Ways to fill yourself with feminine energy. Feminine energy: how to gain and retain How to fill yourself with energy as a woman

What factors influence a woman’s filling with her energies. How we ourselves kill our femininity.

Many have already heard that there is male energy - it is invasion, aggressiveness, directionality, vectoriality. And feminine energy is softness, flexibility, tenderness and compliance.

We live in a modern world in which masculine energies predominate - in speed and aggressiveness. And therefore, it is very important for a woman to know how to conserve her energy, where to feed it and how to accumulate it.

Fatigue and depression. Why do we lose energy?

IMPORTANT: According to the principles of Eastern psychology, every man consists of a large part of male energy and a small part of female energy. The same applies to women.

When a woman, due to her lifestyle, constantly fights for survival, rushes somewhere, stops thinking about herself and simply does not feel the moment “now,” she loses feminine energy.

But if she loses it, then what remains?

The energies of a man and a woman connect in moments of intimacy. It is then that the man receives part of the woman’s earthly energy.

This energy helps him materialize his ideas and goals, that is, to give direction to his strength. Feminine energy also calms him down and directs him to creative actions.

It is meditation that allows you to feel yourself again in this moment. Consciously we turn off the flow of thoughts. Which prevent us from stopping.

And thanks to calm and relaxing music and mood, we again immerse ourselves in our female images. With the help of meditation, a woman can dream up whatever she wants. And it will come true. Because imaginative thinking and feminine energy work wonders... de blend - an incredible choice of directions now allows you to find your niche and realize your talents.

The energy of creativity is always creative and carries enormous potential of feminine energy.

5 . Communication with nature.

Nature is our external source, which is inherent in our birth.

A woman, as we have already written, is earthly energy. And communication with nature, picnics, just walks along a river or in a park will fill you with strength and inspire creativity.

6. Bodily pleasures.

Massage, spa, yoga, oil baths, sauna or steam bath - this all allows us

Hello, dear friends!

What is feminine energy? This is age-old wisdom, flexibility of mind, inner strength, expressed in external calm. Invisible power can be represented in the image of water that flows, twists and demands respect.

The ancient scriptures say: the main purpose of a woman is to accumulate energy flow and make the world a better place... By the hands of a man. Feats, great victories and conquests happened thanks to the energy of the fair sex! After all, the process of releasing accumulated power occurs constantly and without days off.

But if you don’t recharge the charge in time, a woman risks losing a piece of magic and acquiring health problems! A bias towards male energy is fraught with certain consequences. Bad feeling, chronic fatigue, systematic depression is not the whole list of problems! How to fill yourself with feminine energy and make up for the lack of a “natural” resource? What practices and recommendations will allow you to feel femininity, strength and inspiration?

Observation and analysis

  • Take a closer look at what tone you use in your dialogue with your husband (does aggression, rudeness, irritation or affection, care, tenderness predominate)?;
  • answer the question: do you blame the male sex for your troubles in life (resentment towards your father, brother, former lover, etc.)?;
  • Do you feel satisfaction from doing household chores or do you perceive them as a heavy burden?;
  • where do you go with great pleasure: home or to work?;
  • do you disrespect the entire male sex (even in a joking manner)?;
  • Do you often confess your love to your husband or chosen one or do you hide your feelings?;
  • Do you prefer to wear jeans or dresses, skirts?

After analyzing the answers, you can come to the conclusion whether there is a shortage of feminine energy? If the verdict is in, it’s time to decide what methods to increase the accumulated reserves of the energy arsenal?

Work on yourself

Relaxing massage

Massage is a way to disperse stagnant energy in the body. Touching relieves tensions and blocks, bringing the necessary relaxation of both physical and emotional aspects. A plus will be the use of a sauna, swimming pool and bathhouse.

Healthy hair

A woman's hair is her life force! Based on their condition, can one say with confidence whether the owner is happy or in a state of fatigue and accumulated irritation? In order to increase feminine energy, make it a rule to take care of the condition of your hair every day:

  1. trim split ends in a timely manner (not when the moon is waning!);
  2. make “live” hair masks using fruits and vegetables;
  3. apply medicinal oils - castor, olive, jojoba, etc.;
  4. Wash your hair on time (at least once every 2 days);
  5. Comb your hair daily with a wooden comb (evening and morning).

This is not only a necessary load on the muscles, but also a pleasant work with a psycho-emotional background that stimulates femininity and the factor of self-acceptance. I recommend dancing while you cook, clean or do laundry and you will feel the desired changes!

Walking together

How to fill yourself with vital energy while spending time with your husband? It's simple! The Vedas say that with the help of joint walks, a couple strengthens their relationship. Walking in the fresh air, a person is freed from worries and distracted from pressing problems, and if you take your children with you, then joy will know no bounds!

General wardrobe cleaning

Throw out unnecessary things from your closet and fill your wardrobe with feminine, beautiful outfits. Focus on natural materials, avoiding vulgarity and clothing that is inappropriate for one’s age. Do not forget about skirts and dresses, because a woman draws energy from the Earth and it is for this reason that the bottom of her clothes should be open more often.

Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle

The number of habits a woman has shapes her life. Train yourself to have happy and harmonious days. Charging, activity and proper nutrition play a key role in the issue.

If you still poison yourself with tobacco, alcohol, swear like a cobbler and overeat at night - Bad mood and the reality corresponding to the actions is guaranteed to you.

Drink more water, treat yourself to juices, vegetables and fruits. Eat small portions, but as often as possible! Cook for yourself and your loved ones with love, charging your food for usefulness and health!
That's the whole secret!


  • Music (classical, spiritual, meditative, favorite and sounds of nature);
  • meditation as a means of high-quality, and most importantly effective, relaxation;
  • singing (karaoke, in the shower, while cooking, for children before bed, for husband);
  • visiting stores and high-impact shopping (you don’t even have to make purchases, but just be in the atmosphere of bright shop windows, trying on dresses);
  • growing and caring for flowers (cottage + house);
  • a walk through bookstores (choose a notebook, an interesting pen for writing in your success diary);
  • expression of masculine energy on paper. You can learn more about this from the video:

  • reading (fiction);
  • photo session (with your husband, children, loved ones or alone. You can also simply photograph beautiful objects or interior details on your phone);
  • drawing, modeling, painting (plates, walls, clothes);
  • travel (take a train ticket and ride to a neighboring city for an impression or purchase);
  • sewing (pillows, aprons, outfits for children or their dolls:).

That's it!

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A happy woman means happy people around her. First signs of decline internal resource in yourself and how to restore it - read this article.

You were lucky enough to be born a Woman. Congratulations! And I'm with you! You are one of those women who like to collect herbs, stones, and choose the right words: to each their own and in a timely manner. You are one of those who rule: society, company, family, husband. You are one of those who support relatives and friends. You are one of those who take care of the most beloved - yourself. The great strength and at the same time weakness of a woman: to give (and to whom to give) and to serve (but not to serve). Where to find strength? I invite you to enter the flow of your resources.

Resource Woman, or Where are your resources hidden?

I learned to keep track the first signs of a decrease in internal resource in yourself and others:

  • pickiness,
  • increased emotionality and criticism,
  • irritability towards children, husband.

And you quickly run in a vicious circle and thereby only aggravate the situation.

A happy woman means those around her are happy... And vice versa.

What to do?

  • To begin, write on one sheet of paper everything that brings you to a resourceful state, and on the other everything that steals your energy. These can be people, things, events, psychological states.
  • And then learn to replenish it.

1. Harmony of masculine and feminine principles

Each of us, regardless of gender, combines yang, masculine, and yin, feminine energy.

Our society is dominated by masculine energy. The world requires you to be purposeful, productive, active. Most try to live up to the ideal of society: higher education, career, husband, children, home, sports, travel. You are expected to take action. And you run like a squirrel in a wheel, but you don’t see the meaning and purpose.

You are irritated, aggressive, or exhausted, exhausted in the eternal race to meet the demands of others. You are losing yourself.

Feminine energy balances masculine energy. This is energy directed into your very essence, where feelings, sensations, and intuition lie dormant. And femininity and love.

Male energy, unbalanced by female energy, loses its depth of quality, and female energy without male energy freezes somewhere in inertia.

The harmonious relationship between these two energies gives you a good basis for a resourceful state. You feel strong and inner harmony. You are able to look into your inner world and listen to your body and sensations. You feel inner peace, you are honest with yourself and holistic in all your manifestations.

2. Prayer

It has been scientifically proven that when praying, a switch occurs from the Alpha to the Beta level of perception and, by the way, the heart rhythm is restored.

Prayer is a tool for your conversation with higher powers. Introduce them into your daily rituals. The main value of this resource is to return to a state of calm mind, get out of the chaos of thoughts, return and feel yourself in all your integrity.

3. Practices: love, forgiveness, thanksgiving, grounding

There are many good practices. These are your assistants. Search. Intuition and the body will tell you. And most importantly, practice. When I counsel people who complain about communication problems, the first thing I offer them is practice of filling with love. It helps preserve feminine energy.

Great power lies in the understanding of love for yourself, for others, for everything around you and for the higher mind. Deep understanding. The practice of filling with love treats many anxiety conditions, panic attacks, problems with diction and low self-esteem. And especially useful for mothers with postpartum depression and with problem children.

4. Attention management

We are all always running somewhere. Slow down, scan where you are directing your attention. This is where your energy goes. With daily training, after a while your consciousness will scan automatically.

In this way, you develop the skill of an Observer - the ability to look at a situation from the outside. And then YOU choose.

Be conscious in your choice of people and situations. Of course, your life often requires inclusion in someone else's game, but you can manage this process through your awareness and attention. Adjust the time, nature and intensity of your involvement. Or, if you really need to, play your role, but do not get involved emotionally, as if skimming your attention (as in automatic actions, for example, making tea). You always have the choice to leave the game.

5. Awareness and responsibility for actions, desires, words, thoughts

Infancy(inability/unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s actions, desires, words, thoughts) - this is a transitional quality in the process of growing up. For adults, this is a destructive behavior pattern. If you or your loved ones have this trait, then you can and should work with it.

Often, adults use infantilism as a means of manipulating others or “falling” into the state of a victim.

What about the power of words? In a word you can both kill and cure. Give a name and you will give a destiny. A word can spark war and give peace.

I remember with love the famous speeches of Nelson Mandela, who, having gone through all the horrors of persecution and prison, regained strength for himself and the people through words of forgiveness and recognition.

Conspiracies, affirmations, oaths, promises - do you realize their power? You are responsible for owning the gift of speech. Many articles have been written about the power of thought as an active resource. This is one of the main topics of research in science, literature, philosophy, and esotericism. Our capabilities in this area have expanded many times over the past decade.

Desires and dreams are one of the tools for “extracting” resources. And yeah! - Here your feminine skills will help you.

The basis is an understanding of the basis of desires:

  • desires imposed by external influences,
  • desires imposed by the ego,
  • desires born from the heart.

I encourage you to be aware and responsible. You can create, but you can also mess up. The basic rule of the universe: free will. It must not be violated.

6. The ability to accept, carry love and give it to yourself, others, the entire universe

For me, my attention is a part of me, my light of love. I appreciate him. I realized the power of this resource. My attention is significant both for me and for my world. It brings many miracles. And yours can do a lot.

What about you? Do you understand the full value of your attention and love? Who are you giving them to?

Take time to share your love and your attention to all that is dear to you around you. It makes you, and through you, others, stronger. And vice versa, scatter your attention, don’t get stuck on what you care about. at this moment no need. This makes you weaker, and at the same time steals your attention and love from what is most dear and necessary.

Learn to put a particle of love into your touch, gaze, thoughts directed at the object. Start with the people you love, pets, plants. Make it a habit.

Conduct an audit of daily activities and personalities that feed on your attention and love. Is this your conscious choice?

Please note - all stages of love are important and work in a system: accepting love, carrying it and giving it. The ability to love raises you to a divine level and gives you higher power.

7. Things in your life

Remember the expression: “my home is my fortress, this is the place where we replenish our energy”? What is it about?

Every thing carries energy and information. When you select a thing as the right note in your symphony at home, you get a beautiful melody that sounds to you, makes you happy and fills you with energy. In addition, things can be programmed to suit your needs. And vice versa: things that are not harmonious for you take away your energy.

The solution is simple, and yet so difficult for many: conduct an audit, throw it away/give it away.

One of effective methods for systematic cleaning - Marie Kondo's method. By letting go of unnecessary energy, you are telling the Universe that you are ready to let something new into your life. You will learn why to get rid of the old and how to clear your thoughts of garbage.

What to do if you live with others(for example, with your mother-in-law), who also have their own “melody of things” in your common house? Or, for example, if your husband is collecting a collection of something disharmonious for you?

It is important to negotiate here. You can “agree” with the thing itself”: “I recognize you as valuable to my husband (mother-in-law). I welcome you to my home. Carry love and grace within yourself. This is my choice, here and now." Find your groove. The main thing is to neutralize your attitude towards the thing and fit it into the energy of your home.

That is why it is important that each family member has his own personal place of power(room, corner, desk, chair). Back it up with your intention. I especially advise this for anxious children.

Fill your home with the bright energy of joy and prosperity with the help of stones and crystals.

8. Life in your flow

The tragedy of a person who did not live his own life, lost his energy and sometimes gave up his health in this alien game - this is so relevant today. I urge myself and you: be vigilant and aware! A simple one helps here, but important question: “Who needs this? Does this meet my purpose?

When asking yourself this question, feel how your body reacts, ask your heart again. There are also long-term “stuckness” when the body and heart are not heard. Then they look for help to find the keys to these resources. And vice versa, probably the greatest source of energy comes from the work of life - that great service that corresponds to your uniqueness and the plan of the highest universe.

Not slavery, but higher service. This is the pulse of your life. It brings joy and gives energy, according to the “need” in the overall system and your role in it.

I personally am not a supporter of eternally searching for my business. It is in the most conscious living. The main thing is not WHAT to do, but HOW.

And here great importance has inner honesty. We lie to ourselves, covering up the comfort of someone else's game. And freedom requires the voice of inner honesty. But only she gives a wonderful resource.

9. The ability to bring results through others

This wonderful skill greatly improves your skill level. This is an important condition for effective resource coexistence in the family and in the team. Good leaders deliver results through motivation and the ability to discover the talents of others.

At the core is faith and love for others. As soon as I grasped this meaning for myself, a new door opened in a large field of possibilities: “I believe in you, you can do it. Everyone has the right to make mistakes."

Awareness helps here when choosing the roles of rescuer and victim, for which everyone bears their own responsibility. And every time you put on your rescue hat, you simultaneously increase the number of victims around you. By taking responsibility for others, you ultimately lose your energy and make your partners weaker. The experience of overcoming through one’s own active position is important to a person. This also applies to children.

10. Time for yourself

Finally, give others the opportunity to take care of you and allow yourself proper rest. A woman is like Mother Earth: give her rest, and she will delight herself and others with her fertility, as the basis of creativity and the joy of being.

Personal relaxation is not only about reclining on the sofa, it is about being alone with yourself, doing creativity, music, poetry, sports.

Determine your to-do list and states that charge your batteries.

11. Communication with beauty: art, music, poetry, interesting people, creativity, nature

Add your list. Enter into your plans. Treat yourself beautifully! These are your “anchors” for the accumulation of positive energy: if possible, remember in detail your impression (colors, smells, details), save, “retrieve” the image when you need it, and enjoy it again and again.

Think about how it is most convenient for you to anchor images: through sketches, journaling, poetry...

This resource reserve gives you an excellent opportunity to develop imaginative thinking. And this is the basis of many practices and your mastery of sorceresses.

This category also includes people. Let me remind you about the “presumption of beauty in a person”: Each person is unique and carries within himself a piece of the highest beautiful principle. Find it, notice it, admire it! So easy and so difficult in reality.

Get into the habit of observing the behavior, facial expressions, and appearance of those around you. Start with the closest ones: note the shade and shape of the eyes, the reflection of light, the manner of looking, in detail.

How long has it been since you looked into your husband’s eyes? And did you notice when this little wrinkle appeared on the bridge of your nose?

Another exercise. Allow yourself to fall in love (maybe not for long) with a stranger who you initially don’t like for some reason.

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So, there are basic levels of resource acquisition:

  • physical (food, sleep, sex, etc.),
  • psychological (through relationships with others),
  • personal (you find resources within yourself),
  • spiritual (access to the concepts of selfhood and Supreme unity).

What level are you at? Do you know how to use all the possibilities?

Unfortunately, it’s easy to get “stuck” on the first two levels, which are genetically embedded in us as a survival instinct. And then you depend on the approval of others, on the conditions of your living environment. They support you, but they can also break you.

But the mastery of one’s own creation of life begins at the transition to the sources of personal and spiritual resources. This opens up wonderful opportunities for you to be filled with love, a sense of belonging and unity with everything around you. And you embark on the path of self-sufficiency and gain freedom.

I wish you to find and grow your personal and spiritual resource. And then you will move into the state of the Creator and create your reality for the benefit of yourself and those around you. Feel: the universe lives through you. Life is a dancer, you are a dance. What is your dance routine these days? At every stage of life, your movements are unique and beautiful. And even in a fall there is a bottom from which you can push off into a new stream.

And there is power and beauty in the dance of the last breath. This is your choice. Good luck! published .

Julia Eymellen

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

In this article we will look at effective ways restoration of feminine energy, which is so necessary in relationships with a man. I will tell you what impact physical, emotional and intellectual states have on our energy. As a result, you will be able to fill your inner world with strength and energy, which will not leave your man indifferent and will push him to new achievements.

Take care of your body

It’s not for nothing that people have a proverb “In healthy body- healthy mind." Physical condition has a huge impact on the emotional and psychological state of a woman.

If you want to fill yourself with energy, then pay special attention to your body and health in general.

  1. Book a body massage (you can use exotic massage with special oriental techniques).
  2. Start taking care of your hair (go to a beauty salon, change your hairstyle or hair color).
  3. Get a manicure and pedicure (well-groomed nails and skin will make you feel more feminine and sophisticated).
  4. Don't deny yourself the pleasure of soaking in the bathtub with rose petals, sea ​​salt and aromatic oils.
  5. Do beautiful make-up every day, no matter whether you go somewhere or not (you can also sign up for a makeup course).
  6. Start playing sports (sign up for yoga, dancing, gym or swimming pool).
  7. Wear only beautiful clothes in which you will feel irresistible and feminine (even if you spend the whole day cooking, eating and cleaning at home, dress like a princess).
  8. Start eating healthy exclude fatty and high-calorie foods from your diet. It has already been proven that fast food food dampens the energy of passion and also increases excess weight, which affects your well-being.
  9. Start living a healthy lifestyle (stop smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages).
  10. Use perfume daily deodorants and other scented products.
  11. Start taking care of your body's skin (make a Cleopatra bath, honey wraps, ground coffee scrub, take care of your facial skin regularly).
  12. Throw out old and unnecessary things from your home, in particular, the wardrobe. As soon as all the trash is thrown out, something new and good will begin to come into life.

Focus on relationships

Communication is an important part of our emotional state. Scientists have proven that the environment shapes our inner world, character and thinking. If you want to be filled with feminine energy, then follow these simple tips:

  1. Change your environment. Try to communicate more with other women who have achieved success in filling feminine energy.
  2. Don’t waste time on long, emotional conversations. To feel happy, a woman needs to say 22,000 words a day. Lack of communication depresses feminine energy and suppresses the emotional state.
  3. Focus on communication style rather than content. Overly intelligent women who know hundreds of terms are not particularly attracted to the opposite sex because their feminine essence is suppressed by intellectual abilities.
  4. Start asking for help and don’t be afraid to take the position of a “weak woman.” Weakness is one of the facets of femininity, which especially attracts a man and pushes him to new achievements for the sake of his beloved.
  5. Start helping those around you. Helping an old neighbor, a gift for a sick child, or buying groceries for a low-income family will fill you with a sea of ​​positive emotions and reveal another facet of femininity in you.
  6. Be friendly. Send a postcard to friends, give a compliment to a colleague or a gift to a loved one. Kindness and care can fill a woman with strength and energy.
  7. Strive to express love for your loved ones and family. Hug and kiss your husband and children more often, talk about your feelings, admit the importance of these people in your life.
  8. See a psychologist. Men are simply not able to perceive the entire flow of information from a woman, especially when it comes to emotions, stress and difficulties. In this case, a specialized psychologist will become an assistant.

If you want to be filled with feminine energy, then surround yourself with successful women, good wives, wonderful mothers.

Make time for creativity

Quite often, women become so immersed in the daily bustle and everyday affairs that they completely stop paying attention to their creative inclinations. This makes the individual inferior and limits the power of feminine energy. If you want to make your life fulfilling, then devote part of your time to creativity. Start practicing:

  • music;
  • meditation;
  • singing;
  • growing and caring for house plants;
  • floristry;
  • knitting;
  • embroidery;
  • reading books;
  • handicrafts;
  • photo sessions.

Travel is good way fill your life with bright and positive emotions, see the world around you and have a large number of new acquaintances. You don’t need a lot of money to travel, because even a simple trip to a neighboring city is already a small adventure.

Tidy up your house

If you want to be filled with feminine energy and become even stronger and more feminine, then pay attention to your own home. Housing has a huge impact on a woman, because she spends most of her time there. So, to create the right atmosphere for filling with energy, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Buy new kitchen utensils and dishes.
  2. Don't skimp on different women's kitchen tools.
  3. Turn cooking into a creative process, don't be afraid to experiment.
  4. Throw away all the broken things - don’t wait for the “magic” day when your man suddenly decides to repair something.
  5. Constantly update your wardrobe and under no circumstances store old, dirty, stretched or washed items.
  6. Don’t turn your home into a museum, where for every meter of space there is bound to be some kind of rubbish.

Strive to fill your home with comfort and warmth. The atmosphere in the home primarily depends on the woman, and therefore everything is in your hands. Choose curtains to match the color of the sofa, decorate the wall with photographs, and make it a habit to decorate the table with fresh flowers.

Your feminine energy will overwhelm you and your environment if you create the appropriate atmosphere around you.

Improve family relationships

Many women simply resign themselves and tolerate many misunderstandings in the family, thereby depriving themselves of feminine energy. It is simply impossible to be truly overwhelmed with positive emotions and femininity without harmony in the family, so do the following:

  1. Divide household responsibilities. Let everyone be responsible for maintaining cleanliness and comfort in their homes. This way you can accustom your family to household chores and make time for yourself.
  2. Organize a family gala dinner. Let your meal together turn into a real holiday with a beautiful tablecloth, new service and delicious dishes.
  3. Invite neighbors or friends over for dinner together. Firstly, it will motivate you and your family to put the house in order, and secondly, such a joint vacation will give a lot of positive emotions and communication, and this is very important for a woman.
  4. Come visit with the whole family. Any changes in your daily routine will have a positive effect on your emotions and strength. Going to visit will encourage you to take care of yourself and your body. Communication will also give you a lot of joy and inspire you to change something in your home and life.
  5. Pay attention to raising children. Many mothers, due to strong physical and emotional stress, often turn into malicious controllers who simply shout at the child and do not at all explain what is good and what is bad. Start communicating more with your baby, telling him different stories, give examples. Go with your child to a cafe, park, or playground.
  6. Organize leisure time outside the home more often. Plan a joint vacation with your husband a month in advance. Determine the days on which you will go to nature, to a cafe, park or children's entertainment center. Let your relaxation not be limited to the sofa and TV, although sometimes this method of leisure will be quite successful.

It will be great if there is a “family day” in your family. For example, every Sunday of the week, neither the husband nor the wife plans anything and devotes the entire day to each other and their children.

Engage in personal growth

A truly happy and energetic woman is a full-fledged person who is confident in herself, her strengths, capabilities and talents. If you don’t love yourself, don’t perceive yourself, then the people around you will treat you with disdain. Take care of your personality:

Practical psychologist Nadezhda Mayer reveals 5 character traits of a woman that attract a man and predispose him to a serious relationship. You can achieve this level of communication only if you pay enough attention to your personality.

Questions to answer

What to do if it’s difficult to devote enough time to your appearance?

Just let your family know that you are not entirely theirs and you are just asking for your own time. Let a man take over your responsibilities one evening and give you the opportunity to spend time for yourself. It all depends on your position.

What should I do if I don't like my appearance?

First, you should try to start taking care of yourself. Start playing sports, change your hairstyle, get a manicure. If the problem is hidden in psychological perception, then only a psychologist can help.

Why is restoring feminine energy so important?

Thanks to feminine energy, we are able to surround men with our care and attention. Fill the house with comfort and love. With emotional and mental exhaustion, women quite often ruin their entire lives themselves, not understanding why this happens and what needs to be done. All of the above steps will help you be a whole person, a good wife and a wonderful mother.

What to remember

Every woman should take care not only of those around her, but also of herself. Filled with energy and strength, she is able to change the whole world around her. If you want to be truly happy and full of strength, then:

  1. Pay attention to your body: sometimes allow yourself to soak in the bathroom, go to a massage or SPA.
  2. Start eating right and exercising.
  3. A beautiful outfit, hairstyle, and makeup should accompany you every day, without exception.
  4. Surround yourself only with successful people.
  5. Do charity work and take care of others.
  6. Find a hobby and start doing something creative: embroidery, photography, dancing, yoga.
  7. Clean up your home and throw out all unnecessary junk.
  8. Engage in your personal growth.

Your harmony and inner fulfillment depends only on you. Just set yourself the goal of putting all areas of your life in order and start taking care of yourself. Let your lover and children understand that you are first and foremost a woman and you deserve to be not just successful, but also happy.

What is a woman's happiness? In harmony, peace and love! But modern women They are so immersed in work, household responsibilities, and the problems of their family and friends that they stop paying attention to themselves. They spend their energy and time on others, spend their energy without having time to replenish its reserves, and as a result they often feel exhausted and empty, irritated and tired (you can continue the list yourself).

However, there are other women: satisfied, relaxed, sexy, fulfilled, creative, attractive, confident, loved and happy. What is their secret? What do they know and do that is not available to others? Okay, let’s not delay and answer these questions: it’s all about feminine energy and those practices that help accumulate, retain and transform this energy into the things you want (and we’re not just talking about material things, as you understand).

Women's practices are a whole system of exercises that allow you to fill yourself with feminine energy. Classes can be held in groups or individually, based on meditation, body-oriented practices, art therapy, and include various exercises, visualizations, affirmations that help correct and improve physical, psychological and emotional state.

The essence of women's practices

The classes focus on restoring the balance of energies and their proper circulation. IN modern world a woman often takes on male functions - she earns money, makes key decisions, and is responsible for the family. As a result, there is an imbalance of the chakras and energy in female body begins to move like a man.

In those chakras where energy moves clockwise in a man, in women it moves counterclockwise, and vice versa. In addition, the functions of the chakras in men and women are different: the first, third and fifth chakras in men work more on giving energy, and in women - on receiving, and the second, fourth and sixth in women work more on giving energy, and in men - for acceptance.

When the chakras work harmoniously, a man gives a woman security, money, social status, and a woman is pleasure, love and direction for the implementation of ideas. With the correct exchange of energies, a man and a woman live in harmony and abundance. If the movement of energy in the chakras is disrupted, then problems arise both on the emotional and physical levels - relationships in the family and at work do not work out, intimate life suffers, material wealth leaves much to be desired, and various diseases appear.

Through working with the psyche and body, women's practices restore the balance of energies and help a woman connect with her feminine essence. A high level feminine energy allows you to improve relationships in the family, attract the right man, new opportunities, money, happy events.

Types of women's practices

There are many different directions, but in general all practices can be divided into three types:

  • Body practices
    This group includes yogic and Taoist practices, dynamic meditations and exercises for intimate muscles.
  • Psychological practices
    These include various meditations, visualizations, exercises, and art therapy.
  • Energy
    This group consists of tantric and lunar practices, as well as Slavic rituals, Vedic practices, etc. An important place is occupied by the torsion of female power funnels and exercises to harmonize the work of the chakras.

The benefits of women's practices

If you're not motivated enough yet, read this list.

So, women's practices:

  • eliminate bodily blocks and clamps, allowing energy to flow easily and freely;
  • promote the production of estrogen, which makes the figure more seductive and movements sexier;
  • help to let go of grievances, anger, negative emotions, get rid of fears and tension;
  • harmonize the internal state, give peace and tranquility;
  • eliminate “mental garbage”, teach you to relax and concentrate;
  • They fill you with energy, give you a feeling of your own attractiveness and self-confidence.

When to carry out women's practices to fill with feminine energy?

Women's practices can be done at any time. But for the greatest efficiency, periods of intensification and decline of energies should be taken into account.

Women's energy practices

Practice systems:

1. By time of year

Spring is the period of awakening energy, summer is the time of its active use, autumn is the time of accumulation, and winter is the time of purification. In addition, each season strengthens its energy: spring - the energy of the Girl, summer - the Mistresses, autumn - the Mistresses, and winter - the Queens.

2. According to the solar calendar

From birthday or New Year to Chinese calendar 12 equal periods are counted. Each such period symbolizes a certain area of ​​life that should be dealt with at this time (the ritual of laying the Solarium).

3. According to the lunar calendar

The movement of the Moon through the signs of the Zodiac indicates the areas of life in which activity will bring the greatest results. The phases of the moon are also important: on a waxing moon, energy increases, reaching its peak at the full moon, on a waning moon, it decreases, reaching a minimum at the time of the new moon. Therefore, it is good to do practices for filling with energy on the waxing moon, and for cleansing on the waning moon. It is important to consider lunar days, each of which has its own meaning and energy characteristics.

4. By time of day

No matter how old you are, what makes a woman attractive is not youth, but energy. A fulfilled woman blossoms and attracts attention, she becomes more charming and sexier, and happy changes come into her life! Do women's practices on your own or in a group of like-minded women and be happy!