Is fresh fruit compote healthy? Is there any benefit to dried fruit compote?

Fresh apple compote is an important component of the human diet, especially in summer, when the juicy fruits are fresh from the tree and the concentration of nutrients and vitamins reaches its maximum. This drink is recommended for both adults and children from an early age.

Compote composition and cooking methods

The key to preserving nutrients is proper heat treatment and quality products. There are several cooking options: classic or with the addition of other fruits and berries, with or without sweetener. The last option is especially useful for the body.

Apple compote with sugar is easy to make, without wasting time or effort. Use exclusively fresh fruits, so you preserve the main ingredients to the maximum. beneficial features.

The nutritional value of the drink prepared according to the basic recipe, that is, without adding other fruits and berries, is 39 kcal. It contains 0.1 g of protein, the same amount of fat and 9.25 g of carbohydrates.

Important: If you cannot consume sugar for health reasons, due to individual intolerance, or other reasons, use substitutes or spices. For example, with cinnamon and vanilla it will turn out incredibly tasty and aromatic without sugar. The calorie content will be minimal and will be only 16 kcal.

The benefits and harms of fresh apple compote

The properties of the drink are based on the fact that apples are a storehouse of substances beneficial to the body, for example, they have a high concentration of vitamins B and C. This has a positive influence on immunity, maintaining normal skin condition and maintaining mineral balance in the body.

Fresh apple compote is useful for children in the rapid growth stage to ensure healthy muscles and bones. In addition, apple compote is recommended for people with anemia, liver, bladder and kidney diseases. This is due to the content of such microelements as: iron, iodine, magnesium and calcium. Also, compote will help people on a diet who pay special attention physical activity, helping to restore muscle tone.

Harm from consumption homemade drink no, rather - contraindications for use. So, apple compote using sugar is taboo for people with diabetes. It can cause heartburn and exacerbation of gastritis if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The reason is the fruit acid contained in apples, which irritates the stomach mucous membranes.

The amount of compote consumed should be limited to people prone to swelling or suffering from kidney or urinary tract diseases.

This is interesting: the use of fruits, even in the form of compote, will supply the body with antioxidants, the main task of which is to stop the aging process by influencing the production of collagen in the skin. Drink the drink twice a week for maximum benefits.

Apple compote made from fresh fruits is a good alternative to drinks that are produced by the industry in an assortment, but contain a large number of sugar, gas and harmful chemical substances. Homemade drinks are much tastier and certainly safer, and they are quick and easy to prepare. Their benefits, as well as their beneficial effects on the body, are tangible and do not require proof.

Compote - calorie content and composition. The benefits and harms of compote

Calorie content: 93 kcal.

Energy value of the product Compote (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 0.2 g (~1 kcal) Fats: 0.2 g (~2 kcal) Carbohydrates: 22.3 g (~89 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 1%|2%|96%

Compote: properties

How much does Compote cost? average price for 1 l.)?

Moscow and Moscow region.100 rub.

We think that there are no people among the inhabitants of our latitudes who have not tried the famous non-alcoholic drink compote at least once in their lives. The drink got its original name thanks to French and the word compote. In the old days, compote was a dessert drink made from fruits, dried fruits, berries or herbs based on honey, molasses or sugar syrup. French cooks were the first to make compote. Rus' had its own exclusive and original type of compote, which was called uzvar or vzvar.

Compote composition

It is noteworthy that the Russian type of compote vzvar was served in the same way as European drinks only on festive and special occasions. For example, on Christmas Eve or at the Christmas table. If you want to find differences in the composition of compote and uzvar, you are unlikely to find significant differences in the set of initial ingredients. Main feature Uzvar can be considered a method of producing the drink. As a rule, uzvar was not cooked like compote, but rather infused. That is why dried fruits were often used to make uzvar.

The type of compote depends primarily on the composition of the product. The following main types of compotes can be distinguished: fruit and berry compotes;

  • fruit compote;

Useful substances of compote

Fruits and berries retain vitamins even when canned. True, this does not apply to all vitamins.

  • Vitamins PP contained in apples, cherries and plums can withstand heat treatment.
  • Compotes made from black currants, peach, strawberries, sea buckthorn, gooseberries, pineapple, apples, plums and apricots are rich in vitamin C.
  • When canning, vitamin B2 is also preserved, which is rich in cherries, plums and sea buckthorn.

Is compote useful?

Many people prepare compote for the winter. In the summer it is brewed from fresh fruits and berries, and if this is not done in time, then in the winter the drink is brewed from dried fruits. The recipe for making compote is extremely simple, and no one doubts whether compote is healthy.

Useful properties of compote

Any compote is very good for health. For certain conditions and diseases, a drink made from certain fruits or berries will be useful. For example, apricot will be useful for diseases of the heart, kidneys and liver. Pear compote will help cope with stomach, heart, kidney, infectious diseases and with neuropsychiatric disorders. Plum compote has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and stomach; it will cure anemia, vascular atherosclerosis, rheumatism, and gout. Quince compote contains tannins and pectins; it has anti-inflammatory properties and will prevent intestinal diseases, anemia and tuberculosis. Raspberry compote contains a lot of vitamin C, which makes it especially useful for colds and viral infections. Grape compote is an excellent diuretic; it is useful for stomach and kidney diseases.

Is dried fruit compote healthy?

Dried fruits retain most of the nutrients and vitamins found in fresh fruits. Each fruit has its own characteristics, many of them go well with each other. By mixing the components in a compote, you can diversify its taste and combine a set of minerals and vitamins.

Compote made from dried apples or pears is useful for diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys, ulcers, and gastritis of the gastrointestinal tract.

Compote- a healthy drink with a fruit or berry taste that is probably familiar to everyone. You can remember compote from childhood kindergarten, mother's or grandmother's. Any of them were very tasty, especially with homemade pie, scone or pies. Today compote is still prepared in every home, preserved for the winter, made into jelly, jelly and even wine. To create the drink they use different ingredients. Various berries and fruits of fruit trees are often used, but vegetables, herbs, and spices are also occasionally used. Compote made from any components is useful for everyone, especially children, due to its high content of vitamins.

A little history! It is noteworthy that compote was invented in France. But a similar non-alcoholic drink was also prepared in Ancient Rus'. But there they called it uzvar or vzvar. Compote was a mandatory drink on any table, both at holidays and at funerals.

Benefits and harms

Knowing the benefits and harms of compote, you can decide for yourself whether you need to drink this fruit drink. The beneficial properties of the product are enormous. They are mainly explained by the ingredients used for preparation. They may, of course, differ. An essential component is vitamin C. It is incredibly useful, because it acts as a means to prevent colds. Vitamin C is found in significant quantities in gooseberries, any type of currants, apples, apricots, and plums.

The compote itself perfectly quenches thirst and can become the main drink for festive table. And depending on the fruits and berries used for its preparation, the benefits may include the following:

  1. Compotes from viburnum, cranberries, black and red currants can strengthen the immune system.
  2. Beneficial effects on the functioning of the nervous and of cardio-vascular system Apricot and peach compote provide benefits, and they also help preserve vision.
  3. A drink made from apples and pears can cleanse the body of toxins. It also speeds up metabolism and reduces intracranial pressure.
  4. A drink made from prunes and dried apricots can activate intestinal motility. The most useful drink will be as an adjuvant in the general treatment of colds and infectious diseases, rheumatism, gout, cystitis, and gastrointestinal diseases.
  5. Plum compote has a mild laxative effect, which will be especially useful for constipation.
  6. Compote, which contains raspberries, is considered an excellent antipyretic and restorative remedy for the body, which is indicated for seasonal colds.
  7. A delicacy made from dried fruits is a unique drink that helps restore the body’s need for iodine, essential vitamins and gland. In addition, the drink allows you to fight depression, which usually appears in autumn and winter, vitamin deficiency, and save the body from chronic fatigue and loss of desire to work. It is thanks to these qualities of dried fruits that such compote is prepared for children in kindergartens and schools. Interestingly, the drink is often called a school drink and a diet drink for its low calorie content and great benefits.
  8. To saturate the body with iron, apple compote is recommended. It is useful for constant use when a person works in conditions of increased background radiation.
  9. Quince delicacy contains a significant amount of pectins and tannins, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, the body will become more resistant to anemia, gastrointestinal problems and tuberculosis.
  10. Treats made from plums, sea buckthorn, and cherries can maintain good condition nervous system and help improve metabolism. This can be achieved due to the presence of vitamin B2 in their composition.
  11. The drink made from pears is famous for its unique properties, which contribute to the active fight against kidney, stomach and heart diseases.
  12. Raisin compote can activate intestinal function, cope with diarrhea and strengthen blood vessels.

Compote is also harmful. It is directly determined by several factors: the volume of compote consumed, the concentration of sugar in it, and the ingredients used.

The main harmful characteristics of the drink include:

  1. A large number of calories in a very sweet drink, which is contraindicated for people diagnosed with diabetes or obesity.
  2. Significant content of active substances. Sour compote (usually made from sour berries) can cause stomach pain in people who have gastrointestinal problems. Cranberries should not be consumed if you have liver problems or gastritis. The significant fiber content, which is sometimes present in compotes, can lead to stomach cramps and cause diarrhea.
  3. Excessive consumption of compote is unacceptable, since in this case there is a high probability that the harm will be greater than the benefit.
  4. Compote made from any fruit growing near highways is harmful. Drinks made from fruits and berries treated with toxic chemicals during cultivation can also be harmful to health, as well as preservatives in the drink.

Types of compote

The types of compote are largely determined by the fruits, berries and vegetables from which it is made. There are also four main types of drink depending on the raw materials used:

  • from fresh fruits and berries (sometimes vegetables);
  • from dried fruits;
  • from frozen ingredients;
  • from canned fruits.

Advice! If you plan to purchase compote in a store, you should pay special attention to the production date. She will tell you what type of raw material the drink was made from. For example, winter months indicate that the drink is made from canned, dried or frozen berries. You can often find juices, fruit drinks and compotes made from exotic fruits, in which case it is almost impossible to determine the type of raw material.

In addition, the following types of compotes can be distinguished:

  • fruit (apricot, cherry plum, banana, pineapple, cherry (maybe with a pit), fig, green or ripe apples, ranetki, kiwi, gooseberry, mango, peach, plum, persimmon);
  • citrus (orange (including from peels and peels), tangerine, lemon, grapefruit, pomelo);
  • berry (lingonberry, pomegranate, blackberry, melon, honeysuckle, strawberry, grape, viburnum, rowan, dogwood, sea buckthorn, raspberry, chokeberry, chokeberry, bird cherry, rose hip);
  • vegetable or with the addition of herbs or roots (hawthorn, mint, ginger, zucchini, rhubarb, beets, pumpkin, flowers, basil);
  • from dried fruits (raisins, apricots, prunes, dried apricots, dates);
  • mixed, or assorted compote (from a combination various types fruits, berries and sometimes vegetables).

This is interesting! Separately, you can highlight the green compote. It is made from green fruits such as grapes or green apples.

Cooking technologies

Cooking technologies will tell you how to cook compote correctly so that it is tasty. Usually for the winter compote is rolled into 1, 2 or 3 liter jars. Recipes usually involve preparing ingredients for 5 or 10 liters at once. And for every day, compotes can be poured into a carafe, jug, or poured directly from the pan into cups. The most common technologies for preparing compote at home can be found in the table, and it is also worth watching the video.

Type of compote

What can you cook from?

Features of the technology

From fresh fruits

You can use quinces, pears, cherries, apples, cherries and some other fruits or berries.

It is necessary to wash the fruits and get rid of the seed nests. Next, the fruits are cut into slices. After cutting, they need to be immersed in cold water(you can add a little citric acid or lemon juice to it).

Next, the syrup is prepared by dissolving sugar in hot water and adding a small amount of citric acid. The broth should be boiled for 10-12 minutes. It is recommended to strain it to get rid of any sediment.

The fruits should be immersed in the syrup (it should be hot) and boiled for about 6-8 minutes (no longer necessary, as the fruit may boil over). There is no need to boil certain fruits (for example, varieties of apples that boil quickly, or pears). They are simply placed in hot syrup, which is immediately turned off. Cherries should be immersed in hot syrup, removing the seeds, bringing the broth to a boil and turning off.

From fresh fruits and melons

You can prepare a compote from apples, pears, plums, apricots, watermelons, melons, cherries, and strawberries.

Peels and seeds should be removed from apples and pears. The fruits themselves need to be cut, for example, into quarters or slices. Apricots and plums are cut in half, removing the pits. Watermelons and melons need to be peeled and seeds removed. Strawberries and cherries are peeled from their stems. All fruits are boiled until tender and then cooled.

From wild berries

Strawberries or raspberries

You need to prepare sugar syrup, cool it until warm. The berries are placed in vases and filled with syrup. It remains to brew the compote for 30-40 minutes.

From citrus fruits

Oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits and other citrus fruits

Citrus fruits need to be peeled. Next, the fruits are cut in a convenient way, for example into slices (for compote this is not important). All fruits should be placed in prepared bowls and filled with syrup (its temperature should not be high, it should be warm).

The syrup is prepared from hot water, sugar, and zest. It should be cooked for no longer than 10-12 minutes.

From canned fruits

Any fruits (canned)

The ingredients should be placed in bowls and poured with syrup (prepared by boiling water with sugar), which has already cooled. This is the so-called quick compote.

From dried fruits

Any dried fruits

Dried fruits should be poured with boiling water, placed on the stove and allowed to boil. Next you need to add sugar, a little citric acid and mix. You should wait until it is ready and turn off the heat. For example, pears are cooked for 1-2 hours, dried apricots, prunes and apricots - 10-20 minutes, apples - up to half an hour, raisins - 5-10 minutes. When wondering how many minutes to cook or boil compote, consider the size of the dried fruit.

Advice! It is recommended to cook dried fruits for compote 10-12 hours in advance and leave to infuse. During this time, dried fruits will give off flavor and aromatic components, including organic acids, mineral salts, sugars, and the fruits themselves will be soaked in syrup and can be consumed separately from the drink.

Many drink recipes will remind you of the past. For example, compote made from dried fruits or wild berries was often served in Soviet canteens. You can experiment and achieve the same taste by observing certain proportions.

Compote and weight loss

Compote is allowed for weight loss, but you need to use the ingredients for its preparation selectively. Preference should be given to low-calorie ingredients. Also, components are selected depending on what effect is planned to be achieved.

The following ingredients are especially relevant in compotes for weight loss:

  1. Apricots. This is explained by the fact that they have a mild laxative effect, so they are often included in the diet and diets.
  2. Prunes. It is able to enhance intestinal motility. The fruit has a mild laxative effect. But keep in mind that fresh plums are not as high in calories as prunes.
  3. Plum. Its beneficial properties are similar to prunes, but it has a more sour taste. That is why it is recommended to combine the fruit with something sweeter or neutral in taste, such as apples.
  4. Cherries. It makes a delicious compote that does not need to be combined with anything. He will be self-sufficient. At the same time, the berries will be incredibly effective for getting rid of extra pounds.
  5. Raspberries. It makes excellent cooling fruit drinks. It is recommended to combine raspberries with more acidic fruits and berries, such as red currants, gooseberries and apples. In this case, the compote will turn out very tender and sweet and sour.
  6. Strawberries and wild strawberries. The berries have a tart-sour taste. It is recommended to combine them with gooseberries or apples to neutralize the taste.
  7. Sudanese rose. Compote will have healing properties. It is able to reduce cholesterol in the blood and promote the breakdown of fats. It is recommended to combine Sudanese rose with pear, quince, apricot, plums, and apples for effective weight loss.

Worth knowing! The calorie content of dried fruits is always higher than the calorie content of fresh berries. For example, in 100 grams of fresh apricot the number of calories will not exceed 44 Kcal, but in dry apricot it will already reach 232 Kcal. It's easy to calculate how many calories there will be in a drink. Similar calculations can be made for other fruits or berries.

Natural compotes will be very useful. When losing weight, cleansing variations are especially effective. They often also have a diuretic effect.

Compote and pregnancy

You can drink compote during pregnancy, because it is extremely healthy. But you need to take a responsible approach to the selection of fruits and berries for its preparation. It is necessary to exclude the use of those berries and fruits that may be allergens. Recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding(GW) listen to the following recommendations:

  • control your sugar intake;
  • do not use fruits that may be allergens;
  • Do not drink too cold drinks;
  • You can only drink fresh compote;
  • You need to cook compote only from fresh and high-quality fruits and berries;
  • It is not advisable for pregnant or nursing mothers to drink compote in large quantities, as this leads to the appearance of edema.

For the little ones

Compote will be very useful for the youngest and older children. The benefits, in particular, are as follows:

  1. Increasing immunity and resistance to infections. This is important in the cold season, so drinks made from frozen fruits or dried fruits, such as dried apples, are recommended. You can immediately prepare dry mixtures from drying, which you just need to throw into a pan and cook, adding a little jam, sugar or honey (already before serving in a warm drink).
  2. Compote can become a delicious homemade medicine. You can refuse medications, which have a lot of side effects, replacing them with a healthy, vitamin compote of suitable fruits, berries or dried fruits. The main advantages include the absence of dyes, preservatives and chemical additives in its composition.
  3. Many mothers doubt whether it is possible to give their child compote. Of course, it is not recommended to give such a drink to infants, but older children can. Experts say that starting from 7 months, you can gradually begin to introduce a fruit drink into the baby’s diet. It is important to be sure that you are not allergic to sugar or fruits. If desired, sugar can always be replaced with honey or fructose.
  4. Dried fruit compote is considered the most beneficial for a child’s body, since in dried fruits the substances are presented in more high concentration. In terms of the concentration of nutrients, a piece of dried fruit and a half-liter jar of fresh fruit will be equivalent.

Advice! You should not give compote to a one-month-old baby. The exception is a doctor’s recommendation, which is very rare, but even then a light compote is prepared. When wondering at what age a child can be given compote, it is better to consult a specialist.

What can be made from compote?

What can be made from compote? The range of possible dishes is huge. In particular, you can prepare the following from cooked compote:

  1. Home wine. It is most convenient to prepare it in glass bottles of 5 or 10 liters, but if desired, you can use enamel or wooden containers. The best wines will be made from apple, grape, apricot, and cherry compote. To achieve effective fermentation, you need to add starter in the form of wine yeast or berries or raisins. Rose wine, which is obtained from a mixture of compotes, will be very tasty.
  2. Jelly. It is enough to add gelatin to the compote, heat the drink so that the gelatin melts, and pour into molds. And when the compote with gelatin has cooled, put it in the refrigerator. You can experiment and make a compote without sugar or without berries, and then add fresh fruit to the jelly. You can see how to decorate the jelly in the photo.
  3. Marmalade. It is the best, and most importantly, healthy treat after a meal. This dessert is not difficult to prepare, but you only need to use thick compote.
  4. Syrup. It can subsequently be used to add to teas or coffee, as well as to soak cakes. The syrup is made by adding a significant amount of sugar to the compote. The result is a delicacy that may differ in thickness depending on the concentration of sugar in the compote.
  5. Braga or mash. This drink is not for everybody, but many people like it. This dish is often prepared in villages, using mash along with homemade bread. The mash is prepared from sour compote at home; you don’t have to do any special actions.
  6. Jam or jam. Any of the dishes must be prepared from thick compote by grinding fruits and mixing them with liquid compote. But in any case, the result is quite liquid jam. You can add sugar to it, which will add some thickness.
  7. Kissel. It is prepared by adding starch to the compote. You can easily prepare jelly in a slow cooker, where it is guaranteed not to boil over or burn.

It is important! Remember that compote stains are not always easy to wash off. It is especially difficult to deal with contamination from jelly made from colored berries.

But remember that nothing can replace the taste of homemade compote. When looking for something to replace it with, you can pay attention to fruit juice. But this drink has a completely different taste, although it is just as healthy and interesting in taste.. And thanks to its low calorie content, it can be consumed even at night.

From the fruits, berries and dried fruits left after the compote, you can make cakes, muffins, pancakes, gingerbreads, and cookies. The ingredients will be used as filling.

  1. If you have an allergy, you can drink compote, with the exception of fruits, berries or vegetables to which you are allergic. Also, if possible, you should exclude allergenic fruits, including citrus fruits, strawberries and raspberries.
  2. If you have gastritis, you should avoid eating compotes made from fresh fruits and berries. But a drink made from dried fruits is allowed, including quince, apricots, dates, raisins, prunes, pears, peaches, and cherries.
  3. For diabetes, including type 2, certain types of fruits and berries are allowed. Among them: currants, peaches, cherries, citrus fruits, papaya, mango, sea buckthorn, gooseberries, pears, apples, plums, pineapples, strawberries. Consequently, compotes can also be prepared from these fruits.
  4. If you have diarrhea, which is popularly called diarrhea, you can drink compote if it is not made from fruits that have a laxative effect. In particular, a drink made from prunes, raisins, and apricots is not recommended. These fruits weaken, not strengthen, so they will only make the situation worse.
  5. In case of poisoning, dried fruit compote will be useful ( dried apples, raisins, dried apricots, prunes).
  6. When vomiting, you can consume dried fruit compote in small quantities to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. For pancreatitis, only certain types of compotes are allowed, namely: from rosehip, from melon, from raspberries, from strawberries, from wild strawberries, from summer apples, from raisins and grapes, from blueberries.
  8. In case of rotavirus, compotes can be consumed only on the recommendation of a doctor. These should be light drinks, for example, from dried fruits with the addition of chamomile or mint.
  9. After childbirth, you can consume compote that is not made from allergenic fruits. There are no strict restrictions on all other fruit soft drinks.

Advice! Storing compote in a saucepan in the refrigerator should not be long. It should be drunk over 2-3 days. Compote, like juice preserved in jars, can be stored for several years if the seal is not broken. If the compote has spoiled, turned sour, or even fermented, do not be upset, because you can make delicious homemade wine or even liqueur from it.

Compote is a real storehouse of valuable and necessary substances for the body. Regular use Healthy drinks with minimal sugar content help maintain the normal functioning of the body. Making compote is very simple. You can use seasonal fruits, berries and even vegetables to make preparations for the winter. An alternative option is to freeze the fruits or dry them to prepare compote in winter and spring.

Many people know that apples are a very common and sought-after product in our country. Scientists agree that apples originated in Central Asia. Now apples are grown in many parts of the Earth in huge volumes.

Since ancient times, people have included this tasty fruit in their diet. That is why they occupy a special place in the cuisine of many countries around the world. Today, a huge number of different culinary masterpieces from this fruit have been invented, including drinks, namely the favorite apple compotes. Apples are a wonderful product that is suitable for preparing soft drinks during the hot summer, and also in cold times, thanks to them, you can prepare a vitamin compote.

Many housewives will agree that apple compote is one of the most popular types home canning. It is worth noting that apple compote has not only excellent taste characteristics, but also vitamin and mineral composition. The benefit of apple compote lies in the content of elements such as magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium in the drink.

Many people are unanimous in the opinion that compote made from apples is one of the most common types of home canned food. It is also necessary to highlight the fact that apple compote is not only tasty, it also contains vitamin and mineral components.

  • achieved due to the content of such important microelements as:
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus

It also contains vitamins B, C, E and vitamins PP. For people watching their figure, it is worth knowing that calorie content depends on the amount of added sugar, as well as if its substitutes are used. But the average value is about 100 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Compote made from fresh apples can bring great benefits to children. Moreover, apples are considered hypoallergenic product, and there are practically no cases of allergies. That is why apples are widely used in production baby food. Apple compote can be a very tasty and healthy drink for both adults and children.

It is worth highlighting one of the main factors - this is the fact that the process of preparing compote does not take much time, and is also not financially burdensome.

Here's what you might need to make apple compote:

  • Apples
  • Sugar.

At the same time, sugar can be replaced with honey or molasses, or those sweeteners that you use in Everyday life. When cooking, it is best to select the fruits good quality, not spoiled.

There are many recipes for making apple compote. Here is one of the simplest.

It is necessary to wash the apples well. Next, remove the seeds and cut them into slices. Then, pour the prepared slices into already boiling water and add sugar to taste, bring it all to a boil. As soon as it boils, you need to immediately remove it from the heat; it is not advisable to boil the apples again, since the beneficial substances in the drink are reduced. Then cool the prepared apple compote and serve.

Compote is the favorite drink of most of the population of our country. In winter, as a rule, compotes are made from dried fruits, and in summer from fresh fruits and berries. Each housewife has her own recipe for preparing this drink, especially since it is extremely simple to prepare, and the beneficial properties of the compote are incredibly diverse.

Of course, everyone knows what compote is. IN Soviet times it was always served in canteens, however, this canteen tradition is still alive. True, you won’t find compote in a restaurant, but cafes, canteens, and buffets still offer this wonderful product to lovers. But its name is not even Russian at all, and this drink itself is significantly different from its great-great-grandfather. True compote is French in origin and is not a drink at all. Previously, compote was a sweet dessert that was served in vases and eaten with spoons. And all because it was boiled fruit, drenched in a sweet, spicy syrup. And what we call compote now was previously called uzvar or vzvar, as you like. Who and when called the broth compote now you won’t find out, and there’s no need to. The main thing is that this drink, no matter what it is called, perfectly quenches thirst, is good for health and is simply loved.

The benefits of compote. How is compote useful?

The summer period can safely be called the season of compotes. The appearance of a considerable number of fresh fruits allows you to pamper your family and prepare it for the winter. As mentioned above, this is extremely useful product. And its healing and strengthening properties depend on the components from which it is prepared. The fruits and berries included in its recipe add their beneficial properties to the compote, and it is used for medicinal purposes depending on them.

One of the most useful is cranberry compote. Since the cranberry itself is a healing berry, a drink based on it helps improve immunity. Strawberry compote has an antioxidant effect and contains a whole range of micro- and macroelements necessary for the body. Peach compote restores strength, improves vision, and strengthens the heart muscle. Raspberry will lower the temperature, and rowan will help prevent colds.

As for dried fruit compote, it contains no less useful substances than a drink made from fresh berries. Most of the beneficial substances are preserved during drying and all that remains is to prepare the drink correctly in order to enjoy this healthy and tasty product.