How much does a white tiger weigh. How much does the Amur tiger weigh? Hunting and food

Panthera tigris altaica

Order: Predatory (Carnivora)

Family: Felids (Felidae)

Genus: Panthera

Guarded: In 1947, the tiger was taken under protection - in Russia, hunting for it was completely prohibited. This amazing animal is included in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the Red Book Russian Federation as an endangered species, it is included in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

Where lives: Currently, 95% of the total Amur tiger population lives in the Russian Far East. 5% in China.

The size: The body length of the Amur tiger without a tail is 160-200 cm, the length of the tail is about 100 cm. The weight of an adult animal can reach 300 kg. The largest recorded mass of a tiger is 384 kg.

Appearance: The Amur tiger is larger than its southern counterparts, its coat is thicker and lighter. On the reddish background, forming a complex pattern, there are transverse dark stripes. The pattern on the skin of a tiger is as unique as a human fingerprint: you will not find two tigers with the same pattern. The black stripes, despite their brightness, serve as a disguise for the tiger. But the large white spots on the black back of the ears have a different purpose. When the tigress walks through the forest, she puts her ears so that the black-and-white field is perfectly visible to the cubs following her. In winter, the skin of tigers brightens, becomes thick and fluffy. The tiger is not afraid of big snows - wide paws help him to walk on them.

Behavior and lifestyle:

Tigers are almost constantly on the move. Bypassing their territory, they look for prey. Tigers, like other cats, mark the boundaries of their site with scent marks. They also scrape the ground or, standing on their hind legs, rip the bark from the trees. Such "bully" can sometimes be found at a height of 2-2.5 meters above the ground.

Tigers are conservative - they use the same trails for years and, if there is enough food within their possessions, they never leave them.

The sizes of the tigers' habitat are different. They depend on the sex and age of the animal and on how many hoofed animals are found in this area. Tigresses with small cubs, for example, use a much smaller area for life and hunting than lonely animals.

The Amur tiger has tremendous strength and well-developed sense organs. At the same time, he has to devote a lot of time to hunting. Tigers hunt mainly large ungulates. To catch the prey, the tiger crawls up to its prey, arching its back and resting its hind legs on the ground. Only one out of ten attempts succeeds. And if the roll fails, the tiger will prefer not to pursue a victim, but to look for a new one. When there is little game in the forests, Amur tigers sometimes attack large livestock and dogs.


Red deer, wild boar and sika deer form the basis of the tiger's diet. Daily rate tiger food - 9-10 kilograms of meat. For the prosperous existence of one individual, about 50-70 ungulates are needed per year.

The Amur tiger knows how not only to hunt, but also to fish - during spawning, he catches fish on the shoals of mountain rivers.


It is believed that the Amur tigers are polygamous. The breeding and appearance periods of tiger cubs in them are not confined to any particular time of the year. Still, tigers' offspring most often appear in April-June.

After three or four months of waiting, the female gives birth to two or three blind tiger cubs. The mother tries to arrange a den for her cubs in the safest hard-to-reach places: in dense thickets, caves, rock crevices - where they will be invisible to other predators.

Around the ninth day after birth, the tiger cubs open their eyes, and at the age of two weeks, sharp teeth begin to grow. The mother feeds the children with milk for six months. Leaving the shelter, two-month-old little predators taste the game for the first time - the mother begins to bring them meat.

Tiger cubs play a lot, learning the skills necessary for hunting. From six months old tiger cubs accompany their mother during the hunt and learn the wisdom of finding and obtaining food. At the age of one, the cubs first try to apply all the acquired hunting skills. But the first attempts to get food do not always end in success. Teens will be able to overcome on their own big booty only by the age of two.

For the first few years of their life, the cubs stay with their mother. The tigress hunts along with young tigers until they reach puberty. In the second year of life, young tigers separate from their mother, but continue to live on her site.

Life Expectancy:

V wildlife is 16-18 years old, in captivity - up to 25 years.

Interesting Facts:

The Amur tiger is the largest subspecies of the tiger, occupying the northernmost part of its range, the only one that has mastered life in the snow.

The Amur tiger has the thickest and longest fur, but there are fewer stripes than other subspecies. The number of tiger stripes can be up to 100.

Today, tigers have survived in 14 countries - Bangladesh, Bhutan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, North Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, Thailand.

Over the past 100 years, the number of tigers in the world has decreased 25 times.

Tigers are representatives of the mammalian class; they are large predators from the feline family. Individual males are 3 m long and weigh more than 300 kg.

The animal tiger is under the protection of the state, it cannot be hunted.

Description of predators

The body of tigers has developed muscles and is flexible. A bulging forehead stands out on a round head, beautiful eyes and small ears that can pick up any sound.

Animals see well at night. Scientists claim that predators are good at distinguishing colors.

The greatest weight was recorded in the Bengal tiger, it was 388.7 kg. Females are smaller than males in size and body weight.

The tiger's whiskers stick out like antennae, they are located on the muzzle in 4 or 5 rows. The tiger's fangs are 8 cm long, so it is not difficult for him to deal with the prey quickly.

On the tongue of the animal there are keratinized protrusions that help in cutting the carcass. In addition, it is also an additional hygiene product. Adult predators have 30 teeth.

The limbs in front have 5 toes, and on the hind legs there are only 4. The toes have claws that the tiger can retract. The shape of the ears of the mammal is rounded. The pupil of the eye is round, and its iris is colored yellow.

Representatives southern species distinguished by short and thick fur. Brothers from the north have a fluffier coat. In the palette of paints, the main thing is the color of rust, shades are added to it: red with brown. The animal's chest and belly are lighter, and sometimes they are just white.

The extraordinary beauty of a big cat is given by a peculiar pattern of stripes of dark brown or black. Stripes with pointed ends are located throughout the body. They can bifurcate and then reconnect.

The number of stripes on the body is more than 100, and the long tail looks like rings made of stripes, and at the end there is usually a black frame.

The stripes are arranged in a unique order and can be compared to fingerprints.

For the beast itself, fur with such a color is an excellent camouflage.

If you pay attention to the footprints, then the male has a larger paw print than the females. The dimensions of the track are 15 or 16 cm long, 13 or 14 cm wide. The roaring beast can be heard 3 km away.

Large dimensions do not prevent the animal from demonstrating excellent physical data, the tiger is an excellent runner. The speed of the beast can reach up to 60 km / h, while it runs fast on any landscape. In captivity, a large cat can live for about 15 years.

The king of beasts and the tiger - who is the strongest?

Many people are interested in this question. In fact, little is known about the actual fights of lions and tigers. Therefore, there is no sufficient reason to assert that one of the predators is stronger than the other.

  • A tiger with a lion can be compared in appearance or lifestyle.
  • By weight, a tiger is 50-70 kg heavier than a lion.
  • Both animals clench their jaws with equal force.
  • The lion and the tiger kill their prey in the same way. They bite through the victim's neck with powerful fangs.
  • If we compare the way of life, then it is very different for two different predators.

So, the tiger hunts alone, he hunts on his territory. They practically do not collide with each other, when males go hunting, they do not meet.

Lions live in prides or clans. Males have to fight to have the right to hunt. They often fight for the female during the mating season. Such battles can result in serious injury or death of the male.

In terms of endurance, it is difficult to say who is in the lead. Both animals run well, and endurance is influenced by age, habitat and health.

It is difficult to decide unequivocally which animal is stronger.

Types of tigers

The classification includes 9 subspecies, but 3 of them have become extinct today. In the wild live:

Ussuri or Amur tiger. Its population is small. The large predator has thick fur, which does not have as many stripes as other members of the species.

The Ussuri predator has an orange coloration, while it has a white belly. The length of the body can be 3.8 m, the height at the withers - up to 106 cm, and the weight - up to 220 kg.

Bengal tiger. In terms of numbers, this subspecies is superior to the rest. The color of predators varies from white to light orange. The length of the male can be up to 310 cm, and the body weight up to 320 kg. The maximum length of the predator's tail is 110 cm. The population numbers about 3000 individuals.

Indochinese tiger. The animal differs from the rest of the muddy red fur with narrow and short stripes. The maximum length of tigers is 2.55 cm. The male weighs up to 195 kg.

Malay tiger. It is the smallest, with a length of only 237 cm and a weight of 120 kg. In nature, there are from 600 to 800 representatives of this species.

Sumatran tiger. It also belongs to the small species. The male weighs up to 140 kg, and reaches up to 225 cm in length.

Chinese tiger. The subspecies, in which there are about 20 representatives, lives in China. The male is 2.6 m long and weighs about 177 kg.

In the photo of the tigers, you can see representatives with a yellow color. These members of the species are called golden tigers. They have lighter fur and brown stripes.

Photo of a tiger

The tiger is the largest feline. This family also includes the panther, lynx, cheetah, but the tiger is larger than them.

Species: Tiger

Genus: Panthers

Family: Felines

Class: Mammals

Order: Predatory

Type: Chordates

Kingdom: Animals

Domain: Eukaryotes

Tiger anatomy

The size and weight of a tiger animal depends on its species. There are 6 types of tigers in total. Most large species tigers can be up to 2.5 meters long without a tail. The tiger is approximately 115 cm high. The weight of the largest individuals can range up to 200-300 kg. The color of the tiger also depends on its species, the color of the coat is from rusty red to rusty brown, while the inside of the ears, paws, belly and chest are light. The iris of the eyes is yellow. The whole body is in black stripes. Each animal has a unique arrangement of stripes, which helps to recognize different individuals. The tail is long, even, also in black stripes, the tip of the tail is always black. The tiger's spine is flexible, the body is muscular, the pelvic bones are structured so that the animal can develop high speed, and also have good jumping power.

It is extremely difficult to detect the appearance of a tiger in advance, because there are soft fleshy pads on its feet, thanks to which its steps become silent. The tiger's skull is short, round, powerful. Has a massively developed jaw. With its help, the tiger can inflict a crushing bite on the enemy. The mouth of the predator opens wide, the jaws have a strong bony structure, powerful muscles provide great squeezing force when biting. When attacking, the tiger sinks its teeth into the prey in such a way that the prey cannot escape during any of its maneuvers. Canine teeth 8 cm long without root.

Where does the tiger live?

Initially, tigers were common in Asia. To date, they have survived in only 16 countries: Laos, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Russia, India, Iran, Indonesia, China, DPRK (not confirmed), Malaysia, Pakistan, Nepal, Thailand. At the same time, they choose completely different places for their habitat - this is the taiga in the north, and semi-deserts, and forests, and dry savannahs, and humid tropics.

What does a tiger eat?

Tigers can feed on all kinds of animals, which he can knock down with one jump. These are deer, wild boars, roe deer, rhinos. Living in captivity, they do not disdain smaller animals such as hares, cows, donkeys, horses. The desire to use the plant gifts of nature in tigers appears only in summer period... Nuts, grass, fruits are used.

Tiger lifestyle

Tigers are territorial animals. All adults live alone and have their own plot, which they hunt and guard from other members of their genus. The male's territory can reach from 60 to 100 km2, and in females it is usually less - 20 km2. The territories of the males do not overlap, otherwise a fight begins. But the territories of males and females can overlap.

Breeding tigers

Tigers are polygamous animals. Mating season they have in December-January. The male finds the female by the smell of her urine. By the nature of the female's behavior and the smell of her urine, it becomes clear how ready she is for the reproduction of offspring. The female has only a few days a year when she is ready for fertilization. In cases where mating was not fruitful, the female's estrus is repeated the next month.

The tigress is able to bear offspring as early as 3-4 years. She gives birth every 2-3 years. Pregnancy lasts +/- 100 days. At the same time, the male does not take part in raising children at all. The female is successfully engaged in all this. Cubs are born in March-April in the number of 2-4 cubs. Less often there is 1 cub or more than 4 in a brood. They are born completely helpless. They feed on mother's milk for 1.5 months.

The female does not allow the male to approach the children, since other people's males are capable of killing babies. At 2 months, the cubs already leave their den and follow their mother. At 1.5 years old, they become independent, sometimes staying with their mother for 2-3 years. Then they start looking for their territory. Tigers live up to 20-26 years.

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The question often arises, how much does a tiger weigh, because it is known that this wild cat is considered the largest in the world. We all know from childhood that the tiger is the most graceful and beautiful predator. This large cat amazes with its size and unusual appearance. If we talk about the dimensions of this animal, then, of course, it is worth considering that different types of tigers have their own characteristics and parameters.

The largest are considered 2 species: Amur and Bengal tigers. An animal of each of these species has approximately the same parameters and weight. Experts on these wild cats state that the average weight of representatives of large predators is 270-350 kg.

The size of the body without taking into account the length of the tail is 3 m, and the height at the withers is on average 1 m 10 cm. But many experts still argue that these breeds of tigers have differences in their parameters. The fact is that this species of mammals is sometimes called the panther-tiger, which is quite justified, since the word "tiger" is translated into Latin as "panthera tigris". They are members of the panther genus.

It is worth considering in more detail each of these types. An important role in the life and habits of a tiger is played by the terrain where it lives. It must be said right away that long years there was controversy over how large the tiger of its lion counterpart is. Experts argue that, on average, striped predators are still the largest and physically stronger than lions, but the latter is a born hunter and dexterous fighter. However, for a tiger, hunting is not only a prey for food, but also an instinct. As a rule, he always wins a quick and undeniable victory. History knows of cases when a battle between these two representatives of the feline family still took place, but, fortunately, their habitat is different, and lions living in Africa rarely meet with their striped cousins ​​living in India and the Far East (Russia ).

Bengal tiger breed

The habitat of this breed of tigers: India, Pakistan, Iran, Nepal and Myanmar. The habitat of these predators determines their secondary division into subspecies: Malay, Indo-Chinese, South Chinese and Sumatran. This predator is considered not only the largest among its representatives, but also the most numerous among the other species: there are about 2.5 thousand units. Experts say that the place where tigers live plays an important role in the formation of muscles and, accordingly, overall dimensions. For example, it is generally accepted that the largest individuals live in Nepal: the largest tiger, which was seen in this area, weighed 320 kg, while the average weight of the rest of the individuals is about 100 kg less.

Experts talk about tigers as the fastest and most merciless hunters, there were cases when this wild cat fought with lions and rather large bears, and often the victory remained on her side. This predator is able to sit in ambush for a long time and wait for its prey. He attacks with lightning speed, inflicting decisive blows with powerful paws and claws, the length of which is 10 cm. Maximum speed tiger during the pursuit of its prey - 80 km / h, few of the animals have such a speed, therefore, as a rule, the predator always catches up with its prey. But he cannot run for too long, as he quickly gets tired and that is why he tries to sneak up to his prey as close as possible.

Amur tiger

It is he who lives in Russia who is considered the largest and strongest among other tigers. There are several names for this species: Siberian, Manchurian, Ussuri and Far Eastern. This tiger is the largest, has a considerable body weight, it is quite large in size (for example, if it stands on its hind legs, then its height will be about 3.5-4 m). The average weight of a representative of this breed is about 250 kg, but there were individuals with a more impressive weight. The life span of a tiger in the wild is about 15 years, and in captivity it can live up to 20-25. This wild cat lives in rather harsh climatic conditions, and in this regard, nature has endowed her with fluffier and thicker fur than that of the Asian "brethren". The largest individuals of the Amur breed live in the Far East. The map shows regions such as the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories.

Variety of color of large tigers

The color of the tiger is considered unique, since its unique stripes are drawn by nature on the skin itself. The general population of these predators is orange with black stripes; there are white patches of fur on the chest, paws and muzzle, but each species has its own peculiarities in color.

It should be noted that the largest tiger in the world is a white predator. For example, a white Amur tiger on the territory Of the Far East It is distinguished by powerful muscles and characteristic fatty layer on the abdomen, which significantly adds to its weight. It is more hardy than its congeners living in warm climates. But he also has a worthy competitor - this is a Bengali white species.

Representatives of this genus reproduce well and live in captivity. If you breed a white male with an orange female, the chances of having white kittens are low. But if the tiger and the tigress are both with the presence of a white gene, then the offspring will have exactly this color. The skull of a tiger of this subspecies is powerful and very large, it is distinguished by its size and considerable body weight. Average weight this mammal is 300-350 kg. The skeleton of a tiger is quite impressive in size, a large skeleton provides it with these dimensions, and only some species of bear can compare with an animal.

It is a misconception that this species belongs to albinos: it is a big misconception, since its white coat has light brown stripes. Eye color is usually blue or gray.

About what tigers eat, experts say unequivocally that deer is the main food for this type of predator. But tigers also hunt other cattle, as well as wild pigs.

The life span of a white tiger is slightly shorter than that of an orange one, and even in captivity it is quite difficult to meet them today. The average life of these mammals is 10 years.

A black tiger cub may appear in the offspring of different subspecies. In fact, this is a rather rare color variation of the brindle color, which is still found in nature. Most often, such individuals are found among Bengal breeds. The black stripes on his skin are so close to each other that the orange background is almost invisible, and due to this, the tiger appears to be completely black. Such a wild cat is called a melanist. The number of these individuals is very small, and in captivity there are only a few of them. This tiger eats the same as its relatives: cattle, fish and wild boars... Hunting for this predator is his whole life.

It just so happens that a simple cat is a night hunter, but tigers get their food at any time of the day: both at night and in the morning, during the day.

The difference found in the anatomical structure of the pupils of these animals became characteristic. A domestic cat has an oblong pupil, as if elongated, but a wild large "sister" has a round shape.

Not everyone knows that the liger, which is very rare, claims the role of the heaviest and largest representative of this genus of mammals. This hybrid is the result of crossing a male lion with a female tigress. Its weight is not less than 300-400 kg, and in length it reaches 3 or more meters.

Experts consider these mammals not only the largest, but, accordingly, the strongest animals. It is certain that the paws of the tiger-lion are endowed with great strength, and its blow is 1500 kg.

It runs at a speed of 60-80 km / h, but how the tiger-lion hunts in wildlife is still unknown. What does a liger look like? His head is covered with a thin mane, sometimes it is practically absent. In the wild, this species does not occur, since the lion is an African inhabitant, and the tiger is Asian, therefore, intersections in real life practically impossible. This unusual representative of the panther genus appeared as a result of a long joint stay of a lion and a tiger in the same enclosure. This happens often in zoos or circuses. According to the latest data, about 20 individuals of this subspecies lived in captivity.

The question is often asked, how many teeth does a tiger have? It is known that tigers, like ordinary cats, have 30 teeth, but their sizes are not at all feline. With its teeth, any representative of the panther genus is capable of exerting a pressing force equal to 71 atmospheres; he easily and quickly chews the bones of a large cattle... His fangs are the longest, which can reach up to 8-10 cm.

But the smallest tiger in the world is a representative of one of the purest breeds of the cat family - this is the Sumatran species. He lives on the islands of Indonesia and is distinguished by an evil and cruel disposition, he will not miss the chance to attack not only other animals, but also humans. This view listed in the Red Book and protected by law. It is distinguished from its relatives not only by its small height and weight, but also by a different arrangement of black stripes on the skin and other anatomical features.

Total allocated nine types of tigers, of which only six remain alive, and three are considered extinct.

Existing species of tigers

Amur, or Siberian tigers

photo: Joeke Pieters

Amur tigers (Panthera tigris altaica) can reach almost 3.3 meters in length. The weight of males is up to 300 kg, and they are larger than females. This subspecies of the tiger has a skull that is much larger than that of other species. The color of the Amur tiger is paler in winter, and with the arrival of the warm season it becomes brighter and more saturated. The fur is thicker and rougher than that of other tiger species due to the low temperature of the area where it lives. Amur tigers are capable of knocking down animals that weigh several times more than they. They tend to hunt moose and wild boars.

Bengal tigers

Bengal tiger (Latin Panthera tigris tigris or Panthera tigris bengalensis) can be seen in India. It is the most abundant of all tiger species with over 2,500 individuals in the wild. This type of tiger can weigh about 230 kg for an adult male and 140 kg for a female. Bengal tigers also have very long tails and heads that are larger than other species. They are excellent hunters and feed on a wide variety of prey, including deer, antelopes, pigs and buffaloes. Also, during a shortage of basic food, they hunt monkeys, birds and other smaller prey.

Indochinese tigers

Tiger species known as Indo-Chinese (lat.Panthera tigris corbetti), found in several Asian countries. The species is darker in color and smaller in size than Bengal tigers, but they are capable of reaching a maximum weight of 200 kg for males and 150 kg for females. Indochinese tigers prefer to live in forested areas. There are not so many such tigers. The government estimates that the population of the species is only 350 individuals. Indochinese tigers suffer from food shortages as the number of wild pigs and deer is also decreasing.

Malay tigers

Malay tiger (Latin Panthera tigris jacksoni) can only be found in the south of the Malay Peninsula. This tiger was only recognized as a distinct species in 2004. It is the smallest species on the mainland and the second smallest species of tigers. Males weigh on average 120 kg, while females weigh about 100 kg. Please note that the Malay tiger has cultural significance as it is featured on the country's coat of arms and is also the logo of Maibank, a Malaysian bank.

Sumatran Tigers

photo: Hagen Schneider

Sumatran tigers (lat.Panthera tigris sumatrae) very rare view that lives only on the island of Sumatra. Habitat destruction is still considered the main threat to the Sumatran tiger. The stripes on the Sumatran tiger are closer together than on other tigers. This allows him to be invisible in tall grass. One of the best Sumatran tiger tactics is to stalk their prey in the water. He is an extremely fast swimmer, so he is easily able to intercept larger prey in the water, which he could not cope with on land.

Chinese tigers

Chinese tigers (lat.Panthera tigris amoyensis) most at risk of extinction. The species of this tiger is often on the list of the ten most endangered species in the world. In the early 1950s, it is estimated that there were 4,000 Chinese tigers. And already in 1996 there were only 30-80 of these unique animals left.

Extinct species of tigers

Balinese tigers

Some species of tigers are extinct, among them there is also Balinese tiger (Latin Panthera tigris balica)... As the name implies, the range of this species of tigers was limited to the island of Bali, Indonesia. Before extinction, the Balinese tiger was the smallest species of tiger. This species is still considered important in Balinese Hinduism.

Caspian tigers

Caspian tiger (lat.Panthera tigris virgata) which is also known as transcaucasian tiger used to be found in rare forests. It was discovered in the south and west of the Caspian Sea. At least in the wild, it was still found until the early 1970s. The closest living species to the Caspian tiger is the Amur tiger.

Javan tigers

He lived on the island of Java, after which he got his name - Javanese tiger (Latin Panthera tigris sondaica)... This extinct species of tigers was encountered until the mid-1970s. The weight of males is from 100 to 140 kg, and of females - from 75 to 115 kg. Unfortunately, the last Javanese tiger was sighted after 1979 near Mount Betri.

Tiger hybrids

We talked about different types tigers, as well as those that have become extinct. However, there are some other species that can also be considered part of the tiger family, such as the liger and tigon hybrids.


Liger - hybrid which is the result of the mating of a male lion and a tigress. The lion introduces a gene that promotes growth, because of this, ligers can grow much larger than their parents and have a length of 3-3.5 m, and weigh from 360 kg to 450 kg or even more. They do, however, display appearance and the behavior of both parents. As a result, the liger has spots and stripes imprinted on the sandy fur. Male ligers have a 50% chance of growing a mane, just not as chic as a lion. While the resulting liger is definitely beautiful and interesting to study, the males of this hybrid are sterile even when their females are usually fertile.


Tygon, which is the result of breeding between a male tiger and a lioness, is a less common hybrid. Naturally, hybrids of tigers cannot, they are found in the wild, they can only be seen in zoos or circuses. The sizes of tigons are usually no higher than average.

Types of tigers with a unique color

White tigers

Very attractive appearance white tiger makes it a popular and desirable zoo resident or even an exotic pet, but albino tigers are rare in the wild. White tigers were first bred at the beginning of the 19th century. They can appear in parents of tigers who carry a rare gene that occurs only once every 10,000 births.

Golden tigers

Another recessive gene can lead to an interesting "golden" hue. The color is sometimes referred to as "golden tabby". actually have golden fur, with pale orange stripes. Their fur is thicker than that of other tigers. At last count, there are about 30 golden tigers.

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