How to choose a wedding dress according to your zodiac sign. Which wedding dress suits your zodiac sign? Leo - Zimmerman

The stars will tell you how to choose the main outfit in every girl's life


Choosing a wedding dress is a real pleasure for Taurus, who are under the influence of Venus, the patroness of beauty and the arts. This sign appreciates luxurious textures and materials, preferring models with hand embroidery or decoration. For romantically minded representatives of the sign, emphatically feminine and sophisticated versions with floral patterns will suit them.


Perfect Wedding Dress for Gemini, in no case should it be heavy or restrict movement. The Gemini bride is well versed in the combination of colors, prints and textures, so she will definitely put together a unique wedding outfit, adding it to her wedding dress original accessories and shoes. Representatives of this sign do not get hung up on finding the perfect dress and, without a doubt, dilute the solemn image with completely non-wedding accents, demonstrating the duality and creative component of their character.

Cancers, ruled by the Moon, naturally gravitate towards things with history. This is why a Cancer bride can insist on family wedding rings or choose a wedding dress with obvious historical references: fine lace, a high collar and an accentuated waist, adding vintage jewelry and curly heels to it.

Leo is a fire sign whose ruling planet is the Sun. By nature, Leos strive to be the center of attention, and attracting all eyes on themselves on their wedding day becomes perhaps the main goal when choosing a wedding dress. Thus, Leo brides are ideally suited for dresses with shiny trim, especially in gold color, symbolizing their patron planet. In preparing a memorable image for a wedding, everything can be used - large headbands, jewelry, catchy makeup, voluminous hairstyle, as long as the bride’s walk to the altar is memorable for her and all the guests of the celebration for life.


Virgo’s element is Earth, which means that representatives of this sign consider buying a wedding dress as an investment and approach their choice more seriously than ever. Virgo's list of priorities includes perfect cut and hand-made finishing. Brides of this sign prefer outfits that highlight their natural femininity and elegance, which are both simple and memorable. The ideal dress for a Virgo could be a laconic slip dress, embroidered with crystals or voluminous appliqués, or a straight silhouette outfit with an unusual detail like a flowing cape with a train.


Like Taurus, Libra's patron planet is Venus. Hence their ability to subtly feel and perceive beauty and art. One of the most feminine and soft signs of the zodiac has a good eye for fashion and appreciates luxurious finishes and outfits that highlight his sexuality. The Libra bride will not be afraid to go to the altar in a wedding interpretation of a “naked” dress and will look like no one else in it.


Prone to shocking, Scorpios do not compromise their principles even for the sake of a wedding, categorically rejecting any classic versions of dresses. The main criterion in choosing an outfit for a Scorpio bride will be its originality: dresses with ethnic details or provocative lingerie-style options, which Scorpio must combine with trendy accessories like a choker or rough boots, can be ideal. Representatives of other zodiac signs are strictly prohibited from repeating such experiments - only Scorpios can create such an image and look harmonious in it.


Sagittarius is patronized by the largest planet Jupiter, so one should not be surprised at the scope with which brides of this sign approach everything related to organizing a wedding. Excesses are encouraged in everything: from the list of guests to the very dress, which must certainly be lush, with lots of frills, lace and the obligatory long veil.


Another earth sign, Capricorn, also demonstrates the practicality inherent in representatives of their element. Capricorn brides are not attracted to exaggerated solemnities fluffy dresses made of lace or transparent chiffon. When choosing a wedding dress, Capricorn places emphasis on a laconic and comfortable cut, expensive fabrics and a simple but elegant silhouette. The ideal solution For brides of this sign, minimalist models with a clear, sculptural cut or impeccably executed snow-white overalls and trouser suits are becoming popular.


One of the most controversial and romantic representatives of the zodiac - Aquarius - is by nature on the short side with fashion and is not afraid to experiment with an image, even a wedding one. So don't be surprised if you see an Aquarius walking down the aisle in an eclectic outfit, composed of voluminous ruffles or replete with asymmetrical details and large accessories.


Bohemian, romantic, feminine - this is exactly what the wedding dress will be to which the Pisces girl will give her heart. The reason is the dominant creative principle inherent in representatives of this zodiac sign, which to one degree or another affects all aspects of their lives.

Aries are those people who prefer to go their own way in style. They don’t care what clothes were at this or last year’s fashion show, they are not interested in what products are in demand among consumers. But this does not mean at all that representatives of the first zodiac sign prefer to wear burlap because of its convenience. Many Aries have a well-developed sense of taste, so they can look impressive without even thinking about what is trending now. Most Aries stand out from the crowd because they prefer bright colors in clothes: red, burgundy, poisonous green. If a person turns out to be more modest (which is also common among Aries), then he will choose some muted shade of the same colors, as if finding a middle ground between the brightness of the image and the desire not to be the center of attention. Aries women, as a rule, always include a touch of sexuality in their style: a deep neckline, tight jeans, or something else. Their makeup is usually bright, which creates a catchy and memorable image. Nevertheless, among Aries you can sometimes meet girls who stand out in exactly the opposite way - choosing a “boyish” style. In general, if you describe Aries in one sentence, then it would be correct to say that he is a person of extremes.


Subject to Venus, Taurus prefer to choose exquisite things. They do not rush into any beautiful clothes and are very demanding of them and of their image as a whole. For representatives of the second zodiac sign, it is very important that clothes are expensive, branded, and stylish. They willingly complement it with some jewelry made from precious materials. But for all the sensitivity of the image, they try not to show it off. On the contrary, Taurus prefer to take things that are discreet, without any appliqués or decorative elements. Classic solutions are enough for them, rarely diluted with one single central accessory. Of course, there will be people who find Taurus’ taste in clothing boring, but Taurus does not listen to them and prefers to follow established fashion trends that do not age over the years. They really value self-care and take great care in styling their hair, clean skin, well-groomed nails, etc. The colors in Taurus clothes are muted.


Geminis are constant seekers of their own style and image. Their frivolity is reflected in their appearance. Both men and women of this sign prefer to have huge wardrobes, so that each time they can choose clothes to match their mood and sense of self. Thus, appearance for Gemini is a way to transfer the inner outward, to open up to the outside world. It’s easy to understand from their clothes what’s on Gemini’s mind, what their plans are, what they’re focusing their attention on. It’s impossible to say for sure how much Gemini takes care of their appearance. Mood swings also affect their desire to take care of themselves. Such a person can be different time to be caught in both a sloppy and an aristocratic image. Be that as it may, such attention to appearance affects the finances of Gemini, which they willingly spend on clothes, perfume and cosmetics. Geminis are great connoisseurs of everything fashionable, what is currently on a wave of success and is in demand. Prone to mysticism, Geminis love to complement their image with some magical paraphernalia. Talismans, totems and amulets often become their constant accompaniments.


Cancer is the sign that experiences a real evolution in clothing throughout its life. Young and adult Cancers are two completely different images, which in many ways contradict each other, although they have some common features. But first things first. So, Cancer is a vulnerable, gentle sign of the zodiac. And he strives to transfer these qualities to his own appearance. When meeting a young Cancer girl, it is not difficult to recognize her: tight and light clothes, as if saying how fragile and defenseless her nature is. Of course, you can meet a girl of any other sign in such clothes, but Cancers are distinguished by the fact that they can wear the same thing for a long time, which greatly distinguishes them from various fashionistas. Cancers do not try to show off their wardrobe, loud brands, or expensive clothes. However, you should not assume that Cancers will prefer to wear bad things. Not at all. But they clearly distinguish between such concepts as demonstrating their wealth and wearing really high-quality clothes. Although in terms of style, Cancers are really unpretentious. Regardless of gender, Cancers are very careful about the cleanliness and neatness of their appearance. This allows them to wear their favorite things even longer, because they are properly cared for. With age, Cancers prefer to choose multi-layered images, as if providing themselves with additional protection from the outside world.

a lion

Anyone who has even a little idea of ​​the character of such a zodiac sign as Leo is well aware of the image these people prefer to embody - more luxurious and richer. Leos are very whimsical in their choice of clothes. Shopping can take up a lot of their time, so many people born under the constellation Leo go the other way and order exclusive clothes and jewelry. This provides them with special items that no one else has and that meet all the requirements of a discerning customer. In Leo's wardrobe, if finances allow him, you can find clothes and accessories from all the most fashionable brands. People born under this zodiac sign are very particular about their appearance. They evaluate the appearance of others no less strictly, preferring to communicate with those who match them. Of course, one should not assume that Leos are too arrogant - such an impression could be formed from this description, but it would be too harsh an assessment. Leos prefer luxurious things that demonstrate wealth and taste. They love gold jewelry very much. However, Leos avoid flashy, provocative and extravagant outfits. Their preferences lean more toward classic and noble solutions.


It is quite difficult to describe the image that Virgo chooses for herself. The fact is that representatives of this sign do not have any general preferences that could be cited as a kind of rule, from which exceptions periodically appear. Rather, on the contrary - each Virgo can contradict the other. And yet something definite can be said about the representatives of this sign. Firstly, Virgos really don’t like to change clothes for different occasions. Their clothes should be versatile and suitable for a variety of situations. They really like convenience, and therefore it’s great when the same suit is suitable both for going to work and for going on a hike in nature after it. With such requirements for clothing, it is clear that an evening outfit is an unwelcome guest in Virgo’s wardrobe, which is unlikely to be in demand. What's the point of a beautiful dress if it's uncomfortable to go for a walk in it later? It is much more convenient to choose sweatpants or jeans, which will work in most situations. However, no matter how boyish the Virgo woman chooses, she will always make sure her clothes are clean and tidy. Virgos are the cleanest sign, for which even a small spot is a cause for concern.


Libra is not a zodiac sign that is too picky about their appearance. They don’t follow fashion and don’t try to adapt to any current trends. However, despite all this, they have a good aesthetic sense. Even without trying to look good, they always form their image with taste. It's not surprising that many people born under the sign of Libra look like they follow some popular clothing trend, even though they don't. The main thing that Libra watches for is comfort and convenience. It is very important to them what material the clothes are made of, as it creates a pleasant feeling, which is of particular importance for Libra. Some representatives of this zodiac sign are aware of current clothing trends and deliberately strive to do something contrary to them. Of particular importance for Libra are various small details of the image - jewelry and underwear. They have both in great variety.


Scorpios are people with excellent aesthetic taste. They know very well what is fashionable to wear now and how the most popular modern models are painted. And people born under the sign of Scorpio skillfully use their knowledge. They know how to look impressive and provocative. Their clothes, especially if we are talking about a Scorpio woman, emphasize sexuality. All the advantages of the figure will be perfectly emphasized by the most beautiful outfit. Tight dresses and trousers, short skirts, deep necklines - all this is what Scorpios like and emphasizes their beauty. They know what the beauty of their body is, and therefore they use its advantages 100%. It's no surprise that Scorpios are often the center of attention. This is important to them. But doesn't have of great importance, admire them or condemn them. The main thing is that the person himself, born under the sign of Scorpio, considers his image attractive and charming, and people who are not able to appreciate it are envious and hypocrites. They play a significant role in the image of Scorpio various accessories. Someone might even reproach them for the fact that the clothes are oversaturated with all sorts of details, drawings, inserts, etc. Nevertheless, this detailing is appreciated by many aesthetes who have a similar idea of ​​beauty as Scorpios.


Sagittarius can be of two types, and each of them has its own way of dressing. The first Sagittarians are fans of following fashion and following its first trends in every possible way. Chic, gloss, brilliance - all this can be said about the appearance of such a Sagittarius. Even men born under this zodiac sign can spend half an hour a day on a procedure such as a facial massage. Their attitude towards themselves smacks of narcissism. Essentially, that's what he is. Sometimes the desire to be in trend leads to obvious overstepping, and then Sagittarius puts on something that clearly does not suit them, but continues to proudly wear these clothes, looking down on those who look at them with a smile. Sagittarians are a different breed - these are people who put their business at the forefront of everything. What can such a person do? For example, science, creativity, social activities. In general, these Sagittarius have a calling, a mission, a life’s work. They direct all their strength there, and their appearance does not play any role for them. “It’s not the form that’s important, but the content,” is something like this when Sagittarians comment on their appearance. Of course, you shouldn’t necessarily expect that all of them look like ragamuffins. But the only trousers, frayed in several places, the same jacket, a single beautiful “weekend” item - a standard wardrobe for people of this type. People who greet you based on their clothes can turn their noses up at them. But Sagittarians are happy about this, since a person who judges others only by appearance, from their point of view, is not far-fetched, so it’s for the best that nothing connects them with him.


Capricorns take clothes calmly. They do not chase fashion trends or prices, but they also do not go to the other extreme - asceticism. Everything about them is modest, without frills, but with dignity. Capricorn doesn't consider clothes to be anything more than clothes. They exclude its social function, status, beauty. The main thing is that it is functional, comfortable and discreet. A large wardrobe (as well as a cosmetic bag) is superfluous for a person born under the sign of Capricorn. He won’t invent anything new for his appearance either, and even if in childhood he happened to be a rocker in black clothes, then over the years he will most likely come to classic version. Short skirts and tight clothes are also not what Capricorns prefer. They like older things, those that were in fashion with the old generation, or business style.


Aquarius is able to stand out even among people with the most striking images. The fact is that representatives of this zodiac sign choose the most original options in clothes. They are bold and do not hesitate to dress provocatively - in a way that is not expected in any society. A person born under the constellation Aquarius is not just an experimenter, but a lover of shockingness and extravagance. The cosmetics of Aquarius women are always bright, thick, and catchy. Clothes can be made in any color, things often do not match in style, necklines are deeper than is considered decent. In the image of Aquarius, there is not necessarily a hint of sexuality, although most often it is present. Rather, the main message is to shock others, unsettle them and force them to discuss themselves after their departure. True, not all Aquarians are like this. Among them you can also find those who are indifferent to their appearance. This is a breed of intellectual Aquarius, but they are much less common than lovers of extravagant haircuts and tattoos.


Pisces are quite contradictory in their preferences. Among them are fashionistas and those who protest in every possible way against trends imposed by time. In any case, no matter what image they choose, something of their own will be added to it. Pisces love comfort in clothing, and therefore prefer soft, loose options, although this is not the rule for all of them. Rather, there is only one rule - do not follow any rules. And yet, it is unlikely that there will ever be a representative of this zodiac sign who, for the sake of protest, dressed up in some extravagant outfit. Pisces prefer not to be in the spotlight, so their choice is more likely to fall on something less noticeable. In their clothes, they often choose marine shades and complement them with various kinds of sparkles, reminiscent of pearls.

Which of the following matches you and your zodiac sign? Do you have your own observations about how you and your friends feel about their appearance? Tell us about them. If there are questions that you think should be addressed in future publications, be sure to write about it in the comments. The most interesting proposals will definitely be used in subsequent articles.


Girls born under the sign of Aries love noisy companies, and therefore always become the center of attention at a Friday cocktail party. They reinforce their natural charm with extravagant clothes, so a mini dress with gold sequins is exactly what their passionate heart desires.

Taurus – Louis Vuitton

Taurus are very attached to their home and love to spend Friday evenings watching their favorite TV series. We think that a dress in the style of Andre Courrèges' Space Odyssey will make them turn on their favorite songs on their smartphone, cook dinner for their significant other and dance all night just like in the movie “Only Lovers Left Alive.”

Gemini - Balenciaga

Active by nature, Geminis need a dress in which they can freely gesticulate, laugh at the jokes of their interlocutor and elegantly shake a glass of wine. They'll feel like a million dollars in an emerald silk midi dress.

Cancer – Stella McCartney

Cancers are very attached to their clothes, so they are 100% guaranteed to refuse something that they can show off in only for one evening, and then wear it off until better times. Small black dress- ideal for endless social outings and Friday adventures.

Leo - Zimmerman

Leos love predatory prints and gold jewelry, so they will definitely like a dress with a complex cut in a leopard spot, which is akin to their nature. On Friday they will forget about the restrictive measures taken by etiquette against accessories. Lions will tame even a treasure chest.

Virgo – Bottega Veneta

The heart of the virgins gravitates towards the canonical elegance of Hollywood divas, so their choice will fall on a champagne-colored dress with a flowing drapery in the neckline. In this outfit they will have a great evening, because they will associate themselves with the heroine of the novel “The Great Gatsby”.

Libra - Balenciaga

Contrary to stereotypes, Libras are literally obsessed with brands and spontaneously take out a credit card when they see an item with a high degree of relevance in a boutique window. In the new season, instead of rhinestones and feathers, they will sympathize with a conceptual bandeau dress with a sewn mantle on one sleeve. It's nice to know that you are unique.

Scorpio – Chloe

Scorpios have a real passion for silk underwear, and Friday night means that the entire outfit can consist of this fabric. A romantic dress in the shade of violet will reveal their charm and charm by two hundred percent.

Sagittarius – Ralph Lauren

Representatives of the armed sign hate the formal style of clothing, and are likely to provoke the city at night with a shade of fuchsia. Although they know how to control themselves and accurately harmonize the riot of colors with a laconic cut.

Capricorn – Gucci

Capricorn women are very skeptical about purchasing new clothes and often praise conservatism. On Friday evening they are scheduled to go to the theater, the interiors of which will be decorated with a dress in the Lady Like style.

Aquarius – Dolce&Gabbana

The manifestation of natural sexuality for Aquarius is comparable to breathing. They like to feel admiring glances at themselves, but at the same time it is important to remain mysterious and inaccessible. Dressing your dress in horizontal drapery will help cool down the ardor a little and avoid obsessive flirting.

The hassle before a wedding is often complicated by choosing that unique dress for the ceremony. Astrologers recommend that beautiful representatives of the zodiac constellations listen to the stars.

Often the choice of wedding dress leads girls to a dead end. The variety of possible options and pre-holiday excitement can confuse any bride. The site's experts recommend using the advice of astrologers, who will definitely help you make the right choice. You can also use folk wisdom and find out what wedding signs will make your marriage happy.


Eccentric Aries are unlikely to want a lush wedding dress. Representatives of this Sign are accustomed to emphasizing their individuality, so their choice often falls on extravagant outfits. Astrologers believe that Aries will feel comfortable in dresses without frills, but with a twist. For example, Open back or unusual accessories will give brides confidence and help make the celebration unforgettable. You can also pay attention to outfits with a fitted silhouette. Everything that concerns flounces, an abundance of tulle and frills is unlikely to appeal to picky Aries girls.


Taurus people carefully choose a dress for their celebration. They enjoy looking at catalogs with wedding dresses and walking around salons in search of the best offer. Under the influence of their patron Venus, the planet responsible for the love of art, Taurus can spend days discussing the grace of embroidery and the beauty of wedding dresses. For romantically minded girls, astrologers recommend choosing an outfit that emphasizes their femininity. Exquisite dresses with floral designs and hand-finished detailing will make you the queen of your own wedding.


Girls born under this Zodiac Sign have a creative mind. They are well versed in fashion, but do not attach much importance to the choice of wedding attire. They have their own image, which includes not just a dress, but also original accessories. Gemini girls favorably emphasize the duality of their nature with the help of original accents, sometimes not at all wedding-related. The ideal option for them would be something sophisticated, but not heavy, perhaps with a combination of several contrasting shades.


Representatives of this Sign are naturally sensitive and have undeniable taste. Brides can be delighted by an antique-style outfit. A wedding dress with a stand-up collar, small lace and other delights will turn the bride into a person straight out of the pages of history books. For Cancer girls, the dress is not just part of the ceremony, but the main accent around which the entire celebration takes place. That is why it is sometimes difficult for Cancers to find a wedding dress that meets all the requirements.

a lion

Lionesses, ruled by the Sun, are accustomed to being the center of attention. For them, choosing a wedding dress becomes the main goal. Eye-catching dresses will help girls of this Sign shine. For example, a gold-colored outfit, complemented by flashy and expensive accessories. It is important for brides that their image is not only magnificent, but also meets the most stringent requirements. Girls often do this for this bright makeup and original styling, with the help of which they emphasize their beauty and grace. Lionesses will not be content with a calm image, which does not suit their character at all, therefore high heels and original shoes will also be the subject of admiring glances from invited guests.


Virgos, naturally endowed with femininity and a desire for beauty, approach the choice of dress with special care. It is important for them that the dress emphasizes their nature. Ideal cut and simplicity, which is sure to attract the attention of invited guests, are the main criteria when choosing an outfit. A dress for girls of this Sign should be practical and elegant, with a weightless train or veil. Virgos are not only practical, they are used to everything being according to the rules, so choosing a dress takes sufficient quantity time.


Libra, like Taurus, is ruled by Venus. She gives them the ability to feel and create beauty. Girls are well versed in fashion, which means they will approach the choice of wedding dress wisely. Choosing dresses for representatives of this Sign is a difficult and expensive matter. It should be luxurious, with individual finishing and definitely highlight the sexuality of the bride. The Libra girl, confident in her beauty and grace, will not be afraid to go to the altar in a revealing open dress.


Scorpio brides are outrageous and principled, so they will fight for their right to choose a dress that meets their personal parameters. They are against classics in all its forms, and a wedding with such a bride will be a memorable event. Girls often opt for provocative outfits, complementing them with equally provocative accessories. For example, they will enjoy walking down the aisle in a light slip dress paired with heavy platform boots.


Girls of this Sign need a wedding on a grand scale, and the dress must be special. The optimal choice for girls is often lush outfits with a lot of ruffles, petticoats and always a corset. This dress, more like a wedding cake, gives brides a feeling of celebration. Brides literally float into the main celebration, catching admiring glances. This festive outfit will be complemented by a weightless veil, covering the face and maintaining intrigue until the moment of pronouncing the vows.


Capricorns are distinguished by their practicality and rational approach to wedding celebrations. Girls of this Sign will not opt ​​for dresses with numerous ruffles and other additions. An excellent wedding dress for them would be an outfit with a laconic cut, without a lot of draperies. The main thing is that the outfit shows off a beautiful figure, is elegant and does not distract attention from the bride herself. Astrologers believe that for brides of this constellation, dresses made of satin, which will flow to the figure, are suitable. Often girls opt for trouser suits or snow-white overalls, non-standard, but attractive in their own way at the main celebration.


Aquarians are not averse to experimenting with outfits. Girls of this Sign keep up with the times and fashion, so they approach the choice of a festive dress with a dose of humor and creativity. Aquarius is not embarrassed by the opinions of guests or even condemnation, so they can come to a wedding in an unusual dress, made to order. Asymmetrical lines, an abundance of accessories, a mischievous smile and an unusual hairstyle - all this can be expected from a cheerful Aquarius bride.


Romantically minded Pisces will prefer to come to the wedding ceremony in a feminine outfit. Girls of this Sign have a wonderful imagination, so they can create a unique image for themselves. A multi-layered, but light and even weightless dress, necessarily complemented with elegant, fragile accessories, would be a wonderful wedding dress for them. It is the small details that will make Pisces brides stand out at the celebration and give them an air of mystery, like those of beautiful forest fairies.

A wedding doesn’t happen often in life, so entrust the choice of festive outfit to astrologers - they know exactly what to advise at the crucial moment! After all, who else but they manages to foresee what will happen in the future? family life, depending on even the most insignificant details. Besides different temperaments all 12 signs of the zodiac and their dissimilar attitude to reality dictates its own rules, obvious only to the “soothsayers” of the stars. Read on if you want to find out which wedding dress suits your zodiac signs.

Main requirements

Here the emphasis should be on practicality and convenience: the ideal would be a robe that does not restrict movement and does not require painstaking tying of many meaningless ropes. In favor are outfits that can be easily put on and taken off, as well as things with sharp angles and straight lines.

Palette and style

Despite the fact that Aries stands for modern solutions, they are still more attracted to traditional snow-white wedding vestments, rather than options with any other colors. They like festive clothes that border on sportswear: without an abundance of frills, lace, without multi-layered tulle and crinoline. References to past centuries are also not welcome.

Main requirements

This sign is ruled by the patroness of beauty and art, Venus, so its representatives pay special attention to the issue of their own appearance, choosing outfits that are amazing to the touch and look. For example, from silk materials that rustle when you walk.

Palette and style

In the first place are floral patterns (prints or embroidery), hinting at romance. The cut of the robe, in turn, should not be too conservative (open shoulders are welcome), but at the same time traditional.

Main requirements

A bride born under this constellation most likely will not want to rise above the others, as a result of which she will not choose the most extravagant clothes. Ease of movement is important to her, as it is important for her to communicate with guests. In general, a simple but beautiful outfit is in favor - few layers and airy.

Palette and style

Geminis are talented at mixing decorative solutions, materials and textures. They're crazy about fun accessories, tiny tassels and fringes, and to complete the look they need bright accents like jewelry and original shoes a la 60s.

Main requirements

These people adore antique things and can wear some kind of family heirloom to a celebration, like a great-great-grandmother’s ring that has passed through generations. By the way, now antiques are widely represented in wedding collections.

Palette and style

Traditional white outfits are suitable for Cancer, always soft, emphasizing the waist, having cutouts and lace. Also in favor are various retro elements from the 1800s. The best jewelry is silver, because this metal is associated with the Moon.

Main requirements

It is very important for these fiery girls to attract other people's attention, to be in the center of what is happening. Including standing out with your attire - unforgettable, glamorous, as if straight from the catwalks of high fashion. Most likely, such a bride will choose a massive outfit and large jewelry.

Palette and style

A welcome departure from tradition: lots of sparkles on the fabric, golden iridescent elements. Accessories include exquisite tiaras and long veils.

Main requirements

Representatives of this sign prefer everything that is as feminine and unpretentious as possible. In general, any details of the archetypal feminine image.

Palette and style

Virgo likes to emphasize her figure, focus on elegance, without being particularly original. Prefers durable items made in a traditional style.

Main requirements

Such people are ruled by Venus, which is why they prefer outfits of an erotically attractive nature. They are crazy about satin and glamorous products suit them.

Palette and style

When choosing wedding clothes, Libra needs to remember the image of Aphrodite and think: “What would she wear?” It is recommended to focus on transparent elements and lace, only taking into account the fact that the vestments, table decor and interior must certainly be in harmony.

Main requirements

This water sign is not afraid to deviate slightly from the norm, to put emphasis on punk motifs or Asian trends, and to look as provocative as possible. In addition, its representatives love risky, unusual accessories.

Palette and style

Such women have the right to leave the last word for themselves, because no one else is able to combine things as successfully as they do.

Main requirements

These brides are patronized by the most major planet– Jupiter, that’s why they live in grand style, throwing grand parties. Their outfit should look the part - big but loose, with plenty of impractical elements that create a festive feel.

Palette and style

It is possible that Sagittarians can choose a non-standard color - they do not get hung up on details, love everything spectacular and treat wedding clothes without much trepidation. In the first place is the dynamics of form.

Main requirements

Representatives of the earthly and “stubborn” sign expect that the outfit will be practical and always of high quality, emphasize the figure and not have ambiguous transparent fabrics and stupid lace.

Palette and style

Capricorns focus on a clear silhouette, without massive fabrics dangling when walking. However, they do not want to spend personal time shopping and looking through catalogs, so they often choose the first option they like in white or cream.

Main requirements

The planet of this sign rotates on the opposite axis relative to the others, which is why Aquarius also goes against the usual traditions and wants to be different from everyone else. From the first day of preparation for the celebration, such a bride will begin to systematically deviate from accepted norms, both regarding the organization of the holiday and regarding the outfit. It is important for her to find something mega-fashionable, unique, asymmetrical and explosive.

Palette and style

The avant-garde should prevail here. For example, Aquarius has no problem mixing different eras, shapes, styles, cultures in one image, resulting in something eclectic. Shimmer and shine are also welcome, the abundance of which evokes associations with something cosmic.

Main requirements

Romantics and dreamers, Pisces choose beautiful outfits. This is one of the most creative signs. In addition, such women are incredibly prone to compassion and empathy due to the direct influence of Neptune.

Palette and style

A variety of colors are in favor, ranging from traditional to original. The fact is that such brides may have unusual preferences, including bohemian or hippie. In general, there’s just so much eccentricity going on. They like gracefulness, drapery, flexible layering, softness, smoothness.