Types of weapons on new physical principles. Weapons for the Third World

In the exposition of the Military Technical Forum "Army-2016", which has passed in September in the Moscow region, demonstrated samples of super-modern weapons, mainly radio-electronic, created on new physical principles. Most of these exhibits were closed for shared access and was shown exclusively to specialists who have the necessary forms of admission to Gostain. But the very fact of the demonstration of such developments allows us to conclude that the enterprises of the Russian OPK are working and even quite advanced in the field of creating such arms. What is this weapon? And what new physical principles are the basis for its creation? The very concept of "weapon on new physical principles" (ONFP) is very consequential in nature, since in most cases well-known physical principles are used, new is only their use in weapons. In the military-political The dictionary "War and Mir" is said: "At the beginning of the twentieth century, the type of weapons includes laser, accelerator, ultrahigh-frequency, infrasound, geophysical, cyber arrangement, and so on. According to their amazing properties, this weapon (at least some of its types) must be attributed to weapons mass lesion. Its use can lead to a new revolutionary and dangerous jump in military business. "Despite the complexity of the development and production of some of the species of this weapon, experts consider it quite promising, since in most cases it has a secrecy and suddenness of use, the ability to paralyze the control system for troops , Instructed a personal composition and technique. The entire ONFP is classified as follows. Laser weapons - A special type of promising weapon of directional energy, based on the use of laser radiation for the defeat of people and withdrawal of military equipment (primarily optical-electronic systems of intelligence and weapon management). It is currently used only low-energy laser devices. Along with this, experimentally tested the possibility of force damage to the laser beam of structural elements of military equipment, including hulls of ballistic missiles and other aircraft. However, the appearance of the troops and fleet forces of samples of this type of weapons is still problematic by virtue of its bulkness, high energy intensity and other negative operational factors. In 2010, the US Navy tested a solid-state laser test for the protection of ships from small vessels. In addition, combat lasers of air, terrestrial and cosmic basing are being developed. Acpercerative weapons (beam) is a possible perspective type of weapon based on the use for the lesion of the living force and military equipment of streams or beams of elementary particles (atoms of hydrogen, helium, lithium, etc.). Ultrahigh-frequency (microwave) weapon - A possible perspective type of weapon based on the use for lesion (mainly functional) electronic components of military equipment. In the system of such weapons, microwave energy generators in millimeter and centimeter wave ranges and the corresponding antenna systems corresponding to them can be applied, together forming directional radiation. Usually refers to the weapon of multiple use. A search with this is a search for explosive generators of a single action and the creation on their basis bombs (heads of rockets) affecting household and military electronics at distances are tens of kilometers, which can make this weapon very effective. Most likely, it will appear in service as a means of deterrence from aggression. Infrasound weapons - perspective type of weapons based on the affected effect on the human body of sound oscillations of infusion (from units up to 30 hertz) frequencies. It can be used as weapons of mass lesion. Cyberorazhe - Specific softwares intended for control, destabilization or interference with the work of information systems and computer networks of the enemy in order to suppress communications, political agitation, disabling the rules managed by computer, solving other tasks. Geophysical weapons - Possible promising types of weapons affecting the impact of which is associated with the initiation of catastrophic natural phenomena (change in the ozone layer, climatic conditions, the provocation of earthquakes, etc.). True, the development of such weapons is associated with the solution of a number of complex problems, so its appearance is possible only in the future, but experiments, including public, in the field of weather engineering are conducted. The ones of the ONFP are not always the goal of victory over the enemy by destruction. That is why such weapons are often called non-mercy (non-measure). Separate samples of such weapons were already applied in armed conflicts in Somalia, in Haiti, in Iraq. So, during the operation of the "storm in the desert", electromagnetic weapons were used, the Tomahawk winged missiles were used to the objects of the lesion. As a result, short circuits in power plants of power plants and power plants arose, which ultimately led to a violation of the energy supply of management systems and Iraq air defense systems into a decisive period of operation. Also in the United States, a laser dazzler "SIBR-203" was developed, which could be installed in a 40-millimeter grenade launcher . Its experimental sample was used in 1995 in Somalia. Laser dazzle had American troops in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the course of NATO hostilities in Yugoslavia, a number of non-vesion samples are tested, such as "graphite", light, acoustic and electromagnetic bombs, a bomb that creates an unbearable smell, laser devices, lamping foam. At the first application of the "graphite" bomb, NATO planes have disabled for several hours of two-thirds of the Serbian power system. According to the US initiative within NATO, special working group According to the coordination of military-applied research in the field of non-mercy. The priority areas include studies of such types, which cause the enemy the decline of the forces (a sharp decline in activity), the loss of spatial orientation, turning off consciousness, pain. Does work in the field of creating such weapons in Russia? Responding to this question should be noted that weapons on new physical principles have developed very actively during the time of the USSR. Moreover, in some directions we went to the US at least 15 years. For example, Marshal Soviet Union Dmitry Ustinov at one time offered to apply a laser complex for escorting American shuttle. And on October 10, 1984 during the 13th flight of "Challenger", when his turns in orbit took place over the Balkhash region, the experiment took place. The laser locator measured the target parameters when operating in the detection mode with a minimum radiation power. Moreover, the height of the orbit of the ship was 365 kilometers, the inclined range of detection and accompaniment - 400-800 kilometers. The connection was suddenly disconnected on the shuttle, there were failures in the work of the equipment, and the astronauts felt ailments. When the Americans began to deal with what happened, they realized that the crew was subjected to some kind of artificial impact on the part of the USSR. The official protest was announced. In the future, the laser installation and radio engineering complexes having a high energy potential are not applied to accompany the shuttle. In the 90s, all work on the landfills were minimized, the equipment was exported to the territory of Russia, part of the objects blown. However, the experience gained as a result of the program did not disappear. From the beginning of the 2000s, the commissioning of new complexes begins: "Window" - Mount Sanglock (Nurek in Tajikistan) and "Window-C" - Lysaya Mountain in the Far East. And also introduced Krone complexes in the North Caucasus and Krona-N - also in the Far East. For recently, work on a similar object can be observed in the Crimea near Feodosia. Their functions, of course, are marked as purely peaceful - "control and measuring optical-electronic complexes of support of space objects." The example. In the USSR in 1985, the A-60 aircraft was created on the basis of the IL-76, which was an experimental flying laboratory, a laser weapon carrier, designed to study the propagation of laser rays in the upper layers of the atmosphere, and later - to suppress the opponent's intelligence. A-60 was an aviation version of the carrier of the megawatite laser. This laser was planned to be reduced into space as a weapon of the combat orbital platform "SKIF-D.". However, in the 1990s, as a result of "democratic reforms", most of the work in this area were minimized. And part of the developments, and quite large, was directly transferred to the United States. It was about to appeal to this topic of weapons on new physical principles of Russia relatively recently, when it became clear that about the United States is not just a new military system, but a technological breakthrough. And its basis is just a system with new combat qualities based on new principles. For example, a terrestrial interceptor is a system that ensures the defeat of the ballistic rocket warheads at a distance of several thousand kilometers without an explosion by direct hit by the affected element. That is, at a distance of two or three or five thousand kilometers, this interceptor must ensure the size of the refrigerator in size. This is, of course, laser systems, bundled systems, that is, the same weapon on new physical principles of target defeat by direct transmission is not kinetic, but radius, beam energy. If you make analogies, then from the point of view of historical parallels, the creation of a control system can be compared With the transition from onion and arrows to firearms. That is why Russia, to compete with the United States, also have to move into this new era. And here a priority is a number of areas. First of all, it is again laser systems that need to solve the tasks of damage to both ballistic missiles and dynamic aerial vehicles within the system of their own pro-System, one direction of development of weapons on new physical principles is electromagnetic bombs and other electromagnetic weapons. IN last years Russia has developed significantly in this direction. First of all, it may take about the stations of the power radio electronic suppression of continuous action. They, affecting the input chains of radio-electronic devices, lead to their combustion, conclusion. Moreover, the Russian military has repeatedly demonstrated their fighting opportunities in the field of new arms. In particular, during the Crimean events, after which a serious scandal broke out in the USA: as the Kremlin fooled not only analysts of US intelligence, but also military satellites that followed the Crimea? Why did the special services make the appearance of "polite people" on the peninsula? The Pentagon was forced to admit: Russia has significantly advanced in the latest technologies, because its military managed to "hide" from American tracking systems. Today, in the subject of RES, Russia occupies a leading position: on the technique, which is planes, we are walking nostril to Nostril, but As for ground stations, we now have the best in the world. The number of these best samples was demonstrated on the closed exposition of the Military Technical Forum "Army-2016" in the Patriot Park.

In recent decades, when developing the concept of modern wars, in the countries of the NATO block, the creation of fundamentally new types of weapons is becoming increasingly important. Its distinctive feature is an amazing effect on people, not leading, as a rule, to the fatal outcomes of amazed.

This type includes weapons that can neutralize or deprive the enemy the ability to conduct active fighting without significant irrevocable losses of the living force and the destruction of material values.

For possible weapons on new physical principles (ONFP), first of all non-otic effects, can be attributed:

1) geophysical (meteorological, ozone, climatic);

2) radiological;

3) radio frequency;

4) laser;

5) infrasound;

6) genetic;

7)) ethnic;

8) beam;

9 antimatter;

10) paranormal phenomena;

11) acoustic;

12) electromagnetic;

13) informational and psychological;

14) thermal.

1. Serious danger to the live strength of the battlefield may arise in connection with the creation "Geophysical weapons" . Its functions are based on the use of the mechanism. impact on the processes occurring in the solid, liquid and gaseous shells of the Earth. At the same time, the state of unstable balance is of particular interest.

At the heart of the action of this weapon, it is planned to use natural disasters (earthquakes, shower, tsunami, etc.), the destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere, protecting the animal and the vegetable world from the destructive radiation of the Sun. Of particular importance for the use of such means is atmospheric layer at a height of 10 to 60 kilometers.

By the nature of the impact, geophysical weapons are sometimes divided into:

a) meteorological

b) ozone,

c) climatic.

The most studied and tested in practice meteorological Weapons is provoking showers in certain areas. For this, in particular, it was used to dissipate in the rain clouds of dry ice, iodide silver or iodide barium, lead. The cloud size of several thousand cubic kilometers, carrying energy reserves of the order of a million kilowatt-hours, as a rule, is in an unstable state, and it is enough to dispel over it about 1 kilogram of iodide silver to dramatically change its condition and provoke the shower. Several aircraft, via hundreds kilograms of specially selected reagents able to dispel clouds over the area of \u200b\u200bseveral thousand square kilometers And cause abundant precipitation and flooding in some regions, but at the same time create "flying" weather in others.

The results of artificial stimulating the storm rains are known, which were undertaken by the United States during the War in Vietnam, as well as, apparently, with the help of the weather conditions during the war in Yugoslavia in 1999.

Climatic weapons It is considered as a variety of geophysical, since climate change occurs as a result of interference in weathering processes.

Purpose Long (let's say, for ten years), the use of this weapon can be to reduce the effectiveness of agricultural production of the likely enemy, deterioration in the food supply of the population of this region. Catastrophic consequences for the state can cause a decrease of only 1 degree of average annual temperature in the lard area, where the bulk of grain is produced. As a result, political and even strategic goals can be achieved without unleashing war in its traditional understanding.

However, the application climatic weapons In one area of \u200b\u200bthe world, it can really destroy the preserving climate balance of the planet and cause significant damage to many other "non-involved" districts and including the country that will apply this weapon.

Ozone weapons associated with the use of funds and methods for artificial destruction of ozone layer Above chosen areas of the enemy. Artificial education of such "windows" will create conditions for penetration to the surface of the Earth ultraviolet radiation Sun with a wavelength of about 0.3 micrometer. It destructively acts on the cells of living organisms, cellular structures and the mechanism of hereditary. The skin burns are caused, the number of cancerous diseases increases sharply. It is believed that the first noticeable result of the impact will be a decrease in the productivity of animals and agricultural plants. Violation of processes occurring in the ozoneosphere may also affect the thermal balance of these areas and on the weather. Reducing the ozone content will lead to a decrease average temperature And to enhance humidity, which is especially dangerous for areas of unstable, critical agriculture. In this area, ozone weapons are closed with climatic.

2. The striking effect of radiological weaponsbased on use radioactive substances. It can be pre-prepared powdered mixes or liquid solutions Substances containing in their composition radioactive isotopes of chemical elements with specially selected radiation intensity and half-life. Basic source Receiving radioactive substances can serve wastegenerated during the operation of nuclear reactors. They can also be obtained by irradiation in their prepained substances. However, the exploitation of such weapons is complicated by a significant radioactive background, which creates the risk of irradiation of the service personnel. Another probable A variant of radiological weapons is the use of radioactive substances, formed directly at the moment of explosion of thermonuclear charge. In this principle, the American project was based "Cobalt bomb."To do this, it was supposed to create a shell from natural cobalt around thermonuclear charge. As a result of irradiation with rapid neutrons, cobalt-60 isotope is formed, having a high y-radiation intensity with a half-life - 5.7 years. The radiation intensity of this isotope is higher than that of radium. Falling out after the explosion on the ground, it creates a strong radioactive radiation.

3. At the heart of the striking action radio frequency weapons located the irradiation of the human body is electromagnetic (radiation) radiation. Studies have shown that even when irradiated quite low intensity in it, various violations and changes occur. In particular, established indebid effect Radio frequency radiation on a violation of the rhythm of the work of the heart, up to its stop. At the same time, two types of exposure were noted: Heat and naughty. Thermal Impact causes overheating of fabrics and organs And with quite a long-term radiation causes pathological changes. Non-doorimpact basically leads to functional violations In various organs of the human body, especially in cardiovascular and nervous systems. This happened in Russia in June 1997 at the Arzamas-16 Federal Nuclear Center (Sarov Nizhny Novgorod Region), where a strong neutron radiation release occurred. As the case showed, the most powerful ionization was caused by a critical assembly, which led to the death of the operator.

4. Laser weapon It is the powerful emitters of the electromagnetic energy of the optical range - Quantum generators. Affecting D.e. the laser beam is achieved as a result of heating to high temperatures of materials, an object causing their melting or even evaporation, damage to the sensitive elements of weapons,

blinding of human visual organs and thermal burns Skin. The effect of laser radiation is characterized by suddenness, high-speed, high accuracy, rectiality of distribution and practical instantaneous action. It is possible to create laser combat complexes for various purposes of terrestrial, marine, air and cosmic base, with different power, range, rapid fiction, ammunition. Objects of lesion of such complexes can be the live strength of the enemy, its optical systems, aircraft and rockets of various types.

5. Infrasound weapon Based on the use of sound waves with a frequency of several hertz, which can have a strong impact on the human body. Infrasound fluctuations below the level of perception of the human ear are able to cause a state of anxiety, despair and even horror.

According to certain specialists, the effects of infrasound radiation on people lead to epilepsy, and with a significant radiation power, a fatal outcome can be achieved. Death may occur as a result of a sharp disruption of the functions of the body, damage to the cardiovascular system, destruction of blood vessels and internal organs. The selection of a certain radiation frequency is possible, for example, to provoke mass manifestations of myocardial infarction at the personnel of the troops and the population of the enemy. It is necessary to take into account the ability of infrasound fluctuations to penetrate concrete and metal barriers, which undoubtedly increases the interest of military specialists to this weapon.

6. Genetic weapon.

The development of molecular genetics led to the possibility of creating genetic weapons based on the implementation of DNA recombination (deoxyribonucleic acid) - carrier of genetic information. With the help of genes of genetic engineering, it was possible to separate the generation of genes and their recombination to form the recombinant molecules DNA.Based on these methods possible transferring genes with the help of microorganisms, ensure the production of potent toxins of human, animal or vegetable origin. By combining bacteriological and toxic agents, it is possible to create biological weapons with a changed genetic apparatus. By the introduction of genetic material with pronounced toxic properties in virulent bacteria or viruses, a bacteriological weapon can be obtained, capable of making a fatal outcome in a short time.

7. The study of the natural and genetic difference between people, their fine biochemical structure showed the possibility of creating the so-called ethnic weapons.Such a weapon in the near future will be able to hit alone ethnic groups And be neutral with respect to others. The basis of such selectivity will be distinguishes in blood groups, skin pigmentation, genetic structure. Studies in the field of ethnic weapons can be aimed at identifying the genetic vulnerability of individual ethnic groups, and on the development of special agents designed for the effective use of this ability. According to the calculations of one of the leading American physicians R. Hamershand, ethnic weapons can be defeated 25 - 30% of the population of the country under-attack. Recall that such losses of the population in the nuclear war are considered "unacceptable" in which the country suffers defeat.

8. The striking factor of beam weapons is an sharpened beamCharged or Neutral Particles of High Energy - electrons, protons, neutral hydrogen atoms. The powerful flow of energy carrying by particles can create in the target material - Intensive thermal impact, shock mechanical load, destroy molecular structure human body, initiate x-ray radiation. The use of bundled weapons is characterized by an instantaneousness and suddenness of affecting action. The limiting factor for the range of this weapon are particles of gases in the atmosphere, with the atoms of which the overclocked particles interact. The most likely lesions may be live strength, electronic equipment, various systems of military equipment, ballistic and winged rockets, spacecraft.

9. Theoretical studies in the field of nuclear physics showed the principal possibility of existence antimatter. Existence antiparticles (for example, positrons)it was proved experimentally. When interaction particles and Anticastitz There is significant energy in the form of photons. According to calculations, the interaction of 1 milligram antiparticle with matter is distinguished by energy equivalent to the explosion of several tens of tons of trinitrogenol. Currently, the process is not only a very difficult process, but also the preservation of antiparticles, and the creation in the foreseeable future weapons of mass destruction based on antimatter is unlikely.

10. In recent years, a wide interest in research in the field bioenergy, associated with the so-called paranormal human capabilities. Work is underway to create various technical devices based on biofield energy, i.e. Specific field existing around

living organism. Research the possibility of creating psychotropic weapons on this basis is carried out in several directions:

1) extrasensory perception - perception of properties of objects, their states, sounds, odors, thoughts of people without contact with them and without the use of ordinary senses;

2) telepathy - Transfer of thoughts at a distance;

3) clairvoyance (long-distance) - observation of the object (target) located outside the visual communication;

4) mental influence that causes their movement or destruction;

5) Telekinis - The mental movement of a person whose body remains alone.

11. In contactless wars, weapons can be found on new physical principles. - acoustic weapons. In this form of an amazing effect, the energy of acoustic radiation of a certain frequency will be used. Most likely, it can be used if it is necessary to simultaneously with the service personnel of a particular military facility or an object of the economy. The carriers of such weapons can be terrestrial, marine, air and space high-precision agents. This weapon can be delivered in the required quantities using high-precision winged and ballistic missiles and reset on parachutes to land in the area of \u200b\u200bobjects or penetrate the inside of objects to be affected. Such a defeat can cause demoralization and even the death of the whole living, violate the work or disabling those electronic means that work on the principle of reception and transformation of acoustic waves, destroy individual elements of certain types of weapons, military equipment and objects.

12. Significant development will receive the ONFP electromagnetic lesion.

It will be the form of an amazing effect on objects, goals due to the energy of electromagnetic radiation of various wavelengths and levels of capacities generated by radio frequency and laser weapons, means of radio electronic counteraction (RAP) using a conventional or high-altitude nuclear explosion. The pulse flows of the radio frequency electromagnetic radiation of the microsecond durability and with the energy density of the order of several dozen joules per square meter are capable of causing a functional lesion of electronics. Such weapons depending on the radiation power will be capable of:

▪Production of almost all classical electronic means (RES) operating on the principle of reception and transformation of electromagnetic waves;

▪ Clearing melting or evaporation of metal in electronics printed circuit boards, weapons and military equipment or cause structural changes in electronic elements of military equipment;

▪Obbing effect on human behavior;

▪ Device living cells, violate biological and physiological processes in the functions of living organisms.

The carriers of such weapons can be, as already mentioned, the special winged rockets of ground, sea, air, and in the subsequent and cosmic bases used at extremely low flight paths, and numerous unmanned means of a large range of action.

13. Stormy development the media, especially electronic, also creates objective prerequisites for use for military purposes. You can predict that in the future the battlefield will continue to move to the area of \u200b\u200bintellectual impact on the consciousness and feelings of millions of people. Having placed cosmic repeaters in near-earth orbits, the aggressor country will be able to develop and under certain conditions to implement the information war scenario against this or that state, trying to blow it from the inside. Provocative transmissions will be designed not to mind, but, above all, on the emotions of people, on their sensual sphere, which is much more efficient, especially with the low political culture of the population, weak awareness and unpreparedness to such a war. Dosed feeding of ideologically and psychologically processed provocative material, skillful alternation of truthful and false information, skillful installation of details of various fictional explosive situations can turn into a powerful means of psychological offensive. Especially effective, it may be against the country in which there is social tensions, interethnic, religious or class conflicts. Carefully selected information, falling on such a favorable soil, may in a short time cause panic, mass riots, pogromsdestabilize the political situation in the country. Thus, it is possible to force the enemy to capitulate without the use of traditional types of weapons.

14. Thermal (thermal) defeat - This is a long-known view of the striking impact on objects, targets with the help of weapons using heat energy and, above all, open fire. Having physico-chemical nature, thermal defeat is part of both physical and chemical species of lesion, and it will certainly be preserved in the armed struggle of the future. The carriers of such weapons will be high-precision winged rockets of various basing. Thermal lesions will be presented well known in the ground forces flamethroughs, incendiary ammunition and fugas We use incendiary substances, however, it should be expected that by the use of new thermal chemicals will increase their capabilities.

In wars and armed struggle of the future, it is quite likely to find widespread use and radiation, electromagnetic and acoustic ONFP. The impact in the use of this weapon will be carried out by laser, radio frequency, infrasound radiation, as well as electromagnetic and acoustic interference, and now the general name radioelectronic interference. This weapon can be used both for lesion and for short-term disabilities with interference of air-space and marine lesions.

Speaking on September 1 in MGIMO, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said: "The arms race goes to a new level, there is a threat to the emergence of new weapons." What did he mean?

From hypothesis to reality

Scientists and military specialists based on the analysis of an increasingly accelerating scientific and technological progress indicate that in the near future the emergence of fundamentally new types and weapons systems, including weapons of mass lesion, should be expected. Being a Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Marshal Igor Sergeev directly warned: "The appearance of weapons on new physical principles, especially on the strategic and operational level, means another high-quality leap in the change and development of forms and methods of armed struggle."

This can lead to the abandonment of armed clashes of mass armies, the physical destruction of people directly on the battlefield. To replace the existing types of weapons, they can come slowly and unnoticed by the active agents that will have a latent damaging effect on the human body, destroy its viability, protection against meteorological and infectious factors, which thus leading to the gradual death or long-term failure.

The results of the use of certain hypothetical species of the OMP can manifest itself after a long time after exposure, calculated for years and even decades. The determination of the impact of certain types of new weapons can allow the striker to practically eliminate the losses of their troops and at the same time create a targeted conclusion of the living force of the enemy. All this, in turn, creates motives for the development of new types of weapons.

Geophysical weapons

Geophysical weapons are based on the use of means of exposure for military purposes on the processes occurring in the solid, liquid and gaseous shells of the Earth. At the same time, an atmospheric layer from 10 to 60 kilometers high acquires particular importance for the use of such means.

Shortly after the end of World War II, the United States began to study on the study of processes occurring in the atmosphere under the influence of external influences: "SkyFire" (lightning formation), "Prime Argus" (earthquake call), "StormFury" (hurricane, tsunami). The results of this work were not widely reported. However, it is known that in 1961, an experiment was carried out to throw over 350 thousand two-chamber metal needles to the upper layers of the atmosphere, which dramatically changed the thermal balance of the atmosphere. Scientists believe that as a result, an earthquake on Alaska occurred, and part of the Chile's coast crawled into the ocean.

The most studied action of geophysical weapons is provoking showers in certain districts. For this, the United States already during the war in Vietnam used scattering in the rain clouds of iodide silver. The purpose of such actions was the creation of flooding, a breakthrough of protective dams and flooding of extensive territories, the difficulty of moving the enemy's troops, especially heavy equipment. Several aircraft with high kilograms of such a substance are able to dispel clouds over an area of \u200b\u200bthousands of square kilometers, causing heavy rains.

In the north of Alaska, not far from Anchorage, there is a whole forest of 24-meter antennas. The official name of the works carried out there - "program of high-frequency active study of the Auroral Auroral Research Program - Haarp" (High Freguency Active Auroral Research). A number of prominent scientists argue that work is underway under military purposes under the guidance of Pentagon.

In particular, they believe that with the help of targeted antennas "shit" to the atmosphere of the beams of high-frequency radio waves, which warm the ionosphere, up to the formation of plasma. This leads to its instability, which changes the wind rose, creates unpredictable cataclysms: thunderstorms, tsunami, floods.

One of the types of geophysical weapons is the so-called "ozone weapon", which is a set of funds for artificial destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere over the territory of the enemy. This, in particular, can be achieved with rockets equipped with freon. The explosion of such missiles in the ozone layer will lead to the formation of "windows" in it, create conditions for penetration of the land of rigid ultraviolet radiation of the Sun, which destructively acts on the cellular structures of living organisms and the hereditary apparatus, contributes to a sharp increase in the number of cancers. Reducing the level of ozone content will lead to a decrease in the average temperature and increase humidity, which is especially dangerous for areas of unstable, critical agriculture.

Amy - weapons

Among the prospective means of lesion has recently been often mentioned by radio frequency weapons affecting humans and various objects with a powerful electromagnetic pulse (AM). This largely contributes to the wide distribution of electronic technology in the world, which solves very responsible tasks, including in the field of security. For the first time on Amy, able to apply a defeat with various technical devices, it became known during the first tests of nuclear weapons when this new physical phenomenon was discovered. However, it soon became known that Amy is formed not only during the nuclear explosion. Already in the 1950s, Academician Andrei Sakharov first proposed the principle of the device of a non-nuclear "electromagnetic bomb". In this design, powerful AM is formed as a result of compression magnetic field Solenoid explosion of chemical explosives.

An important place in the work on research in Russia, EMI-weapons and methods of protection, belongs to the Institute of Thermal Physics of Extreme Persons of the Russian Academy of Sciences, led by Academician Vladimir Fortov. He emphasizes that at present, when the troops and infrastructure of many states are saturated with electronics, attention to the means of its defeat is very relevant. At the same time, it indicates that although AM-weapons are characterized as non-dimensional, experts refer to the category of strategic, which can be used to dismiss the objects of the state and military management system.

This is confirmed by the experience of war in the 1991 Persian Gulf Zone, when the United States used Tomahawk Winged Rockets with AM-warheads to suppress the electronic enemy radio electronic means, especially the radars of the air defense system. At the very beginning of the war with Iraq in 2003, the entire electronic system of television center in Baghdad was dismissed by an explosion of one emi-bomb. Studies of the effects of EM radiation on the human body have shown that even with its weak intensity, it arises various violations and changes, especially in the cardiovascular system.

In recent years, serious success has been achieved in Russia in the development of stationary research generators, creating high values \u200b\u200bof magnetic field strength and maximum current. Such generators can serve as a prototype of an electromagnetic cannon, the range of which can reach hundreds of meters and more. The current level of technology already currently allows a number of countries to adopt various modifications of Emy-ammunition, which can be successfully used during combat operations.

Laser weapons

Lasers or quantum generators are the powerful emitters of the electromagnetic energy of the optical range. The striking effect of the laser beam is achieved as a result of heating to high temperatures of the object of the object, causing its defeat, damage to the sensitive elements of weapons, the blinding of human vision organs, up to irreversible consequences, applying to thermal skin burns. For the enemy, the action of laser radiation is characterized by suddenness, secrecy, lack of external signs, high accuracy, almost instantaneous effect.

There is no doubt that laser weapons as it improves (increasing power and improve the focus of radiation) will find more and more use for the defeat of both the living force and the fighting agents of the enemy. It is known that in the United States for a number of years, laser rifles were worked out, designed to defeat the living force at distances to 1.5 km.

Specialists with a full basis argue that the greatest use of laser weapons will be associated with the creation of a large-scale missile defense of the United States. Already in 1996, the United States began to create laser weapons of air base, designed to destroy the enemy's missiles on the section of their overclocking. Powerful laser installation will be placed on board "Boeing 747". Barragging at an altitude of 10-12 km, it will have to detect a rocket for a few seconds and hit the laser beam.

Pentagon plans by 2008 to create a squadron as part of seven such aircraft. In February 2000, one of the leading military-industrial consortia "Martin-Boeing-TRW" signed a contract for the development of a space laser station with the calculation of the first tests in 2012 and the completion of the full cycle of work by 2020.

Acoustic weapon

When considering the problem of creating and affecting the actions of acoustic weapons, it should be borne in mind that it covers three characteristic frequency range: an infrasound area is below 20 hertz (Hz), heard - from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, ultrasound - over 20 kHz. Such gradation is determined by the characteristics of the impact of sound on the human body. It has been established that thresholds of hearing, levels of pain and others negative effects The human body increases with a decrease in sound frequency. Infrasound fluctuations are able to cause people a state of anxiety and even horror. According to some scientists, with a significant radiation capacity, as a result of a sharp violation of the functions of individual human bodies, the defeat of its cardiovascular system may have a fatal outcome.

In recent years, a wide range of works in the field of "non-measurable" weapons (NSO) in the center of research, developing and servicing army arms (ArDec) in the Arsenal of Pakatinni (PCS. New Jersey) is held in the USA. A number of projects for the creation of devices forming acoustic "bullets" radiated by the antennas of large diameters were performed by the Association of Scientific Research and Application (SARA) in Hantinton Beach (California).

The joint work of SARA and ARDEC is aimed at creating acoustic weapons affecting the human body, and above all on its auditory apparatus. Studies are underway to create infrasound systems based on the use of large loudspeakers and powerful sound amplifiers. In the UK, the radiators of infrasound have an impact not only on the human hearing aid, but also causing the resonance of the internal organs that disrupt the work of the heart, up to the deadly outcome. To defeat the personal composition of troops in bunkers and in combat vehicles, acoustic "bullets" of very low frequencies, formed by imposing ultrasound oscillations emitted by large antennas.

According to American specialists, J. and S. Morris, Russia also hosts work in the field of acoustic weapons and "impressive results" were obtained. In particular, they said that in Russia they were demonstrated by an active device that form an infrasound pulse with a frequency of 10 Hz "size with a baseball ball", the capacity of which was allegedly sufficient to apply a man of severe lesion at a distance of hundreds of meters. At the same time, it should be noted that in assessing the striking actions of acoustic weapons among scientists there is no unity of opinion.

Information and psychological weapons

Considering the problem of information struggle, it should be paid to the multidimensional its character, which is already currently, and even more so in the future, will play a decisive role in the outcome of battles. We will try to consider only one of the factors of this confrontation - the informational and psychological impact on the troops and the population of the enemy. It should be recalled that the outstanding commander of the past during the war used the impact on the minds and the will of the enemy's troops. During the Italian campaign of Alexander Suvorov, his appeal to the enemy troops with an explanation of the difficult situation in which they found themselves, led to the fact that the troops of the Piedmont Army were captured by the whole units and parts. Napoleon also attached great importance to bringing the necessary (sometimes false) information to the enemy. Already at that time he had a mobile printing house with a capacity of 10 thousand leaflets per day. It belongs to him winged phrase: "Four newspapers will be able to cause more evil than the hundredsmatic army."

The rapid development of the media, especially television and the Internet creates objective prerequisites for strengthening its use for military purposes. After placing cosmic repeaters in near-earth orbits, the aggressor country can develop and implement the scenario of the 24-hour information war against this or that state, trying to blow it from the inside. Provocative transmissions will not be calculated on the mind, but above all, the sensual sphere of man, which can be particularly effective in low political culture of the population, weak awareness and unpreparedness to such a war.

Dosed feeding of ideologically and psychologically processed provocative material, a skillful alternation of true ("Credit Credit") and false information, skillful installation of details of various valid and fictional explosive situations can turn into a powerful means of psychological offensive. Especially effective, it may be against the country in which there is social tensions, ethnic, religious or class conflicts.

The amount of propaganda material used by the Western Allies during the Second World War against the Army of the Hitler's Coalition is evidenced about the scale of the possible psychological impact during the Second World War against the Army: the United Kingdom dropped 6.5 billion, and the United States is 8 billion leaflets.

It should be noted that the implementation of psychological operations can currently have a strategic scale. At the same time, the main tasks are: discrediting the external and domestic policies of the state, the socio-economic situation of the population, the aggravation of ethnic and interfaith contradictions, the creation in the minds of the population of affected moods, the promotion of antisocial actions, etc.

Genetic weapons

The rapid development of molecular genetics In the 1960-70s, it created the possibility of separation and recombination of genes with the formation of recombinant DNA molecules, genetic information carrier. Based on these methods, it was also possible to transfer genes using microorganisms, to obtain potent toxins of human, animal or vegetable origin.

Scientists suggest that by 2010-2015, genetic engineering will reach even more significant results, which will make it possible to ensure the production of toxic products that can be used as a weapon. This may create a fundamentally new strategic situation when the main goal of the "Genetic War" by some countries becomes not the defeat of the enemy's armed forces, but the destruction of a significant part of its population, which is declared "excess" against the background of the decreasing fertility of the Earth.

Some scientists believe that the "new strategic concept", which over time will increasingly strengthen its position, consists in the gradual transition of the global community from traditional armed conflicts using modern military equipment and weapons for peculiar genocide wars. These wars were heard of statements among individual representatives of countries such as the United States, China, Japan. For the US military-political leadership, taking into account the rates of fertility of various ethnic groups of the population and the emergence of various kinds of cataclysms (example of New Orleans), it is primarily provided to ensure the preservation of the white English-speaking population, although it is openly on this, for certain reasons, they are trying not to focus.

Ethnic weapons

The study of the natural and genetic difference between people, their fine biochemical structure, differences in blood groups, skin pigmentation pushed scientists to make the idea to use these features to create the so-called ethnic weapon. According to scientists, such weapons can be aimed at affecting specially developed biological agents, one ethnic groups of the population and be absolutely indifferent to others.

This, for example, will lead to the fact that the use in any city with a multinational population of such biological means of lesion acting selectively with respect to people with different DNAs, in the first time it may not even be felt by the population of this city. However, after some time, the impact results will negatively affect the representatives of some groups of the population. They may have severe chronic diseases, life will be reduced, they will lose the ability to have offspring. This will actually lead to a gradual extinction of a certain ethnos in the area exposed to ethnic weapons.

According to the calculations of one of the prominent American medical medicines, R. Hammershlag, ethnic weapons can be defeated by 25-30% of the country's population under affordable. Recall that in the scenario of the nuclear war, such losses of the population are considered "unacceptable", in which the country suffers defeat. It should be borne in mind that a scrupulous analysis of the DNA of ethnic groups inhabiting a certain area is needed to conduct an ethnic war inhabiting the differences between them.

The media appeared reports that the group of Israel's scientists considered the possibility of conducting an ethnic war against their "restless" neighbors - Palestinians. However, the studies conducted by them showed that both people (Jews and Palestinians) originate from the same ancestors and therefore have a similar genetic apparatus. Consequently, revealing the ethnic war against the Palestinians, Israel would simultaneously strike the Jewish population.

Evaluating a complex and conflicting international situation that develops in the world, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of the secret development and use of ethnic weapons by any country in the name of achieving certain economic and political goals.

Beam weapons

The striking factor of the beam weapon is the strong-directional beam of charged or neutral particles of high energies - electrons, protons, neutral hydrogen atoms. The powerful flow of energy carried by particles can create intensive thermal effects in the material of the target, shock mechanical loads, initiate X-ray radiation. The use of bundled weapons is characterized by an instantaneousness and suddenness of affecting action. The limiting factor for the range of this weapon are particles of gases that are in the atmosphere, with the atoms of which the overclocked particles are interacting, gradually losing their energy.

The most likely objects of damage to beam weapons can be live strength, electronic equipment, various systems of weapons and military equipment: ballistic and winged rockets, aircraft, spacecraft, etc. Work on the creation of beam weapons received the greatest swing soon after the proclamation by the US President Ronald Reagan Soy Program.

The Los Alamos National Laboratory has become the center of scientific research in this area. Experiments at that time were carried out at ATS accelerator, then at more powerful accelerators. At the same time, experts believe that such particle accelerators will be a reliable means of selection of attacking warheads of enemy rockets on the background of "clouds" of false goals. Studies of electron-based beam weapons are also conducted in the Livemore National Laboratory. According to some scientists, successful attempts have been made there to obtain a stream of high-energy electrons, which are hundreds of times obtained in research accelerators.

In the same laboratory, within the framework of the Antigone program, it was experimentally established that the electron beam is almost perfect, without scattering, it applies to an ionized channel, pre-created laser beam in the atmosphere. The installation of beam weapons have large mass-dimensional characteristics and therefore can be created as stationary or on a special mobile technique of high loads.

American writer Tom Hartman in his arguments about the potential threat to the appearance of fundamentally new weapons refers to the report "Restructuring of the Defense of America: Strategy, Force and Resources of the New Century." The report discusses the task of indigenous changes in the forms and ways of conducting wars in the future. A further revolution in the military will determine a diverse approach to conducting war in specific conflict situations, ensuring victory to unconventional ways, and any potential enemy will inevitably lag behind the United States.

According to some scientists, the development of modern science has already passed a critical feature in ensuring the safety of the global community. This confirms Winston Churchill's warning, made by him many years ago: "The Stone Age can return to the shining wings of science."

Unfortunately, currently not paying due attention from the global hazard community of the root of a potential threat in the form of fundamentally new types of weapons. This corresponds to the approval of the outstanding military theorist XIX century Karlo Clausevitz: "The main mistake of people is that today they are afraid of more than the troubles of tomorrow."

The reality of today confirms the justice of this warning. Since virtually all hypothetical species are based on dual-use technologies, it complicates the problem of their identification, control over development and production, and, accordingly, it makes it difficult to conclude international agreements on their prohibition. For the first time at the official level, the Delegation of the USSR was announced on such a coming danger. In 1975 at the XXX UN General Assembly. Then the USSR presented the project "Agreement on the prohibition of the development and production of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons." However, the world community and at that time, and today the main threat international security Sees from the outside of the existing types of wow, which flashes the threat of tomorrow.

RIA Novosti on the creation of weapons acting on the basis of new physical principles.

The representative of the OPK thus explained the essence of the new weapon: "The peculiarity of such means of the defeat is that they are able to neutralize the enemy's technique without the use of traditional shells, and with the help of directional energy, that is, it makes an indirect physical impact on the aircraft, drones and Neutralizes high-precision weapons. "

And we are not talking about research work with foggy prospects, but about specific products. They were demonstrated as part of a closed show for the Ministry of Defense at the Army-2016 Military Technical Forum last September.

The next day, the editor-in-chief of the Arsenal Fatherland magazine was collapsed on innovators. Viktor Murakhovsky, man is reputable in the field of military equipment. But the essence of his claims was rather not technical, but the terminological one. Not denying the possibility of creating such a weapon, he stated that no this is not new physical principles. There are no new physical principles, and this weapon works in the ancient principle of distribution in the space of electromagnetic waves.

Indeed, the term already established "weapons on new physical principles (ONFP) does not fully reflect reality. It would be more correct to talk about the use of the principles that were not applied before in weapons.

However, in this case, doubt is creepy. Recently, all sorts of psychics, sorcerers, warlocks and other Kudeschniks seek to displace the authority of the Academy of Science out of the mass consciousness. And, I must say, not unsuccessfully. So, maybe gathered in the OPK of all these heroes of our time, and they made a car that brings damage to enemy military equipment?

However, the representative of the OPK declared all the same on directional energy, and, consequently, the Academy of Sciences in military engineering has a significant priority. Principle, really, perfectly known, Open Michael Faraday. But how this energy affects the enemy's technique, there was no word. On the one hand, secrecy. And this is understandable. But, on the other hand, the creators of domestic funds of the radio electronic struggle much more frank. And this is also a super-weapon that does not have world analogues.

Modern Russian RES funds are based on the use of extremely effective algorithms for the study of the electromagnetic radiation of the enemy military equipment (RLS, communication, computer background) and issuing such an informational impact on the technique, which literally paralyzes it. It does not require high power of influence, as they explain the developers of the RES, Russian equipment "Total-Nolzgo" makes information about the necessary distortions into circulating in the enemy networks. But it does not "shuffle", for which it would take power, achieving only in stationary installations. Such opposition is called "non-ergic interference."

The possibilities of this Russian method were brightly demonstrated in the spring of 2014, when the SU-24 bomber with Rab equipment on board in the Black Sea "redeemed" the entire electronics of the Squaded Downtrod "Donald Cook". The ship has become absolutely "blind" - he refused tools for the detection of goals, purposekeys, communications and navigation. But it is precisely on it and on the ships of this type of information and control system Aegis and the SM-3 anti-missions on which the naval component of Europe is based on. Su-24 made 12 combat sites on the destroyer, respond to which the team was unable. Soon after that, 27 sailors filed a resignation reports, because, as they said, "we do not want to expose our lives to this risk."

What concerns new Development OPK, then based on the scarce of the information received, the experts began to immediately express a wide variety of versions.

Chief editor of the magazine "National Defense" Vitaly Korutitchhko It believes that we are talking about "the effects of powerful ultra-frequency pulses on the enemy objects in order to malformation of their radio-electronic equipment, which will lead to the complete loss of functionality and the impossibility of their combat use. Such a weapon can be used to output unmanned aircraft directly above the battlefield. "

The sphere of applying microwave guns is even more expanding the military political scientist, associate professor Alexander Perenigiyev: "This is a very effective weapon, because it is difficult to defend himself - it is impossible to hide from the waves. Combining the methods of remote impact on enemy electronics and methods of radio electronic combat, it is possible, for example, jammed automation of charging tank and make the projectile exploded in the tower, destroying matter" True, for this, the tank should be plastic, since the steel armor electromagnetic waves does not miss.

I must say that the topic is not new. But for some reason, information on such developments does not expand over time, but narrows. The same combined instrument-making corporation a year and a half ago presented in the press Mobile microwave gun, which is installed on the chassis from the "beech". It is intended to withdraw the instrument equipment of low-fat aircraft and drone, as well as a guidance system high-precision weapons enemy. The complex provides a circular defense by 360 degrees. The range is 10 kilometers.

But these 10 kilometers seem great if we consider that the level of the electromagnetic signal drops inversely in proportion to the square of the distance from the radiating antenna. It is clear that it can only be about creating interference, and not about the destruction of the enemy's electronic equipment.

Similar work was done in the United States at the end of the last century. But the task of the microwave gun, which was named Active Denial System, was different - to turn the enemy. Its range is 500 meters. Tests were carried out on 10 thousand volunteers. When irradiated within 3 seconds, a person is experiencing acute pain. After another 5 seconds, pain becomes intolerable, and the person seeks to leave the irradiation zone. In some cases, minor burns were recorded. That is, no consequences for health after turning off the signal was not.

Electromagnetic weapons are not the only weapon in the list that uses new physical principles. Intensively, in Russia, and in the United States, work is carried out to create a combat laser. There are already certain results, but about the appearance of a laser army is still early.

Beam weapons. It is an accelerator of elementary particles, which can be located both on Earth and in space. Particles should accelerate to very high energies to, according to military engineering theorists, undermine the ammunition and melted nuclear charges in the ICBR warheads. However, the creation of such weapons is a matter of not one decade.

And finally, geophysical weapons. Its essence is that with the help of powerful impacts, such as nuclear explosions, can be provoked natural disasters - earthquake, flooding, tsunami. It is known that in the 1960s this idea is very fascinated Khrushchev. And he issued a task to study the ability to cause a giant wave, which would bring devastation on the east coast of the United States. Experiments were carried out in which a huge number of ordinary explosives were used. However, the withdrawal of researchers strongly upset Nikita Sergeevich.

# Weapon Weapon # Defense

The newest military technologies have long been blinking the minds of the people of interest to the military themes of people. Most of the information reasons come from abroad, telling about successful tests of the combat lasers, then on electromagnetic bombs destroying any electronics, then on hypersonic means of lesions that can strike at any point in the world with a non-nuclear ammunition, then "rail" guns. When they talk about the success of Americans in the field of creating the latest military systems, almost always emphasize the thesis on how far the "pale brothers" from us in the field of advanced technologies, and if they mention domestic progress, then with indispensable regret about the missed or lost Soviet potential .

Well, let's figure out how far we are behind and how we can boast. Here it is necessary to take into account the limited information about the most advanced developments and their arrival in the troops. It is due to the traditional "urgency" of these topics. However, even in open and declassified sources, it is possible to make a fairly complete picture.

First about laser weapons. In the Soviet Union, it was developed by the type of placement on Earth, in the air, on surface ships and in space. Different was the purpose of the complexes.

Not so long ago, the self-propelled laser complex 1k17 "Compression" (the sample is even exhibited in the Military Technical Museum). The task of the complex was opposed to optical-electronic systems of observation and arms management. That is, he was intended for the "burning" of any optics with the guidance of her glare.

By the way, in the field of optics detection on the principle of reflector, we have long been moving out foreign developments. Such systems are regularly included in SUO armored vehicles and helicopters. To detect sniper and reconnaissance optics, and the PTRT control optics are produced by the products "Ghost-M", "Papil", "Lights", "Sanya", "Sanya", and so on. In some of them Implemented and counter suppression (illumination), some simply serve to counter-aperture and intelligence.

But let's return to "compression." Work on it was indeed turned into the 90s, and therefore the press was spilled a lot of tears on how the rational of the Soviet heritage was "ProfUkali". It is consistently given as an example of installing such systems on American technique, including easy. At the same time, it is forgotten that for example, from the installation on the RM M3 "Bralli" the systems AN / VLO -7 refused due to its cumbersome and high cost. And for the same reasons, the "Compression" program was fresh: a hefty car on the tracked move had the cosmic cost, which limited its mass. But it's a slower premature to say that the burnt for this technique is somewhat premature. The main developer of the Astrophysics NGO system is quite open on the site lay out data on the "complex for remote destruction of explosive devices and demining", "a laser beam management system for detecting, maintaining and exposure to several goals ... including space." And the data on state contracts say that the company held a number of works, including high-power lasers and laser locators from 2002 to 2006.

Well, and more about laser means of suppressing, already entering the troops. The Reb complex and the protection of Infanun units includes, in addition to traditional means of radio-opening and radio framework, optical-electronic intelligence and suppression systems, allowing to effectively fight not only with radio-controlled minno-explosive devices, but also with the means of attack using optical guidance (for example) or optical intelligence means. Also ensures the suppression of the association of the enemy. Acts as part of the parts of the BATAL level Rab. Four complexes received a Swirl VDD and division of the Airborne Forces Southwerry crews are preparing in interspear training Center training of specialists and parts of the RES of Russia.

If we talk about combat lasers placed on airplanes, the priority should again be recognized as us.

In 2008, Americans loudly rejoiced successful tests under the ABL program (AIRBORNE LASER - air laser). The 1-3 megawatny battle laser was installed on board the military Boeing 747-400 and during the tests successfully "heated" the target with partial destruction. Previously, the Americans were tested by NKC-135A, but the installation capacity was limited to 0.4-0.5 MW, the mass and volume of the working fluid and hydrocarbon fuel was limited to the laser time of up to 20-30 seconds, and the range did not exceed 5 km.

While we have a megawatt laser from the beginning of the 80s (the A-60 complex on board IL-76MD), a little bit known about the progress of the test, but "work" was conducted both by land targets and stratospheric aerostats and air target la-17. It is known that the first of three test sides burned in 1989. On the other two, tests under the changed programs are jointly jointly with Diammaz-Antey and Tantk named after G. M. Beriev. Representatives of Almaz-Antea (in particular, Alexander Ignatiev) talked about the new example of the Aviation Base laser complex "to counteract the infrared field of the spectrum of the intelligence means of a possible enemy on Earth, the sea, in the air and in space."

That is, in contrast to the Americans, the missile defense is not initially a priority. It is worth recognizing right approach, since the physical destruction of the goal with a laser is a more complex task, which strongly affects the state of the atmosphere and the parameters of the goal itself, besides, it initially requires high installation power; Raise the same powerful laser in the air more difficult than creating it on Earth or install on the ship. The removal of the equipment does not require such a guidance accuracy that is needed to destroy the goal, possibly a laser of less power and does not require long and accurate focusing on the object, allowing you to solve the task in scanning mode. And if the domestic program continues, the ABL program was closed by Americans due to its high cost and small practical applicability - B747-400F went to the cemetery in February of this year.

The placement of martial lasers at sea also has its complications. Here, weather and atmospheric interference is expressed significantly more than at high altitude.

Despite this, in the 1980s, we had a combat laser on board the Dickson's experienced ship (he is often called the "Admiral Gorshkov hyperboloid"). Ship Laser complex "Akvilon" should have hit the coastal objects. However, during the tests in the summer of 1980, it turned out that most of the energy of the beam "ate" evaporation of moisture from the surface of the sea, which is why the efficiency was only 5 percent. And, despite the fact that the laser managed to heat the shore target at a distance of about 4 km, the program was turned out, having considered more promising work with sea-based beam weapons. Here, with the help of accelerators of charged or neutral particles (electrons, protons, neutral hydrogen atoms), a stream is formed, which is then focused in a narrow-controlled beam. With high energy, such a bundle is capable of radiation (ionizing) and thermomechanical effects to destroy the shells of aircraft and ballistic missiles, initiate X-ray radiation, output onboard electronic equipment, damage the molecular structure of the human body, besides, the effect of atmospheric factors is minimal.

It is known that the Radio Engineering Institute named after Academician A.L. Minza (RTI), Marthi, and a number of institutions are engaged in the airproof weapon from the 1960s. That is exactly what is done in this area is known very little - which suggests that the direction remains promising. Indirect confirmation of their success is the work by the Americans to study special reflective coatings for anti-workers, as well as fragmentary reports of testing at the IMF facilities of weapons "based on new physical principles". Also, this formulation appears in some statements of representatives of the Russian state, Serdyukov, for example, even spoke of the inclusion of such studies in the state program of the arms for 2011-2012. But the wording itself is not Nova - in 1976, a department "to control the development of weapons and equipment on new physical principles" was created in 4 GU MO (ONFP), so it should be considered that the areas and research programs are only resumed or obtained by the perspective due to the change in political Priorities. But while open information does not enter the press, talking about specific samples meaningless.

Ground laser complexes are developed with us since 1975, when a number of systems were experiencing. At the same time, intensive work was carried out to work out the maintenance of cosmic targets and ballistic missiles. Polygonal tests were carried out at the facility 2505 ("Terra" - the works of NGO "Astrophysics") in relation to the missile defense and anticipate defense and an object 2506 ("Omega" - the works of the NGO "Almaz") in relation to air defense. Both - at the Sarah Shagan Polygon in the Kazakh SSR. The choice of space was due to a climate feature - over the polygon most of the year there was a clear sky. And as is known, atmospheric phenomena affect the effectiveness of laser complexes.

Work on the Anti-Educational and the Anti-missile program was headed by the Nobel Prize winner in Physics Nikolai Gennadievich Basov. In 1994, he asked her results: "Well, we firmly established that no one can knock the BR laser beam warhead, and we greatly advanced lasers ..."

The effectiveness of the installations in the exposure to space objects can illustrate an interesting case. Marshal of the Soviet Union D.F. Austinov proposed to apply a laser complex for escorting American shuttle. And on October 10, 1984, during the 13th flight of "Challenger," when his turns in orbit took place over the Balkhash region, the experiment took place. Laser Locator 5N26 / LE-1 conducted measurements of the parameters of the target when operating in the detection mode with the minimum radiation power. The height of the ship orbits was 365 km, the inclined distance of detection and maintenance - 400-800 km. On the shuttle, the connection suddenly turned off, there were failures in the work of the equipment and the astronauts felt ailment. When the Americans began to deal with what happened, they realized that the crew was subjected to some kind of artificial impact on the part of the USSR. The official protest was announced. In the future, laser installation and radio engineering complexes having a high energy potential are not used to accompany the shuttle.

In the 90s, all work on the landfills were cooled, the equipment was exported to the territory of Russia, some objects were blown up. However, the experience gained as a result of the program did not disappear. From the beginning of the two thousandths, the commissioning of new complexes begins: "Window" - Sanglock Mountain (Nurek in Tajikistan), and "Window-C" - Bald Mount (Spa-Far in the Far East). As well as Krone complexes in the North Caucasus and Krona-N - also in the Far East. The functions of the complexes sound like purely peaceful - "control and measuring optical-electronic complexes of support for space objects." The fact that support is carried out by laser systems, which are the further development of the "Terra" program, do not speak at all about their combat destination. Since 2009, it is upgraded by the complexes and the construction of additional installations, which should increase their capabilities.

Work on "Omega" was also successful. After testing stationary installations in the Almaz NPO, a mobile complex 74T6 was created. He successfully worked on targets Rum-2B in flight. However, restrictions on the atmospheric conditions of application acted here. That's what I talked about the test results Peter Vasilyevich Zarubin, supervised the work on the line MO: "... And what can be said about" Omega ", I will answer that today there is no doubt of a scientific and technical nature that such a goal as a plane may be amazed The ray of the ground laser sufficient power (energy). But this is true only in the absence of cloudiness ... ". In general, this was the cause of the program.

However, it is impossible to say that experience has disappeared without development. NGO "Almaz" (now the Almaz-Antey concern) delivered several MLTK-50 mobile complexes for Gazprom. In fact, this is a product 74t6, only without air target aiming system. Gazpromovsky "Hyperboloid" - In general, a purely peaceful machine intended for emergency cutting of metal structures and reinforced concrete at a high distance (well, if, for example, it is hammering on the drilling platform). However, that's what's interesting. In photographs of the English-speaking press release presented at Max- 2003, it was captured as Gazpromovsky hyperboloid knocks down a small aircraft! At the same time, the complex was presented was the defense enterprise, and not the Trinity Institute of Innovative and Thermonuclear Studies (Trinity), a list of purely peaceful products of which, inspires respect.

The initial task for Soviet combat space systems was the fight against US military spacecraft. The first Soviet maneuvering satellites ("flight-1" and "flight-2") were tested back in 1963 and 1964. Orbital interceptions took place on 01.11.1968 (destroyed the target satellite "Cosmos-252") and 03.12.1971 (satellite satellite "Space-462").

The Americans also experienced antisiparters, but noticeably laughed in this area. This led to signature in 1972 between the USSR and the United States of the Treaty on the restriction of strategic arms and missile defense systems, which limited both anti-spatial systems. In this regard, the Soviet test program was twisted ... But not quite.

As part of the Salute piloted program (Military stations of the Almaz series were also launched under this title), we were taught in orbit a number of piloted stations in orbit. Taking into account that during the design of Diamonds in the United States, work was carried out on the creation of various cosmic interceptors, measures were taken to protect against such spacecraft. The Station "Salyut-3" ("Almaz-2") was equipped with a 23-mm automatic gun, designed by KB Nudelman for firing in vacuum ("Shield-1" system). In January 1975, she even shot. Salute-5 has already received the "Shield-2" system, with two space-space missiles. In the future, it was planned to test the option both with laser (Scyth program) on the basis of a long-term orbital station) and with rocket weapons (Cascade program). The laser system was planned to be used to blind American satellites, rocket - for their destruction.

Works on Skif moved with delays, but the maneuvering satellites for combating military spacecraft were quite successful. So, in the course of the teachings "Shield-82", nicknamed in the West "Semichasova nuclear war"In addition to the launch of ballistic missiles and anti-abslicas (heads of the two MBR UBR-100 were successfully intercepted by two A-350R anti-cancers), the starts of cosmic interceptors were worked out. The exercises made an indelible impression on the US military leadership. They became one of the reasons why R. Reagan March 23, 1983 gave the Strategic Defense Initiative Program (soy).

But the laser part of the program was converted many times. But, despite the statement of the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Yu. V. Andropov on unilateral cessation of tests of complexes, the work continued. Refusing to use as a carrier of manned apparatuses, the designers went along the way to use automatic. The draft apparatus 17f19 "Scythian" was prepared for testing various combat systems, such as products 1Q11 "Stiletto" (predecessor of the ground complex 1K17 "compression"), which presented an infrared laser. The first should be a pole satellite ("SKIF-DM") - a demonstration sample.

Contrary to the problem that the battle laser was standing at the Pole or only the aiming system for the group of targets derived in orbit himself, all this was dismantled before the start on political reasons. But when you read the memories involved in the creation of the device of people with a list of the remaining experiments, they involuntarily begin to think, and whether the laser was needed at all. In a series of three geophysical experiments (GP-1/1, GP-1/2 and GP-1/3), it was planned to obtain the generation of artificial gravitational waves of the upper atmosphere (GF-1/1), the creation of an artificial "dynamo effect" in the earth ionosphere (GP-1/2) and the creation of large-scale ionics in ion and plasmospheres (GF-1/3)!

However, the aiming system "Peony-K" with a laser-electronic telescope and a group of targets was really tested in 1985 on the "Space-1686" apparatus (the fourth sample of the TKS transport and functional ship, which was shown with the Salute-7 station) and was planned as Station on the "Spectrum" module of the station "Peace". The sighting system worked on objects on the ground (the experiment "surface"), on the surface of the ocean ("zebra"), on flying objects in the atmosphere ("shell"), as well as in corner reflectors, shooting from the apparatus. There was no real lesion of these objects, since combat systems were to be tested during subsequent experiments already on the basis of a new platform. The aiming system was to become universal for laser, rocket and other combat systems. And in the case of the implementation of this program, the Soviet Union would receive a powerful tool for controlling both the earth's surface and near-eraid space. But ... the program was buried a little earlier than the Soviet Union. It happened not without the participation of the last Secretary General. But first things first.

"Pole" (SKIF-DM) was to be displayed in the orbit in the first launch of the heavy-carrier launch vehicle "Energy" later, which became the "horse of Buran", and was fixed as "Buran" on the external side (the device was not small). On February 3, 1987, he was docked with a carrier rocket. However, the teams at the start had to wait three and a half months (for 100 days of standing on USS, the device had to be transferred the most extreme climatic conditions - Temperature from -27 to + 30ºC, blizzard, wet snow, rain, fog and dust storms). But the launch dates depended not from technology or weather conditions, but from higher instances. Fearing to compromise the peacekeeping statements of the leadership of the country, the State Commission constantly revised the research program in orbit and as a result he canceled it all. We decided only to withdraw the Scythian DM into orbit, and in a month to bring it into the atmosphere over the deserted area of \u200b\u200bthe Pacific Ocean. Part of the equipment began to dismantle directly on the site unequipped for this, at an altitude of 11 m above the starting table, next to the fully refilled apparatus.

On May 11, 1987, Mikbachev himself flew to the cosmodrome. This is what Major General Anatoly Pavlovich Zavalishin writes about this visit, who conducted a high-rise tour:

"... I did not rest and immediately continued the report. Explained the appointment and actual shortcomings of the IS satellite (satellite-interceptor of mine basing, - A. G.), while not forgetting to inform about fearlessness to this old satellite Lady Tetcher. Next, he moved to a single satellite of the "outfit" system and described the first satellite mockup for missile defense, whose idea was offered in his time V.N. Beshelya, and the development was carried out by D.A. Polukhin at this time. Gorbacheva was interested in a satellite model of active counteraction. Seeing this, I immediately requested the authorization of the selected principle, reminding that the United States had already carried out the experiments of the ASAT system with the destruction of their spent satellites. I promised that I would come up with any legend and slate an experiment so that the "mosquito of the nose is not pumped." But Gorbachev advised all the tests and verification of the principle of targeting and managing not in space, but in the direction of the center of the Earth (allegorical name of the funeral procedure, - A. G.). I could not agree with this turn, entered into a controversy, reminding the Securekec that politics policies, and you need to have a weapon, which at least did not infer the characteristics of the existing samples of the likely opponent's technique. Recalling the Second World War and on the initial attitude to Katyusham, but Gorbachev went into confused multi-alone explanations, the result of which was polite, but solid refusal. The guests present and the command did not intervene in the conversation and did not express their opinions and attitude to this issue.

The military department understood that the "Energy - Buran" system to fulfill its protective functions is very expensive and also vulnerable. Therefore, it supported D.A. project Polukhina and sanctioned the creation of several experimental settings of the "outfit" type. The essence of the project: To solve the strategic task (sewn of the Soviet Union from a sudden massive nuclear strike), the designer proposed an option to create a cosmic echelon of the country's anti-missile defense based on rockets-interceptors (combat missiles installed in mining launchers, with combat cosmic heads, i.e. With cosmic satellites, attack aircraft, striking the goal located on Earth, in the air, in an near-earth orbit or coming from orbit to the Earth). The deployed missile defense could successfully protect the Earth from meteorites and large wreckage of any stars, planets, etc. ...

The Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU remained very satisfied with the seen and heard. The time of visits-conversations with guests was twice the provided. In conclusion, M.S. Gorbachev complained: "It is a pity that he did not know all this to Reykjavik!"

Gorbachev examined and ready for the start of Scythian DM. By that time, he was already called "a carrier rocket with a mock of pay" Pole ". Showed it chief designer Boris Ivanovich Gubanov:

"... that the Secretary will arrive, no one said tests. But when the checks turned into meaningless repetition and consumption of the resource of equipment and the service technique, we hinted on the cause of "creative work." The so-called two-day readiness is, in fact, the beginning of the rocket refueling with components, starting with the grazing of tanks, tanks and highways ...

... Going out of the bus, saying hello to me, Gorbachev said, referring to me: "Politburo will not allow you to start this rocket ..." Dumbnamed by this, I did not specify or try to understand the reason for such a decision that formed him. The application on behalf of the Supreme Body was apparently discussed in advance ...

... The last thesis of Gorbacheoa answered all questions about our future. It became clear that the "energy" is waiting ... Times N.S. Khrushcheva and L.I.Besnev left far - we stop strengthening the nuclear shield. That is why it was necessary to solve the Politburo for the Start of Energy ...

Speaking at the Palace on May 13 Gorbachev said:

"... our course on peaceful space is not a sign of weakness. He is an expression of the peace-loving foreign policy of the Soviet Union. We offer international cooperation in the development of a peaceful cosmos. We oppose the arms race, including in space ... Our interests here coincide with the interests of the American people, and with the interests of other peoples of the world ... "

However, the start permission was given between the case during lunch. On May 15 (until the Secretary General did not change his mind), the rocket started. The start and separation of the device went through, but the stabilization engines of the exhausted satellite could not stop the rotation, and without typing the desired orbital, the speed it fell into the water of the Pacific Ocean. This program was completed. It remains only to guess how the implementation of the program of impact on the physical properties of the Earth shells and the program of combat space systems on the alignment of the strength in the Cold War. According to the examples above, it should be noted a regular consequence of the peaceful initiatives of Americans at the moments of their technological lag.

For completeness, the picture should be stopped a little on other military-space programs. The satellite "Outfit" mentioned was part of a large-scale program for creating a universal "satellite-attack aircraft", which can affect both ground goal and maneuvering in the atmosphere and in an near-earth orbit. Development went in the center of Khrunichev. Despite the loss of interest from the state, it continued in the 90s - as always, "in initiative". The following mention refers to 2002, when the results of the work were demonstrated during the visit of the Center, Putin. As a result, the Ministry of Defense was instructed to "deal with the" outfit ": whether there is a need, and if so, then what funds will be required for it." The results of the assessment are naturally unknown, but later similar programs are mentioned in connection with the use of Angara carrier missiles from the Plesetsk cosmodrome. And in 2009, when Popovkin declared the development of antispot weapons in Russia, it was said that "the" outfit-vn "rocket and space complexes were stored on the basis of interceptor missiles (combat missiles, Installed in mining launchers, with combat cosmic heads, i.e. with satellites-attack aircraft) ". Probably, work is funded among several programs about the development of military-cosmic forces.