How to enter the military university. Military schools for girls: list, rating, specialties

Education in a military school after the 9th grade is very popular today among patriotic youth. This enables graduates not only to complete school education within its walls, but also to master one of the prestigious military specialties. The list of military schools in the country that accept young men after the end of the ninth grade will help you choose the right institution for study.

Military professions

Admission and study at a college or technical school with a 9th grade certificate are becoming more and more relevant. Young people know that when studying in any secondary specialized institution, they will not only complete the program for grades 10-11, but will also master the basics of their chosen profession, while their former classmates are still sitting at school desks.

Also, everyone is well aware that it is much easier to enter a university with a diploma from a technical school or college. Military schools in Russia provide students with the same conditions and benefits as any vocational schools in the country. Enrolling in one of the many military educational institutions, ninth-graders will be able to master any of the prestigious qualifications in the following areas:

  • ground troops;
  • marine;
  • railway;
  • rocket troops;
  • airborne;
  • Cossack troops;
  • military-technical;
  • military justice;
  • military musical.

All of the above types of troops are annually replenished with the ranks of graduates of cadet and military schools, in which ninth grade graduates aspire.

Military Space Cadet Corps

Primary military education- this is a brilliant opportunity for young men to receive a full school education and undergo the necessary physical training with a full state board, allowing them to continue their military career.

Among the military schools in St. Petersburg there are educational institutions that have been preparing talented officers and ensigns for the Russian army for many decades. The Military Space Cadet Corps is one of them.

Founded in 1996, it accepts children whose fathers serve abroad or in "hot spots", orphans and sons of dead officers, and prepares them for further admission to military universities.

All cadets live and study on full state support, gaining the following skills and knowledge:

  • patriotic education;
  • warfare;
  • general education program;
  • physical training.

To study at the Military Space Cadet Corps, you must submit documents from 15.04 to 01.06 at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence.

Cadet Corps Kemerovo

Today, Russian military schools and cadet corps are the best alternative to the usual general education program for boys, as they receive more versatile development, both intellectual and physical.

The communication profession in the age of electronics and mobile phones is still very important, since it is these specialists who not only lay a telephone cable even in the most inaccessible places, but also encode messages between army units and automate communication systems.

The Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics in Kemerovo was opened in 1999 with the aim of preparing young people for further admission to the higher military communications institutes. This is facilitated by both the general education program and physical training, as well as a specialized more in-depth study of a number of disciplines not taught in ordinary schools, and the basis of fire training.

On the basis of the cadet corps, research, scientific and experimental activities are carried out. One of the requirements for admission to this educational institution is learning English or German language At school. Selection in this initial military school after grade 9, it begins with the approval of the applicants' documents by the admission committee, after which they will have to pass a dictation in the Russian language, an exam in mathematics and physical training.

Kronstadt Naval Military Cadet Corps

Founded in 1995 as a cadet corps, it was transformed into a naval one in 1996. To study at this military school after the 9th grade, you need not only a report card with good grades, but also documents that speak about the achievements of the applicant:

  • Participation and victories in school olympiads.
  • Commendations for good performance.
  • Diplomas of the participant of reviews and competitions at any level: from local to regional or international.
  • Documents confirming sports achievements, for example, youth category or the title of master of sports.

All candidates are expected to be tested in Russian and English language, mathematics and physical training. In addition to the main program, cadets can take the basics of naval training, auto business, programming, military regional studies and others.

The Kronstadt Naval Military Cadet Corps is a prestigious educational institution, 90% of whose graduates become career officers Russian army.

Military Technical Corps

Troops such as engineering are providing army units not only with the necessary field fortifications, but also with pontoon crossings, the construction or repair of roads, sapper work, the extraction and purification of water, reconnaissance, camouflage and mine clearance.

The military engineering school is the initial level of training for future military builders and engineers. One of these is the Military-Technical Cadet Corps in Togliatti.

The selection of candidates is carried out in several stages:

  • First, the selection committee examines personal files and additional documentation about achievements in sports or school olympiads and reviews.
  • Selected candidates receive a notification of admission to the exams, after which they take written mathematics and Russian, and a physical fitness test.
  • Enrollment is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of passing exams and sports standards.

Out of competition, with positive assessments in the tests, orphans of servicemen who died during the performance of a combat mission or children of soldiers and officers serving in war zones are accepted.

Suvorov School (Perm)

For young men who have made a choice in favor of a military career, joining the Suvorov military school after grade 9 is one of the the best options start it. The first such educational institutions were founded in 1943; over the entire period of their activity, thousands of young people came out of their walls, who became worthy officers and defenders of their homeland.

The Suvorov military school in Perm is the "youngest" of all, since it was founded in 2015 and transferred to the command of the commander hallmark of such educational institutions is that, in addition to the main general education program, young men receive knowledge and skills:

  • aircraft modeling;
  • in the culture of speech;
  • in sports such as skiing, goroshny, handball and athletics;
  • fire training and orienteering;
  • in German;
  • in ballroom dancing.

Although it has been operating for only 2 years, high level training of cadets there is at the same level as in all similar institutions in the country.

Military School of Krasnodar

The transformations that took place in educational system Russia, led to the best. Especially when it comes to raising the status of educational institutions. So, on the basis of advanced training courses for employees of special bodies, opened in 1929, the Krasnodar Military School appeared in 1964.

Today it has the status of a higher military school and trains specialists in information security automated complexes. Considering that information wars can cause damage no less than military operations, such a transformation is only for the benefit of the country and its army.

Military Music School

The only one of its kind, the Moscow Military School "grew" from the school of students of military musicians of the Red Army, founded in 1937. In 1956, it changed its status to Suvorov's and only in 1981 acquired the name that has survived to this day - the Moscow Military Music School.

It trains soloists, choreographers, musicians of military bands and music teachers at art schools and other educational institutions. A wide educational program includes not only the school course of grades 10-11, but also the study of musical disciplines, such as solfeggio, conducting, performing, cultural studies and much more.

Here they accept girls and boys after the 9th grade, who have a craving and ability for music.


For young people brought up in the best traditions of patriotism, military schools are a great chance to start studying their favorite business right after the 9th grade, while simultaneously receiving a quality education in many scientific and cultural spheres which is not provided by any general education school.

Read also:

Higher military educational institutions (list)

Cadet corps

How to join the military police

About the Nakhimov Naval School

Choosing to enter a military school after school requires not only excellent knowledge for passing exams, but also an understanding that there is a special regulation for collecting all the necessary documents and passing professional selection. In addition to age restrictions, military universities will not accept persons who have a criminal record or this moment under investigation, citizens with health problems or who do not have completed secondary education after vocational school. Applicants whose age at the time of admission after school is more than 22 years old, after military service for more than 24 years and after contract service after 25 years will not be suitable. The rest of those unsuitable for admission are screened out by professional selection and a medical commission. Most importantly, the future cadet must be a citizen of Russia.

How to enter a military school if there are no restrictions on this?

So, the decision on admission has been made and there are no restrictions for this. First thing you must have time to submit an application before April 20 to your district military registration and enlistment office , about the intention to enter the military school. At the same time, it is important not to forget to indicate which school the documents will be submitted to. Each military university has its own regulations for admission, but there are General requirements to submitted documents.

Anyone who wants to know how to enter a military school must have:
- a document confirming the completion of secondary education;
- an application of the established form with a questionnaire for those entering military schools;
- copies of the passport and birth certificate, if there is a military ID, then a copy of it;
- autobiography;
- photos for personal business;
- characteristics from the place of study or work;
- if there are benefits for admission, then the documents confirming them;
- when serving in the army, a service card of a serviceman.

If the applicant has any personal achievements , then you must provide all certificates, diplomas of completion of language or other courses, a certificate of passing standards in sports, shooting or parachuting, as well as certificates of participation in competitions or olympiads. All this can significantly affect the opinion of the selection committee when deciding whether to enroll in a military school.

How to enter a military school if there are no special achievements?

So you need to show excellent knowledge in the exams and prove your motivation in the professional selection, which is held even before admission to the main tests. It is important to have excellent physical fitness and be able to formulate your goals in life. It is possible that the applicant will be asked to write an essay on the topic "why do I want to enter a military school?" - on the result of which the opinion of the commission about the applicant will depend. Professional selection for applicants after school is carried out by local military registration and enlistment offices until May 15. For those who come from the army, the selection is carried out before June 1 and is carried out by the decision of the unit commander.

After that, all personal files with documents, candidates for admission, are sent to the military schools of their choice. From where the relation with the call is sent. In the school itself, applicants are again interviewed for professional selection, and only then they are allowed to entrance exams. If they are successfully passed, the applicant becomes a cadet and the doors to military life are opened for him. Speaking of doors: I'm interested in metal structures to order, here found an interesting offer from a manufacturer of metal structures, which may be useful not only to the applicant.

Well, again, the article is not according to plan, but it is no longer an “emergency issue”, as was the case with the article. Article "Pros and cons of studying at a military institute"- this is the answer to the question of Vladimir Kuznetsov from the city of Armavir, which he asked me with the help of . Vladimir is graduating from school this year and is preparing to enter. I sent the documents for admission to the Perm Military Institute of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Vladimir saw on the Internet and asks: “My dream is to become an officer. So I wonder what qualities are important in order to unlearn at a military institute, and also what are the pros and cons of military training?.

The question is not on the topic of the blog, but clearly at the address, since I myself have learned the basics of military science for 5 years of my life (and I still do).

Dear Vladimir, it is commendable that you not only dream of becoming an officer, but also take some actions for this. Well, you have a very noble dream. It turns out that not all of us want to become models and showmen. On the account of the qualities necessary for training in military institute. Now I will not speak big words about courage and so on, there is one very important quality - BE YOURSELF! This is Omar Khayyam wrote: “Be yourself, the rest of the roles are already taken”. And in military institute It's very hard to be who you really are. Itself has come to it only on 3rd course. Well, you still need to show your character and endurance. For example, when I entered the 1st course, there were 103 of us, but only 82 stood at graduation. As you can see, almost 20% dropped out, and this is a very good result. it is also very important to be able to stand up for yourself, anything can happen in a male team.

Well, the last part of your question about the pros and cons of studying in military institute. The question is very rhetorical, but I will try to answer it. Let's start with the pros, there are many. All the advantages of studying at a military institute can be attributed, oddly enough, to a person's desire to "secure himself." Indeed, you are torn away from your mother's pies, they put a uniform on you and the "drill" begins. Many parents want to protect their children in this way from negative impact streets. After all, in military institute dismissals are strictly regulated (for example, for the first time I went on dismissal 5 months after the oath). Vladimir, a question for you: are you ready for this? In general, it is possible to classify applicants military institutions by goals:

  1. Continuation of the family officer dynasty.
  2. I just want to become an officer (your case, and mine too, by the way).
  3. I like to wear military uniforms (there are such ones too).
  4. "Get off" from the army (it was a frequent occurrence when they served in the army for 2 years).
  5. Desire of parents (usually finish their studies up to 3-4 courses and are expelled).
  6. Social guarantees and benefits.

Let's stop at the last one. Service in the army gives you a guarantee that you will definitely receive your salary (military salary) on the 22nd of the month. Also, after serving a certain period, you get an apartment and a rather high (by Russian standards) pension. In addition, you can retire at the age of 40. There is also the right to free travel once a year (for yourself and your family), paid vacation, at the end of the year the 13th (possibly 14th) salary. Although, they say that everything will change on January 1, 2012, when the salaries of the military will be raised.

And now for the cons, there are also a lot of them. What day of the week is today? Sunday, sort of. And I only came home from work at 7 pm. Here is one minus - an irregular working day. How much they say - so much you will be in the service (often, to the detriment of the interests of the family). The second minus is that at any moment they can be transferred to serve in the other end of the country, that is, “life on suitcases”. The service is associated with great stress, but not everywhere, of course. Depending on where you get to serve. By the way, the main disadvantage for me is the lack of “freedom”. Although, you get used to it over time ... alas!

I think I've written enough on your question already. I could, of course, answer you personally, but the article will be interesting for other people, so I publish it on my blog.

Vladimir, I made my choice. What will be your choice - you decide. But I will say one thing for sure: after graduation from the walls military institute you will come out a completely different person. Your outlook on life will change completely. By the way, here, watch the video, it will help you make the right choice:

I wish all my readers the best, and I wish Vladimir Kuznetsov from Armavir successful admission to Perm Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

If you have already decided on the choice of a military educational institution (or have not yet finally decided, but you have no fundamental objections), start by visiting the military commissariat department at your place of residence.

According to the rules of admission, to apply for a desire to study at a higher military educational institution should be no later than April 20 year of admission.

After this period, the employees of the military enlistment office will have only a month to draw up documents for candidates, conduct their medical examination and professional psychological selection, if necessary, obtain access to state secrets, and then send all the documents to the relevant universities.

If you wish to do to the military institutes of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the application must be submitted by the due date. until April 1 to the personnel department of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of residence, or to the military registration and enlistment office.

Upon admission to border institutions or the Academy of the FSB of Russia within the same timeframe, you must contact the territorial Directorate of the FSB of Russia.

You don't have to wait until the above time. The sooner you visit the military registration and enlistment office / Ministry of Internal Affairs / UFSB, the greater the reserve of irreplaceable time you will have.

And you will need it: to undergo additional medical examinations, and to retake tests, and to confirm your individual achievements, which give additional points upon admission, and, of course, to collect documents.

Documents for admission

With them, everything is quite simple. The application will need to be accompanied by:

  1. a copy of the birth certificate;
  2. a copy of the document proving identity and citizenship Russian Federation(i.e. internal Russian passports);
  3. a copy of the document on education and (or) qualification confirming it; for students in educational organizations secondary vocational and higher education– certificate of study or period of study,
  4. autobiography;
  5. characteristics from the place of work or study;
  6. three certified photographs, without headgear, 4.5 x 6 cm.

The military enlistment office will explain everything in detail about the documents, but I will draw your attention to the urgent the need for a characteristic:

  • definitions such as “responsible”, “executive”, “disciplined”, “independent”, “shows activity in studies”, “enjoys authority in the team”, “knows how to organize people”, “is able to take reasonable initiative”;
  • information about participation and prizes, certificates, diplomas in school, district, city Olympiads, scientific and practical conferences and other competitions;
  • information about active participation in military-patriotic organizations, in various public events (including in their organization) and volunteer movement;
  • about sports, prize-winning places and active participation in passing the TRP standards;
  • about classes in circles of technical creativity - i.e. about everything that can potentially add points to you when determining the category of professional psychological selection.

In your description Necessarily should be the conclusion : "recommended for admission to a higher military educational institution."

In your autobiography, on the contrary, be more modest, but be sure to indicate if one of your parents is a military serviceman with more than 20 years of service (which gives a preferential right to enrollment), as well as the available sports categories and the type of sport you play, classes in military-patriotic clubs, the presence of parachute jumps or light diving training (which will indicate your clearly expressed military-professional orientation and add points to professional psychological selection).

I will tell you a case from life about the importance of a correctly drawn up characteristic.

A few years ago, when I was the commander of a small military unit, I was approached by the father of a soldier who had served in our unit the year before. He got into a bad story, committed a criminal offense, no options, ahead of the court - in general, he needs a characterization. Of course, I wrote "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

But - in what terms! Based on the "Combat Regulations" Airborne Troops"(Part III) and" Manual on automotive service in the SA and Navy. Well, who can resist this: “he was an example of activity, courage, endurance and diligence”, “he knew the device, technical capabilities and rules for the operation of the machine assigned to him”; "skillfully managed the car assigned to him day and night in various road conditions in any weather"; “I confidently used the route map and was guided by the terrain”, etc.?

According to the response of the defendant, the judge was touched - after all, he had never read such a thing before. More and more “morally stable” and “ideologically stable”. As a result - a small conditional period.

USE subjects

After the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation unambiguously concluded that there would be no abandonment of the Unified State Examination, the criticism of the Unified State Examination that had raged in previous years subsided.

Admission to universities, both military and civilian, is carried out mostly according to the results of the exam.

For admission to the vast majority of military educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense, as well as to the Institute of Cryptography of the Academy of the FSB of Russia, the results of the Unified State Exam in Russian language, mathematics (profile), physics.

In other military universities, the requirements are as follows:

  • combined arms schools, the Ryazan Airborne, the Faculty of Economics of the Military University and a number of specialties in the military institutes of logistics require the results of the Unified State Examination in Russian language, mathematics (profile), social studies;
  • Faculty of Translation of the Military University, specialty "use of special intelligence units" of the Ryazan Airborne School, specialty "translation and translation studies" of the Novosibirsk Military Institute of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - Unified State Examination in Russian language, foreign language, stories;
  • other specialties of the institutes of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the investigative faculty of the Academy of the FSB of Russia, the border institutes of the FSB of Russia, the law and psychological faculties of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense - USE in Russian language, social science, history.

A number of military educational institutions - border institutes and the Academy of the FSB of Russia, military institutes of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and, of course, the Military University of the Ministry of Defense, in addition to the Unified State Examination, conduct additional entrance examinations.

Their list and content will be explained to you in detail in the military registration and enlistment office.
This information is also contained on the official website of the Ministry of Defense in the "Education" section (, or on the website of the Academy of the FSB of Russia ( i_priem.html).

Medical Board

It can be assumed that all the existing health problems were identified in you a year ago during the initial registration for military registration (carried out from January 1 to March 31 in the year the young men reach the age of 17 years). And if there are no contraindications for health - congratulations!

The most serious health requirements are in military schools for the training of pilots and navigators.

Health restrictions are set out in the order of the Russian Ministry of Defense of 1999 No. 455 “Regulations on the medical examination of flight crews of aviation of the RF Armed Forces” (the order is available in the Consultant-Plus legal reference system, access to which is available in any district library or directly from system website): “Citizens with normal color perception, visual acuity of at least 1.0 in each eye without correction are sent for examination to determine their suitability for admission to military educational institutions that train flight personnel, arterial pressure not more than 130/80 and not less than 105/60 mm Hg, body mass index not less than 19, body weight not more than 90 kg, height not less than 160 cm and not more than 186 cm, leg length not less than 80 cm, length hands not less than 76 cm, height in a sitting position not less than 80 cm and not more than 97 cm.

And if, according to the doctors of the VVK, you have perfect health- don't miss your chance! Enter a flight school (Krasnodar, Syzran or Chelyabinsk). Subject to suitability for health reasons, it will be very easy to enter (see the "Competition" section).

In all other military educational institutions, the health requirements are almost the same. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 4, 2013 No. 565 “On Approval of the Regulations on Military Medical Expertise” and Order of the Russian Ministry of Defense No. 770 of October 20, 2014, which was issued pursuant to this decree, are also freely available.

Few differences:

  • visual acuity (naval and border - 0.8; airborne and tank - 0.6; all other 0.5);
  • height: airborne school - not less than 170 cm, border guards - not less than 155 cm, all others - not less than 150 cm;
  • scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and flat feet are contraindications for admission to naval, airborne and border schools.

I repeat: the earlier you visit the military registration and enlistment office / Ministry of Internal Affairs / UFSB, the more time you will have to undergo additional medical examinations and retake tests in order to confirm your health suitability for admission to a military school if necessary.


In 2015, the leaders of the Ministry of Defense reported with pathos about an unprecedented competition for universities of the Ministry of Defense: in combined arms and logistics schools, the competition reached 6 people per place, and among the girls who entered the Military University and the Military Medical Academy - as many as 30 people per place! Naturally, loud conclusions were made about the growing popularity of military service.

These impressive, but rather crafty figures, today's applicants do not need to be afraid - you are not grandmothers, with whom the TV replaces the brain!

In fact, double increase in competition for military universities in 2015 occurred mainly due to the deterioration of the situation in the Russian economy - according to Rosstat, in August 2015, the unemployment rate among Russian youth aged 17-24 was 16.5%, which is three times higher than among other categories of the population.

High competition among girls Let's also explain - they are recruited by barely 10% of the total number of applicants, and the unemployment rate among them is even higher than among boys. The reason is banal - has anyone heard of legal employers seeking (ceteris paribus) to hire women of reproductive age?

The numbers of the competition for other military universities in the best army traditions were silent. In those, upon admission to which the results of the Unified State Examination in Physics are required. For example, in the Smolensk Military Academy of Air Defense, the competition in 2015 was only two people per place.

In other science-intensive universities, the situation is similar. There was also low competition at the Kostroma Academy of Chemical Protection - the Unified State Examination in Chemistry is required there. Where can you find such applicants? Army courage! They sent a bus from Kostroma to St. Petersburg, and the guys who did not pass the competition for the Military Medical Academy (there the Unified State Examination in Chemistry is a specialized one) were offered to enter the RCBZ Academy. They collected a bus of applicants and brought them to Kostroma.

well and the lowest competition, sadly, in flight schools- Only one person per seat. That is, in fact, the selection was carried out only according to the results of the medical flight commission and professional psychological selection, and physical training and the results of the USE were considered last. If you are fit for health reasons, do not miss the chance to enter!

Moscow Academy of the FSB of Russia V last years there is also practically no competition, which is explained by the most stringent selection criteria (includes a polygraph and testing for drug use, as well as a special check of the candidate and his close relatives).

The competition is high only in those military universities that train "rear goose": the Military University and the Academy of Logistics with branches. But do you need it?

Accounting for individual achievements

The innovation of 2016 can safely be called taking into account the individual achievements of applicants. If in 2015 only some universities accepted certificates of passing the TRP standards (badges had not yet been awarded anywhere in Russia by the time they entered) and awarded small additional points for this, then in 2016 the Ministry of Education and Science centralized this issue a little, issuing relevant recommendations.

Now candidates for admission have the right to provide information about their individual achievements, the results of which will be taken into account when applying for training, by accruing additional points for them. These points are awarded to the candidate who submits original documents confirming the receipt of the results of individual achievements, and are included in the amount of competitive points:

a) the status of a champion and a prize-winner Olympic Games, world champion, European champion, winner of the world championship, European championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games - from 2 to 10 points in different military universities;

b) presence gold or silver badge distinctions of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for work and defense" (TRP) and certificates to it of the established form - from 1 to 3 points, depending on the university;

c) the presence of a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education containing information about the award of a gold or silver medal, having a high school diploma vocational education Honours– from 3 to 10 points, depending on the university;

G) implementation of volunteer (voluntary) activities(if no more than four years have passed from the date of completion of the period of implementation of the specified activity to the date of completion of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations) - 1, 3 or 5 points;

e) participation and / or results of participation of applicants in All-Russian Olympiads in mathematics, physics, computer science - 10 points; participation and / or results of participation of applicants in the Regional Olympiads in mathematics, physics, computer science - 7 points; participation and / or results of participation of applicants in city olympiads in mathematics, physics, computer science- 5 points; participation and / or results of participation in other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical culture and sports events held in order to identify and support persons who have shown outstanding abilities in relation to the direction of training or specialty for which the candidate enters- 5 points;

For all individual achievements listed in paragraphs "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", no more than 10 points can be awarded in total. Another 10 points can be awarded under item "e" (see below).

f) issued by a higher education organization grade for the final essay in the graduating classes of organizations implementing educational programs of secondary general education(in case of submission of the specified essay by the applicant) - up to 10 points.

The scatter in the number of points is explained by the fact that the Ministry of Education and Science is at the mercy of universities to determine their weight, and uniformity has not yet been achieved even within the Ministry of Defense, and this is not important. It is important that you can actually earn extra points.

The TRP badge is not easy to get, but very easy. If you are ready to take a physical training exam at a military school, then you can easily pass the TRP standards.

Until 2015, only the implementation of the TRP complex took place, and since January 2016, all schoolchildren in all regions of Russia can pass the TRP standards and receive the appropriate certificates. Badges will be awarded at the end of the year, when you, I hope, will already become cadets .. So take care of this issue, find out where the testing center is located in your city / district, sign up for testing and go!

Entire studies have been written on the issue of volunteering (see, for example:

But for you, I think, the action “Our Forest. Plant your tree”, held in September 2015 in the Moscow region, which was attended by tens of thousands of people. I am sure that similar events were held in other regions of Russia.

Take a certificate from school that you took an active part in such an action, go with it to the forestry, get the same one there (in last resort, ask your father, he will agree for a bottle). And make sure that the record of participation is contained in the school report. In addition to additional points for individual achievements, this will add points to you at the professional selection.

Participation in intellectual or creative competitions, physical culture events and sports events […] in relation to the direction of training or the specialty for which the candidate enters - last year the topic of the 70th anniversary of the Victory was held in one way or another at many scientific and practical conferences and other competitions.

Not only the winners, but also the participants were given appropriate certificates. If you have one - do not forget to attach to the set of documents.

If there is no such or similar certificate, it does not matter - in March-April of this year, a lot of conferences will also be held. Choose a topic related to both the army and exact sciences(for example, "Mathematics in military affairs").

If you are planning to enter the Kostroma Academy of the Russian Chemical and Biochemical Plant, choose a topic about the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the 30th anniversary of which will be celebrated in 2016. This will not only add points, but also confirm your military professional orientation.

There is a nuance here: preparation for the conference will take a lot of time, and you need to prepare for the exam, which is much more important. Therefore, having briefly sketching the concept, entrust the bulk of the “Negram” to parents or younger brother. You will get only the protection of the work.

I repeat: don't waste your time. Do not watch TV, do not stick around stupidly in “one-eyed contacts”, asking questions like: “how to enter a military school?”, “Will they take me there with such and such a disease?” or “I REALLY want to do it. What should I do?".

Studies conducted by Harvard University (USA) have shown that the regular use of "search engines" to obtain information leads to a deterioration in the cognitive (cognitive) qualities of a person - after all, if there is no need to remember what can be quickly found using Computer techologies, then there is no need to "use" the resources of the brain.

And if something is not used for a long time, many properties are lost. This phenomenon is called "Google Syndrome".

So practice your communication skills as well - go to the military registration and enlistment office. The earlier the better. You will be welcome there, and all questions about admission to higher military educational institutions will be explained in detail.

Good luck!

Dear readers!

By writing today's article, I am entirely obliged to one of the readers of the blog. His name is Gennady. From his modesty, this is the only thing he reported about himself.

The article is very informative, full of important information, relevant, and simply gorgeous - without a doubt the best source of information that I have seen on this topic. So read and re-read, enjoy, thank Gennady, and hurry up to do it!

45 comments on ““Admission to military universities””

Help to understand the situation (preferably referring to articles).

Hello! Tell the son of an ensign of the Strategic Missile Forces, is it possible to enter the Krasnodar Pilot School, if it is a VKS. What options. Thank you

Good time of the day! HELP ME PLEASE! Vision in one eye -1.75, the second -1.5. In shooting, I take second place out of 20-30 participants in professional shooting. With physical training, everything is in order! And with studies almost perfectly!
Will I be able to pass the commission and get into a military school if my only minus is my eyesight?!
Thanks in advance.

Hello! I am 19 years old, I am graduating from a technical school with a degree in electrical engineering. For a year now, I have been thinking about whether to enter the military academy. I read a lot about admission, about studying, so to speak, I was interested in everything in this area) Well, every time I get some kind of uncertainty, one day I want to do it, the next you think about everything and already lose interest, this state manifests itself already at the attraction of a year. This is why I want to ask you for advice. What do you think is worth doing when in doubt? Or is it worth going to the army after graduating from college?

Hello! Tell me, is it possible to enter a military medical university (to become a military doctor), being a citizen of Latvia at the moment?
And more, whether accept with a scoliosis of 2-3 degrees?

I plan to go to the army after a secondary special educational institution (half a year is left to study), I study as a repair technician, maintenance and installation of medical equipment (specialist in their electronics). As far as I know, after about 6 months of service, uncles come and ask if I want to serve further under the contract. At the moment I am studying at DOSAAF for the specialty of a military driver of category "C". I was told that it is possible to sign a contract and, during its execution, enter a higher military educational institution. Questions:
1) Is it possible to enter while serving as a driver?
2) Are there educational institutions where they teach anything related to electronics?
3) If there are none, where is it better to go?
Thank you!

Hello my dear readers!

So I would like to supplement the previous one with this article. Namely, to raise the following question: is it possible to enter a military school from the army.

Looking ahead, I answer the question: yes. And how possible. But there are a number of nuances. What are the obstacles and how they can be overcome, read below. The rest of the questions are reflected in the comments, I think that you can find everything on this topic in them: from tattoos to questions with the exam.

What are the advantages of a soldier from the army

The undeniable advantage is the change of scenery. Wherever you serve for six months and more, everything will bother you. And to change the situation for a month and a half (with a negative outcome) is only good for health.

As a rule, literate soldiers choose a university closer to home, because which troops you serve in and which ones you enter is also not particularly important.

A paratrooper, a marine, several people from the infantry entered the air defense, and my deputy platoon commander served in the Air Force.

In addition, the time before you are enrolled in the lists of a military institution is considered 1 to 1. That is, a month and a half were received, not received - a month and a half in service credit. (Let me remind you that the time of study at a military school is half, that is, a year of school is six months of military service).

I don’t know about the fare now, but I’ll venture to guess that it’s free. Because for part you will be on a business trip, and the business trip is paid. So the soldier does not risk anything upon admission.

What are the cons

If you sincerely want to enroll, then the real lag in knowledge from civilian applicants may be a minus, since they are still after school, and you have been serving for some time.

In addition, there are standards for physical training. For soldiers, they are overpriced and you will hand over military uniform. So get ready ahead of time. So it was, now everyone is equal (note from 01.2015).

Exam standard: 3km cross, 100m run and pull-ups. The more, faster and more, the better.

As regards the relationship in part

And probably one of the main questions: they will not let you go. Here I will say this: firstly, it all depends on you. If you are in good standing with the commanders, if you did not drink their blood, then they will gladly let you go. Will write good performance, maybe even talk to friends at the place of receipt. It is not hard.

But if you are a rascal, there may be problems. And I understand such commanders (it's paradoxical, isn't it? - in theory, bad things should be got rid of).

But they cannot simply let go of their own free will. Therefore, your actions are as follows:

  • you need to write a report addressed to the nearest commander of the type, please send me as a candidate for admission there and there;
  • wait for an answer.

It just needs to be done very early. Since, according to the law, each commander has from 10 to 30 days to make a decision. The term is calculated from the date of registration in the combat unit. I repeat this for the villains or those who for some reason got to them. Because a good soldier will be issued in a week.

Naturally, the report can be lost, pretend that it was not. To prevent this from happening, it must be sent by registered mail with notification to the address of the part. Such documents must be registered, and therefore they will not be able to lose your report and will be required to give some kind of intelligible answer.


The only obstacle may be a health restriction. It's hard to believe, but your health may be enough to be drafted into the army, but not enough to enter a military school.

Hence a little advice: contact the medical unit less, especially do not go there if you decide to enter a military university. And you can ask to make the desired result of the VVK in part. And here, as you understand, the commander can again help or harm.

Hence the conclusion: it is possible to enter a military school from the army, but you need to be in the mood for it from the very beginning. Any commander can see for what purpose the soldier leaned into the candidates: to hang out from the service or to study. Don't be stupider than yourself. Good luck entering!

197 comments on ““There is an addition””

    Hello. Last year, after graduating from school, I tried to enter a military school, they didn’t take me for health reasons (flat feet of the 2nd degree), I had to enter a regular university, but I realized that this was not for me, I need discipline and drill, and all the benefits they won't be redundant. I want to drop out of the institute and try to enter a military school from the army, do you think it's worth trying or better year serve and then decide?
    I’ll ask one more question, they seem to say that since 2015 a competition of certificates will be introduced in universities, so this does not apply to military universities?

    • I think it's worth going to the military enlistment office and trying once again to formalize the case in the military. Because the requirements for cadets and soldiers are different. And you can serve in the army and not become fit for health in the military.
      As such, there has always been a competition for certificates. If the scores are equal. So nothing will change for military universities.

      I am closing comments on this article. Since the topic of Receipts from the army has been exhausted.

    It is very easy for us from Belarus to act, since we have our own competition, and as I understand it, Russian universities are not very popular with us this time. have us much easier hand over fiz. there are two standards, and in the third we have a lot of cadet classes (I study in it) that make it possible to enter without problems (they enter cadet schools without any competition at all).

    • The competition depends on the university. Somewhere it is too high (the same Mozhaika last year or border in Galitsyno), and somewhere there is a shortage. On average, the hospital is also likely to have a shortfall. The state has come to its senses that there is no one to serve, and there are not so many fit schoolchildren.

  1. Hello, can you tell us about the training of foreigners at a military university in Russia. More precisely about the Belarusians.

    • Hello. Alas, I don't really know. Officers-listeners studied with us. We did not have any Belarusian cadets from among civilians. Yes, and I have not heard that there were those with whom I served in universities (motorists, signalmen, logisticians, reb, political officers, physical education, railway workers, chemists). Can not help.

      • Thank you. From what I managed to find out, Belarusians live and study together with Russians.

        • And which university? Maybe I have someone to ask. It became interesting to myself.

          • To the Ryazan Higher Air Command School, Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin, Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School, Military Institute (Railway Troops and Military Communications) of the Military Academy of Logistics, Branch of the Military Academy of Aerospace Defense, Branch of the Military Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Cherepovets), Military Academy air defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Smolensk)

            • Here in Smolensk in my time, listeners lived and studied. Officers on the rise. There have never been Belarusians at the special faculty. I will clarify of course. Although now this situation can only be gaining from last / this year.

    Hello, I have a question, now I'm in the 10th grade and I'm not doing very well with my studies, the average score is about 4.2, I'm afraid it will stay like this by the 11th grade, physical training is good, healthy, I hope that I will pass the EGE without problems on high scores, so is there a chance to enter a military university with poor grades and an average score in the certificate in the region of 4

    • Of course you can! Certificates are compared with the equality of all other indicators, which happens very rarely.

      • Thank you very much, another question, if I pass excellent pull-ups, 3 km run, swimming, but I pass mediocre 3-4 run 100 meters (or 60), will the chances of entering be still high? And I'm also not very tall, 172 cm, maybe by the 11th grade it will be 175, does it affect anything?

        • From the end: growth is not important for most universities.
          But physical education is not easy. Now it is accepted by points. And 100 meters is a more profitable exercise than 3 km. And swimming is generally accepted at a rare university - there are no conditions. For what, what points can be viewed on any website of any military in the "Applicant" section.

    I'm going to enter the army, but I want to enter the UVC (military training center) and, as far as I know, there is no barracks there, all students live in a hostel, and in the hostel, I guess no one will support me in the summer.

    • )) how they will be. Tents will be set up, but the soldiers and non-locals will definitely not be dismissed. I would have no illusions. Better then it will be a pleasant surprise that they will let you go. There is no point in guessing.

    And if I enter a university, will I be able to spend the summer at home, or will I have to spend the summer in the unit? And is it possible to wait at home for the decision of the selection committee if your house is nearby?

    • If from the army - definitely in the unit (in the school), if civilian, then of course you can at home.

    But I also heard that in addition to a military university, you can choose a university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is this true?

    • I can not reliably answer, I did not delve into.

    Did they abuse, that is, did they go to study until the end of military service, and then drop out of school? Is it possible to do so with impunity?

    • What is the violation of the law? I didn’t like it, I didn’t choose it, I made a mistake. Doesn't it happen. It's not a prison, it's an educational institution. Don't like it - leave.
      The point is that until 2005, the biggest punishment for a cadet was expulsion and sent immediately to the army without paying money for training (which does not threaten a former soldier). Then they introduced that the expelled cadets pay the cost of their studies (I don’t know exactly on what conditions and how, but I know it’s expensive). Therefore, now it is completely unprofitable and stupid to mow down from the army.

    Hello, I have such a question, can they let me go to another type of troops? And in the event of an unsuccessful receipt, will the days of the trip be included in the service life? Thanks in advance.

    • Hello! The type of troops is not important. Should be released anywhere. In the event of an unsuccessful admission, all days go 1:1 into service and have been abused, especially in the past. We had one even entered, but refused to study.

    Understood thanks.

    Should I indicate it in the report?) If for some reason I don’t get it, can I go without it? Call the institute and find out whether the call came to me or not ..

    • There is no need to write anything extra in the report. The beauty is that you can call the admissions office and find out everything about two weeks before the time "H". And you can not, but you need to interact with them. Because the sites of schools are made on the knee and letters are sent in the same way.

    Where will the challenge come from? To the military office?

    • Where you specify or at the place of residence. My call was brought to me by the Russian post.

    Hello. I have such a situation. This year I will go to the army by spring conscription, most likely in April. The report on admission to the school must be submitted to the commander before March 1. The call comes before May 20, then I should be sent to the university. But it turns out that in April next year I should be demobilized and will not be able to enter the army? And if you act like a civilian, then the application must be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office before April 1, again I don’t have time. Tell me how should I be? Thank you in advance.

    • And what's the difference from the army or not from the army to do? The main thing is that the personal file ends up in the right university and the call comes. And therefore, let him be sent from the troops, and you will go to act as a free civilian, for me it’s even easier. It’s easier in terms of paperwork to prepare a case, and then with the trip itself.

    Hello! I am a contract service sergeant, squad leader. Contract since May 2013. I am 24 this May. I want to go to military school. The question is, is it possible or not? What monetary allowance awaits me and what is the procedure for submitting all documents?