Child 3 5 months Psychology. Child development in the fourth month

Physical development at 3.5 years. The weight of boys at 3.5 years is 14.2-16.4 kg, an increase - 95-102.5 cm. Medium weight Girls are 14-16.2 kg, an increase - 95.5-102 cm. Head circle - approximately 48-52 cm.

Be prepared for the fact that at this age you will have to buy very often new shoes And clothes. Sometimes moms are complained that "bought and have never managed to wear." This is just characteristic of the baby aged 3.5 years.

Skills and skills at 3.5 years.

Often parents of the kids, who turned 3,5 years old, are surprised: "How does he do it? Who taught?". And no one taught! The child himself thought, because he grows. And that's what your crumb is already able: folds rather complicated designs during the game in the cubes. Great rides a bike, rich obstacles. The baby learned to rise and descend the stairs without holding the railing (at such moments always beside).

Your crumb has become more flexible. Therefore, at 3.5 years, many parents think about not to lose their skills acquired. This is a great idea, even if you do not plan to raise the future champion.

Your child is already able:

  • stand on one leg for at least 5 seconds;
  • jump on one leg;
  • jump on two legs (in place, long);
  • catch the ball with both hands without pressed it to the chest;
  • run not falling.

The largest children's achievement is 3.5 years old - the child learns to perform several actions at the same time. But this is rather not a physiological breakthrough, but psychological: the children's brain is already quite developed to coordinate the body's work.

At this age, children's speech is still at the formation stage. But the successes are already noticeable. Your child can:

  • retell a familiar fairy tale close to the text.
  • essential speech words title parts of items.
  • use in speech. Celling verbs (I will do, I want to eat).
  • in the temper.
  • distinguish words that differ in one phoneplace (type of beetle - bow).

Check if your child can:

  • Move you to play with him in fairy tales, distribute the roles, depict the voice of various heroes fairy tales.
  • Call animals: wild, homely. Must know how they are called their young. (horse-foal).
  • To be able to describe in 2-3 sentences: who is in the picture, what the ears have, that keeps in the paws, etc.
  • Call various actions: Wolf runs, fish floats, squirrel sits ...


If you went to work by the time of maternity leave, then work for half a year. Not the simplest time, right? And if your baby went to kindergarten At the age of three, your labor weekdays are interrupted on sick leave. - And your own, and children.

  • Find the same items in the picture, determine their color. Draw on a piece of paper, for example, 2 houses and 2 bears and to read the path to the house from each pasta. It is desirable that these paths intersect. Suggest a child with eyes to trace the path of every bear to his house and show who lives. If the baby makes it difficult to do it visually, then offer him a finger along the path, paint the figures on the sample.
  • Search for a few differences in the picture. If the child makes it difficult, then ask him leading questions.
  • Consider a picture with 3-4 objects. The child must name items. Then you close the book and ask the child to call what he remembered.
  • Engage in the development of shallow motors: Lepate, draw as your fingers and pencils, collect simple large puzzles, etc.). All this is very important, since thinking is developing clearly, and the development of speech is directly related to the development of small motility.
  • Draw and conduct vertical, horizontal and inclined lines of the desired size. To do this, you can offer to trick the fence, rays at the Sun, rain, etc. Also, your crumb should be able to draw rounded items.
Explore the letters: Start with those that are easy to pronounce ("A", "O", and so on), and end to the pronunciation of "h", "f", "u". Letters can be drawn, make out of plasticine (and play with them), from dough, wool, lay out from crumbs and beans. Use this period - between the fourth and fifth years, the child remembers the fact that he is offered, but it is best to remember what is interesting for him. therefore game form will be the best option To explore poems, song or foreign words. Do not forget to explain the baby, what happens in the poem - he must understand what it tells. This is how the semantic memory is formed.

To-do list

  • Quarterly attend the children's dentist. IN childhood Baby teeth can collapse very quickly. Therefore, dentists recommend quite frequent preventive inspections - 4 times a year (quarterly).
  • Follow the children's posture. Problems with posture occur sometimes unexpectedly for parents - children simply copy their friends in the garden, for example. Therefore, if you notice something wrong with the posture, the child began to slouch, for example, - do not postpone the visit to the children's orthopedic.
  • Write down the child in the sports section (in foreign language classes, in creative groups). Diverse children's leisure. Choose what is close to the child: Sport, foreign language, Hobbies associated with creativity.

For three months, the infants are increasingly adapted and gets used to the new world, it acquires useful skills and reflexes. Reactions and emotions become more diverse and meaningful. For the baby, as in previous months of life, it remains important to breastfeeding and attention of moms. Breast milk, body and emotional contact with mom positively affects the physical and mental development of the child.

What a child knows in 3 months

The development of the child in 3 months is characterized by the fact that he learned to meaning the expression of emotions. There is a loud laughter when the child is satisfied, or a sharp cry, when the baby does not like something. In addition, individual intonations of votes are manifested. Let's list that you should be able to know the baby in three months:

  • Manage your own hands;
  • Take and hold the toys in your hands, bring toys to your own face, reach to the suspended toys with your hands;
  • Roll over the back on the side, from the back on the stomach and from the belly on the back;
  • Lifting on the elbows lying on the stomach;
  • Confidently hold your head, lying on the stomach;
  • Laugh out loud;
  • Fix the gaze on the toy, small objects and a large pattern;
  • Notice the subject of the position lying on the back, on the side and on the stomach, in the hands of an adult;
  • Monitor the movement of large objects;
  • Listen to the sound of rattles and turn the head to the sound source;
  • Look at the talking person and listen to music, singing, etc.

As can be seen, the physical and mental development of the child went far ahead compared to the first weeks of life. In addition, in the third month, the sense of smell is beginning to develop. Now the baby should recognize mom not only by touch, voice or appearance, but also by smell.

Correct child care in 3 months

Food, as in previous months, must consist of breast milk. Only breastfeeding will ensure the correct physical and mental development of the child. Breast milk 100% satisfies the needs of the kid in drink and food. It saturates the body's infants necessary vitamins and minerals, strengthens the bones and forms immunity, positively affects the work of the internal organs.

By three months the amount of applying is 6-10 times in the afternoon with a period of 2.5-3.5 hours and about two times at night. The volume of milk consumed at the same time is 100-150 ml per feeding.

Daily regime. Sleep the baby is shrinking for three months to 10-11 hours at night and up to 5-6 hours. Sleep standards for children at this age are 15-17 hours a day. The rest of the time the kid behaves actively. Then use educational games, gymnastics, swimming and massage. Constantly talking to the baby, tell the fairy tales and poems. Do not raise your voice! At this time, it is already worth abandoning and wrapped. The kid must move freely!

Gymnastics and swimming. Completely perform a set of exercises, which is recommended for the execution of pediatricians. To standard gymnastics and swimming during this period, hardening in the form of air baths. Swimming classes can be held every day for 20-30 minutes. The water temperature should not be below 32 degrees. For regular occupations The kid will soon hold onto the water on its own. Use support, diving, shocks and turns.

Hygiene - The key to successful development and strong health of the child. It is important to provide hygiene rates that include daily bathing and water procedures. Completely rub the body, hands and face with wet wipes, wipe your eyes using cotton discs moistened in warm water. True your nails, change every 2-3 hours.

Wash the baby with soap it follows no more than two times a week. After the water procedures ended, clean the baby thoroughly. He should always be dry! Do not forget about yourself. We wash your hands more often, especially before feeding.

Massage Posseably affects the health and well-being of the baby, soothes and relaxes. Massify legs and handles, back and head with light movements, do not press the body and do not squeeze the skin! When colic, circular movements clockwise helps well. By the way, for three months, colic is reduced and the baby is tormented less! During the massage, be sure to talk and communicate with the child. It is not worth starting the procedures if the infants are cut or in a bad mood. Read more, what massage treatments are suitable for infant, read.

Walk - the most important element in the development of the child. At the age of three months, the infants does not reach Vitamin D, which strengthens the bone and prevents Rahit. The sun rays contain a large amount of this vitamin! Fresh air improves appetite, sleep and mood. The baby will sleep well and sleep hard.

For comfortable temperature The duration of the walk is 1.5-2 hours two or three times a day. In the heat or cold, you should not walk longer than 30-40 minutes. At temperatures above 25 degrees of heat, do not walk in the time interval between 11 and 16 hours. Stay in the shade and use, because gentle skin infants can burn in 5-10 minutes.

Physical development

In a three-month-old child, the movement of hands and legs becomes more coordinated. Children become more movable, and many of them are easily turned away from the back on the tummy and back. Breasts can take and bring a toy to face, tighten the handles to hanging toys. At this age, the relationship between vision and hearing is formed. In addition, the child grows, adds weight and growth. The table indicates exemplary physical parameters that are characteristic of children in 3 months.

Each child has its own development features, so the indicators are conditional may differ from the norm. Deviations are not at all talking about the problems in the development and health of the kid. If the infants are active and vigorous, eats well and sleeps, there are no reasons for anxiety. By the way, there is a special formula that will help calculate the correct weight of the infant depending on the age and mass at birth. You will find this formula.

Educational games

Games - an integral element in the development of the child. At three months, the infants already move freely with her fingers, so at this time they begin to develop a small motorcy.

Let's kid special bags with filler. Such bags are easy to do. As the main fabric, take natural materials that will not cause allergies! Inside the bag, you can put the cut paper, cotton wool, small pebbles, buckwheat or peas. Let the kid take the bags and feel the contents. It not only develops a small motorcy, but is a good hand massage.

Games at this age are simple and short. They are accompanied by cheerful poems and fun. Constantly talking to the baby, actively use various facial expressions and expressions of the face, various intonations in the voice. The kid can already copy the Mimic movements and some sounds. More often, turn on the child music. What it is more diverse, the better.

Do not forget about games with a rattle. It develops perfectly with rumor and attention from a child. Choose bright rattles, in three months the kid well perceives red, yellow and orange colors. At the same time, the toy should not be too loud, otherwise she scares the child. And for the development of sight, every day, show the baby toy a medium size and moderate brightness at a distance of 40-50 cm, then slowly drive the object from side to the side. From each week gradually increase the distance.

Be sure to hang color toys over a playpen or baby cot. Choose such products by knocking on which you can hear the sound. At this time, the baby starts to acquaint with the pictures. Choose books with large bright and simple illustrations. When viewing, be sure to pronounce and call each item and item.

Developing classes and games should not last more than 20 minutes. At the same time, the procedures and exercises should constantly change. Because the same type of activity is a tip of a child, and it will switch attention to another. In addition, a three-month baby is far from everything can perceive for a long time. So, music and poems he perceives 3-5 minutes. Stop games if the baby is crying, tired or lost interest.

Your miracle is 3 months old. This is amazing! Every month the baby pleases you with new abilities, re-opening the world to you. Its neuropsychic and physical development is accelerated by seven-miletts. The behavior of the crumbs becomes more conscious, visual, auditory and tactile feelings are already more meaningful and ceased to be instinctive.

His smile became a permanent companion - he rejoices to familiar persons and subjects, consciously waving his handles and legs, his torso and neck became more mobile. He is constantly looking for new images, examines space, delays a look at interesting subjects. In the fourth month, the most interesting toy for the baby is himself.

What's new

The main achievement of this month is the ability to keep your head and accurately follow the movement of the subject, whether it is a toy or mother's face. In addition, in the fourth month, most children establish binocular vision (work of both eyes together), which allows them to evaluate the distance to the subject and follow it.

The child grows in front of his eyes: he will vividly react to sounds, finds out his mother and rejoices it to every appearance. He is now much more interesting to communicate with adults. When communicating, the kid smiles, and sometimes even laughs. Only recently you have rejoiced the first smile of your handsome, and now, it has not passed and the month, as he is already laughing! Cheerful laughter can cause a child and a smile of an adult, but most often he laughs when it is tickling and played, for example, throw up.

Trys to utter vowel sounds (similar to the sounds "A", "s", "y").

What does a child look like in 3 months

Physical development of a child in 3 months

Gradually, the child begins to turn from the back on the side. If he does not do it yourself, play and help him. Show your baby bright items or sounding toys a little away, but within the edge of the child's view. The child will turn his head, and after the head will turn first shoulders, and then the torso. Some children can roll out from the belly on the back.

In 3 months, a significant part of the children hold their head along the body axis. Translated into the sitting position, the child holds his head straight a few seconds before it fell ahead. The back is still round.

Being in the hands of an adult in a vertical position, the child keeps his head well enough and torso.

In the position lying on the stomach, the child rests on the forearm. It is at the expense of support for the forearm by 3.5 months the kid can raise his head almost to an angle of 90 degrees, keep it straight and try to look in front of him, and fingers to make attempts to scratch the surface in front of them.

If you put a child with my legs on a solid surface and maintained under the mouse, it can periodically rest on her legs for a few seconds. But your legs are still bent in the knee and hip joints. Use this motor skill of the child as a physical exercise should not be, because the musculoskeletal system is not ready for standing and walking.


If the child at the same time is strongly restricted with straightened legs, it becomes socks, and when the upper part of the body is tightened forward, repeated and fast stepper movements are needed, it is necessary to immediately contact the children's neurologist. Such standing and gait are not signs of accelerated child development. On the contrary, it is a sign of the lag and brain damage. After all, such "standing" and "walking" are normal only for the first weeks of life. This is the so-called automated launch of a newborn, which took place from the monkeys. Some fashion techniques of accelerated development of children are abused by this and other "monkey" reflexes. Their authors argue that children from birth can already walk and crawl. Without possessing the necessary scientific knowledge, they do not understand that these reflexes only externally resemble the real motor acts of a person.

During this period, small movements are becoming a variety of hands, you can even talk about the consciousness of many movements.

From 3.5 months, brush cuts together and plays with her fingers. Closer to 4 months presses the palms one to the other, and then breed them.

Test game
When the child appears in the field of view, a bright and especially new toys can observe the movements of both hands in the direction of this toy with trying to touch it and capture. So there is a grasping function.

Test-game exercise
Give the opportunity to make as many feeling movements as possible with your hands. At the same time, the child should see the item that he feels. To do this, invest in the child's hand and attract his visual attention to this subject. Form, value, the texture of such objects should be diverse, but convenient for capturing. Talk all the time with the child, call your actions. Closer to 4 months, along with the name of actions, pronounce those sounds that heard earlier from the baby: "Abu", "AGU", "Bu-bu", "A-A-A", "Oh", "Ga- ha, etc. It will contribute to the development of the speech of the baby.

Continue to use a special rocker-trapezoid-turner with toys attached to the bed or maneju. With age, the use of these toys is changing. From simple looking at (in 1 month) and touch (in 2 months), a child from 3 months passes to the capture of toys. Distance to toys - elongated child's hands or lower. Swing to get enough difficult to get enough: they repel from the hands of the child - so they begin to annoy him. Toys should be well fixed and almost motionless. If they are moving, then there should be at least convenient for capture, so do not hang balls, smooth rounded items, etc. It is better to hang rings, bells, etc. Even before the child learn to capture the toy well and pull it In the mouth, you need to take care of the safety of the baby. The crossbar (rocker) should be securely attached to the crib or mannet so that the child does not pull it on him with the toy. The toy itself should be quite large and reliably fixed to the fishery so that the child can not swallow it. In 3 months, the child is already consciously beating handles on hanging toys. If toys are suspended at different levels, then the child consciously beats on the lower toys, then stops and watches, how they move and publish the sound of toys suspended at the top.

It is also useful to acquire a special developing rug with irregularities and sewn to it for their seizure and feeling a child lying on the stomach.

During feeding, the baby begins to hold his own bottle or mother's chest.

At this age, a healthy child during active wake can sometimes be observed anxiety of the language: its periodic progress, movement forward and backward.


If such anxiety remains and when eating and especially interferes with food or accompanied by other deviations in development, it is necessary to refer to a neurologist.

Mental child development of 3 months

Vision. The kid independently fixes the glance first on the near-stationary items, later considers items in the room. For a few minutes, he can consider one object, translates the look from one item to another.

Fixes a look on your face when someone else holds a child in her arms in a vertical position in front of you. A clear and stable "eyes in the eye" reaction during breastfeeding or communicating with adults.

Looking at the moves and major movements of adults in the near field of view of the child, looks after the leaving.

The child confidently nits the eyes and turn the head as you move the toy in all directions: not only horizontally - right-left, but also vertically - up-down. The distance to the bright toy, followed by a look, increases to two meters.

Cutting squint manifests itself more and less often - only with a very close viewed of the subject. With the converging seproinations of the line of sight and pupils are not parallel, but shifted inside - to the middle line of the face. That is, while the child "mows" to the nose.


The squint only on the side of one eye (sick eye can mow that inside, then out) or persistent bilateral convexing squint when viewed in the distance is the basis for visiting the oculist.

By the end of this month of life, the so-called revitalization complex appears - the positive emotional reaction of the child in response to the affectionate appeal to the adult him. In order to cause this complex, it is necessary to lean over the awake child lying on the back so that he will record his face on your face. A minute-other affectionately talk to the child and smile. Initially, the child will look after and listen, and then he will smile, rushes with handles and legs and even perhaps a few short sounds.

Hearing. If a mother or a familiar person comes from behind to a child lying or being in her arms, and speaks with him, being out of his sight, then the baby turns his eyes or head toward the speaker and sometimes finds him his eyes.

At this age, the child often meets a smile on the conversation, begins to distinguish the appearance of the adult career behind him, the mother from others: it smiles more than another adult. If a mother comes up to the baby's bed and leans over him, he looks at her carefully and expectantly. With her conversation with the child, he smiles happily, sometimes he is rulite. If the unfamiliar adult is suitable, the baby looks at him calmly, without smile. If he is silent, then the child translates the eyes to the side. If the mother leaves and immediately after the mother leans "someone else's" to the child, the child expresses discontent, does not immediately translate the look at the "alien".

Some children already at the achievement of 3 months begin to distinguish between voice intonations and respond differently to them. If the child says affectionately, then he smiles and enlivened. In the case of reproach, an irritable voice appears a negative reaction.

The predic development of the child in 3 months

The intonation and differences of the cry, described in the previous stages become brighter expressed and better differ not only by the mother, but also by other close. The sound expression of the emotion of discontent matures and becomes more developed - instead of a shouting, hacking and crying is noted. Unlike the scream, these sounds are intermittent and less accompanied by motor concernsity.

The child begins to laugh and twist in response to the joyful communication of the adult with him: flirting, tickling neck or chest, etc. during the reciprocal complex when the adult flirting and during a comfortable wakefulness after meals are characterized by Agukane or heating. When heredes, vowel sounds continue to prevail, but more and more often in combination with fuzzy pronounced consults: "B-y", "in-and", "a-a-bm-bm", "BL", "U-GU", " bu "etc.

Up to 3 months, road activity was carried out independently of the use of hearing. After 3 months, the child begins to pronounce the sounds under the control of hearing. Therefore, it becomes possible a real dialogue with a child: you repeat his sounds or syllables behind the child, it ships and listens to you, and then starts to steer more actively and louder. You can stimulate a dialogue, speeding up and slowing the tempo of speech. A similar effect is also achieved by changing the volume of the voice. Gradually, in turn, the child in his meal begins to imitate your sounds and their intonation. During such a conversation, it is necessary that the child see your face, peering into your facial expressions during the pronouncement of sounds and tried to reproduce not only sounds, but also your facial expression and mimic movements.

Constantly talk to the child when you care for him or are near him. Any of your actions accompany the words. When feed, say: "Open Rotik"; When wear - "Let's handle"; When you play - "Take the Bear", etc. Call a child by name, and not "baby", "baby", etc.

Denver Test for 3 months

Rough motion - Lying on the stomach, lifted on the elbows.

Thin motions - Worst with a look in the range of 180 degrees, blinks in response to a visual stimulus.

How to feed a child in 3 months

Breastfeeding: usually 10-12 feedings during the day and 2-4 at night. The number of short applies in a child of 3 months is declining noticeably. During feedings, the kid often leaves his chest. Night breaks in feeding are usually 2.5-3.5 hours.

During feeding, the baby is even more than in the third month, is distracted. Do not blame him for it or take a chest. Be patient and quietly wait when he again will take it to suck.

If the baby is on Yves
The daily volume of the mixture is from 2 to 4 months 800-1050ml (800-900ml) or so - from two to four months 1/6 body weight - 750-800 ml of the mixture.

It must be remembered that the multiplicity of child feeding up to 1 year:

  • From the first days of life up to 3 months - 7-8 feedings.

  • 4-6 months - 6 feedings.

  • 6-12 months - 5 feedings.

What chair in a child in 3 months? And how much does he pisses?

Child Chair by breastfeeding It becomes more regular and homogeneous, in the form of an creamy mass. Periodicity can be different: daily approximately at the same time; up to 5 times a day, solely chair; And even once every 2-5 days. This is a normal phenomenon for the children of the 3-4th month of life, which are extremely breastfeeding - if the chair is still mild, the child does not need enema and laxatives.

Children from three months to one year run 12-16 times.

Approximate child mode in 3 months

Night sleep of a child 3 months lasts about 10 hours, there are usually 2-4 feedings between 4 and 8 hours. Day remains 2 long - 1-2 hours and 2 short sleep - for 30-40 minutes. The kid still falls asleep for quite a long time (20-30 minutes), sucking the chest. Approximately 3 months old, the baby begins to react to the change of weather, the new moon and full moon - can sleep restlessly, capricking for no reason.

After the third month, the baby already lives on the regime of the day and wakefulness, sleeps 16-17 hours a day, day sleep 4 times 1.5-2 hours.

The child must spend a lot of time in the fresh air - 5-6 hours a day with him need to walk on the street. With the exception of frosts above 10 degrees.

The sun rays strengthen the body and it produces vitamin D, which is simply necessary to increase the immunity and the prevention of rickets and anemia. IN extreme case, pull the stroller to the balcony or loggia, just follow the straight sun rays or rain. Especially carefully protect the baby from drafts.

Infographics - baby sleep duration depending on age

Educational games with a child in 3 months

Take a toy

Putting the kid on the stomach, spread the front 2-3 bright toys and rummage them. If Karapuz tries to reach one of them, put the palm under the foot of the leg - feeling the support, there will be an attempt to push off. This developing game for a child 3 months will help him start crawling.

Bunny (game with a soft toy)

One-two-three-four-five (take a toy, shake)
Gun bunny jump (up-down)
Looked around (rotate the head)
Turned out (rotate the toy)
Looked upstairs and down (tilt forward or back)
Junked (run)
I was sanging (hide behind the back)
Where are you, bunny, come to! (Show)

What should be the first rattle

It must be quite noticeable - color, bright or brilliant, with contrasting drawings. Preferred combinations of red, yellow, blue, green colors, as well as elements of black and white patterns (cells, strips, waves, spirals, points and circles). And she must be very easy!


  • Rattles with corrugated or shroud handle.

  • Rapere in the form of a ring and with a handle in the shape of a stick.

We listen to music

Turn on different music: funny children's songs, classic, lullaby. Try to the sound of the sound of doing some actions (clap your hands, spinning with the child in your arms, swing, singing).

Early children are recommended to listen to such audio recordings in which tools with vibrations at high colors prevail: harp, flute, bell. At the same time, the baby's breathing begins to adapt to the rhythm of the audio record and is normalized.

It is also known that classical music, for example, Vivaldi or Mozart, is well known for listening to infants. So scientifically proved that the melody from the violin concert "Night Vivaldi", absolutely corresponds to the biological rhythms of the brain, which it produces in a dream.

Today in specialized children's stores, CD discs are presented with such music on which heart rhythms are superimposed, which contributes to the reassurance of infants.

Those kids who are freaky and are often restless, it is best to reproduce slow music (Aradte, Adagio), "as a rule, this is the second part of most instrumental concerts and sonatas.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that music with the text has it on babies big influence. It has also been proven that live music is best affecting the crumb than audio recordings. That is why there is no audio file to be compared with the lullaby, which my mother sings.

Good to know

Use headphones while listening is strictly prohibited. This is explained by the fact that the design of any headphones is such that they generate directed sound, while the hearing aid of the crumbs can capture only dissipated.

Miracle Bracelet.

Put on the handle (or leg) of the kid's bracelet from knitted fabric, on which the bells, bubber bells. Development of coordination, studying its handles and legs, as well as orientation in space will be much more interesting.

Classes on the ball

Purchase phytball. Now the child can already lie in the tummy enough, and for some time to keep the head. Putting it on a large inflatable ball, shake it forward-back, carefully, right-left. The orientation is developing in space and vestibular apparatus.

Finger games

Riding his fingers, senten:

This finger - grandfather,
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger - Patek,
This finger - Mama,
This finger is a vane.

Finger fingers and sentenced:
One, two, three, four, five,
On the other hand again:
One, two, three, four, five.

Do not forget about the massage! With sweeters and poems.

Do I need to go to the clinic in 3 months? Vaccinations in 3 months

Yes. There is a planned dispensarization of 3 months.


  • Pediatrician.

  • Neurologist.

  • Other specialists, if they did not look at the kid at 1 month: orthopedic and ophthalmologist (oculist).

Planned vaccination:

  • The 1st Incillance of the ACDS - against the cough, diphtheria and tetanus (2nd is carried out in 4.5 months, and the 3rd - at 6 months).

  • Against polio (1st account, 2nd is carried out in 4.5 months, and 3rd - at 6 months).


  • Common (clinical) blood test - is taken from a finger (main indicators: hemoglobin, red blood cells, platelets, leukocytes, SE).

  • General urine analysis (the color, transparency, pH, the presence of protein, glucose, red blood cells, bacteria) are determined.

  • Common collection of feces (coprology - the consistency, color, pH, fat, blood, leukocytes are determined.

Video Blog - 3 months

Tima 3 months. Games / doctor / vaccination

Gymnastics for a child for 3 months. Learning to turn over.

Massage for 3 months baby. How am I Massage

3.5 months. Vaccinations / Sleep / Mode / Games

When using the Materials of the Doctor of Sumy Regional Children's Hospital - Leonid Rostislavovich Bitterlich

Three months have passed since when the cozy and warm womb has changed a new one, such a big and incomprehensible world. The adaptation of the baby goes very quickly. Emotions become more conscious, muscles are strengthened. Let's find out how to develop a child in 3 months. After all, he is already almost an adult - he knows how to get stuck, capricious, easily distinguishes his own from strangers, explore the world around.

Calendar of the child's development in the third month of life

A child of three months old - supercharge. He is very interested in what is happening around, trying to interact with the world. Waiting until you approach and smile, a three-month baby will follow you, smile first, pull the handles ahead. And the bow serves as a kind of sound signal to start the conversation. Such a development of the baby in three months is extremely necessary.

Growth and weight of the kid

For the third month of life, the child will grow by 2-3 cm, gaining about 800 grams, that is, about 200 grams per week. According to domestic pediatricians, at the beginning of the fourth month, the growth of crumbs should be from 56 to 62 cm. Normal for boys is the weight from 4.9 to 7 kg. For girls - from 4.8 to 6.3 kg. Deviations up to 5% of the boundary values \u200b\u200bare considered the norm.


There are changes regarding the number and quality of feeding: short attacks of a three-month baby becomes less. In the afternoon, the child sucks the chest about 11 times, at night - 3-4. Breaks between night feedings make up about three hours. Regularly asked Question - Is it worth starting the babysittle of a child of three months? After all, some moms can already feed the crumb banana or potato mashed potatoes on 4 months, drink natural apple juice, and the baby's body will normally absorb such food.

But such cases - more, exception. Sometimes early lures can be prescribed by a doctor. Possible causes Several: the baby is premature, the shortage of milk at mom. Optimal products for introducing a three-month-old child in a diet are liquid porridge, natural vegetable juices. You need to start with a minimum dosage - a quarter of a teaspoon. Remember: the lore must initially include only one product, which gives the child a few days in a row. When the kid appears, allergic reactions becomes clear what they are due.

Pediatricians note that the early beginning of the feeding is capable of provoking the development of problems with the digestive tract, the most harmless of which is gastric colic. Therefore, try to wait a bit - after a month or two, the baby will not be possible in the diet, but you need. In the meantime, the needs of the Baby's body are satisfied with both breast milk.


The movements of the three-month child become calm, and reflexes characteristic of newborns disappear. He is already able to independently hold his head when he lies on his stomach, polishing on the elbows. Lying on the back - raises the handles, legs, studying them. Interest cause moving or producing toys, the baby unfolds to them. Approximately one third of the kids in three months have already learned to turn over to the bar, on the tummy.

A three-month baby enthusiastically plays with him, begins to explore his own body - carefully touches the face, observes the handles, legs. For games uses different toys and items, feeling them with handles, it turns through with their fingers, trying to focus. Pediatricians argue that thanks to tactile sensations, the world is perceived by the child better. Specialists advise adults to take direct participation in the study of objects to the baby.

I hear the voices of loved ones, kids begin to look for their views. And envy mom or dad, they rejoice: laugh, shake the limbs and try to make sounds. Retained laughter from parents like baby. Know that the three-month-old child precisely feels the mood of others. Start showing baby emotions - joy, sadness, laughter, interest, and he will imitate you. Just do not overdo it: emotions should not look like a crush.

How to develop kid at home

Sleep periods after three months are reduced, the baby is more often awake. Try not to wrap it too tightly - movements with handles and legs during wakeing should be free. The psyche of the child in three months is still inconspicuous, therefore, the overload of the channels of perception can have negative influence on the development of the nervous system. The three-month baby room should be quiet as the mother's room during pregnancy. And now we will look at how you can develop a child at 3 months., In more detail.

We develop visual perception

As in the first two months, three-month kids continue to follow moving toys. Pediatricians advise slowly increase the amplitude of movements, their directions, move on. The field of view of your child will expand. Slow movements will help a three-month-old child to learn how to turn their head smoothly. The main thing is not rushing.

After three months of life, the kids focus the look is much better than before. Start the game "Hires". Soon you will notice that the kid does not take eyes from the subject, followed by you. Instead of drowning his head, a three-month-old child will expect your return from there, where I saw you for the last time. This also applies to inanimate objects, for example - to toys.

Hearing perception

Try to repeat the sounds published by the child. Best if it will do all your loved ones. Then the kid will understand that the same sounds can be pronounced by different voices. Soon the child will repeat the specific sounds for you. Explain what they do now, where will soon go, pronounce the names of the body parts, toys.

  • Use similar producing sound toys of different size - bells, rattles. During the game, start calling a small bell, then - medium, big. It is important to give the baby to realize what sound comes from what kind of toys. If the melody appears to be interesting - a three-month-old child will focus on her.
  • Babes are perfectly perceived by complex classical music. True, you need to remember that five minutes of listening to such works for the child will be enough. This should be considered not to overload the audit channels of the kid's perception. Attentively watching the baby in these moments, you will soon notice that some works are recognized as a child literally from the first notes.
  • Sing the lullaby songs with words and without them to accelerate the baby's falling asleep.

Movements and tactile sensations

Complement the daily care program for a three-month baby massage, air baths, light gymnastics, bathchalter procedures. Special attention should be paid to the selection of toys - they must be useful for the child at this period of development. If you do not know how to develop your beloved child - listen to the following advice:

  • Pick the baby toys made from different materials - Soft and hard, smooth and rough. Fix them above the bed no higher than half a meter. The more the surface is different, the more interesting the infant to explore every toy. Fill fabric bags with crops, paper, cotton. To develop the smell of the kid, put inside the fragrant dry herbs - mint, chamomile, sage.
  • Things with cookies should be put on the stomach or chest of a three-month baby. He should be easily reaching for them with each handle.
  • Develop the right girth of palm to the child will help bright rattles similar to the rings. They need to put the baby into the pen, immediately separating the big finger from others.
  • In 3-4 months, the active kid is already able to distinguish the game zone from the recreation area. The presence of a variety of toys inside the maneja will make a child to move back to the tummy.

Educational games for a three-month baby

Pediatricians know that output motor activity Child on a new level can be using gaming exercises - Positive emotional background will contribute to the rapid mastering of basic skills. We list games that will be useful for the development of a three-month baby:

  • The game "Where is the sound?". Put a musical toy in the nearest room or just turn on the sound on mobile phone. Taking a child on the hands, offer to find a sound source and go to look for it. Show joy, saying "Hurray! So we found a musical toy! "
  • The game "Colepko". Three-month-old kid's fingers are already strong and will keep a light rubber ring. Let's give him a child, saying "on!", And then ask to return, not forgetting to say "Thank you." This game demonstrates elementary examples of interaction in society.
  • Dancing with mom. Listen to light music and dancing, holding a kid on the handles. Start gradually remove it, straightening your hands, tilt a little on the sides. This will help develop back muscles, neck.
  • Game "read a newspaper." Allow the baby to remember, break a newspaper sheet or a conventional napkin. Due to this, fingers will be strengthened, Motoric will develop. Just do not allow the kid to pull the paper in the mouth.
  • The game "Reflections". This exercise is better to perform in front of a large mirror. Sit in front of him with the baby. Smile, frown, dare. Start talking, commenting on "I smile", "I am upset", "I do a smart look." Wear things on yourself and on the baby, pronouncing "You have a ribbon on your handle", "I have glasses on me." A child with passion will consider reflection, a passive lexical reserve will develop, an emotional base.

Video councils of Dr. Komarovsky on the development of a breast child

Three months - the time when the perception of the surrounding world by the baby goes to the new level. Your actions should contribute to the systematic development and satisfaction of the interest of the kid. However, do not overdo it. If a three-month-old child during class or joint game cries - this is a sure sign of overloading with new information. Time to take on the handles, gently press, shake. In the famous children's pediatrician presented below, Dr. Komarovsky, tells about key points in the development of the baby.

Read 9 min.

The time flew quite unnoticed, and here the crude has already turned 3 months. This is no longer such a helpless creature, he has grown noticeably fastened, has done a lot of work in development. The baby comes up to the world of cognition of the world, however, the actions of parents should be careful not to overload it weak nervous system. In our article, we will tell about how the development of crumbs from 3 to 5 months.

In 4 months, the child gladly shows emotions and begins to laugh

Unusual way to determine emotions

Each mom needs to understand the emotions of the crumbs, there is a fairly interesting way to determine the mood of the kid. It can tell his language. Of course, not a direct sense, but in a portable, because it is still far from conversation. However, uncomplicated emotions can tell about his arrangement of the Spirit.

Emotions of pleasure are visible on the toddler tongue
  1. If a child is experiencing physical pain, then the tongue is tense, pointed, looks in the form of a flag.
  2. When the crumb is enjoyed, he has a bullfinch tongue, wide, as if a spatula looks in a smile.
  3. If a miracle is joy, his language seems to be progressing, looks like a rose petal.

What does 5 month old child do

Child in 5 months a lot is under power. He knows how to smile, gladly moves his legs, keeps and turns the head on the sounds, extension and bends his fingers on his hands. Croche is no longer interested in lying, he is awakened by the interest to the subjects around him. He is already listening to familiar voices, considers his relatives, peering into a bright subject. By the end of 5 months, the baby begins to form, it turns out the sounds that are similar to "F", "B", "E". They are the basis for the subsequent development of speech.

Communication as an element of development

At the age of 3.5 months, Kroch is ready to perceive the world, it is this time that he has confidence in him to peace, to the surrounding, to people. Communication obtained at this age affects his fitness to the world, to life, its degree of independence depends on it. Therefore, it is important that adult people put the maximum efforts so that the child felt necessary, did not feel a sense of danger, understood that their native people would help. It is possible to achieve such sensations only through communication, first of all with mom.

Kid need constant communication with parents

Some specialists are not recommended to take the crumb into the first call. However, psychologists argue that at 3-4 months, the croche should be given what he is required in this moment. If the kid is annoyed, it is better to take it on his hands, press, calm down. It is a physical contact that will help him in the development of basic trust.

A child at 4 months is ready to accompany the parents, of course, where possible. He can move with her mother in a backpack, sit together in a chaise lounge, he, like a sponge, absorbs information. Therefore, it is necessary to talk more with him, comment on any of your actions, even just cleaning potatoes.

In 4 months, the baby is already catchingly laughing

Before taking crumb into hand, it is recommended to say: "Go to me" or any such expression that most likely like, both an adult and a child. After some time, he will remember this expression and with his pronunciation will dare to parents.

Toys for crumbs 3-5 months

This age is characterized by grabbing reflex, the baby is no longer interested to watch the hanging objects, he needs to touch everything. It's time to lower down all the toys that hang high in the crib. Observation is no longer his horse, he needs to take a mobility, see, shake. In order for the crumb to develop, it follows the sides of the bed to hang toys, so that the baby has the opportunity to touch them.

Toy for a child 3-5 months should be bright and safe

Krocha at 3 - 4 months should be the owner of a plurality of toys. Of course there are some recommendations for which toys should buy him:

  • first of all, toys should be made of high-quality material. Not too bright, manufactured only with environmental dyes;
  • all items that the croche plays should be washed, since they regularly fall into the mouth;
  • when buying toys should act golden Rule: che less childThe more he should have a toy, of course all within reason. Items that are about 5 centimeters better to wear on the rope;
  • it's time for rattles. It is better that they are different colors and forms, equipped with a comfortable handle, which is important for the development of hand movements;
  • on toys, the baby should not be hair, buttons, buttons, beads and other small details, as they can be in the abnormality of the eyes in the mouth;
  • the development of the tactile apparatus is impossible without toys made from different fabrics. The fabric can be rough, and smooth, and rustling, and a little barbed.

Rattles for the baby allow you to develop rumor and vision

Tip: The child needs to offer educational toys, for its age it is all sorts of diet, rattles with a multicolored ball, while driving the ball will change the color, thereby promoting the baby, the crown toys that will encourage him to move.

How to develop speech apparatus

The child begins to grow when located in the beautiful arrangement of the Spirit, he is calm and healthy. The "conversation" of the kid must be encouraged and developed. It is his poverty that talks about the preparation for adult speech. Lepotu teach cloths close people. Psychologists provide several recommendations for the prevention of speech violations at such a young age.

  • in order for the speech of the baby in the future, it is smooth and developed, all its actions should be accompanied by light poems and fun. There are different functions for all occasions: for feeding, washing, dressing;
  • during homework, it is necessary to talk to the crumb, call their actions and objects. While the kid is silent, but he accumulates a speech reserve, which will outreach over time;
  • the development of the baby is impossible without folk songs and flows, because they contain the syllables that crocha says. It is these syllables that help the further development of the shelter and, as a result, speaking speech;

During the massage, you need to tell the child what they do
  • very good 4 - 5 months play "Sokok-Crow", "Ladushka". At the same time, sewing words and making hands smooth movements. It is good to play with your baby's fingers, you can make a handle massage and every single finger. This will help develop children's motility;
  • by 5 months, you can try to play the game "Where?" You can ask: "Where is the pussy?", "Where is the dog?", "Where to the Vanechka leg";
  • the development of the bowel is well happening when playing in roll-call. To do this, you follow the baby to repeat, the syllables that he knows how to go. Kroch will begin listening to the parents with interest. Then they need to introduce new syllables, after some time the baby will begin to imitate them with pleasure.

Development of kid movements

The child in 4- 5 months begins to master the movements unfamiliar to him. What moments need to pay attention to adults to help the baby? As a rule, the baby copes well with the coup in any direction. An important step for him will be the development of the coup from the tummy on the back. For the ambulance of this movement, you can:

  • show a child lying on the back, rattage, to give her, try to attract his attention. Then slowly move the toy for the back of the baby, while he will follow her by turning his head. Thus, he will turn over to the tummy. For the efforts of crumb to praise and give a toy;
  • put a baby on a sheet, slightly lift her edge. Under the influence of gravity, he will first turn over the bar, then on the back.

In 4-5 months, the child begins to roll over

Important! During the coups it is necessary to train two sides.

In order for the crumb to have better mastered the coup, an exercise will be important for the development of equilibrium. Below are some of them:

  • it is recommended to sit on a rug and put a baby on the tummy along the legs. For the development of interest follows the leg sock to wear a finger doll. Then you need to make a swinging foot, while the crumble will be forced to carry your body from one side to another. He will try to continue watching the toy and keep its balance;
  • previous exercise can be done on an inflatable mattress.

Passing by climbing

The child by the end of the 5th month is able to cope with the climbing - tightening the body in his arms. If the baby, when he sees his believer in front of him, being on the tummy, tries, leaning on the handles, as close as possible to pull back to it, then you can begin classes.

Lifting development begins in 5 months

Specialists advise to develop clutzing with the following methods:

  • first, it is important to ensure safe place for classes, the child should move freely, nothing should be shy to his movement;
  • then you need to roll him out of the blanket roller, it is necessary as a support that the baby should be attached to the legs. It is impossible to push it yourself! It is recommended to simply provide a crumb support;
  • put a baby on the back and show a bright object, for these purposes you can take a rattle. Then you should transfer the rattle on the side and rummet there. He will try to keep track of the toy, turn over first on his side, then on the tummy and will reach her hands. Based on the roller, the crumb will slightly tightens towards the toy, which he should get for his efforts;
  • baby is on the tummy. You need to put a bright toy in front of him, for these purposes a latch is perfect. The toy should be aside in front of the crumb, at a distance of his elongated hand. Then you need to shake the nevosha, which will make interesting sounds for him. The baby will be interested and, leaning on the roller, will try to reach toy;
  • kid can be interested in a bright clockwork toy that can be used in previous exercises.

Baby in 5 months is very curious and loves to communicate

A child by the end of 5 months stopped being helpless bluer, everything is interested in him. If the baby does not work something, then you do not need to rush it, you should wait patiently, because he is a person. You need to take into account the individual qualities of your baby.