What kind of stone does the name Valery have? The meaning of the name is Valeria

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Valeria, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Valeria's zodiac is Gemini
  • Planet – Mercury
  • The color of the name Valeria is purple
  • Auspicious tree - fig
  • Valeria's treasured plant is lily.
  • The patron of the name Valery is the monitor lizard
  • Valeria's talisman stone is garnet

What does the name Valeria mean?: rich, strong, strong, healthy (the name Valeria is of Latin origin).

Short meaning of the name Valeria: Valera, Lera, Lerunya, Lerusya, Valya, Valesha, Valyunya, Valusya, Valyukha, Valyusha, Vava.

Angel Valeria's Day: The name Valeria celebrates her name day once a year: June 20 (7) - The Holy Martyr Valeria died for the faith of Christ in the 4th century.

Signs of the name Valery: If this day is rich in heavy dew, expect a hemp harvest.

Positive traits of the name Valeria: Cheerfulness and confidence in achieving a goal are combined with impulsiveness. This often leads to Valeria’s unpredictable actions, which she herself cannot explain. This excitability makes Valeria a very sensitive and at the same time mysterious person: she combines cheerfulness with sentimentality, wit with melancholy, practicality with short-sightedness. Valeria is proud, but not touchy. She is happy to make contact, she has many friends.

Negative traits of the name Valeria: Some eccentricity and hot temper make Valeria's character capricious and unpredictable. Sometimes Valeria herself doesn’t know where dissatisfaction with someone’s behavior can take her - perhaps she will become overly sarcastic, or perhaps she will be overcome by anger. It is difficult to find any universal key for her, since Valeria herself does not know what she will be happy or sad about in a minute.

Character of the name Valeria: Valeria is a complex and unpredictable person. She is contradictory in her assessment of events and people, and inconsistent in her intentions. But those who have enough patience for her gain a faithful, devoted friend. Valeria is vulnerable, acutely sensitive - this is the basis of her wary and distrustful attitude towards life and people.

In her youth, Valeria suffers several crushing defeats in a love epic: her chosen ones, unable to bear her eccentricity, reject her capriciousness. Each time after this, she falls into depression, but soon captivates the next victim of her spell.

In marriage, Valeria also expects surprises. Having left her husband after several scandals, she does everything to drag his name into the mud. And only after getting married again does she calm down.

If little Valeria pouts, it will last for a long time. It seems that no one gave a reason for this, but she is not in the mood. Also, for no apparent reason, after some time Valeria will become cheerful and affectionate, and again you shouldn’t rack your brains over why this happened - you still won’t guess.

Having matured, Valeria continues to remain complex and unpredictable. She is contradictory in her assessment of events and people, fickle in her intentions, which naturally irritates those around her. However, Valeria seems like this only to those who don’t know her well. Relatives understand that the meaning of the name is based on vulnerability and increased sensitivity. No one will notice the fleeting glance cast by her husband at a woman passing by, but Valeria will definitely notice. And as a consequence of this - her abrupt and incomprehensible act to many, a decidedly deteriorated mood.

Valeria most often treats strangers with wary distrust. In the harmless remarks of the mother-in-law, she will see a biased attitude towards herself, although another daughter-in-law in the same situation would react quite calmly.

A girl named Valeria is a caring, thrifty wife, everything is in order at home. He does not like to go to parties or visitors, prefers the silence of home and communication with his family. Jealous, every new woman surrounded by her husband causes her many fears and suspicions, humiliating interrogations for her husband. Valeria's jealousy often destroys an initially successful marriage.

Valeria is predisposed to allergies and bronchitis; unstable nervous system.

“Winter” Valeria is harsh, excitable, and has frequent nervous breakdowns.

“Autumn” Valeria is more balanced, but still unpredictable. Can work as a fashion designer, musicologist, or guide. The meaning of the name Valeria matches patronymics: Gennadievna, Fedorovna, Maksimovna, Semyonovna, Glebovna, Borisovna.

“Summer” Valeria is eccentric and conflict-prone.

“Spring” Valeria is capricious, eccentric, always dissatisfied with something. Her calling is to be an actress, artist, singer, fashion model. The name goes well with patronymics: Ivanovna, Emilievna, Aronovna, Denisovna, Danilovna, Matveevna.

Valeria has an unstable nervous system because her name comes from the male Valery. I do not recommend giving girls such names.

Choosing a profession by name: Valeria has a strong, decisive, ambitious character, capable of showing herself best in unexpected situations when quick, decisive action is required; she is strong mentally and physically and does not know the word “fear.” By nature, she is prone to adventure, travel, even adventures, and is always ready to take risks.

Valeria's business and career: Valeria is usually happy in money matters thanks to a successful marriage, profitable sales, and bold financial transactions.

Valeria's love and marriage: Valeria shows a strong interest in the opposite sex and, as a rule, is happily married, but she may have several marriage partners throughout her life. The union of the name with Adam, Andronicus, Anthony, Valentin, Boniface, Eugene, Ermil, Leo, Maximilian is favorable. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Voislav, Gregory, David, Ilya, Hippolytus, Zakhar, Lavrentiy, Molchan, Rodion, Tihomir, Tryphon.

Health and talents named after Valery: Valeria is capricious in early childhood, persistent in her demands, it is necessary to pay increased attention to her. You should pay attention to the throat; there may be frequent tonsillitis, which causes a disorder of the nervous system. Scoliosis and flat feet may develop.

Valeria "December" - this Valeria almost never gets colds, but there is a possibility of nervous system disorder, even hysteria. In adulthood, such Valeria is predisposed to urolithiasis.

Valeria requires professional education; she cannot stand pressure, force, or suppression of her will. May become embittered, possible mental disorder.

"Martovskaya" Valeria is prone to gastritis. Valeria is very receptive to everything that happens. It painfully endures injustice, disappointment, and is subject to stress and depression, from which it takes a long time to recover. He withdraws into himself and doesn't talk to anyone.

Valeria "Noyabrskaya" - this Valeria with early childhood needs extra attention. Her illness does not give her parents a quiet life. She is prone to anorexia, i.e. to weight loss. This is a very dangerous disease, and if you notice alarming symptoms, you need to immediately show the child to the doctor. Sometimes the name Valeria has rhinitis, and suffers from croup in early childhood. Until the age of seven, such a girl needs to be strengthened so that she misses less classes at school.

The name Valeria is also a masculine name, so it is not advisable to give it to a girl. This is due to the fact that in the future she will have a very complex character with a strong masculine principle. Valeria will be very categorical, which will prevent normal communication with classmates and make a career in the future. Because of this, she is prone to stress. Therefore, it is better to choose a different name for a girl.

The fate of the name Valery in history:

  1. Valeria is the heroine of R. Giovagnolli's novel "Spartacus".
  2. Valeria Messalina is the third wife of the Roman Emperor Claudius (1st century AD).
  3. Valeria Gai Germanika - born Valeria Dudinskaya, Russian film director.
  4. Valeria of Milan is an early Christian martyr of the 1st-2nd centuries, a Saint of the Catholic Church.
  5. Valeria Novodvorskaya (born 1950) - social and political figure.
  6. Valeria Perfilova - popular Russian singer, Honored Artist of Russia.
  7. Valeria Barsova (1892 – 1967) - Russian opera singer (lyric-coloratura soprano), singer of the Bolshoi Theater, professor at the Moscow Conservatory, People's Artist of the USSR.
  8. Valeria Gerasimova (1903 – 1970) - Russian Soviet writer.
  9. Valeria Zaklunnaya - Soviet and Ukrainian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1979).
  10. Valeria Pride - pseudonym, real name- Udalova; Russian public figure, member of the Coordination Council of the Russian Transhumanist Movement, sociologist, futurologist. One of the founders and CEO of KrioRus, the first cryogenic company created outside the USA.
  11. Valeria Potemkina - Russian short speed skater, international master of sports, Member of the Russian Olympic team at the winter Olympic Games ah in Vancouver (2010).
  12. Valeria Churganova (1931 - 1998) - Russian linguist.
  13. Valeria Dienes (1879 - 1978) - founder of free dance and modern dance in Hungary, holds a Ph.D.; published two books on psychology, thereby becoming at the origins of this science in Hungary.
  14. Valeria Beskova (nee Vasilyeva) is a Soviet actress.

The meaning of the name Lera. Origin, compatibility

A name is given to a person once and for life. Together with the patronymic and surname, it allows you to feel like a spiritually rich person, distinctive from others. The meaning of the name Lera will allow you to fully recognize the girl’s character and determine what fate awaits her.

Origin of the name

Lera is a name derived from Valery. It is of Latin origin and is translated as “healthy”, “strong”, “strong”. The fate of the name is quite interesting, because its roots stretch into the deep past. The name comes from the ancient family Valerius, which, in turn, was formed from valeo. According to some versions, the meaning of the name Lera must be considered taking as a basis the masculine name Valerian, which in translation means “to be healthy,” and the feminine Larisa – “pleasant,” “sweet.”

Valeria's childhood

Little Lera is a real imp who needs close attention. She is cheerful, sociable, active. Parents should pay attention to the girl’s hyperactivity and raise her strictly. Otherwise, the baby, despite her young age, will begin to push them around, imposing her own desires and views. Moreover, to achieve her goal, little Lera, full name which is Valeria, uses all methods: exhortations, whims, tears, affection and even jealousy.

The nature of the name Lera can make a girl self-centered, so parents should definitely teach her to communicate with other children so that the baby understands that the world does not revolve only around her. The girl is not very neat, but she has ingenuity and a good memory, which covers up her other shortcomings.

Valeria's health

The meaning of the name Lera left its mark here too. Lera’s health is generally good, but she has problems with her weight. This usually happens during puberty due to hormonal changes in the body. To avoid this, a girl should be taught from childhood to proper nutrition and playing sports. Most often, since childhood, Valeria has a craving for dancing and aerobics, but other sports will also be useful.

Lera's school years

The girl is a mediocre student, but if she wants, she can achieve good results in all disciplines. The secret of the name Lera is that she always tries to prove her superiority, so if parents can find a teacher who will introduce a competitive and speedy element into her classes, then the girl will gladly accept the rules and learn everything perfectly. Valeria doesn’t want to study just like that, but if it allows her to become the best in the class, she will be active and win the championship.

Characteristics and fate of the name Lera

Valeria’s complex character will not become simpler even after years. The meaning of the name Lera is always present in her life. The girl is overly emotional, so most of her character traits are clearly visible. She is sensitive, vulnerable. To protect herself from insults, a girl will rarely let a stranger get close to her. At the first meeting, Lera, whose full name is Valeria, fully justifies her “masculine” meaning - she is very careful and will study the new personality for a long time and only when she is convinced of her decency will she allow herself to relax. Despite this, Valeria cannot be called a “scared sheep” or too touchy. This character trait should most likely be defined as willfulness. Sometimes a girl’s dissatisfaction with an unfamiliar person becomes so overwhelming that she becomes overly sarcastic, even rude. In some cases, the reason for her behavior remains a mystery to those around her, which only she understands.

By and large, the matured Valeria is not much different from the previous eccentric little girl. She is also energetic, impulsive, inquisitive and fickle in her intentions. A girl can zealously take on several things at once, but in the end she will not complete any of them. This is quite typical for her, however, after some time Lera is ashamed of her behavior and still finishes what she started, but without fanaticism.

Valeria loves risk, preferring it to a measured and monotonous life. The girl likes to feel free, so she often manifests herself as an ardent feminist. Valeria is convinced that life is wonderful, and it is simply unacceptable to waste it on boredom, so she always finds something new to do.

The inconsistency of character over time tires Leroux herself. The girl begins to gravitate toward more balanced people who could rein her in a little.


In any team, thanks to her non-trivial approach to business, Valeria is considered a valuable employee. The ideas a girl gives out are almost always stunning in their simplicity and brevity. In addition, Lera has very developed intuition, which allows her to make decisions quickly and accurately. Therefore, even some character flaws do not prevent her from rapidly climbing the career ladder. Most often, Valeria chooses work related to children or in sales. This allows her to be around people and at the same time slightly distance herself from them due to her position.


Valeria loves to be the center of attention and please men. Therefore, she carefully takes care of her appearance, follows the latest fashion trends, dresses beautifully and can present herself. Relationships with the opposite sex are quite complex and unpredictable, and Valeria herself is always the culprit. Her attitude towards her partner can change in a matter of minutes, but the guy himself can rarely understand the reason for the change. Valeria's behavior with a man can be very different. With one she can have intimate relationships within a couple of hours after meeting, but he won’t let anyone else get close to him for several months.

Valeria is always looking for new sensations, and this also manifests itself in relationships with men. Therefore, if a partner becomes monotonous, she begins to look for variety on the side, which often leads to a break in an established relationship. Having cheated on her boyfriend, Valeria rarely feels guilty; she also does not pay attention to the gossip of others, believing that life is short enough and she should have time to take everything from it. Despite her own inconstancy, Valeria is quite jealous and can make a scene for her partner even because of a fleeting glance at another woman.


Family comes first in Valeria’s life. She is caring, economical, and will always help her husband with practical advice. She pays special attention to the comfort and relaxed atmosphere in the home. She loves to receive guests, is hospitable and cheerful. Valeria loves her children very much, and they love her back.

Compatibility of the name Lera

Valeria will have a good alliance with Andrey, Oleg, Anatoly, Matvey, Sergey.

Less successful relationships will be with Mark, Albert, Vladislav, Peter, Kirill.

What is the meaning of the name Lera?

The name Lera (Valeria) is the feminine form of the masculine Valery. Accordingly, the value of the first is very close to the characteristics of the second. Translated from Latin, the meaning of the name Lera is “strong”, “hardy”, “vigorous”, “strong”. This means that the children awarded it should grow up to be real ringleaders.

It is recognized as very beautiful, and now it is becoming more and more popular, but what character traits does Lera have? We will now find out the meaning of the name.

It has interesting derivatives: Lerik, Lerunya, Lerunchik, Lerusha, Lerunik, Leka.

Lera's main character traits are activity, emotionality, straightforwardness, and variability. The little girl with this name has been a rather hot-tempered and stubborn person since childhood. Everyone is a little wary of her explosive temperament, but at the same time they also greatly respect Lera for her fairness and perseverance. She tends to achieve what she wants.

Since childhood, Lerochka has been quite capricious. A girl can “get off on the wrong foot” in the morning and continue to “sulk” about something all day long. Also, the meaning of the name Lera tells us that she can be offended by everyone, withdraw into herself, but after a while her mood can change, and she again becomes smiling and easily makes contact. Therefore, we can say that being friends with her is very difficult. But nevertheless, those who make friends with her definitely do not regret it.

Considering all areas of life, it becomes interesting, what does the name Lera mean for a child at school? This girl copes with her studies quite well, while she sincerely tries to stand out among other children, wants to earn praise and a good evaluation from teachers, and tries to be the center of attention of others. Perhaps someone may consider her an upstart, which is why Lera sometimes has ill-wishers.

When communicating with any person, you can think about what is present in his character just from the name? What place does the name Lera have in the temperament of a little girl? In general, she has a rather complex and unpredictable character. She is very persistent, quite demanding of the people around her, and at the same time has incredible self-love. However, despite this, it is also worth noting that Lera is demanding not only of others, but also of herself. If she demands that a person learn to do something difficult, keep in mind that Valeria herself will respond by taking on an equally difficult task.

If we classify character traits, delving into the question of what the meaning of the name Lera is, we can highlight the following positive characteristics: persistence in business, love of truth, wit, cheerfulness and activity, devotion to loved ones, sincerity. And there is also negative traits: touchiness; jealousy both towards your loved one and towards your friends; moodiness; sometimes harshness in communication even with loved ones.

Lera has a distrustful and cold attitude towards strangers, but if a person becomes her friend, having withstood all the shortcomings of her character, then it will be difficult to find a more faithful and sympathetic comrade.

What does the name Valeria mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Responsive Friendly Cheerful

Valeria Lanskaya, theater and film actress, singer

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

Origin of the name: Ancient Roman

When you're lucky: Sunday

When there are problems: Wednesday

Important years of life: 18, 35

Zodiac sign: Cancer

Lucky number: 86

What does the name Valeria mean?

What a beautiful, euphonious name Valeria! It is widespread in Russia. The meaning of the name Valeria creates the image of a healthy, feminine and confident girl.

Valeria's character is influenced by the fact that there is a male variant that is more common than the female name. This adds both charm and femininity to the owner, as well as some boyishness in her behavior.

The energy of the name brings cheerfulness, activity and self-confidence in its bearer.

Her behavior and attitude towards people mainly depend on her mood swings and flurry of emotions. Often she herself cannot explain the reasons for sudden anger or violent joy.

Analyzing what the name Valeria means, you can feel some uncertainty, which provokes unpredictability and surprise in a woman’s behavior. Valeria appears to others as a mystery that is difficult to solve.

For bearers of a name, patronymics are suitable: Gennadievna, Semyonovna, Fedorovna, Maksimovna, Borisovna, Glebovna, Ivanovna, Denisovna, Danilovna or Matveevna.

Valeria Evgenievna loves to be the center of attention. She differs from others in her hard work and activity.

Alekseevna is balanced, distinguished by her practical mindset, and also strives for leadership. The owner of the patronymic Andreevna is overly reasonable, sometimes to the point of being boring, organized and cheerful. Dmitrievna is persistent, firm, quick-tempered, a lover of disputes and gossip.

Would you name your child this name?
Not really

Valeria came from male name Valery. Arguing about what the name Valeria means, one can understand that the word “valeo” is translated from Latin language interpreted as “to be healthy, strong.”

The name Valerius first appeared in legends Ancient Rome, telling about the reign of various emperors. It is of ancient Roman origin and was used by families of noble and wealthy residents of the city.

History introduces us to interesting fact. In those ancient times, Roman women did not have their personal names, but were called first by the name of their father, and later by the name of their spouse. Therefore, we can assume that Lera was the daughter or wife of some Valery.

The origin of the name Valeria says a lot. For example, in Orthodoxy this is the Great Martyr Valeria of Caesarea, who was one of the first to accept Christianity and served her faith with faith and truth.

It is a known fact that they tried to force her back into paganism, but even under cruel torture she did not renounce Christ.

History names the names of famous bearers: actress Zaklunnaya, TV presenter Kudryavtseva, singer Kozlova, actress Golino, famous model Sokolova, politician Novodvorskaya, gymnast Maksyuta, actress Lanskaya, tennis player Savinykh, film director Guy Germanika.

Forms of the name Full: Valeria Short: Lera Affectionate: Lerochka Ancient: Valeria

IN early years Valeria shows a wayward character. She is characterized by unpredictable behavior, which is determined by her changeable mood. And no one can find the reason for such sharp changes.

Lera is a cautious girl and keeps strangers at a distance. She prefers a quiet home environment and rarely visits or attends public events.

The characterization of the name Valeria is a description of a complex and unpredictable nature.

She is characterized by inconstancy. He changes his goals, preferences, and attitude towards people quickly and often. She can praise and hate the same person. It is difficult to create strong friendships with Valeria.

She has oratory skills and loves speaking in front of the public. All professions that involve public speaking are suitable for her. The bearer of the name will create a successful career in the position politician, actress, journalist, translator, TV presenter. The professions of a psychologist, teacher, fashion designer, and designer are also suitable for her. Lera can become a demanding and strict boss.

In Valeria’s description you can find out that this woman is an adventurer who loves adventures and travel.

Her financial side of life is going well due to a profitable marriage, bold financial projects or successful sales.

Valeria prefers to communicate in a small company with calm, serious people who support topics that are interesting to her and at the same time act as listeners. When the interlocutor is actively involved in the topic, the representative of the name quickly loses interest in the conversation.

Valeria has a strong character. This is a purposeful and strong-willed woman who steadfastly endures all the troubles and difficulties of life. Her firmness and determination are best demonstrated in critical situations, when a quick reaction to existing circumstances is necessary.

The secret of the name Valeria endows its bearer with activity, which goes well with her cheerful disposition and subtle sense of humor.

The character is complex and contradictory. Close people are amazed at how such a dynamic character perfectly combines such rarely compatible feelings as sentimentality and wit.

Valeria is easily excitable, quick-tempered and very restless. She dissolves so much in the raging world of feelings and emotions, which she expresses very violently, that then she may even find herself in a depressed state.

The girl has sensitivity and vulnerability: these character qualities explain her changeable behavior. She is ambitious, hardworking, but not a careerist.

Her subtle intuition is associated with rare impressionability. This woman is attractive and charming, and often uses these qualities to her advantage.

Valeria is characterized by a synthetic mindset. She is characterized by developed fantasy, rich imagination and excellent imaginative memory. This woman remembers for a long time what surprised or alarmed her.

Character Traits Responsiveness Friendliness Cheerfulness Punctuality Ability to keep promises Intemperance Touchiness Excessive ambition Unpredictability Impulsiveness

Valeria has a romantic and amorous nature.

To become her friend or husband, a guy needs to patiently and unobtrusively win the beauty’s heart. If a girl notices and appreciates a man, then in this man she will see only his best qualities and will become a faithful friend and a wonderful wife for him.

Good and bad couples Anatoly Andrey Matvey Oleg Sergey Albert Vladislav Kirill Mark Petr

IN family relationships Valeria proves herself to be a wonderful housewife and loving wife. It should be noted that she is very jealous. If her husband only glances at another woman, and she notices it, then anger and resentment will completely overwhelm her. Sometimes jealousy can become the main destroyer of family happiness.

The meaning of the name Valeria for a girl

The name Lera came to us from Ancient Rome. This was the name given to girls from noble Roman families. It means "strong, strong." The meaning of the name suggests a strong-willed personality with a decisive character.

This name is a derived form of the name Valery. This only focuses the attention of others on her femininity and charm. Sometimes you can notice some boyish notes in a girl’s character.

In the 21st century, this name has become popular. Now parents widely use it to name their beautiful babies.

Valeria's character is capricious, her behavior is very unpredictable and fickle. In most cases, this is an energetic, cheerful, determined girl who can quickly change her views, mood and plans.

Valeria creates the image of a restless child who cannot sit quietly in one place. She wants to try everything, explore. She dances, runs, jumps, wants to know everything, talks incessantly.

The child is vulnerable, sensitive, impressionable. She experiences sudden mood swings. You can expect anything from this girl. It is almost impossible to predict her behavior.

What will Valeria achieve success in? IN school years always tries to be on time everywhere. What her performance at school will be depends only on her desire and desire to learn. She will demonstrate amazing effort in studying her favorite school subjects. Conversely, you will not force her to study a subject that she does not like. Lera can make excellent lawyers, managers, and economists. She can achieve success in professions that involve public speaking. Work in show business and in the political sphere is ideal. Lera likes work that involves constant communication. She can find her calling in the profession of a teacher, waiter, tour guide, hairdresser, psychologist, massage therapist.

When raising a girl, the demands of the parents should not diverge from the case. Try to reduce the number of prohibitions. Try to react calmly to your daughter’s tricks. Include your child in all household chores. Let Valeria help her parents clean, cook, and buy groceries. Try to reinforce any positive action of the girl with praise. Don't punish physically.

What games will Valeria like? Valeria is an enthusiastic person. He enjoys visiting various circles, often changing them or visiting several sections at the same time, opposite in direction. She loves outdoor games, goes in for sports, loves to jump and run. Reads adventure and fantasy literature. Doesn't always pay attention to parents' demands.

When is the name day?

May 6 June 20 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo: depositphotos.com

Valery meaning of the name, character and fate | What does the name Valery mean?

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Valery, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Zodiac Valeria - Scorpio
  • Planet - Pluto
  • The color of the name Valery is yellow
  • Auspicious tree - chestnut
  • Valeria's treasured plant is peony.
  • The patron of the name Valery is the scarab beetle
  • Valery's talisman stone is malachite

What does the name Valery mean: strong, healthy (the name Valery is of Latin origin).

Short meaning of the name Valery: Valera, Valerka, Valya, Lera, Lerka

Patronymic name Valery: Valerievich, Valerievich, Valerievna, Valerievna.

Angel Day named after Valery: The name Valery celebrates name days twice a year:

  • March 22 (9) - St. Martyr Valery of Sebaste, along with other forty martyrs for the faith of Christ, after suffering, was placed naked on a frosty night in the ice-covered lake of Sebaste, in Armenia; after which he died in 320.
  • November 20 (7) - St. The martyr of Melitino Valery, along with other thirty-three martyrs, was beheaded for the faith of Christ in 298 in Melitino.

Signs of the name Valery: On the Forty Martyrs, March 22, forty birds from across the sea bring spring on their wings. On November 20, on Valery, they look at how the roads are frozen: if the road is a hillock (well frozen), then the snow should be a hillock, that is, good, fruitful.

Positive traits of the name Valery: Optimism, hope for the best, confidence in one’s capabilities and help from above, mobility, curiosity, eloquence. The name Valery has a sharp and inquisitive mind. He is not devoid of firmness, he can stand up for himself if necessary. As a child, he can be a leader in a company of boys, a mischief maker and a prankster. This does not prevent Valery from studying well.

Negative traits of the name Valery: Excessive self-confidence, absent-mindedness, selfishness, pride, obsession. Valery is a born revolutionary. The meaning of the name does not like established orders. He can spend his leisure time in cheerful companies without thinking about the consequences. Excessive self-confidence and an easy attitude to life push Valery to serious mistakes and misdeeds.

Character of the name Valery: Valery is persistent and fearless. He easily becomes a leader in any team, and a reliable leader: in any, even the most difficult and dangerous situation, he maintains clarity of mind and amazing composure. It is noteworthy that initially a man named Valery was, as it were, insured against failures and failures, always occupying a prominent place in society. For all his pride and sensitivity to women’s barbs, Valery is very attached to his family and never cheats on his wife, only if crazy love turns his whole stable little world upside down!

The name Valery is principled, persistent, proud, a big homebody. Those born in winter have a more complex and despotic character, are stingy, and it is not easy to constantly maintain an even relationship with them. Always lucky in business, friendship is not important for Valery of great importance. Roman family name.

The nature is bright, excitable, the temperament is rather choleric. Valery would do well to be critical of himself and restrained in his assessments. Prefers to be free from obligations to others. In the sphere of personal relationships, he takes the choice of a specialty seriously, prefers one that will ensure the well-being of the family and allow him to see the world. Achieves success in aviation, business, engineering and production. A man named Valery loves to work in the garden and vegetable garden, and tinker with children. With age, family comes first in his scale of values.

Parents named Valery are most often busy with themselves, and the child feels lonely. Hence the instability of character, he is subject to influences and often does not know who to rely on. He tries to attract attention to himself with noisy games and risky situations, for example, running across the street in front of a moving car. Valery became interested in adventure literature early on.

An adult man named Valery Valery is mobile and active, considers it necessary to intervene in everything, give advice, otherwise he feels unnecessary and even unhappy. He has somewhat inflated self-esteem, he strives to please everyone, to be recognized by everyone. However, Valery is not always easy to communicate with, he can unfairly prick his interlocutor, create conflict situation. A man named Valery is easily excitable and slowly cools down; in a fit of anger he is uncontrollable.

However, his unique sense of humor, devotion to friends, and high level of intelligence make him a welcome guest in every home.

The name Valery plays sports, loves basketball, horse racing, and dogs.

He doesn't have a quick career ahead of him at work, but he handles things well. Most often he is an engineer, draftsman, or sports coach. Valery is often musically gifted, and if this gift is developed in childhood, he can become a musician or singer.

Valery loves women and is committed to tender relationships with them. A man named Valery knows how to captivate a woman with eloquence and beautiful courtship. Sex for him is a stimulus to life; it helps him to establish himself and rise in his own eyes.

In marriage, Valery is strongly attached to his wife, but does not feel peace of mind. He is too proud and selfish. However, he loves children dearly. He helps his wife, goes to the market to do shopping, and does repairs. The name Valery drinks immoderately and loves endless feasts.

Choosing a profession by name: Valery is disposed to scientific activity, because he has a high level of intelligence. He loves to draw, read, and takes his choice of profession seriously. If he doesn’t like the job, he will change it until he finds what he needs. The name Valery is a talented leader and organizer. If he does not waste his strength on trifles, he will be able to achieve significant success in almost any field of activity.

Business and career of Valery: It is difficult for Valery to bring the matter to an end. If he manages to overcome his lack of composure, he will be able to create good capital.

Love and marriage Valery: Valery carefully approaches the choice of his wife: he needs a woman with a rich spiritual world, neat in everyday life. The search for a companion can be lengthy. In a monogamous marriage. The marriage of the name Valery with Aglaya, Alla, Victoria, Violetta, Kaleria, Karina, Milava, Polina, Stella, Flora is successful. Difficult relationships are likely with Akulina, Vanda, Eva, Larisa, Maya, Regina.

Health and talents named after Valery: The name Valery is likely congenital diseases heart, disturbances in the functioning of hematopoietic organs.

Name Valery in other countries: The translation of the name Valery in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language translated as Valery, in French: Valery, in Danish: Waleri, in Polish: Walery, in Slovenian Valer, in Latin: Valerius.

The fate of the name Valery in history:

  1. Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov (1873-1924) - poet, founder of Russian symbolism. His books “The Wreath”, “The Third Watch”, “To the City and the World” and others were extremely popular. Valery Bryusov’s translations, his literary critical works and works on poetry are also known. A connoisseur of languages, Bryusov translated a lot, especially his favorite Latin and French poets, the famous Flemish Verhaeren. He created an entire anthology of Armenian poetry in Russian translations, for which in 1923 he was awarded the title of People's Poet of Armenia.
  2. Valery Pavlovich Chkalov (1904-1938) - a wonderful test pilot, brigade commander, Hero Soviet Union. He was known for his amazing fearlessness and developed new aerobatic maneuvers. In 1936-1937 made non-stop flights, unique at that time, from Moscow to Fr. Udd ( Far East) and Moscow - North Pole - Vancouver (USA) with G.F. Baidukov and A.V. Belyakov. Killed while testing a new fighter.
  3. Valery Todorovsky ((born 1962) Russian producer, screenwriter and director. Son of film director Pyotr Todorovsky.)
  4. Valery Nikolaev - (born 1965) Russian actor theater and cinema, director.
  5. Valery Lobanovsky - (1939 - 2002) Soviet football player, outstanding Soviet and Ukrainian football coach. Long-term coach of Dynamo Kyiv, at the head of which he twice won the Cup Winners' Cup. Three times he was the coach of the USSR national team, with which he became the vice-champion of Europe in 1988. Head coach of the Ukrainian national team in 2000-2001. Master of Sports of the USSR (1960). Honored Coach of the USSR (1975).
  6. Valery Leontyev - (born 1949) Soviet and Russian singer, actor. Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1987), People's Artist of Russia (1996), winner of the World Music Awards, ZD Awards, Ovation, Golden Gramophone, almost permanent winner of the Singer of the Year and Show of the Year nominations for 1980-2001 in Russian music ratings of that time. He recorded more than 20 albums, many of which sold millions of copies.
  7. Valery Popenchenko - (1937 - 1975) Soviet boxer, champion of the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo, two-time European champion, 7-time USSR champion. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1964). The only Soviet boxer is the winner of the Val Barker Cup.
  8. Valery Borzov - (born 1949) an outstanding Soviet track and field athlete - sprinter, statesman and public figure of Ukraine. President of the Federation athletics Ukraine, member of the IOC, vice-president and member of the executive committee of the NOC of Ukraine.
  9. Valery Gazzaev - (born 1954) Soviet football player (forward) and Russian football coach. Master of Sports of International Class (1980). Honored Coach of the USSR (1990). "Coach of the Year" according to UEFA (2004-2005).
  10. Valery Zolotukhin - (born 1941) Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR. Artistic director of the Taganka Theater.
  11. Valery Syutkin - (born 1958) Russian singer and musician, author of lyrics for the rock and roll group "Bravo". Honored Artist of Russia (2008), artistic director of the variety department of Moscow State University for the Humanities. M.A. Sholokhova.
  12. Valery Kubasov - (born 1935) pilot-cosmonaut.

By D. and N. Winter

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Valeria has a complex, sometimes unpredictable character; she is jealous, eccentric, and it is impossible to follow the changes in her mood. She is like that in relationships with men: almost after the first minutes of acquaintance she can suggest going to the bedroom, or she can languish and keep her in front of closed doors for a long time. She is stimulated by a variety of sexual partners, and she does not consider this something obscene - she wants to experience the whole gamut of sensations, and she does not deny herself this desire. Valeria is rarely abandoned, more often she leaves her lover herself.

When ardent passion Valeria turns into an even feeling and the atmosphere of novelty and joy disappears, she is looking for something new, or she may even return to her old affection. When she meets a man, she becomes animated, strives to please him, she is excited about everything that precedes intimacy; loving whispers, meaningful glances, unambiguous compliments. Words, gestures, looks, the image of a man - everything becomes the subject of her analysis; she tries to penetrate into the inner world of her partner in advance in order to understand his capabilities.

Valeria doesn’t like to make mistakes; she needs a strong, sexually active man, and she wants to see in him not only a suitable sexual partner for her, but also a loyal friend who can protect her from everyday adversities. Therefore, Valeria’s chosen ones are often much older than her in age, with everyday and sexual experience. “Summer” Valeria is cunning, curious, cautious, she wants to try everything, and she won’t let go of what she likes. Valeria's excessive jealousy often destroys her initially happily developing marriage.

According to Higir

Female version of the name Valery.

Valeria is unpredictable. Sometimes her behavior literally depends on which foot she got up from. If little Valeria pouts, it will last for a long time. It seems that no one gave a reason for this, and Valeria is not in the mood. Also, for no apparent reason, after some time she will become cheerful and affectionate, and again you shouldn’t rack your brains over why this happened - you still won’t guess.

Having matured, Valeria continues to remain complex and unpredictable. She is contradictory in her assessment of events and people, and inconsistent in her intentions. Naturally, such a character is not very attractive. However, if you have the patience to win her affection or are simply lucky enough to like her, you will have a most devoted friend who will stubbornly see only the good in you, even if you don’t deserve it. Anyone who can penetrate deeper into Valeria's character will see that the basis of Valeria's somewhat eccentric behavior lies in her vulnerability and increased sensitivity. No one will notice the fleeting glance cast by Valeria’s husband at a passing woman, but Valeria will definitely notice. And the consequence of this may be an action incomprehensible to many, a decidedly spoiled mood.

Valeria has a predominantly wary and distrustful attitude towards strangers. In the harmless remarks of her mother-in-law, she may perceive a biased attitude towards herself, although another daughter-in-law in the same situation would take her mother-in-law’s words quite calmly.

Valeria is a caring, thrifty wife, everything is in order at home. He does not like to go to parties or visitors, prefers the silence of home and communication with his family. Jealous, every new woman surrounded by her husband causes her many fears and suspicions, humiliating interrogations for her husband. Valeria's jealousy often destroys an initially successful marriage.

A woman with such a difficult character would be suitable for a man named Anatoly, Matvey, Semyon, Boris, Anton. She will have a hard time with Albert, Mark, Kirill, Peter or Vladislav.

1. Personality: singing women

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: will - receptivity - excitability - intuition

4. Totem plant: cherry

5. Spirit Animal: Cicada

6. Sign: Leo

7. Type. They often intrigue: you never know whether they will explode or start singing. From childhood you need to hold them in your hands.

8. Psyche. They can never sit still, they need to move, dance and sing all the time. Such women lack balance and stability. Often, for greater courage, they demonstrate their anger in order to impress others. Strive to be active public life. Overly self-confident.

9. Will. Strong, sometimes simply despotic.

10. Excitability. So strong that it makes them irritable and nervous. They express their feelings extremely violently, after which long-term depression sets in.

11. Reaction speed. Very fast, especially when it comes to loved ones. They are ready to defend them with tooth and claws. However, they are also active in public life.

12. Field of activity. They are more interested in their inner world than in their work. Best deal for them it is the improvement of their own hearth. These girls love to help, they can be allowed to cook and do other things early homework. Most of all, they are suitable for professions that require communication with people - in the field of public catering, trade, education.

13. Intuition. Associated with their impressionability. They are charming and charming and are excellent at using these qualities to their advantage.

14. Intelligence. They have a synthetic mentality, they have a lively, well-developed imagination and excellent figurative memory, they remember for a long time what amazed or alarmed them.

15. Receptivity. Although they try to keep their distance, this hides highly developed sensitivity and receptivity. Overly restless.

16. Morality. They are equally pleased with their own and others’ successes.

17. Health. Good, but they tend to be overweight. Disorders of the genitourinary system are possible. You should maintain a healthy and active image life, playing sports, especially aquatic species. Tend to abuse medications, especially tranquilizers.

18. Sexuality. Strong and manifests itself early. However, they are sentimental and more loyal friends than they might seem. Family and social taboos can contribute to the emergence of sexual complexes in them.

19. Activity. Depends on the circumstances. They expect sincerity from their friends, and if one of them deceives, they are capable of taking revenge.

20. Sociability. They love to receive guests; they are ideal hostesses. They adapt well and feel light and free everywhere. They sparkle with the joy of life. They achieve some success not so much in the professional sphere as in the realization of their own personality.

21. Conclusion. These interesting women are as charming as their totem - the cherry blossom, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

Is it possible to foresee what will happen in life with the help of simple details - a question that has troubled humanity for thousands of years. People have learned to believe in signs, to look for mysterious omens in simple objects and facts, even in the meanings of names. How the future will turn out if you name your baby Valeria, the meaning of the name, character and fate for girls - let's try to find out what surprises this could turn out to be for the baby's relatives.

The meaning of the name Valeria for a girl is brief

It is no secret that when choosing a name for their baby, the first thing parents should do is study everything connected with it and even the mysterious meaning embedded in it hundreds of years ago. It was from then on that it was customary to follow the instructions set out in detail in Orthodox calendars and ancient records, many of which have been preserved since then. You can find in them the name Valeria, the meaning of the name, character and fate - all this is explained in an accessible and fascinating way, which makes it much easier for adults to raise their daughter.

The meaning of the name Valeria for a girl is unlikely to be briefly summarized, because it has several interpretations - “healthy”, “rich”, “strong”. As a rule, parents fully trust the ancient beliefs in the meaning of each name and are guided by these useful guidelines in raising a child. The name Valeria is promising, and, according to its meaning, it promises only good events in the future. Whether this is so, the future will show, but more often than not it happens that the expectations of adults are fully met, and much earlier than expected.

What does the name Valeria mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

Often, Orthodox parents, before naming their long-awaited baby, turn to Christian literature - they carefully study the calendar and the church calendar. There you can find not only a lot of useful, but also interesting things, because usually the saints who will patronize their baby are indicated here along with the name.

What does the name Valeria mean for a girl according to the church calendar, and how many times will she have to celebrate her name day a year? The meaning of the name is practically no different from the mysterious meaning indicated in Latin literature. In Christianity, Valeria also means “strong”, “rich”, “powerful”. As evidenced by many years of observations, most often this is true - from an early age the girl has enviable health, learns to influence the decisions and opinions of others, and tries to patronize her younger sisters and brothers.

Valeria, the meaning of the name, character and fate - the calendar contains a lot of interesting things on this subject, so before deciding on the upbringing, the baby’s family should definitely familiarize themselves with the features of the positive and negative traits. This will greatly contribute to education and help to understand the most difficult situations.

The secret of the name Valery - patron saints, signs, beliefs

What is the secret of the name Valeria and will the baby have powerful patron saints? In the calendar you can find only one mention of a saint with that name, so a girl will be able to celebrate her name day only once - in June (20th). Despite this, she will acquire a rather powerful and kind patroness. Saint Valeria became famous during her lifetime boundless love and faith in God, she died thanks to loyalty to her Lord, whom she could not betray even under torture.

What signs are associated with the day on which this great martyr is venerated? It is believed that on this holiday there should be abundant dew, having healing power. From early morning people tried to go to fields or meadows to collect at least a large number of life-giving moisture. It was carefully kept throughout the year, used for treatment. It was believed that it was enough to wipe the painful area with collected dew for the pain to completely go away.

We also monitored the weather that day. If the holiday turned out to be rainy, it foreshadowed a good harvest. A hot, sultry day foreshadowed a hungry winter, so every effort should be made to make supplies for your family and pets.

Origin of the name Valeria and its meaning for children

What unforeseen events or phenomena could lead to the origin of the name Valeria and its meaning for children in the future? If you study the relevant literature, you can see that fate will not bring anything dangerous or strange. The origin has practically no impact on the future, and to thank for the appearance of this beautiful name you need Latin books in which Valeria was first mentioned.

How important is the meaning for children? Adults will not be able to notice anything special after baptism; the baby will be practically no different from her peers. The only thing that will certainly please your loved ones is good health and rapid development. From an early age, Valeria will show considerable ability to absorb knowledge - in a few years she will begin to read independently.

Another wonderful quality that will manifest itself in childhood is compassion. It makes no difference to her who to feel sorry for - a person or an animal, the baby will try to help a creature in need to the best of her ability. This is not necessarily material help - sometimes a kind word is more important than other benefits.

Character of a girl named Valeria

What advantages will the character of a girl named Valeria abound in, and will there be any shortcomings in it? As a rule, the baby will have much more good traits than shortcomings, and among them:

  1. cheerfulness;
  2. impulsiveness;
  3. sentimentality;
  4. sensitivity;
  5. sociability;
  6. wit;
  7. kindness;
  8. attentiveness.

What shortcomings will the baby’s character have? One of the most unpleasant traits is hot temper. Often, just one careless word is enough for a girl to flare up. Fortunately, this happens extremely rarely, and most often she realizes that she was wrong and quickly apologizes.

A disadvantage can also be considered a certain sarcasm, which rarely manifests itself, but can bring a lot of trouble to Valeria. Angry banter can cause loss of friends, hurt feelings among relatives, and even hostility from managers at work.

The fate of a girl named Valeria

Will the fate of a girl named Valeria please her with pleasant things, or should she prepare for trouble? In the profession, you definitely need to pay attention to specialties that do not require special responsibility - in leadership positions she can make a lot of mistakes. That is why it is better to choose the following specialties:

  1. cook;
  2. teacher;
  3. accountant;
  4. clerk;
  5. engineer.

Excellent oratorical skills allow Valeria to go into the tourism business - she will distinguish herself as a guide and will certainly be in demand. The love of travel and distant countries goes well with this profession.

How interesting and eventful will it be? family life Lera? Parents should prepare for the fact that she will start getting married almost from school. She enjoys considerable popularity among members of the opposite sex, so she will not feel any shortage of admirers. She will choose her soul mate quite carefully, in accordance with her ideals.

Marriage will cause outbursts of anger and causticity, the most unpleasant traits of her character, to completely disappear. The young woman will be completely immersed in everyday household chores and will be happy to do even work that she has not had the heart for since childhood.

Valeria is a name that belongs to an energetic and cheerful girl who is an example for others.


Named Valeria Latin origin, in this case it means “strong”, “healthy”, “rich”, “strong”. He has a male companion name Valery, with whom they share the same story. It is believed that the origin of the name Valeria and Valery is generic from the word “Valeo”. The ancient Roman family was called Valesios and Valerius.


The meaning of the name Valeria is suitable for a girl who is active, energetic, positive and cheerful. In early childhood, this child is not at all a gift for her parents; she often plays pranks, disobeys, plays around, and is a real fidget. She doesn’t have enough patience for anything, the girl needs to constantly do something, move, run, jump, play, come up with new worries and entertainment. Moreover, she doesn’t like to play pranks alone; the children around her should be a match for her. She forces the same behavior on them. Usually the meaning of the name allows Valeria to find many friends. She is not a leader by nature, but in a children's company she can easily become the leader, because she always has a lot of new ideas in her head. The parents of her peers and friends may often complain about her. After all, such a girl has Negative influence on the behavior of their children.

The meaning of the name Valeria gives the girl such qualities as well-developed fantasy, imagination, resourcefulness, creativity, daydreaming, determination, efficiency and mobility. Very little Valeria pleases her parents with her cheerful disposition and activity, but as she grows up, she begins to cause a lot of trouble for her parents. They cannot find the wrong approach to it, they cannot curb the child. It can be very difficult for parents at times; they fail to instill in their child a sense of responsibility. She always strives to commit spontaneous, abrupt and rash actions. Her childhood life can often be associated only with bad behavior, pampering, pranks and punishments. But on the other hand, the name Valeria goes to a child who is honest, fair, always ready to lend a helping hand, and this is worth a lot.


Lera is very stubborn and persistent, she always gets what she wants. The girl can be called quite lazy; she will start cleaning the room of her own free will; she will never do various things. The fate of the name Valeria endows the girl with many talents that parents need to develop from early childhood. The baby is a real artist who loves to perform on stage and amaze others with her abilities. She will be happy to participate in school events and competitions, go to various sections and clubs. But on the academic side, everything is not so rosy; it is difficult for her. The student lacks perseverance and attentiveness, although she shows diligence.

It’s just that for a girl there’s more interesting things around her than studying, complicating things educational process she will be on her own. No matter what team or society she is in, Lera will always remain a fighter for justice. She actively and enthusiastically takes on new things. But if she fails at something, she gets upset and gives up halfway through. The girl’s nervous system cannot be called stable, which is why she often has mood swings. Her main advantages are sincerity and friendliness; she is a true, loyal friend that many people dream of.

Personal life

Valeria is a person who always tries to go against the system and cannot stand established rules. As an adult, she changes a little, becomes calmer, more peaceful, respectable, and systematic. In her life, not everything is so simple, easy, she is not one of those people who are the darling of fate. Life is often hampered by decency and justice, so you will have to achieve everything in life on your own. This tempers the girl, makes her stronger, more resilient, but at the same time her femininity and energy are preserved. Lera begins to be interested in the opposite sex from an early age; even at school, she begins to fall in love with boys at first sight.

And this falling in love remains a constant companion of her life. Every new love she perceives it as the biggest, purest and last in her life. She remains faithful to the last, and is completely incapable of cheating. There will be many different men in this girl's life until she settles on one. In relationships with the opposite sex, intimate life is in the foreground. Although she has many guy friends, she will not share a bed with them. True feelings for a man should burn in her soul.

Valeria is one of those women who rush headlong into the pool, completely surrendering to new feelings and impressions. But she will only decide to do this if she is free. According to the meaning of the name, for Valeria, family occupies an important place in life, for which she will go to great lengths and sacrifice many principles. She enjoys furnishing her home and creating comfort for herself and her family. Her husband will be a real lucky man next to such a woman, since he will be lucky to find the perfect lover, a faithful friend and caring mother of her children. Only family and friends will be able to enjoy these qualities of Lera.

She reveals a completely different side to those around her and to unfamiliar personalities. If her husband decides to make her jealous, he simply will not recognize his beloved. She will turn into a different person, her romance and lightness will go away and vindictiveness will awaken. Even if it turns out that her husband was not at fault, she will need to fully understand what happened. Only after this will she be able to calm down. Valeria always shows tolerance towards children; she enjoys the process of raising and teaching her offspring. Relationships with children are built on mutual respect and great friendship.

Business and career

The character of the name Valery is strong and strong-willed; perhaps these traits came to her from the male version of Valery. Therefore, Lerochka can achieve success in any business or endeavor, including opening her own business. It will make it good entrepreneur, but it’s more interesting for her to find a job related to raising children. She can become a teacher, educator, lecturer. Also, the meaning of the name Valeria gives the girl a special adventurism and love of travel. In emergency situations, she is able to quickly take right decisions. A set of such qualities allows her to become a successful politician and find her purpose on stage or television. Her efficiency will allow her to achieve success in business much faster than other people.


The character of the name Valery has such positive traits as responsiveness, seriousness, conscientiousness, and cheerfulness. Her huge advantage is sincerity, honesty and devotion, she does not tolerate lies and falsehood, therefore in communication she always remains as she is, real. And people appreciate it. Despite the fact that the girl does not let everyone get close to her, does not allow anyone to get into her soul, she remains as before good-natured and pleasant.

She does not demonstrate detachment, but rather, interest. But there are also negative traits in her character - a desire for revenge, a quick temper. She can be unpredictable and closed. This means that a girl named Valeria is an emotional and jealous person, and often suffers from this quality. When Lera is jealous, she can stoop to baseness, go to extremes, wanting revenge. Sometimes her loved ones and family suffer because of her isolation, because they do not understand what thoughts she hides within herself.

The secret of the meaning of the name Valeria is hidden in the following astrology:


  • patronized by the planet Pluto;
  • zodiac constellation – Scorpio;
  • talisman stone – malachite;
  • symbol plant - peony, chestnut among the trees;
  • totem animal – scarab beetle;
  • lucky color is yellow;
  • Favorable day of the week is Tuesday.


The compatibility of the names Valeria and Arkady, Arseny, Abraham, Alexei, Vadim, David, Emelyan, Vsevolod, Maxim, Mikhail, Rodion, Eric, Pavel, Prokhor, Sergei, Timofey, Eldar, Thomas will be favorable.

Unfavorable compatibility will be with the names Valeria and Adam, Vitaly, Vladimir, German, Denis, Irakli, Ivan, Efim, Konstantin, Mark, Peter, Ruslan, Stepan, Semyon, Savva, Ustin, Felix, Philip, Khariton, Yan, Yuri, Ernest .

The meaning of the name Valeria.

Valeria (Lera)- a bright and charismatic personality whose internal energy is always in full swing. As a rule, owners of this name are very sociable, energetic, smart and beautiful.

They always know what they want and try to achieve what they want in any way. As practice shows, Valeria’s vitality is enough to make not only her own life better, but all those around her.

What does the name Valeria mean according to the church calendar?

Name Valeria according to the church calendar

The name Valeria originates from the Latin word valeo, which is translated into Russian as force or strong. And this is probably why most Valeries have such an assertive character, which helps them achieve their goals as quickly as possible.

But still, this translation is more suitable for the male variation of this name. If you look at later sources, you can find a female transcript there, which is most often found in modern church calendars. In them Valeria stands for Strong, Robust or Healthy.

Patron saint named Valery

The patroness of Ler in heaven are two Holy women - Queen Valeria and Martyr Valeria of Caesarea. The fate of these two women was very difficult, but they still did not break and continued to believe in God. Queen Valeria was the wife of an emperor who fiercely hated all Christians. And since she sympathized with them, he decided to get rid of her by simply sending her into exile.

When he died, an even more evil and terrible man took his place. He first pardoned Queen Valeria, and when she returned to her hometown, he took her into custody and executed her. Valeria of Caesarea also sympathized with Christians, being a pagan from birth. Moreover, having matured, she was baptized and began to pray to God every day.

For this, all her relatives abandoned her, and the Caesarea ruler ordered her to be put in prison and tortured every day. But no matter how hard he tried, the courageous woman did not give up and prayed even harder to God. She spent the rest of her life in prison, never going out into the world. For such self-sacrifice for the sake of the Almighty, people canonized her as a Saint.

The secret of the name Valery

The secret of the name Valery

Valeria, like fireworks, is as bright, beautiful, sublime, mysterious and fast. You will say that one person cannot combine so many different qualities. But believe me, in the case of this girl there are even a few of them. Valeria is so changeable that sometimes they themselves don’t even understand why their mood changed.

They can sit, be sad, and literally a minute later some thought will come into their head, and they will already be thinking through their future plans. As a child, Lera is a very active child who has a lot of friends. She loves to invite them to visit and surprise them with something. Little Valeria can be called a real housewife, because literally from the age of 4-5 she tries to help her mother wash, wash and tidy up.

Unfortunately, when the owner of this name grows up, she becomes too romantic and absent-minded, which leads to her dreaming more than doing anything. Adult Lera becomes a beautiful, purposeful and ambitious woman who does not tolerate lies and betrayal.

What nationality is the name Valeria?

Nationality named after Valery

As mentioned at the very beginning of our article, the name Valeria is a form of the Latin word valeo. That is why a large number of available historical sources classify it as an ancient Roman family name. In those days, people did not distinguish between male and female names and, as a rule, named their children (regardless of gender) after their father or older brother.

Therefore, initially girls bearing this name were called Valera, and only in the 18th century it was transformed into the more familiar Valery. It was considered royal as our ancestors translated it as Powerful or Influential. That is why most often it was worn by the daughters of rich parents or persons of royal blood.

Name Valeria (Lera): meaning and popularity

Long time given name was unpopular. Most people considered it too masculine, so they tried to call their daughters more feminine names.

But modern parents are not at all afraid of this; moreover, they try to choose the most unique name for their child. For this reason, lately everything more people They call their daughters Lera.

Meaning of the name:

  • IN- responsible for communication skills and promotes harmonious communication with people
  • A- helps a person cope with difficulties
  • L- develops intellectual abilities
  • E- teaches you how to express yourself correctly
  • R- responsible for determination and efficiency
  • AND- has a calming effect on a person
  • I- makes a person more ambitious

Name Valeria in English, Latin, different languages

Name Valeria in different languages

I would like to say right away that the name Valeria belongs to the type of words that sound practically unchanged in all languages. The only exceptions are abbreviated forms of this word.


  • Latin- Valeo
  • English- Valerie, Val
  • Polish- Valeria
  • Russian- Valeria, Lera
  • Spanish- Valeria, Valerita
  • Portuguese- Lerinha, Leria
  • Romanian- Valerika, Vali
  • Hungarian- Valeria, Valerka

How is the name Valeria written in the passport?

A foreign passport is one of the types of documents that must be completed without errors. This is why a person planning a trip abroad should take the writing of his name seriously.

Since the Latin transcription and the familiar Cyrillic alphabet have some differences, it would be better if you double-check at home whether everything is written correctly. The name Valeria in the passport should be written as VALERIIA.

Valeria: what is an abbreviated short name, a diminutive pet name?

Valeria: abbreviated short name

Do not think that a girl or girl bearing this name can only be called Valeria. This name, like all others, has its own affectionate and abbreviated forms.

Short forms:

  • Valeo
  • Valera

Affectionate forms:

  • Valeryushka
  • Lerochka
  • Lerunya
  • Lerunchik
  • Lerusya
  • Leronka

Valeria: the meaning of the name character and fate

All Valerias, without exception, are very emotional. They react violently to all situations, for this reason, in most cases, their real emotions are always visible to the people around them. The most unpleasant thing is that sometimes such behavior is not very appropriate and this leads to the fact that the people around them begin to perceive them not entirely correctly.

But as practice shows, even such situations do not unsettle Ler. They almost never pay attention to the opinions of strangers. If they understand that the person near them treats them aggressively, they simply distance themselves from him and try not to communicate at all. The only people Valeria cherishes are their parents. The owners of this name love both mom and dad equally throughout their lives.

Therefore, if parents quarrel, the Leras try with all their might to reconcile them. A positive feature of girls bearing this name is their kindness and openness. They always make acquaintances with ease and easily fit into any team. This life position helps Leras to get a good job in life and, as a rule, when they grow up, they get a good, well-paid job.

Name Valeria: sexuality, marriage

As was already mentioned a little above, Valeria has very romantic natures, so in their youth they often fall in love and, what is most unpleasant, they always idealize their chosen one. Due to the fact that they do not see any flaws in their significant other, they almost always obey their partner in relationships.

But this happens only until Lera meets her real man. Most often, owners of this name marry after 20 years and, as a rule, to older and more wealthy men. For Valeria, in general, it is very important that her chosen one has solid ground under his feet and can provide everything that she may need. For marriage, she chooses handsome, thin men who love to play sports.

As for the sexuality of girls with this name, we can definitely say that they know how to bewitch and attract the opposite sex. But still, they only enter into intimate contact with guys if they really fall in love with them. And when these ladies get married, they try not to flirt at all and remain faithful to their husband.

Name Angelina: health and psyche

IN preschool age Valeria is a very sick child who requires maximum attention. Parents have to protect their child from everything that could cause the development of the disease. But when the owner of this name grows up, her body copes with all the problems and she begins to lead the same lifestyle as all other children. While studying at school, Lerochka practically never gets sick.

Her only problem at this age is her stomach. Having matured even more, Valeria generally forgets what illnesses are and enjoys life to the fullest. I would also like to say something about the psyche of girls bearing this name. For the most part, they are very vulnerable, but due to their nature they try to keep everything inside themselves.

Because of this behavior, their nervous system suffers greatly and, as a result, they periodically fall into depression. In view of this, relatives should monitor very carefully emotional state ler and, if possible, do everything so that they quickly become cheerful.

What middle name suits a girl’s name Valeria?

Patronymic for the name Valeria

The energy of the name Valery itself is not very calm. Therefore, if she bears a middle name with similar energy, then we can definitely say that all explosive traits will be maximally manifested in her character.

In view of this, if Lera has a middle name, for example, Vasilievna, then it will more intensely push her towards rudeness, impulsiveness and irritability. As a rule, girls who bear this patronymic are very demanding of others, but at the same time they believe that they themselves can admit some weaknesses.

If Valeria bears the patronymic Arsenovna, then her character will reveal as best as possible good nature, compassion, truthfulness and determination. Most often, the owners of this patronymic grow up to be a real support for their relatives.

Middle names suitable for Valeria:

  • Maksimovna
  • Timurovna
  • Eduardovna
  • Alekseevna
  • Valentinovna
  • Vitalievna

When is the name day, Angel Valeria Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

At the beginning of our article, we already mentioned that Valeria has two patron saints at once - Queen Valeria and Valeria of Caesarea. Therefore, Angel Day of the owners of this name is celebrated precisely on the days of honoring these two women. These Saints are venerated on May 6 and June 20.

Congratulations on Angel Day for Valeria: short in verse and prose

Congratulations No. 1

Congratulations No. 2
  • My beloved Lera! I congratulate you on Angel Day and wish that your life will always be happy, calm and comfortable. May you meet only good people, and fate sends you extremely pleasant moments.
  • Valeria, on your name day I would like to wish you only one thing. Great happiness, good health and great, and most importantly, mutual love. Let your eyes always shine with happiness, and let the smile never leave your face. I love you very much, my dear man!

Songs with the name Valeria

Tattoo with the name Valeria: photo

Tattoo with the name Valeria

Pendant with the name Valeria made of gold: photo

Pendant No. 1

Pendant No. 2

Pendant No. 3

Name Valeria: intuition, intelligence, morality

Since Valeria is very able to work, her intellectual abilities are at a very high level. high level. Owners of this name know how to think logically and analyze the information received very well.

At school and college, little Lera doesn’t have to sit for hours in front of books to learn some important lesson. As practice shows, it is enough for such girls to simply listen carefully to what the teacher is telling, and all the information will immediately remain in their heads. In adulthood, such intellectual capabilities help these women do the most difficult work and receive good pay for it.

As for behavior in society, we can definitely say that Lera knows all the subtleties of etiquette, simply because of her character, sometimes she cannot restrain herself and commits rash acts.

Name Valeria: hobbies, activities, business

Valeria: hobbies, activities, business

Most often, owners of this name become financiers or ordinary bank employees. They enjoy working with money and making big deals. Also, very often Valeria choose professions related to communicating with people.

This could be trade, food or any other service sector. But this does not mean that the Leras will work as ordinary workers. As a rule, once they get a job, they begin to show maximum initiative and do everything to be promoted up the career ladder as quickly as possible.

Angelina: compatibility with male names

Valeria is an extraordinary person, so she loves the same guys. If she builds a relationship with a very calm man, then after some time she will definitely be disappointed in him. For this reason, she is suited to extraordinary personalities like herself. Such a union will give her the necessary emotions, and she will try with all her might to keep her chosen one near her.

Valeria is suitable:

  • Rodion
  • Tikhon
  • Stepan
  • Vladimir
  • Dmitriy

What zodiac sign does the name Valeria go to?

Zodiac signs for Valeria

The most optimal zodiac sign for Valery is the constellation Capricorn. If the owner of this name is born during this period, then her life will be very easy.

As practice shows, Lera-Capricorns always have what they dream of and quite easily realize the most complex ideas. One more suitable sign for women bearing this name is the constellation Virgo. It will make them calmer, more pliable and kinder.

Talisman stone for the name Valeria

The very beautiful garnet is considered the talisman stone of all Ler. This stone is multifaceted, like Valeria herself. If it is green in color, it will attract luck and money to the girl. If you carry a red pomegranate with you, then the fair sex will be loved and adored. A yellow pomegranate will absorb negativity and help get rid of diseases.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Valeria

Protector geranium

Valery's talisman flower is geranium. In view of this, if the owner of this name wants all troubles to bypass her, then she should have 2 or 3 of these plants in her home. Valery's talisman tree is the cherry. She is able to cleanse a person’s energy well and help him get rid of unnecessary thoughts.

Totem animal named Valery

The totem animal of the owners of this name is considered to be the scarab beetle. Since it symbolizes rebirth, this positive energy gives Leram strength to fight for their future.

Numerology of the name Valery

Numerology of the name Valery

The most important number for women and girls bearing this name is three. It helps them always stay on top, thereby making them even more self-confident.

Pseudonym for the name Valeria

  • Lerka-candy
  • Beautiful feisty
  • Doll
  • Butterfly
  • Red fox
  • Cute kitten

Famous people, celebrities named Valeria: photos

Russian singer Valeria

Lera Kudryavtseva

Valeria Lanskaya

Video: The meaning of the name Valeria