Cronenberg rose description. Hybrid tea roses: photos and care - the best advice from a specialist

No flower brings such joy as a rose! Exquisite beauty and nobility, delicate aroma, variety of shades and varieties made it a real queen flower beds. Professionals especially loved the hybrid tea rose. Let's find out what secrets experienced flower growers use so that planting and care of hybrid tea roses do not disappoint, but become the pride of your garden

Hybrid tea rose variety Watercolor

People have been admiring hybrid tea roses for 150 years. This class of flowers is the result of breeding work that combined remontant and tea roses.

The bred roses have attracted attention for their ability to bloom several times per season, obtained from remontant roses. And the teahouses imparted to the new class varieties the delicate aroma of tea leaves after picking, as well as beautiful shape flower.

Selection work on hybrid tea roses was not interrupted. Their advantages became more and more. Varieties of this class have become resistant to diseases and can better withstand frosty winters.

When describing their favorite plants, professionals pay attention to large flowers, abundant flowering, and delicate aroma. By listening to the advice of experts who talk about the hybrid tea rose, the features of its planting and care, you will make your flower garden unique!

Choosing material for planting

Rose seedling

When purchasing a seedling, it is necessary to take into account not only the height and color of the flower.
A seedling suitable for planting has the following characteristics:

  • Age - 1-2 years.
  • The root collar is 8 - 10 mm in diameter.
  • Lack of leaves, flowers, fruits.

What else must be taken into account when choosing a rose seedling?

Carefully inspect the seedling when purchasing. Pay attention to:

  • Sapling roots. Give preference to one whose root system is well developed and has branches. Such a plant will develop better.
  • Number of stems. It is worth buying a seedling that has more than two stems. The stems should be sufficiently developed and strong. The diameter of the stems is at least 6-7 mm, the color is a healthy green.
  • Kidneys. Choose a seedling whose buds are dormant.

Planting a hybrid tea rose

How to plant a hybrid tea rose

Experts have developed a unique algorithm for planting hybrid tea roses. Compliance with all of its points will ensure good survival and further development of the flower.

  1. Landing dates

The optimal time for planting hybrid tea roses is May, after warm weather has set in and the soil has warmed up well. Planting a hybrid tea rose can last until the onset of intense heat in June.

  1. Seedling preparation

The purchased seedling must be prepared for planting by placing it in water for 2-3 hours. Before this, the roots of the plant are trimmed by a few millimeters. It is also allowed not to completely immerse the entire seedling in water, but to partially immerse the roots in a container of water.

  1. Selecting a location

The rose is quite picky about the planting site. She will feel good in a lighted, sunny place. The plant must be protected from drafts, to which the rose is sensitive. Experience shows that it is best to plant a rose near the wall of a house, another building or tall bushes that will shelter it from drafts and gusts of wind.

Most suitable soil— You need to prepare in advance for planting roses. Adding humus in the fall or to the place where the rose is supposed to be planted will give good results.

Avoid unwanted proximity. Raspberries or cherries, rowan, pear, quince, and other Rosaceae should not be placed next to the rose. It is also not worth planting a flower in the place of these plants; these predecessors are undesirable.

  1. Preparing the planting hole

To plant a hybrid tea rose, prepare a hole about half a meter deep (50-60 cm). The roots of the plant should feel free in it.
The first layer filling the hole is the soil mixture. To prepare it, thoroughly mix equal proportions of soil, sand with organic matter - cow manure, peat, humus.
The hole with the soil mixture is spilled with water. The seedling is lowered into the hole and covered with soil, making sure that the grafting site (a noticeable thickening) is not deeper than 2-3 cm underground.
The soil around the seedling needs to be compacted well. The planting procedure ends with watering.

Video “Planting Roses”

Growing roses

Having selected a high-quality seedling and planted it according to all the rules, you should continue to follow the rules for caring for and growing hybrid tea roses.

  1. Watering

Hybrid tea rose needs systematic care. Drying out immediately affects the condition and development of the plant. Its flowers become smaller and its leaves dry out. Overmoistening is also undesirable, as it can lead to fungal diseases.
Optimal watering regime: abundant watering once every 7 days in summer, in hot weather. In spring and autumn, the plant is watered less frequently - once every 1.5 - 2 weeks.

  1. Mulching
  1. Top dressing

For normal development and abundant long-term flowering, hybrid tea roses require constant feeding.
Today it is best to use special complex mineral fertilizers, which contain the chemical elements necessary for the flower: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Fertilizing is carried out in the spring, during plant growth (the first is nitrogen, the second is potassium), then at the time of budding, then after the first flowering. In summer it is useful to combine the use of mineral and organic fertilizers. In the fall, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied to prepare the plants for the winter.

Video “How to water roses correctly”


When growing roses, it is important to prune the flower in a timely manner. Without old shoots, the rose bush becomes more decorative. But the main functions of pruning are not decorative. It preserves the quality of flowers and prevents their size from shrinking. A rose bush thinned out as a result of pruning becomes more resistant to fungal diseases.

Pruning is carried out several times during the season. Hybrid tea roses are pruned in spring and summer. If necessary, autumn pruning is also possible.
This procedure must be carried out competently, making an oblique cut with a sharp pruner, the distance between the bud and the cut is 5 mm.

Let's look at how to prune a hybrid tea rose.

Preparing for winter

Preparing roses for winter

Winter, the time when the rose does not please us with its blooms, is also an important period in the life of a flower. At the same time, this is a difficult period for which the plant needs to be prepared.

So that the rose can bear frosty winter and did not die, it is necessary to create special conditions for her. The plant is pruned, leaving shoots no more than 10 cm. Excess shoots are removed. To disinfect the sections, sprinkle them with ash. Then the rose bush is hilled up, covering the left shoots with dry leaves or spruce branches.

You can cover the bush with a wooden box and wrap it with agrofibre on top of it. If you choose this method, do not try to wrap the rose completely, be sure to leave some air space to ensure air circulation.

You cannot use sawdust, hay, straw, moss, or manure when preparing roses for winter! These materials will lead to dampness, rotting of the roots, and death of the flower!

Diseases and pests of hybrid tea roses

Hybrid tea rose requires constant attention. The flower turns out to be attractive not only to humans; diseases and pests become a problem.

Pest control

If, when examining your rose garden, you notice damage to the leaves or buds of the plant, be careful; this could be caused by a caterpillar or spider mite, aphid or leaf roller. It is urgent to remove the damaged leaves, and then treat the bush with special chemical protection products in accordance with the instructions.

If you didn’t notice any insects upon careful inspection, but you are concerned about the plant’s slow growth, its wilting, or the drying out of its leaves, perhaps a nematode has settled in its roots. In this case, treating the plant is not enough; it is necessary to act on its roots. The rose is dug up, the remaining soil is washed off from the roots, and the roots are treated with special products in accordance with the instructions. At the same time, they are looking for a new landing site. Preventing the reappearance of the nematode is to plant calendula flowers in a new hole before planting, the smell of which will repel the nematode.

We treat diseases

The main diseases of hybrid tea roses are fungal diseases: powdery mildew, gray rot, rust, black spot.
The main cause of disease is excess humidity. Treatment consists of observing watering standards and using fungicides (Fundazol, Topaz, etc.). The preparations are used in accordance with the instructions for treating the plant. Disease prevention and soil treatment are also carried out with fungicides.


Having planted the purchased seedling, you can further prepare planting material on one's own. Hybrid tea roses are usually propagated using cuttings.

In the summer, when the rose has bloomed and its shoots are half woody, they are used as material for cuttings. In this case, use the middle of the shoot, measuring from 7 to 10 cm; the presence of 3 buds is mandatory. Cut the cutting so that the top cut is oblique and the bottom cut is straight. The bottom of the cutting is located directly below the lower bud, the top is above the top one at a distance of 0.5 to 1 cm. The lowest leaf is torn off, the remaining leaves are cut by a third or half.

Cuttings need to be soaked before planting; for this, use Kornevin’s solution. Then they are planted in the garden. They are planted obliquely, the angle of inclination is approximately 45°. The planted cuttings are watered and sprayed with water so that they are constantly moist. To maintain a moist environment, cover with a glass container or polyethylene.
It takes up to 2 years for the cutting to develop into a seedling; during this period it must be insulated in preparation for winter.

When growing, a hybrid tea rose will require some attention and care from you, and then generously reward you with flowering and aroma!

Tea- hybrid roses- very popular flowers with luxurious bud shapes and hundreds of petals. Roses come in a wide variety of colors, they are resistant to disease and frost, and can enhance any garden area.

More than 200 varieties of these gorgeous rose bushes have been bred by breeders. The buds bloom from June to autumn, reaching a height of up to 140 cm. The number of petals is up to 80. Roses come in a wide variety of colors: white, pink, lilac, red, tea, yellow, burgundy.

The following varieties are considered popular:

  • Unclewater with bright red flowers up to 12 cm, height up to 140 cm, with large leaves and a faint pleasant aroma;
  • Dame de Coeur with dark cherry buds in the shape of a bowl, 10-12 cm in diameter, up to 100 cm in height, frost-resistant and fragrant;
  • Americanpride with dark red flowers with a glass-shaped inflorescence up to 15 cm in diameter, stems up to 80 cm in height (they have a pleasant weak aroma and are distinguished by abundant and long-lasting flowering);
  • Elina with large bright orange buds and a delicate aroma, stems up to 120 cm in height;
  • Madonna with dark red flowers, stem height up to 150 cm, almost no smell;
  • Black magic with black and red flowers up to 9 cm in diameter;
  • Pascals with white buds up to 10 cm in diameter, stem height up to 90 cm;
  • Nostalgia with red and white buds, emit a strong aroma, are not afraid of frost and disease;
  • Diamond with orange-red buds, the variety is quite hardy and is not afraid of frost.

The most favorite among gardeners are roses, the varieties of which are as follows:

  • Maria Calas with rich pink flowers;
  • Gloria dei with yellow buds;
  • Oklahoma with dark, tea-colored flowers;
  • Folklore with cream-colored buds.

Specifics of varieties

Low growing varieties can grow in room conditions. In practice, for winter forcing, roses are planted in greenhouses and greenhouses. When blooming, roses have a sweetish, rich aroma; the aroma of bright shades is more pronounced.

Rose petals are useful and medicinal. Despite the bitter taste, they contain high doses of the following substances:

  • pectin;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins;
  • antiseptic substances.

Healing decoctions, teas, jelly, wine, lotions and even jam are prepared from the leaves.

How to plant and care

But it is still necessary to care for roses. For those who have hybrid tea roses in their garden, planting and care are not difficult if you follow the basic rules when planting and watering, feed, fertilize, prune and control pests in a timely manner.

Roses are planted in spring or autumn. In spring, for planting, it is enough to warm the soil and deepen the roots to 15 cm. Plants need to be watered at least once a week, more often on hot days. Soil moisture should be at least 8 cm deep. To avoid diseases and pest attacks, try not to pour water on flowers, leaves and stems.

To form a regular and strong bush, roses are pruned in the spring, cutting off the tops of the shoots and leaving up to 3 buds on each bush. It is better to remove weak shoots, leaving a couple of buds on one bush. The main pruning is in the spring; if necessary, when the bushes grow, the procedure can be repeated.

Subcorts and fertilizers for roses

Organics for roses - maintaining health. Substances secreted by bacteria and chemical elements, are well absorbed by plants and are contained in slurry. Fertilizer needs to be applied 2-4 times a month depending on the composition of the soil. Do not be afraid to oversaturate the soil; roses are responsive to organic fertilizers.

To prepare slurry, do the following:

  • pour mullein with water in a ratio of 1x3;
  • add 15 g per bucket of water superphosphate, potassium sulfate;
  • keep the mixture in a barrel for 12 days;
  • dilute the concentrated composition with water (1x10);
  • apply fertilizers in the grooves around the circumference of the bushes, departing from the roots by about 25-30 cm;
  • after the mullein is absorbed into the soil, fill the grooves with sand, peat, and top with soil;
  • After 1-2 days, loosen the soil well.

Growing roses (video)

Pests and diseases

Even on strong bushes the following pests can appear:

  • beetles, caterpillars, aphids (you need to spray with mospilan, acrophyte, confidor maxi);
  • powdery mildew, bushes are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture, baleton (0.2%), topaz (1%);
  • black softness, spraying is carried out with topaz (0.1%), sulfur 1%;
  • the burn is infectious, foundationazole (0.2%), copper oxychloride (0.4%) is suitable for spraying;
  • rust spreading to roses by spores from juniper (planting roses near it is unacceptable);
  • soot coating - colonies of fungi cover the leaves with a black coating (for spraying you need to prepare a soap-alcohol solution).

Gray rot leads to damage to buds, shoots, leaves, and flowers. Over time, they develop a gray coating and brown spots of rot. The affected parts of the plants die. For spraying, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of horsetail, trim and destroy the affected parts of the roses.

Viral diseases also affect roses. Virus carriers are harmful insects. Roses bloom poorly and development is slow. It is important to promptly disinfect seedlings and destroy insects that carry viruses that cause irreparable harm to roses.

Suitable shoots for cuttings are semi-lignified. Young and fatty shoots are unsuitable for cuttings. Those that were previously fed with nitrogen fertilizers, too. During the night the shoots are saturated with juices, so it is better to cut them in the morning, placing them in a plastic bags with water.

Hybrid tea roses (video)

  • To form strong and powerful roots, do not allow the bushes to bloom abundantly. In the first year after planting the seedlings, remove excess buds.
  • At a temperature of -8ºC, cover, sprinkle the roses with sand, dry soil, and after hilling - spruce branches.
  • Make sure that tall trees do not shade the bushes, otherwise their development will be slowed down. Plant plants away from cherries, pears, raspberries, and rowan.
  • If roses become sick, immediately spray them with the necessary preparations. Pests such as aphids, beetles, mites, and insects must be removed in a timely manner.

Planting and caring for new bushes is about nourishing the soil. If the soil is depleted, remove it; the root system should be fully nourished. With timely feeding, pathogenic flora will not begin to develop.

In October the first frosts arrive and hybrid tea roses need to be covered. Ahead of schedule This should not be done: unripe shoots will lead to softness and flabby wood. In fact, you shouldn’t be afraid of the first autumn frosts: roses are frost-resistant and quite hardy. The following varieties are considered the most resistant:

  • Memory;
  • Eliza;
  • Beverly;
  • Marvel;
  • Nostalgia;
  • Gloria Day;
  • Password;
  • Grand Amore.

Before covering non-woody young shoots, you need to remove and trim the leaves, leaving cuttings no more than 1 cm in length, tie the stems in a bunch, and treat them with iron sulfate (3%). Next, cover the bushes with a layer of earth up to 15 cm, cover the top with non-woven fabric or spruce branches.

Hybrid tea roses are popular due to the variety of varieties, color palette, and different shades.

Bushes vary in height, which makes it possible for gardeners and designers to create any interesting compositions. Some varieties of roses change shades as they bloom. The buds are luxurious, gracefully folded. The aroma is different for each variety. Planting and care are not at all burdensome. Many varieties of roses bloom until late autumn and delight the eye with their splendor.

Gallery: hybrid tea roses (15 photos)

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Roses are a decoration for any garden plot. Gardening enthusiasts often prefer to decorate their area with bushes of hybrid tea roses. Flowers show resistance to adverse effects environment, grow in cool and warm climates. Today we will talk about how to grow hybrid tea roses. Even a novice gardener can plant and care for the plant.

During the selection process, many varieties of roses were developed. However, it is worth highlighting several unusual varieties that are distinguished by their unique characteristics.

Table 1. Common varieties of roses


The rose received this name because of its color. The petals in a closed bud are almost black. Only when it blooms does the rose acquire a scarlet color. The diameter of the open bud is 11-12 centimeters. This variety is used both in group plantings for landscape decoration and for cutting.

The leaves of this rose are deep red, almost black. The buds are medium-sized, reaching 9-10 centimeters in diameter when fully opened. This variety is planted mainly in the shade - this is where the beauty of the rose is most manifested.

The history of the spread of roses has been impressing gardening enthusiasts for decades. Because the variety was brought to America on the eve of the capture of France by the German Nazis. After which the rose was presented to the general public in 1945 and given the name Peace, which means peace. But, main feature variety is that the rose changes its color at different stages of dissolution. At first you can notice yellow petals with a crimson frame, which later become creamy with pink splashes.

An upright rose, it belongs to the category of semi-double varieties. The buds are large, the petals have a cherry color. The variety is predisposed to various fungal diseases.

The variety of this rose has erect stems that reach a height of up to 150 centimeters. The petals are deep red in color; when fully opened, the diameter of the bud is about 11 centimeters. Roses are planted in flower beds, garden plots, and also grown for cutting.

A cold-resistant variety that is extremely rarely susceptible to any fungal diseases. The bush grows up to 90 centimeters in height. The bud is elongated, reaches 11 centimeters in diameter, the petals are carved, bright crimson in color.

Such roses are hybrids from other progenitors. The need for crossing arose because noble varieties of roses began to lose their basic qualities. After the creation of hybrids of various shades, a significant number of unique varieties were added.

Planting hybrid tea roses

To plant roses, you will need to choose a sunny area of ​​soil, protected from constant winds. Do not forget that some varieties die under the influence of drafts. Bushes are often located near tall trees or buildings. However, it is undesirable to plant flowers near cherries, raspberries, and pears.

Roses are planted mainly in spring in pre-drained soil. Over the summer, the seedlings will have time to take root, which will allow them to survive the winter without any obstacles. However, in the autumn it will be necessary to additionally fertilize the soil with humus.

It is worth paying special attention to the condition of the planting material. The gardener must select varieties that can be planted in this region. It is also recommended to immediately take into account the height of the shoots. Bushes of such roses grow up to 150 centimeters in height.

When preparing plants for planting, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • the absence of elongated and light-colored shoots that can be affected by fungus;
  • developed root system;
  • strong stems of bright green color;
  • lack of budding buds;
  • the presence of several stems at once.

Gardeners are engaged in harvesting seedlings in the first month of spring. Store them in a cool place with high level moisture. In this state, planting material is stored until planting in open soil. It is recommended to plant in May or June, when the soil has warmed up after frost. It is important to plant the plants before the onset of hot summer. The roots will need to be trimmed, and then place the seedlings in water for 1.5-2 hours.

Instructions for planting roses in the ground

For planting, it is necessary to prepare a depression in the soil, which in depth corresponds to the size of the roots (they should not bend). Usually this is no more than 60 centimeters. The hole is filled in equal proportions with earth, sand and fertilizer. You will need to moisten the soil with a large amount of water (at least 1.5 liters).

After which the seedling is lowered into the hole and covered with soil. The grafting site goes 2 centimeters into the soil. After planting, an embankment is built for each seedling to ensure the flow of water to the roots. Upon completion of the process, you will need to hill up the plant.

Watering seedlings

All varieties of such roses prefer abundant, but not frequent watering. A large amount of moisture is required only for young bushes. Immediately after planting, it is recommended to water the seedlings 2-3 times a week. Then watering is reduced to once a week. However, when the first buds appear, the plant will again need a large number of moisture.

Abundant watering is also necessary during the flowering period of roses. Otherwise, the buds grow small and the petals have a dull color. One adult bush will require more than 9 liters of water.

Do not use tap water for irrigation. Because it contains salts and chlorine - all this harms the root system of the plant. It is advisable to water the seedlings with melt water. It is not recommended to water the leaves and buds due to the risk of developing various fungi. In hot weather, you will need to moisturize the bushes in the evening. And in cool weather it is recommended to reduce watering again. After autumn, roses are watered only during periods of severe drought.

Fertilizing roses

For normal growth of healthy shoots, high-quality and timely feeding is required. For such purposes, special complexes of mineral and organic fertilizers are used. Thanks to this combination, the composition of the soil improves and rapid growth of shoots is observed.

In the first year after planting, there is no need to feed the root system, because fertilizers have already been added to the hole. However, before frost, the leaves are sometimes fed with a solution of potassium sulfate.

The main feeding is carried out in the first months of spring, after pruning the bush. This process allows you to activate the growth of the plant. For these purposes, ready-made mineral fertilizers are used, which are scattered around the bush after watering. After 7 days, the soil will need to be fertilized with organic fertilizers; cow manure is suitable for such purposes. The fertilizer must be dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:8, and then left to infuse for 14 days.

It is important to remember that roses need fertilizer before active flowering begins. But, if necessary, the soil is fed with a weak solution of nitrate. The need for abundant fertilization of bushes also depends on the climate of the area. If the bush grows in favorable conditions and looks healthy and strong, then only periodic feeding of the root system with organic matter is carried out.

Pests and diseases of hybrid tea roses

Some varieties of hybrid tea roses are susceptible to powdery mildew. Therefore, for protection purposes, the leaves of the plant will need to be treated with a solution of baking soda. It is recommended to spray in the spring when the first leaves appear. Treatment is carried out once or twice a week.

Plants also often suffer from green aphids. Treating shoots and leaves with a soap solution will help to cope with this problem. Laundry soap is best suited for such purposes. However, you will need to first boil and steep the soap solution. In the presence of extensive lesions, it is recommended to purchase special chemicals for processing.

It is necessary to periodically inspect the condition of the entire rose garden. If there are damaged leaves, remove them immediately and treat them. It happens that there is no damage on the leaves and stems, and the plant withers. In this case, there is a possibility of damage to the root system by a nematode. In this case, conventional processing is not enough. The plant will have to be dug out of the soil and then treated with a special anti-pest product. In addition, you will need to choose a new planting site for the bush and first plant calendula in the hole.

Do not forget that the main cause of various plant diseases is excessive soil moisture. That is why it is recommended to strictly observe watering standards and periodically carry out preventive treatment.

Pruning hybrid tea roses

Timely pruning is important in the process of caring for plants. However, pruning methods will vary depending on the season.

Table 2. Pruning roses by season

The pruning method is also divided into strong and weak appearance. With light pruning, only a small tip of the shoot is removed. As a result, there will be many small flowers on the shoot.

Heavy pruning requires the removal of a significant portion of the shoot. After such actions, you should not expect early flowering, but large buds will delight you with their beauty.

Let's sum it up

Hybrid tea roses have not lost their popularity among gardeners for several decades. They are often used to decorate the landscape of various buildings and houses. Because such roses delight with their bright blooms throughout the summer and even in autumn. After cutting, the flowers stay in the vase for about 2 weeks and do not lose their freshness and attractiveness.

Video - Features of planting hybrid tea roses

Almost no garden plot is complete without a rose garden. Amateur flower growers try to plant at least a couple of tea rose bushes. Hybrid tea varieties are attractive for their decorative properties. They are resistant to various influences and exude a delicate aroma. There are many varieties hybrid tea roses, care and planting which will be discussed today in our article.

Advantages of hybrid tea roses

  • long flowering (all summer and almost all autumn);
  • elasticity of flowers buds;
  • high decorativeness of the bush;
  • resilience to climate change.

To decorate these roses country cottage area, you need to know the basic principles of agricultural technology, follow features of care and cultivation.

Popular varieties of hybrid tea roses

Currently, breeders have developed many varieties. They differ in the main features:

  • variety of colors: from red raspberry to soft yellow roses;
  • height (from 50 cm to one meter);
  • quality and color of leaves (from thick to thin, from leathery to thin);
  • number of flowers on the peduncle;
  • shape (narrow, spreading, narrow pyramidal).

Everyone can choose the variety they like best. We present several varieties that are popular.

Alexander. Plant can reach a height one and a half meters. Stems are erect, flowers are diameter up to 15 cm. The variety is classified as semi-double. Suitable for decorating hedges and used when creating bouquets.

Peer Gynt. A beautiful variety of hybrid tea rose, early. It has neat compact bushes up to 90 cm in height. The thorns are sharp and thin. The flowers are golden yellow at the very beginning of flowering, then appear at the edges pink coating. The disadvantage of this variety is that it often suffers from powdery mildew.

Prima Ballerina. A true prima among very capricious beauties The bush is erect, reaches a meter in height. It is a flowerbed hybrid tea rose, has large inflorescences of pink cherry color. This variety is prone to disease.

Dame De Coeur. A variety resistant to frost and various diseases. It has a weak, very delicate aroma. The flowers are beautiful, large, double, about 12 cm in diameter. Look great in bouquets and in group plantings.

Le France. A very popular variety, it wins with its color. The lower part of the flower is bright pink, the upper part is silvery pink. Rich aroma, high winter hardiness. Susceptible to fungal diseases.

Lucky Piece. A beautiful variety with double-sided petals. They are orange-red below and apricot-pink above. The flowers are densely double, the bush itself is compact in size.

Basic requirements for planting hybrid tea roses

For planting hybrid tea roses on in your area need to pick up place on the site, which will be protected from strong winds, but will be sunny. Roses also don’t like drafts. It is convenient to place rose bushes near tall bushes or buildings. Neighborhood with plants such as rowan, raspberry, pear and cherry is undesirable.

The soil should be slightly acidic, well fertilized and loose. It is better to plant roses in the spring, then the plant will have time to take root and overwinter well. At the end of autumn, the soil must be fertilized. It's better to put it in humus soil or cow dung.

Special attention is paid to the quality of planting material. First, the grower must choose which variety is best suited to the climate of his region. You also need to take into account the size that the rose bush will reach. The height of hybrid tea roses is up to one and a half meters.

When choosing seedlings from a nursery, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • lack of too long and pale shoots that may be sick;
  • roots should be good branched and well developed;
  • the stems should be green, strong and mature;
  • the kidneys should be at rest;
  • The seedling should have 2 or more stems with a diameter of about 7 mm.

Features of planting hybrid tea varieties

Preparation of planting material

Seedlings must be prepared in early March. Before this, they are stored in a cool room, in damp sand or soil. This planting material is calmly waiting to be planted in open ground. The optimal time for planting is May-June, when the soil has already warmed up to +12°C. The main thing is to have time to plant the plants before the onset of extreme heat. Be sure to trim the roots of the seedling a little. Then the seedlings are placed in water for 2 hours; they should be thoroughly saturated with moisture.

Planting a hybrid tea rose

The hole should be of such depth that the roots of the plant do not bend when placed in it. This is approximately 50-60 cm. Half of the hole is filled with a mixture of sand, organic fertilizers and garden soil, all components are taken in equal quantities. It is necessary to water the dry soil with two liters of water.

The seedling is lowered into the hole and covered with soil. The grafting site (a noticeable thickening on the seedling) needs to be buried 2-3 cm into the ground. The soil around the plant is compacted, a mound of earth is built, so that during watering water went to the roots. At the end of planting, you need to hill up the plant, so the lower buds can be protected from weather surprises.

Watering the plant

Hybrid tea roses prefer abundant but infrequent watering. Abundant watering requires a young bush. In the first days after planting, it is watered every 2-3 days, without flooding it too much. The optimal amount is 3-5 buckets of water. Later, watering is done once a week, as the soil dries out. After buds appear on the plant, frequent watering should be resumed.

During the active period rose bloom need good watering. If there is not enough moisture, the shoots will develop poorly, the flowers will lose their beauty and become small. One watering of an adult plant will require 10 liters of water.

Water quality matters too. Roses do not like tap water due to the presence of salt impurities; they prefer melt and rain water. Watering is carried out carefully so as not to damage the roots. You need to make sure that the buds and leaves do not get wet. Moisture on them promotes the development of fungal diseases.

IN hot days need to water roses in the evening warm water. In cool weather, watering can be reduced to once every two weeks. In autumn, watering is excluded; roses can be watered if there is no precipitation at all.

Fertilizing roses

Timely feeding roses is a very important process in growing hybrid tea varieties roses Mineral fertilizing is good; it enhances flowering and growth. Organic fertilizers nourish the plant and improve the composition of the soil.

Rose in first year after planting does not need anything, provided that fertilizer is added to the hole when planting. Flower growers fertilize the leaves with potassium sulfate. This is necessary so that the young plant gets stronger and prepares for wintering.

In spring, the first feeding is carried out after pruning the roses. Special mineral fertilizers are used. They are sold in dry form in all agricultural stores. Fertilizers are scattered around the bush after abundant watering, departing about 11 cm from the center. They are sealed, then watered well again. Organic fertilizers are applied every other week. Near each bush you need to place about 5 liters of rotted mullein, which is loosened along with the ground and watered.

The next time fertilizing is needed is when the buds begin to form. Adding an infusion of chicken manure is effective. The infusion is prepared in advance. For eight liters of water take 1 liter of manure. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks, so you need to prepare it in advance. The fertilizer is diluted 1:5, then watered.

Simultaneously with this fertilizing, fertilizing with a weak solution of saltpeter or wood ash is necessary. Store-bought mineral fertilizers are applied before flowering begins. When the roses begin to bloom, there is no need to apply fertilizer. In September, roses are fertilized for the last time and organic fertilizer is applied. There is no need to apply mineral fertilizers at all if the roses bloom for a long time and actively and look healthy.

Loosening the soil

In order for roses to actively bloom and be healthy, you need to carefully care behind them, get rid of weeds. The soil is loosened to saturate the soil with oxygen. The soil must retain moisture well, this will contribute to the normal development of the root system. The procedure is carried out after fertilizing or watering once a month.

Diseases and pests: how to fight

Powdery mildew is the most common disease of hybrid tea varieties of roses. In order to prevent and prevent disease, it is necessary to treat plants with baking soda. It is necessary to dilute 40 g of soda in a liter of water, and spray the leaves with the resulting solution. This is done in the spring when leaves appear. Spraying is carried out twice a week in spring and until the end of June.

Roses are often attacked by green aphids. A soap solution with the addition of a few sprigs of wormwood will help you deal with it. A piece of laundry soap is rubbed into water (10 liters), boiled for 15 minutes, and infused. The solution is treated with the stems and leaves of the plant. After a week, this procedure is repeated. If the infection is very active and does not go away, you should turn to special chemicals that are sold in specialized stores.

Pruning roses

Timely pruning hybrid tea roses It has great importance in proper care. It comes in several types, depending on the strength of pruning and the season of pruning:

  1. Weak pruning. Trim the frozen or damaged tip of the shoot. After pruning, the rose begins to bloom early, there will be more flowers, although the flowers themselves will be smaller.
  2. Heavy pruning. It is necessary to cut off more than half of the shoot, leaving 3-4 buds. The flowers will be larger, but there will be fewer of them. Flowering usually begins later than usual.
  3. Pruning in summer. It is carried out after flowering. Faded flowers are removed with a small part of the shoot. In the future, such pruning guarantees abundant flowering.
  4. Spring pruning is considered the most important. When the buds reach a size of about 0.6 cm, it is time to prune, leaving 3-4 buds.
  5. Autumn pruning. When preparing the plant for winter, it is necessary to remove all damaged and unripe shoots. It is not recommended to cut the shoots too much; this can harm the plant in severe winters. Removed shoots are burned because they may contain pest larvae.

Preparing hybrid tea roses for winter

Choosing the right time for pruning and covering is an important step in preparing a tea rose for winter. If you cover the rose too early or dig it in too early, the plant’s immunity will weaken and it may die immediately after the first frost.

The longest shoots need to be cut off, leaving only 6 buds, so that the rose can grow again next year. The remaining shoots are carefully inspected. If watery areas are found, they must be removed. After this, the rose is covered, buried in the surrounding soil, covering part of the stems and roots. The soil acts as a heat insulator, preventing the plant from freezing.

Additionally, it is necessary to cover the bases of the bushes with branches of pine trees, spruce branches, and dry leaves. The top is sprinkled with peat 25 cm high. In severe winter conditions, it is necessary to make a special frame on which to attach the insulating material.

Growing tea rose, with correct landing and care in the garden will bring a lot of positive emotions and allow you to enjoy the touching beauty of these flowers.

Roses are the most beautiful decoration for flower beds and landscape designs. There are a huge number of varieties of this elegant and mysterious shrub. One of the more prominent representatives This species is hybrid tea roses. They were bred by a French breeder in 1867 by crossing varieties of tea and remontata roses.

Later, more than 10 thousand varieties of this unique species were bred. Each type has its own individual characteristics and differences. But the uniqueness of this variety lies in the fact that each flower has an unusually pleasant aroma of cut tea. In addition, roses begin to bloom from the very beginning of summer. Flowering continues until late autumn.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Hybrid tea roses are the most popular among the rose group. Each type of this variety may differ in bush size, flower shape, aroma and shades.

This variety surpassed all others according to its characteristics. When breeding it, two varieties of roses were crossed, from which the hybrid teas adopted all the most best qualities. From the tea rose they inherited an unusually beautiful flower shape, a unique aroma and the ability to bloom continuously and very abundantly. From the repair shop they inherited a strong and hard wood and winter hardiness.

The variety is different abundance of color spectrum and shades. Roses can not only have one color, they can be two colors or even change it as the bush matures. Due to their continuous and abundant flowering, these roses are widely used in greenhouses, ornamental plantings, landscape designs. They are also specially grown to produce cut flowers.

Roses tolerate wintering worse than remontant roses, but if they are closed for the winter, they can withstand it just fine. If the bush is not covered for the winter, at a temperature of 8 - 10 degrees it may freeze. They begin to bloom around June 20, and flowering continues until late autumn.

Characteristics of the variety:

This variety of roses is not distinguished by its endurance and unpretentiousness; they are very capricious.

And in order to grow beautiful hybrid tea rose bushes, planting and care must be correct. To do this, you need to listen to the advice of experienced flower growers. Then the roses will delight you with their abundant blooms from early summer until late autumn.

Planting a rose in the beginning of May. The soil for planting the bush should be slightly acidic and loose. You must choose the sunniest place for planting, but at the same time, the rose must have shelter from the wind. Before planting, remove all soil from the root system of the shrub and place it in a container of water before planting. Keep the bush in water for at least 2 hours. This way, the bush will be saturated with water before planting.

It is very important to place the rose in water in such a way that the entire root system and grafting, if the plant is grafted, are completely immersed in water. If it is possible to immerse the entire plant in water, it will be even better. While the plant is saturated with water, you can prepare the soil for planting.

Pits or holes for planting a flower must be prepared measuring 30 - 50 cm in depth. You need to dig them up at a distance of 50 - 70 cm from each other. It is recommended to plant no more than 8 rose bushes in one place.

Before planting the plant, it is necessary to prepare a special mixture in which to soak the root system.

For the mixture you need to prepare: 1 part manure, 1 part water, 2 parts clay. Mix everything thoroughly. Soak the root system of the bush thoroughly in the prepared mixture, and then place it in the hole. Additionally, a previously prepared roll of soil should be placed in the hole. It will help retain water at the roots, thereby nourishing them for a long time.

After which, the bush will need to be hilled. In this case, you need to hill up to a height not less than 15 cm.

If the plant is grafted, it must be planted in the ground so that the grafted area extends 3 cm deep from the soil level.

Basic growing conditions

Roses can be planted both in open ground and indoors. The method must be selected according to climatic conditions. Rose bushes are characterized by abundant, long-lasting flowering, so pruning the bushes must be done twice a season, namely in spring and autumn.

In the 1st year of flowering, the plant is pruned by 2 - 3 buds, in the 2nd year and subsequent years by 5 - 7 buds. If you prune your rose bush in the summer, it will encourage further growth of the shoots, which may lead to reblooming.

The main pruning of bushes is done in the spring. It determines what shape the rose bush will be. You should start pruning immediately after the plants have woken up from winter hibernation and spring planting has begun.

Regardless of the type of rose, you need to trim the top shoots. In this case, on strong shoots it is necessary to leave 2-3 well-formed buds and remove 10-15 cm of shoots. On weak branches you should leave only 1 - 2 buds.

In autumn, shoots that have not bloomed this season are pruned. It is important to know that all cut shoots must be burned. In the fall, after pruning, it is necessary to prepare the rose bush for winter frosts. To do this, it must be covered with spruce branches and covered with peat or soil on top. The plant is insulated to a bush height of 25 - 30 cm.

If winter promises to be frosty, it is advisable to completely insulate the bush. To do this, you need to build a frame, cover it with insulation and film to prevent it from getting wet, and cover the remaining film with earth from below. This way the rose bush will overwinter well and is not afraid of frost.

Rules for care, feeding and watering

To grow a beautiful rose bush, you need to constantly and carefully care for it. It needs constant feeding throughout the season. Moreover, fertilizing needs to be alternated.

Mineral fertilizers

They contain microelements such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. It is necessary to feed the rose with mineral fertilizers throughout the season. It is especially necessary to feed it during the beginning of budding.

For mineral feeding you need:

  • 40−50 g urea;
  • 20−25 g of saltpeter;
  • 15 g potassium;
  • 10 liters of water.

It is necessary to do mineral fertilizing, otherwise the rose will not feel good and will not be able to please with its beautiful flowering.

Nitrogen fertilizer

The bush must be fed with a solution of nitrogen fertilizer twice in a row. You can prepare it yourself, it won’t be difficult. To do this you will need:

  • 10 g urea;
  • 10−20 g of saltpeter;
  • 10 liters of water.

Rose bushes feel comfortable when feeding alternates constantly.

When the plant blooms for the first time, it needs to be fed mineral supplements. But the composition needs to be changed a little. To do this, add 10 - 15 g more potassium to the composition, and, on the contrary, reduce nitrogen by the same amount.

When watering a rose bush, you need to find a middle ground. If the soil is too dry, the rose will begin to lose its foliage and the shoots will grow very slowly. Drying out the soil can affect the quality of the flowers. They will be small, the color will not be rich enough, and the aroma will be less noticeable.

Abundant watering is necessary for roses during active shoot growth, budding and flowering. In summer, water thoroughly once every 7 days. In autumn and spring, the bush can be watered once every 1.5-2 times a week.

Each time, after abundant watering, the bush should be mulched. Humus should be used as mulch; it will prevent the soil from drying out and retain moisture for some time. In addition, mulching promotes better flowering and flower quality.

Diseases and pests

Of course, there are some disadvantages that are usually found in floriculture. The plant can be overcome by various diseases and pests:

In addition, there are a large number of insects that can seriously harm the plant. Fighting them is simply necessary.

This is a unique flower, and just one bush can be the start of a beautiful rose garden.