Why is there a bad mood in spring? Spring depression or how spring affects our mood

Spring drops and streams, mimosas on sales counters, a dazzling but not warming sun, unexpected frost, then rooks and snowdrops escaping from under the dirty melted snow - that’s right, it’s all spring, it’s about her, it’s all in nature for her now. All that remains for man is to create and accept!

But changes are also happening to us, both controlled and uncontrollable, due to the change of the long-awaited winter.

How to welcome spring with good mood and not “catch” the spring blues. Now let's figure it out.

We welcome spring in a good mood

  • take complex vitamins;
  • increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • limit alcohol and nicotine intake;
  • conduct cosmetic procedures, restoring the skin after prolonged exposure to cold weather;
  • walk more, sleep, eat well.

And I would like to add a little about dreams and plans. You shouldn’t wait several months before your summer vacation if you already feel the need for rest now. Why not consider it as an option for restoring the body? rest in a sanatorium? Multiple abundant meals, health treatments, pleasant communication, walks - in the city rush, people are not able to provide themselves with even a third of what sanatorium treatment offers.

It makes sense to divide your vacation and spend one part of it on “spring break” in search of and return to good mood and well-being.

No sleep, no rest on spring days? Looking for time for yourself!

If you still have to only dream about vacation, then your dreams should be positive! Even though the working day remains eight hours, the daylight hours have become significantly longer. This means you can take a walk after work, rather than rush home and start your kitchen duties.

It’s better to pick up your child from kindergarten and experience spring with him, walk through the park, damp and saturated with spring smells, away from cars and rushing people. Tell us how happy and interesting your spring childhood was. But there is certainly something to remember. And streams running along the house, and walks in the forest for snowdrops, and fresh birch sap - remembering everything that made us happy in childhood, we give ourselves another chance to return there, at least in thoughts, but so pleasant and sweet.

Spring is the most ideal time for fresh knowledge, emotions and impressions. It is in the spring that you can start learn new things: sign up for driving courses, take lessons landscape design, landscape drawing. There will be a lot of time ahead, until October, to implement all the plans that have been conceived and started. And they will bring much more pleasure.

There is also room for new sports in the spring, and it is no longer necessary to visit stuffy gyms. Rollerblades, skateboards, bicycles! Finally, you can go with your family and friends out of town, to the country, and spend the weekend not in front of the TV under a blanket, but with a ball in the meadow.

Winter is good because it gives us the opportunity to read books, watch movies, do handicrafts, because the frost is not conducive to long walks. But the time of winter has passed! And it's time to change your hobbies to more active ones.

Handra will definitely retreat, even if a third of the above prompts someone to take active action, she simply will not have a single chance.

Of course, not everything is in our hands. And not everything depends on spring or other times of the year. Modern man bends under the weight of everyday life, the routine of operations he performs at work and at home, and suffers from a lack of time for himself and his loved ones.

And spring is precisely the time when, having reviewed our lives, we can change something with full confidence in success and a positive result. Spring changes nature, and at the same time it will change us!

Video: Hello spring

Spring has arrived, and with it a spring mood.

Have a beautiful spring and good mood!

The long-awaited spring has arrived, nature is beginning to awaken from its winter sleep. The sun is shining brightly, it's warm outside, the birds are singing. It would seem that it's time to enjoy the new season. But here’s the paradox: many people are not at all happy about all this awakening life; on the contrary, they begin to experience spring depression, and everything around them appears in gloomy colors. Apathy, sadness, drowsiness, and indifference to everything and everyone appear. There is a feeling of fear and helplessness, loss of appetite or, on the contrary, an uncontrollable craving for food. What is the reason for this condition and how to deal with it? We turned to experts for answers to these questions. The psychiatrist tells highest category Psychoneurological dispensary in Chisinau , Florya Svetlana Georgievna.

Spring is to blame

Svetlana Georgievna, let's start our conversation by explaining the very concept of “spring depression”. Please tell us what kind of condition this is and how often does it occur?

Depression is a depressed state accompanied by a constant feeling of melancholy, anxiety, apathy, an indifferent attitude to reality, a painful feeling of guilt and the inability to enjoy life, a desire for loneliness and peace, a feeling of intellectual depression and lack of will.

This condition is indeed popularly called spring depression, but experts use the term seasonal affective disorder to designate it.

The clinical picture of this disorder was first described in 1984 by psychiatrist Norman Rosenthal and his colleagues from the US National Institute of Mental Health. It was Rosenthal and his colleagues who established that this form of depression, as a rule, manifests itself in mentally healthy people when the seasons change.

And according to statistics, about 17% of the world's population living far from the equator, aged 18 to 40, are susceptible to seasonal affective disorder.

But why does this condition overtake many people in the spring, when, it would seem, it’s time to enjoy life and make plans for the future?

Here it would be correct to note that depression occurs not only in the spring, it also often manifests itself in the fall.

As for spring depression, it really overtakes us at the most inopportune moment. It would seem that the long and cold winter is behind us, sunny days are coming, it’s getting warmer outside, and then, suddenly, a depressed mood, despondency, apathy.

In fact, part of the point is that we gradually get used to winter, to warm and bulky things, to cold and long nights, frost and snow. And as soon as we begin to get used to the winter frosts, naturally, each in our own way, our body adapts, and then spring comes. This may seem funny, but it's true. This is a certain stress for our body.
Although, according to many experts, there are other, simpler causes of spring depression. For example, the resources the body needs for normal functioning are significantly depleted over the winter, and there are no new ones yet. So immunity decreases, weakness occurs and Bad mood.

Another reason can be considered physical inactivity, constant stress, lack of sleep and the fact that we spent the whole winter in rooms with central heating. Therefore, we have become inert, lethargic, apathetic, and we do not want to move or talk.

Yes, and such signs of spring as increased solar activity, changes atmospheric pressure, sudden changes in weather also have their effect on us Negative influence. And then there is hypovitaminosis - a seasonal lack of vitamins, which manifests itself in drowsiness, fatigue or colds.

But it must still be said that neither psychologists, nor psychiatrists, nor other specialists can yet come to a consensus and give a final answer to the question of where spring depression and sudden mood swings come from. And some psychologists even believe that spring problems are often either far-fetched or reflect character traits.

But, one way or another, it should be noted that spring undoubtedly affects us, and seasonal exacerbations of mood and well-being are quite real. Even absolutely healthy people with an active psyche begin to feel strange and uncomfortable in the spring, and this repeats from year to year.

Special attention to women

It is believed that representatives of the fair sex are more susceptible to depression. Is it really?

In fact, depression affects both men and women. But still, this disease affects the weaker sex almost twice as often. Although this can be explained by a rather banal reason: men turn to a specialist for help much less often; they have their own, not always correct, “methods” of dealing with depression. This is how their psyche works.

Tell me, please, does lifestyle somehow influence the development of such a depressed state?

Undoubtedly. It is known, for example, that women who are simultaneously busy with work, study, and family are much less susceptible to depression. And this is due to the fact that failures in one thing are quickly compensated by achievements in another.

Housewives, on the contrary, are at risk. Many of them recklessly forget about their own interests in favor of caring for their children and husband. Gradually, their world narrows to the size of an apartment, and the successes of their children and spouse become the only light in the window. And, accordingly, due to the slightest conflicts and turmoil in the family, the ground begins to disappear from under the feet. But it turns out there is nothing to rely on.

It is not that simple

Svetlana Georgievna, but depression is not just a bad mood. Are there any specific symptoms that indicate this condition?

Indeed, depression manifests itself as a whole complex of symptoms, which, in addition to low mood, also includes motor and intellectual retardation. Depressive mood can have different colors. Melancholy, anxiety, indifference, resentment, a sense of personal inadequacy - these are just some examples of the negative range of feelings that a person suffering from depression may experience. Motor retardation at the onset of the disease can manifest itself as weakness, lethargy, physical weakness, and increased fatigue. Intellectual inhibition manifests itself as memory impairment, forgetfulness, and lack of concentration.

Is it true that sometimes depression can be hidden behind symptoms of other diseases?

Yes, it happens, quite often, that depression disguises itself as a wide variety of illnesses. For example, a person complains of pain in the heart or stomach. And with these complaints he comes to the family doctor, who prescribes an examination, but, alas, does not find the cause of these pains. And the reason is that a person has depression, and it manifests itself in such a non-specific way. And, accordingly, in order to get rid of these pains, it is necessary to treat not the heart or stomach, but depression.

But, I want to draw attention to the fact that no matter how masked depression is hidden behind the symptoms of other diseases, an experienced specialist will always be able to detect it by characteristic signs: isolation from the world, daily mood swings, morning despondency or anxiety. And he will be able to choose a treatment regimen for masked depression. The only trouble is that such patients rarely see a psychotherapist, continuing to undergo treatment on their own for years to no avail.

When should you seek the help of specialists when you can’t cope on your own?

First of all, I would like to note that you should not self-medicate depression. You don’t treat flu, bronchitis or pneumonia yourself, you go to the doctor.

The same must be done in in this case. If you discover symptoms of depression in yourself or your loved ones, especially feelings of anxiety and melancholy that last more than two to three weeks, you need to contact a specialist to stop them as soon as possible. As for mild blues, there are a number of simple recommendations that will help get rid of it as soon as possible.

help yourself

Let me remind you once again that if this condition continues for a long time, it is still better to consult a doctor who will help cope with the problem. Sometimes the situation is such that only a professional can help not only correctly assess the patient’s psychological state, but also promptly provide him with the necessary assistance.

Today there are two main ways to treat depression: medication and psychotherapy. Although the main method of correcting such psychological disorders is psychotherapy, and only in 10 - 15% of cases is it used drug treatment. Moreover, the treatment regimen for depression is selected strictly individually for each patient, depending on his situation. And if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, you can overcome this disease quickly and forever.
But you can try to overcome a bad mood and loss of strength on your own. We are talking about not at all complicated recommendations that will help you cope with decreased vital activity and improve your mood.

You can, for example, slightly update your home interior, let it be dominated by bright colors. To do this, you just need to fill a vase with fresh flowers or buy a new painting that will please the eye.

In addition, you should pay attention to your diet, include as many vegetables and fruits in your diet as possible, and take vitamins if necessary. You can treat yourself to bananas and dark chocolate, which contain the hormone of “happiness” - serotonin. And don’t worry, in moderation they will only affect your mood, not your waistline. Herbal tea, which includes chamomile, mint, lemon balm, will also help, because these herbs have a calming effect on the nervous system.
It is better to spend your free time outdoors and try to move as much as possible. You can join a gym or swimming pool.
It's also a good idea to treat yourself sometimes, such as lighting candles, taking a bath and giving yourself a chocolate wrap, or visiting a hairdresser and giving yourself a new hairstyle.
It doesn't hurt to gather your old friends and reminisce about the good old days.

But it is equally important to get enough sleep at night. Sleep duration should be at least 8 hours. Short and poor-quality sleep affects the state of the body and its performance, mental activity and general mental well-being.

And in general, when you wake up in the morning, you need to try to smile and not be shy to give a smile to other people, try to fill your life with new sensations, positive emotions, conquer new heights, and then a depressed state will not threaten you.

A psychiatrist of the highest category at the Psychoneurological Dispensary in Chisinau says: Trapeznikova Marina Sergeevna

Spring, depression, children...

It is clear that modern man lives in quite extreme conditions, constant stress, problems at home and at work. But we all try to protect our children from pressing problems. And it would seem that “children”, “spring” and “depression” are certainly incompatible concepts. It would seem that kids certainly have no reason to be sad and nervous. But it turns out that everything is not so simple. It's sunny outside, but the kids suddenly become quiet and don't want to play. What could be the reason for this condition?

Well, if you have already consulted a doctor, and according to him, your baby is physically healthy, then this behavior may well be a manifestation of spring fatigue, which leads to impaired attention, decreased academic performance, moodiness, frequent mood swings, and night sleep disturbances. At this time, children often get sick with the flu and colds; some children then develop a feeling of lack of strength, tearfulness, and then exams are coming up (for example, for 4th or 9th grade). The child may have the idea that he cannot cope, and then a low mood, this is especially typical for children who are easily vulnerable, impressionable, and suspicious in nature. And additional stress factors can aggravate this condition and lead to anxiety disorders or depressive episodes.

Moreover, the child’s body is not yet fully formed, and therefore it is much more difficult for him to cope with winter exhaustion and increased solar activity. And this manifests itself as a loss of strength, a deterioration in mood, the baby withdraws into himself, and ceases to enjoy his once favorite games. In addition, signs of physical illness may be added to this condition. But when the child is taken to the doctor, he shrugs: “There are no problems, your child is healthy.” And many parents are reassured by this doctor’s answer, they stop looking for the reason for the baby’s poor health. But such behavior is unacceptable. It is simply necessary to get to the truth. The fact is that neglected and undiagnosed depression can give impetus to other diseases.

Be careful, teenagers!

What symptoms should parents pay attention to?

First of all, I would like to note that depression in children and adolescents is less common than in adults. But it can pose a real threat to the health of those who encounter it. Moreover, its manifestations depend on gender. Adolescent girls are most often referred for suicide attempts, while boys, as a rule, are referred to completed suicide. Although it is worth noting that we meet boys less often.

In children, in general, all diseases proceed differently from those in adults. For example, the symptoms of depression depend not only on the severity of the condition, but also on the age of the young patient.

If we talk about preschoolers, their anxiety disorders and low moods are most often associated with separation from their parents. Previously, a fairly cheerful and active child suddenly becomes withdrawn, refuses his favorite toys, often cries for no reason, is afraid to be left without adults, and sleeps poorly.

And in children school age Stressful situations are more often associated with school, with conflicts among children, when the child cannot stand up for himself. The baby withdraws, often cries for no reason, may refuse to attend school, and loses interest in educational process. Often teenagers in this state are susceptible to the bad influence of the street and peers. For example, I had a patient, a 15-year-old girl, who, after her parents’ divorce, stopped being interested in school, became withdrawn into herself, stopped communicating with her friends, and later stopped attending school altogether. She spent the whole day at home and did nothing. This condition lasted for about 6 months. The parents applied quite late, which led to the need for long-term drug treatment. Therefore, I never tire of saying that early identification of such conditions helps reduce the suffering of both the child and his parents.

As for teenagers, for them spring means, of course, hormonal changes, which can take a wide variety of forms. To the children adolescence In general, you need to be very careful.
Indeed, against the background of increased emotionality, the influence of television and the Internet, the street and examples of peers, they may have quite serious neuroses, which can generally affect the mental health of the child. Although, this mainly concerns teenagers from disadvantaged families, as well as those whose parents are indifferent to children's problems.

Certainly, The best way To identify depression in a teenager is to understand the many symptoms that are evidence of teenage depression and understand how they develop. But it is almost impossible to do this without the help of a specialist. After all, depression is a biochemical and neurohormonal process that usually develops slowly in the body of a teenager and can last for weeks and months.

Teenage depression can manifest itself in different ways. Therefore, parents should pay special attention to the psychological state of their child. Be sure to consult a specialist if you notice in your teenage child:

  • feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, despondency, or despair;
  • problems with sleep (drowsiness or insomnia) or with appetite (increased or decreased, with weight gain or weight loss);
  • lack of energy;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • Difficulties in managing anger.

Only through joint efforts

Let's say that parents notice similar symptoms in their child, what should they do next? Can they somehow help their children cope with this condition or can only a specialist help?

I would especially like to note that the most important thing for children suffering from depression is early diagnosis and treatment. All children who exhibit symptoms of depression should be seen by a child psychiatrist for timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Parents are unlikely to be able to cope on their own. Even an experienced doctor is not always enough to simply talk with a child; psychological tests, laboratory tests and consultations with other specialists.

Treatment for depression in children and adolescents may include therapeutic psychotherapy, monitoring, ongoing assessment, and, in some cases, medication. It is better that the treatment plan is developed jointly with family members, and the child or adolescent himself should be involved in decision-making. Only through joint efforts can we achieve success in treatment.

In addition, in the spring you need to carefully monitor that your children adhere to their daily routine and do not become overtired. As a rule, at this time thematic certifications, all kinds of tests and quizzes begin in schools; the child does not always keep up and therefore worries. Therefore, if a child has become worse at school, he should not be scolded or punished, but you should help him with all your might, sit down with him for homework, help him find information and prepare for quizzes.
Yes and proper nutrition helps improve physical and emotional state child. Therefore, carefully monitor what your child eats.
Weakened and frequently ill children can be given vitamins, on the recommendation of a doctor. And among the mineral substances during this period, magnesium, calcium and zinc are especially needed.

Is it possible to prevent depression? Perhaps there are some measures to prevent this condition?

Prevention of depressive conditions in children directly depends on the environment in which the child lives and is raised. First of all, this is, of course, the situation in the family and team ( kindergarten, class, sports section, etc.). In difficult cases, as I already mentioned, it is certainly necessary to consult a specialist, but if the depression is not too severe, then it can pass with your attentive and tolerant participation.

Remember that the most important thing is the attitude of close adults towards the child. Love and participation, interest in the affairs, feelings and experiences of the child, acceptance of his desires, his character traits, that is, acceptance of him as he is, and not as you, adults, want him to be. These are the most effective “vitamins” for strengthening a child’s mental state. Don't make your children feel lonely and unwanted, distract them from painful thoughts, develop their talents and actively participate in their lives.

And finally, an indispensable condition for improving the mood of both children and adults is fresh air and spring sun. Don't miss a single opportunity to leave the house with your child. Remember that spring, which we have all been waiting for for so long, has already arrived. Therefore, wear brighter things, be it a scarf, blouse or jacket, and quickly go for a walk and enjoy the rays of the spring sun! And get a divorce and spend time with your child!

Thank you for the interview!

Spring is just a season, although for us humans it has remained a mystery for many centuries. After all, this time is truly unusual: on the one hand, it is revitalization, the awakening of nature and vitality, positive emotions and pleasant excitement, and on the other hand, weakness, bad mood, fatigue and irritability. One might think that all these are stereotypes, but Pushkin also complained about the spring blues: “How sad your appearance is to me, spring, spring, time for love...”, and the classic hardly suffered from stereotypical thinking.

Why does spring affect us so much? It is clear that depression can overtake us in the fall: daylight hours are decreasing, leaves are flying away, the sky is gloomy, cold, it often rains, and winter is ahead. But in spring, everything is the other way around: it becomes warmer and lighter, the sun is bright and summer is ahead.

Spring depression: spring and our mood

It turns out that for our body it is not so important what changes occur, but what is important is that they occur at all. Psychologists even have a special term - spring depression, although we often hear about autumn depression.

How do experts explain this condition? Some of them believe that it’s all about the biorhythms that govern all living things on our planet. That is why in different seasons we have different health, ability to withstand mental stress, and the emotional background changes. This may be because the concentration of certain hormones in the blood begins to change dramatically, especially in women.

In summer and winter we feel much more balanced, but in the spring, as well as in the fall, a radical restructuring begins in the body. Metabolism begins to accelerate, new cells grow, rapid processes take place in all organs and systems - it is not surprising that the body loses its rhythm, problems with well-being appear, as well as an exacerbation of diseases, which is called seasonal.

For example, gastritis and ulcers worsen because in the spring our digestive system works more actively, and protective enzymes do not have time to be released into sufficient quantity. Bad mood and depression are also the results of a disruption in biorhythms, especially since there is a transition to daylight saving time in our country.

However, not all experts think so. For example, official medicine does not yet consider the doctrine of biorhythms so serious that it can be used to explain seasonal problems with mood and well-being.

Causes of spring depression: spring and mood

According to doctors, causes of spring depression more simple. Let’s say that the resources the body needs for normal functioning have been depleted over the winter, but there are no new ones yet: so immunity decreases, weakness and bad mood arise. The next reason can be considered physical inactivity, and the fact that we spent the whole winter in rooms with central heating. Therefore, we have become inert, lethargic, apathetic, and we do not want to move or talk.

Increased solar activity, changes in atmospheric pressure, sudden changes in weather - all these are signs of spring, and they also have a negative impact on us. And of course, hypovitaminosis is a seasonal lack of vitamins, which manifests itself in drowsiness, fatigue or colds.

All these arguments are quite reasonable, but how then can we explain the autumn depression? After all, in the summer we relax, sunbathe, eat fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs, play sports - in a word, recharge to the fullest, but autumn depression still overtakes us. So the doctrine of biorhythms perhaps deserves more attention than modern official medicine pays to it.

It must be said that neither psychologists, nor psychiatrists, nor other specialists can yet give a definitive answer to the question of where spring depression and sudden mood swings come from. Some psychotherapists explain that changes in the body cannot but affect the state of the psyche.

In winter, those areas of the brain that perceive information work more, and in spring those through which we make decisions begin to work. The result is a sharp change in perception, turning into drowsiness and indifference.

Doctors also say that changes in illumination may be the basis of depressive states. Sunlight always affects our mood - because thanks to it, the very important vitamin D is produced, and our well-being, hormone levels, appetite and sleep rhythms change.

However, it is stipulated that psychological problems can be caused precisely by sharp fluctuations in illumination, and when the body is not prepared for them. It’s not entirely clear: we don’t jump out of darkness into light in the spring and vice versa, abruptly and unexpectedly?

Some psychologists even come to the conclusion that spring problems are often either far-fetched or reflect character traits. However, we have already recalled a classic who cannot be considered prone to far-fetched depressions. By the way, in another one of his works, Pushkin says directly and unambiguously: “In the spring I am sick...”.

But doctors tend to explain such manifestations by a person’s perception of the picture of the world as a whole. If the sun shines for optimists in any weather, then pessimists are always gloomy at heart. And they generally say about women that they are susceptible to bad moods to a greater extent than men, because they have a more emotional perception of reality. Do you agree with this? Most likely, this observation can only mean that men rarely express their inner state outwardly, while women willingly share their experiences and seek help from specialists. Unfortunately, as a result, men live shorter lives than women.

It turns out that the official explanation spring depression not found yet. So what should we do? Should we assume that it doesn’t exist?

But spring affects us - this is undoubtedly, and seasonal exacerbations of mood and well-being are quite real. Even absolutely healthy people with an active psyche begin to feel strange and uncomfortable in the spring, and this repeats from year to year.

Spring and mood: how to cope with spring depression

Researchers dealing with these problems can only recommend how to cope with this condition, but most of us have long known these methods: an active lifestyle, proper nutrition, sports, new acquaintances, hobbies and entertainment. Psychologists call treatment with new impressions the term “distress,” and this approach best helps to get rid of unnecessary experiences.

You can protect yourself from the influence of sudden weather changes by staying outside longer during daylight hours, preferably in the middle of the day, and at the same time try to get at least some physical activity– for example, walking on rough terrain. If you have to be indoors - at work or at home, then think about the lighting - the brighter the better.

Everyday contrast shower also helps, but temperature changes should be increased gradually, over the course of a month - this is the minimum period.

Coloring clothes and umbrellas can also help lift our mood if we choose warm, bright colors. Wear bright sweaters and blouses, and when going for a walk in the rain, take a red or yellow umbrella, and don’t be afraid to seem extravagant - besides, the color of your umbrella can cheer up not only you.

Nutrition in spring: how spring affects your mood

A lot is said about nutrition in such cases. What is? Everything useful that you can and want to afford: fresh fruits and vegetables, berries (cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries), sauerkraut, fresh and salted fish(even ordinary herring helps), seafood, seaweed, dried fruits and nuts.

Fermented milk products that restore the intestinal flora are required - after all, our immunity is concentrated in the intestines. Today, if you are careful, even among store-bought yogurts you can find very healthy ones with real live cultures - the main thing is that they are fresh and of high quality.

If the above methods do not help, then we are talking about the fact that depression causes deterioration in health in general. Exacerbations of various diseases may begin: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, etc. In such cases, you should not neglect the disease, otherwise everything will cost more later, so it is better to consult a specialist for treatment.

However, psychologists are not entirely wrong when they say that susceptibility to depression is a feature of the perception of a particular person. Change your perception, perceive only the bright and beautiful sides of life - and spring depression will no longer be an insoluble problem for you.

The cold winter with blizzards and frosts is left behind, nature is awakening from a long and tiring hibernation, the sun is shining brighter, the days are getting longer, very soon the earth will throw off its blanket of snow and be covered with green grass. It would seem, what is not a reason for joy and a great, cheerful mood? But it was not there. Many people at this time are visited by melancholy, despondency, melancholy and apathy, they begin to mope more than usual, and almost nothing can make them smile: not the singing of birds returning from the south, not the ringing of drops outside the window, not the expectation of warmth and bright sunlight. This is the spring paradox. Experts classify this condition as depressive. How to overcome spring depression? Do I need to take any measures to eliminate this problem, or will it go away on its own? We will try to highlight the answers to these questions in this article.

Why spring depression comes to people with spring has not yet been clarified. Experts put forward a wide variety of hypotheses on this matter, but there is still no clear answer to the question posed. Most likely, the reason for spring depression lies in human physiology: in the spring we lack vitamins, the body is slagged after winter, and even hormones, as they say, are “playing naughty”: hormonal changes.

A sharp change in weather, and with it changes in pressure and temperature, lack of sunlight, sedentary lifestyle, oxygen deprivation (in winter people go outside less often) and weakening immune system also play a significant role in the formation of spring depression. All this affects a person's mood. In other words, spring depression occurs due to the depletion of energy spent on restoring strength in the winter. Memories of unresolved problems and unrealized plans can also intensify depression, which further depresses the person’s psyche, and it seems that there is no way out of this state.

Manifestations of depressive disorder in men and women

So, it seems to you that your condition is not just a bad mood. You can check whether this is actually true using a small test that describes the symptoms of spring depression:

  • I often have dark thoughts.
  • Me .
  • I feel chronic fatigue, performing even the simplest tasks and responsibilities requires a lot of effort from me.
  • I often cry for any reason.
  • My self-esteem has decreased.
  • I am constantly in a bad mood, and I have developed irritability that was previously unusual for me over the most insignificant reasons.
  • At night I either don’t dream at all or often have nightmares.
  • I am very often hungry, or have no appetite at all.
  • It's hard for me to concentrate on one thing.
  • I experience constant anxiety and anxiety.
  • My work doesn't interest me; I don't need to learn anything new.
  • I have headaches.

If most of the statements from this list exactly fit the description of your condition, we can say that you have spring depression. But remember that the symptoms of such depression vary and do not necessarily manifest themselves fully in all people. Both men and women suffer from depression. The symptoms of this disease appear equally in both sexes, except that women cry more often.

However, according to statistics, depression occurs much more often in women in the spring. Why? The thing is that this disease belongs to the category of disorders of the emotional sphere of personality. Men are more rational, they tend to analyze their thoughts, actions and experiences, therefore the signs of spring depression do not appear as clearly in them as in women, who are more emotional, vulnerable and sensitive.

If you notice the first signs, you need to think about how to cope with spring depression. The fact is that such states can eventually turn into chronic form, and the symptoms will already be psychosomatic in nature, that is, they will lead to some other disease. And this applies to both women and men.

How to overcome this disease? What exactly needs to be done? Is it possible to get out of this kind of depression on your own, or is it necessary to consult a psychologist and other specialists? What treatment is provided in this case?

Ways to combat the disease

Spring depression is seasonal in nature, and therefore every person who encounters it can overcome this disease on their own. In order to get out of a depressed state, read the advice of a psychologist, after reading which you can understand what and how you need to do. But remember that in case of prolonged depression (more than two weeks), you need to seek help from a qualified specialist who can find the right treatment for you.

  • Do not expect that you will be able to get out of this state only through the efforts of your will. It’s not for nothing that we said that during depression, men and women experience such signs as weakening mental and physical energy, and treatment will require a lot of intellectual and physical energy from you. Don't worry about how to deal with spring depression. Better give your body and mind some peace. Stay at home for a couple of days, relax in a calm environment, chat with friends, listen to music or go to nature.
  • When your strength has recovered a little, begin to gradually get involved in the work process. Such work should be easy at first, and gradually you will be able to return to your previous vigorous activity. the main objective this method– distraction from negative thoughts, experiences and emotions.
  • Changes in life (not drastic ones) are what you need now. Rearrange your home, change your hairstyle, go on vacation. As for women, they can also be advised to update their wardrobe, as well as take up creativity and their favorite hobbies: scrapbooking, decoupage, knitting, and the like.
  • Be sure to play sports. As you know, movement is life. Sports that release adrenaline into the blood are especially effective: skydiving, rock climbing, and so on. Fast walking, swimming and regular morning exercises are no less useful.

Prevention of depression in spring

Now that you know how to deal with spring depression on your own or with the help of a psychologist, let's talk about prevention. So that nothing darkens the bright spring days, take note of a few tips:

  • Be sure to include in your diet foods that promote the release of endorphins: bananas, nuts, chocolate in small quantities. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, which we so lack in the spring, are also useful. And, of course, do not forget about synthetic multivitamin complexes, which you can purchase at any pharmacy in your city.
  • Once a week, arrange a course of aromatherapy using essential oils: orange, patchouli, cinnamon and juniper. Herbal teas and infusions will also be useful as a preventative against spring depression.
  • Move more, don't sit still, walk more often and breathe fresh air.

As you can see, depression that occurs in spring is not so difficult to combat. Moreover, with the right approach, it’s even pleasant. Don't put off healing until later. Start taking action today, and there will be no trace of your bad mood!

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Many individuals, despite the approaching summer heat, complain of a bad mood in the spring.

There are many reasons why each of us feels irritable.

In most cases, the spring mood changes unexpectedly in the spring, and with it, plans.

This can negatively affect relationships with your beloved spouse, colleagues, and friends.

It also happens that people have a good mood, which is caused by changes in nature. Bright sun, spring warmth cause positive emotions. Sometimes lifestyle changes.

Some people start exercising in anticipation of beach season, sign up for training courses, begin to spend more time outside the home and achieve long-set goals.

If every spring brings you a good spring mood, that’s just wonderful. If not, this is a reason to think and make changes in your own life.

Spring mood can be bad for a number of reasons. The first is hypovitaminosis. It affects all vital processes of the body. Immune processes slow down.

At the same time, the body has to fight seasonal respiratory diseases, which deprive tens of thousands of people of their ability to work every spring.

The second factor is the lack of sunlight and changeable weather. This is another reason why we are in a bad mood in the spring.

Scientists have proven that comfortable temperature, bright sun increases the production of endorphins - “hormones of joy”.

Spring warmth is often replaced by precipitation in the form of rain and snow, which makes many people blue.

Scientists have proven that the food we eat influences our good mood. Unfortunately, in spring food is not so rich in nutrients.

Many vegetables and fruits are brought from more warm countries. During transportation, they lose most of the nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body. This factor cannot but influence the spring mood.

Ways to deal with bad mood

A good mood in the spring is influenced by everything a person does.

To enjoy the new season and get rid of the blues, you need to rest more.

Usually in the spring, not many people have a vacation. The body gets tired from constant work.

Try to spend more time on sleep and entertainment. Remember that life is not all about work.

Spring is the time to take care of your health. Sign up for a fitness class to avoid the blues and ensure good health.

Playing sports will change appearance, reset excess weight. This will increase your self-esteem and allow you to conquer everyone with your beauty in the coming summer.

It has been proven that chocolate promotes the production of endorphins, which provide a great mood.

Be sure to limit your fat intake. Bad for mood bad habits. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

A good mood will ensure some interesting activity. Plan a trip to that place you've been dreaming of seeing.

For some it will be St. Petersburg, and for others wild nature Altai. Chat with friends and loved ones, read interesting books, spend your free time usefully, and you will forget about the spring blues.

Remember that everyone is the master of their own life; how they feel at any time of the year largely depends on us.