Do you need a wine cabinet in the kitchen? Some information when choosing a wine cabinet

For those who understand wine. We doubted for a long time whether to prepare this material. Is it needed at all? Still, the culture of drinking wine in Russia cannot be called developed. In our country, due to objective and subjective reasons, there is a different national drink. However, neither our nor anyone else’s industry produces special refrigerators for vodka (in any case, “Culinary Eden” knows nothing about this yet). But wine refrigerators are produced by various manufacturers and sold in stores, including Russian ones. Since they are present on the domestic market, it means someone needs it.

Meet the wine cabinet

Wine cabinet. It's also a wine refrigerator. Suitable for use both at home and in the office (depending on where it is more convenient for you to store wine). There are wine cabinets of different sizes (for different numbers of bottles). A wine cabinet can resemble a small single-door cabinet, or it can be multi-door, the size of a large refrigerator. It all depends on how many standard wine bottles (0.7 liter capacity, narrow, with high sides, Bordeaux type) it is designed for. The size of the wine cabinet is also affected by its functionality. Wine cabinets can be free-standing or built into furniture, as well as integrated into the refrigerator. Also, wine cabinets differ from each other in the variety of possible temperature settings: there are models that support one temperature, there are models with two and three temperature zones, and multi-temperature ones (after all, different temperatures are desirable for storing different wines).

Based on the type of design, wine cabinets are divided into standard (relatively inexpensive), luxury, elite and even exclusive. The most demanding wine connoisseurs (winemakers, sommeliers) for storing vintage collection wines, of course, should pay attention to more advanced models that provide not only proper storage for various types and varieties of wine, but also, for example, bringing the wine to the temperature of consumption before serving (this is important for the fullest disclosure taste qualities drink).

Shelves and vibration

Shelves in “correct” wine cabinets ensure the horizontal position of bottles of wine (can be at a slight angle so that the label is visible). Thus, during storage, the wine comes into contact with the cork - it does not dry out. Often standard wine cabinets have plastic or metal shelves. It's practical, but it has There is one downside to this solution - such shelves do not completely dampen possible vibrations that occur during compression cooling. Meanwhile, when storing wine, it is advisable to avoid vibrations (otherwise, certain biochemical processes in the wine are disrupted, which can lead to the appearance of sediment). For the same reason (vibration, as well as additional unnecessary heating), it is not recommended to install the wine cooler next to the dishwasher or washing machine. Wooden shelves (especially, for example, made of cherry) dampen vibrations better. The compressor in a wine cooler is usually mounted slightly differently than in a regular refrigerator: damping rubber gaskets and other solutions are used to dampen vibration. There are wine cabinets in which the design does not provide for a compressor at all - they are thermoelectric (there are also such refrigerators).


Modern wine cabinets are usually electronically controlled. It allows you to create optimal conditions for long-term storage and serving of wine. Thanks to electronics, the wine storage temperature or serving temperature, as well as humidity (if there are corresponding functions), can be accurately set and maintained. The “communication” between the user and the device will be facilitated by the display.

Temperature and humidity

Correct temperature regime- one of the main conditions for proper storage of wine. Professionals consider the optimal temperature for long-term storage of wine to be 12-13°C. This is in general, although some varieties require it to be a little warmer or a little cooler - keep that in mind. That is why it is advisable to have several temperature zones in the wine cabinet. At least two - because the wine serving temperature is 16-18°C (red), 7-12°C (white), 5-8°C (champagne). Thus, if there are two temperature zones in the cabinet, the user will be able to store wine in one chamber and bring it to temperature in the other. ideal temperature submissions.

As for humidity, no less important aspect, which should be taken into account when storing wine, the optimal humidity for this is 50-75%: ideal humidity indicators for maintaining in the correct condition wine cork(made of cork wood). At lower humidity, the cork may become deformed (dry out) - air will get into the wine and it will turn sour. At higher humidity, there is a danger that the cork will begin to mold - this is also completely useless for wine. Typically, the humidity in a wine cooler is maintained using a “drip system” (also called a “crying wall”) - just like in a regular refrigerator. More expensive models may be equipped with humidity control aids. For example, lava stones - they absorb excess moisture if the air is too damp, and release moisture if the air is dry. Lava stones can be purchased optionally if necessary.


Wine cabinets come with transparent (usually glass) and opaque doors. Of course, especially if you purchase a cabinet for long-term storage of wine, it is very desirable that the light does not fall on the bottles. After all, ultraviolet radiation (from the sun or fluorescent lamps), to put it mildly, is not beneficial for wine - it promotes the oxidation processes of the drink. There are also many models, where the door has darkened glass and lighting is provided inside (special lamps - the light does not harm the wine and does not heat the air) - this makes it possible to look inside the cabinet without opening the door. It’s good if the wine cabinet door is double glazed. In this case, there are fewer temperature losses, which means the device will consume less electricity.


When purchasing a wine cabinet, you should also pay attention to the presence of cabinet ventilation. The supply of fresh air is important for storing and ripening wine (after all, wines are often stored precisely so that they ripen). In good wine coolers, the interior space is usually connected to the “outside atmosphere” through a special opening. Naturally, if different odors, for example kitchen odors, enter the wine cabinet, there is no need for blame. Therefore, wine coolers with ventilation capabilities are always equipped with carbon filters.

Design and wine

Appearance wine cabinet, as well as the materials from which it is made, in general do not affect the quality of wine storage (except for better vibration-damping wooden shelves). At the same time, a wine cooler is usually not a cheap pleasure (the price range is wide: from 30 thousand to half a million rubles*). Equipment purchased for that kind of money should not only be useful and functional, but also beautiful. Manufacturers understand this and strive to create wine cabinets that are pleasing to the eye. The finish of the wine cabinet can be anything: stainless steel, plastic elements, wood (or wood-like), even leather. Since wine cabinets are produced, including to order, the finishing materials can be anything. Depending on the customer's imagination.

A few examples

The main manufacturers of wine coolers, whose products can be purchased in Russia: Miele, Liebherr, Gorenje, Electrolux, Bosch-Siemens, Climadiff, EuroCave, Samsung, Vestfrost.

Big the lineup wine cabinets are produced under the French brand EuroCave. It is little known in Russia (although connoisseurs know), but in fact it is one of the leading manufacturers of wine cabinets in Europe. The range includes both compact models (multi-temperature cabinet S059 with a capacity of up to 56 bottles, dimensions: 82 × 59.4 × 56.6, approximately the same as a full-size “dishwasher”, cost - 90-100 thousand rubles), and more spacious ones (S159 , for 70 bottles, 130 thousand rubles), etc. There are several lines on sale, including luxury wine cabinets finished with expensive exclusive materials.

The Russian assortment of the Gorenje company includes an inexpensive (for a wine cabinet) model XWC660EF. This single-temperature compressor cabinet costs about 35 thousand rubles. Holds up to 52 standard wine bottles. There is a manual setting of the wine storage temperature, as well as preset storage modes: “White wine” and “Red wine”. Metal shelves with telescopic guides and front wooden decorative panels. Bottles are stored at right angles.

A large range of free-standing and built-in wine cabinets is presented in Russia under the German brand Liebherr. It is also worth noting the side-by-side form factor refrigerator with an integrated wine cooler. We are talking about the SBSes 7155 model. On the right (if you stand facing the refrigerator) it has a refrigerator compartment (useful volume - 247 l) and a freshness zone (BioFresh, 103 l), and on the left there is a freezer (at the bottom, 119 l) and a wine compartment (128 l , 41 bottles). Note that the wine chamber has wooden shelves. There is ventilation (with carbon filtration). It is possible to organize two independent temperature zones inside the wine compartment. Maintained temperature is from 5 to 18°C. Door with tinted glass, backlight. The cost of the Liebherr SBSes 7155 refrigerator is 170-180 thousand rubles.

Several models of wine coolers of different sizes and capacities are presented in Russia by the Miele company. Let us note the compact compressor model KWT 4154 UG-1. This small wine cabinet (dimensions: 82x60x57.5 cm) has wooden shelves with telescopic guides. Capacity: up to 38 bottles. There are two temperature zones with the ability to individually adjust the temperature in each. In addition, each zone has: its own internal lighting, dynamic cooling (uniform distribution of cool air), heating system (automatically turns on in case of low outside temperature), ventilation (with carbon filtration), metal frames at the ends of the shelves (for placing labels). The cost of the Miele KWT 4154 UG-1 wine cabinet is 105 thousand rubles.

Of course, each specific wine cabinet model may have its own individual technical features. Manufacturers can use certain technologies and know-how in them. When purchasing a wine cabinet, be sure to consult with a specialist (including a sommelier). In this material, we have outlined general points that are relevant, in general, for most wine cabinets.

* - All prices in the material are based on results
monitoring of Russian online stores. As of January 2011.

Daniil Golovin

Wine cabinet- is it needed at all?

A very good question that I hear quite often. The truth is, the answer lies in your tasks and goals. What is a wine cabinet for? Correct for storing wine. There is only a small nuance that matters. If you always have wine in small quantities, maybe a couple of bottles, which quickly run out and others appear, then there is no need for a wine cabinet. Yes, you can purchase a small wine cabinet. Now they are more varied and the choice is quite large. At least for 10 bottles. And you will have a stylish, special place to properly store your tasting joys.

Although, I don’t see the point when it comes to such a small quantity. It’s another matter when there is always wine in your house and there is quite a lot of it - from 30 bottles. Inventories are constantly decreasing and then replenished again. And there are wines that you want to save for special occasion. That's when wine cabinet will be a faithful assistant. Today you can fit up to 300 bottles there. Firstly, you will free up space in your closet for clothes, space on the floor and other space that can be used for its intended purpose. The most important thing is that the wine will be stored correctly! You can set aside several shelves for everyday wines that you can simply “drink” in the evening. You can set aside a couple of shelves for wines that need long aging. And below there are a couple of shelves where sparkling wines can be placed. They always delight with their bubbles and give a feeling of celebration!

A wine cooler is useful because it can be adjusted and maintained. optimal temperature storage And also humidity, which is also important. It is sealed, so no foreign odors will penetrate. Wine cabinet- looks stylish, takes up minimal space and teaches discipline!
Store your wines correctly so that they delight you with their aroma and taste!

For a large house or apartment, we would recommend both built-in and free-standing options - depending on desire and capabilities. There are tall full-size models that are built in the same way as regular refrigerators, and there are small ones that can be built under the countertop.

In a small and even fully equipped kitchen, if desired, you can find space for a wine refrigerator of modest size: for example, models for 6 bottles take up no space. more space than a microwave oven, and are installed on the countertop.

A free-standing one is quite suitable for a bar, restaurant or office: mobility is convenient when changing locations.

Defrosting system

It may seem strange that a wine cooler needs a defrosting system - after all, they don’t have freezers, but without it, the bottles and walls of the chamber will be covered with frost and ice. Like conventional refrigerators, wine cabinets use either a simple and reliable drip system with a “crying” back wall, or a No Frost automatic defrosting system.

"Crying" wall in refrigerators with drip system The defrosting chamber is periodically heated, and the melted frost flows down it and goes into the drain hole. Such models are usually less noisy than their counterparts with No Frost technology. It is believed that in drip refrigerators it is important to monitor the cleanliness inside the chamber and the condition of the drain, but in wine cabinets, unlike refrigerators, nothing is stored that usually clogs the drain holes (organic debris, pieces of film, etc.). Therefore, in wine cabinets, especially in the absence of a freezer, such a thawing system is practically no worse than No Frost. Models with this technology have an additional heating element and fan, which dry the air a little (but this is not a problem if the electronics can monitor humidity) and increase the noise level.

Noise level

For this type of equipment, the noise level can vary from 39 to 43 dB, and the difference is quite noticeable. It is better if the maximum noise level does not exceed 40 dB, but it all depends on the room where the wine cabinet is located: perhaps you will place it where it will not disturb anyone. It is generally accepted that models with inverter compressors and without No Frost are quieter, but this also depends on the quality of sound insulation. In addition, noise not only depends on the room, but is also perceived by people very subjectively: even reviews are not very good helpers.

Wine coolers are most often either compressor or thermoelectric. For the former, the compressor is responsible for cooling the interior of the cabinet and the wine along with it. In thermoelectric models, a Peltier element is installed - one side of it is cooled when electricity is supplied, and the other is heated. They are equipped with a fan (or several) that distributes cooled air throughout the chamber. There are, however, also absorption wine cabinets. Only you will have to pay at least 100,000 rubles for one, and in our material we focus on relatively inexpensive models.

“Compressor cabinets provide excellent cooling (wide temperature range, less dependence on outside air temperature), some of them can be built into kitchen and other furniture. I consider talk about the problem of vibration due to the compressor an exaggeration, maybe even marketing ploy manufacturers of thermoelectric cabinets - I am not aware of any research on this matter, and professional sommeliers do not say anything definite about this. Thermoelectrics are cheaper than compressor models. But they have a smaller operating temperature range, and the difference between the temperature inside the cabinet and outside usually does not exceed 15 degrees."

Dmitry Ledovskoy

It is important to realize that the wine cooler will not work occasionally, but constantly. That is, to consume electricity from morning to evening. This is the second refrigerator in the house. We decided to measure how much electricity these devices spend per day. To study the issue, we took 3 relatively inexpensive models: thermoelectric, thermoelectric Cold Vine JC-34F and compressor Dunavox DX-16.46K.

Model Cold Vine JC-34F Dunavox DX-16.46K
Price range RUR 7,489 from 16,800 rub. from 25,900 rub.
Type single chamber wine cabinet single chamber wine cabinet single chamber wine cabinet
Location standing separately standing separately standing separately
Color mirror, black stainless steel, black black
Dimensions (WxHxD) 275x525x410 mm 345x540x490 mm 430x510x480 mm
Overall volume 27 l 34 l 46 l
Wine cabinet 8 bottles 12 bottles 16 bottles
Control digital display, electronic electronic
Shelf material metal-chrome tree tree

Test results

Bottles of wine were placed in each refrigerator (according to the maximum capacity). For single-zone Braun BRW-08 VB1 and Dunavox DX-16.46K, we set the temperature to 10°C - storing white wine. For Cold Vine JC-34F –10°С in one zone and 16°С (red wine) in the other. All devices were tested at the same ambient temperature – 23°C. The results obtained were compared both with each other and with the values ​​declared by the manufacturers (see table below).

The Dunavox DX-16.46K compressor wine cooler turned out to be the most economical in the test. It used even less electricity than stated. And this is normal - thermoelectric models are more energy-intensive. Let us note a rather significant excess of their declared characteristics. But here it is worth understanding that energy consumption depends on different external factors: outside temperature, operating mode (how often do you go to the closet for a bottle), from the installation location (are there any heat sources nearby). And, for example, the instructions for Cold Vine JC-34F indicate that energy consumption is 1 kWh per day at a temperature of 15°C, which, you see, is quite strange in the context of ordinary home use.

It is the owners of the Cold Vine JC-34F cabinet that will ultimately spend the largest amount on electricity in a year. But, firstly, this is still a two-zone model - electricity consumption is also higher for this reason. And secondly, we calculated to the maximum - approximately the same amount will be spent on the image of a sommelier if you have a single-tariff meter (5.03 rubles per 1 kWh). If there are two or three tariffs, the costs will be lower. You also need to understand that while the wine cooler is trying to reach the temperature you set, it has peak power, and when it reaches it, less electricity is wasted.

Now let's calculate the benefits. Over 5 years, the owner of a Cold Vine JC-34F thermoelectric cabinet will pay about 15,000 rubles for electricity. And the owner of the more expensive Dunavox DX-16.46K compressor costs only about 5,500. So there you have it, the difference in price between the models - “eaten up” by electricity bills. In this case, the saying “the miser pays twice” probably works.

We did not forget to check the correspondence of the displayed temperature in wine cabinets with real indicators. At the same time, the humidity level was measured (for wine, for a wine cork, it’s good if it is 60-70% - that’s why models with humidity control are produced, but our test subjects do not have such a function; it happens in more expensive models). To do this, place a thermometer with a hygrometer in each refrigerator. The temperature readings of the thermoelectrics ultimately differed by 1-2 degrees from what the thermometer indicated. In addition, Cold Vine JC-34F was unable to reach 10°C for white wine within 24 hours. The Dunavox DX-16.46K compressor wine cooler became the clear “temperature” leader - the same temperature was recorded on the displays: it and the thermometer. But in terms of humidity, the Braun BRW-08 VB1 came closest to the ideal. By the way, any container of water installed inside the cabinet will increase the humidity. Some models are even sold with special baths for this. For convenience, we also summarized the results in a table (see below).

Now about the noise. It would seem that compressor cabinets should operate louder - due to design features. But they do not work louder - we verified this while studying the models brought to the editorial office. Modern compressors are not that noisy (even Chinese ones), you can hear them mainly when turning them on and off. There was even more noise from the thermoelectric cooling system fans. We carried out measurements in close proximity to the devices (at the compressor and at the fans), so the results obtained are the maximum decibels that our wine trio is capable of.

During actual operation, there is less noise - the user is at a distance from the wine cabinet. In this sense, we had no complaints about the models - they are almost inaudible further than 1 m. Perhaps they wouldn’t hurt even in the bedroom – you never know, what if you decide to store wine there.

“I can say that when measuring temperature (and this is the most important thing in storing wine), the result is natural. A difference of 1-2 degrees is quite possible, this is especially common with thermoelectrics. By the way, a temperature of 10°C for such models is considered “difficult” They have difficulty achieving it under normal operating conditions (around room temperature), not to mention 8°C. In cabinets with two cooling zones, it is, in principle, difficult to maintain a clear temperature, since the zones are often interconnected."

Dmitry Ledovskoy
head of the wine cabinet salon

What else do you need to know

Wine cabinets come with one cooling zone(Braun BRW-08 VB1, Dunavox DX-16.46K) and with two(Cold Vine JC-34F). The best option is two cooling zones: you can simultaneously store red and white wines in the wine cabinet. But such models are usually more expensive (thermoelectrics - from 15,000 rubles, compressor - from 30,000) than cabinets with one zone (thermoelectrics - from 6,000 rubles, compressor - from 17,000).

It is also important how many bottles the wine cabinet can hold. The most compact models are designed for 6-8 bottles of wine. They are the size of a computer system unit (do you still remember what it looks like?) and are suitable for those whose wine does not last long. But there are also models that collectors will appreciate - they can hold 100 bottles or more. If you count “Bordeaux” bottles, then thermoelectric cabinets are designed for a maximum of 30-32 pieces (they will not cool more than that), and compressor cabinets with a capacity of less than 16 pieces are not so easy to find (but there are exceptions - narrow built-in models with a number of " seats" up to 10).

“Sales of wine coolers in our chain stores increased sharply at the end of 2014. In February-March 2015, demand reached a minimum, and since that time there has been a slow rise. This can partly be explained by the seasonal factor, since a wine refrigerator is a commodity more in demand in the warm season."

Yulia Zavyalova
press secretary of the Eldorado company

We thank the company "El Dorado" for the Braun BRW-08 VB1 wine cooler provided for testing.

Shelf material– there is an opinion that they must be made of wood. But that's not true. Wood really does a good job of dampening vibration, which is possible in compressor cabinets (in particular, inexpensive ones), but there is no evidence that its level somehow affects the quality of storing bottled wine. In thermoelectric ones, the presence of such is not at all necessary - there is no “scary” compressor. By the way, if you decide to buy a cabinet with wooden shelves, then let them be unvarnished: varnish sometimes gives off a foreign smell (by the way, it was quite clearly felt in the Cold Vine JC-34F cabinet), and this is definitely not good for wine.

Carbon filter– needed to clean the air inside the wine cabinet from foreign odors. They can be absorbed by the cork and subsequently spoil the taste of the wine. This is a useful thing, but relevant only for long-term storage of wines. Inexpensive wine cabinets usually don’t have it - and that’s okay.

Presentation area or a demo area in a wine cabinet is a place where it is possible to place bottles vertically (as in the Dunavox DX-16.46K cabinet) or at an angle. This may be useful if you want to display bottle labels or for storing bottles that have not been completely drunk.

Control system lock– this is quite an important thing for storing wine. It is advisable that no one could accidentally change the operating mode of the wine cabinet or temperature settings. So don’t neglect this feature (among the models we tested, only the most affordable one, Braun BRW-08 VB1, does not have it).

Opinion Hi-Tech.Mail.Ru

Inexpensive wine coolers (both compressor and thermoelectric, costing up to 30,000 rubles) definitely have the right to life. And they need this life for short-term storage of your wines. Suitable for those who love wine, often treat it to friends, in general - in homes where it does not sit stale. Collectors should consider more expensive and spacious models.

Remember that compressor models are the most economical. They, moreover, reach the set temperature faster and maintain it more accurately, since, unlike thermoelectric ones, they do not depend on temperature fluctuations “overboard”. And their temperature minimum is lower (4-5°C, while thermoelectrics only have 8°C: the second value may not be enough for storing some types of white wines, champagne, sparkling wines). Compressor models are more expensive than thermoelectric ones, but can be several times cheaper to operate (lower energy consumption).

It is logical that by saving, you will get devices that are more capricious: dependent on the outside temperature, less energy efficient, and sometimes even louder. But besides the price, thermoelectric cabinets have another noticeable advantage - they usually take up less space than compressor cabinets, and there are models that are not at all a large number of bottles One way or another, both types of wine refrigerators will help you always have a bottle or two of wine nearby at the correct or almost correct temperature, and this, you see, is nice.

Surely many have heard about such an outlandish item as a wine cabinet. Also, many people ask the question - what is a wine cabinet, what is it for?

What is a wine cabinet

To put it simply, this is a refrigerator for long-term storage of wine. He is equipped special shelves, which are designed for bottles. There a certain temperature is maintained - from approximately 5 to 18 degrees Celsius and air humidity of 65 - 70%.

In addition, there is a built-in ventilation system and a guarantee of the absence of any vibration. The inner chamber is equipped with holes. They help circulate air, which is also important for long-term maintenance of desired conditions. All this provides an ideal atmosphere for keeping. Sometimes it happens that the device is equipped with two compartments. You can assign different heat parameters in them. This is convenient when containing several types of drinks that require different temperature intervals.

There are two cooling methods:

  1. Compressor. The most reliable equipment. Has a long service life. Does not make loud sounds during operation. As for appearance, this device is oversized. However, despite the fact that the cost is justified, this option is not a budget option.
  2. Thermoelectric. Characterized by restrictions in use. The situation among the structure does not fall below +8 degrees. Thanks to the constantly switched on fan, the device produces a characteristic hum. But he can please you with the low purchase price; he considers it a fairly affordable choice.

REFERENCE! In addition to all of the above, there is no need to worry about the possibility of a small child getting into such an installation.

The cabinet may also have additional function- “child lock” button. Besides her, there are many others:

  • when it drops within a degree, heating occurs automatically;
  • touchscreen;
  • deliberate extension of shelves;
  • backlight;
  • climate control sensor.

All this greatly simplifies the interaction between a person and a device, creates convenience and guarantees the safety of storing products.

Do you need a wine cooler?

Of course, wine and wine drinks can be stored in cellars, in the kitchen or in refrigerators. But if you are a lover of this type of alcohol or just a collector, and therefore prefer its constant presence, then such a device is, of course, worth purchasing.

Moreover, unlike conventional kitchen appliances, in which it is possible to keep wine, the unit protects against the penetration of light rays.