Libra compatibility in friendship. Libra and Sagittarius: compatibility of men and women in love relationships, marriage and friendship

They can build harmonious, long-term relationships, the foundation of which will be the sociability of both signs, their intelligence, and the desire to learn new things. Mutual union promotes representatives of these signs to new social positions. What Libra likes about Sagittarius is their breadth of views, cheerfulness, and ineradicable desire for self-improvement. Sagittarius, in turn, appreciates Libra's lack of conflict, their inner charm and subtle sense of humor. These partners also have qualities that hinder mutual understanding - the indecisiveness and lack of initiative of Libra and the aggressiveness and hot temper of Sagittarius. Nevertheless, these zodiac signs are attractive to each other, and both are happy when Sagittarius becomes the leader in such a pair.

Libra and Sagittarius - compatibility in love and marriage

Compatibility Libra man - Sagittarius woman

Very often, mutual acquaintances doubt the prospects of such a couple: the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman seem to them too dissimilar and unable to reach mutual understanding. However, their marriage can last a very long time and become happy, since there is every reason for this.

The elegant Libra man is famous for his poise and ability to control himself. His shyness should be understood correctly: it is not a complex or weakness. His ability to stick to the golden mean in everything is a very valuable quality in the eyes of the Sagittarius woman; to this should be added his breadth of soul, subtlety of manners, romanticism and remarkable intelligence. The Libra man will try to surround his life partner with maximum attention and warmth, anticipating her desires. There may be no reasons for global conflicts in this pair at all.

Their qualities complement each other, and this is an inexhaustible resource for a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman. And yet, despite belonging to the weaker sex, a woman of this sign sometimes sins with rudeness, harshness, and straightforwardness, in response to which the Libra spouse begins to accumulate grievances in her soul. If this process is left to chance, then the man may gradually lose his former feelings and, as a result, stop being interested in future fate these relationships. Therefore, the spouse should be as delicate as possible. Both should live with the understanding that the other half naturally has a slightly different rhythm of life. If each of them loses part of the freedom they love so much, then in the end they will gain more than they will lose - life gradually brings such a couple to this important conclusion. It is best for partners to spend their free time not within their own four walls, but to go out or travel somewhere - this will give them new strength and refresh the relationship.

Compatibility Sagittarius man - Libra woman

A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar - even in a crowd, a Sagittarius man and a Libra woman will see each other, quickly get together and easily establish contact. They are united by flexibility and unconventional thinking, ease of attitude to life. Both one and the other are very changeable throughout life, changing many masks, roles, adapting to different circumstances.

Despite the fact that the man will be somewhat confused by the frequent mood swings of his chosen Libra, he will be captivated by her intelligence and devotion, and she will definitely pay attention to his worldly wisdom and reasonable approach to everything. Each of them takes care of their personal independence, but they respect this desire in each other and do not interfere with its implementation, which becomes the basis for a long and happy relationship.

The life together of this couple will be rich in discoveries for both. They will never be bored, they are interesting to each other in themselves, and besides, they will always have something to discuss or work on together. There comes a time when a pair of Sagittarius man and Libra woman becomes inseparable. There must always be a certain balance of personal freedom in it, so that the elements of Fire and Air do not destroy each other, but, on the contrary, provide an opportunity to more clearly demonstrate the virtues of each.

In such a family, the woman most often dominates - only because the Sagittarius husband seeks to avoid any obligations. The well-being of this marriage is directly proportional social status men and women. It's good if at least one of the partners becomes successful person. In this combination of zodiac signs, there are often partners whom popular rumor has dubbed kept women and gigolos, but for this couple the existence of one at the expense of the other is not something out of the ordinary and destructive. Both feel quite comfortable, proving to others that you can be happy without regard to stereotypes and external circumstances.

Sagittarius and Libra - sexual compatibility

The intimate life of such a couple can be very, very active, despite the fact that Libra is inferior to Sagittarius in temperament. This union is considered oversaturated with energy, and in order for the couple not to quarrel, she needs to be especially active in bed - which they put into practice. They can use unconventional and even distorted forms of erotic communication, which become for them a means of removing mental stress, and new entertainment.

Compatibility horoscope for Sagittarius and Libra in work and business

Striving for social success, Libra and Sagittarius use approximately the same methods and are quite compatible in business life. The union is especially favorable for Libra, because in this case, they set themselves larger-scale goals and move more boldly towards their implementation. If these people become partners, they will not discuss much about goals and means of achieving them, quickly developing a common strategy. An important factor in their joint success is the presence of useful connections in both. They collaborate best in the humanitarian sphere and especially in the arts. They easily find a common language, combine creative forces and present very non-standard projects to the world.

Sagittarius - Libra couple: compatibility in friendship

These two understand each other very well, they both like to keep abreast of the news, attend cultural events, and move in society. Often this is what becomes the basis of their friendship. True, Sagittarius’ excessive authoritarianism and activity can make Libra somewhat nervous, depriving them of peace of mind. Free representatives of these zodiac signs of different sexes, due to physical attraction, can turn into lovers. This relationship cannot be called a friendship for centuries: if one of the friends, for some reason, loses its former social status, the relationship will almost certainly end. Both one and the other are not enthusiastic about continuing to communicate, for example, with an alcoholic, a bankrupt, or a person who has been in prison. Both will consider that such a company will discredit them in the eyes of society.

See Libra's compatibility with other zodiac signs:

See the compatibility of Sagittarius with other zodiac signs.

In this section, we will discuss the compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius signs. Let's talk about how their relationships develop in friendship, work, family life and sex.

General compatibility and prospects for the union

Libra is a cardinal air sign and is ruled by Venus. Sagittarius is a mutable sign, represents the fire element and is ruled by the giant planet Jupiter. The interaction of air and fire, as well as the interaction of the cardinal and mutable signs, always provides an opportunity for development and learning.

The relationship between Libra and Sagittarius is in most cases a beneficial connection that allows partners to develop their emotionality and inner worlds, and build their lives without negative influences. However, there is an archetypal battle between them that will manifest itself as a struggle for leadership and dominance.

The only way for them to be happy in a relationship is to fully respect each other and allow each other to do what they see fit. Libra must hold on to the importance of their relationships and love, which Venus demands of them, and Sagittarius must adhere to their beliefs and open-mindedness, dictated by Jupiter.

Compatibility of the zodiac signs Libra and Sagittarius in friendship and business relationships

It is interesting to watch how serious Libra relaxes, forgetting about their sense of responsibility when Sagittarius is nearby.

The warm, energetic and slightly childish nature of Sagittarius literally softens the heart of Libra.

Even if we are just talking about short-term communication without serious prospects for the future. They get their share of joy from communication in any case, even if only for a while.

Libra can finally relax next to someone who does not judge, and Sagittarius will be happy to share their energy with someone who needs warmth, light, optimism and creativity.

Both partners value mental strength, but in a specific way that only they understand. Libra doesn't seem like a creative sign to others, but Sagittarius sees their creative nature and is even able to motivate them with their warm, fiery energy.

They share sufficient quantity common values, on the basis of which harmonious relationships of any nature, warm friendships or effective business ones can be built.

Problems in the relationship between them arise only when they become personal and hurt each other's egos. But if everyone plays their part Libra uses their imagination and inspires, and Sagittarius supports and motivates, then this duet is able to achieve their goals.

Sexual compatibility between Libra and Sagittarius

There is an emotional connection between these signs and they will definitely enjoy their sexual relationship. Neither partner feels pressured by the other, they can have fun together, grow, and feel safe in each other's loving arms.

The main goal of Libra and Sagittarius in physical intimacy is to create satisfying sexual relations to make each other happy.

To achieve this goal, they will experiment a lot. At the same time, they do it playfully, with a smile, as if sex is actually not such a big and important matter. The seriousness inherent in Libra, due to the exalted Saturn, gives them intimate relationships reliability and stability.

While Venus pairs with Jupiter, they add romance, passion and tenderness, everything that is so necessary for satisfying and harmonious sex.

If you evaluate the compatibility of signs in bed, then they are 90 percent suitable for each other.

Sagittarius and Libra compatibility in love relationships and marriage

This is one of the couples with very good compatibility when it comes to the emotional side of the relationship. For both signs, love is not easy to find, nor is it easy to share it.

Together, the signs build a balanced relationship in which they both use their intellect, emotions and give each other enough freedom to create love. It is a connection that allows partners to discover how deep and strong their feelings can be, especially in a supportive atmosphere.

But the compatibility of the signs Libra and Sagittarius love relationships varies greatly depending on the gender of both signs.

Libra man and Sagittarius woman compatibility

The Libra man is looking for his ideal love, his ideal partner, the embodiment of his dreams. The Sagittarius woman is also looking for someone, she is looking for something significant, the next source of excitement and the next adventure.

These intellectual partners are attracted to each other from the moment they first meet because they feel that the other has what they need.

In this union, the Sagittarius woman is, at first glance, more strong personality. She is a restless person with a strong desire for freedom.

However, she is a mutable sign, and is actually quite happy to let her cardinal partner play first fiddle. But with one condition - he will never infringe on her freedom.

However, the Libra man has an ace up his sleeve. He will simply ask his woman to support him, he will not force her. And she will suddenly discover that in this case, sacrificing her freedom is not such a bad idea. This union turns out to be worthy of both partners making a compromise.

From time to time, Libra's self-doubt tests the Sagittarius woman's patience. Her direct nature, if she is not careful, can easily hurt the feelings of her airy man. But in general, both signs are kind and romantic at their core and are not inclined to intentionally cause pain.

They are quite a flirty couple, but they are also confident enough in each other to occasionally joke about each other's weaknesses and prejudices. Partners feel secure in this relationship, which is surprising considering the fact that the woman in this union does not like to get attached.

Sexually, the couple is very compatible, as the Sagittarius woman brings fire and passion that a Libra man could only dream of. In turn, his imagination, fantasies, and considerate romantic nature earn her admiration and gratitude.

The Libra man likes to spend a lot of time at home. But he loves his fiery woman more than his cozy chair, and therefore easily agrees to accompany her on adventurous adventures and trips.

The Sagittarius woman will tolerate his parties and boring (in her opinion) get-togethers with friends, diluting them with healthy humor and warmth.

This union works so well because the partners truly value each other and are willing to make sacrifices to stay together.

With an intellectual rapport, amazing sex and shared values, this couple can stand the test of time. With a high probability, as in a fairy tale, they family life may last until death do them part.

He is Sagittarius, she is Libra compatibility

Their compatibility is based on an abstract, mental level, and therefore works best as a friendship. Partners have a strong intellectual connection.

The Sagittarius man is an intelligent and philosophical being by nature, and the Libra woman, being an air sign, also loves to think and share ideas.

In addition, both partners are very idealistic. Sagittarius is in an eternal quest for something better and more in life, and romantic Libra is looking for their ideal partner.

But on a physical level, things are not so simple for this couple. A fire partner brings a lot of passion and sensuality to sex. The airy woman is romantic, but it is not easy for her to match the sexuality of Sagittarius.

She likes to burn with desire during the period of love, but as the relationship develops, she would rather spend time having an interesting intellectual conversation than playing love games in the bedroom. Sexual compatibility in this combination of signs leaves much to be desired.

There is one more drawback to this union: the Libra woman must know that her man belongs to her alone and forever. She values ​​fidelity in love more than anyone else in the zodiac, and she is desperate for a long-term relationship.

The Sagittarius man loves freedom and is not interested in a quiet settled life. Even after he gets married, he will stare at beautiful women, so much so that he will disturb his tender and vulnerable partner.

In this union, the question of fidelity will always be raised. At the same time, Sagittarius does not want to hurt his beloved with his flirting or even infidelity. It's just that his love of freedom means that he should be able to do what he likes.

At the same time, he will remain kind and attentive to his woman, he will support her in all other ways. But for her, this relationship will not be as safe as she would like.

Therefore, even if a Libra woman loves her man very much, she may simply decide that such a relationship is too risky for her. She may be in love with the very idea of ​​love, but this cardinal lady has a strong instinct for self-preservation.

She will not take risks for short-term happiness if she could suffer greatly from it many years later. This union is good for a Sagittarius man, but for a Libra woman it is far from so clear.

What Libra and Sagittarius need to work on in their relationship

The challenge to trust is one of the most difficult challenges this couple will face. Partners tend to go to extremes. They either have unrealistic faith in each other or do not trust a single word or action.

Once they start looking for someone else, Libra will sense this and become frustrated with their inability to create a lasting union with the partner they love.

This will be the end romantic story. Therefore, learning to truly trust, despite fears, is the main job for Libra who has entered into a close relationship with Sagittarius.

Compatibility horoscope: friendship between Libra and other zodiac signs is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Sagittarius and Libra can always be good friends. It will be easy for you to make friends and find a common language with each other. Friendly relationships between you statistically often bring something new to the mutual spiritual development. It is friendship with Sagittarius that will give Libra true pleasure.

Such a wonderful feeling as friendship makes your astrological signs kinder, more interesting, helps to reveal all your dreams. At the same time, a great desire appears to embrace the world. Libra and Sagittarius are better able to provide true friendship to each other than others.

Libra and Sagittarius understand each other perfectly, and do not pay any attention to minor sins.

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Friendship with Libra

Charming, sociable, lovers of entertainment and parties, Libras make excellent friends. But friendship involves more than just having fun together. This air sign is not characterized by reckless soulfulness, that depth when the mind steps aside without interfering with feelings. Even in friendships, Libras continue to weigh and evaluate people. And friendship is always biased; it does not notice the small weaknesses of loved ones. So there is always a certain touch of formalism and excessive rationality in Libra’s friendly relations. Libras know how to use charm and smiling goodwill to their own advantage. No, they don't lie or pretend, but there is an element of manipulation in the relationship.

But Libra will never be stingy with advice, follow moral principles, do not bother you with their problems, and, at the same time, will always come to the rescue if asked. Libras have the most wonderful talent - to bring peace, tranquility and harmony into hearts. There is another wonderful feature of Libra: they do not impose their life principles even on the people closest to them.

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Responses (11) to Friendship with Libra

Unexpectedly, everything here is really true about me. I don’t like it, but sometimes I noticed that I evaluate people and sometimes manipulation slips into relationships. But there are also positive characteristics. I do not impose my principles or vision of the situation on anyone, even if I understand that I am right.

It's amazing how well this characterization fits me. I am a Libra, and indeed, I simply cannot imagine my life without communicating and spending time with friends. Yes, it’s probably true that I value people even in friendship, but nevertheless, I consider myself devoted friend, I always try to help my friends as much as possible and support them in difficult moments of their lives.

It's a pleasure to be friends with Libras. If it turns out that life path meets a friend whose zodiac sign is Libra, then you know - this the best option. With such a friend it is always fun and pleasant to be in company. You can rest, relax and forget about worries; such a friend will always be able to dispel a negative mood.

“Libra has another wonderful feature: they do not impose their life principles even on the people closest to them” - this is about me. I never impose my opinion on my friends. I don’t have many friends, I have a few, and they are my husband’s friends. We hit it off very well, they are very good people.

I am a Taurus and do not like Libra in any capacity and advise all Taurus to avoid them. “Will they help if you ask”? HA! And don’t even dream about it, they are unceremonious, they climb everywhere without asking and tell you what to do, pretending to be God knows what. Another favorite trick of theirs is to force your help in, and then always reproach her so that you depend on them. They have only one plus - they dress well, they are also pontaires. In short, complete incompatibility.

I accidentally read the comments, I don’t know what to say, I’m a Libra, my husband is a Taurus, we’ve been together for 25 years, don’t believe that there is no compatibility. Eat…. And there is love. These signs only complement each other. Best wishes!

And really, after such a comment, I don’t know what to say... I’m a Libra and a very sympathetic and friendly person. My best friend is a Taurus, no matter what happens, I will always come to the rescue, and I don’t impose advice, and I certainly won’t reproach someone who is sick: “I told you so.” The horoscope is true - everything is so.

I'm a Libra, and I always impose my life principles on all people. I am an innate pessimist and I always bring only disharmony into the hearts of people, but only so that they understand themselves

PS - I always find a moment to say, “I TOLD YOU SO.”

I'm a Libra. There is also this “weight” I have. I have a lot of friends, rather, not very many girlfriends. More precisely, I am friends and give all of myself, even my husband says I give myself too much to friendship. But around me (Oh, and it turns out) there are always two girlfriends who are not friends with each other, and my scales are each pulled in their own direction. We communicate, everyone says that I should have been a psychologist, because I know how to listen and give advice without being intrusive. But then they shake my nerves so much, each on its own side, that I gently move away from them, trying not to offend them and maintain friendship - for example, I stop calling them, citing a bunch of things to do. But... Immediately, my other two girlfriends pop up on both sides of me, who may not be strangers to each other at all, and everything starts anew, and they each pull me towards themselves... I think that it will be like this all my life. And I have few friends, as I think, because I myself am very sensitive to friendship, with full dedication, and the people around are kind of crafty, everyone is just looking for their own benefit, they can’t help just like that from the bottom of their hearts and with all their hearts, only I'm like a simpleton. And everyone takes advantage of me, although when I began to realize this, I began to distance myself from such people, fortunately my husband has a strong character, he saw all this, told me and helped “board” such users. Therefore, I think that in friendship you need to be a maximalist and I consider myself a good friend, but I haven’t met anyone like him yet. This quality is also influenced by the year in which a person was born. Here I am in the year of the dog - man’s best friend :)))) And my friend, she’s a Libra, but in the year of the rat, and there’s only strict calculation under the guise of friendship. Oh, I’m babbling at something. And who else will say that Libras don’t like to chat? :)))

Libra loves to talk, this can’t be called idle chatter

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Horoscope of compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship

Establishing a friendship with a person is not an easy task. The incompatibility of zodiac constellations with each other can affect relationships between people. In order to know how to avoid pitfalls and find the treasured key to the heart of a loved one, you should study the horoscope. If zodiac signs study compatibility in friendship carefully, they will understand how to act. Advice from heavenly bodies will tell you whether you will be able to strike up a friendship with a certain person or not.

Making friends with Aries is not so easy. For communication, they look for interesting interlocutors and bright personalities, like themselves. Envy on the part of a Fire representative for the success of others can destroy fragile relationships. Aries have good compatibility with those who admire them and are always a little behind them. Tough arguments and disagreement on the part of a friend will become a stumbling block in communication.

The strongest connections for this constellation can be made with the signs of Fire and Air. The least points of contact and compatibility will arise with Taurus, Cancer, and Scorpio.

For Sagittarius, friendship occupies one of the important places in life. They are very friendly, sociable and always ready to help. As a rule, they do not have one or two friends - there are always many more. Sagittarius are ready to provide beneficial influence on those who trust them. TO negative traits This zodiac sign includes an inability to keep secrets, straightforwardness and a quick temper. They are compatible with adventurers by nature just like them.

Sagittarius's best friends can be: Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius. It will be most difficult to find common ground with Cancer, Virgo and Taurus, since compatibility in such communication is minimal.

Friendly and sociable Leos encourage communication. They may not have many friends, but all of them will be reliable and time-tested. This constellation has good compatibility with those who know how to praise and encourage them in difficult times. Leos tend to be friends with people who are much more successful than them, since it is important for them to take the lead everywhere.

Good contact and compatibility is possible with fire signs, as well as Gemini and Libra. Communication with Taurus, Cancer and Pisces is the most difficult.

Libra can become an interesting conversationalist and friend. They are ready to sacrifice a lot for a friend and help in difficult times. However, people are not always ready to maintain contact with different zodiac signs. They often become depressed, so communication, changes in events and vivid impressions are very important for them.

Ideal compatibility is possible in friendship with representatives of the air element, as well as Leo. The fewest points of contact are with Cancer and Virgo.

As a rule, Geminis can have a lot of friends. However, in friendship they are superficial and can easily forget their friends for the sake of new acquaintances. It is always interesting to communicate with this zodiac sign; he is quite inventive in stories and has a good imagination. If necessary, Geminis are very quickly able to restore contact with an old friend and receive the desired help.

Gemini has good friendship compatibility with fire signs, as well as Libra and Aquarius. The least strong ties hold him together with Pisces and Virgo.

“An interesting fact is that Aquarius can become an ideal friend! There is always something to talk about and discuss with him. This person is very generous and is ready to lend a helping hand if necessary. In fact, all the zodiac signs, having made friends with him, will not find a better ally. To the extent of his sociability, he is friends with many, however, he does not trust everyone. Aquarius knows how to keep other people's secrets and expects the same from others. Let’s be friends with many people.”

He has strained relations with the water and earth constellations. The strongest connections and the best compatibility in friendship for this constellation arises with representatives of the elements Air and Fire.

Pisces can become reliable friends. They do not want to have many friends, so for friendship they choose one person whom they can trust. They are ready to lend a helping hand in difficult times, but they expect the same in return. Their weak side- this is knowledge and gullibility. They don’t think about who they can tell facts about their life to, and who it’s better to remain silent in front of.

Pisces has good friendship compatibility with earthly constellations. They are also able to establish strong connections with such zodiac signs as Scorpio and Cancer. It is very difficult for them to build friendships with Aquarius and Gemini due to poor compatibility.

Most often, Cancers do not have many associates. One or two friends is enough for them. They know how to keep secrets and lend a shoulder of support in difficult moments. They are in no hurry to open their souls to others, they are very secretive. Most compatible with independent and sociable people. Rich friends and their social circle attract Cancers.

This zodiac sign can develop relationships that are dissimilar in nature with different people:

  • they have good friendship compatibility with water and earth signs of the zodiac;
  • it is better for them to refuse communication with such constellations as Aries, Leo and Aquarius;
  • Cancers will develop friendly contacts with the same zodiac sign and Capricorns.

Maintaining contact with Scorpios is very difficult. They are quite envious and mercantile. However, having chosen one or two people to communicate with, this zodiac sign is ready to maintain close ties long years. In difficult situations you can always rely on him. For close friends, this constellation is ready to “move mountains.” The main advantage of Scorpios is the ability to keep secrets and not to involve strangers in unnecessary matters.

Count on strong friendships and good compatibility Scorpio stands with Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn. The worst communication option for him would be: Aries, Leo, Libra.

It is characterized by a constant state of celebration and fun. Taurus knows how to make friends and is ready to help in a difficult situation. Easily compatible with people who have the same good taste as him. For them, visiting a good concert or an interesting establishment is considered an ordinary pastime. People with a high position in society and good material income are most valued. The negative sides of the earthly zodiac sign include touchiness and impatience.

Those zodiac signs whose friendship compatibility with Taurus is ideal will receive a reliable ally in their role. They have the strongest friendships and good compatibility with Capricorns, Sagittarius and Virgos. They should refuse contacts with Gemini, Leo and Aquarius.

Very rarely do Virgos have real friends. They are quite closed and suspicious. When they manage to establish contact with others, they are able to begin to trust people. In all difficult situations, Virgos are accustomed to relying on themselves and their talents. They will become ideal interlocutors for those with whom they have similar interests. Representatives of the Earth element value people with their own opinions and their own beliefs. If they are betrayed once, then there is no point in counting on a second chance.

Compatibility in friendship for this zodiac sign is great with the earthly representatives of the zodiac constellations, as well as Sagittarius and Scorpio. Count on close contact The constellation is not with Aries and Gemini.

A zodiac sign such as Capricorn is able to do without friends due to its distrust. If he has a desire to start a friendship, he will do it very simply. Those born during this period do not have many friends, however, if they do have them, then Capricorns behave with them with dignity. They are quite generous and selfless people. Lending a helping hand and comforting in a difficult moment is not a problem for them. Negative qualities of the constellation include the inability to trust people and suspicion. In some cases they may take advantage of people.

This zodiac sign can count on close connections and good compatibility with those who belong to the earth and water elements. With Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius, it is better for Capricorn to limit communication if possible, since nothing good will come of it.

Having studied the detailed characteristics for each zodiac sign, it will be easier for everyone to figure out how best to behave with this or that person. It is not possible to build strong friendships with everyone, since people are very often incompatible. In cases where the constellations are well compatible, they can count on close friendship and a reliable shoulder of a friend (girlfriend) nearby! If a relationship with someone does not work out, then it is a premature decision to be disappointed in people, since a true friend may be very close!

Horoscope: Libra and Leo, compatibility, friendship, marriage

Libra and Leo - compatibility as friends is almost perfect. They have a lot of common interests, on the basis of which their communication begins. Since they are both creative people, these topics can be considered theater, dance, music, cinema, parties, clothes, etc. Showing each other their advantages, they get pleasure. Sometimes Leo can infuriate Libra with his pomposity and arrogance, which sometimes goes off scale, but friends of the air sign can tolerate this. At the same time, Leos do not always like Libra's straightforwardness. But again, this is not a love relationship, where quarrels can arise on this basis.

Speaking on the topic “Libra and Leo - compatibility”, one cannot ignore the topic of love, marriage and sex. In this union it will turn out excellent. Spending time in the bedroom (and not only) will be unforgettable. Libra will receive pleasure, in return for which they will give Leo the necessary dose of love and adoration. Thus, Leo's desire to show himself will be in demand. Living together will also work out well. Libra and Leo, their compatibility in the same apartment will be good, because they will be spouses who complement each other, close people in lifestyle and spirit. The style must be free in order to provide everyone with privacy and conditions for active social contacts. In such a marriage, a lot will be ostentatious and feigned, but neither one nor the other is particularly concerned about this.

Libra and Leo - their compatibility in business relationships will not be entirely successful. In order for Leo to do the work, he needs to be actively spurred on. Libras are very delicate in this matter and are not inclined to demand anything unless it is an extreme case. There are very hardworking Libras, and there are outright lazy people who will take advantage of it at the first opportunity to rest. But they will still adhere to certain limits and remember that they have to work tomorrow. It follows from this that a business alliance between these signs will not be successful. They will have a good time together only at corporate events.

They will be passionate partners and go well together. But the Libra and Leo horoscope says that they will exist harmoniously only when a man at least periodically admires his Lioness. But a woman will also have to moderate her temper and a share of arrogance. Only if these conditions are met will the couple be harmonious.

The compatibility horoscope for Libra and Leo says that such a couple is not bad. They are similar to each other, the girl is emotional, the boy is sensual. But it is worth noting that if any problems or questions arise, then Libra will have to make concessions. If they agree to this, then perhaps such a couple will develop into something more. In a word, there are practically no cases in which the Leo-Libra pairing goes wrong. If these zodiac signs come together, then in any case something good will happen. It's either best friends, either a wife and husband faithful to each other, or an ideal couple. The main thing is to remember that everyone will have to make concessions. But you can step over yourself for the sake of feelings. If you want these feelings.

Zodiac signs

Libras are always compassionate and are never impartial. You are an eternal peacemaker, and what The best way demonstrate this than through the thoughtfulness and objectivity with which you deal with yourself and others.

Libras are great storytellers, but they are equally adept at listening. Not only do they listen to your stories, they have an incredible knack and gift for viewing your life from an unbiased perspective. No matter what happens, you can rely on your Libra friend, and he will definitely give good advice.

Libras have a tendency to outdo themselves in an attempt to gain recognition from others. This intense desire to be liked can make you feel angry and frustrated, especially when you ask them for advice on something. important decision. At such times, Libra can be evasive and indecisive, as they do not want to offend others or hurt their pride. Libras are oblivious to social strata, and they can happily collaborate with people of any culture or social class. Although uncompromising in their standards, they never look down on those below them in social status. While Libras are indifferent to material requests, they do care about their loved ones and try to connect with the spiritual aspect of another person.

Since they are extremely dedicated to caring and loving, whether it is a relative, colleague, neighbor or friend, Libra always strives to strengthen their relationships and create harmony around them. The main reason for this is that Libras hate loneliness of any kind. However, loneliness is not lonely. This is why Libras must nurture relationships with themselves first before they build a castle with the people they love.

Because Libras are attractive, they are also often popular. This can go too far when admiration turns into obsession, or when they worry about being the best in their fancy suit. One thing to always remember: Libras avoid conflict like the plague. When you desire peace or harmony, Libra will be with you. But if you decide to conflict, then Libra will literally run away from negative conversations and may be offended by you for this. In this situation, calm reasoning and dialogue is the only language Libra will respond to.

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Friendship with Libra

Libras are pleasant friends who will happily share with you all the pleasures of your life. They will readily agree to accompany you to the cinema or theater, accept an invitation to sit in a restaurant, join you on an easy trip and become your partner in playing billiards. True, the cinema should show a comedy or melodrama, the prices in the restaurant should not lighten the wallet, the trip should be of a pleasure type, and billiards should not tire. Did you get the hint?

To put it very simply, Libra loves when everything is good and does not like when everything is bad. Do you think that all people behave exactly the same? But no! The difference between Libra is that they masterfully avoid unpleasant situations, refusing to take part in them, elegantly slipping away at the slightest storm cloud on the horizon. There is only one reason for this - Libra cannot tolerate “heavy” emotions at all.

Representatives of this sign are prone to logical thinking, aesthetic pleasure, intellectual work. By the will of the stars, they are simply not able to experience deep feelings. This causes them anxiety and rejection. If, nevertheless, Libra has to face emotions that are unbearable for them, most often they fall into a stupor for a while. They do not know how to show sympathy in a timely manner, to fiercely defend a friend, or to instantly find a way out of the situation. The only activity they are good at is peacemaking.

It may seem to you that Libra makes unimportant friends. However, reconsider your expectations for them. Yes, they are not able to give up everything to defend your well-being. However, their prudence and sobriety can serve you well and keep you from taking the wrong step. Yes, they are unlikely to lend you money even in the most difficult times. But you can count on a bowl of soup. Not bad already, isn't it?

So don’t demand from Libra what they are unable to give. Enjoy them instead cheerful company, wonderful easy-going disposition, entertaining conversation. No one better than them can distract you from heavy thoughts and help you “unwind.” People born under the sign of Libra are so airy that sometimes it seems that around them you can observe a slight trembling of the air, a kind of unsteady aura. Of course, this is a psychological effect. You just perceive them that way. Others think that Libra seems to glide through the air, like fairy-tale elves. Do not burden these amazing creatures with your problems, do not darken their radiant radiance!

If your boyfriend or girlfriend is Libra, then you should develop special treatment to their advice. Most often, Libras hate giving advice, but they really like to reason. They will thoroughly outline to you all sides of the issue, outline all acceptable solutions, and then look up at you with their heavenly gaze. That's right - the decision is yours to make! Libra did everything they could - they provided you with all the necessary information. If you still try to put pressure on them - which is already a mistake - Libra, like a computer, will give you the most logically (even mathematically) correct answer. You should take it into account, but be sure to take into account your own inner voice, check with your intuition - and be sure to take full responsibility for the result.

Compatibility of Libra with other zodiac signs:

Libra and Aries friendship: Aries needs to “mute” his intolerance and demandingness so as not to create discomfort for Libra. In return, they will gain a little peace and balance.

Libra and Taurus friendship: Beautiful and mutually beneficial relationship. Libra will entertain Taurus, who in turn will reassure them. And if Taurus also sponsors this friendship a little, it will be absolutely wonderful.

Libra and Gemini friendship: They come together easily, diverge easily and never miss each other. A million topics for conversation and empty pockets - this is an accurate description of their relationship.

Libra and Cancer friendship: For everything to work out, Cancers should moderate their possessive impulses. Despite the difference in characters, friendship can be very pleasant if Libra can be “tamed” a little.

Libra and Leo friendship: Harmonious relationships. Libra feels the power of Leo and is not averse to manipulating him a little for their own purposes. In return, they will provide Leo with such a flow of compliments that he will finally feel satisfied.

Libra and Virgo friendship: But you won’t fool a Virgo with airy smiles. She will quickly twist the careless Libra hand and foot and demand that they play strictly by the rules. After several attempts at communication, Libra will walk around such a friend a kilometer away.

Libra and Libra friendship: Full mutual understanding. However, business cooperation is doomed to failure if one of them does not take on the role of leader - and all the responsibility, of course.

Libra and Scorpio friendship: Scorpio loves to provoke Libra, testing all facets of their character. Such relationships are too exciting for Libra, so much so that they often become exhausting.

Libra and Sagittarius friendship: This is where you can remember the expression “Don’t spill the water.” Or the saying “Truth is born in dispute.” Sagittarius throws up a hot idea, Libra's logical mind picks it up - and the flame of conversation flares up with renewed vigor.

Libra and Capricorn friendship: Capricorn will require from Libra not only reliability, but also humility. It will be more like a grandfather-grandson relationship. Libra will be depressed and depressed, and therefore will quickly run away.

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The people around him are sincerely bewildered, how two completely different people They get along with each other, but the fact is obvious. The main thing is that this is a mutually beneficial union of two intelligent people, constantly striving for self-improvement and interesting to each other. Let's consider Libra and Sagittarius compatibility more details.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Sagittarius man

Before getting married, partners go through many tests. A woman of the Libra sign cannot imagine her existence without a friendly, strong family. She is an excellent wife and a caring mother for her children. Next to your loved one, this beauty will become the sweetest and most tender person.

Watch the video. Compatibility Libra and Sagittarius.

A man born under the constellation Sagittarius is not so simple. Having become an adult and independent young man, independent of his parents, this person is in no hurry to bind himself to obligations. The Libra woman should try to show tact and patience, be wise and give the fire man the opportunity to throw out his vigorous energy before marrying him.

The compatibility of the union of Sagittarius and Libra, when he is a Sagittarius and she is a Libra, is based on friendly relationships. Young people can have endless conversations, enthusiastically play backgammon, or go on long hikes together. The couple is interested in learning about each other's world and satisfying their mutual sense of adventure and natural curiosity.

In 80% of cases, the couple flirts on the side

Sociable signs attract members of the opposite sex. You should be careful not to cause jealousy, which is destructive for the relationship in the union. Sagittarius and Libra perfectly understand mutual desires and experiences. The signs are freedom-loving and will not limit each other’s internal freedom, as many spouses do. Partners complement each other perfectly, expressing themselves in simple words without using subtle hints and tricks in the form of meaningful glances and expressive gestures.

It is easy for a couple to be in each other’s company; they quickly come to mutual understanding. Libra calms the man of the element of Fire, and Sagittarius brings his life partner into balance and provides the necessary support in moments of doubt. The couple experiences many happy moments. Of course, there are contradictions and disagreements in it, but they can be easily overcome by the joint efforts of spouses who understand each other.

In love

These people show mutual interest from the very first meeting. A feeling of love quickly flares up between the young people. The young lady of Libra will charm the guy of the Sagittarius sign with her friendliness towards other people, good manners, and refined taste.

The young Sagittarius will appeal to the air girl for his unpredictability in behavior and strong character. The couple will have complete mutual understanding, a harmonious relationship, which nothing interferes with. Most likely, the union of these people will be sealed by an imminent wedding.

In a relationship

According to the compatibility of the Sagittarius and Libra horoscopes, if a woman wants harmonious relationships in the family and the man achieves success in his career, she should help her loved one with this. When difficulties arise, the Sagittarius man quickly loses interest in the matter. At this moment, the help and advice of a Sagittarius woman is needed. She should take the initiative into her own hands and tactfully suggest a way out of the current situation and a plan for further action to achieve the goal.

Despite her outward softness, the woman is quite strong in character and has the ability to lead. By unobtrusively and gently guiding her man in the right direction, she helps him achieve success in moving up the career ladder. Most often, a couple prefers comfort and coziness to achievements. In this regard, the wife forgets about disappointment and claims to high success in relation to her husband’s career.

A successful Sagittarius man will be able to provide his family with a decent existence even without a high position. To balance different value systems, a woman will find a compromise. There is no need to put pressure on your partner. It is necessary to look for a solution in each individual case.


The spouses will enjoy an eventful life based on mutual love and respect. There will be no loud quarrels in the couple. Sometimes the Sagittarius man can be rude and sharply express his complaints. The Libra woman has a softer character. She will not respond rudely, but such an attitude will cause her resentment.

The husband is an intelligent and understanding person. If a woman raises the issue of his tactless behavior, the partner may well work on himself and correct the situation. There are no serious threats or disagreements between this couple. This union will exist for a long time, living a rich and enjoyable life together.

A wonderful couple where the spouses suit their intellectual development and mentality. The newlyweds will have a life full of interesting events and rich in impressions.

In friendship

This couple has interesting communication, common hobbies and topics of conversation. However, there cannot be a strong friendship between the signs. The Libra girl and the Sagittarius guy are not too devoted to their friends, this is a disadvantage in the relationship. They will not pull each other out of unforeseen and difficult situations, giving up everything, and will not give up their last money for a friend in need. If one of them has a problem, the other partner will simply disappear from sight, leaving them to get out of the situation on their own, without the necessary support.

In sex

Libra is the sign of the air, and Sagittarius is the sign of the fire element. Air makes fire burn. The Libra woman inflames the passion of the Sagittarius man simply by being nearby or even when she accidentally looks at him with her beautiful eyes. The Sagittarius man cannot resist such a charming beauty and begins to pursue the object of his affection by all means, trying to attract her attention. The spouses do not have any problems in their intimate life.

In between passionate embraces, a woman can maintain an intellectual conversation, after which an equally passionate continuation of caresses will follow. A direct, incorrect statement from Sagittarius can bring some dissonance into close relationships, which can be unnecessary and can unpleasantly surprise and offend the delicate sensitive Libra.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Sagittarius man.

In progress

The friendliness and courtesy of a lady of the Libra sign, her professional abilities, and the ability to find a common language with everyone will appeal to any employer. Get a Venus ward into your team, who has tact and business qualities great luck, so businessmen and politicians fight for the girl of the air element. A genius and a tramp, the fiery Sagittarius guy cannot pore over documents all day. This is a tedious task for him and represents terrible boredom. He would rather go on business trips, where he can see the world and get new impressions.

7 out of 8 business alliances are successful

An energetic fire man and a calm air sign lady can create a good business alliance. Together they can overcome all obstacles and simply move mountains. The Libra girl does not have passion, but she is not good with money, and the Libra boy can spend a fortune accumulated over a year in one day. Astrologers recommend inviting a strict employee to your team, a woman of the Virgo sign, who will number each banknote and teach employees how to be thrifty and save money.

The Libra woman is capable of getting excellent results in any field, as long as there is a friendly atmosphere in the team. Sagittarius eagerly takes on several things at once. If Venus’s ward monitors his work, then a comfortable life will be ensured in the team. The stars find great prospects in the union of air and fire. With a well-drafted business plan and a skillful approach to business, the pets of Venus and Jupiter can very quickly gain fame, wealth and prosperity.

In percentages

The presence of common views and interests, mutual understanding, and good sexual compatibility gives the union a chance for a long existence. Minor misunderstandings can be resolved.

Compatibility percentage is 80%.

Psychological compatibility

Sagittarius and Libra are constantly expanding their social circle, striving for new contacts and actively exploring life. The union contributes to the development of both signs and is developing quite successfully. Sagittarius men are captivated by Libra's charm and refined sense of humor, and Libra women have great respect for Sagittarius men for their open-mindedness and caring nature.

Libra women bring balance and harmony into the lives of Sagittarius men, which they often lack. After some time, Sagittarius realizes that for the sake of love you can sacrifice part of your freedom. Each sign has those character qualities that the other sign lacks. They complement each other perfectly. Sagittarius has no sense of responsibility at all, he is impetuous and self-willed, with unpredictable behavior. Sagittarius men create wonderful ideas and projects, and it is often the woman who has to implement them.

In this union, Libra shows restraint and prudence, which is unusual for them. It is important that they do not impose their own rules on Sagittarius and do not try to limit his habits. If a Sagittarius man throws his things around, let him continue to do so. Perhaps it is a woman’s ability to tolerate her partner’s shortcomings, and not make a tragedy out of it, that will allow her to preserve the union for many years. A man will appreciate such a relationship and cherish it.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: juicy details Libra woman compatibility.

Compatibility of Libra man and Sagittarius woman

The deep human sympathy of the signs for each other lies at the basis of this relationship. The timid and indecisive Sagittarius girl is afraid of getting burned when starting a new relationship. With a Libra man, she behaves openly and sincerely, and this is the similarity of the signs. Libra is the sign that can be affectionate and caring with a gentle fire sign girl. The Libra young man completely gains her trust, and she rushes headlong into the maelstrom of feelings, completely dissolving in the guy’s charming smile. The compatibility of signs is explained by the similarity in worldview. Signs are sociable, friendly, optimistic and cheerful like children. Partners are interested in each other.

When they meet, they easily find a common language, preferring long discussions to looks and touches. Young people openly express their feelings and this becomes a big step towards mutual happiness. Of course, there are disadvantages to their relationship. The girl is annoyed by the guy's indecision, and he doesn't like the excessive activity of the lady of his heart. The couple should sometimes separate for a short time and then embrace each other in a tender embrace. A break helps the couple realize the need to be with each other and strengthen their feelings.

In love

When they first meet, the couple experiences strong mutual sympathy. The Libra young man is more restrained in his emotions compared to his beloved. However, he likes an energetic and unpredictable girl. Sagittarius, in order to create a harmonious, stable relationship, needs a person who is calmer in character, such as the man of the Libra sign.

Together, young people complement each other and create a full-fledged union, which has a little of everything.

The Libra guy loves stability and is not burdened by marriage, so he will soon want to legitimize the relationship and make an offer of love and heart to his beloved. The couple is expecting a quick wedding.

In a relationship

According to the compatibility horoscope of Virgo and Sagittarius, both partners should think about organizing their everyday life so that the harmony in their union is not disturbed due to unwashed dishes or dirty laundry. You need to think about the details. It is necessary to agree on the distribution of responsibilities around the house. The Libra man is non-confrontational and does not divide labor into male and female work. This removes most of the conflicts. The Libra man will gladly help his beloved woman in response to her request for help with the housework.

Watch the video. What kind of man is suitable for a Sagittarius woman?

If responsibilities are distributed in a couple and everyone does their part of the work, this already helps to prevent conflicts. Modern technology helps make housekeeping easier Appliances, discipline, and in as a last resort You can invite an au pair. The cheerful character, humor and wit of the Sagittarius girl and the easy attitude to life of the Libra man will help mitigate conflicts.

90% of Sagittarians smooth out quarrels

He values human relations and he will not be the first to create conflicts and spoil the mood of his beloved and himself. If anger boils in the soul of a woman of the Sagittarius sign, she can resort to humor, which more than once helps her out in difficult times and helps in preventing quarrels. Looking at life through the prism of humor helps you see small problems and troubles in a different light. They no longer seem such important shortcomings.


A harmonious union where spouses act deliberately and know what they want. Sagittarius man and Libra woman have good compatibility. The conclusion of this marriage is not an accident or a consequence of falling in love, but a deliberate decision of two like-minded people with common interests and views.

The partner will voluntarily take on many household responsibilities, and he does it better. A small disadvantage is the material side of life. In a family, both husband and wife work equally, but they earn only for current expenses, of which they have a lot. There is no main earner here.

The couple is not used to denying themselves anything and therefore saving up for a large purchase is a problem. But the spouses do not have quarrels about this. Intimate life is full of harmony. The couple is happy with each other, neither partner looks the other way. Noisy scandals and petty quarrels are not accepted in this family. The couple is pleasant both to each other and to the people around them.

In friendship

Partners love to spend their time together and are interested in communicating. This couple will be attracted to each other as a man and a woman. They can often turn from friends into lovers. Sometimes they separate and arrange their lives with other people, but continue communicating as if nothing happened. The friendship of these signs in such a situation is out of the question. There are common interests, mutual hobbies, but we are not talking about friendship.

In sex

Sagittarius women are good seductresses, they know a lot about flirting and can easily turn the head of their airy partner. The foreplay of intimacy is the embodiment of a spiritual ideal. Air and fire have everything to kindle the flame of passion. Sexuality is mystical. Both partners feel a kinship of souls and are halves of one whole.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Libra man.

In progress

It is not difficult for a sociable Libra man to be successful in any area of ​​his activity. An air sign can become a lawyer, politician, designer, even a beekeeper, the main thing is that you like the business.

The Sagittarius woman is an intellectual person. She is constantly passionate about something, she has diverse interests. Any profession she chooses is suitable for her. The lady will succeed in everything if she does not change her mind and switch halfway to a more interesting field of activity.

According to astrologers, the union of fire and air may have good prospects.

If the Sagittarius man is the leader and guides the frivolous partner of the Sagittarius sign, then the couple will quickly come to success. Representatives of both signs love to work in teams. If the wards of Venus and Jupiter create a cohesive team, everything will work out in the best way. Colleagues will have a great relationship with a cheerful girl of the Sagittarius sign and a charming guy of the Libra sign. And where a friendly atmosphere is maintained, things get better.

In percentages

The compatibility of these signs is good. Mutual understanding reigns in the couple, the union is favorable in many respects and can become happy. Minor flaws can be eliminated.

Compatibility 80%.

Psychological compatibility

Libra and Sagittarius share one sign. This means compatibility between the fire and air elements and personalities. The couple brings joy to people's faces with their attitude towards each other. Spouses appreciate this quality. The couple achieves mutual understanding through endless heart-to-heart conversations and mutual charm. If fortune brings together a woman of the sign Sagittarius and a man of the constellation Libra, mutual attraction flares up between them.

The conversations of the Sagittarius woman occupy the Libra man, who does not trust the veracity of the speech, but does not show it and continues to listen to the cheerful chatter. A happy woman doesn’t care about this at all, because she knows that sooner or later, her partner will be in her hands. Sagittarians know how to flirt. Having noticed a spark of attention, they will fan it until the flame turns into a bonfire or even into a huge fire. Libras have a reserved character and do not like to reveal their feelings, but love it when others do.

The couple quickly finds a common language and there is an exchange of mutual energies and complete mutual understanding between the partners.

Sagittarius women can use their partner's advice on the subtleties of behavior. For example, how to express interest in the person you like. In this matter, Libra men are real experts. A woman can tell a man how to restrain himself and not pay attention to the opinions of others in conflict situations. This union, if there are no obstacles to its creation, will bring a lot of pleasure to both partners.

Libra's friend always stands out among your acquaintances with his special charm, elegance, easy-going character and is known as a pleasant conversationalist. These people are really very sociable and rarely will anyone feel awkward or constrained in their company. Spending time with them is a pleasure. For this reason, they are always surrounded by many people, and Libra people live according to the principle - the more friends, the better.

In the rest, they value intelligence, honesty, love of beauty (art, nature, fashion, etc.), important role plays for them and appearance people they deal with (“meet by their clothes”). On the other hand, they are very upset by rudeness, deception, vulgarity and rudeness. From here it is easy to imagine a picture of a person who can (and with whom a representative of this zodiac constellation can) become friends.

Their comrades should remember the keen sense of justice that is inherent in Libra people, because it can even cause them to be hot-tempered. Therefore, there is no need, at least in their presence, to commit “unfair” acts - in this way you risk seeing rare outbursts of anger unusual for Libra, and in the worst case, losing a friend altogether.

Libra Compatibility in Friendship

If in previous articles about friendship according to zodiac signs I missed the interpretation of possible friendships with representatives of the same sign, I did this only for the reason that I thought it was already clear - people born under the same zodiac sign, due to their similarity, often become good and even best friends.

The same can be said in the case of Libra. People of this sign will always find a common language and make friends.

Libra will get along well with the air trine signs - Gemini and Aquarius. With the former, they will have many funny adventures and a lot of interesting conversations, and they are similar in their idealistic ideas about life and natural nobility (well, just like the heroes of A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers”).

Friend of Libra and for Sagittarius and Leo. The elegance and charm of Libra are perfectly combined and complement the external gloss and expansiveness of the “lion” nature, and the tact and charm inherent in Libra will not allow Streltsov’s rudeness to appear, turning their relationship into pure joy, fun, and pleasure.

Although completely unsuitable lovers, Libra and Scorpio can get along well in friendship and enjoy each other's company, each time being surprised at their dissimilarity, while managing not to cross the line of mutual respect.

A friend of Libra will help Virgo become more sociable and open, teach her to relax and be distracted from work. Virgo will “insure” her friend where necessary, grounding his impulses, thereby allowing him to avoid troubles. So overall it will be a mutually beneficial partnership.

But friendship will not work out with Taurus. Libra is frankly bored in their company, and earthly Taurus is unlikely to be able to trust or rely on Libra.

The friendship of Libra with Cancer and Pisces does not promise anything good: people who have completely different degrees of emotionality, and at the same time do not want to adapt to each other, will not be able to find a common language in friendship. Misunderstandings, resentments and even conflicts will often arise between them.

Aries are too rude, active and chaotic for the balanced and calm nature of the Libra man. These people have little in common and will not want to be friends for a long time.

If you compare Libra with a butterfly, and Capricorn with a goat, it becomes obvious that these people are not on the same path. Moreover, they go in completely different directions. Capricorns and Libra are alien to each other. They won't have a friendship.

A Libra friend is a wonderful companion and interlocutor. And if there are such people among your friends, you will hardly be able to remember them without a smile, sincere warmth and sympathy.