Teaching children to read. How to teach a child to read: important rules and effective techniques

IN Soviet times teaching reading was the concern of teachers. Today, first-graders who cross the threshold of school can read, write in block letters and begin to comprehend foreign languages. And although such an impressive wealth of skills and abilities is not a mandatory requirement for a future student, many parents from an early age are engaged in the education of their offspring so that he does not lag behind his peers, easily and quickly masters complex school curriculum. How to teach a child to read syllables without teacher education and special knowledge? Let's turn into teachers!

Determining the level of training

In order to correctly set educational goals, you must first determine the child’s level of preparation and eliminate the “gaps” in a timely manner. Don't start learning to read if:

  • the preschooler’s speech has not yet formed, he cannot correctly compose a sentence, and is not able to reproduce a short story;
  • there are problems of a speech therapy nature (the baby must not only pronounce sounds correctly, but also maintain rhythm and melody in his speech);
  • the child confuses spatial concepts (right/left, up/down);
  • phonemic hearing is poorly developed (the ability to identify sounds in a word, their position);
  • concentrates on one object for less than 10 minutes.

First, we eliminate the existing problems and only then teach them to read. Otherwise, the process will drag on, the child will quickly get bored and will not bring good results.

“Refresh” the material in our head

Parents may have forgotten the sequence of letters in the alphabet and what they are correctly called. Therefore, we open the textbook and remember.

First figure out for yourself how a letter differs from a sound. For those who don’t remember: we see letters, we pronounce sounds. There are 33 letters, the sounds they represent are consonants and vowels. The former are also divided into hard and soft, voiced and voiceless. This is enough for now, repeat the rest when the child becomes a first grader!

Tune in psychologically to the process:

  1. do not expect quick results; for them to appear, systematic and consistent exercise will be required;
  2. be prepared to explain the same thing multiple times;
  3. You are constantly looking for new ways and means of learning.

Let's understand the methods

Today, a huge number of methods are available, suggesting different approaches to learning.

For example:

  • They teach syllabic reading - the child memorizes letter combinations and then composes words from them.
  • - suggests memorizing the spelling of whole words.
  • Rough ones help to learn the alphabet through sensory abilities.

It is difficult to call any method flawless, because they also have drawbacks. Therefore, it is better to turn to the good old sound-letter method, and Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev and other innovators will help diversify classes.

Where to begin

Now let’s decide on the manual we will use for training. “Primer” by N.S. has proven itself well. Zhukova, in which classical methods overlap with speech therapy content and unique author’s developments.

N.S. Zhukov, to the question: “How to quickly teach a growing child to read?” answers - together, and it is not necessary to know all the letters. A few vowels and consonants are enough, from which you can make letter combinations.

First we study open vowels: “A”, “U”, “O”, “Y”, “E”. Then sonorant consonants - “ M", "N". At this stage, using Zhukova’s ABC book, we begin to explain how syllables are made from letters. The colorful illustrations show how one letter rushes towards another, merging with it into a syllable. For example, " M"hurries to "O", we pronounce it together "M-m-m-o-o".

The main thing for a child is to understand the mechanism of their merging; with new letters he will be able to do everything mechanically. All learned syllables must be repeated often and regularly so that their reading becomes automatic.

Read not only simple open letter combinations in which a vowel follows a consonant (“MA”), but also complex “vowel-consonant” (“AM”), fusions of three sounds (“ARO”, “PRA”).

Let's take p. 18 from the primer as an example.

Name the first letter - the parent asks.
“X,” the kid answers.
- Which letter does “X” go to?
- To the letter "A".
- It turns out: “X-x-x-A”. While the letter “X” is running towards “A”, stops cannot be made - they sound together.

Having learned just a few of these examples, a preschooler will understand the principle of constructing syllables and will be able to apply it to other sounds.

Never pronounce sounds in a syllable separately from each other! For example, “N” and “O” - “BUT”. This method can delay the learning process for a long time. Teach your child to chant: “N-n-n-o.”

What else will help you add syllables?

A great way to learn how to pronounce syllables together is to sing the sounds. This is often taught by kindergarten teachers. Chanting helps many children. Some, getting carried away, can sing a whole sentence or even a paragraph together.

Thematic material:

You need to constantly remind your preschooler about pauses between words and sentences. I sang a word, stopped, sang the next one, pause again. Don’t worry, the pauses will gradually become shorter until the reading becomes meaningful and expressive.

Children learn most easily through play. The alphabet in pictures will help you remember a new letter (the letter being studied is accompanied by images of objects in which it appears), three-dimensional letters (made of clay, wood, etc.), rough Montessori letters, cubes. We studied the letter, made a manual for it and added the syllables.

If the child is about 3-4 years old, and the learning process has been delayed (more than 6 months), do not rush, postpone classes until 5 years. At this age, an interest in reading will appear on its own, and the baby will master science in 1-2 months.

When reading books to your baby, constantly focus his attention on how well he can read.

First, it is advisable to introduce syllables with two vowels (“AU”), then with a voiced consonant with a vowel ( "BA", "RO", "WE"), in the end there are hissing and deaf ones ( "TA", "HE", "SHI") and vowel-consonant pairs ( "AM", "ER", "UN").

Having mastered the syllables, move on to reading the simplest words: MA-MA, WE-LO, RA-MA. Always start your classes by reviewing and consolidating the material you have covered. Make sure that the future student does not forget to pause between words, check that he has mastered what he has read.

Let's take an example from the above-mentioned primer (p. 58).

The photo shows the text “In the meadow.” We pronounce the syllables in a chant: “Here (pause) lu-zhok (pause). Here (pause) wanders around (pause) so-ba-ka (pause) Friend.” etc. After reading, we ask the child: “What is the text about? Where does the dog roam? What is her name?". If it is difficult for a child to answer immediately, we allow him to find the answer in the text.

The duration of the first lessons for preschoolers 4-5 years old is less than 15 minutes, then they are increased to half an hour.

Children 5-7 years old get tired quickly, so constantly change the type of activity: read - draw or print letters. It is advisable to use coloring books with images, so the preschooler will have a rest and practice his motor skills.

Interactive technologies

It is worth using as an auxiliary (not the main!) means Online Games and applications. Most of these programs are free for users and available on Android devices. For example, the Azbuka Pro program.

Some sites offer online exercises. For example, “The Cheerful Engine” or “Berylyaka Learns to Read.” If online learning is not convenient for you, you can download special CDs with ready-made lessons or educational videos for free.

Of course, such activities are very popular with modern children who adore high-tech devices. But do not forget that a child’s excessive interest in even useful online games and videos can affect their vision and emotional and mental health.

Therefore, it is better to use such learning tools to consolidate knowledge or while resting between sprinkling over a book.

10 useful games

Never force your child to learn letters. And to prevent home lessons from turning into boring and monotonous activities, diversify them with games.

With the right approach, teaching a child to read syllables is quite simple. It is much more important to instill an interest in reading, to make it thoughtful and regular. After all, as any teacher will confirm, a person’s literacy and the beauty of his speech depend on the amount of reading.

From syllabic reading to fluent reading

Read the sentence and ask your child to repeat it. Then increase the number of offers to 3 or more.

Remember! During the exercise, correct intonation, remind about logical pauses.

You can also select text with pictures instead of some words. The next stage is to exclude pictures from the text and insert the missing words, focusing on the meaning of the sentence.

It’s easy to teach a child when he has fun, so try to present the material in a way that makes it interesting. And it doesn’t matter what methods you use. Use your imagination and discover your own way of learning. After all, only you know the interests of your preschooler. Good afternoon dear friends. Raising children is a very complex and responsible process that requires truly heroic efforts from parents. I know very few (literally a few) people who raise their children wisely so that they grow up to be truly happy people, without psychological trauma and able to use many universal life skills. One of these skills is reading. Of course, it is very important, but many parents greatly underestimate its properties. So today we'll talk about

Why is this skill so important? There are several reasons.

  • Reading is the foundation of good learning. It is in written form that 99% of all information in the world is stored. Moreover, most of it is in English (but we will talk about this below). The sooner a child learns to read, the easier his learning process will be and the more intelligent he will be. Seriously, I know people who are still not able to read one text for a long time and they are far from brilliant. Those who are in primary school They could already read a large text on their own, and by the eleventh grade they had much better grades than those who still read syllables in the fourth grade.
  • This leads to the second reason - reading instills a love of learning. How more people reads, the more he knows. And the more he knows, the more he wants to know. Curiosity does not appear on its own; it develops along with the development of intelligence. By the way, on this topic you can read the article “” on my blog. So, if you want your child to be smart, then reading should be his favorite pastime. Believe me, it's not that difficult to do.
  • Reading develops a child's imagination and logical abilities. You will be surprised, but after a few months of active reading, many children abandon books with pictures in favor of more interesting materials with bare text. Images begin to be drawn in their heads, and this is much more interesting than seeing finished drawings. It's like a cartoon that can be broadcast directly into your head. They learn other sciences more easily, as they gradually learn to think logically. Well, I wanted you to understand more, how to teach a child to read quickly? But that's not all...
  • Books develop high moral feelings. Of course, now I’m talking about truly high-quality literature, and not about those little books that are updated daily in bookstores. But even fairy tales are designed to form in children the correct ideas about what is “good” and what is “bad.” Gradually, they can be given more complex literature, which is even ahead of the school curriculum, but they should not get too carried away with this, since children do not have enough life experience to understand what they read.

There are many other reasons, I have given only the main ones. As you can see, this issue must be approached very thoroughly.

On this moment I know only three ways, How to teach a child to read correctly: syllable by syllable, fluently and in the form of a game. In principle, they all duplicate each other to some extent. I recommend writing down the main ideas from each method and creating own system training. I am sure it will turn out to be the most suitable for your child.

Before teaching a child to read, it is necessary to choose the right teaching instructions or, speaking in Russian, a primer. Choose it yourself, read reviews on the Internet, choose the best one. By the way, the number of pictures is not an indicator of interestingness. Pay special attention to the quality of printing and letters. They should be large enough so that the child does not strain his eyesight and can more easily absorb the material.

The first step is to teach the child to read vowel sounds. It is best to start with the letter “A”, then “O”, “E” and others. The fact is that it is “A” that is easiest for a child to voice and understand. After all, he already knows many words using this letter. "O" is most similar to "A", while "E" is the most common letter in the Russian language. Then learn the rest of the vowel sounds. Remember not to pester your child and stop whenever you see him getting bored.

But let's get back to the topic. After learning the vowels, it's time to tackle the consonants. The first should be voiced consonants (L, M, etc.), and only then the hissing ones. Remember that under no circumstances should a child pronounce these letters as “el”, “em” and so on. Only “l-l-l” and “mm-mm”, otherwise he may mispronounce them and have trouble reading them in the future.

It’s better not to wait until the child learns the entire alphabet, but to start quietly teaching him syllables at a time. Ask to read two letters at once. At first it will turn out badly, but you help him by showing the right example.

Next, bring the pronunciation of syllables to automaticity. That is, the child should not think about how to correctly form two letters together, but immediately pronounce “LA” and “GO” to you. This can be done by increasing the speed of repetition. For example, after a week of studying syllables, cut out cards (30 pieces) with the studied syllables and ask the child to pronounce them. Set a timer for 30 seconds and tell your child that his goal is to read as many syllables as possible in that time. You will be surprised, but after 2-3 such games, the pronunciation of syllables will become very smooth.

Using the most simple words like “ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, “ga-ze-ta”, etc. Use words that your child knows well and encounters every day. This will allow him not to stress too much and enjoy his activities more. And do not forget to constantly repeat what you have learned. It's better to do this periodically. For example, if you learned the letter “P” today, then repeat it in a week, and then in a month.

I hope you understand how to teach a child to read well. Gradually increase the difficulty, give him sentences, little fairy tales, and so on. He must constantly develop his reading skill. At the same time, do not forget that the pronunciation must initially be perfect. Do not force your child to sing the words, otherwise it will be more difficult for him to unlearn in the future. Initially, teach him to do everything correctly.

I advise you to teach your child to read at 5 or 6 years old. This is the ideal age to begin developing intellectual knowledge. If you do this earlier, your child will face more problems in understanding and, once learned, will be more intelligent than his peers, so the socialization process will be more painful. Some people recommend teaching children to read starting at age 2 or 3, but I believe this will only harm you and your child. You should have started him at this age.

This technique is slightly at odds with generally accepted ideas about teaching children to read. Its essence lies in the fact that the child learns to read associatively, that is, without delving into abstract concepts like letters and sounds. How applicable this technique is to your child is, of course, up to you to decide, but my personal experience suggests that this is the way the child will be able to master this useful skill as quickly and easily as possible.

By the way, he is often mentioned when it comes to how to teach a child to read English. To tell you the truth, even when I was studying English, I used this method. And its essence lies in what every young parent has encountered - learning new words.

In theory, for a child, words are not connected to anything. He simply hears sounds, smells and sees images. Soon his associations begin to awaken, and he understands that if he says the word “mom,” then a loving, kind woman will come, caress and feed him, and if “dad,” then a man will come and wipe his butt. The same thing happens when learning to read. In fact, the letters don’t mean anything to a child, they’re just ordinary squiggles, but you can easily change the situation.

Make cards with the words your child encounters most often written in big red letters. You can print them on a printer, or you can do them manually. Great value it doesn't have. To make the methodology easier to understand, let’s take any word. Let it be the word “CAT”.

Show your child the cat, say this word and show the card. Then immediately take out the second card and repeat these steps. He should not try to make squiggles; they should be stored in his memory on their own. After all the cards are over, show him the word “CAT” again and ask him to name the object. If he succeeds, praise him and show affection and attention; if not, try to help, but do not tell him the correct answer.

This is probably the easiest way how to teach a child to read at home. Repeat this exercise constantly and also include new words. The main thing is to update regularly lexicon and learn new words. You will be surprised, but soon the child will read on his own simple texts, and then more complex ones. Moreover, he will not have to bother his head with unnecessary knowledge about letters and syllables. By the way, after such classes, he will be able to.

Reading in English occurs in the same way, only instead of Russian words, give him cards with English names. It is better to do this at the same time, then he can quickly master both languages ​​and will not have to spend a lot of time understanding in the future. Again, it all depends on your upbringing, where I simply have no right to give advice.

How to teach a child to read using games

There is a rather interesting method of teaching reading using a game, which can be done absolutely free, using the Internet or ordinary pictures, and this method is also suitable for children 3-4 years old, not to mention 5 or 6. The point is the initial knowledge of words. In general, this technique is called “rebus”. There is a huge amount of truth in this name, since parents will have to create their own kind of puzzles.

So, first agree with your child on certain rules. You show him some picture and say the first syllable with him. For example, “MOM” - you need to pronounce “MA”, “PAPA” - you need to pronounce “PA”. So give a few examples (preferably 7-10). After this, ask your child to pronounce the syllables independently.

At first he may not do very well. But it’s not in vain that you are interested in how to teach a child to read quickly. Guide him, but don't do him a disservice. The child himself must understand where he made the mistake and correct it. Firstly, it will make him more interested in the game, and secondly, it will make him smarter.

After the child begins to pronounce the first syllable without errors, praise him and make the task more difficult. Now show him some pictures and ask him to name the first syllables. For example, a child should answer “MOM” to two pictures of a mask. Next, increase the number of pictures to get more complex words.

With this method, your child will easily learn letters and words. It is difficult to judge its usefulness, since I have not yet met more than one family who would use this method in teaching their child to read, but it has a right to exist. You can try it in combination with other methods and create your own authoring system.

This concludes the article on how to teach a child to read. Ask your questions in the comments, I will answer everyone. And don’t forget to subscribe to updates so you don’t miss new interesting posts. Bye!

Therefore, it is quite understandable that parents want to teach their child this very important matter. But how?

Previously, everything was much simpler - there was a blue primer with a huge orange letter A on the cover, and millions of boys and girls (some at three, some at five, some at seven) learned from it the immortal texts about the mother who washed the frame. But these boys and girls grew up and became parents themselves. And then it became clear that times had changed. And a variety of ways have appeared to teach a child to read. Eyes run wild - Doman's cards, Zaitsev's cubes, rough letters of Maria Montessori, Tyulenev's method, which promises to teach a child to “read before walking”... And young parents, afraid of “not being in time,” rush from one method to another, from one specialist to to another. In the methodical “compote”, the child rushes about with the parents.

Is it too late after three?

"The Reading Man must appear before the Erect Man"– said Pavel Tyulenev. He calls “late learning to read at the age of 6-7 years” “a disaster for any family.” That's a strong word, isn't it?

And here is Glen Doman: “Teaching a six-month-old is much easier than a one-year-old, and a one-year-old is much easier than a six-year-old!” N. Zaitsev is not far behind: “Where they work with Cubes, they are no longer surprised at three-year-olds and even two-year-olds reading.”

Early learning to read is a relatively new phenomenon in our lives. There are no “long-term” results yet, since it came to Russia over the last decade. However, the first warning signs have already begun to appear. Psychologists say that children who are taught to read too early develop problems in social development. Relatively speaking, it is very difficult for such children to fit into the children's team. And not at all because they are intellectually “above” their peers. But because their socialization skills have not been formed - at the time when they should have been formed, the brain was busy with something else: learning to read and write. Speech therapists are also surprised: children who were taught to read early, it turns out, read without understanding the meaning: they only put symbols-letters into the “correct” combinations and cannot retell the content of what they read.

Of course, at all times there were children who wanted to learn to read themselves and meticulously pestered their parents: “What letter is this?”, “Mom, how is this word read?” In this case, reading was their own task, and it did not interfere with the development of other life skills.

But now parents, inspired or frightened by the slogan “After three it’s too late,” are trying in one form or another to introduce their child to reading as early as possible.

When can you start?

Psychologists identify several physiological signs:

  • The child speaks in sentences. It is extremely dangerous to start learning to read if the baby does not yet speak. Some children who were taught to read, for example, using Zaitsev's cubes before they began to speak, experienced a delay speech development. Instead of engaging in live communication, they read and wrote using blocks.
  • Phonemic hearing is sufficiently developed. This means that the baby hears each individual sound in a word well, separates it well from the next one, and knows what sounds the word consists of. He can easily pick out, for example, a word that begins with the letter K and ends with the letter A, or identifies the common sound in the words “cat, fur coat, mouse.”
  • The child should not have serious speech therapy problems. When a baby does not pronounce half the alphabet, this, firstly, impairs phonemic hearing, and secondly, interferes with reading correctly.
  • Spatial orientation has been formed. For example, the concepts of “right” and “left” do not cause difficulties. After all, the baby will certainly have to read from left to right, and nothing else. When spatial orientation is poor, children can, for example, read a word with the letter that they prefer at the moment, “mirror”, confuse up and down (for example, P and b), etc.

Although there are no clear age standards here, practice shows that these signs usually appear by the age of five.

There are also purely psychological moments. The famous Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget identified several stages in the psychological development of a child.

  • Sensory-motor (from birth to 2 years). During this period, the baby develops physical sensations and tactile sensitivity.
  • Figurative (pre-operative - from 2 to 7 years). During this period, symbolic play and language acquisition come to the fore, and self-esteem is formed.
  • Logical (period of specific operations - from 7 to 11-13 years). The child learns to compare facts and build logical conclusions.

What are the methods?

Numerous methods of teaching reading can be divided into several groups.


In this method, each letter is supported by a supporting mnemonic picture: A - stork, B - drum, etc. This method is not bad for memorizing letters. But it's not good for reading. Let's say the baby learns that M is the letter of a bear, and A is the letter of a stork. But why then does the word MOTHER come from the sequential alternation of bears and storks?

For the same reason, you cannot teach your child the names of letters: “em”, “de”, “er”, etc. Is it easy then to get the word “book” from the combination “ka-en-i-ge-a”?


Traditional way of learning. Primers may differ in a wide variety of pictures and characters, however general principle The primer is that the child learns to combine individual sounds into syllables, and syllables into words. The primer provides sequential exercises for various combinations of consonants and vowels: ma-am, mo-ohm, mu-um, etc.

Strictly speaking, this combination is not an invention of our days. Previously, it was called a warehouse, and children specially learned by heart: “Buki” “Az” is “BA”, “Vedi” “Az” is “VA”... In total there are about two hundred such warehouses in the Russian language.

A “correct” primer should not first present the child with all the letters of the alphabet, and only then show how they are connected to each other. It is much better if these processes go in parallel, because even from two pairs of vowels and consonants you can “add” many different combinations. This “folding” is the process of reading.

Surprisingly, most parents and teachers, having tried all the newfangled methods in turn, one way or another return to the old alphabetic principle. Of course, it is not so impressive and easy, but it gives the child the opportunity to take a very important step: to connect the letters into a sequence, and the sequences into words. This principle is well suited for right-handed people with a dominant left hemisphere (it is the one that is “responsible” for analytical skills).

Whole word method

It was invented by American scientist Glen Doman. At his Institute of Child Development in Philadelphia, Doman, he conducted many experiments, the essence of which boiled down to the following. Beginning at two months of age, when their eyes begin to focus, infants were rapidly shown various cards containing words and sentences. During the show, the teacher or mother read the inscriptions on the cards. At first, such “lessons” lasted 5-10 minutes, then their duration gradually increased. The child thus remembered the entire word.

It should be noted that the methodology strictly determined the size of letters, cards, and the amount of information. Many parents, infected by Doman’s enthusiasm, enthusiastically wrote countless cards at night and showed them to their child during the day. However, gradually the child’s interest in the cards faded away; Parental enthusiasm also disappeared, and for failure they blamed only themselves: they retreated, they say, from methodological canons.

This method works well for in English, where there is practically no system of declension and conjugation, but is very problematic for the Russian language with its branched and complex system of endings. If the child remembers the word “table”, then the shape of “table”, “table”, etc. will have to be memorized separately. Often children in such cases completely ignore endings, trying to pronounce them at random.

Zaitsev cubes

Only the deaf have never heard of them.

St. Petersburg teacher N.A. Zaitsev came up with the idea of ​​placing warehouses on cubes and tables. Despite the low cost of the source materials, a set of cardboard layouts for cubes, a teaching aid, tables, posters and an audio cassette is quite expensive - on average about a thousand rubles. At the same time, they still need to be glued together and filled with different fillings: wooden sticks, metal caps (a set of such caps is already sold separately) or ringing bells. However, there is also a “ready-made”, glued kit. True, it costs more, but nothing is a pity for your beloved child. What does an “advanced parent” pay for?

The advantage of this technique is that the child is game form immediately remembers the warehouse, combination of letters. Like global reading, Zaitsev’s technique is more suitable for left-handers, who more easily perceive a word or word as a whole, and analytical skills are their Achilles' heel. The same applies to children with emotional disorders and autistic character traits.

But, as often happens, a plus in some cases becomes a minus. To understand how one letter connects and merges with another means to make some kind of discovery. Zaitsev deprives the child of the opportunity to come to this discovery himself, immediately offering a ready-made warehouse.

What does this lead to? Speech therapists and defectologists say that children who have learned to read “according to Zaitsev” often “swallow” endings and cannot figure out the composition of a word (after all, they are accustomed to dividing it exclusively into clauses, and nothing else).

N.A. Zaitsev sets himself the task of showing the child only those combinations of letters that are fundamentally possible in the Russian language. So, for example, in his system there are no combinations Шы or Жы, and Zh and Zh do not differ in softness/hardness ( knife And rye), which is why there is no small cube JU-ZH-ZH-ZH-ZH-ZH. There is only a “tower” ZH-ZH-ZH-ZH-ZH-ZH-ZH (ZH). But this principle, alas, is carried out inconsistently, although it is declared that “there is more science and real analysis, the connection of phonetics with grammar and spelling in our cubes and tables than in all school phonetic materials combined” (quote from the “Textbook for Parents and Educators” , teachers”, p. 13).

Look, all the cubes have combinations of a consonant with the vowel E (BE, VE, GE, etc.). This means that the child gets used to this combination as quite possible in the language. Meanwhile, this combination is possible only in very few exceptions.

According to Zaitsev’s system, combinations of hard and soft consonants with the sound [e] should differ in writing: FE and FE. These combinations are in all cubes, tables, and the “Read and Sing” manual. It is quite natural for a child to think that he needs to write cafe And coffee.(This idea was prompted by a question from my eldest daughter, who learned to read “according to Zaitsev”: “Mom, why is it written cafe, since we have a FE cube? Why is it needed then?)

Indeed, in the Russian language there are almost no words in which the letter E is written after a consonant (except sir, mayor, peer, ude, plein air, although the last word in modern press is sometimes written through e). This means that every word in which there is a combination of a hard consonant with the sound [e] we will have to separately explain and stop the child’s attempts to write such a word with E, and yet the vast majority of these words, for example, coupe, tennis, highway etc.

MIR (maximum system early development) Pavel Tyulenev

This technique deserves special mention. Its author believes that any normal child will be able to put letters into words by the age of one, and read fluently by the age of two. To do this, MIR suggests showing the child cards with letters from birth, voicing them, without allowing other objects to come into his field of vision, God forbid. "First thing,- says Mr. Tyulenev, - letters. And the rest of the toys will come later.” Can you imagine such a situation for a baby? Personally, I don’t.

Thus, it is proposed to skip not one, but two stages at once in the child’s development - sensory-motor and figurative. What are the laws of nature to us? As the heroine of one children's fairy tale said, “I will publish new law nature." Unfortunately or fortunately, no one has ever succeeded in this.

“It’s learning and playing!”

Without a playful moment, a small child cannot be taught anything. If a preschool teacher puts kids at their desks and behaves with them in exactly the same way as a school teacher, this is a bad teacher. A good teacher will come up with a lot of games: either his squirrel will bring a cube, then he will build a locomotive out of letters together with the child, or he will set up a store where goods only with a certain letter will be “sold”. Otherwise, the child will not study, he will get up and leave. And parents who develop their treasure using one method or another are firmly convinced that they are playing with their child. However, this is not at all the game that the baby needs most now.

Is it easy to learn to read?

Do you remember how you yourself learned to read? I remember very well how I sat with my mother on the sofa with that same blue primer on my lap and, puffing from tension, adding letter after letter. My task was global: to read a large book of fairy tales of the peoples of the USSR. I clearly remember that it was difficult, the letters never wanted to fold, and if they did, it was so slowly and strained that before fairy tales it was like before the North Pole.

How you want to make the life of your treasure easier! Push, explain, come up with some clever way that will allow him to “pick up and start reading.” However, practice has shown that the best result, which the child will be rightfully proud of, occurs if he himself makes sufficient efforts for this. In psychology this is called optimal frustration. It lies in the fact that it should be a little difficult for the child (but not so much that he quits out of helplessness), he must strain and overcome this difficulty.

After all, when the learning process is perceived only as pleasant entertainment, which is arranged by parents or teachers, the child gets used to it. And at school, when you have to work to get the desired result, this is perceived as the greatest injustice in the world.

There is one more point. The fact is that all the techniques we are talking about teach you how to put letters into words. But being able to connect letters into a word does not mean being able to read! There is a huge distance between this skill and fluent reading of thick books. And here there is not a single technique that will reduce it. Only your own work, one page after another and book after book, can bring the clumsy “folding” of letters closer to a quick review of the text. And again, a child can take this path only when he is ready for it. I know many examples where a child, who could read from the age of 2-3, only really began to read when he was closer to six years old. So is it worth rushing things?


And finally, a short test that will help determine whether it’s time to teach your child to read or whether it’s better to wait. For each positive answer, score a point.

  1. Does your baby love to listen to fairy tales and stories?
  2. Is he able to retell them?
  3. Does he have a desire to look at books on his own?
  4. Does the content of the fairy tale interest your child more than the pictures in the book?
  5. Does your baby know letters, does he ask you to teach him to read?
  6. Does he imitate reading aloud (opening the book to desired page, with the expression “reads” it)?
  7. Is your child trying to “write” his own books by sticking pictures in his notebook?
  8. When adults read to your baby, does he listen carefully?
  9. Does he keep his favorite books neatly?
  10. Does your child have a rich vocabulary?
  11. Does he like reading books more than watching TV?
  12. Ask your child to find a word that begins with the same letter as the word “table” ends with. Happened?
  13. If your baby is already familiar with the letters, does he try to connect them on his own?
  14. Does your child have speech therapy problems?
  15. Ask your child if the word BEETLE and SHUK are the same word. Does it distinguish similar sounds?
  16. Does he usually speak in extended sentences?
  17. Is your baby enjoying learning to read?
  18. Does he know a lot of poems and songs?

Test results:

From 0 to 5 points

If your baby is under five years old, then you have no reason to worry. But it’s better not to rush into reading just yet. If the child is on the threshold of school life, then try to interest the child in the process of reading. Choose books with large print, good pictures, and engaging content. Or maybe he will like a book about himself, his beloved - illustrated with his own photographs?

From 6 to 12 points

At this point, we can talk about your baby’s average reading abilities. Perhaps his interest in books is situational and unstable. What books surround your baby? Do they make you want to get to know them better? Sometimes “real, big” books scare children with their volume. Start with small books or magazines.

From 13 to 18 points

Your child is completely ready to learn. He is interested not only in the ability to read “like adults,” but also in the opportunity to independently learn a lot of useful and entertaining things from books.

Inessa Smyk

Based on materials from the magazine "Aistenok"

“Nowadays, first grade at school is like an institute,” pop star Alla Pugacheva sang in the 80s. Since then, learning has not become easier for first-graders. Most children cross the school threshold already knowing how to read and write. Therefore, many parents try to teach their child to read on their own. BrainApps experts tell you how to do it correctly.

5 Key Benefits of Reading for Your Child

Reading plays a role in a child's life important role and provides a number of advantages:

  1. My horizons are expanding. By reading fairy tales, poems, stories, the baby learns about different natural phenomena, types of animals, professions, cities and countries. This knowledge forms a reliable foundation for the successful mastery of various school subjects.
  2. The vocabulary is replenished. The baby learns new words and begins to use them in communication. This allows you to easily express your thoughts and desires and communicate freely with peers and adults.
  3. Literacy levels are increasing. The child visually remembers the images of words that he sees in books and accurately displays them in writing. Many people write without errors, although they claim to remember few rules. The secret of this phenomenon is often directly related to the love of reading.
  4. Memory and attention develops. By retelling what they read, children learn to correctly reproduce the information received.
  5. A good alternative to modern gadgets is emerging. Devoting half an hour of time to studying an interesting book, the young reader is forced to distract himself from the required attributes modern childhood: tablet, smartphone and other devices that children are drawn to almost from birth.

Typical mistakes of parents

Moms and dads wish only the best for their children, but they often make mistakes that prevent them from successfully teaching their child to read syllables. Typical mistakes of parents:

  • Forced classes. “Sit down and study, we must teach you to read well, otherwise you will fail at school,” such phrases are unacceptable. By applying pressure, you can permanently discourage your child from learning letters and syllables.
  • Bad timing. If your child is tired, doesn’t feel well, or is passionate about some kind of game, you should not start classes.
  • Not the right approach. This mistake is typical for most adults who undertake to teach a child to read syllables correctly.

Some parents first teach letters with their baby, pronouncing: “Es”, “En”, “Be”, “De”. And having mastered the entire alphabet, they happily begin the stage of reading syllables. But then a surprise awaits them. The baby begins to read “beabea” instead of “baba”, and “deube” instead of “oak”. What can I say? As they taught, that’s what they received.

Reading at home - optimal from the 5th year

Some parents try to unjustifiably get ahead of events and learn letters almost from the cradle. What motivates them? Often - the desire to show the superiority of your child over his peers or the desire to raise a child prodigy. Modern psychologists advise a thoughtful approach to the use of advanced early development techniques. Often, after several years, the “super method” is debunked, proving its shortcomings. But by that time, a generation of children who were experimented on by their parents had already grown up. Therefore, before applying this or that method in development (including in teaching a child to read syllables), read the reviews of experts and the opinions of parents.

Signs of readiness

To determine whether your child is ready to learn to read syllables, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • The baby speaks coherently in complete sentences. He is able to tell where he was, what he saw. Can make up a mini-story.
  • Your son or daughter has good phonemic awareness: they can determine what sound a word begins with or ends with. This is facilitated by the game “To the City”, when you need to name a word that begins with the sound with which the previous one ended. The topic can be different, not necessarily related to cities.
  • The child normally orients himself in space, understanding the essence of the concepts “under”, “above”, “behind”, “in front”, “left”, “right”, “above”, “below”.
  • There are no speech therapy disorders in speech. That is, the preschooler pronounces sounds clearly and clearly (does not burr, does not nasal, does not lisp). Clarity of speech is facilitated by the absence of “lisping,” when surrounding adults speak clearly and clearly to each other and to children.

If all of the above factors are typical for your child, then he is ripe for learning. If not all of the above takes place, then this is not a reason for sadness, but a guide to action: you will understand in which direction to work. And still learn the letters and syllables - everything is just beginning.

11 levels of training

The process of learning to read by syllables can be divided into several stages.

1. Buying an ABC book

Go to a bookstore and look at the primers that different publishers offer. The child’s interest in reading largely depends on what this educational book is like. The format is important (it should be comfortable to hold in your hands), the font, and the quality of the paper. Many parents, when they decide to teach their child to read by the age of five or six at home, use N. Zhukova’s primer.

2. Introducing vowel sounds

Vowel sounds can be drawn out and sung. These are a, o, y, s, and, uh. “What about me, yu, e?” – some parents are surprised. These are letters that can represent two sounds in writing. For example, the sounds “th” and “a” are the letter “i”. But not always. For example, in the word “song” the letter “i” stands for the sound “a”, and the letter “n” in front of it stands for soft sound"ny". But, of course, you won’t immediately explain such subtleties to kids. The main thing is that you yourself do not get confused in concepts and realize that we write and read letters, and we hear and pronounce sounds. A letter can represent a sound(s) in a letter.

3. Study of consonants

As we have already noted, consonant sounds must be pronounced correctly: b, n, m (and not “be”, “en”, “em”). First you should get acquainted with voiced consonants, then with deaf and hissing consonants. To remember the visual image of a letter, it is useful:

  • Draw it in the air.
  • Find objects around you that are similar to this letter (for example, “p” is a horizontal bar, “s” is a slice of lemon).
  • Pay attention to how similar letters differ.

4. Composing syllables

Explain to your child how two letters are combined to form a syllable. Read it for yourself. Ask your child to repeat. If you're wrong, correct me gently. He must remember the correct option so as not to have to relearn it later. If your child is tired and turns away from the ABC book, don’t insist. Stop what you're doing. At first, do no more than ten minutes.

5. Consolidation of what has been learned

Acquaintance with new syllables should begin with consolidation of what has been learned. In addition to classes, this can be done at other times, unobtrusively. For example, seeing familiar letters and syllables on a poster, shop window or advertisement. The baby must remember visual images.

6. Open and closed

It's easier to learn open syllables (those that end in vowels) first. After this, you can master closed ones.

7. Simple words

When you teach your child to read the first syllables, you can move on to simple words: “Ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, “Ma-sha”, “doo-da”. After this, try short monosyllabic words of three letters, where one letter is added to a familiar syllable. For example: “cat”, “poppy”, “oak”.

8. Don't forget about pauses

Sometimes it is easier for kids to comprehend chanting. But some children who have been taught to read this way begin to simply sing entire paragraphs, without pausing between words or between sentences. Subsequently, this manner is difficult to eradicate. Therefore, it is better to immediately pay attention to such moments and not forget about pauses.

9. Reading sentences

When a little student has successfully mastered several syllables, he can read the first sentence. For example, the classic ones: “Mom washed the frame,” “Mom washed the frame.” Notice that here each word consists of two open syllables.

10. Don't forget about praise

The successes of a young reader should certainly be celebrated and encouraged. Mom’s sincere admiration, the words “clever girl” and “well done” will always please. At 5 or 6 years old, a child who has learned to read will feel like a real hero.

11. First book

The primer is tutorial. And the first book your child reads on his own can be a real one. family heirloom. Save it, and your grown-up son or daughter will look through their children's book with interest, several years later.

Friendship with a book for many years

At one time, every person was taught to read. But some eventually did not develop a love for literature, while others cannot do a day without a book. This was largely influenced by the process of learning to read. Therefore, it depends on the parents whether the child will make friends with the book. However, do not forget that learning to read is not everything. After that, you will have to work on different aspects of reading:

  • Meaningfulness. We must try to ensure that the child gives correct answers to the essence of the text read. Explained how he understood the content.
  • Memorization. The ability to retell is extremely important not only for assimilation of the information received, but also for the successful study of various academic disciplines of the humanitarian cycle.
  • Expressiveness. Logical stresses, conveying the emotions of the heroes of works with their voice - all this forms good oratory skills, and also develops imagination.

The BrainApps team wants your child to easily and naturally master all the intricacies of reading. And the main thing for you is to be patient.

4-5 years is the ideal time to start introducing a child to reading books, sending them to school if they are already good readers, and instilling a love of literature for life.

At this age, children are happy to learn everything new, because their imagination works well, they already speak well and are familiar with letters.

The main thing is the right approach and regular exercise.

In this article we will figure out where to start and how at 5 years old at home.

When and where to start teaching a child to read?

The main rule of homeschooling is that it should be fundamentally different from

  1. Don't try to teach lessons and become a harsh teacher.
  2. Turn your activities into a fun, easy game of no more than an hour a day.
  3. Start studying not when your friends’ children are reading with all their might, and yours has difficulty distinguishing the letters on the blocks, but when the time comes: the child speaks fluently, distinguishes between right and left, and shows a desire to learn.

Before starting classes, do a short letter recognition test: give your child the alphabet and ask him to read the alphabet.

It's easy to teach a child to read when the alphabet bounces off his teeth

If it takes 2 or more minutes, it’s too early to start learning.

When the alphabet bounces off your teeth in a minute or less, you can move on to composing syllables.

The training itself consists of three steps:

  1. Z learning letters and the sounds they represent
  2. WITH leaving syllables from letters and learning to read them
  3. WITH leaving words from syllables and working on continuous reading

Before starting training, acquire thematic material - an ABC book, cubes, select good computer games and bright, light books for younger and older children preschool age.

Focus on the following aspects:

  1. Teach your child to recognize not letters, but sounds: “be”, “ve”, “ge”, etc. This will significantly simplify the entire learning process in the future.
  2. Start with vowels, then move on to consonants. For example, when a baby recognizes a letter perfectly "A", you can move on to syllables based on it, and then to the simplest words “Mom”, “Dad”, “Baba”.
  3. When a child masters the alphabet, teach him to compose and read simple words of two syllables.
  4. After mastering the previous stage, proceed to composing three-syllable words.

Turn learning into a fun game

Tip: Remember, praise is everything. Praise your child even for the slightest achievements and to learning difficulties.

How to teach a child to read at 5 years old at home using the ABC books by N. Zhukova and E. Bakhtina

Using only children's books or blocks, teaching a child to read at this age will be difficult.

The task will be greatly simplified by specially designed primers.

Their choice is huge, but the most practically useful and easy for children to understand are the primers by N. Zhukova and E. Bakhtina.

Let's take a closer look at the features of both:

Primer by N. Zhukova

Easier to explain and understand. It is, as a rule, understandable to children and implies a quick transition to reading syllables.

Purchase all the necessary thematic material

However, if your child is having difficulty, do not rush him and give him time to get used to the new topic.

This book is used by 6-year-old children at school.

Primer by E. Bakhtina

Suitable for very tiny children from two years old. The author is confident that by regularly teaching a child from the second year of life, by the age of three he can be taught to read.

When the baby can recognize letters fluently, it’s time to combine them into syllables and work through as many varieties as possible. Then move on to the words.

For clarity, it is better to use multi-colored cards with syllables and words for reading and memorization.

You must get your child interested in reading

Advice: at the beginning of learning, do not use the vowels “yu” and “ya”, as well as all sibilant consonants, as they are difficult to remember and pronounce.

How to teach a child to read at 5 years old at home using Zaitsev’s method

Children who , will love learning to read using Zaitsev's cubes.

Syllables consisting of a vowel and a consonant are written on the cubes.

Each has its own color and sound, helping kids build associative series.

The teacher’s task is to come up with an exciting game with cubes, during which it will be necessary to find the necessary syllables and build a ladder, tower, etc. from them.

One of the most effective methods is considered to be training using Zaitsev's cubes.

In addition, the set contains special tables for constructing syllables. This helps make the process easy and accessible.

Tip: during training, to consolidate the result, use , to evaluate how the baby remembers the material.

Alternative methods for teaching a child to read

According to the Doman method

The technique is often called global reading, because based on the characteristics of the child’s brain, the author proposes to teach reading not in syllables, but in whole words.

The teacher’s task is to surround the child with words written on posters and bright cards ( “house”, “window”, “door”, etc.).

Mechanical memory will enable the baby to remember significant amounts of simple words.

Doman method

Syllable reading method

This method was, is and will be the main one in teaching preschool children to read at home.

In the process, the baby first puts letters into syllables, and then syllables into words.

Starting from the age of five, especially if learning takes place in the form of an exciting game, the child grasps new information on the fly.

Reading by warehouse

The method differs from the previous one in that the word is divided not into syllables, but into sounds that are combined into warehouses.

Although the method is effective, it can cause problems in the future - at school the child will have to relearn how to split words into syllables.

Move on to reading syllables when your child has fully mastered the letters.

Tip: Very young children will love learning with the magnetic alphabet. You attach a letter to the panel of the refrigerator and ask the baby: “Please give me the letter. What kind of letter is this? A! ABC!".

It is important for parents to understand before starting training that your goal is not to tell your friends: “And mine is already reading Tolstoy at three”, but to instill in your son or daughter a lifelong interest in reading.

AND in this case You shouldn’t demand instant results, because, as you know, less is more.

By forcing your child to study ABC books and spend hours collecting cubes, you can cause a backlash.

It is much better if the training takes place in a fun and playful manner, and you will be your child’s friend, not a teacher.

To make training effective:

Structure your lesson correctly

From simple to complex, and not vice versa. First learn letters, then move on to syllables, then to words, and then to small texts.

To achieve results, structure the lesson correctly

Teach your baby the alphabet from the cradle

Learn poems and songs about letters together, show cartoons with the alphabet. A child's brain absorbs everything like a sponge.

Thus, by the age of two, the child will know the alphabet perfectly, and learning to read will not take long.

Turn learning into a game

Learning to read should be unobtrusive and exciting, since endless cramming and memorization is boring for the child and in the future the entire learning process will cause him only rejection.

To interest your child, you can use not only books and cubes, but also an open text editor on your computer or throw away your old keyboard.

Also select high-quality online games that develop reading skills.

Lead by example

As you know, children often adopt the behavior of their parents. If you don't like to read yourself, will your child love books?

For training to give results, there should always be a presence in your home. fiction and related traditions. For example, read a story to your child before bed.

Practice regularly and praise your child for success

Exercise regularly

An hour a day is enough. If the process is very difficult, it makes sense to take a break of 2-3 days to give the baby a rest, and then get back to work.

Don't forget about praise

Often, many parents mistakenly believe that praise harms children and that without it they will achieve great results learning. This is wrong.

Kind words motivate, while reproaches and constant swearing slow down the development process, giving rise to a lot of complexes.

Remember that these problems may remain with the child forever. Be kind and patient.

Tip: don’t forget to read our article on how to quickly .

Useful tips You will learn how to teach a 5-year-old child to read at home from the video lessons below: