Plump young girls. Why men don't like fat women

Any woman is beautiful, regardless of weight, age and health. Photos of plump women who shine at fashion shows confirm this. The philosophy of body positivity, a movement that is gaining momentum in Lately, teaches girls to love themselves and accept their bodies as they are. But what then can be said about ladies over fifty? Can plump older women look attractive? Of course, yes, if you know how to age gracefully.

Body positivity movement

If at the beginning of the 2000s a girl with parameters of 90-60-90 was considered ideal, then recently the body positivity movement has been gaining momentum.

Real life is radically different from the picture shown in Hollywood films or on the pages of fashion magazines, and the thin models that shine on the world's catwalks are very far from the parameters of an ordinary woman. But plump women can be beautiful too!

And body positivity is precisely the teaching of accepting your body as it is. Followers of this movement say that any woman can be beautiful. Attractiveness does not depend on age, physique, or state of health.

Plus size models

“Glossy” ideals of beauty (figures that argue with the laws of anatomy, porcelain faces completely devoid of facial expressions and skin smoothed to the point of plastic, which we are used to seeing on the pages of magazines) fade into the background. Today, fashion catwalks are being conquered by body positivity - an idea that returns women a living, real body with all its flaws.

This is how “plus size” models appeared. The very idea of ​​models with non-standard parameters appearing on the catwalk was revolutionary, but at the same time very logical. In the past, fashion designers told us to look at clothes in sizes that most women only wore in adolescence. Now, models have begun to appear who wear sizes larger than XS, but are happy with their bodies and confident in themselves. These are plump women, but beautiful, successful and popular.

Alexandra Deinega

The aspiring Russian plus-size model Alexandra Deinega is photographed for magazines, lingerie and clothing catalogs, and calendars. The 27-year-old Muscovite's career in the modeling business began with filming at the German agency East West Models. The girl has green eyes long hair and an open smile, parameters 103-81-111 cm (chest, waist, hips) with a height of 177 cm and a weight of 78 kg.

Lana Gurtovenko

Photographer and body positivity activist Lana Gurtovenko has been a big girl since elementary school, and as a teenager she tried many diets. Growing up, the plump Russian woman recalls that the boys honestly said that she was “beautiful, but fat.” One day, self-acceptance reached the point that the girl could neither eat nor drink. She was exhausted. Lana Gurtovenko was hospitalized, but after recovery she learned to love herself and her body the way it is. Today the girl not only films others plus model size for calendars and fashion magazines, but is also a popular model.

Nadine Simkina

Christina Mendez

A black girl was born in New York into a family of immigrants from Dominican Republic. She began her modeling career as a teenager, but as she grew up she was forced to take a break due to pregnancy. Later, Christina’s son was diagnosed with autism, so the girl devoted herself only to the child for several years. In 2006, she took up again modeling business. A few years later, Christina Mendes was recognized as one of the first plus-size Latin American models who managed to become famous and popular. In 2011, the girl gave birth to her second child. Now she continues to appear in fashion magazines, participates in advertising campaigns for clothes for plus size people and underwear, and is a successful TV presenter.

Nadia Aboulhosn

Nadia Aboulhosn is a beauty blogger, plus-size model and clothing designer, and she is also a supporter of body positivity. The girl not only does modeling, but also works in the humanitarian field. For example, in 2014 she attended a conference for women entrepreneurs embracing the digital space. She is also known as the creator of capsule fashion clothing. Nadia's line was presented at New York Fashion Week.

Svetlana Permyakova

There are famous actresses with non-standard parameters in Russia. A plump Russian woman (photo of the actress below) Svetlana Permyakova began her television career in 1992. She played in KVN, starred in the TV series “Happy Together”, “Soldiers”, but Svetlana’s popularity was brought by her role as a nurse in the sitcom “Interns”. When a young groom appeared in a woman’s life, she decided to lose a little weight. In 2012, the couple had a daughter, and just a few months later Svetlana amazed fans with her slimness. The secret of the actress's transformation is proper nutrition and sports.

Yulia Kuvarzina

Another popular Russian actress, with a height of 165 cm, weighs 90 kilograms. But such parameters do not at all prevent Yulia from being simply charming and starring in popular TV series. The audience fell in love with her after her roles in “Don’t Be Born Beautiful” and “The Voronins.”

Hardly anyone would dare call today's birthday girl Christina Hendricks fat. The British woman captivated the public not so much with her acting talent (few people will remember the last film with her participation), but with her stunning forms. The actress is not at all embarrassed by her non-standard figure: Hendrix emphasizes her chic curves with the right clothes, which makes her look like a real sex bomb. A couple of years ago, Christina was chosen as the “Sexiest Woman in America,” removing Megan Fox herself from the pedestal. Hendrix is ​​so good in her non-model parameters that the public does not believe that the star, having such feminine forms, did not resort to plastic surgery. In response to questions, she becomes furious: “I refuse to live in a world where a woman by default cannot be beautiful and curvy from birth!”

Congratulating the actress on her 42nd birthday, we remembered other famous beautiful girls with curvy shapes.

The 23-year-old is perhaps the only plus-size model to grace the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, where, as we know, only iconic beauties of the era manage to get on. The year before last, the blonde was recognized as the sexiest woman in the world, and in terms of popularity, the curvy girl has already eclipsed Cara Delevingne. Signs with Bobbi Brown and Sam Edelman put Upton in the top five richest models world, surpassing even Miranda Kerr. The girl achieved such success thanks to her curvaceous figure: the extra centimeters at the waist did not prevent her from becoming either the face of a swimsuit brand or one of the “angels” at the Victoria's Secret show. Now the bright top model is trying her hand at cinema with some success.

The most talked about heroine of the world chronicle has built a career on television on her “cool” forms. The flamboyant socialite influenced a radical change in the canons of beauty of our time. You can be skeptical about her, but it is impossible to ignore the fact that Kim Kardashian is the most talked about person of the last two years and the most popular star of social networks (Instagram audience - 31.2 million). She is called a star of a new generation - from a reality heroine to a girl from the covers of Vogue and ELLE. And she manages to successfully monetize her fantastic popularity.

Another beauty who broke the stereotypes of show business is the singer. Thanks to her undeniable talent and striking appearance, the British woman has achieved incredible popularity throughout the world. By the age of 27, Adele has an incredible number of awards: “Golden Globe”, dozens of “Grammys”, “Order of the British Empire” and even “” for the song “Skyfall”, which became the soundtrack to the Bond film. Adele's figure has always differed from Hollywood and European standards, but this only added to her admiration from fans. Stylists believe that success lies in the right clothes: Adele’s figure is proportional, you just need to skillfully place accents. The singer herself admits that she never dreamed of being skinny; moreover, she is proud that she has the same figure as most women.

One of the most gifted actresses of our time, in appearance, is also far from Hollywood ideas about female beauty, but she has never been shy about it. Soft feminine forms did not prevent the British woman from earning recognition on both sides of the Atlantic, receiving dozens of leading roles, earning an Oscar and being included in the list of the most beautiful people according to People. Not to mention Richard Branson's handsome nephew, Ned Rocknroll, who was charmed by Winslet and became her third husband. Kate considers herself a “woman with a normal figure” and throws a scandal if her photo on the cover of a magazine is “slimmed” in Photoshop. “Personally, I’m not going to lose weight,” says the British woman. “I have more important things to do.”

“The TV screen always makes you 5-6 kilograms fatter, you need to lose excess weight“- television producers refused to girls of non-model appearance. Over time, the rules have changed: the canons of modern beauty are increasingly shifting towards girls with curvy figures. Anfisa Chekhova achieved success on television as the host of the erotic program “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova”, without having the notorious 90-60-90 parameters. Viewers instantly fell in love with the beauty on the screen, because with her example she proved that sexuality is not synonymous with model thinness. “Why mock yourself? Find the positives in the state you are in,” this is Anfisa Chekhova’s recipe for beauty. The crazy ratings of the midnight show and the admiration of the country's male population confirm that it works.

There is no need to sympathize with them - you can only envy them!

Do real women simply have to have appetizing curves? Are fat people better in bed? The plump representatives of the fair sex, very satisfied with their intimate lives, are sure that this is so. It turns out that thin friends are far from them in many respects. “A little body” is extremely important and even necessary to be able to enjoy intimacy with a man. Not only the ladies themselves speak about this, but also their partners, and even... scientists.

Contrary to popular belief, the roundness of the silhouette (which - attention! - is not at all synonymous with large overweight and especially obesity) is not at all a reason for shame and embarrassment. Women with large busts and full butts tend to feel sexy and know how to use it in the bedroom. Sexually plump women are, of course, more pleasant to the touch, more visually attractive, and also much more daring compared to “boned” beauties. Hard to believe? Here are 7 proven and objective reasons why fat women are better in bed. Maybe it's time to stop starving yourself and gain some weight?

1. Fat girls and women in bed are like a soft pillow

Most bed positions require direct contact of the partners' pelvic bones. If a woman has virtually no fatty tissue, the man is forced to hit his partner’s bones quite painfully - not a pleasant sensation. Intimate contact loses intensity because the man, for his own safety, slows down the pace. Fat women are better for such intercourse, since their fat “cushions” the shock. Thanks to this, the man is not distracted by unpleasant “side” sensations, the act of love can last longer and bring much greater satisfaction to both parties.

2. Men are attracted to them on a subconscious level.

Fashion and the media try to convince us that men are much more attracted to women who are as thin as possible and have model bodies. In fact, everything is far from the case, if not the other way around. Researchers have long proven that men are subconsciously interested in partners with stronger bodies. Full the better what them wide hips and large breasts involuntarily encourage the stronger sex to reproduce. After all, they are a sign that a woman will cope perfectly with the birth and feeding of possible heirs. This is very attractive to men, even if they don't realize it.

3. Full body - more surface for maneuver

Sexologists agree that skinny women never become as attractive to men as their larger friends. The good thing about being fat in bed is that there is always something to grab onto and allow yourself much more. A curvy woman is a great opportunity to play with her breasts, buttocks, belly, and legs. Men love to touch them, knead them, and kiss them. Not to mention the so-called Spanish sex that a girl with small breasted, or rather, her partner cannot afford it.

4. Men like certain specific sounds.

What are we talking about here and what does it have to do with the structure of the body? It turns out that there is a lot. Many men admit that they are even more turned on by the sound that appears at the moment of active movement of two bodies. A man's thighs coming into contact with our buttocks (in a rear position) produce a characteristic slap. Also, the “waves” formed by the partner’s body do their job, and in the case of very slim figure such a specific effect is unattainable.

5. Fat people have fewer inhibitions about sex.

They say that the more fat tissue, the less self-confidence. In very many cases this is absolutely not the case. From the observations of sexologists, it follows that ladies with a more curvaceous physique in bed, as a rule, are much more open to new experiences and experiments. If people who are fat in bed feel that they really like a man and care about him, then they are able to generously reward him for this. Without being embarrassed at all, they show themselves to their partner in all sorts of positions, without removing his hands and lips from places that are theoretically less attractive than others. They love all of themselves. It is enough to pay a little attention to them - and any doubts and prohibitions disappear - unlike thin women who are constantly dissatisfied with something and who strive to present themselves to their partners only from angles that are favorable to them.

6. Fat girls look very feminine in bed

Theoretically, by definition, absolutely everyone should look feminine. However, men who have had experience of close relationships with thin houses do not hide their disappointment. In their opinion, a body devoid of pleasant feminine curves can be associated during intimate communication with someone like a younger brother, rather than with a sexy female partner. After all, a flat chest and buttocks are attributes of the male gender. Men appreciate a situation where you don’t have to think about who’s in this moment lies beneath them and you can completely surrender to pleasure. If this is not the case, contact may be uncomfortable and even stressful.

7. Fat people are better in bed because they're more fun.

Few people are aware of this, but a smile and a good attitude are the best aphrodisiac. Many argue that it is women with a curvaceous figure who can boast the greatest sense of humor. It is not entirely clear what this is connected with, but it is quite possible that it is so. Maybe because they have developed immunity against the sidelong and mocking glances of their puny friends? Or maybe because they don’t diet themselves, don’t give up the joys of life and know how to appreciate their curves? Laughter is useful during intimate contacts, because it can relieve tension, soften awkward situations, and help you relax. After all, sex shouldn't be a boring commitment and a challenge. nervous system, but with joy and positivity. And it is a plump partner in bed who can become his generous source.

I have an amazing friend who always amazes with optimism. She is very funny, talented and beautiful. On the street, men turn to look at her, and the number of fans is always huge. But the most interesting thing is her appearance different from what we are used to seeing in glossy magazines.

My friend's name is Marina. And she weighs about 90 kg. Of course, she won’t tell anyone her exact weight, but she looks much heavier than modern fashion models. But this does not spoil it at all, but gives it a special charm. I have always wondered why the opposite sex loves her so much. We came up with this theme together with her.

What attracts men to skinny bodies?

Modern young people spend too much time watching TV. And he dictates his ideals of beauty. And anything that deviates from what the screen shows is considered uninteresting. These are imposed norms that are very difficult to resist. But surprisingly, most people do not meet these generally accepted standards.

But man is a social being. And if suddenly one decided that it was his general rules do not touch, then others may point a finger at him, and this is the fear of being rejected by the environment. And although it is rare that someone can be reproached for choosing a plump companion, many never try to make such a decision. Opinions change only with age, when experience and understanding comes that the body is not the only thing that makes a person beautiful. And over the years it tends to change.

The woman is now perceived less as a mother. Today they are looking for a girl not for, but for a good pastime. When motherhood was valued, everyone understood that it was much easier for ladies with curves to bear and give birth to children. Previously, round shapes were a symbol of health and beauty. It was by rosy cheeks that a person’s condition was determined, and not by protruding ribs. But after giving birth, many girls continue to “round out,” which quite often makes them more feminine.

Many men want to look more masculine. But life has not endowed everyone with an athletic physique. And next to a fragile girl it is much easier to appear more impressive than next to a “fat girl”. The contrast is noticeable, the shoulders appear wider and the height is higher. But this is the strangest way of self-affirmation that you can think of.

It also scares men away. If a woman weighs more than 60 kg, she often feels uncomfortable and has a complex. And, of course, a man does not want to be close to someone who is not ready to be liberated and love her body. The modern stronger sex understands that communicating with a cheerful, bright girl is more interesting than with one who is constantly on a diet, is unhappy with her weight and denies herself many things.

Are fat girls really not needed?

My friend’s example shows that plump girls are very popular. It is only important to present yourself correctly. Firstly, you should forget about complexes. Of course, it is difficult to immediately renounce something that has been cultivated for so long public opinion, but it's worth a try. And even if it doesn’t quite work out, try not to talk about them among other people.

Men love women who love themselves. You need to learn to take care of yourself. A good manicure, styled hair, and heels attract the opposite sex. It's very easy to see whether a woman loves herself - you just have to look at her wardrobe. If it is “gray”, dull or monotonous, this indicates that the girl is not trying to please. It’s worth diversifying the contents of your closet, buying new things, and starting to pay more attention to yourself.

You can choose things that not only hide excess weight, but also emphasize your advantages. For example, you can focus your wardrobe on your bust or beautiful hips. Things should highlight the best in the figure and fit perfectly. You shouldn’t get carried away with flashy tones, but brightness is welcome. Today, even many fashion houses make collections for curvy women, so there can be no problems with clothes.

Self-love can be expressed in how you take care of your skin, body, and hair. Massages and relaxing baths not only improve your appearance, but also relax you and have a great effect on your morale. Any such procedures lift the mood, and therefore make the girl more noticeable.

People pay attention to positive girls more often. Only a liberated person, satisfied with life, can laugh merrily, joke and have a great rest. Many people dream of such a companion, so that next to her they can forget about everyday life and relax. And then a cheerful disposition comes first, and the figure remains in second. Many people will prefer a cheerful fat woman to a gloomy thin one. But we should not forget that excessive cheerfulness and licentiousness are not the best option, everything should be in moderation.

You need to take care of your appearance, no matter how much you weigh. Round shapes can be perfectly combined with tightened skin. Stretch marks and cellulite can be removed. It’s also worth keeping your muscles toned. This does not mean that you need to work out in the gym around the clock, but doing a set of exercises at least a couple of times a week would be nice. This is good for health and will help avoid unpleasant shortness of breath.

And most importantly, to remain desirable, you need to be feminine. Of course, modern representatives of the fair sex can perfectly open the door and bring food. But still, men want to be knights, do not deprive them of this opportunity. Let them solve problems, build houses, earn money. Let them see in you not a partner who can do everything, but a muse who needs to be looked after and who can be helpless in trivial situations.

It turns out that you can become desirable in any weight category. I saw this in the example of a friend, wrote down all the advice and thought about it. Although I weigh a little, the advice is excellent and suitable for any girl. And thanks to them, I revised my wardrobe, and I already made an appointment at the salon for tomorrow - I will change my hairstyle and take care of myself.

Sigmund Freud believed that most men, when dating, prefer women who look like their mother. Many studies have proven him right. From this we can conclude that thin girls and young girls have the same chances of getting married. It is considered ideal female beauty Now there are models whose parameters are 90-60-90.

At the same time, plump women exhaust themselves with diets, trying to get at least a little closer to the standard of beauty, but few of them know that the problem does not lie in weight at all. It's all about the girl's character and temperament. Men love to look at slender beauties, but no one wants to marry an empty picture. A person needs warmth and affection, cleanliness and comfort in the house. Not all slender women are able to give a man everything he needs. But fat women very often have an easy-going and gentle character.

What kind of men like fat women?

As a result of research by psychologists, the following pattern has emerged: men who give preference to plump women with large busts are very often quick-tempered and impatient. A number of representatives of the stronger sex who prefer fatties love to be the center of attention. Some of them are very smart, but there are also touchy and weak-willed individuals. If a man chooses women with his hips, he often shows aggressiveness in life, is active and likes to change his home; in addition, he is a big fan of cleanliness. Such men often lack family warmth and affection.

Men, on a subconscious level, choose a future mother who can give birth to a healthy child.

Also, some men, whose age has already crossed the forty-year border, like fat women, for whom appearance takes a back seat to the woman’s personality. Men of a more mature age already understand a lot in life, and for them the main thing becomes “not the cover, but its content.” It is important for a man that a woman knows how to carry on a conversation, and is also cheerful and sociable.

Many people cannot understand why tall people sometimes give preference to short gray mice. Psychologists sometimes explain this by saying that, knowing about his complexes, a man begins to disguise himself. During the experiment, it turned out that 74% of men, when viewing photographs of girls of various body types, made a choice in favor overweight women.

A survey conducted in Russia showed that 63% consider a woman’s neatness to be her most important quality, and, of course, Russian men like women with a cheerful disposition and good character.

Most representatives of the stronger sex prefer cheerful and sociable life partners, so it doesn’t matter whether a woman is overweight or not, but the main thing is that it is pleasant and easy to be around her.