Yangtze River basin and river system. Yangtze is the longest river in China

Almost near the Chinese border with Russia there is a young city - Yangtze. The settlement was founded at the end of May 1953, and several decades later it grew to the size big city. Today, the Yangtze is the capital of Yanbian-Korea Autonomous Okrug. This part of Northeast Asia is home to three major cities, which are unofficially called the “Great Golden Triangle”. These include Vladivostok, Xijen and Yangtze.

Brief description of the city

For an ordinary person from Russia, the name of this city means nothing, but translated into Russian it means “happy future.” And although the city is quite large (almost 500 thousand people live here), by Chinese standards it is considered cozy and small. Photos of the Yangtze city will allow you to see and appreciate all its attractiveness and beauty.

Tourists note the special atmosphere here. Many people like that no one pays attention to them or pesters them with various offers in order to lure more money from a foreigner. Just a few days later, the traveler feels almost like a local resident.

Since the city is located close to South Korea, lives here a large number of Koreans - about 50%. Thanks to this, the city differs from most other settlements in the country. All inscriptions here are made in two languages ​​- Chinese and Korean.

What is the Yangtze famous for?

This city is very popular among experienced tourists; it has everything you need for a real vacation: shops, architectural structures, a water park, nature and much more. Since more than half of the ethnic Koreans live here, visitors to the Yangtze have the opportunity to get acquainted with two cultures at once. For example, there are restaurants serving traditional Chinese and Korean cuisine. Being in this place, you can’t help but get the impression that you are in two different countries at once.

Among the attractions of the Yangtze city, it is worth noting Mount Maoershan - the highest plateau in eastern Eurasia. Also popular places for tourists to visit are an amusement park, a zoo, a botanical center, and a water park.

Natural assets

Some cities visit shopping centers, others visit architectural structures, while others admire the beauty presented by Mother Nature. It is truly extraordinary and majestic here, and a striking example of this is Mount Maoershan.

Translated from Chinese language"Maoershan" means "hat". And in fact, from afar the mountain looks like a hat. It is worth noting that it is completely low, so almost anyone can climb it using a special staircase to the very top. Having walked this path, the tourist will see an incredible panorama of the city. This is the best place to start exploring the Yangtze.

Local residents love Maoershan very much and visit it every morning to exercise at the top or just breathe in the clean mountain air. There are also beautiful forested areas where tall pine trees, poplars and elms.

Not far from the Chinese city of Yangtze is the highest plateau in this part of the world - Changbai Mountain. It is located on the territory of a natural park, which is the largest in the country. It was created three years after the appearance of the city. In 1980, the UN added this plateau to the list of international biosphere reserves.

Yangtze City (China): attractions

The water park was built in 2015 in the MDM complex, which also houses ski resort. It is located just 20 minutes drive from the center, within the city.

Ticket prices are quite high, the entrance ticket for one adult is 260 yuan, children are admitted free of charge. However, only those who are less than 120 centimeters tall are considered children.

There is a small shop on site where people can purchase all the bathing accessories they need. Before entering the main area, you will have to take a dip in a small pool of cool water, which contains a special disinfectant composition.

Inside there is one pool for the little ones with two low slides. Next is another miniature pool, with plenty of underwater jets of hot water. In the center of it is a labyrinth of slides.

The next pool imitates the sea, where waves of different sizes constantly flow. For lovers active entertainment there are two big slides. On one of them you can get a special mattress for free, while on the other you will have to purchase it for 30 yuan.

There are also many small cafes and fast food establishments on the territory, which sell very good food. In the city of Yangtze, the water park is the most ordinary, which does not have a wide variety of slides, but it is great for active pastime and getting positive emotions.

Amusement park

Tourists from Russia most often visit one of the main attractions of the city - an amusement park. Everything you need is here have a nice rest: attractions, a zoo and walking areas among dense plantings.

Despite the fact that there are quite a large number of tourists here, there is no need to talk about the modernity of the park. The attractions here are very mediocre and ordinary, the zoo is not distinguished by a huge number of exotic animals, but children like it here.

A few more words about interesting places

A few kilometers from the city of Yangtze there is a bear farm. Here you can see many bears of different sizes and ages.

Vegetation lovers can visit the Gomao Botanical Center. The garden is indoors and can be visited at any time of the year. Agree, it’s nice to visit a place where fresh greenery grows in the middle of severe winter.

There is also a “Green” restaurant here, where main detail the interior is vegetation. Guest artists perform at this venue every evening. The establishment is very loved by both locals and foreigners, so the place is almost always full of guests.

Not far from the restaurant there are the “stars” of the local public - greenhouses, where you can see exotic crops. The botanical center also has a beautiful park where locals like to relax.

Well, and, of course, what Chinese city today does not have shopping complexes that have long become attractions? The Chinese city of Yangtze can well be proud of its high-rise shopping centers, where you can purchase products for every taste and budget.

River and lake

A river runs through the entire city. It conventionally divides the Yangtze into two parts and is called “Puerhatun”, which translated into Russian means “green river”. You can get to another part of the city via one of three bridges.

Not far from the river there is a lake very popular among the local population. Until the end of the 80s, it was no different from most city ponds, but the authorities decided to improve the reservoir. The banks here were lined with decorative tiles, beautiful gazebos were erected, and they were built in the Korean style. The planting of many trees turned an ordinary lake into a kind of oasis in the center of the “concrete jungle”. This body of water is called “youth pond”. Guess why?

A must-visit destination in the Yangtze should be Ginseng Street, where you can purchase all currently known medicines and products made specifically from this plant.

Little Korea in China

There is a lot in the Yangtze beautiful places, it’s impossible to tell about everyone. Although compared to other Chinese cities, this locality has a modest size and small population, the city attracts with its unusual culture, because ethical Koreans and Chinese live here side by side. Their culture is so mixed up that many people simply do not understand what country they are in. Geographically - China, by appearance- typical South Korea.

Yangtze is a rather interesting and unusual city, so if the opportunity arises, it’s definitely worth coming here.

Height 0 m Coordinates 31°23′37″ n. w. 121°58′59″ E. d. HGIO Location Water system East China Sea A country - source, - mouth Audio, photo and video on Wikimedia Commons

The Yangtze basin covers about a fifth of China's territory and is home to about a third of the country's total population. Along with the Yellow River, the Yangtze is the most important river in the history, culture and economy of China. The prosperous Yangtze Delta region accounts for up to 20% of China's GDP. The Three Gorges hydroelectric power station on the Yangtze River is the largest hydroelectric power station in the world. The river is an important physical and cultural dividing line between North and South China.

The Yangtze River flows through a large number of ecosystems and is itself habitat for several endemic and endangered species, including Chinese river dolphins (now extinct), Chinese alligators, and Korean sturgeon. Some sections of the river are currently protected as nature reserves. The section of the Yangtze in western Yunnan, where the river flows through deep gorges, is part of national park"Three Parallel Rivers", a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


The source of the Yangtze is located west of the Geladandun Tangla Mountain, in the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau at an altitude of about 5600 m above sea level. The river, known in its upper course as the Jinshajiang, flows through the southern regions of Qinghai Province, and then turns south and along a deep valley that serves as the border between Sichuan and Tibet, reaching Yunnan Province. In this valley, located in the Sino-Tibetan mountains, the main drop in height occurs - from 5 thousand to 1 thousand m. Here the river changes direction several times and forms deep gorges, such as the Tiger Leaping Gorge.

River navigation starts from Shuifu County, Yunnan Province. Closer to the city of Yibin, which is located at the entrance of the river to the Sichuan Basin, the river drops to a height of 305 m, and near the city of Chongqing, the height of the river relative to the sea is 192 m. Flowing through the Sichuan Basin, the Yangtze merges with the large tributaries Minjiang and Jialingjiang, which significantly increase its volume. On a 320-kilometer stretch from Chongqing to Yichang, the Yangtze drops up to 40 m in height, flowing through deep gorges that are known for their beauty and difficulty of navigation. Making its way further through the Wushan Mountains, the river serves as a natural border between the provinces of Chongqing and Hubei and forms the famous “Three Gorges” (“Sanxia”). The world's largest hydropower structure, Sanxia, ​​was built in this area.

Yangtze in the middle reaches

After passing the Three Gorges Canyon, the Yangtze opens onto the Jianghan Plain of central and eastern Hubei. Here it is replenished with the waters of numerous lakes, the largest of which is Dongtinghu on the border of Hunan and Hubei provinces. At Hubei's capital, Wuhan, the Yangtze merges with its largest tributary, the Han River.

Four of China's five largest freshwater lakes drain into the Yangtze.

Video on the topic


The standard modern name for the Yangtze River in China itself is "Changjiang" (长江), that is, literally "Long River". In ancient times, it (or, at the time of the “Shi Jing”, its middle course) was simply called “Jiang” (江); nowadays the word "jiang" (江) simply means "river", used as component the names of many large rivers (for example, “Heilongjiang” - “Black Dragon River”, the Chinese name for the Amur River).

Common in European languages, including Russian, the name “Yangtze” (in different linguistic forms, e.g. English Yangtze), appeared in European literature already in the book of Matteo Ricci, and comes from the ancient name (Yangtze (jiang), 扬子 (江) ), used in the lower reaches of the river. In China itself, it can now be found mainly in an “artistic” context, for example. in the names of companies in the city of Yangzhou, or in the title of the Nanjing newspaper " Yangtze Wanbao"(evening Yangtze).

For upstream rivers still exist today special names. Thus, in Sichuan and Yunnan, above the confluence with Minjiang (near the city of Yibin), the river is known as Jinsha (jiang) (金沙江), that is, “River of Golden Sand”; above, in Qinghai Province as Tongtian(he) (通天河), lit. “(river) passing through the sky”; and the very upper reaches, in the Tangla Mountains in the southwest of Qinghai, as Toto (he) (沱沱河 - a name of Mongolian origin). In Tibetan, Tongtian is called Dre-chu (Drichu; Dy-chu, from Przhevalsky).

19th-century sources often used the name Mur-Usu (Murus) for Totohe. For the entire Yangtze River, despite the turbidity of its water, the name Blue River was often used in European literature of that time, perhaps as opposed to the Yellow River.

(Other authors, however, used the name Blue River only for the Sichuan tributary of the Yangtze, the Minjiang River, based on the informal name Qingshui 清水 - “Transparent Water” used in this region).


Along the coast of China is the Grand Canal, connecting the Yangtze to the Yellow River. In addition, since 2002, China began to implement a project to transfer water from south to north from the Yangtze basin to the Yellow River.

Average annual flow

The river's flow was measured for 64 years (1923-1986) in the city of Datong, located approximately 511 km from its mouth in the East China Sea.

In Datong, the average annual flow observed during this period was 28,811 m³/sec, with a watershed of 1,712,673 km². This area makes up more than 95% of the river's total catchment area, and the flow here is only slightly different from the final flow at the mouth. More than half of the average annual flow occurred from June to September. The average annual runoff volume in the 20th century, in the Great Russian Encyclopedia, is estimated at 900 km³, and the suspended sediment runoff at 350-500 million tons per year.

The average rainfall in the river basin thus reaches 531 millimeters per year.

The maximum water flow recorded in Datong City during this long observation period was 84,200 m³/sec, while the minimum water flow was 1,110 m³/sec.

Historical information

The civilization of southern China appeared on the banks of the lower Yangtze. Evidence has been found in the Three Gorges area human activity 27 thousand years ago. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the kingdom of Shu was located in the western part of the Yangtze, the kingdom of Chu occupied the central part of the river, and the kingdoms of Yue were located in the lower reaches of the river. Although the Yellow River region was richer and more developed at that time, the mild climate of the Yangtze was favorable to agriculture.

Historically, the Yangtze has served as the border between northern and southern China several times due to the difficulty of crossing it. Many battles took place along the river, including the famous Battle of Red Cliffs in 208 AD. e. during the Age of the Three Kingdoms.

On October 16, 1926, a Chinese transport ship exploded on the Yangtze River, near Klukiang; More than 1,200 people became victims of the tragedy.


Three Gorges Dam

As of 2013, there are two dams on the Yangtze River: the Three Gorges (Sanxia) and the Gezhouba. The third dam, Silodu, is currently under construction. Three more dams are in the design stage.

The river is one of the greatest water formations on the planet. Its length, according to the official American gazetteer, is 6418 km (many sources give the figure 6300 km). This is the third largest in the world after the Amazon and the Nile. The mighty water stream originates in the Tibetan Plateau.

Yangtze - the main river of China

The highlands are located north of the Himalayas and are considered the largest in area and highest in the world. Among the ice caps of the Tanga mountain range reaching towards the sky, at an altitude of 5042 meters above sea level, the great river begins its long journey through the lands of China.
Coordinates of the source of the Yangtze: 33° 25′ 44″ N. w. and 91° 10′ 57″ E. d.
At this point the glacier melts, and small streams rush down the mountain slope. Other streams flow into them and gradually form a rapid stream. He gradually calms down, ending up in the swampy area of ​​Qinghai Province with its capital in Xining. Here Yangtze River is first called Ulan-Muren, then Muruy-Us, and then Ji-Chu.

Yangtze River (China): mountain landscapes

After leaving the administrative entity of Qinghai, the water flow turns south and finds itself between the Tibet Autonomous Region with its capital in Lhasa and Sichuan Province with its capital in Chengdu. This area is characterized by a valley surrounded mountain ranges. These are the Sino-Tibetan mountains. They are a continuation of the Tibetan Plateau and are located to the east of it.

In this area, the river is locally called Jinshajiang. It carries its waters through deep gorges, forming rapids that are stormy and dangerous for people. Another river in China is no less dangerous.

The deepest is the Tiger Leaping Gorge. This is a canyon with steep slopes. Their height in some places reaches 2 kilometers. The canyon is located in Yunnan province with its capital in Kunming, adjacent to Sichuan. This area is characterized by a decrease in altitude above sea level to 300 meters.

Having calmed its stormy mountain temperament, the Yangtze River enters the Sichuan Basin. The current in this area is calm, and the width of the water flow reaches 500 meters. Further along the path of the mighty river, a mountain range appears, bordering the basin. Water makes its way through it, and the channel narrows to 120-200 meters, and the depth in some places reaches 100 meters.

In the Sichuan Basin, the Yangtze receives the waters of the Minjiang River, the most powerful of all tributaries. It is complemented by the Jialing River. This is the left tributary. Its length is 1119 km. All this happens in the central administrative district of Chongqing.

Yangtze River and hydroelectric power station

But then the river rushes to Hubei province with its capital Wuhan. It is on the border of Chongqing and Hubei that the famous Chinese hydroelectric power station is located, bearing the romantic name “Three Gorges”. This is the world's largest hydroelectric power station. The length of the dam blocking the water flow is 2309 meters, and the height reaches 185 meters.

Beyond the dam, the river ends up in the Jianghan Plain of Hubei Province. Here the water flow is locally called Changjiang. Great River begin to feed the runoff of many lakes. The largest of them is called Dongting. It is located in Hunan Province, bordering Hubei Province. The lake is noteworthy for such unique animals as the finless porpoise, which belongs to the order Cetaceans.

Next, the city of Wuhan appears on the path of the mighty stream. It is the largest metropolis in central China. It is here that the Yangtze River receives its left tributary, the Han Shui. This big river length 1532 km. She is well known throughout the world. In 2008, a discharge occurred in its upper reaches. industrial waste. The result was that 100 thousand people were left without drinking water.

The river then flows through the province of Anhui, with its capital in Hefei, and enters the province of Jiangsu, with its capital in Nanchang. On the right, the water flow receives the effluents of the large lake in China Poyang. The lake is notable for the fact that fishing is prohibited in its waters. In this way, the Chinese authorities protect finless porpoises from destruction. There are about 300 of them living in the lake.

Yangtze River (China) on the plain

Leaving behind the lands of Jiangsu province, the Yangtze River meets the East China Sea and ends its long journey through the lands of the People's Republic of China. To the south of the confluence is the city of Shanghai. It has central status and borders the provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang with its capital in Hangzhou. The population of the metropolis is about 25 million people. But even at the beginning of the 20th century, Shanghai was a small fishing village.

In its lower course, the Yangtze carries mighty waters across the Great Chinese Plain. In addition to the main channel, which reaches a width of 2 km, the river forms numerous branches. The depth in these places reaches 20-30 meters. The water flow flows into the sea in two branches and at the confluence forms an estuary - the mouth of a river in which there is no river sediment due to strong sea currents. The area of ​​the estuary is 80 thousand square meters. km.


K: Rivers in alphabetical order K: Water bodies in alphabetical order K: Rivers up to 10,000 km in length K: River card: fill out: Yangtze Region Yangtze

The Yangtze basin covers about a fifth of China's territory and is home to about a third of the country's total population. Along with the Yellow River, the Yangtze is the most important river in the history, culture and economy of China. The prosperous Yangtze Delta region accounts for up to 20% of China's GDP. The Three Gorges hydroelectric power station on the Yangtze River is the largest hydroelectric power station in the world. The river is an important physical and cultural dividing line between North and South China.

The Yangtze River flows through a large number of ecosystems and is itself habitat for several endemic and endangered species, including Chinese river dolphins (now extinct), Chinese alligators, and Korean sturgeon. Some sections of the river are currently protected as nature reserves. The section of the Yangtze in western Yunnan, where the river flows through deep gorges, is part of the Three Parallel Rivers National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


The source of the Yangtze is located west of the Geladandun Tangla Mountain, in the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau at an altitude of about 5600 m above sea level. The river flows through the southern regions of Qinghai Province, and then turns south and along a deep valley that serves as the border between Sichuan and Tibet, reaching Yunnan Province. In this valley, located in the Sino-Tibetan mountains, the main drop in height occurs - from 5 thousand to 1 thousand m. Here the river changes direction several times and forms deep gorges, such as the Tiger Leaping Gorge.

River navigation starts from Shuifu County, Yunnan Province. Closer to the city of Yibin, which is located at the entrance of the river to the Sichuan Basin, the river drops to a height of 305 m, and near the city of Chongqing, the height of the river relative to the sea is 192 m. Flowing through the Sichuan Basin, the Yangtze merges with the large tributaries Minjiang and Jialingjiang, which significantly increase its volume. On a 320-kilometer stretch from Chongqing to Yichang, the Yangtze drops up to 40 m in height, flowing through deep gorges that are known for their beauty and difficulty of navigation. Making its way further through the Wushan Mountains, the river serves as a natural border between the provinces of Chongqing and Hubei and forms the famous “Three Gorges” (“Sanxia”). The world's largest hydropower structure, Sanxia, ​​was built in this area.

(Other authors, however, used the name Blue River only for the Sichuan tributary of the Yangtze, the Minjiang River, based on the informal name Qingshui 清水 - “Transparent Water” used in this region).


The average water flow near the mouth is 34 thousand m³ per second, the annual flow is estimated at 1070 km³ (4th place in the world). The solid flow of the Yangtze exceeds 280 million tons per year, which leads to rapid growth of the delta - on average by 1 km in 35-40 years. A large number of impurities also explains the yellow color of the river waters.

Along the coast of China is the Grand Canal, connecting the Yangtze to the Yellow River. In addition, since 2002, China began to implement a project to transfer water from south to north from the Yangtze basin to the Yellow River.

Average annual flow

The river's flow was measured for 64 years (1923-1986) in the city of Datong, located approximately 511 km from its mouth in the East China Sea.

In Datong, the average annual flow observed during this period was 28,811 m³/sec, with a watershed of 1,712,673 km². This area makes up more than 95% of the river's total catchment area, and the flow here is only slightly different from the final flow at the mouth.

The average rainfall in the river basin thus reaches 531 millimeters per year.

Average monthly discharge of the Yangtze River (in m³/s) measured at Datong gauging station
Measurements were carried out over 64 years


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The maximum water flow recorded in Datong City during this long observation period was 84,200 m³/s, while the minimum water flow was 1,110 m³/s.

Historical information

The civilization of southern China appeared on the banks of the lower Yangtze. Evidence of human activity 27 thousand years ago was found in the Three Gorges area. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the kingdom of Shu was located in the western part of the Yangtze, the kingdom of Chu occupied the central part of the river, and the kingdoms of Yue were located in the lower reaches of the river. Although the Yellow River region was richer and more developed at that time, the mild climate of the Yangtze was favorable to agriculture.

Historically, the Yangtze has served as the border between northern and southern China several times due to the difficulty of crossing it. Many battles took place along the river, including the famous Battle of Red Cliffs in 208 AD. e. during the Age of the Three Kingdoms.

On October 16, 1926, a Chinese transport exploded on the Yangtze River, near Klukiang; More than 1,200 people became victims of the tragedy.


As of 2013, there are two dams located on the Yangtze River: the Three Gorges and the Gezhouba. The third dam, Silodu, is currently under construction. Three more dams are in the design stage.


Expeditions to pioneer the Yangtze


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  1. - Encyclopaedia Britannica
  2. Accessed 2010-09-10
  3. . earthobservatory.nasa.gov. Retrieved November 3, 2009.
  4. , Accessed August 3, 2009
  5. Schuessler, Axel (2006), , ABC Chinese Dictionary Series, University of Hawaii Press, p. 306, ISBN 0824829751 ,
  6. For example, Academic Press for the Linnean Society of London, 1895
  7. in TSB
  8. Room, Adrian (2003), , McFarland, ISBN 0786418141 ,
  9. Davenport, Arthur (1877), , Harrison and Sons, pp. 10-11 ,
  10. Skryagin L.N."300 disasters that shocked the world."
  11. only on the section from Yibin to Shanghai
  12. (English)
  13. (English)
  14. (2002 Yangtze International Swim). (English)
  15. , by RICHARD H. SOLOMON. (Time Magazine, SEPTEMBER 27, 1999 VOL. 154 NO. 12)
  16. (English)


  • Grum-Grzhimailo G. E. ,.// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Muranov A. P.. - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1959. - 124 p. - (Rivers of the globe).


  • Yangtze / Muranov A.P. // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M. : Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978.

Excerpt describing the Yangtze

- Well, fellow countryman, they’ll put us here, or what? Ali to Moscow? - he said.
Pierre was so lost in thought that he did not hear the question. He looked first at the cavalry regiment that had now met the train of wounded, then at the cart where he stood and on which two wounded were sitting and one was lying, and it seemed to him that here, in them, lay the solution to the question that was occupying him. One of the soldiers sitting on the cart was probably wounded in the cheek. His whole head was tied with rags, and one cheek was swollen as big as a child's head. His mouth and nose were on one side. This soldier looked at the cathedral and crossed himself. The other, a young boy, a recruit, fair-haired and white, as if completely without blood in his thin face, looked at Pierre with a fixed, kind smile; the third lay face down, and his face was not visible. The choir cavalrymen passed right over the cart.
- Oh, it’s gone... yes, the hedgehog’s head...
“Yes, they are tenacious on the other side...” they performed a soldier’s dance song. As if echoing them, but in a different kind of fun, the metallic sounds of ringing were interrupted in the heights. And, in yet another kind of fun, the hot rays of the sun poured over the top of the opposite slope. But under the slope, near the cart with the wounded, next to the out of breath horse where Pierre was standing, it was damp, cloudy and sad.
The soldier with a swollen cheek looked angrily at the cavalrymen.
- Oh, dandies! – he said reproachfully.
“Today I’ve seen not only soldiers, but also peasants!” The peasants are being driven away too,” said the soldier standing behind the cart with a sad smile, addressing Pierre. - Nowadays they don’t understand... They want to attack all the people, one word - Moscow. They want to do one end. “Despite the vagueness of the soldier’s words, Pierre understood everything he wanted to say and nodded his head approvingly.
The road cleared, and Pierre went downhill and drove on.
Pierre drove along, looking on both sides of the road, looking for familiar faces and everywhere meeting only unfamiliar military faces of different branches of the army, who looked with equal surprise at his white hat and green tailcoat.
Having traveled about four miles, he met his first acquaintance and joyfully addressed him. This acquaintance was one of the leading doctors in the army. He was driving towards Pierre in a chaise, sitting next to a young doctor, and, recognizing Pierre, he stopped his Cossack, who was sitting on the box instead of the coachman.
- Count! Your Excellency, how are you here? - asked the doctor.
- Yes, I wanted to see...
- Yes, yes, there will be something to see...
Pierre got down and stopped talking with the doctor, explaining to him his intention to participate in the battle.
The doctor advised Bezukhov to contact His Serene Highness directly.
“Why, God knows where you are during a battle, in obscurity,” he said, exchanging glances with his young comrade, “but His Serene Highness still knows you and will receive you graciously.” “So, father, do it,” said the doctor.
The doctor seemed tired and in a hurry.
- So you think... And I also wanted to ask you, where is the position? - said Pierre.
- Position? - said the doctor. - This is not my thing. You will pass Tatarinova, there is a lot of digging going on there. There you will enter the mound: you can see from there,” said the doctor.
- And you can see from there?.. If you...
But the doctor interrupted him and moved towards the chaise.
“I would see you off, yes, by God,” here (the doctor pointed to his throat) I gallop to the corps commander. After all, how is it with us?.. You know, Count, tomorrow there is a battle: for a hundred thousand troops, a small number of twenty thousand wounded must be counted; but we have neither stretchers, nor beds, nor paramedics, nor doctors for six thousand. There are ten thousand carts, but other things are needed; do as you wish.
That strange thought that from among those thousands of people alive, healthy, young and old, who looked at his hat with cheerful surprise, there were probably twenty thousand doomed to wounds and death (perhaps the same ones he saw), – Pierre was amazed.
They might die tomorrow, why do they think about anything other than death? And suddenly, through some secret connection of thoughts, he vividly imagined the descent from Mozhaisk Mountain, carts with the wounded, the ringing of bells, the slanting rays of the sun and the song of the cavalrymen.
“Cavalrymen go to battle and meet the wounded, and do not think for a minute about what awaits them, but walk past and wink at the wounded. And out of all these, twenty thousand are doomed to death, and they are surprised at my hat! Strange!" - thought Pierre, heading further to Tatarinova.
At the landowner's house, on the left side of the road, there were carriages, vans, crowds of orderlies and sentries. The brightest one stood here. But at the time Pierre arrived, he was not there, and almost no one from the staff was there. Everyone was at the prayer service. Pierre drove forward to Gorki.
Having driven up the mountain and into a small street in the village, Pierre saw for the first time militia men with crosses on their hats and in white shirts, who were loudly talking and laughing, animated and sweaty, working something to the right of the road, on a huge mound overgrown with grass. .
Some of them were digging a mountain with shovels, others were transporting earth on planks in wheelbarrows, and others stood doing nothing.
Two officers stood on the mound, ordering them. Seeing these men, obviously still amused by their new, military situation, Pierre again remembered the wounded soldiers in Mozhaisk, and it became clear to him what the soldier wanted to express when he said that they wanted to attack the whole people. The sight of these bearded men working on the battlefield with their strange clumsy boots, with their sweaty necks and some of their shirts unbuttoned at the slanting collar, from under which the tanned bones of the collarbones were visible, affected Pierre more than anything else he had seen and heard so far. about the solemnity and significance of the present moment.

Pierre got out of the carriage and, past the working militia, ascended the mound from which, as the doctor told him, the battlefield could be seen.
It was about eleven o'clock in the morning. The sun stood somewhat to the left and behind Pierre and brightly illuminated through the clean, rare air the huge panorama that opened up before him like an amphitheater across the rising terrain.
Up and to the left along this amphitheater, cutting it, wound the great Smolensk road, passing through a village with a white church, which lay five hundred steps in front of the mound and below it (this was Borodino). The road crossed under the village across a bridge and, through ups and downs, wound higher and higher to the village of Valuev, visible six miles away (Napoleon was now standing there). Beyond Valuev, the road disappeared into a yellowing forest on the horizon. In this birch and spruce forest, to the right of the direction of the road, the distant cross and bell tower of the Kolotsk Monastery glittered in the sun. All along this blue distance, to the right and left of the forest and the road, in different places one could see smoking fires and indefinite masses of our and enemy’s troops. To the right, along the flow of the Kolocha and Moskva rivers, the area was gorged and mountainous. Between their gorges the villages of Bezzubovo and Zakharyino could be seen in the distance. To the left, the terrain was more level, there were fields with grain, and one smoking, burnt village could be seen - Semenovskaya.
Everything that Pierre saw to the right and to the left was so vague that neither the left nor the right side of the field completely satisfied his idea. Everywhere there was not the battle that he expected to see, but fields, clearings, troops, forests, smoke from fires, villages, mounds, streams; and no matter how much Pierre tried, he could not find a position in this lively area and could not even distinguish your troops from the enemy.
“We need to ask someone who knows,” he thought and turned to the officer, who was looking with curiosity at his huge non-military figure.
“Let me ask,” Pierre turned to the officer, “what village is ahead?”
- Burdino or what? - said the officer, turning to his comrade with a question.
“Borodino,” the other answered, correcting him.
The officer, apparently pleased with the opportunity to talk, moved towards Pierre.
- Are ours there? asked Pierre.
“Yes, and the French are further away,” said the officer. - There they are, visible.
- Where? Where? asked Pierre.
- You can see it with the naked eye. Yes, here you go! “The officer pointed to the smoke visible to the left across the river, and his face showed that stern and serious expression that Pierre had seen on many faces he met.
- Oh, these are the French! And there?.. - Pierre pointed to the left at the mound, near which troops could be seen.
- These are ours.
- Oh, ours! And there?.. - Pierre pointed to another distant mound with a large tree, near a village visible in the gorge, where fires were also smoking and something was black.
“It’s him again,” said the officer. (This was the Shevardinsky redoubt.) - Yesterday it was ours, and now it’s his.
– So what is our position?
- Position? - said the officer with a smile of pleasure. “I can tell you this clearly, because I built almost all of our fortifications.” You see, our center is in Borodino, right here. “He pointed to a village with a white church in front. - There is a crossing over Kolocha. Here, you see, where the rows of mown hay still lie in the low place, here is the bridge. This is our center. Our right flank is here (he pointed sharply to the right, far into the gorge), there is the Moscow River, and there we built three very strong redoubts. Left flank... - and then the officer stopped. - You see, it’s difficult to explain to you... Yesterday our left flank was right there, in Shevardin, you see, where the oak is; and now we have carried the left wing back, now there, there - see the village and the smoke? “This is Semenovskoye, right here,” he pointed to the Raevsky mound. “But it’s unlikely there will be a battle here.” That he transferred troops here is a deception; he will probably go around to the right of Moscow. Well, no matter where it is, many will be missing tomorrow! - said the officer.
The old non-commissioned officer, who approached the officer during his story, silently awaited the end of his superior's speech; but at this point he, obviously dissatisfied with the officer’s words, interrupted him.
“You have to go for the tours,” he said sternly.
The officer seemed embarrassed, as if he realized that he could think about how many people would be missing tomorrow, but he shouldn’t talk about it.
“Well, yes, send the third company again,” the officer said hastily.
- Who are you, not a doctor?
“No, I am,” answered Pierre. And Pierre went downhill again past the militia.
- Oh, damned ones! - said the officer following him, holding his nose and running past the workers.
“There they are!.. They’re carrying, they’re coming... There they are... they’re coming in now...” suddenly voices were heard, and officers, soldiers and militiamen ran forward along the road.
A church procession rose from under the mountain from Borodino. Ahead of everyone, infantry marched orderly along the dusty road with their shakos removed and guns lowered downwards. Church singing could be heard behind the infantry.
Overtaking Pierre, soldiers and militiamen ran without hats towards the marchers.
- They are carrying Mother! Intercessor!.. Iverskaya!..
“Mother of Smolensk,” corrected another.
The militia - both those who were in the village and those who worked at the battery - threw down their shovels and ran towards the church procession. Behind the battalion, walking along a dusty road, were priests in robes, one old man in a hood with a clergyman and a chanter. Behind them, soldiers and officers carried a large icon with a black face in the frame. It was an icon taken from Smolensk and from that time carried with the army. Behind the icon, around it, in front of it, from all sides, crowds of military men walked, ran and bowed to the ground with their heads naked.
Having ascended the mountain, the icon stopped; The people holding the icon on the towels changed, the sextons lit the censer again, and the prayer service began. The hot rays of the sun beat vertically from above; a weak, fresh breeze played with the hair of open heads and the ribbons with which the icon was decorated; the singing was heard softly open air. A huge crowd of officers, soldiers, and militiamen with their heads open surrounded the icon. Behind the priest and sexton, in a cleared area, stood the officials. One bald general with George around his neck stood right behind the priest and, without crossing himself (obviously, he was a man), patiently waited for the end of the prayer service, which he considered necessary to listen to, probably to arouse the patriotism of the Russian people. Another general stood in a militant pose and shook his hand in front of his chest, looking around him. Among this circle of officials, Pierre, standing in the crowd of men, recognized some acquaintances; but he did not look at them: all his attention was absorbed by the serious expression of faces in this crowd of soldiers and soldiers, monotonously greedily looking at the icon. As soon as the tired sextons (singing the twentieth prayer service) began to lazily and habitually sing: “Save your servants from troubles, Mother of God,” and the priest and deacon picked up: “As we all resort to you for God’s sake, as for an indestructible wall and intercession,” - to everyone the same expression of consciousness of the solemnity of the coming moment, which he saw under the mountain in Mozhaisk and in fits and starts on many, many faces he met that morning, flared up on their faces again; and more often heads were lowered, hair was shaken, and sighs and the blows of crosses on chests were heard.
The crowd surrounding the icon suddenly opened up and pressed Pierre. Someone, probably a very important person, judging by the haste with which they shunned him, approached the icon.
It was Kutuzov, driving around the position. He, returning to Tatarinova, approached the prayer service. Pierre immediately recognized Kutuzov by his special figure, different from everyone else.
In a long frock coat on a huge thick body, with a stooped back, an open white head and a leaky white eye on his swollen face, Kutuzov entered the circle with his diving, swaying gait and stopped behind the priest. He crossed himself with the usual gesture, reached his hand to the ground and, sighing heavily, lowered his gray head. Behind Kutuzov was Bennigsen and his retinue. Despite the presence of the commander-in-chief, who attracted the attention of all the highest ranks, the militia and soldiers continued to pray without looking at him.
When the prayer service ended, Kutuzov went up to the icon, fell heavily on his knees, bowing to the ground, and tried for a long time and could not get up from heaviness and weakness. His gray head twitched with effort. Finally, he stood up and, with a childishly naive stretching of his lips, kissed the icon and bowed again, touching the ground with his hand. The generals followed his example; then the officers, and behind them, crushing each other, trampling, puffing and pushing, with excited faces, soldiers and militia climbed.

Swaying from the crush that gripped him, Pierre looked around him.
- Count, Pyotr Kirilych! How are you here? - said someone's voice. Pierre looked around.
Boris Drubetskoy, cleaning his knees with his hand, which he had soiled (probably also kissing the icon), approached Pierre with a smile. Boris was dressed elegantly, with a touch of camp militancy. He was wearing a long frock coat and a whip over his shoulder, just like Kutuzov.
Meanwhile, Kutuzov approached the village and sat down in the shade of the nearest house on a bench, which one Cossack ran and quickly covered with a rug. A huge brilliant retinue surrounded the commander-in-chief.
The icon moved on, followed by the crowd. Pierre stopped about thirty paces from Kutuzov, talking to Boris.
Pierre explained his intention to participate in the battle and inspect the position.
“Here’s how to do it,” said Boris. – Je vous ferai les honneurs du camp. [I will treat you to the camp.] You will best see everything from where Count Bennigsen will be. I'm with him. I'll report to him. And if you want to go around the position, then come with us: we are now going to the left flank. And then we’ll come back, and you’re welcome to spend the night with me, and we’ll form a party. You know Dmitry Sergeich, right? He’s standing here,” he pointed to the third house in Gorki.
“But I would like to see the right flank; they say he is very strong,” said Pierre. – I would like to drive from the Moscow River and the entire position.
- Well, you can do that later, but the main one is the left flank...
- Yes Yes. Can you tell me where Prince Bolkonsky’s regiment is? asked Pierre.
- Andrey Nikolaevich? We'll pass by, I'll take you to him.
- What about the left flank? asked Pierre.
“To tell you the truth, entre nous, [between us], God knows what position our left flank is in,” said Boris, trustingly lowering his voice, “Count Bennigsen did not expect it at all.” He intended to strengthen that mound over there, not at all like that... but,” Boris shrugged. – His Serene Highness didn’t want to, or they told him to. After all... - And Boris did not finish, because at that time Kaysarov, Kutuzov’s adjutant, approached Pierre. - A! Paisiy Sergeich,” said Boris, turning to Kaisarov with a free smile, “But I’m trying to explain the position to the count.” It’s amazing how His Serene Highness could so correctly guess the intentions of the French!
– Are you talking about the left flank? - said Kaisarov.
- Yes yes exactly. Our left flank is now very, very strong.
Despite the fact that Kutuzov kicked out all unnecessary people from the headquarters, Boris, after the changes made by Kutuzov, managed to hold on to main apartment. Boris joined Count Bennigsen. Count Bennigsen, like all the people with whom Boris was, considered the young Prince Drubetskoy an unappreciated person.
There were two sharp, definite parties in command of the army: the party of Kutuzov and the party of Bennigsen, the chief of staff. Boris was present at this last game, and no one knew better than he, while paying servile respect to Kutuzov, to make one feel that the old man was bad and that the whole business was being conducted by Bennigsen. Now the decisive moment of the battle had come, which was either to destroy Kutuzov and transfer power to Bennigsen, or, even if Kutuzov had won the battle, to make it felt that everything had been done by Bennigsen. In any case, tomorrow should have been distributed big rewards and new people are brought forward. And as a result of this, Boris was in irritated animation all that day.
After Kaisarov, other of his acquaintances still approached Pierre, and he did not have time to answer the questions about Moscow with which they bombarded him, and did not have time to listen to the stories they told him. All faces expressed animation and anxiety. But it seemed to Pierre that the reason for the excitement expressed on some of these faces lay more in matters of personal success, and he could not get out of his head that other expression of excitement that he saw on other faces and which spoke of issues not personal, but general , matters of life and death. Kutuzov noticed the figure of Pierre and the group gathered around him.
“Call him to me,” said Kutuzov. The adjutant conveyed the wishes of his Serene Highness, and Pierre headed to the bench. But even before him, an ordinary militiaman approached Kutuzov. It was Dolokhov.

The Yangtze basin covers about a fifth of China's territory and is home to about a third of the country's total population. Along with the Yellow River, the Yangtze is the most important river in the history, culture and economy of China. The prosperous Yangtze Delta region accounts for up to 20% of China's GDP. The Three Gorges hydroelectric power station on the Yangtze River is the largest hydroelectric power station in the world. The river is an important physical and cultural dividing line between North and South China.

The Yangtze River flows through a large number of ecosystems and is itself habitat for several endemic and endangered species, including Chinese river dolphins (now extinct), Chinese alligators, and Korean sturgeon. Some sections of the river are currently protected as nature reserves. The section of the Yangtze in western Yunnan, where the river flows through deep gorges, is part of the Three Parallel Rivers National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


The source of the Yangtze is located west of the Geladandun Tangla Mountain, in the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau at an altitude of about 5600 m above sea level. The river flows through the southern regions of Qinghai Province, and then turns south and along a deep valley that serves as the border between Sichuan and Tibet, reaching Yunnan Province. In this valley, located in the Sino-Tibetan mountains, the main drop in height occurs - from 5 thousand to 1 thousand m. Here the river changes direction several times and forms deep gorges, such as the Tiger Leaping Gorge.

River navigation starts from Shuifu County, Yunnan Province. Closer to the city of Yibin, which is located at the entrance of the river to the Sichuan Basin, the river drops to a height of 305 m, and near the city of Chongqing, the height of the river relative to the sea is 192 m. Flowing through the Sichuan Basin, the Yangtze merges with the large tributaries Minjiang and Jialingjiang, which significantly increase its volume. On a 320-kilometer stretch from Chongqing to Yichang, the Yangtze drops up to 40 m in height, flowing through deep gorges that are known for their beauty and difficulty of navigation. Making its way further through the Wushan Mountains, the river serves as a natural border between the provinces of Chongqing and Hubei and forms the famous “Three Gorges” (“Sanxia”). The world's largest hydropower structure, Sanxia, ​​was built in this area.

(Other authors, however, used the name Blue River only for the Sichuan tributary of the Yangtze, the Minjiang River, based on the informal name Qingshui 清水 - “Transparent Water” used in this region).


Along the coast of China is the Grand Canal, connecting the Yangtze to the Yellow River. In addition, since 2002, China began to implement a project to transfer water from south to north from the Yangtze basin to the Yellow River.

Average annual flow

The river's flow was measured for 64 years (1923-1986) in the city of Datong, located approximately 511 km from its mouth in the East China Sea.

In Datong, the average annual flow observed during this period was 28,811 m³/sec, with a watershed of 1,712,673 km². This area makes up more than 95% of the river's total catchment area, and the flow here is only slightly different from the final flow at the mouth.

The average rainfall in the river basin thus reaches 531 millimeters per year.

Average monthly discharge of the Yangtze River (in m³/s) measured at Datong gauging station
Measurements were carried out over 64 years


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The maximum water flow recorded in Datong City during this long observation period was 84,200 m³/s, while the minimum water flow was 1,110 m³/s.

Historical information

The civilization of southern China appeared on the banks of the lower Yangtze. Evidence of human activity 27 thousand years ago was found in the Three Gorges area. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the kingdom of Shu was located in the western part of the Yangtze, the kingdom of Chu occupied the central part of the river, and the kingdoms of Yue were located in the lower reaches of the river. Although the Yellow River region was richer and more developed at that time, the mild climate of the Yangtze was favorable to agriculture.

Historically, the Yangtze has served as the border between northern and southern China several times due to the difficulty of crossing it. Many battles took place along the river, including the famous Battle of Red Cliffs in 208 AD. e. during the Age of the Three Kingdoms.

On October 16, 1926, a Chinese transport exploded on the Yangtze River, near Klukiang; More than 1,200 people became victims of the tragedy.


As of 2013, there are two dams located on the Yangtze River: the Three Gorges and the Gezhouba. The third dam, Silodu, is currently under construction. Three more dams are in the design stage.


Expeditions to pioneer the Yangtze


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  1. - Encyclopaedia Britannica
  2. Accessed 2010-09-10
  3. . earthobservatory.nasa.gov. Retrieved November 3, 2009.
  4. , Accessed August 3, 2009
  5. Schuessler, Axel (2006), , ABC Chinese Dictionary Series, University of Hawaii Press, p. 306, ISBN 0824829751 ,
  6. For example, Academic Press for the Linnean Society of London, 1895
  7. in TSB
  8. Room, Adrian (2003), , McFarland, ISBN 0786418141 ,
  9. Davenport, Arthur (1877), , Harrison and Sons, pp. 10-11 ,
  10. Skryagin L.N."300 disasters that shocked the world."
  11. only on the section from Yibin to Shanghai
  12. (English)
  13. (English)
  14. (2002 Yangtze International Swim). (English)
  15. , by RICHARD H. SOLOMON. (Time Magazine, SEPTEMBER 27, 1999 VOL. 154 NO. 12)
  16. (English)


  • Grum-Grzhimailo G. E. ,. Yang-tzu-jiang // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Muranov A. P.. - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1959. - 124 p. - (Rivers of the globe).


  • Yangtze / Muranov A.P. // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M. : Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
whale. 长江
Source of the river


1,808,500 km²

Water consumption

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- Height

- Coordinates

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Excerpt describing the Yangtze

To be honest, even when we saw the Holy City, it seemed very familiar to me. And I also had similar thoughts as soon as I saw the Magi. But I immediately drove them away, not wanting to entertain vain “rosy hopes”... It was too important and too serious, and I just waved my hand to Stella, as if saying that we’ll talk later, when we’re alone. I understood that Stella would be upset, because, as always, she wanted to immediately get an answer to her question. But in this moment, in my opinion, it was not nearly as important as what Isidora told wonderful story, and I mentally asked Stella to wait. I smiled guiltily at Isidora, and she responded with her wonderful smile and continued...
My gaze was caught by a powerful, tall old man who had something subtly similar to my beloved father, who suffered in the basements of Caraffa. For some reason, I immediately understood - this was the Lord... the Great White Magus. His amazing, piercing, powerful gray eyes looked at me with deep sadness and warmth, as if he was telling me the last “Farewell!”...
– Come, Child of Light, we will forgive you...
From him suddenly came a wondrous, joyful white Light, which, enveloping everything around in a soft glow, embraced me in a gentle embrace, penetrating into the most hidden corners of my pain-torn Soul... The Light permeated every cell, leaving in it only goodness and peace, “ washing away pain and sadness, and all the bitterness that has accumulated over the years. I soared in a magical radiance, forgetting everything “earthly cruel”, everything “evil and false”, feeling only the wondrous touch of Eternal Existence... The feeling was amazing!!! And I mentally begged - if only it would not end... But, according to the capricious desire of fate, everything beautiful always ends faster than we would like it...
– We gifted you with FAITH, it will help you, Child... Hear it... And sling, Isidora...
I didn’t even have time to answer, but the Magi “flashed” with a wondrous Light and... leaving the smell of flowering meadows, they disappeared. Sever and I were left alone... I sadly looked around - the cave remained just as mysterious and sparkling, but it no longer had that pure quality in it. warm light, penetrating into the very soul...
– This was the Father of Jesus, wasn’t it? – I asked carefully.
- Just like the grandfather and great-grandfather of his son and grandchildren, whose death also lies to blame on his soul...
– ?!..
“Yes, Isidora, He is the one who bears the bitter burden of pain... And you will never be able to imagine how great it is...” Sever answered sadly.
– Perhaps it would not be so bitter today if He had taken pity on the good people who were dying from the ignorance and cruelty of others?.. If He had responded to the call of his wonderful and bright Son, instead of giving him up to be tortured evil executioners? If even now he would not just continue to “watch” from his height how the “holy” accomplices of Caraffa burn Sorcerers and Witches in the squares?.. How is he better than Caraffa, if he does not prevent such Evil, North?! After all, if he is able to help, but does not want to, all this earthly horror will forever lie on him! And neither the reason nor the explanation is important when a beautiful human life is at stake!.. I will never be able to understand this, Sever. And I will not “leave” while they are being destroyed here good people, while my earthly Home will be destroyed. Even if I never see my real one... This is my destiny. And therefore - goodbye...
- Goodbye, Isidora. Peace to your soul... Forgive me.
I was again in “my” room, in my dangerous and merciless existence... And everything that had just happened seemed like just a wonderful dream that I would never dream of again in this life... Or a beautiful fairy tale, in which a “happy ending” was probably waiting for someone. But not me... I felt sorry for my failed life, but I was very proud of my brave girl, who will be able to comprehend this whole great Miracle... if Caraffa does not destroy her before she can defend herself.
The door opened noisily - an enraged Caraffa stood on the threshold.
– Well, where did you “walk”, Madonna Isidora? – my tormentor asked in a feignedly sweet voice.
– I wanted to visit my daughter, Your Holiness. But I couldn't...
I didn't care what he thought or whether my "outing" made him angry. My soul hovered far away, in the amazing White City, which showed me the East, and everything around me seemed distant and miserable. But, unfortunately, Caraffa did not allow me to go into dreams for a long time... Immediately sensing my changed mood, “Holiness” panicked.
– Did they let you into Meteora, Madonna Isidora? – Karaffa asked as calmly as possible.
I knew that in his heart he was simply “burning”, wanting to get an answer faster, and I decided to torment him until he told me where my father was now.
– Does it matter, Your Holiness? After all, my father is with you, from whom you can ask everything that naturally I will not answer. Or have you not yet had time to interrogate him enough?
– I do not advise you to talk to me in such a tone, Isidora. His fate will largely depend on how you intend to behave. Therefore, try to be more polite.
“How would you behave if, instead of mine, your father, Holiness, was here?” I asked, trying to change the topic that had become dangerous.
– If my father was a HERETIC, I would burn him at the stake! – Caraffa answered completely calmly.
What kind of soul did this “holy” man have?!.. And did he even have one?.. What then was there to talk about strangers, if he could answer this about his own father?..
“Yes, I was in Meteora, Your Holiness, and I really regret that I will never go there again...” I answered sincerely.
- Were you really kicked out of there too, Isidora? – Caraffa laughed in surprise.
– No, Holiness, I was invited to stay. I left on my own...
- It can not be so! There is no such person who would not want to stay there, Isidora!
- Well, why? And my father, Holiness?
“I don’t believe he was allowed to.” I think he should have left. It's just that his time is probably up. Or the Gift was not strong enough.
It seemed to me that he was trying, at all costs, to convince himself of what he really wanted to believe.
“Not all people love only themselves, you know...” I said sadly. – There is something more important than power or strength. There is still Love in the world...
Karaffa waved me off like an annoying fly, as if I had just said some complete nonsense...
– Love doesn’t rule the world, Isidora, but I want to rule it!
“A person can do anything... until he starts trying, Your Holiness,” I couldn’t resist, “biting.”
And remembering something that she definitely wanted to know about, she asked:
– Tell me, Your Holiness, do you know the truth about Jesus and Magdalene?
– Do you mean that they lived in Meteora? – I nodded. - Surely! That was the first thing I asked them!
“How is this possible?!..” I asked, stunned. – Did you also know that they were not Jews? – Caraffa nodded again. – But you don’t talk about this anywhere?.. Nobody knows about it! But what about the TRUTH, Your Holiness?!..
“Don’t make me laugh, Isidora!” Karaffa laughed sincerely. - You real child! Who needs your “truth”?.. The crowd that has never looked for it?!.. No, my dear, Truth is needed only by a handful of thinkers, and the crowd should simply “believe”, well, but what – it no longer matters of great importance. The main thing is that people obey. And what is presented to them is already secondary. TRUTH is dangerous, Isidora. Where the Truth is revealed, doubts appear, well, and where doubts arise, war begins... I am waging MY war, Isidora, and so far it gives me true pleasure! The world has always been based on lies, you see... The main thing is that this lie should be interesting enough so that it can lead “narrow-minded” minds... And believe me, Isidora, if at the same time you begin to prove to the crowd the real Truth that refutes them "faith" in who knows what, you will be torn apart by this same crowd...
- Is it really so smart person, how can Your Holiness organize such self-betrayal?.. You burn the innocent, hiding behind the name of the same slandered, and equally innocent God? How can you lie so shamelessly, Your Holiness?!..
“Oh, don’t worry, dear Isidora!” Karaffa smiled. – My conscience is completely calm! I did not erect this God, and I will not overthrow him. But I will be the one who will cleanse the Earth of heresy and fornication! And believe me, Isidora, on the day when I “leave” there will be no one left to burn on this sinful Earth!
I felt bad... My heart jumped out, unable to listen to such nonsense! Therefore, quickly getting ready, I tried to avoid the topic he liked.
- Well, what about the fact that you are the head of the most holy Christian church? Don't you think that it would be your duty to reveal to people the truth about Jesus Christ?..
– It is precisely because I am his “deputy on Earth” that I will continue to remain silent, Isidora! That's why...
I looked at him, eyes wide open, and could not believe that I was really hearing all this... Again - Caraffa was extremely dangerous in his madness, and it was unlikely that there was a medicine somewhere that could help him .
- Enough empty talk! – suddenly, rubbing his hands contentedly, the “holy father” exclaimed. – Come with me, my dear, I think this time I will still be able to stun you!..
If only he knew how well he always succeeded in this!.. My heart ached, foreboding evil. But there was no choice - I had to go...

Smiling contentedly, Karaffa literally “dragged” me by the hand along long corridor, until we finally stopped at a heavy door decorated with patterned gold. He turned the handle and... Oh, gods!!!.. I found myself in my favorite Venetian room, in our native family palazzo...
Looking around in shock, unable to come to my senses from the “surprise” that had so unexpectedly struck, I calmed my jumping-out heart, unable to breathe! wonderful years, then not yet ruined by the anger of a cruel man... who, for some reason, recreated here (!) today my dear, but long-lost, happy world... In this miraculously “resurrected” room, every personal dear to me was present thing, every little thing I love!.. Unable to take my eyes off all this sweet and so familiar surroundings, I was afraid to move, so as not to accidentally frighten away the wondrous vision...
– Do you like my surprise, Madonna? – Satisfied with the effect produced, asked Karaffa.
The most incredible thing was that this strange man completely sincerely did not understand what deep mental pain he caused me with his “surprise”!.. Seeing HERE (!!!) what was once the real “hearth” of my family happiness and peace, I wanted only one thing - to rush at this terrible “holy” Pope and strangle him in a mortal embrace until his terrifying black soul flies away from him forever... But instead of realizing what I wanted so much, I just tried to pull myself together , so that Caraffa would not hear how my voice was trembling, and said as calmly as possible:
- Excuse me, Your Holiness, can I stay here alone for a while?
- Well, of course, Isidora! These are now your chambers! Hope you like them.
Did he really not understand what he was doing?!.. Or, on the contrary, he knew perfectly well?.. And it was just that his restless atrocity “had fun”, which still could not find peace, inventing some new tortures for me? !.. Suddenly I was struck by a burning thought - what, in this case, happened to everything else?.. What happened to our wonderful home, which we all loved so much? What happened to the servants and servants, to all the people who lived there?!
“Can I ask Your Holiness what happened to our ancestral palace in Venice?” I whispered in a voice that had shrunk from excitement. – What happened to those who lived there?.. You didn’t throw people out into the street, I hope? They don’t have another home, Holiness!..
Karaffa winced with displeasure.
- For mercy, Isidora! Should you take care of them now?.. Your house, as you, of course, understand, has now become our property holy church. And everything that was connected with him is no longer your concern!
– My house, like everything that is inside it, Your Holiness, after the death of my beloved husband, Girolamo, belongs to my daughter Anna while she is alive! – I exclaimed indignantly. – Or does the “holy” church no longer consider her a resident in this world?!
Everything was seething inside me, although I perfectly understood that by getting angry, I was only complicating my already hopeless situation. But Caraffa’s impudence and impudence, I am sure, could not leave anyone calm normal person! Even when it was just about desecrated memories dear to his heart...
– As long as Anna is alive, she will be here, Madonna, and serve our beloved holy church! Well, if, unfortunately for her, she changes her mind, she, one way or another, will no longer need your wonderful home! – Karaffa hissed furiously. – Don’t overdo it in your zeal to find justice, Isidora! It can only harm you. My patience also has limits... And I sincerely do not advise you to cross them!..
Turning sharply, he disappeared through the door, without even saying goodbye or informing how long I could remain alone in my so unexpectedly resurrected past...
Time stopped... mercilessly throwing me, with the help of Caraffa’s sick fantasy, into my happy, cloudless days, not at all worrying that such an unexpected “reality” could simply stop my heart...
I sadly sank down on a chair by the familiar mirror, in which the beloved faces of my relatives were so often once reflected... And now, surrounded by dear ghosts, I sat all alone... Memories suffocated with the power of their beauty and deeply executed with bitter sadness our departed happiness...
Once upon a time (now it seemed like a very long time ago!) at this same huge mirror I combed my little Anna’s wonderful, silky hair every morning, playfully giving her her first children’s lessons at the “witch” school... In the same mirror, Girolamo’s eyes, burning with love, were reflected , affectionately hugging me by the shoulders... This mirror reflected thousands of carefully preserved, wondrous moments that now stirred my wounded, tormented soul to the very depths.
Here, nearby, on a small night table, stood a wonderful malachite box in which rested my magnificent jewelry, so generously once given to me by my kind husband, and which aroused the wild envy of the rich and capricious Venetians in those distant, bygone days... Only today this box was empty... Someone’s dirty, greedy hands managed to “put away” everything, the “shiny trinkets” stored there, appreciating only the monetary value of each individual thing... For me, it was my memory, these were the days of my pure happiness: the evening of my wedding... the birth of Anna... some of my, long forgotten victories or events of our life together, each of which was marked by a new work of art, the right to which only I had the right... These were not just “stones” that were expensive, it was the care of my Girolamo, his desire to make me smile, and his admiration for my beauty, which he was so sincerely and deeply proud, and loved so honestly and passionately... And now these pure memories were touched by someone’s lustful, greedy fingers, on which, shriveled, our desecrated love wept bitterly...
In this strange “resurrected” room, my favorite books lay everywhere, and the good old piano was sadly waiting alone by the window... On the silk bedspread of the wide bed, Anna’s first doll, who was now almost the same age as her unfortunate one, smiled cheerfully, persecuted mistress... Only the doll, unlike Anna, did not know sadness, and the evil man was not able to hurt her...
I growled from unbearable pain, like a dying animal, ready for its last mortal leap... Memories burned out the soul, remaining so wonderfully real and alive that it seemed that right now the door would open and a smiling Girolamo would begin right from the doorway with passion to tell last news of the bygone day... Or cheerful Anna will rush in like a whirlwind, pouring an armful of roses onto my lap, saturated with the smell of a wonderful, warm Italian summer...
This was OUR happy world, which could not, should not have been within the walls of the Caraffa castle!.. It could not have a place in this den of lies, violence and death...
But no matter how indignant I was in my soul, I had to somehow pull myself together in order to calm my jumping-out heart, without succumbing to longing for the past. For memories, even the most beautiful ones, could easily end my already quite fragile life, not allowing me to end with Caraffa... Therefore, trying to somehow “protect” myself from the dear, but at the same time deeply wounding memory of the soul , I turned away and went out into the corridor... There was no one nearby. Apparently Caraffa was so confident in his victory that he didn’t even guard the door to my “chambers.” Or, on the contrary, he understood too well that there was no point in protecting me, since I could “leave” him at any moment I wanted, despite any efforts and prohibitions he made... One way or another - no stranger there was no presence, no security outside the door of “my” chambers.
Melancholy choked me, and I wanted to run away without looking back, if only away from that wonderful ghostly world, where every memory that surfaced took a drop of my soul, leaving it empty, cold and lonely...
Gradually recovering from the “surprise” that had fallen so unexpectedly, I finally realized that for the first time I was walking alone along the wonderfully painted corridor, almost not noticing the incredible luxury and wealth of the Caraffa palace. Before that, having only had the opportunity to go down to the basement, or accompany Caraffa to some meetings that only interested him, now I looked in surprise at the amazing walls and ceilings, completely covered with paintings and gilding, which seemed to have no end. It was not the Vatican, nor the official Papal residence. It was just Caraffa's personal palace, but it was in no way inferior in beauty and luxury to the Vatican itself. Once upon a time, I remember, when Caraffa was not yet the “most holy” Pope and was only an ardent fighter against the “spreading heresy,” his house was more like a huge fortress of an ascetic who truly gave his life for his “just cause,” no matter how it was not absurd or terrible for others. Now he was the richest, “eating” (with the pleasure of a gourmet!) his limitless power and power, a man... who too quickly replaced the lifestyle of a true “monk” with the easy gold of the Vatican. He still firmly believed in the rightness of the Inquisition and human fires, only now they were mixed with a thirst for the enjoyment of life and a wild desire for immortality... which no gold in the world (to everyone’s happiness!) could buy him.