Scenario of the 'Children of War' event. Extracurricular event "Children of War" dedicated to Victory Day

Organization: MAOU gymnasium №35

Locality: Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg city

To expand the knowledge of children about the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
Foster a sense of pride and respect for the past of your Fatherland.
Contribute to fostering respect for the older generation, the desire to learn more about the life of children during the war.

Develop moral feelings of empathy, feelings of gratitude.
To foster a sense of patriotism, respect for the elderly.
Bring up respect to the traditions of their people.
multimedia presentation "Children of War";
phonograms "From the Soviet Information Bureau", "Cranes", "Holy War" "Buchenwald alarm" "Oh, war, what have you done ..." "Nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten", "Victory Day".
Exhibition of books.

Parents are invited to the event.
Course of the lesson:

Pupil: You are now 10 or a little over. You were born and raised in a peaceful land. You know well how spring thunderstorms rustle, but you have never heard the thunder of a cannon. This year we are celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Victory Day over the Nazi-German invaders. You see how new houses are being built in the city, but you do not suspect how easily houses are destroyed under a hail of bombs and shells. You know how dreams end, but you find it hard to believe that ending a human life is as easy as a fun morning dream.


Let us recall the serene children's dream, happy,
The first ray of the sun is unhurried
The smell of apples ripening in the garden
Let's remember the scariest day of the year.

Pupil : 1941, Time was beating the last minutes peaceful life countries - June 22nd ... four o'clock ...
(A. Alexandrova, Lebedeva-Kumach)

The phonogram of the message "From the Soviet Inform Bureau" is played.

Pupil: So unexpectedly, on an ordinary summer day on June 22, 1941, the most terrible, bloodiest of all the Great Patriotic Wars began. You can count how many years, months and days the war lasted, how many were destroyed and lost, but how to count the amount of grief and tears that this terrible war forced to shed.
(Calm music sounds in the background.)


The war walked menacingly through children's fates,
It was hard for everyone, hard for the country,
But childhood is seriously mutilated:
Children suffered greatly from the war ...
They were called - CHILDREN OF WAR.
What do we know about them?

Children of war are all children born between September 1929 and September 3, 1945. Now they are veterans, they have the status “Children of the Great Patriotic War”.
Think about these numbers:
Lost every day 9168 children,
Every hour - 382 child,
Every minute - 6 children,
Every 10 seconds - 1 child.


And we will not contradict memory,
And we often remember the days when
Fell on their weak shoulders
A huge, childish misfortune,

The land was cruel and blizzard,
All people had the same fate.
They didn't have a separate childhood either,
And childhood and war were together.

There was a lot of grief during the war years,
And no one will ever think
How many times on their roads
The war left orphans.

During these years it sometimes seemed
That the world of childhood is forever empty
That joy will not return
To a city where houses are without walls.

The girls' laughter was silver.
But he was drowned out by the war.
And the gray hair of childish bangs ...
Does this have a price?
Children of war .. How did you survive?
Children of war .. How could they survive?

The presentation slideshow begins.

Everywhere there were posters calling for the front.
Factories and factories of the country were left without workers. In the harsh days of the war, children stood next to the adults. Schoolchildren earned money for the defense fund, collected warm clothes for front-line soldiers, worked at military factories, were on duty on rooftops during air raids, and gave concerts in front of wounded soldiers in hospitals.


Many children fought against fascism with weapons in their hands, becoming sons and daughters of the regiments.
The regimental pipes were burning for battle.
War thunder rolled over the country.
The fighting boys got up in line:
To the left flag, to the soldier's formation.
The greatcoats were too big for them,
You can't pick up a shelf of boots in the whole shelf,
But still, in battle, they knew how
Not to retreat, but to win.
Their adult courage lived in their hearts,
At twelve, they are strong in an adult way,
They reached the Reichstag with victory -
Sons of the regiments of their country.

Children fought together with adults in partisan detachments.
Children of war ... How many of them, brave little hearts, how much love and devotion to their Motherland ... Who are these boys and girls? Fearless heroes ... Eaglets of the Great Patriotic War!
Let's remember all by name,
With grief we will remember ours ...
The dead don't need it
It is necessary for the living!
(We light a candle)
On the screen, portraits of pioneer heroes .

Lenya Golikov died on January 24, 1943 in an unequal battle near the village of Ostraya Luka, Novgorod Region.
Lenya Golikov started out as a simple sentinel and observer, but quickly learned explosives. Lyonya destroyed 78 fascist soldiers and officers, participated in blowing up 27 railway and 12 highway bridges, 8 vehicles with ammunition. For courage, the young partisan was awarded the order Of the Red Banner and the Medal For Courage.


. Marat Kazei was a scout among the partisans. There was no case that he did not complete the task. Marat went on reconnaissance, both alone and with a group. Participated in raids. He blew up trains. For the battle in January 1943, when, wounded, he roused his comrades to attack and fought his way through the enemy ring, Marat received the medal "For Courage".
And in May 1944, Marat died. Returning from a mission together with the intelligence commander, they stumbled upon the Germans. The commander was killed immediately, Marat, firing back, lay in a hollow. There was nowhere to leave in the open field, and there was no possibility - Marat was seriously wounded. While there were cartridges, I kept the line, and when the store was empty, I took up my last weapon - two grenades, which I did not remove from my belt. He threw one at the Germans and left the other. When the Germans came very close, he blew himself up along with the enemies.


Children of war
Svetlana Sirena.

Children of war, you did not know childhood.
The horror of those years from the bombing in the eyes.
You lived in fear. Not everyone survived.
The bitterness-wormwood is still on the lips.

Children of war, how were you starving ...
How much I wanted to collect a handful of grain.
In mature fields, ears were playing,
They were set on fire, trampled ... War ...

Black days from fires and burning
They are incomprehensible to children's hearts.
Why and where did you run then,
Leaving everything, in those bitter days.

Where are you, my dear ones, answer ?!
How many years separated people?
Children of war, as before, be strong!
More good and happy days to you!

I know the war from stories and books,
That made many children orphans.
That made gray-haired mothers cry.
I know the war from stories and books.

I see walls, a house torn apart by bombs.
Smoke conflagration, blackening ash all around.
From stories and books I see war.

From stories and books I hear war
I hear the roar of guns and the wounded scream.
I hear the sigh of the partisans, who have died down for a moment.
From stories and books I hear the war.

I do not know war, but why do I need it?
I want to live peacefully, sing hymns to beauty.
It is necessary to strengthen the world, so that always and everywhere
They would only know about the past war.

Soundtrack "Victory Day"
(D. Tukhmanova, V. Kharitonova)

The war has passed, the suffering has passed.
May the memory of her be true
Keep about this flour
And the children of today's children
And our grandchildren, grandchildren!

We know all the fearless heroes.
We kneel before the memory of the fallen,
And flowers fall on granite slabs ...
Yes, nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.
Glory to you, brave, glory, fearless!
The people are singing eternal glory to you.
Those who lived valiantly, crushed death,
Your memory will never die!


A minute of silence ...
Bow down and young and old.
In honor of those who are for happiness,
Who gave his life for the sake of life.
If they wanted to honor every child of the war with a minute of silence, then humanity had to be silent for 25 years.
Children of war-
And blows cold
Children of war-
And it smells like hunger.
Children of war-
And hair on end-
On children's bangs
Gray stripes.
The earth is washed
With children's tears
Soviet children
And not Soviet.
Their blood turns red
Poppies on the parade grounds
The grass has wilted-
Where the children cried.
Children of war-
And the pain is desperate!
Oh how much they need
Minutes of silence.
I'm not worried in vain
So that that war is not forgotten:
After all, this memory is our conscience
We need it as strength ... (Yu, Voronov)

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 83 " Syktyvkar

Compiled by: Chasovskaya Irina Vladimirovna Kovaleva Marina Valentinovna Syktyvkar, 2016

Under the clip "And everything about that spring" the presenters are included.

Some of the children line up in rows, the second part of the children sit down.

1st host: A great holiday is approaching - Victory Day. it "Joy with tears in my eyes" - so said one poet. And indeed, on this day, both joy and sorrow are near. There is no family in Russia that was bypassed by the war. Therefore, on this day, every family remembers those who remained on the battlefields and those who, after the war, established a peaceful life.

2nd host: And our festive concert is dedicated to wonderful women, whose childhood fell on the harsh years of the war. They are our honored guests today.

And of course I would like to introduce them. Greet ...

Burchevskaya Ekaterina Alekseevna
- Fedyuk Galina Vladimirovna
-Anufrieva Maria Petrovna
- Veshnyakova Kapitolina Vasilievna

Karmanova Nina Alexandrovna
-Kotovskaya Ekaterina Petrovna
-Ushakova Maria Petrovna
-Syurvseva Olga Andreevna

(Represents the invited guests - veterans).

Reading a child: Verse-e "Children of war" ... Svetlana Sirena

Children of war. How hungry you were ...
How I wanted to collect a handful of grain
In mature fields, ears were playing,
They were set on fire, trampled ... WAR ...

Black days from fires and burning
They are incomprehensible to children's hearts.
Why and where did you run then,
Leaving everything in those bitter days.

Reading a child: Verse-e "A boy from the village of Popovka"

S. Ya. Marshak

Among the drifts and funnels
In a village destroyed to the ground
A child stands with his eyes closed -
The last citizen of the village.

The scared kitten is white
A piece of stove and pipe -
And that's all that survived
From the previous life and the hut.

White-headed Petya stands
And cries like an old man without tears
He lived for three years,
And what he learned and endured.

With him they burned his hut,
They drove mom out of the yard,
And in a hastily dug grave
The murdered sister lies.

Do not let out, fighter, rifles,
Until you take revenge on the enemy
For the blood shed in Popovka,
And for the child in the snow.

1 presenter: The war began unexpectedly - on a summer Sunday morning, when everyone was still asleep. Leading 2: All our people rose to defend the Motherland. People of different nationalities, adults and children, fought against enemies. The Nazis really wanted to end the war with a quick victory. Fascist troops bombed our cities and villages, sending more and more soldiers and military equipment into battle.

1 host: The Germans had fast aircraft, good armor from tanks, cannons and machine guns. And the Soviet soldiers had courage, fortitude and courage.

Song "Tenth Battalion" (performed by teachers)

Leading 2: Soldiers at the fronts, home front workers, partisans behind enemy lines forged victory.

Reading a child: Verse-e "Grandfather's story"

Yesterday my grandfather Zhenya told me:
The partisan detachment was surrounded.
They have eighteen grenades left,
One pistol and one machine gun.

More and more in the detachment of dead soldiers,
The fascists are tightening their grip on the ring -
They are behind the bushes, they are behind the stones.
And my grandfather shouted: "The Motherland is with us!"

And they all ran towards the enemy,
And they began to throw grenades on the run.
All fought bravely, forgetting about death, -
And so, they managed to make a breakthrough.

They went through the forest through the swamp:
And then my grandfather was awarded a medal.

1 presenter: Concert brigades went to the front to the soldiers, brought them parcels with gifts and letters from home, arranged concerts to cheer and please the soldiers with cheerful dances and songs.

Dance "Darkie"

Leading 2: While the fathers were fighting at the fronts, the children, in a difficult time for the country, did not lag behind the adults. They worked in military factories and factories on a par with adults, fled to the front to their fathers and brothers, becoming sons of the regiment, and took part in the partisan movement. We want to tell you about one such boy hero. (The presenters introduce the feat of the pioneer Valera Volkov.)

  1. presenter: Valera Volkov was one of the participants partisan movement operating in Sevastopol. After the death of his father (killed by the fascists), at 13 becomes "Son of the regiment" 7th Marine Brigade. Participates in hostilities along with adults. Brings cartridges, obtains reconnaissance data, holding back enemy attacks with weapons in hand.
  2. presenter: According to the recollections of fellow soldiers, Valera loved poetry and often read to Mayakovsky's comrades. Possessing good literary data, he edited in his own way a unique handwritten leaflet newspaper - "Trench truth" ... In July 1942, repelling an enemy attack, he heroically dies, throwing a bunch of grenades under an advancing tank. (Music sounds ...)
  3. presenter: Sevastopol was liberated two years later. Partisans, paratroopers, pilots, tankers, and sailors fought for Sevastopol.
  4. presenter: As mentioned in soldier sayings: The hand of the Russian sailor is strong. Halts without a lead singer are boring.

And now the boys senior group will show a perky dance of sailors

Dance of sailors to the song of O. Gazmanov "Sailor"

  1. presenter: While our soldiers selflessly fought for their homeland, women worked day and night in factories: they sewed greatcoats, made weapons and ammunition ...
  2. presenter: And they also wrote letters to the front, in which they talked about their home, about how they await victory and the return home of their sons, brothers, grooms, husbands. Such letters were necessary for the soldier. It is no coincidence that the girl Katyusha from the song became a symbol of loyalty and hope.

A child reads:

Verse "On the radio"
Letter I tried
Write without blots:
"Please do

A gift for my grandfather ... "
Been on a long journey
Musical greetings.
But now he came

And my grandfather hugged me -
I came to him on a holiday

His favorite song


1 presenter: The song was loved not only by front-line soldiers and children of those years, but also by our children.

Song "Katyusha" Performed by children of the senior and preparatory groups.

1 presenter: Victory came at the cost of the most precious thing a person has - the cost of his life. Many soldiers died on the battlefield, did not return home.

A child reads:

Verse "What would you remember" StepanKadashnikov

A funeral flew from the front
At a young kid
And he was still lying in the funnel ...
Oh, how merciless is the war!

And tanks passed by ...
Someone else's speech ... and he lay,
And I remembered my sister and mother,
He lay and died quietly.

The chest was pierced right through,
And the blood ran down into the black snow
And he, with blue eyes,
I met my last dawn.

No, he didn't cry, he smiled
And I remembered my home
And overpowering the pain rose,
And, lifting the machine with difficulty,

He's twisted faces
Hot poured out the lead
Bringing this closer for a minute
War, ruthless, end.

A funeral flew from the front,
The postman was already knocking,
Soldier, eyes closed in a funnel,
For a moment ahead of her.

2 presenter: It was they, the young soldiers, who carried the brunt of the war on their shoulders.

There was no equal to the Soviet person in stamina, courage, skill. It was they who turned the tide of the war and brought victory not only to their country, but also to the countries of Europe.

Song "Alyosha" ... Performed by children of the older group.

During the performance of the song, a film about the history of the creation of the monument is shown

A child reads: At the cinema (V. Turov)

I watched a movie about the war
And it was very scary to me.
Shells exploded, the battle thundered,
And people died.

And grandfather was sitting next to him,
And medals on the chest.
For being with the country
He broke the evil power ...

I iron the medals with my hand
And I kiss my grandfather.

Display of medals. The host brings awards to music (orders and medals) war participant Evtikhov Vasily, an infantry soldier who went through the entire war from the first to last day and met the Victory in Germany.

1 presenter: At the Kremlin wall in the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame always burns. The words are written there: « Your name unknown, your feat is not forgotten " ... Let us honor the memory of the victims with a minute of silence.


Song "Eternal flame" ... Performed by children of the preparatory group.

A child reads: Victory Turov

My great grandfather
Told me about the war.
How they fought in a tank
Burned in flames

Lost friends
Defending the country.
Victory has come
In the Forty-fifth year!

Evening sky
Victory fireworks.
Russian soldiers
Our sleep is cherished.

I will grow -
I'll tell my children
As their great-grandfathers
We defended the country!

2 presenter: And now we want to give the floor to the director of the Kindergarten to congratulate our honored guests. (Congratulations and presenting a gift from the MADOU team "Kindergarten No. 83" WWII veteran).

A child reads:

Children of war, you did not know childhood.
The horror of those years from the bombing in the eyes.
You lived in fear. Not everyone survived.
The bitterness-wormwood is still on the lips.

A child reads:

Where will you, my dear ones, respond?!.
How many years have separated people!
Children of war, as before, be strong!
More good and sunny days to you!

1 presenter: Our guys also want to congratulate the veterans and present them with handmade gifts and flowers.

Children and guests perform D. Tukhmanov's song "Victory Day"

Svetlana Skargina
Scenario "Children of War" in the preparatory group

Scenario« Children of war» v preparatory group

Event progress:

Sounds "Military march" G. Sviridov. Children enter the music hall with red carnations in their hands. They stand up in a semicircle.

Lead 1: - There is nothing more precious on Earth than the smile of a child. The child smiles, which means the sun is shining, the field is peacefully ears, no explosions sound, no villages and towns are on fire.

Lead 2: - What could be worse than the death of a child? A senseless and cruel death, death at the hands of an adult, called by nature itself to protect and raise a child.

Lead 1: - Children, about which we will remember today, did not finish and did not finish, their smiles were erased at the very beginning of their lives.

Slides « War» ... A verse of a song sounds "Sacred war» (music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach).

Lead 2: - June 22, 1941 Fascist invaders treacherously attacked the Soviet state. On Sunday morning, thousands of boys and girls with their parents, instead of Sunday rest, in fear and horror fled from their homes. They walked in an endless stream along the roads wars spanning five long years.


On a summer night at dawn

When we slept peacefully children,

Hitler gave the order to the troops

And sent the German soldiers

Against the Russians, against us!

Slides on the topic « War and children» .

Lead 1: - Children at war ... There is a saying: "On there are no children in war» ... Those who got into war, parted with childhood forever.

Lead 2:

The boys grew up, the boys grew up,

And if only to begin to live the tomboys, How they were whirled by such blizzards, Which, perhaps, did not dream of the fathers.

The song is playing "Eaglet" (music by V. Bely, lyrics by Y. Shvedov).


And we will not contradict memory

And we often remember the days when

Fell on our weak shoulders

A huge, childish misfortune.


The ground was both hard and blizzard.

All people had the same fate.

They didn't have a separate childhood either,

And there were childhood together and war.

Lead 1: - They met war in different ages ... Someone is very tiny, someone is a teenager ... War I found them in capital cities and small villages, at home and visiting my grandmother, in a pioneer camp, in the front line and in the deep rear.

Lead 2: - Fascism. What is fascism, they saw through the eyes of their childish soul. It was a brutal school. School of barbed wire and shouting. Bullet and gallows school. School of delight for revenge and thirst for justice.

Lead 1: - They saw through the eyes of their childlike soul their people, their grief, their strength and nobility. They understood and learned the price of bread and words. They became adults very early.

Lead 2: - There was no bread, food. For a long time, the most ordinary things necessary in everyday life were forgotten. Yesterday's schoolchildren put on their tunics, boots and also went to the front.

1st child:

The regimental pipes were burning for battle.

War thunder rolled over the country.

The fighting boys got up

To the left flag, to the soldier's formation.

2nd child:

The greatcoats were too big for them,

You can't pick up a shelf of boots in the whole shelf,

But still, in battle, they knew how

Not to retreat, but to win.

Scene. Children stand up in groups... Boys represent soldiers, girls - their mothers, sisters.

Boy (addresses two girls - mom and sister):

Don't you cry, little sister

Mom don't cry

I will return victorious

To our native land.

The second group of children: three girls surround the boy - "Soldier", give him warm socks, gloves.

2nd boy:

Brave warrior

Takes the city.

Brave, fearless

I will always be!

Third group of children: two girls and two boys - "Soldier".

3rd boy: - We have tanks, we have machine guns!

4th boy: - We have guns and planes!

3rd and 4th boys (in chorus):

Let us fearlessly destroy enemies,

To free the Fatherland!

The song is playing "Our homeland is strong" (music A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina)... The boys are marching. The girls wave their handkerchiefs after them.

Lead 1:

- Why our people and our country

How much grief did you have to endure?

Children learned childhood in the ruins of houses,

This memory will never be killed

The quinoa is their food, and the dugout is their shelter.

And the dream is to live to see Victory.

I watch an old movie and I dream

That there was no wars and deaths,

So that the mothers of the country do not have to bury

Forever young their sons.

Lead 2: - Children and war- incompatible concepts. Boys and girls caught on war, had to part with childhood. What

understood, saw, remembered wartime children?

Much. They will be able to tell about it themselves.

1st child:

From a warm bed full of dreams

From the rooms where flowers bloomed

Into bomb shelters and crevices

My grandmothers and I walked at night.

We didn't shed tears then,

We knew the taste of wormwood herb.

And they shared all the trouble with you,

How you shared bread with us.

But what, we found out

What does it mean to survive a difficult year

What does it mean - the Motherland is behind us,

And what are our people.

Lead 1: - But, in spite of everything, children were still children, and they loved to play. Until a certain point, they were like everyone else children, funny, funny, inventive. They played with shell fragments, collected them (as before wars collected stamps and candy wrappers). And then they became the quietest children on earth. They have forgotten how to be naughty, even smile and laugh, even cry.

Staging"Oh, Mishka, how scared me!"

Adult: - The torn bear was consoled

A little girl in a mutilated hut ...

Girl: - Do not cry, do not cry ... She herself was malnourished,

I left half the sugar for you.

Adult: - Shells flew and exploded,

Black earth mixed with blood ...

Girl: - There was a family, there was a house ... Now they stayed

All alone in the world - you and me ...

Adult: - And behind the village the grove was smoking,

Struck by monstrous fire

And Death flew around like an evil bird,

An unexpected misfortune came to the house ...

Girl: - You hear, Misha, I'm strong, I don't cry,

And they will give me a machine gun at the front.

I will avenge my tears

Because our pines are burning ...

Adult: - But in the silence the bullets whistled loudly,

An ominous reflection flashed through the window ...

And a girl ran out of the house ...

Girl: - Oh, Mishka, Mishka, how scared me.

The country is celebrating the victory today,

And how many of them, girls and boys,

Orphaned vile war!

Lead 2: - Children of war matured very quickly. They took great pain into their little heart wars... Everyone helped as much as they could. Children and teenagers worked in factories, stood on boxes to reach the machine. In any weather, in a cold room, they worked, forged cartridges, grenades, rifles. At the front children fought on a par with adults, and many became heroes.

Lead 1: - Children of war ... how many, brave little hearts ... Who are these boys and girls? Fearless heroes ... Eaglets of the Great Patriotic War wars!

Slides « Children are war heroes» ... Held roll call:

Child 1: - Leonid Golikov, 14 years old - Hero Soviet Union, died a heroic death in battle.

Child 2: - Zinaida Portnova - 15 years old - Hero of the Soviet Union - a young partisan, brutally tortured by the Nazis.

Child 3: - Valentin Kotik - 14 years old, Hero of the Soviet Union, died in an unequal battle with the Nazis.

Child 4: - Lara Mikheenko - 12 years old, shot by the Nazis.

Child 5: - Mart Kazei - 15 years old, Hero of the Soviet Union, surrounded by fascists, blew himself up with a grenade.

Child 6: - Volodya Dubinin - 15 years old, performing a mission, was blown up by a mine behind enemy lines.

Lead 2: - They did not have time for anything in their lives, and as pure angels ascended into heaven, reminding people that the nightmares and horrors of their experiences should not be repeated.

Lead 1: - Maybe they turned into birds? After all, it is not for nothing that birds, sensing trouble, fly low above the ground and scream loudly, reminding people of the danger. Apparently they remind people of what they experienced in their distant childhood.


A flock of white birds flew

And people turned their eyes to them,

Freeze, quiet, freeze.

They forgot about all their affairs ...

Slide "Birds"... Musical and dance composition "Birds are white".


How many of you? Try to list -

Do not count, but by the way, all the same

You are with us today,

in our thoughts,

In every song

In the light rustle of leaves

Knocking softly on the window.


Young beardless heroes!

You have remained young forever

Before your suddenly revived formation

We stand without raising our eyelids.

Pain and anger are now the reason

Eternal gratitude to you all,

Little tough men

Girls worthy of poems.

Song "Oh, war, what have you done…" (B. Okudzhava).

Children perform"Dance with carnations".


Let it not be war never!

Let the calm cities sleep

Let not a single shell explode,

None of them scribbles a machine gun.

Let our forests announce

And let the years pass peacefully!

Let it not be war never!


Let the machine guns not scribble

And the terrible guns are silent,

Let the smoke not swirl in the sky

Let the sky be blue

People, cities do not die ...

Peace on earth is always needed!

On the screen, a dove is a symbol of peace. The song "The World I Need" is played.

Child: - A person is born to live, enjoy life, be happy. We reach out to everyone adults: "We, all together, can and must keep the peace on Earth!"

Child: - We need peace - you, and me, and all the children in the world,

And the dawn must be peaceful, which we will meet tomorrow.

Child: - We need peace, grass in dew, smiling childhood,

We need peace, a beautiful world inherited ...

Child: - Do you hear, friend, the streams are ringing, birds are singing on the branches,

We were lucky to be born on a wonderful land.

So let it always bloom, let it make noise in the gardens,

Let people look at her with loving eyes!

Children take posters:

- I'll paint the bright sun!

- I'll paint the blue sky!

- I'll paint the light in the window!

- I will draw ears of bread!

- We will paint autumn leaves,

Kindergarten, stream, restless friends.

And we will cross out with our common brush

Shots, explosions, fire and wars.

Leading. Raise the pictures higher,

So that everyone can see them,

The song is playing "Solar circle" (music by A. Ostrovsky, lyrics by L. Oshanin).

1 presenter:

The evening hour is coming

Mothers do not close their eyes

And they look at the guys with love.

Silence - kids are sleeping, kids are sleeping.

The call is heard everywhere mothers:

2 presenter:

Our life is the happiness of children!

Take a look at our guys:

Silence - kids are sleeping, kids are sleeping.

To live, born

Let them not know wars!

We believe - reason and the world will win!

Silence - kids are sleeping, kids are sleeping…

The script "Children of War is dedicated to ..."

Goal and tasks:

    To expand the knowledge of schoolchildren about the war, about how difficult it was for children to survive the hard times;

    To convey to students the idea of ​​the incompatibility of the concepts of "childhood" and "war";

    Teach expressive reading;

    Promote education in the spirit of kindness and mercy, compassion and respect for the human person.

01_Children of War

Dramatization of the poem R. Rozhdestvensky "Overheard Conversation".

Reader 1 (mother):

- Fought in the yard again? ..

Reader 2 (girl):

- Aha!
But I didn't cry! ..
I will grow -
I will learn to be a sailor.
I'm already in the bath
Swam! ..

Reader 1 (mother):

- God,
Not a girl, but - trouble!
My strength is no more ...

Reader 2 (girl):

- Mama,
When will I grow up? ..

Reader 1 (mother):

- You will grow up!
Eat a cutlet ...

Reader 3 (boy):

- Mama,
Will we buy a live horse? ..

Reader 1 (mother):

- A horse ?!
But why is this being done! ..

Reader 3 (boy):

- Mama,
Will they accept me as a pilot? ..

Reader 1 (mother):

- They will.
Where will they go ?!
You are from everyone, Satan,
You can shake it out! ..

Reader 3 (boy):

- Mama,
And the truth is that there will be a war
And I won't have time to grow up?

02_Yu.Levitan. "From the report on Germany's treacherous attack on the USSR."

The terrible word WAR: it destroys and kills what is called life, peace, childhood ... How many children's lives did she take in the first, second and all subsequent terrible days of this truly terrible catastrophe ... Many of these children were still in a small cradle, others in their arms at their mothers, still others sat at school desks. Nobody knew how long it would last, how many people it would take with it, and when these days and years that they had to go through would end ...

Reader 4:Elena Tashcheva"On the Minsk highway"

Little feet are tired of walking,

But he obediently continues on his way.

Yesterday I wanted near the road

Him to fall asleep in field daisies.

And his mother carried him, losing her strength,

On the way, the minutes lasted like days.

All the time, the son did not understand

Why did they leave their home.

What do the explosions, crying, this road mean?

And why is he worse than the rest of the guys,

What's on the green grass near the ditch,

Are they sleeping next to mom with their arms outstretched?

How hard it is to listen to questions ...

Could the mother answer the baby,

That these children sleeping by the birch

That these mums never get up?

But the son asked questions stubbornly,

And someone explained to him along the way,

That it was lifeless mothers who slept,

Those who did not manage to get away from the bomb.

And he pondered under the clash of iron machines,

As if the grief of adults suddenly understood, -

In his eyes, recently serene,

A conscious fright was already wandering around.

That is how childhood ended. He was no longer the same.

He walked and walked. And to save the mother,

Watching jealously the June sky

A kid, gray with dust, about six years old.

Reader 5:Alexey Bragin"Father was taken to the war ..."

Father was taken to the war.

.... The boy is a bolt,

But at once added to him

The war has been for so many years.

“So what, mother?

So, mother?

Am I a head in the house?

You start washing the laundry

And I chop wood!

You say:

Drovets is a bit


So be it

Sell ​​the elephant

Sell ​​a whistle!

You can live without them!

Sell ​​the sailor suit, I say!

Now there is no time for rags,

You only, mom,

Do not be sad!

I will not leave you! "

Reader 6:Victor Yaganov"Children of war"

Steamed Wheat Casserole
At the very edge of the table.
Three slender children's hands -
Like the fragile three wings.
And outside the window the February wind
Reminds of spring.
And no, it seems, in the world
Steamed wheat is tastier.

And the oldest is only eight -
For the younger ones, the nanny is day-to-day.
And if they enter the house and ask -
The answer is simple, not the first time:
- And our mother is at the factory,
At the front, a folder (third year),
As if at work too:
Finish the shift - and come.

03_Dedicated to Children of War

A child who went through the horror of war, a child? Who will give him back his childhood? What does he remember? What can tell? Much…

Reader 7:Victor Pakhomov"We all have scores with the war ..."

We all have an account with the war.

It was the forty-first bitter year ...

In the midst of harvesting

The plane circled above us.

We, falling into exhaustion,

Shouted "mom!" everytime.

And mama from the winged shadow

She covered us with herself.

He did not shoot, he was having fun, -

The cartridges, apparently, are on the shore.

But suddenly from the clouds broke

Our red-star "hawk".

How my mother cried with happiness

Hugging my sister and me,

When, falling apart,

The vulture broke out among the grasses.

We ran up and looked mute,

And my legs were filled with lead:

From under a torn helmet

A woman's face turned white.

Open mouth, false teeth,

And a trickle of sweat is not a tear.

And brightly painted lips

And let down eyes.

The herbs whispered in fright

In the shadow of a shattered wing ...

I couldn’t believe that this Frau

Someone was a mother.

Reader 8:Sergey Mikhalkov"The ten year old man"

Criss-cross blue stripes

On the windows of huddled huts.

Native thin birches

They look anxiously at the sunset.

And the dog on the warm ashes

Soiled up to the eyes in ash,

He's looking for someone all day

And he does not find in the village ...

Throwing on an old zipunishko,

In the gardens, without roads,

The boy is in a hurry, in a hurry

By the sun - straight to the east.

No one on a long journey

I didn't wear him warmer,

Nobody hugged at the doorstep

And he did not look after him.

In an unheated, broken bath

Passing the night like an animal,

How long has he with his breath

I couldn't warm my cold hands!

But not once on his cheek

A tear didn’t blaze a trail.

There must be too many at once

Have seen his eyes.

Having seen everything, ready for everything,

Falling up to my chest in snow,

He ran to his fair-headed

A ten year old man.

He knew that somewhere not far away,

Perhaps over that mountain

Him as a friend on a dark evening

The Russian sentry will call out.

Reader 9:Ivan Poltavtsev"Postman"

In a village scorched by war,

I plowed the land, mowed rye ...

I was also a young postman:

He carried sorrow to people.

As if they were waiting for me,

Will I enter their gate,

But with relief they saw off

If I pass by the house.

Two or more funerals

I brought each one to my family

And I saw the horrors and moans ...

But the demand for letters increased.

He dreamed ... And not in vain ... -

The "soldier's" leaflet is fiddling with ...

Although it happened very often:

The letter is on the way, and he is killed.

Reader 10:E. Vinokurov.

Yesterday we wrote dictations
They drew circles on the boards
And in the morning the quartermasters
We were given boots.

In a wide army overcoat
We seemed small in stature
We sang songs with a bang
They were scraping the floors.

When, going to the exercises,
We sometimes confused the leg:
- Twenty-fifth year
They nodded at us with a grin.

But the front has come!
We grew up
in battles day by day,
Making friends with a neighbor before the battle,
Burying friends after battles.

Guns, tanks, carts
Thundered through the cities
And sang in Czech and Polish
Cheerful girls to us.

And at the hour when the stars are cold,
Over the numb river
German accordions
Wept Ryazan melancholy ...

04_Children and War (everyone reads against the background of music)

Children of the war ... They grew up early and quickly ... They learned to read from the reports of the Soviet Information Bureau and the gray sheets of funerals. Everything is near: an explosion, a school, a funeral. School life, regular, boring, scheduled, turns out to be so necessary. Truly, something must be lost in order to be properly appreciated.

Reader 11:Vladimir Portnov"The Ballad of the Notebook"

Paper bags, cut into notebooks,

the father ruled with his wounded hand.

And first I ironed them with an iron,

and only then solved the problems in them.

But it was impossible to smooth them out:

dents like potholes of roads.

And no matter how carefully I led the pen,

Alas, I could not do without a blot.

They carried mail in bags on a three-ton,

in the dreams of the saints, the whole city was waiting for letters,

but funerals came more often.

Father handed them out with a wounded hand.

He grew darker every day

and finally on a gray autumn day he said:

“No strength ... Write denser ...

I'll be back to the front ... Save your notebooks. "

And for many years I have been without a father.

And for many years I have been saving the notebook,

keeping the bag tight fold,

not lined to the end.

Reader 12. Anatoly PEREDREEV... "I LEARNED TO WRITE"

I was learning to write ...
Past the school - columns, columns
Swayed by the river
And they fell into an invisible front ...
I was learning to write
Slowly, with pressure, with an inclination.
And steel creaked
Protective feather color.
I was learning to write ...
The anti-aircraft guns beat feverishly,
Conquering the war
Islands of silence.
And I carried in my pockets
Heavy torn ingots,
Like hot meteorites of war.
I was learning to write ...
Tanks were melting somewhere
Somewhere people were screaming
Dying in fire and smoke ...
I was learning to write
Statements about Kashtanka,
I learned to suffer
Over the fate of Gerasim and Mumu.
I learned to write
And crispy bread cards
Tore away from myself
By cell
So that I do not feel sick
So that I do not stagger at the party ...
I learned to write! ..

05_Children, home front workers

During the war, there was an acute shortage of workers. After all, those who used to stand behind the machine, sow and harvest grain, drove trains and cars, now defended their homeland. And the children of the soldiers understood this and got up to the jobs of their fathers. They stood on a par with adults for 12-14 hours, supporting their strength with a meager ration ...

Reader 13:Viktor Radkevich"The Ballad of the Jam Jar"

Why did you, the war, stole their childhood from the boys

And the blue sky and the smell of a simple flower?

The boys of the Urals came to the factories to work,

They set up boxes to reach the machine.

And now in the incorruptible winter of the war year,

When the cold dawn was over Kama,

The director of the plant gathered the best workers,

And he was a worker - only fourteen years old.

The harsh time looked into the tired faces,

But everyone found a pre-war childhood in themselves,

As soon as the working bonus - a jar of jam -

Before us, boys, someone put it on the table.

And now over the plant, over the forest dozing in the snow,

In the midst of the silence that suddenly came to the hearts

It smelled of something long forgotten, home,

As if there was no more war in the world.

... Ah, a jar of jam, a simple and true remedy

Remind us that no matter how bitter life is for people,

But the boys will also have the sun and childhood,

And the blue sky, and the smell of a simple flower!

Children sewed pouches to the front for soldiers, knitted mittens, wrote letters under the dictation of wounded soldiers, performed in hospitals with concerts ...

Reader 14:Robert Rozhdestvensky"Concert"

Forty difficult year.
Omsk hospital:
The corridors are dry and easily soiled.
The old nurse whispers:
How small artists are: "
We walk in long chambers.
We almost dissolve into them
With balalaikas, with mandolins
And in large bundles of books:
What's in the program?
The program includes reading,
A couple of songs
Military, correct:
We are in the ward
We enter with trepidation and reverence:
Two are here.
Major of artillery
With an amputated leg
In a crazy battle near Yelnya
He who took fire upon himself.
He looks at the aliens cheerfully:
And another -
Bandaged up to the eyebrows, - captain,
Rammed "Messer"
Three weeks ago over Rostov:
We entered.

(A group of guys comes out)

We stand in silence:
Suddenly breaking falsetto
Abrikosov Mishka desperately
Announces the beginning of the concert.

And behind him, not quite perfectly,
But listening to the singer with might and main,
We sing about the folk, about the sacred so,
How we understand it:
In it, someone else's iron melts,
In it, death must also recede.
To be honest,
Like us
Such a war:
We sing:

06_Ah, these clouds are in blue

We sing:
Only the pilot's voice is heard.
And in it there is a reproach:
Wait lads:
Major died: "
The balalaika threw up sadly.
Hastily, as if delirious ...
That's all about the concert at the hospital that year ...

07_ They were only 13

There are legends about the courageous defenders of Leningrad. Being in the blockade ring, in hunger and cold, the inhabitants died, but did not give up. Pages from the diary of 11-year-old Tanya Savicheva tell about the terrible tragedy of those days.

Reader 15.

It has only nine pages. Six of them show dates. Death is behind every date. Six pages - six deaths. Concise, concise notes: “December 28, 1941. Zhenya died ... Grandma died on January 25, 1942. March 17 - Leka died. Uncle Vasya died on April 13. May 10 - Uncle Lesha. Mom - May 15 ". And then without a date: “The Savichevs died. All died. There is only Tanya left ”.

Tanya, who had lost consciousness from hunger, was found by orderlies who were walking around Leningrad houses. Life barely glimmered in her. Together with 140 other Leningrad children exhausted by hunger, the girl was evacuated to the Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) region, to the village of Shatki. The inhabitants brought the children what they could, fed and warmed the orphan souls. Many of the children got stronger and got to their feet. But Tanya never got up. For 2 years, doctors fought for the life of a young Leningrad woman, but the disastrous processes in her body were irreversible. Tanya's arms and legs were shaking, she was tormented by terrible headaches.


Reader 16 (reads against the background of music): Ilya Malyshev.Poem about Tanya

9 pages. Scary lines.
No commas, just black dots.
Empty and quiet in the frozen apartment.
It seems that joy is no longer in the world.
If there was a piece of bread for everyone,
Maybe the diary was one line shorter.
“Mom and grandmother took away hunger.
No more strength and no more tears.
Uncle, sister and brother died
Hungry death ... ”Leningrad emptied.
All died. What to do. Blockade.
Hunger is taking away the people of Leningrad.
Quiet in the apartment. Only Tanya is alive.
There is so much suffering in a small heart!
All died! There is no one else.
Girl Tanya is 11 years old.
I'll tell you what happened next:
Evacuation, bread and an orphanage
Where after hunger, all trials
All survived, only Tanya died.
The girl is gone, but the diary remains -
A child's heart is crying and crying.
Children dreamed of a crust of bread ...
Children were afraid of the military sky.
This diary at the Nuremberg trial
It was a terrible and weighty document.
People cried, reading the lines.
People cried, cursing fascism.
Tanya's diary is the pain of Leningrad,
But everyone needs to read it.
As if the page behind the page screams:
"All this should not be repeated again! .."

09_We remember

The most disadvantaged children of the war are juvenile prisoners of fascist concentration camps. They were robbed of their home, their maternal affection, their homeland, freedom, life ... SALASPILS, BUCHENWALD, OSVENTZIM ... - these are the names of those death camps where human, and even more so childhood life meant nothing, was a bargaining chip. From the memoirs: “I was 12-year-old sent to the Baltic camp. They settled us at the hospital, made us donors. Many had their blood pumped out to a drop by direct transfusion. When I was completely exhausted, I was infected with tuberculosis and sent to another camp for destruction. She survived by a miracle ... ”Almost no one remembers these children. In concentration camp museums, they left piles of selected dolls and small shoes and shoes ...

Reader 17:Oleg Maslov"In Auschwitz"

And I raised my eyes to the sky,

Looking at him like, -

It was awkward in front of the people,

To make a tear flow from them.

Here behind the barrier in front of me -

Booties, shoes ... Really

All their owners burned down here,

Savings with bitter smoke and ash ?!

Here is a photo: child

Looks at the guard, not believing

That this uncle is worse than a beast

And throw it into the oven jokingly.

I'm leaving. Hurry, hurry!

Oh these white paths -

Bones scattered crumbs

We have covered the current museum.

And that tear - let it be for me

Will not let you live in peace,

So that our children do not know

What does captivity, fascism, war mean?

Reader 18:Sergey Mikhalkov"Children's shoe"

Inscribed in the column

With a purely German neatness,

He was lying in the warehouse

Among the shoes for adults and children.

His book number:

"Three thousand two hundred and ninth."

"Children footwear. Worn.

Right boot. With a patch ... "

Who repaired it? Where?

In Melitopol? In Krakow? In Vienna?

Who wore it? Vladek?

Or a Russian girl Zhenya? ..

How did he get here, in this warehouse,

Into this damn list,

Under the serial number

"Three thousand two hundred and ninth"?

Was there really no other

In the whole world there are roads

Except for the one according to which

Come these baby feet

To this scary place

Where they hung, burned and tortured,

And then in cold blood

Did you count the clothes of the killed?

Here in all languages

They tried to pray for salvation:

Czechs, Greeks, Jews,

French, Austrians, Belgians.

Here the earth has absorbed

The smell of decay and spilled blood

Hundreds of thousands of people

Different nations and different classes ...

The hour of reckoning has come!

Executioners and murderers - on your knees!

The peoples' judgment is coming

On the bloody trail of crimes.

Among hundreds of clues -

This child's boot has a patch.

Removed by Hitler from the victim

Three thousand two hundred and ninth.

The memory of generations is inextinguishable
And the memory of those whom we sacredly honor.
Come on people, let's get up for a moment
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent ...

10_A minute of silence. Metronome.

Yes, the war brought a lot of grief to the Russian people. Probably, there was no family in the country that was not touched by the war ...

Reader 19:Igor Eremin"Return from the war"

I was waiting: the father will come as a hero,

Shining delighting awards

And with that solemn mood

With what at least immediately to the parade.

So childhood amuses itself with a notion,

And in reality - on your head like snow

Walked in the gate with a skinny bag

A half-familiar person.

It's never like this

I didn’t wait after the show.

There was a hand in a sling

And there is only one order.

And the glint in his sad eyes

Only set off the traces of ordeals.

And the smell of hospital was thick

In the clothes of the ingrained drugs.

And what at that moment: love, or pity,

Or both of these feelings at once

I felt? .. But somehow shrank

Soul that tears suddenly come from your eyes!

Reader 20: Well, well, son! - And, itself ready

Just about to shed a tear, father

He drew to himself with his healthy hand:

Don't cry, - he said. - The war is over!

And he filed a bag, distracting

From sad feelings ... Like, look,

Not God knows what a handbag,

But there is something inside of it.

I took a gift for a gift,

And each: a flask on a belt,

Or an electric flashlight -

A living delight gave birth to me.

And so he knew, caught the eye,

That, looking from the side,

Father himself smiled,

Having rejuvenated, as before the war.

Reader 19: As if someone had opened the curtains

And a ray of the sun fell on him.

And shone on my tunic

Order with a victorious brilliance.

Then, indeed, as in a parade,

We walked with him along the street of the village.

And so much in every gaze

I saw light and warmth!

Neighbors approached my father.

Well, after all, he is alive, but some

As in the forty-first,

So at least a piece of news from them.

And hugged during the conversation,

As if his brother,

And they congratulated - who on the victory,

Who welcomes him back.

Reader 21:Valery Cherkesov

I won't come to my father's grave,

Because I don't know from birth

Where, in what year he died.

Fatherless generation.

Dad! - I called at night. Alas,

Did not respond, did not appear,

Didn't stroke my head -

As if he had not returned from the front.

Oh war, you backfired so

In our destinies and souls!


I clench a hot fist ...

It hurts, it hurts, father!

How it hurts.

Reader 22:Victor Yaganov"Present"

This is history. I didn’t remember it.
I was still quite young then.
I was only three years old then.
The 24th was June.
Everything is behind: losses and troubles.
Everything is ahead: deeds and accomplishments.
Year 45, Victory Parade
On my birthday.
Mom, what was the weather like:
Mainly cloudy,
Was it raining with juicy herbs?
Only I believe with my heart willingly:
It was clear to everyone in their souls
And it's sunny.
Swastika of death - there is no more evil symbol,
Death swastika - as a sign of conquest,
Fell at the foot of the Mausoleum,
To the children's feet of my generation.
Motherland, accept the appeal:
Thank you for saving us,
Like shoots
Thank you for
What are you on your birthday
She gave us the Victory Parade.

Reader 23: Granddad. Unknown author.

Once upon a time my grandfather
I was a boy like me.
Only his childhood was difficult,
Because there was a war.
I know about her from books
I saw her in the movies -
And grandfather was a boy:
True, that was a long time ago.
He told me how it used to be
Throwing toys away
Worked with old and small,
To help the soldiers at the front.
And he also remembered how mom,
To save your children
I added bran to the dough
And she baked this bread in the oven.
And also my grandfather told me
What is from a potato peel
They cooked the soup, and everyone was very happy,
This holiday was for children.
I, of course, am not a stupid guy,
I will be able to understand everything, but in no way
I can't imagine
For children to live like this:
I want you, grandpa, dear,
Give candy and chocolate.
Even though now you eat your fill,
And let childhood come back!

11_Grandfather (children hand chocolate to veterans and EVERYTHING goes on stage)

Reader 24:

Not burnt by the forties
With hearts that have grown into silence -
Of course, we look with different eyes
To our big war.
We know from confused, difficult stories
About the bitter victorious path
Therefore, at least our mind should
Dear suffering to pass!

12_And everything about that war

Every year on May 9 in all parts of our country about Eternal flame freeze in the guard of honor the descendants of those who, having accomplished their feat of arms, bequeathed us to live in peace and harmony, giving their lives for this. And let the flame of the Eternal Flame, lit as a symbol of memory of the victims of fascism, as a symbol of grief for the dead and the greatest pride in the unparalleled courage shown in battles, illuminate our path to peace, awaken our conscience so that we do not forget the lessons of history and prevent a repetition tragedy. Let the sun always shine, the birds sing, the fields turn green, but never drops of someone's innocent blood sparkle on the emerald grass instead of dew!

Reader 25:

I will paint a bright sun!
I'll paint a blue sky!
I'll paint a light in the window!
I will draw ears of bread!
We'll paint autumn leaves
School, brook, restless friends.
And we will cross out with our common brush
Shots, explosions, fire and wars!
Raise the pictures higher,
So that everyone can see them,
So that everyone can hear today
The voice of the young citizens of the Earth!

13_Let there always be sunshine (children lift up drawings depicting a bright sun, blue sky, ears of bread, etc., sing)

Children leave the stage

14_and maybe there was no war?

There are no children in war

Mom, look at the blue sky! And the sky was always there ?.

Always, daughter.

Was there always the sun too?

Yes, dear, and the sun was always there.

And this beautiful flower has always grown here?

No, my dear, once upon a time there was only burnt-out land ... Then there was a war ...

Mommy, what is war? ..

Lead 1 ... Time has its own memory - history. And therefore, the world never forgets about the tragedies that shook the planet in different eras, including about cruel wars, because now somewhere there is also a war going on, bullets whistle, houses are scattered from shells and cribs are on fire.

Lead 2 ... Our conversation today is a return to national memory. In memory of everything experienced by both adults and children in those ruthless years. After all, time is increasingly taking away witnesses and participants, those who were, who knew, who saw and suffered the pain and horror of losses, and the joy of hopes in anticipation of victory.

Lead 3... However, it was so long ago

What seemed to be not - and invented ...

Maybe seen in the movies

Maybe in the novel it was read ...

Lead 4 ... All this is not invented .. After all, today among us live elderly people who were 8-12 years old during the war years, and they worked on a par with adults in the fields and farms, fought in the partisan forests and on the front line, bringing the long-awaited Victory over fascist Germany... "Children of War" - as they are called today. And for modern children, they are a living legend of the most terrible war of the 20th century.

Lead 1 ... For the Soviet people, it was a holy war in the name of freedom and independence.

Our Motherland, in the name of ridding Europe and the whole world from enslavement. Twenty-seven million lives were claimed by this war, of which thirteen million were children. She ruined hundreds of cities and villages, deprived thousands of children of their parents. But Soviet people won.

Lead 2 We won because they were completely devoted to their homeland, because they showed real courage, endurance and courage. No matter how many generations of people passed through the earth, the Great Patriotic War should never be erased from their memory. Remembering the war and those who brought victory is to fight for peace.

Lead 3 .War must not be forgotten. When a war is forgotten, the ancient people said, a new one begins, because memory is the main enemy of war.

Lead 4. There is a saying “There are no children in war”. What do we have more dear than our children? The war has become the common biography of a whole generation of children. Even if they are in the rear, they were still military children.

Lead 1 .Sunday came June 22, 1941. The schoolchildren have begun summer holidays... Many residents of cities and villages were going to have a rest on Sunday. Some townspeople were planning a trip to the countryside, to the countryside. In the morning there were tram cars, overcrowded with holiday passengers. We went with families and children.

Lead 2 .June. Russia. Sunday.
Dawn in the arms of silence.
A fragile moment remains
Until the first shots of the war.

In a second the world will explode
Death will lead the parade,
And the sun will go out forever
For millions on earth.

Lead 3What's up tell me wind
What is this pain in your eyes?
Doesn't the sun shine that much
Or do the herbs in the gardens wither?

Why are people all at dawn
Suddenly froze, eyes open?
What happened tell us wind
Is this a war?

It was performed for the first time for young people
This terrible word is war.

Student .

It seemed that the flowers were cold

And they faded slightly from the dew,

I dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes

We searched the German binoculars.

A flower, covered in dewdrops,

Nestle to the flower,

And the border guard held out his hands to them.

And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment

We climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches.

Everything breathed such silence

It seemed that the whole earth was still asleep.

Who knew that between peace and war

In total, some 5 minutes are left!

On a sunny early morning in June
At the hour when the country was awakening.
It was performed for the first time for young people
This terrible word is war

Lead 4. From the statement of the Soviet government ... Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without making any claims to the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our cities from their planes - Zhitomir , Kiev, Sevastopol, Kaunas and some others. The Red Army and all our people will lead a victorious patriotic war for the Motherland, for honor, for freedom.

... Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours.

Song "Holy War"

Lead 1 ... How suddenly the war burst into their childhood and adolescence ... How many then wandered along the fiery roads of homeless and disadvantaged children, starving, who had lost their loved ones!

Lead 2 ... Each of them, with a feeling of absolute rightness, could now declare: "The eyes of my childhood saw so many deaths, so many cruelties of war that it seemed they should be empty."


The eyes of a seven-year-old girl
Like two dim lights.
More noticeable on a child's face
Great, heavy melancholy.

She is silent, no matter what you ask,
You joke with her - she is silent in response,
As if she's not seven, not eight,
And many, many bitter years

Lead 3 ... At the beginning of the war, the enemy advanced rapidly. There was a hasty evacuation of the western regions of our country. The equipment of the factories was urgently exported so that it would not fall into the hands of the enemy. They took out adults and children. The evacuation was so hasty that the children were taken out separately, along with their kindergartens, pioneer camps, where they then rested. Many families were scattered across the country. Some are on different front lines. However, not everyone managed to leave their homelands before the arrival of the enemy. Many remained in the lands occupied by the enemy. War brought grief, devastation, hunger, fear

Lead 4 .This War weaned children from crying. Children lost their parents, brothers and sisters. Sometimes frightened children sat next to the cold bodies of their dead mothers for several days, waiting for their fate to be decided. At best, a Soviet orphanage awaited them, at worst, fascist torture chambers. Raised by labor and valor, they grew up early, replacing their dead parents with their brothers and sisters.


“Father was taken to the war.

... The boy is a bolt,

But it added to him at times

The war has been for so many years.

“So what, mother?

So, it means mother,

Am I a head in the house?

You start washing your clothes

And I - chop wood!

You say:

Drovets is a bit


So be it.

Sell ​​the elephant

Sell ​​a whistle!

You can live without them!

Sell ​​the sailor suit, I say!

Now there is no time for rags,

You only, mom,

Do not be sad!

I will not leave you! "

Anatoly Bragin

Lead 1 ... Those who got into the war have parted with their childhood forever.
In those terrible, sad years, children grew up quickly. In a difficult time for the country, at the age of ten or fourteen, they were already aware of the involvement of their fate in the fate of the Fatherland, they recognized themselves as a part of their people. They tried not to be inferior to adults in anything, often even risking their lives.

Ten year old

Criss-cross blue stripes
On the windows of huddled huts.
Native thin birches
They look anxiously at the sunset.
And the dog on the warm ashes
Soiled up to the eyes in ash,
He's looking for someone all day
And he does not find in the village ...
Throwing on an old zipunishko,
In the gardens, without roads,
The boy is in a hurry, in a hurry
By the sun, straight east.
No one on a long journey
I didn't wear him warmer,
Nobody hugged at the doorstep
And he did not look after him.
In an unheated, broken bath
Passing the night like an animal,
How long has he with his breath
I couldn't warm my cold hands!
But not once on his cheek
A tear didn’t blaze a trail.
There must be too many at once
Have seen his eyes.
Having seen everything, ready for everything,
Falling up to my chest in snow,
He ran to his fair-headed
A ten year old man.
He knew that somewhere not far away,
It may howl over that mountain,
Him as a friend on a dark evening
The Russian sentry will call out.
And he, huddled against his greatcoat,
Relatives hearing voices
Tells everything they looked at
His non-childish eyes.

(S. Mikhalkov)

Lead 2 Such young, completely unintelligent, were met by yesterday's school leavers of the German invaders, and defended their homeland. The only thing they were surprised at was that they suddenly became adults from the beginning of the war. Only 7% of the graduates of 1941 were still alive by the end of the war.


The boys were leaving, on the shoulders of their greatcoats,

The boys left, they sang songs bravely.

The boys retreated in the dusty steppes,

Boys were dying, where they themselves did not know.

Boys fell into terrible barracks,

Fierce dogs caught up with the boys.

Boys were killed for escaping on the spot.

The boys sold no conscience and honor.

The boys did not want to succumb to fear

The boys went up on the whistle to attack.

Into the black smoke of battles, on sloping armor

The boys were leaving, clutching their machine guns.

The boys, the brave soldiers, have seen

Volga - in the forty-first,

Spree - in the forty-fifth.

The boys showed in four years

What are the boys of our people

Lead 3. I would also like to remember those who, every minute, risking their lives, carried out wounded soldiers from the battlefield under heavy fire. Fragile, young, they saved the lives of dozens of soldiers, and they themselves often remained lying there, on the battlefield.

Student :

A quarter of the company has already been mowed down ...

Spread out in the snow

The girl is crying from impotence

Gasps: - "I can not!"

The heavy one was caught,

There is no more strength to drag him ...

(That tired nurse was 18 years old).

You lie down, it will blow with the wind,

It will become easier to breathe a little.

Centimeter by centimeter

You will continue on your way of the cross.

The line between life and death -

How fragile they are ...

Come, soldier, in consciousness,

Take a look at your little sister!

If the shells don't find you,

The knife will not finish the saboteur,

You will receive, sister, a reward -

You will save a man again.

He will return from the infirmary -

Again you cheated death

And only one consciousness is

All your life you will be warm

Sing to you, dear

Blue eyed girl
Nine incomplete years ...
The song flows softly, loudly
On hospital white.

And under the sounds of overflow
Someone's brothers and fathers
They remember a happy house
Fighters also ask to sing.

"I will sing," the girl answered, -
Bowing your head low,
-Here, the funeral has come to us ...
But I believe: dad is alive!

Maybe which of you is by chance
Did you meet dad somewhere?
Somewhere out there, on the far side,
Did you fight with your dad? "

And as if to blame
In the fact that they are still alive,
Suddenly all the soldiers are taken away
From the little girl's gaze.

By stealthily swallowing a tear
Sings again until hoarse,
And, in an adult way, a soldier
The fighters are calling the girl.

Endlessly ready to sing
Songs to the wounded she
But at the same time he will ask again,
And in response, only silence.

And one day, as a reward,
All wounded, but alive
Dad, honey! Here it is, next to it!
"I will sing to you, dear!"

(L. Schmidt)

Lead 4. The Nazis did not spare anyone: neither women nor children. Hitler admonished his troops before attacking our country: “Cruelty is a blessing for the future ... The war against Russia cannot be waged in a chivalrous manner. It must be led with merciless, ruthless and indomitable cruelty. "

And the Nazis diligently carried out this order of Hitler. Thousands of girls and boys were hijacked to work in Germany, during the years of the fascist terror 18 million people were tortured and abused in concentration camps, and 2 million of them were brutally tortured and burned in crematoria ovens, and how many Belarusian and Ukrainian villages were wiped off the face of the earth !

They drove their mothers with their children ...

They drove their mothers with their children
And they forced to dig a hole, but themselves
They stood, a bunch of savages,
And they laughed in hoarse voices.
Lined up at the edge of the abyss
Powerless women, skinny guys ...
No, this I will not forget the day
I will never forget, forever!
I saw: rivers cried like children,
And mother earth sobbed in rage ...
I heard: a powerful oak fell suddenly,
He fell, letting out a heavy sigh.
The children were suddenly seized with fear, -
They clung to their mothers, clinging to the hem.
And the shot rang out a sharp sound ...
- I, mom, want to live. Don't, mom ...
(Musa Jalil)

Apprentice 2 She looked full of horror,
How not to lose her mind?
Understood everything, understood everything baby:
- Hide, mommy, me,
Do not die! -
He cries and, like a leaf, hold back
Can't shiver.
The child that is most dear to her
Bending down, mother raised with two hands,
I pressed it to my heart, right against the muzzle ...
- I, mom, want to live. Don't Mom!
Let me go, let me go! What are you waiting for?

Apprentice 3 And the child wants to escape from the hands,
And crying is terrible and the voice is thin,
And it stabs into the heart like a knife.
- Do not be afraid, my boy! Now you will breathe freely
Close your eyes, but don't hide your head
So that the executioner doesn't bury you alive.
Be patient, sonny, be patient. It won't hurt now.
And he closed his eyes. And the blood turned red
A writhing red ribbon along the neck.
Two lives fall to the ground merging.
Two lives and one love!

Lead 1 ... Everywhere Hitler's executioners left bloody footprints behind them. The world shuddered when it learned about Majdanek's gas chambers, about Auschwitz ovens and other “death factories” in Poland, Alsace, Latvia, Holland, about hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians who were tortured, suffocated with gas, burned, and shot.

Lead 2. Listen people! The bells of Khatyn are turning to your hearts. With anger and pain they will tell about the tragedy of this village. On March 22, 1943, a detachment of fascist invaders surrounded the village. All residents: old people, children - were herded into a barn and burned alive

Lead 3. A concentration camp is a territory fenced with barbed wire, inside which there were barracks for housing. Every 100 meters there were watchtowers with sentries at the top, the camp was guarded day and night, illuminated by searchlights. It was impossible to escape from there, since the Germans had dogs trained to search for prisoners. Those caught were severely punished: they organized public flogging, and then executed, so that no one dared to flee.

Children in Auschwitz

Men tortured children.
Clever. On purpose. Skillfully.
They did an everyday thing
They worked - they tortured the children.
And this is every day again:
Cursing, cursing for no reason ...
And the children did not understand
What men want from them.
For what - offensive words,
Beating, hunger, growling dogs?
And the children thought at first
What is this disobedience.
They couldn't imagine
What was open to everyone:
According to the ancient logic of the earth,
Children expect protection from adults.
And the days went on like death are terrible,
And the children became models.
But they were all beaten.
Same way. Again.
And they did not absolve them of their guilt.
They grabbed onto people.
They prayed. And they loved.
But the men had "ideas"
Men tortured children.

I'm alive. I breathe. Love people.
But life is hateful to me,
As soon as I remember: it was!
Men tortured children!
(Naum Korzhavin)

Song "People of the World, Stand Up for a Minute"

Lead 4. Sons of the regiments. Young partisans, scouts, tankers. 300 thousand boys and girls, having lost all their relatives, fled to the front, fought in partisan detachments with one thought: "To avenge the dead." For courage, fearlessness and displayed heroism tens of thousands of sons and daughters of regiments, cabin boys and young partisans were awarded orders and medals. And the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Zina Portnova, Lenya Golikov, Valya Kotik, Marat Kazei. Posthumously.

Lead 1.Who helped forge our common victory? Who shod, clothed, fed and supplied the Red Army with weapons to fight the enemy? They were both adults and very young guys. Without days off and holidays, putting shell boxes under their feet, they worked 14-15 hours a day in factories, grew bread to feed the army, while they themselves were often malnourished.

Children grew up early, replacing older brothers, fathers and mothers who had gone to the front. In the rear, our peers showed real labor heroism, therefore they received awards, like their peers, front-line soldiers.

... Why did you, the war, stole their childhood from the boys -

And the blue sky and the smell of a simple flower? ..

The boys of the Urals came to the factories to work,

They set up boxes to reach the machine.

And now in the incorruptible winter of the war year,

When the cold dawn was over Kama,

The director of the plant gathered the best workers,

And he was a worker - only fourteen years old ....

The harsh time looked into the tired faces,

But everyone found their pre-war childhood in themselves,

As soon as the working bonus - a jar of jam -

In front of them, the boys, someone put it on the table.

(V. Radkevich "The Ballad of a Jam Bank")

Lead 2 .Thousands of tons of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal were collected by pioneers and schoolchildren in the days patriotic war... One word “front” inspires guys. In school workshops, with great love and care, they make various parts for mines for other weapons. In Gorky, Kuibyshev, school sewing workshops are famous, in which the pioneers sew linen, scarves, tunics for the army.

Lead 3. Together with the Komsomol members of the entire Soviet Union, the young pioneers more than once went out on Sunday nights. More than 3 million pioneers took part in the All-Union Sunday Sunday “Pioneers-Front” alone.

Lead 4. During the war, the guys collected thousands of tons of wild useful plants.

About 5 million Soviet schoolchildren worked in the fields of collective and state farms. At the expense of the pioneers, tanks, airplanes, cannons were built and handed over to the most skillful soldiers at the request of the children.

Lead 1 ... Pilot-order bearer Tsygankov fights with honor on the fighter "Helen for Pope", he avenges the deceased father of Helen Lazarenkova. The pilot Maksimenko fulfilled the order of the Arzamsk pioneers. On the Arzamsk pioneer fighter he shot down 5 fascist vultures himself and 11 collectively.

Lead 2. The Gorky Pioneer tank crushed and shot the Fritzes a lot; valiantly smashed enemies at Rzhev, Orel, Sevsk tank column "Moscow Pioneer".

And at the same time, the children continued to learn.

Studied in the light of smokehouses,

They wrote between the lines of newspapers
And a slice of black bread

Was sweeter than overseas sweets.

"Not" and "Ni"(Ludmila Milanich)

Smolensky told me
- In our village school
There was a lesson.

We passed the particles
"Not" and "neither."
And there were Fritzes in the village
During these days.

They robbed our schools
And at home.
Our school is naked
Like a prison.

From the gate of the neighbor's hut
A German was looking out of our window

And the teacher said: "The phrase
Let me,
To meet in it at once
"Neither" and "not."

We took a look at the soldier
At the gate
And they said: "From reckoning
NOT one damned fascist
Will NOT go away! "
(S. Marshak)


It's very cold in the class
I breathe on the feather
I put my head down
And I write, I write.

First declension -
Feminine gender on "a"
Immediately, no doubt,
I deduce - "war".

What is most important
Today for the country?
In the genitive case:
No - what? - "war."

And behind the howling word -
Mom died...
And still a distant battle,
For me to live.

I send curses to the "war"
I only remember the "war" ...
Maybe for an example to me
Choose "silence"?

But by "war" we measure
Today is life and death,
I will get "excellent" -
This is also revenge ...

The woeful one about the "war"
A proud lesson
And I remembered him
I'm for eternity.

Let's honor their memory a minute of silence.

The cannonade was suffocated.
There is silence in the world.
On the big earth once
The war is over
We will live, meet the dawns,
Believe and love.
Just don't forget it!
Just not to forget
How the sun rose in burning
And the darkness swirled
And in the river - between the banks -
The bloodstream was leaking.
There were black birches.
Long years.
Tears were cried -
Widows - forever ...
Here comes summer again
Solar thread.
Just don't forget it!
Just not to forget!
This is a memory - believe people -
The whole earth needs ...
If we forget the war, the war will come again.

Lead 1 .Victory! People have been waiting for this holiday for 1418 days. That is how many days the Great Patriotic War lasted.

Lead 2 .Victory ... She came to us on May 9 not in a laurel wreath, solemn and calm, no. She came in the guise of an old mother, dropped her weary hands, bowed her head, grieving for those who did not return.

Lead 3 .Victory! And if children are laughing now, steel is melting and books are being written, it is because Victory has come.

Lead 4 No matter how many years pass, we will always remember our relatives and friends, all those people who died fighting for the Motherland.

Thank you, military-time children,
That I had the strength to overcome all adversity!
You taught us: the most important thing in the world
Learn, believe, live, dream, love!

And we wish you many years with love,
And fortress, and strength, peace and goodness,
And most importantly - health! And more health -
I wish you kids special schools.