Business card of the countries of South America. Presentation "North America" ​​(business card)

“Geography of South America” - The ring is a place for wrestling. Round 1 "Geological". Fight according to the rules. Teacher's opening speech. Intelligence - mind, reason, ability to think. Goal: Generalization of students’ knowledge and ideas about nature and population South America. Guidelines Lesson development. Round 4 “Naturalistic”.

“South America relief mineral resources” - Orinoco. La - Platskaya. Amazonian. Active volcanoes of South America. EXERCISE. city ​​of San Valentin. Huascaran city. Large low-lying plains. Corresponds to platform deflections. Roraima. By the nature of the surface structure of South America. Rice. Illampa. Lesson #1. West The Andes mountains stretch. East Plains and highlands dominate.

“Natural areas of South America” - Fauna. Very ancient look animals in the Andes. 12. Unique plant and animal world Andes. The lightest tree. 15. Climate. The area of ​​protected areas is only one percent. Relief. Humidity, precipitation. The smallest bird. 14. Why do we say this? The selva is wetter than African forests and richer in plant and animal species.

“Grade 7 Geography South America” - Table. Common features and differences in GP. Explorers and travelers. Lesson topic. South America. SOUTH AMERICA 7th grade. Working with a table. GP of South America. Teacher's opening speech…………. During the classes:

“Brazil” - And when the time comes, they have fun, sing and dance for a whole week. Portuguese is spoken in Brazil. They prefer to feed on the leaves, flowers and fruits of a plant called cercopia. In the Amazon there is a small but very predatory fish, PIRANHA. The sloth has long and thin feet with 3 toes with very long claws.

“Relief of South America lesson” - Relief of South America. Amazonian lowland. Minerals of South America. Andes... Oil production. Objectives: Brazilian plateau. Geography and mathematics. Goals: Objectives. Physical map of South America. Gold mining. Finding coordinates through solving linear equations.” Llullaillaco... east... gold...".

There are 12 presentations in total

South America is a continent of geographical records. Here is the world's longest mountain range - the Andes, the highest peak of the western and southern hemispheres, as well as the highest extinct volcano - Mount Aconcagua, the highest mountain lake - Titicaca, the largest lowland - the Amazon, as well as the world's highest active volcano - Llullaillaco and the deepest river on the planet - which, together with the Ucayali tributary, becomes the most long river on the ground.

The word “America” in the name of this continent was first used by Martin Waldseemüller, who put it on his map Latin version named after Amerigo Vespucci, who, in turn, was the first to suggest that the open lands have nothing to do with India, but are the New World, previously unknown to Europeans.

The continent's area is 17.8 million km2, it is in fourth place in the world, behind Africa and North America. The continent has a very large extent from north to south, which greatly affected its natural and climatic conditions. The coastline is very slightly indented. There is not a single large bay along its entire length. In the north there is only one thing - the Caribbean Sea, which washes the mainland.

Indigenous peoples came here along the Isthmus of Panama, having first settled where their ancestors migrated from Eurasia. Apparently, this became possible, since during this period there was glacial period, and the Bering Strait was covered with ice, creating an unobstructed path for ancient people. But due to the great distance from the center of human origin, South America was settled relatively late - only 15-10 thousand years ago.

The continent became known to Europeans at the end of the 15th century with the voyage of Christopher Columbus. Columbus himself, having visited many islands of the new part of the world and South America itself, as is known, until the end of his life he thought that he had discovered the West Indies. For a long time, until the 18th century, the internal parts of the continent remained a blank spot on the map. Therefore, Alexander Humboldt’s journey to the forests of South America and their further description became essentially the second discovery of the continent.

South America was almost completely divided between two European states: and, therefore, to this day it is inhabited by people from these countries who mixed with the indigenous population. For the same reason, the mainland speaks Portuguese and Spanish. South America, as initially with its discovery, became a continent of colonies, however, they became independent countries much earlier than in Africa. Today in South America, only French Guiana remains an overseas region, all other countries are completely sovereign.

A list of geographical objects for 7th grade students that you need to know and mark on the contour map:

Extreme points(North: Gallinas metro, South: Froward metro, Western: Parinhas metro, Eastern: Cabo Branco metro)
Cape Horn (in general, Cape Horn is not the southern island point of the mainland, because 100 km south of it there is a group of Diego Ramirez islands that belong to South America, but this very famous cape is in the school atlas, and you need to know it :))
Seas: Caribbean
Bays: La Plata
Straits: Magellan, Drake,
Islands: Falkland Islands,

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Target: using a system of methods, techniques and forms (model method, reliance on associative experience, organization of pairs), to ensure the implementation of the ideas of productive education.


Introduce students to the nature of the continent;

To introduce students to the unique organic world of the continent;

Develop independent judgment and imaginative thinking;

Introduce some elements of the continent’s culture;

Materials for the lesson: multimedia projector, screen, presentation, answer sheets, map of “South America”.

During the classes

Guys, we have already studied the features of the nature of Africa and Antarctica, today we will take a virtual trip to the amazing continent of South America. South America is the complete opposite of the territory of our country. When we have day, there is night, when we have summer, there is winter. Let's take a trip to this continent by the shortest route. No, not through the center of the Earth, but in the usual way - on the map. After all, in real life Not everyone manages to become a participant in discoveries, and then hearts respond with sadness to the touching lines of Robert Rozhdestvensky: (Sladas 2-11 against the background of music performed by the Paul Maria Orchestra “Love Story”).

I regret that I did not see the face of the whole Earth,
All its oceans, icy peaks and sunsets.
Only the sail of dreams guided my ships around the world,
Only in the glass windows did I meet albatrosses and stingrays.
I didn't hear Big Ben strike the hour in London,
I did not see how the stars are sliding lower and lower towards the fiords,
How the bitter snow of the Atlantic foam boils behind the stern,
And at the beginning of spring, violets in Paris turn blue.

So, is everyone ready? We're going on a trip to South America. (slide 12)

Travel is a bright spider,
In a web of paths and roads,
Travel is a sweet fright,
The moment the threshold is crossed.

Latin American melody sounds . Against the background of the melody, slides with views of the mainland . There is a short but picturesque story introducing students to the natural and man-made uniqueness of South America (slides 13-28). (Appendix 1)

South America - large continent, having many geographical features. Sign up for blue cards 3 geographical names, with which your perception of the nature of South America is connected. (Appendix 2)

Recording options:

1) Andes

2) Amazon
Brazilian plateau
Tierra del Fuego

3) Amazon
Rio de Janeiro (slide 29)

Model 2

"What's happened? Who it?"

Determine the natural origin of the proposed objects and label them next to them. (Appendix 3)

Recording options:

1) Andes - mountains
Amazon - river
Titicaca - lake

2) Tierra del Fuego - island
Brazil - country
Sloth is an animal

3) Angel - waterfall
Rio de Janeiro - city
Toucan - bird

4) Victoria amazonica - plant
Cotopaxi - volcano
Brazilian plateau - plain

5) Keymanda Grandi – island
Sugarloaf Mountain
Atacama - desert (slide 30)

Model 3

“The mainland’s calling card”

We work in pairs.

For the proposed objects, select from the text several characteristics that most fully recreate the image of the continent and are its calling card. You can use atlases while completing this task.

As a result of your work, you should have a short story that includes 5-6 features of each of the three proposed objects.

Option 1

The Andes are mountains - high, rocky, young, rugged, stretching from north to south, rich in vegetation, many minerals.

The Amazon is a flat, full-flowing, wide river, stormy in the upper reaches, piranhas and crocodiles are found.

Titicaca is an alpine, freshwater lake that keeps many secrets and is deep.

Option 2

The Amazon is a river - it flows into the Atlantic Ocean, it is full-flowing, there are many tributaries, the banks are swampy, and there are many predators.

The Brazilian plateau - average heights 500-1000 m, rich in minerals, ancient origin, long ago developed.

Tierra del Fuego - the island is located in the extreme south of the mainland, volcanic activity remains.

The work is finished. Thank you very much. Your descriptions turned out to be extraordinary and meaningful.

I can’t help but introduce you to other geographical objects created by nature itself. Objects are amazing and multifaceted . (Slides 31-52, text is written on the slides telling about the tall grass plain of the north of the mainland - Llanos, high mountain lake - Titicaca, Iguazu and Angel Falls).

Llanos is an open, flat space stretching on both sides of the river. Orinoco. The surface of the llanos is covered with dense tall grass with scattered isolated trees or palms here and there. This is the appearance of a typical Brazilian savanna - llanos. The climate of this area is extremely varied. Summer is dry and hot. But then the first clouds gather in the sky, the first rain falls. Behind him is another, a third. Parched soil greedily drinks moisture.

Bright greenery covers the entire earth, a multitude of flowers are colorful.


The largest freshwater lake in South America is Titicaca. Inca legends about the sunken treasures of the lake have long excited the imagination of historians, archaeologists and treasure hunters. According to one legend, the Incas, having collected all the gold, cast a gold chain from it and, so that the treasure would not go to the enemy - the Spanish conquistadors, they threw it into a lake, which, as they believed, had no bottom. According to another legend, Indian warriors hid the gold and diamond treasures of the Inca king in a sunken palace.

The technically well-equipped French expedition of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, which had two small submarines, after an eight-week search, established that Lake Titicaca had no secrets. The expedition measured the depth of the “bottomless” lake.


In the Orinoco River basin, on the Churun ​​River, there is the highest waterfall on Earth - Angel, discovered relatively recently, in 1935. Angel is located in one of the most remote and inaccessible places in South America. The Auyan Tepui mountain range ends in a sheer rock wall. The approaches to the wall are blocked by impenetrable jungle. The natives consider them forbidden.

Another interesting waterfall - Iguazu - is located on the Iguazu River. “Iguazu” in the language of the Iguarani Indians means “Big Water”.

Iguazu falls in two main cascades, but the total number of waterfalls in the system is 275. Excitement covers everyone who observes this miracle of nature. It is impossible to cover the entire front of the waterfall with a glance from the ground: rocks and tropical forest get in the way. Iguazu throws down a monstrous mass of water. Water consumption - 12266 tons per second.

Eyewitnesses speak of the Iguazu Falls this way: “A grandiose spectacle of unprecedented beauty, amazing everyone who was lucky enough to see it.”

The next task is called “Geography of the Continent”.

Let's go back to the answer sheets. To complete this simple task you will need atlases.

Model 4

Geography of the mainland”

Use atlases to complete the sentence. (Appendix 3)

South America is located in the hemisphere ... (first pair).

South America is washed by... (the second pair names the oceans).

South America is located in climatic zones... (third pair).

The closest continents are... (fourth pair).

The most large rivers mainland are... (fifth pair).

Thank you. Let's check. (Slides 54-57)

Carrying out a virtual journey across the mainland, we have already become quite familiar with the features of its natural complex.

Please choose a word that can describe natural complex mainland: diverse, unique, original, contrasting, beautiful, inimitable, exotic, rich, amazing. (Slide 58)

Model 5

“Memo for a traveler going to South America.”

“South America – the country of your dreams”

Now a creative task: make up a few phrases addressed to a traveler going to South America. Your description should begin with the phrase: “South America is the country of your dreams,” and should advantageously highlight the most striking sights of the mainland and the flavor of the local nature. (the task is performed against the background of music performed by the Paul Maria orchestra “Brazilian Carnival”; slide 59)

Speeches by participants.

Thank you. I think that everyone present had a desire to turn our virtual journey into a real one.

A moment of relaxation.

I invite you to relax and wander with me through the most exotic bazaar in Brazil. (voice accompaniment of a trip through the Brazilian bazaar was recorded; slides 60-74)

At the fair in the port of Fortaleza you can buy rice, cassava tubers or cereals made from them, which are called here “farinha”, “castanha do Para”, or the famous Brazil nut, cocoa, coconuts, bananas, pineapples, fish from the smallest to the largest and, in addition to many food products, also valuable crocodile or snake skins, items made from skillfully woven palm fibers, jaguar skins, amazing items made from the wings of beautiful butterflies, necklaces made from dried seeds, and many other items made by skilled Indian craftsmen. At the fair there are also collections of colorful butterflies and moths, bunches of dried hummingbirds, even live parrots that can say a few words in Spanish or Portuguese, monkeys, and in some places you can find a live anaconda for sale.

And, of course, I couldn’t help but look with you at the most colorful and fiery Brazilian holiday - the carnival in the sunny city of Rio de Janeiro. (Slide 75 against the background of the Latin American melody “Brazilian Drums”).

Our journey through South America is coming to an end.

Today we got acquainted with the unique natural complex of South America - the continent of records. To many of him natural objects you can add the word “most”.

Model 6

"The best".(Slide 76)

Finish my sentences. I ask you to answer in unison.

  • The highest waterfall in the world... (Angel)
  • The deepest river in the world... (Amazon)
  • The highest freshwater lake... (Titicaca)
  • The most “copper” mountains on the planet... (Andes)
  • The most beautiful and magnificent carnivals... (in Brazil)
  • The most exotic bazaars... (Brazilian) (Slide 77-82).


Model 7

“Providing feedback”

From the suggested emoticons, choose one that matches your perception of today's lesson. (slide 84 against the background of the music “Wind of Change”)

Our journey is over.

But, no matter where we are, it is especially pleasant to return home, to our homeland, to Russia! (Slide 84)

Guatemala (Spanish: Guatemala), Republic of Guatemala is a state in Central America. The largest in terms of population (13 million people in 2008) of the Central American republics. The population is mainly mestizos (58%) and Indians (40%). Spanish state of Central America 2008 mestizos Indians At the beginning of the 20th century, the bulk of the population of Guatemala were Indians (65% in the 1920s), but there is a process of mixing Indians with mestizos, and they are moving into the category of so-called “ladinos” (they switch to Spanish, culture and customs).XX century

There are several theories regarding the origin of the name of the state of Honduras, but to date none of them has scientific basis. According to one legend, the name of the country comes from a statement by Christopher Columbus during his last, fourth voyage to New World in 1502. His ship was caught in a severe storm, and when he managed to escape, he said: “Gracias a Dios que hemos salido de estas ... and then he added ... honduras” (translation: “I thank God that we have come out of these depths”). This phrase gave the name to Cape Gracias a Dios and the country of Honduras. The depths off the coast of Honduras are really great, so this name could have been given independently of the said phrase of Columbus. [The first mention of the name "Honduras" to refer to the area west of Cape Gracias a Dios appeared in texts in 1607. Christopher Columbus 1502)