The influence of works of art on humans. Unified State Exam

Every person is aware of the impact that medicine and education have on us. strong impact. We are directly dependent on these areas of life. But few would admit that art has an equally important influence. Nevertheless, it is so. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of art in our lives.

What is art?
There are many definitions in various dictionaries. Somewhere they write that art is an image (or the process of creating it) that expresses the artist’s view of the world. Sometimes a person cannot express in words what he can draw.

In another interpretation, this is the process of creativity, creating something. Realization of the need to make the world a little more beautiful.

Art is also a way of understanding the world. For example, for a child who, by drawing or singing songs, remembers new words.

On the other hand, this social process interaction of a person with society and with himself. This concept is so ambiguous that it is impossible to say in which part of our life it is present and in which it is not. Let's consider the arguments: the influence of art on a person is noticeable in the spiritual sphere of our lives. After all, it is under its influence that what we call morality and education is formed.

Types of art and its influence on human life
What's the first thing that comes to mind? Painting? Music? Ballet? All this is art, like photography, circus, decorative arts, sculpture, architecture, pop and theater. The list can still be expanded. With each decade, genres develop and new ones are added, as humanity does not stand still.
Here is one of the arguments: the influence of art on a person’s life is expressed in the love of fairy tales. One of the most influential forms is literature. Reading surrounds us since childhood. When we are very little, mother reads fairy tales to us. Girls and boys are taught the rules of behavior and type of thinking using the example of fairy-tale heroines and heroes. In fairy tales we learn what is good and what is bad. At the end of such works there is a moral that teaches us what to do.

At school and university, we read obligatory works of classical authors, which contain more complex thoughts. Here the characters make us think and ask ourselves questions. Each direction in art pursues its own goals, they are very diverse.

Functions of art: additional arguments
The influence of art on a person is vast, it has various functions and purposes. One of the main goals is educational. The same moral at the end of the fairy tale. The aesthetic function is obvious: works of art are beautiful and develop taste. Close to this is the hedonic function - to bring pleasure. Some literary works often have a prognostic function, remember the Strugatsky brothers and their fantasy novels. Another very important function is compensatory. From the word “compensation”, when artistic reality replaces the main one for us. Here we are often talking about mental trauma or life difficulties. When we turn on our favorite music to forget ourselves, or go to the cinema to escape from unpleasant thoughts.

Or another argument - the influence of art on a person through music. Hearing a song that is symbolic for oneself, someone may decide to take an important action. If we move away from the academic meaning, the influence of art on a person’s life is very great. It gives inspiration. When a man saw a beautiful painting at an exhibition, he came home and started painting.

Let's consider another argument: the influence of art on a person can be seen in how hand-made goods are actively developing. People are not only imbued with a sense of beauty, but are also ready to create masterpieces with their own hands. Various areas of body art and tattoos - the desire to create a work of art on your skin.

Art around us
Has anyone ever thought, when decorating their apartment and thinking through the design, that in this moment Can you see the influence of art on you? Making furniture or accessories is part of arts and crafts. Selection of colors, harmonious shapes and ergonomics of space - this is exactly what designers study. Or another example: when you were choosing a dress in a store, you gave preference to the one that was correctly cut and thought out by the fashion designer. At the same time, fashion houses are not modest, trying to influence your choice with bright advertising videos. Video is also part of art. That is, while watching advertising, we are also under its influence. This is also an argument; the influence of true art on a person nevertheless reveals itself in higher spheres. Let's consider them too.

The influence of art on humans: arguments from literature
Literature influences us infinitely. Let us remember how in Leo Tolstoy’s brilliant work “War and Peace” Natasha Rostova sang for her brother and healed him of despair.

Another elegant example of how painting can save a life was described by O. Henry in the story “The Last Leaf.” The sick girl decided that she would die when the last ivy leaf fell outside her window. She didn't wait for her last day, since the leaf was drawn for her on the wall by the artist.

Another example of the influence of art on a person (arguments from literature are very indicative) is main character works by Ray Bradbury “Smile”, who saves the painting with Mona Lisa, believing in its great significance. Bradbury wrote a lot about the power of creativity, he argued that only by reading books can a person become educated.

The image of a child with a book in his hands haunts many artists, in particular there are several wonderful paintings with the same title “Boy with a Book.”

The Right Influence
Like any influence, art can also be negative and positive. Some modern works are depressing and do not convey much aestheticism. Not all films teach good things. We need to be especially careful about content that influences our children. The correct selection of things around us, music, movies and even clothes will provide us with good mood and instill the right taste.

In Russian literature there are often works that emphasize the significant role of art in people's lives. So, in the story by A.I. Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet” Zheltkov loves Vera with selfless, selfless, high love and decides to do a desperate act for her sake. However, Vera understands the full meaning of his actions only at the end of the work: this happens in the garden under a tree, when Beethoven’s 2nd sonata is heard. The music told Vera what Zheltkov could not express in words. People believed in the truly magical power of art. Thus, some cultural figures suggested that during the First World War the French should defend Verdun, their strongest fortress, not with forts and cannons, but with the treasures of the Louvre. “Place “La Gioconda” or “Madonna and Child and Saint Anne”, the great Leonardo da Vinci in front of the besiegers - and the Germans will not dare to shoot! - they argued. Let us turn to A. Green’s story “Scarlet Sails”. Meeting with the painting, with the image ship, seen once by Gray in the library, influenced the boy’s future. It was she who gave birth to the wonderful dream of becoming a captain in Arthur’s young soul, which he later realized in Eugene Onegin. Tatyana, having read the novels, idealized the image of Onegin. him not as he really is.

A. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” - Tatyana Larina. (1) I read a lot, imagined myself in the place of the heroes. (2) After Eugene’s departure, Tatyana visited his house and, from the books he read, revealed his essence. Maxim Gorky: “I owe everything that is good in me to books.” In Nikolai Ostrovsky’s novel “How the Steel Was Tempered,” the hero Pavka Korchagin, in response to the surgeon’s surprised question about where the courage to endure unbearable pain comes from, replies: “Read The Gadfly, then you will understand.” Often a book helps you make the only right decision and encourages you to achieve heroism. Such works were “The Tale of a Real Man” by Boris Polevoy, the poem “Vasily Terkin” by A. Tvardovsky, the story “To Spite All Deaths!” Vladislav Titov.

A.P. Chekhov "Death of an Official". The official Chervyakov is incredibly infected with the spirit of veneration: having sneezed and splashed the bald head of General Bryzzhalov sitting in front of him (and he did not pay attention to it), Ivan Dmitry was so frightened that after repeated humiliated requests to forgive him, he died of fear. A.P. Chekhov "Thick and Thin". The hero of the story, the official Porfiry, met a school friend at the Nikolaevskaya railway station and learned that he was a privy councilor, i.e. advanced significantly higher in his career. In an instant, the “subtle” one turns into a servile creature, ready to humiliate himself and fawn over him. A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". Molchalin, the negative character of the comedy, is sure that one should please not only “all people without exception,” but even “the janitor’s dog, so that it is affectionate.” The need to tirelessly please also gave rise to his affair with Sophia, the daughter of his master and benefactor Famusov. A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". Maxim Petrovich, the “character” of the historical anecdote that Famusov tells for the edification of Chatsky, in order to earn the favor of the empress, turned into a jester, amusing her with absurd falls.

Gogol “The Overcoat” I.A. Bunin “The Gentleman from San Francisco”. The nameless hero of Bunin's philosophical parable served the "golden calf" all his life. It turned out that money, fame, fame have no value in the face of death. In pursuit of wealth, the gentleman did not notice the most important thing. True life values: mercy, spirituality, love, sincere joy of life - passed him by. M. Sholokhov " Quiet Don" Grigory Melekhov has been trying for a long time to find answers to questions that are important to him. This search for truth makes him rush around: it leads him first to the Reds, then to the Whites. At first Gregory accepts the “truth” of both, and then sees lies and deception, cruelty and tyranny. Grigory Melekhov is losing his family and friends. At the end of the novel, the hero comes to the understanding that the main thing for him is the opportunity to live peacefully on his land, cultivate it, love and care for his children. N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls”. The pursuit of false values ​​leads to impoverishment and moral degradation. In the poem, Gogol brings before the reader a whole series of “dead souls”: Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdryov, Sobakevich, Plyushkin, Chichikov himself, city officials. All of them, to one degree or another, gripped by a passion for hoarding and profit, lose their living souls, turning into puppets.

Lomonosov sought to comprehend knowledge, so Goncharov “Oblomov” left the Russian hinterland to study in Moscow. The image of Oblomov is the image of a man who only wanted. He wanted to change his life, he wanted to rebuild the life of the estate, he wanted to raise children... But he did not have the strength to make these desires come true, so his dreams remained dreams. M. Gorky in the play “At the Lower Depths” showed the drama “ former people”, who have lost the strength to fight for their own sake. They hope for something good, understand that they need to live better, but do nothing to change their fate. It is no coincidence that the play begins in a rooming house and ends there. Newspapers talked about young man, who became crippled after spinal surgery. He had a lot of free time, which he did not know what to spend on. He admitted that the happiest moment in his life came when a friend asked him to rewrite his lecture notes. The patient realized that even in this situation people might need him. After that, he mastered the computer and began posting advertisements on the Internet in which he was looking for sponsors for children in need of urgent surgery. Being chained to wheelchair, he saved dozens of human lives.

Novel " Captain's daughter"A.S. Pushkin. His father bequeathed to Pyotr Grinev to take care of his honor from a young age. He raised him in such a way that even in the most difficult situations of moral choice, he always had a fulcrum - his conscience. What a person will be like and how he will go through life depends on his upbringing Let's remember Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace". The Rostovs and Kuragins raised their children completely differently. As a result, Natasha, Petya and Nikolai grew up kind and sensitive, honest, sincere people, but Anatole and Helen have become egoists, for whom money, fame, and their own lusts come first. Goncharov "Oblomov". Brought up in an atmosphere of laziness, the lively and energetic Ilya Oblomov becomes inactive and lazy, loses his life aspirations, goals and desires. The most striking example of immoral education appears in D.I. Fonvizin’s play “The Minor.” The family in which Mitrofan is being brought up consists of immoral, cowardly, selfish, poorly educated people. Spoiled by everyone's attention and excessive care, Mitrofon is unable to think about anything other than food, sleep and his imminent marriage. Thus, Mitrofan grew up completely devoid of any moral principle, mind and heart. It is not for nothing that the phrase “here are the worthy fruits of evil” is key in understanding Fonvizin’s accusatory comedy.

G. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen". According to Andersen, good reigns in the human world. Kai becomes angry and cruel only when fragments of the old troll's magic mirror fall into his heart. Although the love and loyalty of little Gerda, who passed all the tests, as well as help good people restore the harmony of the world. Russians folk tales, literary fairy tales.

K. G. Paustovsky “Telegram”. A girl, Nastya, living in Leningrad, receives a telegram that her mother is sick, but matters that seem important to her do not allow her to go to her mother. When she, realizing the magnitude of the possible loss, comes to the village, it turns out to be too late: her mother is no longer there... A.P. Chekhov "Tosca". Cab driver Iona Potapov's only son died. To overcome melancholy and an acute feeling of loneliness, he wants to tell someone about his misfortune, but no one wants to listen to him, no one cares about him. And then Jonah tells his whole story to the horse: it seems to him that it was she who listened to him and sympathized with his grief.

This is an essay by my student Anastasia Mudra.

Sometimes I feel bad for my peers who spend little time reading, but a person who reads thinks and reflects! The problem of the influence of art on a person, identified by the author of the proposed text, attracts the attention of many writers and publicists. V. Astafiev also thought about it, indicating its priority for thoughtful readers.

To convey the importance of the problem, he talks about a girl who has very little time left to live. Lina, being a medical student, knew that she was doomed and lived to be twenty years old. The girl visited theaters and understood: the world will always be divided into two poles: life and death. These views helped her see the fine line between two short words. The author draws readers' attention to the following fact: Lina ended up in a planetarium, where the guides talked about the change of day and night, and the seasons on Earth. She saw a dome of stars, and “music flowed from somewhere on high.” For a moment, the girl imagined swans and the dark force lying in wait for them, thought about eternal life. It was music that made her rise, rush upward, and live!

The author does not provide a ready-made solution to the problem. It forces the reader to think and draw a conclusion. And yet, watching how V. Astafiev writes about what worries him, I will allow myself to assume that the position is as follows: art has a huge impact on our lives, encourages us to do good deeds, makes us think about the good and kind . You need to turn to art in time, and only then its enormous power will open to you the “vast celestial world.”

Undoubtedly, V. Astafiev is right! I also hold a similar opinion, because art can influence all areas of our lives, you just need to learn to feel and understand the language of the works.

The importance of this issue is proven by the fact that it is especially clearly presented in L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” Natasha Rostova was far from beautiful and did not have a remarkable appearance. The heroine was able to amaze Andrei Bolkonsky with her singing. Her voice influenced him, he felt her inner beauty and saw Natasha as a completely different person. Here it is, the enormous power of art!

The correctness of my position is confirmed by another argument. How many songs were written during the war years! These melodies lifted the people, awakened a sense of patriotism, and forced them to go to the defense of their homeland. Everyone knows the song “Holy War”. She became the musical emblem of the Great Patriotic War. With this song soviet people, overwhelmed by “noble rage,” went to the mortal battle. The music of war had a huge influence on the tenacity of our soldiers in battles and on their desire for victory.

In conclusion, I will emphasize the deep meaning of V. Astafiev’s text, which drew attention to the problem of the influence of art on a person. We only have to turn to the vast world of beauty, which will help us find the right path and give answers to many questions.

Unified State Examination essay:

Have you ever thought about the impact of the books you read on you? How can they change you? How can they help? The role of the book as a work of one of the branches of art is truly great. The problem of the influence of art on a person’s worldview is raised in his text by the famous publicist E. Vinokurov.

The fact that people from ancient times felt the influence of objects of art is evidenced by rock paintings, with the help of which ancient people tried to leave information about themselves to future generations, and used art as a way of transmitting feelings, moods, and thoughts to their fellow tribesmen.

The author of the text offered to me examines this problem using the example of the great Russian poet. From the first lines of the text, Vinokurov analyzes the role of Sergei Yesenin’s creativity in the life of a Russian person. The author notes the simplicity and accessibility of Yesenin’s poems, notes their spiritual depth.

The first sentence of the text fully conveys the author’s position: “We can say with confidence that there are few poets in the world who, like Yesenin, are the soul of the nation and enjoy boundless love people." The author is confident in Yesenin as a brilliant, great poet who wrote only what he felt, only the truth. Using the metaphors “artist of intuition”, “naked conscience of the nation”, Vinokurov explains the uniqueness of the poet’s influence.

It is impossible not to agree with Vinokurov’s position. And from my point of view, art influences a person’s perception of the world. There are times in each of our lives when we feel empty, disappointed, lonely, and I am no exception. At such moments I like to listen to the works of contemporary composer Ludovico Einaudi. They help me push away all the bad things and discover the strength to admire the world.

A similar way out of a life impasse for the heroine of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" is the Gospel. I was amazed that Sonya Marmeladova, finding herself in a difficult situation, was able to find support in the moral commandments indicated in the Holy Scriptures. After all, as soon as Sonya remembers the story of the resurrection of Lazarus, she casts aside her insecurities and turns from a pathetic girl in need of help into one who is ready to provide this help.

No less interesting is the position of the famous American writer Ray Bradbury. In the novel Fahrenheit 451, the owner of a house marked by firefighters for burning refuses to leave the house alone. The heroine chooses death by fire among her favorite books, so hated by society. This act clearly shows the influence of art on a person, its invaluable value for everyone.

Analyzing this problem, we can conclude: art influences the life of society, helps a person decide in this life, understand what is worth living for.

Text by E. Vinokurov

(1) It is safe to say that there are few poets in the world who, like Yesenin, are the soul of the nation and who enjoy the boundless love of the people. (2) Yesenin is loved by different strata of society: young people and old people, workers and professors.

(3) How can we explain such love of the Russian people for Yesenin’s work? (4) After all, this is a very complex poet, and there is no person who would fully understand him, nor is there yet a critic who could explain and comment on all the richness of the content of Yesenin’s poetry. (5) Its simplicity and accessibility sometimes seem to hide from view the enormous spiritual depths that it latently contains.

(6) Yesenin is a national thinker, and this, above all, determines love for the poet. (7) Look how he thinks big and big, and he thinks about the most significant problems of the world that worry people so much: about life and death, about the peasantry, about Russian history, about the fate of an individual and the entire people.

(8) Yesenin is a great artist of intuition, and this also determines special treatment people to the poet's work. (9) Yesenin’s thoughts are born along with an explosion of emotions - they are like blinding flashes, these are most often the deepest spiritual insights. (10) No wonder he suggested: “But in the eyes of my insights there is a wondrous light.” (11) With all his great intuition as an artist, he unmistakably guessed the truth, wrote only the truth, nothing but the truth, and therefore what he wrote sounds louder and louder every year.

(12) Yesenin is a singer of love. (13) This topic is also close to every person. (14) The poet knightly stood for a high spiritual understanding of love, for the utmost spirituality of feeling, did not reconcile himself with compromise, demanded maximum love tension, maximum experience.

(15) A poet is a seismograph, a compass. (16) He conveys the vibrations of the era, he is a philosopher, we use him to determine the paths of history, the strength of tremors. (17) This seismograph just needs to be sensitive and the compass to be accurate. (18) And Yesenin was an ideal instrument in this sense - he was the naked conscience of the nation.

(According to E. Vinokurov)