The zones stretch into the distance. With this knowledge in mind, you can carefully look at the direction of each sector outside the walls of the house. For example, to find a loved one, you can often walk towards the Marriage sector. Those who want to move up the career ladder should get up earlier in the morning and walk towards the Career sector. This will serve as additional activation.

Only at first glance can one assume that decorating an apartment according to Feng Shui is difficult. Sometimes it happens that people intuitively do everything correctly, and after analyzing the home taking into account the Bagua grid, it is enough to make small adjustments.

Each room has its own unique energy. If it harmoniously combines with the biofield of the people living there, then everything turns out very well in their destiny. The ancient Chinese philosophical direction of Feng Shui teaches how to properly organize space in order to neutralize the destructive energy of Sha and activate positive Qi.

The problem of energy harmonization is especially relevant for residents of multi-storey buildings and one-room apartments, which are entangled in a network of all kinds of communications and wires.

Feng Shui of an apartment is necessary for normal human life, like food, water, light, air. With its help, you can improve the quality and quantity of Qi energy, the deficiency of which a person strives to obtain at any cost - at work, in the company of friends, in nature, in stores.

Feng Shui has a whole arsenal of tools with which you can attract an additional influx of Qi energy and neutralize the effect of negative Sha. This can be done with the help of mirrors, bells, screens, living pictures, mobiles.

In order to activate Qi energy, it is necessary to find out how the apartment is located relative to the cardinal directions.

Using a compass, you need to determine which direction north is - this is the beginning of marking the room. But it should be borne in mind that in modern multi-story buildings the compass can behave unpredictably. The fact is that the arrow can be affected by metal reinforcement that is present in the walls of the building.

Therefore, you can simplify the task using online maps. You need to find your home in Yandex or Google and orient it in relation to parts of the world.

Then you need to calculate the center of the apartment:

  • if its plan has the form of a rectangle or square, then the center will be the intersection of the diagonals;
  • if the apartment has an irregular geometric shape, you need to draw the part missing to the rectangle, then draw the diagonals and calculate the center.

The apartment plan must be divided into nine equal squares.

At the very end of all manipulations, check the marked apartment plan with an online map to determine the true orientation of the living area relative to parts of the world.

Now let's look at the Feng Shui zones in the apartment and how to determine them.

Bagua Grid

You can divide the room into conditional zones, as required by the feng shui of the apartment, using a magic square - Lo Shu or Bagua Grid, which, according to ancient legend, was applied by the gods to the shell of a huge turtle. The meaning of the trigrams was deciphered several thousand years ago by the great sage Fu Xi.

Feng Shui philosophy states that all events that occur in a person’s life can be reduced to nine directions (categories, types, zones). They are collected in a strictly defined order and form a Lo-shu square (Bagua grid). Each of these zones corresponds to a specific area of ​​a person’s life and is responsible for love, health, career, and so on.

The Bagua grid is a regular octagonal figure with a trigram on each side. A sector in the grid corresponds to a specific zone, which, in turn, corresponds to a specific color. It is the Bagua grid that has been used for about 4,000 years to understand the methods of distribution and methods of managing energy in space.

How to determine Feng Shui zones in an apartment? To do this you need:

  • Apply a Bagua grid to the marked apartment plan. The first step is to determine the career zone: combine the north on the apartment plan and the north on the online map.
  • Then, using the Bagua grid as a guide, determine the location of the remaining 8 zones.
  • If the apartment has an irregular shape, then the absence of any zone can be harmonized by strengthening the corresponding sector in the living room (apply a Bagua grid to the plan of this room and determine the location of the corresponding sector in this room).
  • When determining Feng Shui zones in an apartment, it is necessary to take into account that its plan must fit into a square. If the apartment plan is of the wrong configuration, it must be adjusted so that the shape is square. This will help identify missing areas.

General rules of ancient Chinese teaching for living quarters

To harmonize the flow of positive energy in an apartment, activating individual feng shui zones is not enough. The following general rules must also be observed:

  • Regularly maintaining cleanliness and order in each room.
  • It is prohibited to store unnecessary rubbish in front of the entrance to the apartment, as it attracts destructive energy. That is, there should be no brooms, mops, dirty shoes, or rags in the hallway.
  • It is necessary to keep the front door tidy, this will protect your home from evil forces and infiltration by thieves.
  • The size and cleanliness of windows plays a big role in Feng Shui. If they are large, this facilitates the unhindered penetration of Qi energy into the room; dust and dirt indicate the accumulation of negative Sha. There should be no bars, blinds, or heavy curtains on the windows.
  • You shouldn’t clutter your windowsill with a huge number of flower pots; you can limit yourself to a few healthy and beautiful plants.
  • In the room itself, Qi energy must circulate unhindered; for this, it is necessary to clear the room from unnecessary things from time to time.
  • Old and broken objects accumulate negativity, so you should periodically clean up your closets, kitchen shelves, and desk drawers.
  • A lot of old, expired cosmetics and medicines often accumulate in the cosmetic bag and in the home medicine cabinet, which urgently need to be disposed of.
  • Rearranging objects in rooms prevents stagnation of negative energy. In this case, you don’t have to move the furniture; it’s enough to rearrange 27 objects in the apartment, for example, vases and photo frames, books and paintings.
  • A large accumulation of books attracts negative energy. It can be dispelled by rearranging the books on the shelves and wiping them with a cloth soaked in a salt solution, which destroys mental impurities.
  • It is necessary to keep the toilet and bathroom in perfect condition.
  • To ensure that there is always money in the family, you need to close the door to the toilet and bathroom, and also always keep the toilet lid closed.
  • Leakage of the flush barrel or faucet must be eliminated immediately, since this malfunction will provoke an outflow of well-being from the family.
  • The apartment should be brightly lit, burnt out light bulbs should be immediately replaced with working ones.
  • Periodically use aromatic lamps and candles, this attracts positive energy into the room.

How can you strengthen Feng Shui zones?

For the ancient Chinese teaching to work in full force, it is necessary to strengthen some sectors in the apartment. According to Feng Shui, their activation occurs by placing certain objects that attract Qi energy in each specific zone. For example, to strengthen the wealth sector, it is necessary to install an aquarium in the southeast, Chinese money on a red ribbon.

But the main rule is not to overdo it. It is enough to activate several, but the most important zones at a given time. For example, health, wealth and career.

The effect of this will be large-scale and will affect all areas of life.

Activating zones is a way to improve certain areas of our lives and change the energy field of the apartment.

So, how can you strengthen the Feng Shui sectors in your apartment?

Determining and activating feng shui sectors is important when studying the methods of influencing objects on human life. But a significant impact on our lives, according to ancient teaching, are also influenced by other factors, for example, what the front door to the home looks like, what number the apartment has, or what color its walls are painted. Let’s consider additional aspects that will allow you to harmoniously organize the space and arrange the “right apartment” according to Feng Shui.

Entrance door

It plays a huge role in the process of circulating positive energy, since it is she who opens the way for it into the house.

Tips on how the front door should look correctly according to Feng Shui:

  • In order for vital energy to freely enter the living space, the door must open inward.
  • It must be solid and, most importantly, reliable.
  • The optimal size of the entrance door is medium size. Too small will provoke quarrels in the family, too large - financial problems.
  • The door should not creak or be difficult to open.
  • She must be beautiful, since it is believed that with beauty comes harmony into the house.

The color of the door also matters: brown brings harmony to family relationships, red - stabilizes them.

Above the entrance you can hang symbolic attributes: “wind chimes” (there must be 7 or 9 tubes), a bunch of Chinese coins, a small crystal ball, a horseshoe suspended with its ends up - they will transform negative energy into positive.

Apartment number and feng shui

Numerology is one of the tools used by Feng Shui specialists. They believe that the apartment number also influences the residents and their fate. To calculate it, you need to add up one by one all the numbers that make up the address. You need to add until you get a single-digit number, which will be the treasured one.

The characteristics of each number are not difficult to find, so we will not dwell on this issue. Let us only note that each of them creates a certain vibration that affects a person’s fate.

Feng Shui in a one-room apartment

It is not easy to comply with all the requirements of ancient Chinese teachings in a small apartment, but it is possible. First of all you need to:

  • Get rid of junk.
  • General cleaning should be carried out on the waning moon.
  • To carry out energy cleaning of the apartment, it is better to do this after cleaning.
  • Use Slavic or oriental amulets.
  • Activate the most relevant areas.
  • Use a screen to zone the room.
  • Ventilate the apartment daily, but avoid drafts.
  • Color in the rooms

    Correct Feng Shui of an apartment is impossible without a well-chosen color scheme.

    The color of each zone should correspond to its main color, but you also need to take into account your own taste. If you don’t like a particular shade, you shouldn’t paint the walls of the room with it.

    The meaning of each color in Feng Shui:

    • Red: active, encourages activity.
    • Yellow: Affects the intellect, signifies wisdom and wealth.
    • Orange: attracts success.
    • Blue: relaxing, promotes meditation and reflection.
    • Pink: romantic.
    • Purple: calming.

    When choosing a color according to Feng Shui, it is not necessary to repaint the walls or re-glue the wallpaper throughout the room. You can arrange small objects in the desired color scheme (lamp, pillows, paintings, vases), relying more on your own intuition.

    To attract good luck, harmony, happiness, and wealth into life, according to Feng Shui, the following rules should be followed in an apartment:

  • Maintain order in all rooms.
  • Get rid of clutter from time to time.
  • Do not activate all zones at the same time, select a maximum of 3 priority areas.
  • For harmony in the house, you need to use the center (living room or apartment as a whole), the most universal method- hang a huge crystal ball or chandelier in this place.
  • Do not overload the zones with symbolic objects, everything is good in moderation, so 2-3 talismans are enough to activate the area.
  • Conclusion

    The environment, which is created with the help of ancient Chinese teachings, promotes change, but does not do anything in place of the person.

    Everything should be harmonious: both space and personal aspirations. The location of an apartment according to Feng Shui, its arrangement, and the color of the walls help a person. But to change something in life, this is not enough. Action is needed.

    Miracles happen to those who meet them halfway.

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